A stuffed Donald Trump figure on a noose is being passed around. pic.twitter.com/coRxBp1jW4— Patrick deHahn (@patrickdehahn) November 10, 2016
From "Liberals Gone Wild: Protests, flag burnings, Trump hung in effigy."
From Madison, Wisconsin, David Blaska cracks the joke everyone here in Madison should get: "Assuming the folks with the noose won't be admitted to Camp Randall. Right?"
You might remember — click my UW noose incident tag — that here in Madison, much was made of an incident at the football stadium (Camp Randall) on the night of Halloween festivities, when people saw of a photo of a man in a black-and-while prison suit with a noose around his neck and an Obama mask on the back of his head. On the front of his head was a Hillary mask and holding the other end of the rope was a guy in a Donald Trump mask.
This wasn't tolerated as free speech and political street theater, but condemned as racism, and everyone was supposed to know that a noose refers to the lynching of black people and that the guy in the noose was enacting hate and had to be punished.
Initially, the University referred to freedom of speech and purported to have dealt properly with the incident by simply talking to the man and persuading him to voluntarily remove the noose. But criticism ensued and the University repositioned itself. On Monday, 9 days after the incident, the UW–Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank apologized:
“I am personally very sorry for the hurt that this incident and our response to it has caused,” Blank read from a prepared statement at a Monday afternoon Faculty Senate meeting. “I have heard from students, faculty and community members who are dissatisfied with our response and I understand why. A noose is the symbol of some of the worst forms of racial hatred and intimidation in our country’s history. We understand this, and we should have communicated that more forcefully from the very beginning...I understand the deeply hurtful impact this particularly has on our students and communities of color.”...You can read my old posts at the tag. I'll just repeat that hanging in effigy is long-standing political theater — notably in the American Revolution — and when current political figures are hung in effigy the reference is more naturally to that tradition and not to the history of racism and lynching. There is at least ambiguity, and the punishment of these individuals through revocation of their season tickets is shameful pandering and a violation of freedom of speech.
Blank told the Faculty Senate that she was limited in what she could say, but that the season tickets of “a pair of individuals related to this event” were revoked because the person using them brought a prohibited item into the stadium, and failed to follow directions of event staff....
"This is a work in progress, and we are a long way from where we want to be," Blank said. "But with your advice and input of governance, we have invested time, energy and effort into things like the Our Wisconsin program aimed at incoming freshmen, a bias reporting system, a review of our ethnic studies curriculum, and a black cultural center."

Maybe the hanging of Trump in effigy will restore some interest in the depth of the meaning of the noose in American history and the importance of freedom of speech in the form of street theater and protest.
"Maybe the hanging of Trump in effigy will restore some interest in the depth of the meaning of the noose in American history."
Yeah, that would be awesome.
Blank told the Faculty Senate that she was limited in what she could say, but that the season tickets of “a pair of individuals related to this event” were revoked because the person using them brought a prohibited item into the stadium, and failed to follow directions of event staff
The school just said they removed it when asked. How were they not "following directions of event staff"?
The Left is melting down again. And we're seeing that they want us to constantly provide them protection money. If they don't get our votes, well, unfortunate incidents might occur...
Makes me want to walk around Camp Randall with a scarecrow labeled "Free Speech" in a noose. (Alas, I'm out of town tomorrow).
I'm very concerned about the future of free speech in this country, as these students age up and reach a level of power. A whole generation appears to simply not believe in the concept. Trump's election helps a little (NOT because of him; he's terrible on this issue, but at least he's less likely than Clinton to appoint judges that are anti-1A), but it's not enough. I don't know what the status of the First Amendment will be in a couple of decades.
"How were they not "following directions of event staff"?"
First of all, we were originally told that the individuals were reasoned with and persuaded to take off the noose, so "directions of the event staff" changes the story. Was it a request or a direction?
Second, the linked story includes the statement that after the noose was removed, it was later put back on.
Third, it's being said now that the punishment is bringing in a forbidden item, and I suppose that's the viewpoint-neutral basis for punishment that will be used if and when these people sue for violation of freedom of speech. But officials are simultaneously trying to get credit for fighting racism, so that means it is about the message, and not the object apart from its symbolic meaning! You can't have both. I can't believe how intellectually bankrupt this is.
So -- if they extend this silly no rope policy to the Kohl Center -- inevitably -- what does that make a Basketball Net?
"Yeah, that would be awesome."
Never happen. Being a SJW means never having sense.
Rioters in Portland are blocking I 5 last night and today.
I'm driving through Phoenix today and will watch the news to see if I need to take a bypass. Downtown Phoenix is sketchy.
The role of university administrators is now riot control.
It used to be fund raising as well, but that's fallen out of favor for the opposite.
...freedom of speech in the form of street theater and protest
I get it, but it might be nice to have disclosure about when it theater and not protest, and how much and by whom the actors are being paid.
Noose is a funny word in any case.
I'd suggest tie a noose day at UW.
That's so cute that you think this might cause people to rethink and value free speech. You've lived in this country for the last 20 years, It's free speech for me, not for thee. Just like peaceful tea party rallies were violent and violent occupy wall street rallies were 'peaceful' Hang a Democrat in effigy and it's a hate crime, hang a Republican in effigy and it's just a preview.
Third, it's being said now that the punishment is bringing in a forbidden item, and I suppose that's the viewpoint-neutral basis for punishment that will be used if and when these people sue for violation of freedom of speech. But officials are simultaneously trying to get credit for fighting racism, so that means it is about the message, and not the object apart from its symbolic meaning! You can't have both. I can't believe how intellectually bankrupt this is.
Especially since, odds are, there are plenty of quite visible "forbidden items" (they have to have a list of them somewhere). This is something that will not go well for them, nor will apologizing for the actions of people at a football stadium. Not sure how it's the school's fault some fan did something.
Rioters in Portland are blocking I 5 last night and today.
Are they "mostly peaceful"?
Because Trump rallies were even more "mostly peaceful" and the press didn't seem impressed when there was that one incident of a protestor being punched.
Althouse rat drawings never have maze or cheese.
Rat reaching level 12 in video maze game he's playing.
Better mousetrap with noose and cheese.
The House of the Morning Joe – or – Rape Recovery at the Chickenshit Ranch …
Somewhat stunned but trying to look as if what they expected to happen was what Trump did to them 3 days ago - the usual whores and pimps are gathered together. Mika, Joe and the rest.
Yeah, they expected Trump to fuck them, both Mika and Joe had been pleading with family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances and fellow liberal cocktail soiree attendees to take. Trump. seriously! for months! But, sadly, no one would listen to their wise counsel.
However, Hillary supporters should not despair. Sure, Trump is a fascist Nazi Hitler dictator type who eats newborn African-American babies on solid gold plates and rapes nuns for sport … but America is a republic, by golly, and besides, Morning Joe himself will be keeping TrumpHitler in check, you betcha. One of the whores smirks behind a raised cup.
All that may be but Head Pimp Joe is still full of pithy advice for Stormtrooper Trump. Joe sez Komrad Trump should choose cabinet members that “comfort” women(or at least the minority that didn’t vote for Trump, it is assumed). Also minorities and other demographics that feel shortchanged because Trump beat every opponent like a fucking punching bag – even Hillary – The One They Wanted This Time. Because they are really, really sad and need for the Trump administration to give them grief counseling in a safe space. And that safe space should be the dictator Trump’s cabinet, of course.
On NO account should Pussy Grabber Trump ever consider Giuliani, Gingrich, Christi or Mike Rogers for cabinet posts because they are the “Red Hots,” as some other whore somewhere in another whorehouse called them. Unacceptable, all of them. Soiled goods and super disturbing to the understandably grief-stricken Hillary supporters. Yep, America needs a Comfort Zone cabinet that won’t trigger negative feelings.
Whore Mark, the master of the vague and noncommittal, sez Trump needs to make folks who are feeling uncomfortable feel more comfortable.
Whore Willie neatly sums up what has been said so far by the various whores. His job is apparently to condense and simplify the issues. A sort of Readers Digest whore for the group. And he does it well – doesn’t miss a single bullet item.
All this got me to about 20 minutes into this farce. I LOVE it that they have no idea what the fuck is going on because it gives Trump an advantage. The MSM can always be counted on to overreach and underestimate when it comes to Trump - but enough’s enough and I flipped to another channel ... Life is good in TrumpLand …
"Maybe the hanging of Trump in effigy will restore some interest in the depth of the meaning of the noose in American history and the importance of freedom of speech in the form of street theater and protest."
That's why I like you. Optimism. Won't turn out that way, but it's a nice thought.
"The role of university administrators is now riot control."
More apt: sports team recruiting.
Swastikas haven't shown up. Maybe that's a pro-Trump symbol, is the problem.
"Michael K said...
"Yeah, that would be awesome."
Never happen. Being a SJW means never having sense."
Of course not. Hence my response doc.
>> I'll just repeat that hanging in effigy is long-standing political theater — notably in the American Revolution — and when current political figures are hung in effigy the reference is more naturally to that tradition and not to the history of racism and lynching.
Sure, Ann. Hang Obama in effigy outside your office. See what happens.
Remember the lefty rule: Your free speech is violence. My violence is free speech.
Republican President elected.
Democrats react with violence and threats to secede from the Union.
Not much has changed in 150 years.
The middle finger has sexist implications. Symbols have problems.
It has something in common with effigy thougy, L fingere to shape, not that it's always shaping.
Toes don't get called fingers. No shaping down there.
There was a story on my local (Boston) news this morning. It said that there were protests all over, some violence in Portland, Oregon but otherwise "mostly peaceful." Nothing about a noose in New York.
I wonder if that's how it would have been played if these were Trump people protesting a Hillary election.
"Ann Althouse said...
"The role of university administrators is now riot control."
More apt: sports team recruiting."
What is "sports team recruiting?"
I do not think the couple in the stadium meant anything about lynching; just something about leading around by the "noose," i.e. Trump has got both Obama and Hillary! and their followers snookered, or something like that.
"Maybe the hanging of Trump in effigy will restore some interest in the depth of the meaning of the noose in American history and the importance of freedom of speech." Yeah, right.
"But officials are simultaneously trying to get credit for fighting racism, so that means it is about the message, and not the object apart from its symbolic meaning! You can't have both. I can't believe how intellectually bankrupt this is." Back to I-can't-believe faux surprise? Being a prog means you can have both. Foolish consistency is for little conservative minds. It's sweet to call it intellectually bankrupt, but of course they don't care. They like "bankrupt."
The rodeo clown wearing an Obama mask was mostly peaceful.
>"The role of university administrators is now riot control."
The role of university administrators is now policing Halloween costumes and inventing new pronouns.
Off topic - but the 90 second comment by Ernie Johnson (NBA on TNT) on the election was really moving. https://twitter.com/NBAonTNT/status/796884883750518784
I wish more people would see stuff like this than the videos of the idiots rioting in portland.
More apt: sports team recruiting.
Agreed. I think any Coach trying to entice student/athlete to go to his (or her) School/University rather than Madison is going to play up the perceived racial climate here in Madison.
Wordplay experts at the KKK have moved onto the moose anyway. So far the left has not caught on.
Pronouns are closed-class words, like prepositions. Their number doesn't grow.
@Dr K - let us know how the trip through PHX goes. Was repeatedly through/by downtown (on I-10) less than a week ago, and just kept hitting LA level traffic jams, esp going into the tunnels. But nothing intentional. Just wrecks that take some time to clear, given the traffic levels. Not sure though how easy it would be to intentionally shut I-10 by downtown down - just go around downtown the other way on I-17. Right by Joe. Arpaio's jail (for a short bit more). Not as many lanes, but not as bad traffic either.
Facing 8 years of Trump in power, Soros' Riot Leaders have to work on whatever they can find to do. I see this as workers grabbing a broom and sweeping the floor when the line stops.
The dangerous part is CNN is giving Van Jones a cheerleader's job to excuse young people for criminal insurrection.
Those lefty riots against the election of Trump are why Trump got elected, not that the rioters have sufficient self-awareness to grasp that.
The House of the Morning Joe – or – Rape Recovery at the Chickenshit Ranch ...
"let us know how the trip through PHX goes. "
I will. I want to take I 10 because I'm doing a little test. I'm moving to Tucson after the holidays and may work a day or two a week in Phoenix. I'm testing the drive, which I think will be about the same duration as my commute in LA , although it is 40 miles longer. I drive 50 miles from Orange County to El Segundo (where I worked as an engineer in 1959). It takes from 1 1/2 to 2 hours, I think from north west Tucson to downtown Phoenix at 5 AM will take about the same time.
Anyway, we'll see. If I have to take the 85 bypass, it will screw up my test run.
I've been working in Phoenix a few days the past month and it is amusing how everyone would like to live in Tucson. Cooler, less crowded, prettier.
Anyway, I'll report. I'm fleeing California after 60 years. I almost did it 5 years ago but my kids complained.
The dangerous part is CNN is giving Van Jones a cheerleader's job to excuse young people for criminal insurrection.
Showing CNN learned very little from the embarrassment of their behavior during the campaign and debates.
2020: "It's eleven o'clock here on the east coast and so we have new states to call on the west coast." We can project go ahead and project Oregon will be another flip and will go to the President."
Trump isn't even president yet and they're doubling down, trying to intimidate by turning Portland into Baltimore. Every single thing Trump does in the next four years will be responded to by liberals pointing at Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania and screaming that everyone there is a racist white hick who needs to hurry up and die.
Whites voting as a bloc? You ain't seen nothing yet!
Eight years of Trump deporting illegals (and that's going to make for a FUN electoral vote reallocation following the 2020 census) and appointing Supreme Court justices.
I might - maybe, possibly - concede that Trump was right that I may in fact get tired of winning. We'll see.
The role of university administrators is now policing Halloween costumes and inventing new pronouns.
The problem with inventing new pronouns is that it is a complete waste of time, air, money, etc. Pronouns are a shortcut, a way of shortening up our speech. We have 2 way gendered pronouns because the world is fairly evenly split between male and female, and the basic societal building block is the pair bond, so "he" and "she" (etc) provide efficiency, since quite often we can distinguish between two people based solely on which gendered pronoun is used. It works though because pretty much half the population is "she" and half "he". When you are talking about the Clintons, "she" is Crooked Hillary, and "he" is Slick Willie. Or Melania and The Donald for the Trumps, Michelle and Barack for the Obamas, etc. A pronoun that identifies 0.1% of the population has no real utility in the language, other than making that 0.1% feel included. It has no use for 99% of the population, and some use for the 0.9% wanting to make the 0.1% feel good about their identity. Which means that these new pronouns are never going to catch on, or be accepted, by the general public, at least until transgendered surgeries become fashionable enough that they are practiced by a large portion of the society (and, if you transition to a gender, then why not use the pronoun that identifies that gender?) Additional pronouns are just not efficient, as a part of speech (Though, we may be able to support a set of non-gendered pronouns, instead of defaulting to the masculine - like how many of us use "they" in the singular).
"The role of university administrators is now riot control."
"More apt: sports team recruiting."
same same.
The thought crosses my mind that when "do things the way we want or we'll get violent" is your negotiating position, then it's not the other side which is the reincarnation of the KKK.
Ann Althouse said...
I can't believe how intellectually bankrupt this is.
Lies which cover all the facts and requirements are hard. That's why telling the truth is so much easier, and it's not like we don't know they're lying anyway.
Oh those crazy liberals...with THEIR free speech for me, but not for me....
MadisonMan said...
"I think any Coach trying to entice student/athlete to go to his (or her) School/University rather than Madison is going to play up the perceived racial climate here in Madison."
That would be because there is something about being athletic that naturally leads to a concern with "racial climate"?
I think rhardin has got it wrong. We need even more pronouns, so we can distinguish between the races. Dem and dose? Qim and qer? Maybe we need some more letters in our alphabet, to fully represent the deep and sensitive consideration that Chancellor Blank has devoted to the idiotic drivel she is paid a quarter of a million a year to emit.
I've been working in Phoenix a few days the past month and it is amusing how everyone would like to live in Tucson. Cooler, less crowded, prettier.
Plus it's a short drive down to Tombstone where you can daily see how political disputes were settled back in the Old West.
I've been to multi-day meetings and conferences at both and much preferred Tucson. My first trip to Phoenix (actually a technical conference arranged by Arizona State in Tempe) was in February. I came with sport coats and long sleeved shirts in my suitcase. Talk about being overdressed!
Rope play. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/07/05/clinton-rope-journalists-corralled_n_7730242.html
Close it down. Let not one stone stand upon another. Plow the earth it stood upon with salt, that nothing may ever flourish there again.
Make that "in a February." It was a long time ago -- I still had hair!
Facing 8 years of Trump in power, Soros' Riot Leaders have to work on whatever they can find to do. I see this as workers grabbing a broom and sweeping the floor when the line stops.
I think that if I were the new AG, one of the first things that I would do would be to go after George Soros under RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act). I was stuck for a bit finding predicate offenses on which to hang a RICO claim, but the last one on the list, Terrorism, arguably fits the bill. Wikipedia: "Terrorism is, in its broadest sense, the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence (terror) in order to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim." Wouldn't funding and coordinating the sorts of political violence that he has been doing this election cycle be considered "terrorism" under that definition? And, two acts of political violence, funded by him, should provide the requisite elements for a RICO charge.
Big Mike said...
The thought crosses my mind that when "do things the way we want or we'll get violent" is your negotiating position, then it's not the other side which is the reincarnation of the KKK.
Most people's introduction to BLM was the library screaming incident at Dartmouth. Consider how the intimidation works on the victims. It's successful not just because the activists are loons violating every social norm but also because the victims know any reaction on their part will trigger the authorities coming down on the victims rather than the intimidators. So BLM activists look brave but it's only because they know they have the leviathan ready to crush any reaction.
This is a lot like the KKK who were brave when facing large numbers of blacks because they (and their victims) knew local police would crush any reaction by their victims. If there were any thoughtful or intelligent BLM members they'd consider how demeaning that was and how long the memory lasted. If there were any BLM members with a conscience of even simple decency they'd reject using the demeaning tactics of such a vile group. But they're so twisted they embrace such tactics instead.
A noose sent the wrong message for sure. They should have gone with tar and feathers and maybe a rail if they could find one. That would have been a time honored, gender and race neutral way to demonstrate dissatisfaction with politicians.
It is sad that there is so much ignorance of the long, long history of political protest.
In the immortal words of Paul Krugman, "A message to progressives: By all means, hang Senator Joe Lieberman in effigy."
The Left is batshit crazy and borderline violent. But they have good intentions and are vigorously fighting "hate", so all standards of decorum are dropped, forgotten and/or discarded.
Where was I Tuesday night? At a big party in the Grand Ballroom of the Chicago Trump Tower. Something to tell the grandkids.
Inside the party one of the best buffets I've ever seen. Horseracing with I-Pads, Bose radios and headphones, cameras and the like as prizes. really sweet even if I didn't win anything.
About 8, when I went out to the head, there were 30-40 people standing in the vestibule watching returns. When we left around 10, the hotel had moved about 100 chairs and arranged them in front of the TV. All were full and another 50-100 or so standing.
The TV got more attention than the party. If there were any Crooked Hilary fans there, I didn't see any. Lots of excitement as Trump got ahead of her and stayed there all night.
Then, Wed, my son and I came back from dinner about 8. Our hotel was on Wacker directly in Front of Trump Tower. More cops than in the original Blues Brothers movie. So many demonstrators that we could not get from Michigan to our hotel. Cops made us walk around the block and come back up Wabash where the police were keeping the sidewalk open. Barely.
My son was scared to death I would start arguing with the demonstrators. I was very tempted. What a pathetic bunch or sore losers. I didn't though. I behaved myself just for him.
John Henry
One of the interesting things from the demo was that Wed night the vandals. Oops, I mean sore losers. No, that's not the right phrase either. Concerned citizens? had graffitied the whole area like a 70s NYC subway car. You had to admire their thoroughness.
5AM when we checked out of our hotel? Nothing at all.
I am assuming some kind of coating that allows the grafiti to just be hosed off. Pretty cool. So much for the concerned citizens making any lasting impact.
John Henry
Blogger MadisonMan said...
Agreed. I think any Coach trying to entice student/athlete to go to his (or her) School/University rather than Madison is going to play up the perceived racial climate here in Madison.
Why now? Madison, the city, has long been one of the most racist in the US. Perhaps the most racist city by the numbers.
I don't know that UW Madison is much if any better.
I would advise any black to give Madison a wide, wide, berth.
Progressives seem to feel that by talking like they care about equality for blacks, they can excuse themselves actually shitting all over them.
John Henry
"Park City, Utah (CNN)Mitt Romney suggested Friday that Donald Trump's election could legitimize racism and misogyny, ushering in a change in the moral fabric of American society.
The 2012 Republican nominee, who has openly opposed Trump's candidacy, went further than he has before in outlining to CNN's Wolf Blitzer how the country's character would suffer in a Trump White House. Trump's rhetoric has caused even some other Republicans to label him a racist, and Romney said he would not be able to paper over his incendiary remarks.
"I don't want to see trickle-down racism," Romney said in an interview here in a suite overlooking the Wasatch Mountains, where he is hosting his yearly ideas conference. "I don't want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following. Presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation, and trickle-down racism, trickle-down bigotry, trickle-down misogyny, all these things are extraordinarily dangerous to the heart and character of America.""
Well, it is different when you hang Hitler.
"Trump's election helps a little (NOT because of him; he's terrible on this issue, but at least he's less likely than Clinton to appoint judges that are anti-1A), but it's not enough."
-- On the bright side, we have a better chance of judges he appoints not over turning Citizens United and not upholding a law that makes it illegal to talk bad about politicians before elections.
Remember, this is what Leftist collectivists are. This is what they do.
Fen's Law.
Here's a lesson we can all learn from the Trump campaign: Never back down from, or apologize for, common sense.
CNN keeps pushing the Muslim ban etc... and not telling folks Trump has moved beyond that call to ban to a call to vet (yeah yeah they're people not horses). CNN loves the protests and rioting.
"Maybe the hanging of Trump in effigy will restore some interest in the depth of the meaning of the noose in American history and the importance of freedom of speech in the form of street theater and protest."
Maybe. But don't count on it. That would require lefties to apply to themselves the same standards they apply to others.
It's Civility Bullshit all the way down.
"a photo of a man in a black-and-while prison suit with a noose around his neck and an Obama mask on the back of his head. On the front of his head was a Hillary mask"
Ah..somehow..media reports I heard failed to mention the Hil mask on the same head.
OMG! I just realized! The prohibited item they brought into the stadium?
It was their brain.
Rational thought is prohibited anywhere on campus.
I see Mitt is as helpful as usual...when simply shutting his trap for a while is all he would need to do.
But then..as a man who was for "Obamacare" before he was against it, he has his integrity to protect.
He who was hung in effigy for his comments...
A noose sent the wrong message for sure. They should have gone with tar and feathers and maybe a rail if they could find one. That would have been a time honored, gender and race neutral way to demonstrate dissatisfaction with politicians.
It is sad that there is so much ignorance of the long, long history of political protest.
The least George Soros could do would be to provide a manual.
"I don't want to see trickle-down racism," Romney said in an interview here in a suite overlooking the Wasatch Mountains, where he is hosting his yearly ideas conference. "I don't want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following. Presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation, and trickle-down racism, trickle-down bigotry, trickle-down misogyny, all these things are extraordinarily dangerous to the heart and character of America.""
I wanted Romney as President, badly, in 2012.
He can go fuck himself now.
Trump supporters aren't rioting. Democrats are. And they have been. For months now.
You have to admire the doggedness of Unknown. She just won't quit even though her words and actions (multiplied throughout the country and observed by reasonable people to be unacceptable) turned the whole country against her cause.
Stupidity cannot be cured. But we should all turn away and avoid commenting on her obvious mental defect.
Meanwhile, the muslim woman who claimed to be attacked for by or because Trump has recanted.
Which way does that trickle flow?
Goose for us and gander for thee, and never the twain shall meet...
Michael K said...
I will. I want to take I 10 because I'm doing a little test. I'm moving to Tucson after the holidays and may work a day or two a week in Phoenix. I'm testing the drive, which I think will be about the same duration as my commute in LA , although it is 40 miles longer. I drive 50 miles from Orange County to El Segundo (where I worked as an engineer in 1959). It takes from 1 1/2 to 2 hours, I think from north west Tucson to downtown Phoenix at 5 AM will take about the same time.
I lived in Tucson for two years and did that commute to Phoenix a couple of times a week. It can be done in roughly 90 mins., but it's extremely boring and after a while I found it exhausting. I used to leave around 4:30 AM so I could hit the Broadway curve in Tempe (I-10) as early as possible (before 6:00 AM, after that it becomes a parking lot). FWIW I was living around Tortolita Bluffs in NW Tucson, not too far from I-10. I don't know how much time you've spent in Tucson, but I'm guessing that you know how hard it is to get around there. So where you live in Tucson will be a factor as much as time of day and distance. I moved to Phoenix 8 years ago, so keep in mind that my information is a bit out of date.
As far as Phoenix goes, it's been quiet here. The students at ASU had a protest Wednesday night, but from what I've heard it was more on the lines a pub crawl with chanting and signs. I doubt you'll have any problems on I-10/I-17 except for our generally shitty traffic.
While snowflakes post about being afraid, anti-Trumpists riot and attack Trump voters. The mediaswine call them "protesters." Meanwhile, the CNN website continues its anti-Trump propaganda and allows no comments.
Trump would be foolish to allow the country to become what these assholes want it to be. Maybe he should move it a little closer to what they claim it will become. Step 1: Limit federal grants to local law enforcement to riot and terrorism control. Step 2: Withdraw federal funds, except research grants, from any university that condones or tolerates protests that turn violent, obstruct educational purposes, or disturb the peace (criminally).
BTW, isn't terrorism generally defined as "the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims?"
Blogger rhhardin said...
"The role of university administrators is now riot control."
The role they are playing, however, is riot watching.
I think 2016 will go down in history as the year protests lost all credibility, thoroughly and completely. Jumping the Shark would be another way to put it.
The WaPo clarifies things for us: the Portland riot wasn't a riot, it was a 'riot'.
Just for the record:
2008 - 58.2% turnout
Obama - 69,498,516 votes
McCain - 59,948,323 votes
2012 - 54.9% turnout
Obama - 65,915,795 votes
Romney - 60,933,504 votes
2016 - 55.6% turnout
Clinton - 60,523, 087 votes
Trump - 60,086,008 votes
It wasn't White racists or haters who elected Trump....the Republican vote has been consistent over the last three elections. The 9 million missing Democratic voters elected Trump.
My wife caught a piece of the Charlie Rose show. She told me he was talking to a pair of Lefty women about the prospects for "President Clinton's" ability to unify the country and they assured him that "respect for the Office of the President" would help the healing. I guess they meant Republican respect for the Office of the President.
2016 - 55.6% turnout
Clinton - 60,523, 087 votes
Trump - 60,086,008 votes
Are you sure these numbers are final?
Are you sure these numbers are final?
I'm sure they're close enough to final to be useful for purposes of comparison.
Acording to Real Clear Politics vote in Michigan have been counted and Trump has also won the popular vote.
And I see a host of our usual suspects are absent.
Bitterly crying in their pillows no doubt.
Here it is Friday and I'm STILL having a great Wednesday.
Are you insane?
Trump is an immanent threat to free speech. Obama never was. No other president was as bad - other than maybe Nixon.
The guy wants to change the "libel laws" - along with his race riot-fuel. Did Obama ever threaten to deport "white people?"
All this - crucial context that only a law professor can be so artificial and abstract to not understand. There are SWAT patrols and terrorism squads practicing each day. A blabbermouth Trump-voter at my work was gloating, and reminding us of the immanence of a terrorist attack - just because times like these are ripe for them, he said. I guess people get turned on in all kinds of ways.
Trump comes in as one of the least popular president-elects ever. Among the many reasons for that include his abject contempt for our constitutional freedoms and traditions. You have elected an outright fascist, a man with no understanding of our system of government, half of REPUBLICANS KNOW IT, and still you want to pretend that all is normal and right with the world.
While snowflakes post about being afraid, anti-Trumpists riot and attack Trump voters.
They're mounting a stand now, because they know it will only get worse later.
Trump would be foolish to allow the country to become what these assholes want it to be.
The country is what it is. Only a fascist thinks he can use politics to control people and change reality.
Only a fascist thinks he can use politics to control people and change reality.
So you admit to being a fascist?
I realize you're too stupid to persuade people, Big Bowel Mikement. Which is why I could never influence someone like you. But it's also why you lack any ability to influence others.
But enjoy your current socio-political alliance of narcissists, sadists and autistics. Hopefully Orange Supreme will hold rallies that will feel as comfortable to you in their orderliness as the Nuremberg rallies would have.
Do you ever watch films of those? Don't they intrigue you and seduce you? Are you not completely enamored by all the little people in those black-and-white films, arranged in the thousands like very neat pegs on an extended geometric checkerboard? Doesn't it feel comforting... the lack of human unpredictability? Hands all neatly raised at 45 degree angles, swearing allegiance to The One? Sure makes things more efficient, don't it?
You can practice right now, in your home. You know how long you've longed for this moment, to be part of a huge movement where you could lose yourself in a sea of what passes for humanity, as long as it is neat and tidy and arranged in the geometric shape that you wish all humans should just conform to. Reduce all that emotion to ONE - submission! And the seemingly random, very scary, patterns of their activities to a huge rectangle. Or maybe a swastika.
This is your moment, Mikey. The time you've been waiting for. Soon you will have your chance. Just imagine! THe same uniform EVERY DAY! (Even if it just starts with a red armband). Don't pass up your opportunity to signal your conformity to the cause, Sir!
Sounds like R&B needs to go back to his safe space and get some more Play Doh.
I'm not the one who can't tolerate dissent and is oh-so-defensive about my takeover of the country with a popular vote LOSS.
So fuck yourself and your psychologically brittle piece of shit of a leader. It's about HIM, now. Not his faceless followers, like you, "Dan TheMan." Talk about a generic, no-personality loser of a handle/profile.
Trump followers might as well just lose the pretension to profile names and call themselves: "Generic Trump Supporter #1." "Generic Trump Supporter #2." Etc.
That's basically what they are. Units. Clones. You have to strip yourself of any identity to follow a guy like that.
That's how fascism is. That's how all authoritarianism is.
That's what his mindless defenders are.
The mindless defending the immature. How pathetic.
Lots of projection out there on the left. Trump followers were supposed to riot if he lost. Well they would have just gone back to work on Wednesday morning.
OTOH Clinton followers have plenty of time and inclination to riot. Tiresome little twerps that they are.
Sorry for upsetting you with all the free expression, King George Comanche. But America allows that, and the gathering that promotes it. What you're pissed about is the voice of the majority. Get used to it. You will hear more. Trump is not a winner, as much as you followers want to see it that way. He's the embodiment of the failure of the Democrats and the Republicans and the two-party system. Nothing more, nothing less. This hasn't changed. So pretend he's a legitimate anything all you want. He ain't. Most of us would have been just as critical of a President Hillary. But that's because we aren't blind followers, like you Trumpistas.
You have to wonder is some of the more rational on the left are having second thoughts on what they are doing but figure that since they've come this far there is no going back without a humiliating mea culpa? I sense that many on the left would rather continue down this path rather than admitting that the knuckle-dragging right was correct the whole time.
I heard there was a proposal to re-enslave the negroes but the market demanded a higher standard of product and they couldn't get it off the ground.
And yet you, Ann, still voted for her twice.
"I can't believe how intellectually bankrupt this is."
Oh come on. You've had a front-row seat to Academia for how many years now and you expect us to believe this surprises you?
Re the popular vote: Clinton got about 2,500,000 more votes than Trump in California.
So Hillary won California convincingly. Give her full credit for that, even though Trump didn't try very hard to get more votes there because, well, it was a given that the electoral votes were all going to Hillary from California. (That is called damning after praising).
Remove that one state from the calculations, and Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by over 2,000,000 votes.
See how fun it is to use numbers to make political arguments?
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