November 22, 2016

"I'd have liked to tell her something which encompasses the sadness I feel that she did not win..."

"... but somehow tell her that in a way which didn't rub salt in any wounds. I'd have liked to give her something...."


Unknown said...

Frankly, I'm surprised Hillary is still alive. She promised an awful lot to a lot of people who paid her big bucks to deliver on that... and now she can't.

When you fail to deliver on your bribes, typically you don't live long in the big leagues.
On the bright side, this picture shows Hillary looks like crap.

Bilwick said...

In the words of Dorothy Parker: I fwow up.

Brando said...

I just hope they don't start grooming Chelsea...we can't seem to get rid of the Kennedys and really don't need any more dynasties.

After the 2008 primary, and now this, Hillary is going to have a very special place in history as a choke artist who had the waters parted for her and still couldn't pull it off. Stop trying to make Hillary happen! She isn't going to happen!

gspencer said...

"I'd have liked to give her something."

Me too.

Something along the lines of a kick in the ass along with a prison term and a biiiiiig financial penalty as part of her sentence.

vanderleun said...

"I just hope they don't start grooming Chelsea..."

They tried grooming Chelsea back when she was 10 but everyone in Saudi Arabia rejected her.

Birches said...

Wow. The Hillary! difference without professional make up artists is striking.

This wouldn't have been the Women and Women First Bookstore, was it?

And I feel a tad skeptical that this wasn't planned in some way. I really, really don't think Bill and Hillary go browsing bookstores together...

Sebastian said...

Sad, so sad, so very sad. I invite everyone to think deeply about the meaning of an entire life devoted to the thwarted pursuit of ultimate power.

A failure made worse by the gnawing fear she had harbored all along, intuited by AA and commentariat as we discussed her laughter and facial expressions a while back.

Birches said...

And why would a regular person want a fb post of theirs to go viral? Someone would have to pay me a lot of money to deal with all the trolls.

W.B. Picklesworth said...

I was impressed by the book store worker. There is much in our country right now that is snide and partisan. Showing respect and gentleness is to be valued. It wasn't political hagiography. It was wistful humanity.

tim maguire said...

She admires what Hillary stands for? And just what does Hillary stand for? (I assume she doesn't mean corruption and incompetance.)

I never cease to be amazed at people's willingness to delude themselves so they can be excited about a political candidate.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Oh man, have you ever had to unexpectedly spend a lot of time with a partner you aren't getting along with (or a friend you're only somewhat acquainted with, etc)? I didn't think about it before now, but Bill & Hill were probably expecting to spend a fair amount of time apart (and v. busy, working) for the next 4-8 years...but now they're trapped, together again! No way there aren't some hurt feelings, too, around what damage Bill did to Hill this time (if only by closing off lines of attack against Donald since they'd rebound right back against ol' Bill). Gotta keep up appearances at least for a little while, now.


Hunter said...

She admires what Hillary stands for? And just what does Hillary stand for?

The ability to have a vagina and be president at the same time, of course.

Like something else matters?

Achilles said...

Hillary has been driven around in a limousine, flown chartered jets, and lived in high rent mansions for 30 years. And what has she done to earn that?

Hillary deserves death for what she did in Benghazi and what she did to the people that died because she put SAP/TS material on a non-secure server. Her husband is a rapist. This is disgusting.

Luke Lea said...

They are hurting. My family won't even speak to me. I am having Thanksgiving without them.

Nonapod said...

It's very difficult for me to have any sort of sympathetic feeling for a person that I view as a mean spirited exploitive criminal who took advantage of naive people like this poster here. She and her no good husband grifted and grafted on an epic scale for years and years, bilking everyone from Saudi Princes to regular folks in the name of Haitian relief or whatever, pocketing hundreds of millions.

sunsong said...

May the tenderhearted know their courage and strength

Todd said...

She admires what Hillary stands for? And just what does Hillary stand for?

That this is the greatest country in the world. That with a little moxie, the right idea, marrying the right guy, and no scruples, why there an't nothing a woman can't do, like come within a hair's breath of President of the United States of America! God what a great country!

Balfegor said...

Re: HoodlumDoodlum:

I didn't think about it before now, but Bill & Hill were probably expecting to spend a fair amount of time apart (and v. busy, working) for the next 4-8 years...but now they're trapped, together again!

No they're not -- they're easily rich enough to maintain separate households if they so choose, and active enough with their respective foundations or whatever that they can come up with all the excuses they need to do so.

On the topic of the original post, although she's tarnished by her work in the Obama administration, I still have some of the fondness for Clinton II that I had back in 2008, and I do wish her well. She would have been a decent choice for the country in 2008, better than the barking fool we ended up with. But she wasn't the right candidate for 2016. Too much had happened.

Rick said...

That must be about what the Japanese thought about their Emperors. Maybe she should kowtow next time.

Rick said...

sunsong said...
May the tenderhearted know their courage and strength

The Tenderhearted

Rae said...

I don't understand people who become so emotional when meeting politicians.

sunsong said...


Trump supporters

LYNNDH said...


Of course Bill will be spending a lot of time home, maybe alone. Very few speaking gigs for the big bucks.

mikee said...

I am sick and tired of the supposedly, unbelievably, coincidental "man in the street" meetings Hillary is stage-managing as she transmogrifies from nearly-indicted felon to post-election felon to "I'm still here" felon.

Hillary has never let a photo op occur spontaneously in her entire misguided life, and I feel sorry for the useful idiots she is enlisting in her present campaign, apparently aimed at humanizing the beast she truly has been, is, and always will be until she is 6 feet down with a heavy stone in place to keep her under.

Anonymous said...

Without being too bloodthirsty, I have difficulty understanding how it is that Martha Stewart did something that warranted her being imprisoned,but What Secretary Clinton did didn't even rate an indictment.

Those of you who were Clinton supporters, what is your explanation for the disparity?

mikee said...

I am sick and tired of the supposedly, unbelievably, coincidental "man in the street" meetings Hillary is stage-managing as she transmogrifies from nearly-indicted felon to post-election felon to "I'm still here" felon.

Hillary has never let a photo op occur spontaneously in her entire misguided life, and I feel sorry for the useful idiots she is enlisting in her present campaign, apparently aimed at humanizing the beast she truly has been, is, and always will be until she is 6 feet down with a heavy stone in place to keep her under.

campy said...

Hillary is stage-managing as she transmogrifies from nearly-indicted felon to post-election felon

Post-election? Election day is Dec 19. The voters (all 538 of them) are hearing her campaign pitch every day.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Luke Lea said...They are hurting. My family won't even speak to me. I am having Thanksgiving without them.

Seriously? That's terrible, Luke. I hope you can work that out.

Goldenpause said...

No sane person could have written that FB post. This was in The Onion, right? Right? Right?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

mikee said...I am sick and tired of the supposedly, unbelievably, coincidental "man in the street" meetings Hillary is stage-managing as she transmogrifies from nearly-indicted felon to post-election felon to "I'm still here" felon.

What are you talking about, mikee? That's ugly, paranoid right wing kookery right there. She's a private citizen now, just a regular gal, don't be so silly and rude.

Oh, what's this?

Daily Mail: Hillary's Hiking Photo Staged?

Leigh said...

At least we know this picture is not a "selife." A third person took it. How we know this is not a selfie is something I can't articulate; we just know it. If anyone can explain why we look differently at the camera when a third person is snapping us instead of ourselves, please do. It's a neurotic fascination of mine.

Leslie Graves said...

I don't see any reason to believe she stage managed this. For one thing, she isn't wearing eye make-up.

Bay Area Guy said...

Hillary looks much better, much more authentic without make-up. Had she shown a more human touch, a genuine affinity for regular working class people, she might have had a different result. Oh well.

tcrosse said...

Without being too bloodthirsty, I have difficulty understanding how it is that Martha Stewart did something that warranted her being imprisoned, but What Secretary Clinton did didn't even rate an indictment.
Martha Stewart was being investigated for an insider trading matter, which was not a big deal in itself. But Martha, ignoring the advice of counsel, deleted emails and lied to the FBI. This is what earned her time in the pokey. How this differs from Hillary's case I leave as an exercise for the reader.

Wilbur said...

I doubt EVERYTHING about the Clintons's.

Their entire life - public and private - has been spent living public and private lies for 40 years. Do you really think Bill's living with and spending time with her now when he hasn't for decades? This loving couple had completely separate sleeping quarters in the White House since day one and they've had separate residences since they left the White House.

If you want to believe this was not a crafted set-up, knock yourself out. More than anyone in public life, these people get NO benefit of the doubt from me.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sun Song - Trump is disavowing the alt-right. Which is good. He should.

M Jordan said...

Hillary Clinton ran for president to prove she was the equal of Bill rather than a coattailer. She lost proving that she was, indeed, a woman who was carried along by a man.

I suppose she deserves some of my pity for that but I recall that she whispered into the ears of the Benghazi parents, "We'll get that videomaker" and then she did and, well, no pity arises from my heart.

Amadeus 48 said...

Ah, Bartleby! Ah, humanity!

Anonymous said...

Trump is disavowing the alt right, but first he blew all those dog whistles to get them to sit up and bark. Now they are sitting at his feet and he just kicked the slobbering curs. Too funny.

Quaestor said...

Anyone who has to introduce himself as a poet, ain't a poet.

Jessica Wick’s dull, wearisome, uninspired, routine, workaday, commonplace, trite, unremarkable, run-of-the-mill Facebook comment only confirms my biased, bigoted, misogynistic opinion. Poet? Come off it Jessica, you’re a trust funded hipster looking for an excuse not to be working.

David said...

The comments on the FB post are quite something.

A large percentage are statements of how bad the poster feels, how sad and devastated they are. There is very little focus on how Hillary must feel. #Self-Centeredness.

I am no Hillary fan but I'v thought quite about on how she must feel. It must be close to overwhelming and sometimes beyond. Hard to put one foot in front of the other.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

"Bill Clinton shook my hand, and complimented my sweater." - that's the money quote.

Drago said...

AprilApple: "Sun Song - Trump is disavowing the alt-right. Which is good. He should"

We ought to define what, precisely, the "alt-right" is and who is in it.

After all, Milo Yiannopoulos routinely refers to himself as a leader of the alt-right. Razib Khan, writes for the alt-right Unz Review (and he can in no way be described as a white nationalist)

It is clear that "alt right" is approaching "neo-con" status as a term which describes whatever any writer anywhere wants it to.

Not that anyone can get in front of it. It's all moving very quickly.

Quaestor said...

Hard to put one foot in front of the other.

That predates the election.

Wince said...

Hillary: how can we miss you if you won't go away?

Drago said...

Unknown: "Trump is disavowing the alt right, but first he blew all those dog whistles to get them to sit up and bark. Now they are sitting at his feet and he just kicked the slobbering curs. Too funny."

Don't you have a BLM/OWS/Policemen-Assassination Planning Conference to attend?

Rick said...

AprilApple said...
Sun Song - Trump is disavowing the alt-right. Which is good. He should.

Trump is disavowing actual Nazis - as he should. The claim the alt-right generally is white nationalist or Nazi is a smear accusation made simply because the left doesn't know anything else. When all you have is a hammer...

Rick said...

sunsong said...

Trump supporters

Yep, but only one of us is trying to brand them tenderhearted.

tcrosse said...

Hillary does have some of the elements of the classical tragedienne: the unfaithful husband, the Hubris, the ungrateful populace, the Nemesis, and now the wilderness. Somebody could write an opera about it, but they'd have to do something about that voice.

William said...

As a previous commenter noted, it's hard to imagine Bill and Hillary browsing around together in a bookshop. On the other hand, Hillary doesn't look like she's got her campaign face on. If their visit was for some occult purpose, can someone explain what that purpose was.....This is quite possibly an authentic moment. I don't say that with certainty, but it's definitely possible. Here you have it. Hillary without make up sharing an authentic moment with a supporter. I understand that there are only two extant photos of FDR in a wheelchair. This is quite possibly the only unposed photo of Hillary in existence.

Tommy Duncan said...

This kind of encounter is why you should always keep a "participation award" handy.

"Gee Hillary, you did great. Please accept this presidential campaign participation award. If Jill Stein is here, please step forward for your award."

Anonymous said...

"I was impressed by the book store worker. There is much in our country right now that is snide and partisan. Showing respect and gentleness is to be valued."

Somehow, I doubt there would have been any lack of snideness or extreme partisanship on this woman's FB page if Donald and Melania had stopped by.

What's really to be valued is treating people decently even if you disagree with them, and I haven't seen much of that coming from the left lately.

Mick said...

She probably knew the Crooked Old Lady already, just like the girl that "met" Clinton on the hiking trail. More political theater to garner sympathy for the Crooked Old Lady.

Chuck said...

Mrs. Clinton's name will go down in American history. Alongside Al Gore.

Dude1394 said...

A NYTimes reporter?

Jaq said...

I would have cheered her up. I would have said: "It's not every felon who can get away with it so openly! Hold your head up and own it girl! Even Al Capone couldn't manage that one!"

As for campy: "Keep hope alive!" I am sure the campaign of robocalls, harassment of electors, name-calling and insults directed at them, the calling into question of their characters for being Republican electors, I am sure that all of that stuff will work great!

Quaestor said...

Alongside Al Gore.

No, it's called ALGOL. Nobody uses it anymore... Say what? A man?

Roughcoat said...

They are careless people, Bill and Hillary -- they smash up things and creatures and then retreat back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it is that keeps them together, and let other people clean up the mess they make.

Jaq said...

For a "poet," she is not a very good writer. Just sayin'.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago - agreed.

The people in that video doing the nazi Salute are anti-Semites and white supremacists.

The media are stirring it all together, trying to paint Milo and anyone who voted Trump as part of that. (how many people in that room? about 50?)

Who came up with "alt-right" anyway? I doubt it was the white supremacists?

btw- when you kick and blame white men for everything, this is bound to happen. Thanks Obama!

Humperdink said...

L B of the C said: ""Bill Clinton shook my hand, and complimented my sweater." - that's the money quote.

"and ask for my phone number, which I graciously gave him..." was apparently edited out of her FB post.

Gretchen said...

Look I hate Hillary as much as anyone but this was very sweet. Still the cynic in me believes it is a set up, the woman happens to be a writer, so the post is well-written and of course the Clintons are in a bookstore. Like the woman who met her on a walk behind the Clinton house in NY after the election who happened to be a campaign worker.

Just cannot manage to believe anything Clinton is not stage managed and scripted.

Hillary's campaign makeup artist is beyond belief. I want to know what she used, was it one of those rubber masks like on Mrs. Doubtfire? Just saying.

Unknown said...

if trump won't even feign an attempt to bring hillary clinton to justice then the elites have won, and he has exposed himself as one of them, as we already suspected he was.

Unknown said...

turns out people weren't rooting for the outsider, as crooked media claimed all along. they wanted an establishment candidate, but updated with bizarre hair and a twitter account.

campy said...

I am sure that all of that stuff will work great!

It can't hurt.

Besides, that public stuff is just part of it. I'm sure Bill and Hill are spreading the slush fund millions around generously, knowing it'll be recouped in a matter of weeks if they win.

Bruce Hayden said...

No, it's called ALGOL. Nobody uses it anymore... Say what? A man?

Brings back fond memories. My first love in a computer language. First seriously used that language on a Burroughs B6700 in the mid-1970s in grad school, and then, later, at the Census Bureau in the late 1970s. One of the nifty things that the ALGOL that Census was using was call-by-value arrays. I used that to solve a game of 4s (4x4x4 3-D version of tic-tac-toe). I carried the board in a matrix, would make a move, mark it in the matrix, pass it recursively to a function that would make other moves, then try other moves (again recursively), until that move either won or lost. Brute force, but unbeatable after the first 3 or 4 moves (before that, it took too many computational resources).

And, as those in CS know, ALGOL was the driving force behind Pascal, PL/1, C, C++, etc., and even the structured constructs found in later versions of FORTRAN, COBOL, and even Visual Basic.

Thuglawlibrarian said...

"Bill Clinton shook my hand and complimented my sweater."

Of course he did.

Thuglawlibrarian said...

An Open Letter to Hillary Clinton:




Karen of Texas said...

Wow @Bruce Hayden... Pascal, Fortran and Cobol student here back in college in the early 80s. Cobol carried over to my job but haven't heard Pascal and Fortran in a looong time. Thanks for the memory dump. ;)

walter said...

Wash that hand..

David said...

"if trump won't even feign an attempt to bring hillary clinton to justice then the elites have won, and he has exposed himself as one of them, as we already suspected he was."

If Trump does not come out of the blocks with some major programmic accomplishments, his chances to get things done will diminish fast. He still has a lot to prove to the public. All Presidents do, him even more so because of who he is and how he won. Prosecuting Hillary gets him nowhere on taxes, trade, business regulation reduction, immigration, jobs,military rejuvenation and all the other difficult problems he faces. The drama of a Clinton prosecution will push all those issues to the side. The worst mistake he could make at this point would be to push for Hillary's prosecution.

He's avoiding prosecuting Hillary for his benefit and the country's, not hers.

wildswan said...

We ought to define what, precisely, the "alt-right" is and who is in it.

There is a man named Richard Spencer, a supporter of eugenics, a supporter of Madison Grant which means he is a supporter of white nationalism of the Nazi kind. Madison Grant supported the KKK.
Madison Grant as seen by Richard Spencer:
"it is important to remember that Grant was never enthralled with what is often called the “American Experiment” or “American Exceptionalism”—that is, the idea that the country traces its political tradition back to the Age of Enlightenment and that it is nation rooted on values, not blood. In Grant’s mind, the Nordic race made America. Ideals like “equality” might reflect Nordic self-regard; however, left free-floating and all-encompassing, they are temptations to race suicide and pointless crusades, for which Grant gives ample evidence in Conquest."

Richard Spencer claims to have invented the term "alt right" and to own it. And the mainslime media have chosen to say that he does own it and anyone who has an alternative version of conservatism to that of, say, George Wills, is of the "alt right" and is a follower of Richard Spencer.

But alt right is term that has escaped from the control of Richard Spencer. There are people like Milo Yiannopolis who also claim the term alt-right for their activities. Milo merely means that what he does is as transgressive of the left's mental habits as he can make it. And lots of people have a similar meaning when they say alt right.

And there are others like Steve Bannon who have the term "alt right" applied to them by others. Bannon believes that capitalism created the middle class but that there is a new and virulent form of capitalism, globalist capitalism, which is destroying the middle class and with it Western culture. He thinks this attack being met by populist movements which include racist elements but that the racist elements will fade away as the legitimate concern, the destructive tendency of globalist capitalism is recognized as a mainstream political movement and combated. He gave talk at a Vatican conference in which he explains his ideas.

The mainslime media is identifying Steve Bannon and Richard Spencer but if you compare Spencer of Madison Grant and Bannon on capitalism (above urls) you will see they are completely different. The media were unable to understand the election as it happened and, writhing about in rejection and humiliation, they haven't gotten better at comprehending a new political landscape.

David said...

"The claim the alt-right generally is white nationalist or Nazi is a smear accusation made simply because the left doesn't know anything else."

Perhaps. But they made the claim, and with the media's help, it's sticking. Trump has to deal with that reality

wildswan said...

Richard Spencer on Madison Grant:

rhhardin said...

That's women voters.

Curious George said...

God how I hate this "So." shit. What a moron.

Curious George said...

"David said...
"The claim the alt-right generally is white nationalist or Nazi is a smear accusation made simply because the left doesn't know anything else."

Perhaps. But they made the claim, and with the media's help, it's sticking. Trump has to deal with that reality"

You were in a cave the last year, weren't you.

SukieTawdry said...

I'd like to give her something, too.

Is this the next Hillary phase? Are we to be inundated with accounts of chance encounters with just plain folks who simply adore her and wish she were president-elect? Cynical, I know, but nothing is random in Clintonland.

wildswan said...

Hillary is looking bloated as if she is overeating now that the campaign is over. I don't think she wants to resume the ordeal and I don't think weepy, sentimental booksellers ("Here in this exact spot, I stood and cried as Hillary lost.") will defeat Donald Trump. Of course, Bill is a little more formidable - I am reminded that Napoleon did come back from exile. But Napoleon only found Waterloo and a more comprehensive exile. What's more Obama has decided to lead the Democrats and so he and Bill will be fighting like the Sunni and the Shia for awhile.

madAsHell said...

Does Ms. Wick have cats embroidered on the front of her sweater?

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

If Trump does not come out of the blocks with some major programmic accomplishments, his chances to get things done will diminish fast. He still has a lot to prove to the public.

Nope. He is already done. He's already breaking a major promise to his supporters. Which means he's just another Establishment lackey. Begin the impeachment process the day he takes office. Because it means we can expect him to break all his other promises - border security, increased screening of refugees for terrorists, etc.

Prosecuting Hillary gets him nowhere on taxes, trade, business regulation reduction, immigration, jobs, military rejuvenation and all the other difficult problems he faces.

This is about the RULE OF LAW. If he lets her walk, none of those other things matter. They will be corrupted because he has sent a strong message that corruption will be rewarded. This is foundational.

The drama of a Clinton prosecution will push all those issues to the side. The worst mistake he could make at this point would be to push for Hillary's prosecution.

Fuck your "drama". Let the pearl clutchers clutch all they want. This is about the Rule of Law. You act like he can't multi-task. Appoint and Special Prosecutor and let him run with it.

He's avoiding prosecuting Hillary for his benefit and the country's, not hers.

How much did he sell us out for? What deal did he make?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

"I'd have liked to give her something."

A noogie?

walter said...

Remember the wobble in the primary? "I'm changing..'
His campaign manager distancing him from the campaign.

Michael K said...

Nope. He is already done. He's already breaking a major promise to his supporters.

Who are you ? I spend two days away and idiots appear. Trump has bigger fish to fry. The border, the AG appointment and confirmation.

Hillary will be there like a piñata for months and years. The Congress can pick at her carcass. Trump has no need for this.

Rick said...

David said...
But they made the claim, and with the media's help, it's sticking. Trump has to deal with that reality

It's only a reality among the left wing frothers. The last election showed us they can be safely ignored.

walter said...

Michael K said...
Hillary will be there like a piñata for months and years. The Congress can pick at her carcass. Trump has no need for this.
Ah so the promise at the debate was empty?
Ok then..bring out the fish.

buwaya said...

Personal claims of virtue and tender feelings are all suspect. Humans are wonderful liars, especially to themselves, able to rationalize anything, able to explain any feeling or prejudice. Feelings are the enemies of reason, of the correct collection and appreciation of facts, and the enemies of all true virtues.

The worst of the modern decadence is the worship of ones own feelings, as that justifies all sorts of objectively pernicious acts and ideas. Personal feelings seem to be the modern idea of God, the ultimate purpose and justification.

"Tenderness" is always a lie. Sometimes a convenient and comforting lie. With luck a lie that will not be revealed as such, and eventually can be taken into the grave.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Fuck your "drama". Let the pearl clutchers clutch all they want. This is about the Rule of Law.

And if anyone knows law, it's Fen. He got his law degree from Trump University.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump lied.

Trump humpers do not seem to care.

Anonymous said...

"Trump lied.

Trump humpers do not seem to care."

Seriously Apple, what did you expect? You almost were on board the Trump train too, hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

1. No prosecution of Clinton
2. No wall
3. No deportation force
4. Will not repeal Obamacare
5. Now believes in global warming due to human activity
6. No torture
7. Disavows alt right
8. Says Presidents are above conflict of interest laws
9. Fights twitter war with cast of Hamilton

You people voted for this doofus.

Anonymous said...

"Fuck your "drama". Let the pearl clutchers clutch all they want. This is about the Rule of Law."
"And if anyone knows law, it's Fen. He got his law degree from Trump University."

That was funny.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You people voted for this doofus.

Ben Shapiro said he was a Democrat who only recently changed affiliations. And was urged to run by Bill Clinton.

I think the "realigned landscape" may yet work out to be ok.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


You support Hillary - so your opinion is relegated to junk status.

walter said...

A chance..vs the proven shiite of Hil..

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

That said, and it might be too early to roll out my latest crazy theory... but Trump could be a stand in for Hillary.

So - rejoice!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That was funny.

If you take Fen seriously, you risk unfunnying your entire day.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fen said:

This is about the RULE OF LAW. If he lets her walk, none of those other things matter. They will be corrupted because he has sent a strong message that corruption will be rewarded. This is foundational.

It's also about keeping campaign promises at least until after you are inaugurated.

Anonymous said...

Are you speaking to me Apple Ass? You voted for Trump, you own this disaster as much as the next Trump dupe. What a bunch of dummies.

walter said...

Look out...the mighty Meade might smite you "Unknown"
But kind of funny for "unknown" to ask "Are you talking to me?"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Honestly, if the "alt-right" really does have strongly bigoted elements with a credible following, it's fine to repudiate. But boring. He should just tell these losers that if they want to do something for America, they should contribute something decent, instead of just the same old racial bullshit.

Or not. Maybe their toxicity really is that potentially entrancing.

Either way, it's good to see the old man still has a few surprises up his sleeve.

Anonymous said...

Trump and Bill in cahoots Apple. Wasn't it you who said that ad nauseum? You may just have been right, lol.

Anonymous said...

Yet, Apple still voted for Trump, hahahahaha!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's also about keeping campaign promises at least until after you are inaugurated.

What promise? That he would stake out the Chappaqua property in a van and then, at the right moment, arise out of it in a long black raincoat that says "FBI" and cuff her?

I don't think it works like that.

If you want him to tie his presidency up with the kind of endless investigations that Congress tends to do (and did in the 1990s), knock yourself out. His presidency will be a failure if so. Besides, the special prosecutor law lapsed. Even Ken Starr thought it did a disservice.

You people are ignoring the first rule of politics: Offer something positive. Not just negative. Hatred of the Clintons, if it's not a function of getting them out of the way of an actual, realistic and positive agenda and vision, will fail.

Go picket the Clintons yourself if you're so taken by them. Travel to one of their mansions, hold up some signs, protest these ex-politicians.

Make a trip of it. Get in a van, gather up some friends, make some cheese and salami on crackers, and make your voice heard.

Time's a-wasting. If they're not in jail before 2018 then the universe will fall apart.

Bring the jailhouse revolution.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Here's what April Apple is about to do to Hillary.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

R&B - Roll all that footage of Trump promising to prosecute her. Yes we all know HE can't do it, but he can set the stage with the DOJ, and let the FBI do its work.

walter said...

Right R&B..that "first rule" of being positive.
Well..yet getting elected to the tune of "lock her up" and promising to appoint a special prosecutor.
Oh're right.
And going wobbly on the cliamet issue..just staying positive..

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Nobody is suggesting Trump tie up his presidency. Some of us would like him to STFU and hold his cards a little closer to his chest. Maybe re-read one of his owns books, that he didn't write.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

R & B - No way I'd be that gentle. I'd be in prison for drawing blood.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm already in a van... down by the river.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

R&B - Roll all that footage of Trump promising to prosecute her.


So out of ALL the schizophrenic, contradictory things he said, THAT'S the one you chose to believe.

Ok, I think I just figured out why the hard-right agenda won't be running the country. Even under Trump.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, ssssssooooooo damn funny, laughed so hard today.

Unknown said...

David said...
If Trump does not come out of the blocks with some major programmic accomplishments, his chances to get things done will diminish fast. He still has a lot to prove to the public. All Presidents do, him even more so because of who he is and how he won. Prosecuting Hillary gets him nowhere on taxes, trade, business regulation reduction, immigration, jobs,military rejuvenation and all the other difficult problems he faces. The drama of a Clinton prosecution will push all those issues to the side. The worst mistake he could make at this point would be to push for Hillary's prosecution.

He's avoiding prosecuting Hillary for his benefit and the country's, not hers.

come on. we all know the real reason why he won't ever do that.

walter said...

Oh "unknown", the prospect of a true political cartel gets you off?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Actually, Balls, I never really paid much attention to Trump on the campaign trail. Never went to a rally. As Inga points out - I was paranoid that he was a stalking horse for Hillary. (ad-nauseous) I just happened to see footage today of him promising to his fans that he would go after her. over and over and over...

This isn't about me, Balls. Again - all he needed to do was SFTU. That's it.

Even you admit that Hillary is crooked and more than likely broke the law and engaged in unethical behavior (behavior that would have sunk any other candidate) & that the FBI and the DOJ (a real DOJ) should look into it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hillary's crooked, Trump's a bit of a BS'er - there was no way to tell who was better. I knew one was better on stability, one better on shaking up the system. But these net positives didn't outweigh their negatives. I voted for neither. I didn't believe either one of them. Don't blame me! My only "sin" is to not have supposed that one was going to be the Devil and one some type of devilish lesser evil. I didn't expect much good from either one of them, voted third party, and have nowhere to go but "pleasantly surprised" from here.

I thought the Clintons' sins were much worse than legal. They were political and social. There are certain standards and norms required for a republic to function that they had been breaking for decades - as had the Republicans. I knew that needed to change, and I would have been a fierce critic had it started all over again after a Clinton win - as it looked like it would from the convention. If Trump is a needed elixir to pay-for-play, that's fine by me. But I always supposed Comey was a decent guy, a straight shooter. He did look into possible wrongdoing. Didn't find enough to prosecute. That's important. Not all things that could be prosecuted should be, as the state doesn't like to lose cases. It brings the cases that it thinks it has a decent shot of winning.

So from here on out, she's just like any other citizen. Culpable to the law. If she breaks it, let her be prosecuted. But you're putting a fishing trip for Clinton jail-mania overrule the issues here. You admitted it by giving an unhinged comment about "drawing blood." Wow. And I thought that leftie with the handcuffs accosting Karl Rove was off the deep end. Get a grip, please!

Anonymous said...

10. Trump praises Obama.

"President-elect Donald Trump praised President Barack Obama during a meeting with New York Times reporters Tuesday, describing his meeting with Obama in glowing terms and winking at what the two discussed.

"I had a great meeting with President Obama," Trump said, according to Times reporter Maggie Haberman who was present at the meeting.

“I didn't know if I’d like him. I probably thought that maybe I wouldn’t, but I did. I really enjoyed him a lot,” Trump said, according to Mike Grynbaum, another reporter who was present.

“He did tell me what he thought were the biggest problems, in particular one problem," Trump said, though he did not identify that problem, per Haberman’s account."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Oh please, Balls. The part about me being in prison wasn't a good enough clue that I was joking?

Talk about clutching pearls.

I like how you throw all Republicans in with Clinton Corruption. Any specificity or proof to go with that?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

10> Isn't that old news? Nobody really cares that the president and the prez elect put on their best BS for each other. It's a tradition.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

btw- Balls you were going ape shit over Trump just yesterday. Do you have multiple personalities? We never know what Balls we are gonna get.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I like how you throw all Republicans in with Clinton Corruption. Any specificity or proof to go with that?

Which of them are opposed to unlimited campaign contributions or super PACs?

Which of them, other than Trump, have refused a lobbyist or campaign contribution?

They can't do it. They resent the Clintons for besting them at their game.

Why couldn't Republicans get a poverty case like Bernie to run on the anti-payola ticket? Why do they only trust a self-proclaimed billionaire to be financially independent of large donations? How about a Republican who just rejects the funds because he believes it's corrupting - not because he says he's "too rich" to need it?

I thought so.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

btw- Balls you were going ape shit over Trump just yesterday. Do you have multiple personalities? We never know what Balls we are gonna get.

Lol. I'm responding to what I get. One day Trump does deplorable things, and I comment on that.

The next day he does dignified things, and I comment on that.

So now it matters. He'll be president. I no longer have to guess which side he means. When he does right, I'll acknowledge it. And when he does wrong, ditto.

That's how "judging by performance" works.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

mmmm - then you need to throw all the pols in there. not just the R's.

As for Clinton's specific level of corruption - no one beats head of US State Dept using a private server to stuff fake-charity/family foundation coffers. Nobody.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ok - just checking.

Anonymous said...

11. trump calls the NYT a "world jewell", no more a failing paper. Oh hahahahahahah!

"“The Times is a great, great American jewel,” Mr. Trump declared as he prepared to leave the gathering in the newspaper’s 16th-floor boardroom, where portraits of former presidents adorn the walls.

“A world jewel,” added Mr. Trump, who was seated next to Arthur Sulzberger Jr., the paper’s publisher. “And I hope we can all get along.”"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Qwinn said...


You do know that McCain agreed to financing limitations in 2008, in part because Obama also agreed to... and then Obama went back on his word.

I suspect you did know that... but here you are asking why *Republicans* don't accept limits? And we know you love your Obama.

Steven Wilson said...

Re: Alt-right, Nazi, etc. I hearken back to how we were instructed to use colored, then, negro, then black, and finally African-American (although I got off the train at black). So once you start down that road you are hanging yourself, for by striving to be politically correct you will be on record as having used a term that will be jettisoned as insensitive.

To the Democrats today's euphemism is tomorrow's slur.

Brando said...

"Nope. He is already done. He's already breaking a major promise to his supporters. Which means he's just another Establishment lackey. Begin the impeachment process the day he takes office. Because it means we can expect him to break all his other promises - border security, increased screening of refugees for terrorists, etc."

GOP already proved they are afraid of him. He's learned over the course of the campaign that he faces no consequences for anything he goes back on, so why would he be afraid now?

It's the same old song. The "border wall" may be some extending of the current fencing. "Mass deportation" might be some funny numbers to make it look like we're doing more than we already are. "Better trade deals" is going to be window dressing.

Doesn't matter. He's a good salesman, I'll give him that, and he'll make a big chunk of the country think things are improving, so they'll sleep better at night.

I just hope no one seriously expected change.

Clyde said...

Hillary certainly looks older without her stage makeup.

Clyde said...

And I have to question the viewpoint of a person who can't get more than the top of her head into the picture on her avatar. That's what you call a "tell."

Jaq said...

Why couldn't Republicans get a poverty case like Bernie to run on the anti-payola ticket?

Well, Sarah Palin was never rich, and it was the weakness that drove her from power. For a middle class person to have to pay to defend herself from "ethics" investigations for such heinous infraction as wearing a jacket with an Arctic Cat logo on it to a public event, is really quite difficult. Your fellow lefties will make sure that no Republican without significant personal resources that shows any signs of political talent will survive.

Sarah Palin's whole governorship was about fighting payola. The previous Republican governor she ousted had held up a pipeline from Canada for years making sure all of his cronies got their cut. That's why Palin was so popular with the people of Alaska and had so many enemies among the powerful.

Jaq said...

GOP already proved they are afraid of him. He's learned over the course of the campaign that he faces no consequences for anything he goes back on, so why would he be afraid now?

Well, he does have his voters to answer to, and if he is just more of the same old same old, he won't get re-elected. But meanwhile, we have dodged the bullet of permanent corruption of the FEC, IRS, DOJ, and FBI for a few more years. That's change right there.

Anonymous said...

All this agita over prosecuting Hillary. Did President-elect Trump call for the FBI to stop any ongoing investigations into the Clinton Foundation? My understanding is that he won't prosecute on the e-mails/server issue. The graft and corruption investigations (IIRC there are four of them) continue.

Perhaps President-elect Trump is merely looking magnanimous by giving up the 'sleeves to his vest'.

Sunsong and Inga are hilarious in their butthurtedness; are they actually children?

Michael K said...

"I just hope no one seriously expected change."

Brando, you're edging over into Hillary territory from your NeverTrump spot.

Brando said...

"Brando, you're edging over into Hillary territory from your NeverTrump spot."

There's a difference between critical of Trump and "NeverTrump".

Bad Lieutenant said...

and you were the latter, no?

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