November 1, 2016

"I think this an outrage and I think the fact that the KGB is involved in this election is an outrage..."

"... our democracy is under assault by the KGB.... And people have to decide do we want our country for ourselves with the people in charge or are we going to elect the the KGB... And as we know the KGB is all over this election...."


Todd said...

Have you seen the MSNBC video? And the right is referred to as nutty! This guy needs to be put under observation. He is so out of control that he looks like he is going to have a seizure!

Rocketeer said...

Uh...I'm pretty sure the KGB was disbanded over 25 years ago.

mezzrow said...

Kay Gay Bay.

"lock up the good booze, here comes Carville!"

Rusty said...

Carville never disappoints. The meltdown was funny. You can smell the fear.

Todd said...

And a real reporter (I know, funny that) would have followed up with "You know that the FBI can not release the emails until they have been reviewed for classified information." Which is true. It is a "con" that Hillary is saying release them all because she knows the FBI can't until they have been checked. Huma may could as they are on her Yahoo account maybe...

He is having a serious meltdown! Now maybe he is feeling what the majority of Americans have felt like for the past 8 years!

Nonapod said...

Obviously Carville still thinks it's 1985. Please don't let him know otherwise.

Bob Boyd said...

"When the facts change, you change your mind. I know that is a hard concept for people sometimes,"

That's what Jim Comey said!

Larry J said...

Carville has been whoring himself out for the Clintons for decades. Why should anyone listen to him any more?

wendybar said...

It's the LIES and CORRUPTION stupid!!

David Begley said...

I'm loving every minute of it. Why? Because we finally see the Dems for who they really are. For what we always suspected. The truth is in those mails. Just today we learn Mills and Podesta conspired to obstruct justice and destroy the emails.

And let's correct the record. There is no definitive proof that the hackers were Russian. Only two intelligence agencies have publically stated that the hacks were consistent with Russian methods or were probably done by Russia. Hillary stated - as if it were the gospel - that 17 American intelligence agencies said it was definitely Russia. The media, of course, went with it.

It could well be Israel - disguised as Russia - that did these hacks. Bibi knows Hillary is no friend of Israel due to the millions she has taken from Gulf states and the Iran deal. This is all spy stuff. Years later this will be revealed.

RonF said...

How sad it is that the Russians are needed to keep an American election honest. That a woret indictment of the Democratic Party than I could ever have imagined.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The most serious part of the F.B.I.’s investigation has focused on the computer hacks that the Obama administration now formally blames on Russia. That investigation also involves numerous officials from the intelligence agencies. Investigators, the officials said, have become increasingly confident, based on the evidence they have uncovered, that Russia’s direct goal is not to support the election of Mr. Trump, as many Democrats have asserted, but rather to disrupt the integrity of the political system and undermine America’s standing in the world more broadly.

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
richlb said...

He kinda makes Alex Jones look like William F Buckley.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

KGB! NKVD! Cheka! OGPU! SMERSH! Scared yet?

BarrySanders20 said...

Just like Dana Carvey in Master of Disguise -- The Turtle Club

Also interesting that Hill &Co. tout the opinions of the intelligence community. There was a consensus on WMD's too.

If it turns out not to be the Russians, how many Hillary LIED!!!!!!! stories will we see from the leftists?

Alexander said...

With podesta having the password, p@ssw0rd, falling for a fishing scam and NOT CHANGING THE PASSWORD hack after hack after hack I refuse to believe anything about how it had to be russia. Russia probably did hack them so did everybody else.

Brando said...

KGB has nothing on the NKVD. Those guys didn't play around.

Literally, they didn't play around. You ever try going a round of darts with NKVD agents? Nyet to that!

Bob Boyd said...

I say give Putin a Pulitzer.

David said...

He sounds desperate and afraid. It must be a shock to realize that they can actually lose this election. I wonder if their internal polling is showing an even worse trend than the public ones?

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rehajm said...

The 1980's are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War's been over for over 20 years, Pumpkinhead.

Anonymous said...

Remember the good old days, when seeing Russians under the bed was the prerogative of right-wing troglodytes?

Of all the squirrels being squirrel!ed this season, the russkie squirrel is the squirreliest of them all.

One week to go. Can it get any squirrelier?

Henry said...

So it is CARVILLE that plays Senator John Yerkes Iselin and HRC that plays Mrs. Eleanor Shaw Iselin. My previous theory had HRC playing both roles.

Dan Hossley said...

I am not sure that the NYT's assertion that the Obama administration has formally blamed Russia for the wikileaks hack amounts to much of anything. So far, there are allegations by the Clinton campaign, but no evidence. Everyone knows Clinton is a liar, so her assertions aren't credible. For that matter, everyone knows that Obama is a liar, so assertions from Obama and his White House team aren't credible. Don't get me started on the State Department.

For all we know, the source of the wikileaks hacks was a Booz Allen contractor working at the NSA. Wasn't Snowden a Booz Allen contractor? The FBI just arrested Harold T. Martin, another Booz Allen contractor for theft of secrets.

Hagar said...

James B. Comey is not one of my favorite people, but I think that he is perhaps unfairly maligned in this case. His July statement to the House oversight committee and his recent letter about possibly re-opening Hillary!'s e-mail invstigation most likely resulted from a compromise reached in internal negotiations between the warring factions in the FBI, and Comey is just trying very hard to keep the insurgents from going public.

Todd said...

I don't know, Cargville seems to be playing Don Quixote to me...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

And his own beloved Pravda, the NYT, declares it all a nothingburger. How quickly these spinners for hire must be to adapt to an instant-news world! FAIL.

Henry said...

And people have to decide do we want our country for ourselves with the people in charge or are we going to elect the the KGB and the House Republicans to decide this election.

My emphasis.

Hagar said...

Scott Adams/sarc suggest that those Russian hackers are just so devilishly clever that they stole Hillary!'s e-mails from the NSA and inserted them on Anthony Weiner's home computer!

JPS said...

"as we know" is awesome.

I can't swear this is true, but I've read that back in the day, Pravda used to introduce particularly bald lies with, "As is well known...."

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I might be confusing two phony Russian stories above. My personal favorite current crazy Russian story is the one where they have all 33,000 deleted emails and will release them this week.

traditionalguy said...

When the swamp in Louisiana starts to drain, the snakes start writhing around out in the open without their cover of slime. And their bite seems less scary now that they cannot sneak in undercover anymore.

richardsson said...

James Carville is to Lee Atwater what Austin Powers was to James Bond.

Larvell said...

Hypothetically, if a Republican EVER said, in response to rape allegations, something along the lines of "Drag $100 bills through a trailer park and you'll find a woman to say anything," how many networks would treat him with respect?

Hagar said...

The Obama White House and the Clinton camp may both have difficulty understanding that there may some things even lawyers won't do.

Hagar said...

At least, some lawyers.

policraticus said...

Is it a problem that the KGB is manufacturing lies about Hillary? or is it a problem that the KGB is exposing the truth about Hillary?

Cause, I haven't heard anyone, not Carville, not the Media, not anyone say that the emails exposed have been falsified or altered. Just that they were exposed by the Russians. Well, what is exposed is the problem.

tcrosse said...

Hey, Carville. The eighties called and they want their foreign policy back.

Limited blogger said...

Rick Santorum on FOX earlier said Pennsylvania has no early voting. And absentee ballots can be changed. The absentee ballot is sent to the voters polling place, so if they show up and want to change it they can. Sounds like the Keystone state may be the keystone to the election.

Luke Lea said...

Wonder how Carville and Matalin are getting along? Or is she a NeverTrumper?

Stoutcat said...

Tyrone Slothrop said... "KGB! NKVD! Cheka! OGPU! SMERSH! Scared yet?"

You forgot KAOS and THRUSH.

MacMacConnell said...

The Russians are so advance at cyber warfare they hacked Hillary's emails from the NSA, planted them into Huma's Yahoo account on her home computer, then setup Carlos Danger to take the fall.
That may not be that hard considering that Yahoo is historically easy to hack.

todd galle said...

Well, I just went and pulled my copy of Gordievsky's history of the KGB. Honestly, I haven't read it in ages. Just checked, First Edition, 1990. I'll examine and inform on all the dirt of Trump found in the pages. Hmmm, can't be right. Checking the index: "...Trotskyists; Trotskyist-Zinovietites; Trubetskoi,Prince; Truman, Harry S; Trust (operation); Tsarist Russia...". No mention of Trump. I'll try to finish re-reading this before the election so I can update all the unlisted Trump / KGB information.

Michael The Magnificent said...

Just James being James. His righteous indignation shtick hasn't changed all that much since Bill's impeachment.

MacMacConnell said...

In my fantasies Trump wins and the Clintons learn all about RICO.

Rick said...

Carville made the most offensively sexist live comment in the history of American political TV to effectively no criticism from "feminists". They're busy pretending criticism of security violations is sexist.

todd galle said...

It is 700 pages though...with endnotes. I hate endnotes. I was comfortable doing footnotes for my papers in the mid 80s, on a manual typewriter. One of my history professors refused anything from a computing machine. Having mastered the footnote formula, I made a mint typing papers for his students.

Lewis Wetzel said...

JPS said...
"as we know" is awesome.
I can't swear this is true, but I've read that back in the day, Pravda used to introduce particularly bald lies with, "As is well known...."

My favorite cold-war joke is about the American tourist and his KGB "Tour guide." The "guide" takes the American down to see the famed Moscow subway system. A train comes in and people get off and on. To make conversation, the American tourist says "it's sure noisy down here!" The Russian shoots back "Oh yeah? What about your lynchings in the South?!"

Curious George said...

I found myslef asking kid atr kid last night if they were dressed as James Carville.

Lewis Wetzel said...

If I was a TV news guy interviewing Carville, I would ask him if it was possible that Anthony Weiner sent one of his nude selfies to Monica Lewinsky or Paula Jones.

Steve said...

Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?

Have you no sense of decency, sir?

jaydub said...

Cue ball gonna cue ball.

JPS said...

Terry, 2:34: I remember that one. My own favorite is a KGB joke:

A hotel. A room for four with four strangers. Three of them soon open a bottle of vodka and proceed to get acquainted, then drunk, then noisy, singing, and telling political jokes. The fourth man desperately tries to get some sleep; finally, in frustration he surreptitiously leaves the room, goes downstairs, and asks the lady concierge to bring tea to Room 67 in ten minutes. Then he returns and joins the party.

Five minutes later, he bends to a power outlet: “Comrade Major, some tea to Room 67, please.” In a few minutes, there’s a knock at the door, and in comes the lady concierge with a tea tray. The room falls silent; the party dies a sudden death, and the prankster finally gets to sleep.

The next morning he wakes up alone in the room. Surprised, he runs downstairs and asks the concierge what happened to his companions. “You don’t need to know!” she answers. “B-but… but what about me?” asks the terrified fellow. “Oh, you… well… the Comrade Major liked your tea gag a lot.”

Bruce Hayden said...

Sounds desperate and unhinged. Nothing new for Carville.

TheThinMan said...

Yeah, but his soft ice cream ain't so bad.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Look, if you're going to diss the KGB, try at least to remember when it ceased to exist. Maybe before you were born, if you're still on your parents' health insurance.

PB said...

Carville has gotten rich off the Clinton Crime Family. When they are completely exposed and start going to jail, his career won't be worth spit.

Unknown said...

One week to go. Can it get any squirrelier?

It might be getting squirrelier- apparently the FBI just dumped the files on the Marc Rich pardon. Supposedly in response to an FOIA but the timing is a bit odd, isn't it??

Zero Hedge seems to be the most up to date source for squirrel sightings.

PB said...

I hope he's reduced to chasing dollar bills being dragged through trailer parks.

dreams said...

And this from 4 years ago when they cheered Obama for being so clever and witty.

"In an exchange about al-Qaida during the debate, Obama attacked Romney for calling Russia “without question, our No. 1 geopolitical foe” earlier this year.

“Gov. Romney, I’m glad you recognize al-Qaida is a threat, because a few months ago when you were asked what is the biggest geopolitical group facing America, you said Russia, not al-Qaida,” Obama said. “You said Russia. And the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back. Because the Cold War has been over for 20 years. But Governor, when it comes to our foreign policy, you seem to want to import the foreign policies of the 1980s, just like the social policy of the 1950s, and the economic policies of the 1920s.”"

Will said...

The Ragin' Cajun is from #TheSwamp

You really think the ultimate Swamp Creature wants to #DrainTheSwamp?

He is thrashing like a gator that just ate hot chili peppers

robother said...

To borrow from The Bourne Supremacy: Is the KGB reaching out from the grave to protect its reputation?

William said...

The real casualty here is the marriage of Huma and Weiner. For the sake of their child, I hope they find some way to get beyond all this and get on with their marriage. They were introduced to each other by Hillary, and the marriage itself was officiated by Bill Clinton. Talk about a marriage made in heaven. If their mentors, Bill and Hillary, could keep their marriage together in face of strong headwinds, is it too much to ask for Huma and Weiner to resolve their petty quarrel. Besides married people don't have to testify against each other.

Hunter said...

richlb said...
He kinda makes Alex Jones look like William F Buckley.

Well, that's a bit too far.

Obvious that someone would have got to an Alex Jones comparison before now. But yeah, he looks pretty much like AJ here. With a minor point of distinction. "Faux News" doesn't actually put AJ on the air, but MSNBC is still bringing in Carville even though this is far from his first deranged meltdown on a cable news show.

damikesc said...

Jesus, Democrats are OBSESSED with Russia. Didn't seem to worried when Obama promised them greater flexibility.

Etienne said...

Well, Well... Looks like Hillary is in big trouble with that melt-down.

DanTheMan said...

Since we are telling KGB jokes.... I mean other than Carville's...

An Jewish teenager is sitting on a park bench in Moscow, practicing his Yiddish when a KGB officer approaches him.
"Stupid Fool! You are never going to be permitted to leave Mother Russia! Why are you wasting your time learning that trash?"
"Because they speak Yiddish in Heaven, of course."
"Ah", says the KGB agent, "But what if you go to the other place?"
"Well, I already speak Russian...."

viator said...

As I have said before, don't worry about what happens if Hillary wins the election, worry about what happens if Trump wins the election. The left will wig out.

DanTheMan said...

>>Bill and Hillary, could keep their marriage together in face of strong headwinds

Serial adultery over four decades.... in what sense are they married to each other?

viator said...

I have read the NY Times or NY new papers (my grandmother loved the NY Daily Mirror, the scandal sheet she called it) for as long as 65 years. I distinctly remember where I was the day Stalin died. The NY Times (and the Democrats) loved mother Russia, what happened?

JML said...

When I think of the term "bat shit crazy," I think of three that it's: North Korea, the guy who designed and built 'The House on a he Hill' in WI, and James Carville.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

When the Clintons are in trouble, they send James Carville. When they are really in trouble, they send Lanny Davis.

JML said...

Regarding my bat shit crazy post...* three things that are...* sorry, using a little iPhone with fat fingers.

dreams said...

Poor Mary Matalin, she apparently wanted to get married in the worse way and did she ever. She obviously placed a higher value on her marital status than on the gene pool and posterity.

Yancey Ward said...

Policraticus wrote:

"Cause, I haven't heard anyone, not Carville, not the Media, not anyone say that the emails exposed have been falsified or altered. Just that they were exposed by the Russians. Well, what is exposed is the problem."

They are obviously authentic. There is enough information in the Wikileaks e-mails that if they were compared to the actual electronic accounts of the individuals involved, it would not be hard for a forensic specialist to determine they were fake. So, if you are victim of an authentic leak, the question then becomes whether or not you can fake your own account to make it look like the authentic leak was a fake. You could, of course do so with a printed hard copy of your "real" account which fakes the content, but it is likely that such evidence would carry no weight- you would have to fake the electronic version, and that isn't easy to do by all accounts- post-transmission changes to text are very, very difficult to hide. To try this really means you eventually get caught if anyone really cares about the result enough to dig at it.

So, if the Clinton team isn't claiming they are false, you can be pretty damned confident the leaks are authentic down to the last letter.

Comanche Voter said...

Poor old James Carville got some bad shrimp etouffe last night and is suffering from temporary dementia--or maybe just an irritable bowel. Troll a million dollar consulting fee by this Louisiana swamp creature, and you never know what you will get.

Gusty Winds said...

Keith Olbermann is on realclearplolitics ranting about how Trump is a Russian Manchurian candidate, even though the feds find zero ties. It's all bullshit.

Trump just doesn't want to go to war with Russia over whatever crooked Syrian deal/promises Hillary and Obama made.

If you polled the student population at UW to see if they believed these douchebags, would they even know about the KGB?

This all reeks of desperation.

Stelah said...

Hysteria - thy name is Carville.

Wilbur said...

On some level, I get a great kick out of him. It's like watching Jimmy Swaggart or Benny Hinn or Roddy Piper; you appreciate the sheer talent on display.

He's so wonderfully odious and oily. Like Dr. Smith, and just as amoral, but with a magnificent Cajun accent.

Yancey Ward said...

And with the latest Wikileak, you have John Podesta, on the evening of March 2nd, 2015, writing to Cheryl Mills telling her that they would have to "dump those e-mails so better to do sooner than later". The New York Times published their story about Clinton's e-mail server the very next morning in the print edition. Given that The Times almost surely asked for a comment before publishing, it is all but certain that Podesta and Mills are writing about the e-mails not sent to the State Department as hard copies from Clinton's private server/s.

Add to the above that later that March the tech at Platte River was in on a teleconference with Clinton's staff, and then immediately began bleaching the archive of the entire account that was still in his possession (all which was technically under the Congressional subpoena issued on March 4th, 2015), and then had another teleconference with Clinton's legal team, I think you have prima facie case of obstruction.

A real investigation of the new Abedin e-mails should be combined with the information that is coming from the Wikileaks. It should involve a grand jury, it should issue subpoenas for all of Mills' and Podesta's e-mail accounts. I know it likely won't, but this what should happen with an ethical law enforcement apparatus.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Hammond is more concerned about
..Democratic "politicos" working the adult day care centers and nursing homes, helping semi-comatose folks to complete their ballots;
..Democrat SJW students or government workers who work across a State line voting in both of their "home" states;
..carloads of Democarats going from one polling place to another, voting in the name of various dead people.

Carville? The one guy on the planet who possibly could give Hillary lessons on shameless mendacity.

Jaq said...

How many millions has Hillary taken from the Russians. Always accuse the Republicans of doing whatever it is you are up to your neck in. Podesta owned how much Russian energy stock that benefits from the death of Keystone? Lied about getting rid of it?

MadisonMan said...

The House on a he Hill' in WI

Do you mean the House on the Rock?

Francisco D said...

Does anyone really believe Carville?

He has been slinging BS so long that even he doesn't believe what he says.

n.n said...

Obama/Clinton reset the cold war with Russia along with useful entities of that era.

Gretchen said...

My very favorite part about the Democrats blaming the Russians is that they told us four years ago that Romney was an idiot stuck in the 1980s because he thought Russia was a geopolitical threat.

Now Putin is enemy number ONE, even though democrat rags like the NYT deny there is any link between Trump and Russia!

If this election went on one more week they would start blaming Muslims.

Bill Peschel said...

"Does anyone really believe Carville? "

The true believers will. Besides, his bullshit wasn't called on to his face, so his interviewer did not do the republic a favor.

This is how a culture gets poisoned. Just like people saying, "We're all corrupt. What difference does it make?"

Someone has to stand up and cry "Bullshit!" It's the American Way.

Gk1 said...

If the Russians are involved I would think its a supreme irony that the KGB is helping the american people understand how we are being ruled by our so-called elites. Not unlike the samizdata that dissidents had to manually spread out so the soviet public could piece together what was really going on.

Rick Caird said...

I think it is an outrage that our country by the Clinton's and the Carville's,

JML said...

Yes Madison Man, that is who I meant. My phone, eyes and fingers failed me again.

wildswan said...

It's like Halloween on the Hillary bus - filled with folks decked out in old time costumes, shouting out old time slogans - the Russians are coming, the Ku Klux Klan is coming, Bill Clinton's second coming will save, the FBI is investigating, the DOJ is investigating

Even Bob Dylan appears by the side of the road singing, It's A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall.

FullMoon said...

The vid is hilarious. Towards the end, the news guy can hardly keep from laughing.

BTW, this ongoing attempted diversion is like trying to blame the Walmart photo guy for finding kiddy porn on while developing pics and notifying the authorities.

FullMoon said...

Hillary sold Americas uranium to the KGB while secretary of state,

Michael K said...

"It could well be Israel - disguised as Russia - that did these hacks."

That's my theory, too. Putin probably wants Hillary as his investment is not to be thrown away. We're talking $100 million here.

Carville reminds me of a guy I used to see sailing that we called "The Prick with Ears."

dreams said...

I think it might be Israel. They have to be realistic about their security and they are a lot smarter than our leaders.

dreams said...

"Hillary sold Americas uranium to the KGB while secretary of state,"

And the Clintons got the money.

glenn said...

Here's what's real in this deal. The whole of team Hillary from Huma to the night shift janitor didn't have the collective brains to secure their home computer. Never mind all those felonies they committed just by having it. These guys don't have the collective brains to come in out of the rain.

jrapdx said...

Re: Israel. They could have been involved but not sure their government wants to risk alienating the US, given that relations have been rocky with Obama in charge. Probably they'll be better off under Trump rather than Clinton, so there could be an incentive for non-government interests to pursue it.

FWIW a Russian internet provider accused of involvement in the DNC hacks showed the attacks in that case were mounted from Scandinavian countries. But in reality, nowadays anyone with the skills and motivation can attack any system and make it appear to come from nearly anyplace.

Saying it's "for sure Russians conspiring with Trump" is pure tinfoil hat territory.

Quaestor said...

There are 57 card-carrying KGB agents blogging on Althouse.

SukieTawdry said...

The anchor closes with some chatter about how we need to move forward beyond the election to come together as a country and Carville interjects, "We're not going to come together with the KGB and the House Republicans working together, I'll tell you that." "Fair point," says the anchor. And thus concludes the interview.

Fen said...

Yes Democrats, your Elites really do think you are this stupid.

The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy has co-opted Putin. We're everywhere!

PackerBronco said...

So they're accusing Russia of doing to us, what Clinton and Obama tried to do to Israel.

RichardJohnson said...

Democrat insider Carville claims Trump is a KGB[sic] tool, while Democrat insiders are lobbyists for Russia's biggest bank.
Panama Papers Reveal Clinton's Kremlin Connection:John and Tony Podesta aren't fooling anyone.

Almost lost among the many revelations is the fact that Russia's biggest bank uses The Podesta Group as its lobbyist in Washington, D.C. Though hardly a household name, this firm is well known inside the Beltway, not least because its CEO is Tony Podesta, one of the best-connected Democratic machers in the country. He founded the firm in 1998 with his brother John, formerly chief of staff to President Bill Clinton, then counselor to President Barack Obama, Mr. Podesta is the very definition of a Democratic insider. Outsiders engage the Podestas and their well-connected lobbying firm to improve their image and get access to Democratic bigwigs.

Which is exactly what Sberbank, Russia's biggest financial institution, did this spring. As reported at the end of March, the Podesta Group registered with the U.S. Government as a lobbyist for Sberbank, as required by law, naming three Podesta Group staffers: Tony Podesta plus Stephen Rademaker and David Adams, the last two former assistant secretaries of state. It should be noted that Tony Podesta is a big-money bundler for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign while his brother John is the chairman of that campaign, the chief architect of her plans to take the White House this November.

Typical Democrat strategy: accuse your opponent of something your team is doing.

PackerBronco said...

When the Clintons are in trouble, they send James Carville. When they are really in trouble, they send Lanny Davis.

When they are really really REALLY in trouble, only they know the guy they send for...

RichardJohnson said...


The anchor closes with some chatter about how we need to move forward beyond the election to come together as a country and Carville interjects, "We're not going to come together with the KGB and the House Republicans working together, I'll tell you that." "Fair point," says the anchor.

From the mid 1950s on, what would have happened if a pol said the following? "We're not going to come together with the KGB and the House DEMOCRATS working together, I'll tell you that." Odds are the anchor's response would have been to say that the pol was red-baiting.

Qwinn said...

Would this be an awkward moment to bring up that there's been smoking gun evidence for at least 10 years that Ted Kennedy actually sought out the KGB to enlist their aid in bringing down the current President, Reagan?

Cause if you guys want to bring up treason, I've been hoping to talk about treason for some time now. Funny you guys never seemed to care about it before tho.

Gk1 said...

I don't think the russian stuff is getting much traction for the dems. They have tried using it for several days now and it just makes them look desperate. Its just shoe banging on the table because they got nuttin'. What will they use next to distract the bad leaks now lapping over the deck in waves?

Paco Wové said...

"Yes Democrats, your Elites really do think you are this stupid. "

Based on the sample we see at Althouse, are the elites wrong?

mikee said...

I recall Senator Ted Kennedy being in the news back when Reagan was running for president, offering his personal help to the Soviets to bring down Reagan.

And the Dems are screaming about Russians, now? Heh.

Dan Hossley said...

I think he means KFC.

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