November 19, 2016

I see that in the last 2 hours, Trump has tweeted about 2 topics I was just blogging about.

Screen grab from his Twitter feed:

Here's my post on the "Hamilton" incident. What I said that's most similar to what he's saying is:
Years ago, in a theater, a President of the United States was shot by a politically overheated actor. I understand hustling Mike Pence out of that place.
Here's my post on the settlement of the lawsuit. What I said that's most similar to what he's saying is:
He'd said he wasn't the kind of person who settles lawsuits, but the circumstances are so radically different suddenly.... What's different now is that he owes his full attention to the transition, and his personal taste for fighting out lawsuits must be subordinated to the interests of the country.


Sebastian said...

You and Trump, belaboring the obvious in perfect harmony! Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Unknown said...

I like the equating of Hamilton cast members with John Wilkes Booth. That has to cut deep, but they can't exactly defend themselves, can they?

Theater and actors were lowlife scum, socially, for a very long time. Looks like our modern day entertainment industry is determined to go back to that status.


damikesc said...

In the end, all of this uproar is because HILLARY CLINTON LOST.

People are losing their shit because a corrupt, easily bribed kleptocrat isn't President.

damikesc said...

Theater and actors were lowlife scum, socially, for a very long time. Looks like our modern day entertainment industry is determined to go back to that status.

History may have realized something people forgot, indeed.

The funny part --- they'll blame Trump for dividing the country. Even though all of this under Obama. And no Dem is doing anything to call their rabid pit yorkies off.

Once written, twice... said...

Trump calling for civility is the biggest joke of all time.

Once written, twice... said...

Trump is the very definition of rude.

damikesc said...

Trump is the very definition of rude.

Says the person supporting people rioting for over a week because a corrupt candidate didn't win the WH.

Tell me more about rudeness.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

So, of all the things to do in NYC, Pence just had to go and see Hamilton? And not one. Not one single person in his entourage predicted that this would happen? The rubes fall for it every time. It is so easy being a politician in this country.

PB said...

here's the thing. Politics in the workplace is a firing offense and these "actors" were on the job being paid by the members of the audience for a show, not a political statement.

Unknown said...

So ARM is on record as saying that Republican politicians should be banned from attending Broadway plays because the cast and audience cannot help being royal douches?

It's entirely possible that Pence just wanted to take his wife to the hot play. You know, a date? Being a good husband?

He may well have expected some booing from the audience. But the actors? I suppose you are right, ARM. We shouldn't expect anything like professionalism from Broadway actors.


David Begley said...

A small fraction! Don't tell the plaintiffs' lawyers.

Hagar said...

Rob Schneider has it right.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Unknown said...
It's entirely possible that Pence just wanted to take his wife to the hot play.

Want to tell me what other rap artists Pence listens to? This is so transparent it is sad. But, no one ever went broke ...

damikesc said...

So, of all the things to do in NYC, Pence just had to go and see Hamilton? And not one. Not one single person in his entourage predicted that this would happen? The rubes fall for it every time. It is so easy being a politician in this country.

So, only CERTAIN people are allowed to see a play?

Then why are we letting them use the roads everybody pays for to get there with?

sunsong said...

Trump is just making things worse now. Better to apologize...

damikesc said...

Trump is just making things worse now. Better to apologize...

No, the pretentious asshole actor deciding to lecture a paying member of the audience made it worse. Don't blame the victim. It makes you an asshole.

damikesc said...

Want to tell me what other rap artists Pence listens to? This is so transparent it is sad. But, no one ever went broke ...

So, ARM now argues that there are plays that only some people have any reasonable to right to attend without being harangued by a hack Broadway actor?

We cannot tax Broadway tickets high enough.

Michael K said...

"Not one single person in his entourage predicted that this would happen? "

I'm sure someone did but Pence probably was a bit surprised that the cast would be so political. Very unprofessional.

I also agree that the USSS was wise to start out with that much hostility present.

Personally, I would not be interested in attending that play. I think they just cut their potential audience by 50%.

Michael K said...

Blogger sunsong said...
Trump is just making things worse now. Better to apologize...

The absolute cluelessness of so much of the left is just amazing and amusing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Shorter ARM - How dare Pence think he can enjoy anything in progressive mind-crime New York.

campy said...

"People are losing their shit because a corrupt, easily bribed kleptocrat isn't President.

Easily bribed? A pol who's 'easy' to bribe might be happy with a Benjamin or two. In what world is it 'easy' to write the kinds of checks that get the Clinton Crime Family's attention?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Personally, I would not be interested in attending that play. I think they just cut their potential audience by 50%.

Can they all say in unison.....Dixie Chicks. Shut up and sing!

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Tweets are good for traffic alerts and weather warnings. Anything else is just throwing gasoline on a flame war. Childish waste of time, Donald; give it over. (Good as he is, I make an exception for Iowahawk.)

Words is just words. Actions is what counts. Public money should not fund demonstratively partisan activities. Repeal of Instapundit's Hollywood Tax Break would be a good place to start, as well as honoring the commitment to simplify the tax code.

sunsong said...

" Less than two weeks into the reality that Donald Trump will be our next president, the situation feels more ominous than on election night.

" "At the right time, I will be so presidential you will be so bored," Trump assured us back in April, when the notion seemed fanciful. "I know when to be presidential."

"Does he? On three dimensions -- temperament, competence and ideology -- Trump's conduct since the election has offered more basis for worry than for relief..."

Trump is NOT Becoming More Presidential

tcrosse said...

Let's see how this effects Box Office.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"People are losing their shit because a corrupt, easily bribed kleptocrat isn't President."

Worth repeating over and over and over.

Cath said...

ARM - given how Trump has played the media over the course of the election, and how badly this Hamilton thing is likely to look to non-hyper-partisan people, my first impression was exactly the opposite of yours: that Trump/Pence probably knew something like this would happen, and how it would go over with the general public. I think the spittle-flecked anti-Trump hystericals have no idea how much these theatrics push moderate people onto Trump's side.

buster said...

"Trump is just making things worse now. Better to apologize."

Apologize for what?

buster said...
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buster said...
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damikesc said...

Oh no, sunsong, Ruth Marcus doesn't approve. Whatever shall people do?

Fabi said...

Does anyone know how to contribute to the Soros-funded goon squads? I'd like this hysteria to continue as long as possible!

readering said...

Impressed Pence managed to score tickets. He must have pull.

M Jordan said...

The left's death throes are unpleasant to watch.

What an ugly America Obama has left us with.

rcocean said...

I love when this stuff happens. It just emphasizes that the entertainment "Industry" is the enemy of the middle and working class.

rcocean said...

I love when this stuff happens. It just emphasizes that the entertainment "Industry" is the enemy of the middle and working class.

320Busdriver said...

This winning is already becoming tiresome..

320Busdriver said...

Looking forward to Kanye's 2020 campaign!

Steve M. Galbraith said...

"Years ago, in a theater, a President of the United States was shot by a politically overheated actor. I understand hustling Mike Pence out of that place."

Years ago? How about more than 150 years or a century and a half.

Equating what happened to Lincoln to this incident is...well I have no idea how you think the two can be linked.

Friedrich Engels' Barber said...

Trump is absolutely spot on. A person must be allowed to feel physically safe in the dark, close quarters of an audience to be allowed to be distracted and focused by the events on stage. Theatre 101. Every professional on Broadway should be shaking his head in wonder and disgust. And as an actor, you are there to deliver the playwright's lines, which have overcome long odds to make it to Broadway, not make up your own doggerel. And the audience last night, best NYC Hicksville.

Wilbur said...

All the kool kids read Althouse.

PWS said...

Interesting (ironic?) that Trump used the term "safe space." Like universities? Would Trump support safe spaces on university campuses? Aren't political figures like Pence subject to political speech? Was there any physical harassment or verbal threats?

Seeing Red said...

The statement was written Lin Manuel.

I guess he should have researched Hamilton a wee bit more.

Seeing Red said...

Tax em.

They are the rich.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Love how Trump pushes back. Liberals have little experience with this and therefore little facility for dealing with it. Like sunsong, they can merely splutter and pound the high chair as the rest of America laughs.

JAORE said...

In a right and just world, several audience members would have stood and roundly booed that punk actor. Yes, even liberal members.

MPH said...

Trump loves and thrives on this shit. Welcome to the next four years of your blog life.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Interesting (ironic?) that Trump used the term "safe space." Like universities? Would Trump support safe spaces on university campuses?"

Interesting that you mentioned irony when you clearly aren't able to recognize it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tax em.

They are the rich.

Good idea!
I want a Leftwing Asshole Tax. America would be rich! Since the left love all tax hikes, they should embrace it. For the common good, and the children.

Known Unknown said...

have no idea how much these theatrics push moderate people onto Trump's side.

Well, at least they were all in a theater.

Known Unknown said...

You can't yell "You're Fired!" in a crowded theater.

mccullough said...

If Trump is going to comment on something he should have said the theater should be a "safe space."

Gahrie said...

I want a Leftwing Asshole Tax.

We actually have one of those in California. We passed a "temporary" tax placed on the rich here in California that was about to expire, and its first extension just passed.....

Carol said...

To think that 8 years ago, the Republican party was in self-flagellation mode for not utilizing social media like the Democrats. Obama tweeted and stuff!

So here we are, and what did people think it would be like besides either boring robo-marketing or personal spouting off-the-cuff?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gahrie - I suppose wealthy hollywood elites found a loophole?

Fabi said...

EMD wins the thread!

Craig said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
victoria said...

Its funny, i thought the cast was pretty respectful. He is not the only celebrity to be called out by the cast of "Hamilton." I thought the cast and Pence handled it quite well. They have no control over the audience. They did what they did spontaneously. Or was it a liberal conspiracy????? Get real. He deserves it. He is the VP of all the people, even the ones he despises

Vicki from pasadena

Craig said...

It is hard to predict when Professor Althouse will be the mere ordinary and when she will be the analyst. With respect to the lawsuit, Professor Althouse's explanation should be dissatisfying to Professor Althouse. Professor, you wrote, "the circumstances are so radically different suddenly." But of course, they aren't radically different at all from what any reasonable candidate would have expected. So if you're right about the explanation, and if Trump is being honest in his current explanation, then he did not foresee what any reasonable candidate would have foreseen. That makes your analysis worrisome evidence supporting the popular-on-the-left idea that Trump is incompetent.

I had expected you here instead to go with your oft-urged theory that Trump is a master rhetorician, worried neither before nor now about whether his words should reflect the truth of his thinking about settlement. He said before he wouldn't settle because he wanted to appear tough; he said now he would because he doesn't want to be dragged through mud he doesn't really care about. (After all, he could defend himself in this civil lawsuit with relatively little attention.) His chance to settle precludes the sort of extended attention on wrongdoing that Hillary was subjected to. I had expected you, that is, to go with your theory that this is Trump being political, instead of buying the rhetoric he offers that is hopefully false, given what it would suggest.

furious_a said...

During the Roman Republic and Empire, actors had the same social status as prostitutes.

Fabi said...

How do you know that Pence despises them, Vicki? I await your proof.

furious_a said...

President Trump will have them chasing his tweets like he had them chasing cartoon frogs during the election. It will be both side-achingly amusing and glorious, like it was early Wednesday morning.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

@realDonaldTrump conversation is not harassment sir. And I appreciate @mike_pence for stopping to listen.

And here you have the supreme cognitive dissonance, as when Eric Holder demanded a "national conversation" on race. They don't want a conversation, they want to impose a lecture. Singling out an audience member with a one-way diatribe is not a conversation, it is harassment.

furious_a said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

Equating what happened to Lincoln to this incident is...well I have no idea how you think the two can be linked.

I do. We have already seen a couple of attempts that were celebrated by the left. There will be more.

You have a short memory.

Unknown said...

Question: When, exactly, does the left listen to us? On anything? They are always demanding that "conversation" on things.... but for a conversation, both sides have to listen.

For the last 8 years, we've been beat over the head with the left's ideas on race, police, politics, morality, sex, etc.

I think it's their turn to shut up and listen. Otherwise, it's not a conversation, it's a lecture. And I didn't pay to be lectured to.


furious_a said...

In July the cast of 'Hamilton' staged an extra performance as a fundraiser for I'm-with-Her. Last night they unwittingly staged the first fundraiser for Trump-Pence 2016.

Bravo! ENCORE!!

Mark said...

Donald Trump, demanding a safe space.

The guy who spent months making waves about the prior President's birth certificate can't stand anyone else's critique.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Get real. He deserves it. He is the VP of all the people, even the ones he despises.

Behold - progressive-think. Who does Pence despise?
He is sitting in a theater in New York, surrounded by people who would kill him if they could -- and you have the audacity to say it is Pence who is full of hatred for his fellow Americans?

Please present proof that Pence despises anyone.


Fabi said...

Trump is certainly silly to ask for the impossible of the left: civility and tolerance.

Mazo Jeff said...

Amazing to me the depth of hatred coming from the "Love Trumps Hate" crowd. Even in my "amateur" actor days, I was taught to RESPECT the audience; their feelings and beliefs whether I agreed with them or not. They paid money to see me perform and hear the "story" of the play; not to lecture to my personal beliefs whether in support of or opposition to my audience's beliefs. I believe this action by the cast member playing Aaron Burr (ironically who kills the object of his hate) reinforces why HRC lost; it is the smugness and elitism of the "beautiful" people who are out of touch with America and the regular people who contribute to its greatness. God bless the US and thank you to the Americans who once again made the right/correct choice.

Joseph Angier said...

It's good to know that the President-elect is settling a lawsuit (that he would have won, of course) in order not to be distracted from the serious and selfless business of running the country, which obviously involves angrily tweeting a bunch of actors.

Yancey Ward said...

The Left is its own worst enemy.

Their cluelessness about it is damned funny.

victoria said...

Fabi, He hates Gays and transgender people. No one who professes to "Love" gays and transgenders would advocate subjecting them to conversion therapy. That's all the proof I need. I suspect that, like in life, there are gay and potential transgender people in the cast.

AprilApple No one tried to kill him and no one in the audience or in the cast advocated killing pence. Get over yourselves, alt-right people. Just because people disagree with you doesn't mean they want to off you. Proof? You want proof? No one who loves anyone would subject them to the inhuman torture of "conversion therapy". Shame on you. You are filled with so much hate-speak for people who were only exercising their rights in a free society. Shame, shame, shame.

Vicki from Pasadena

campy said...

in order not to be distracted from the serious and selfless business of running the country, which obviously involves angrily tweeting a bunch of actors.

You tell 'im, Joseph Angier!

Obviously, instead of taking 15 seconds to dash off a short tweet he should go out and play 36 holes of golf like a real president would.

victoria said...

I think, Joseph, that he settled the lawsuit because he knew that he would lose and that would not fit his "profile".

Vicki from Pasadena

n.n said...

Americans are wary of left-wing ideologues with abortion on their minds.

Fabi said...

Even Snopes doesn't accept your claim about conversion therapy, Vicki. Please try again.

FullMoon said...

The Cracker Emcee said... [hush]​[hide comment]

"Interesting (ironic?) that Trump used the term "safe space." Like universities? Would Trump support safe spaces on university campuses?"

Interesting that you mentioned irony when you clearly aren't able to recognize it.

Good one, C.E. I know Trump was laughing when he tweeted that. And, notice a couple of commenters below you did not get the reference either. Hilarious!

Fabi said...

Maybe Trump agreed to settle because he's going to pardon himself in January and he won't have to pay a penny! Lulz

readering said...

Secret service fun fact. Lincoln had no USSS protection. Bill establishing agency awaiting his signature the day he was shot by a dirty reb.

Gospace said...

AReasonableMan said...
So, of all the things to do in NYC, Pence just had to go and see Hamilton? And not one. Not one single person in his entourage predicted that this would happen?

On a blog that shall not be named, the assertion is that Pence absolutely knew what would happen. And that was the point of going. To illustrate the incivility of liberals by having liberals demonstrate their incivility. And it worked. They couldn't help themselves. And it's why Trump won. And every such incident repeated over and over again and again, because they can't help themselves, contributes to the the ranks of Trump-Pence voters in 2020. Or Pence voters if the liberals openly calling to assassinate the president elect are successful.

Fabi said...

Cruz-Ivanka 2024!

Gk1 said...

Stevie Van Zandt gets it "You don't single out an audience member and embarrass him from the stage. A terrible precedent to set."

traditionalguy said...

Trump will be safe. Putin has his guys watching out for him.

Trump used this stunt to grow the loyal Army of volunteers. Jackson was. Colonel of the Tennessee Volunterr Militia. And the British Army lost 3500 to 7 casualties to them. Trump wants to do better.

Owen said...

EMD: threadwinner. That is an Iowahawk-class shot.

The Hamilton cast broke the fourth wall. Yes, they did it at the curtain call, when the wall is dissolving anyway; but they called out a specific audience member, and that IMHO changed the entire dynamic of the evening. If they had only praised Pence, it would have been awkward; but they lectured him in the guise of a friendly petition for redress of their imagined grievances. It did not fit the time, place or mood. Nor was it even safe. They had him cornered and exposed. I bet the SS team was having fits.

The historical irony is that Hamilton died when he accepted the challenge to a duel with Aaron Burr, who would no longer tolerate Hamilton's personal attacks. And now we have Trump throwing down the gauntlet. He should invite the cast to meet him at dawn in Weehawken.

Pass the popcorn.

Rick said...

The Hamilton author wrote she's "proud to remind you that ALL are welcome at the theater".

What do you suppose Pence is that he's excluded from the term "ALL"?

Rick said...

sunsong said...
Trump is just making things worse now. Better to apologize...

He's making things worse for the left by publicizing their true hatefulness. Not sure why that calls for him to apologize.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

No whites need apply

Captain Drano said...

Blogger Fabi said...
"Does anyone know how to contribute to the Soros-funded goon squads? I'd like this hysteria to continue as long as possible!"

You can donate to Community Action Network," which is Planned Parenthhod's 501(c)4 org that is paying the goons up to $1,500 weekly to protest.

grackle said...

Trump is NOT Becoming More Presidential

Translation: Trump isn’t reacting to insults, falsehoods and other types of bullshit the way the anti-Trumpers want him to react. Which by implication is to meekly and silently endure the vilification heaped upon him by a bunch of cunts. They should be so lucky.

What bothers the MSM(to which the Post and RCP both belong) about Trump’s tweeting is that it is independent of the MSM, the eGOP and establishment organs such as the linked-to Real Clear Fuck-Ups’ regurgitation of some typical Washington Post anti-Trump drivel. It’s similar to their hatred and fear of conservative talk radio – which also doesn’t give a shit about the MSM’s self-serving expectations and false narratives. It pisses media types off when they are ignored.

But this POTUS is going to give the American people another alternative to the MSM’s stranglehold on opinion – and the prospect of a communication pipeline free of the MSM political correctness filters is absolutely shocking and dumbfounding to the ignorant pricks – who apparently have never cracked a history text. It’ll probably be a topic on tomorrow’s Meet the Pussies’ panel – maybe even Fuck the Nation or Fox News Suckday It’s not unprecedented, after all, for a POTUS to seek direct communication with the citizenry. FDR had his fireside chats; Trump has his tweets.

I think the spittle-flecked anti-Trump hystericals have no idea how much these theatrics push moderate people onto Trump's side.

I first noticed the MSM’s lack of a sense of reality many months ago when the cables kept running clips of Trump holding forth at rallies, obviously believing that the clips would be damaging to Trump. What dolts! This kept up for some time until they finally realized that THAT was a mistake and subsequently the Talking Whores confined themselves to their own stupid and stale lies with a noiseless Trump at a podium running in the background.

But Trump just tweeted the shit out of them and won the election, anyway. Trump is the Honey Badger of the MSM’s heretofore uncontested territory.

sunsong said...

Robert Reich disputes what Althouse says happened:

"President-elect Donald Trump continues to use tweets to intimidate critics. This morning Trump tweeted:

" "Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing. This should not happen!”

"Followed by another Trump tweet:

" "The Theater must always be a safe and special place. The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!" "

"Here’s what really happened. Pence went to see the Broadway play "Hamilton" last night. As the play ended and Pence began walking out, actor Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr, addressed Pence's presence from the stage: "Vice President-Elect Pence, I see you walking out, but I hope you hear us, just a few more moments," Dixon said as some of the audience members booed Pence. "There is nothing to boo here ladies and gentlemen, there is nothing to boo here. We are all here sharing a story of love. We have a message for you sir and we hope that you will here us out."

"Dixon said the cast welcomed Pence and thanked him for attending, and then continued: "We sir, we are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir," Dixon added. "But we truly hope, that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us." "

"It’s bad enough for the President-elect of the United States to disparage and lie about the New York Times in his tweets. It’s even worse to condemn individuals, and lie about what they've said. The First Amendment is not some playground a President-elect can trample at will, intimidating his adversaries by turning his followers against opposing views.

"Here’s something you can do right now. Please tweet:

" "I'm with @BrandonVDixon. @realDonaldTrump must stop using tweets to criticize free speech he disagrees with. That's unAmerican."

"What do you think?"
~ Robert Reich

Michael K said...

Blogger victoria said...
I think, Joseph, that he settled the lawsuit because he knew that he would lose and that would not fit his "profile".

Vicki from Pasadena

Vicki, no doubt, has extensive experience with lawsuits and, perhaps, with attempted conversion therapy.

Vicki, are you past the anger stage of grief yet ?

Michael K said...

"What do you think?"
~ Robert Reich

I'm with shorty.

You are so dense.

buwaya said...

Gay and transgender people are, each one, a tragedy, especially if they have abilities and talents beyond the normal. Because otherwise they are each of them a dead end. There is no next generation, they are cut off from the gene pool, nothing on this earth lives after them. After the brief spark of their lives, nothing, a loss.

The value analysis that limits itself to a persons individual nature for the span of his life alone is defective. Humanity and its various groups and types is/are a social species that survives individuals and survives across generations. That is, it is so for those who reproduce. That is why reproduction is a duty, to past generations and the future. For nearly all people it is the ONLY important contribution they can make, their existential purpose.

Any therapy that can repair the defective nature of gays/transgenders/and any other non-reproducing persons, such that they can breed heirs of their body, would be a gift to humanity.

gadfly said...

The math on the settlement - $25 million spread over 6,000 plaintiffs - roughly $42,000 each.

That is supposedly "at least half" of the loss claimed. The numbers tossed around in early write-ups used $35K as the price of admission to the Trump You scam.

So it looks like no damage award in the final number and the class-action lawyers got nothing? Sorry, this makes no sense, when Trump's alternatives are considered. Contrary to Trump's lie, he had zero chance of beating the class-actions.

So begins the honest, up front, government headed by The Donald. It sounds an awful lot like the business practices that Trump has been pursuing for his entire life - called "screw 'em."

Fabi said...

For $1,500 a week I may have to join the goons! ;-)

MayBee said...

There is no next generation, they are cut off from the gene pool, nothing on this earth lives after them. After the brief spark of their lives, nothing, a loss.

I disagree with this. First of all, gay people can and do contribute to the gene pool. Previously, they've gotten married and had children. Now, they may do that, or they may choose to procreate via sperm donor or surrogates.
Even if they adopt, they will contribute as good parents and pass on their good qualities via nurturing the same way straight adoptive parents do.

Fabi said...

Your math sucks, gadfly.

tcrosse said...

Why did the plaintiffs accept Trump's settlement, if he would have lost the case and had to pay much more ?
BTW, an assassin would have to kill an awful lot of people before Hillary would succeed to the Presidency. She is nowhere in the order of succession.

Sebastian said...

"@realDonaldTrump must stop using tweets to criticize free speech he disagrees with. That's unAmerican." I know it's all anti-Trump, all the time over on the left, and I understand that they'd prefer Trump to be quiet, but, to paraphrase AA, "I can't believe a liberal would" object to anyone criticizing someone else's free speech.

MayBee said...

@realDonaldTrump must stop using tweets to criticize free speech he disagrees with. That's unAmerican."

This is the most convoluted thing I've ever heard.

Now, would I like Donald Trump to stop tweeting? Yes.
But have Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and everyone else on earth used Twitter to criticize free speech they disagree with? Yes.

Are we saying now that the President can no longer criticize speech they disagree with? Is that what you want, Sunsong?

Anonymous said...

And you people elected this doofus.

Yancey Ward said...

Gadfly wrote:

"The math on the settlement - $25 million spread over 6,000 plaintiffs - roughly $42,000 each."

You should sue your school, too, especially the math department.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

" Gay and transgender people are, each one, a tragedy, especially if they have abilities and talents beyond the normal. Because otherwise they are each of them a dead end. There is no next generation, they are cut off from the gene pool, nothing on this earth lives after them. After the brief spark of their lives, nothing, a loss. "

Certainly not true of lesbians. Not white middle-class lesbians, anyway.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"@realDonaldTrump must stop using tweets to criticize free speech he disagrees with. That's unAmerican.""

Just when I think the Left can't get more hypocritical and crushingly stupid....

But I've been saying that since the '90's.

damikesc said...

Interesting (ironic?) that Trump used the term "safe space." Like universities? Would Trump support safe spaces on university campuses? Aren't political figures like Pence subject to political speech? Was there any physical harassment or verbal threats?

I am impressed with how the same folks who tend to underestimate Trump totally don't get when he is being sarcastic.

He is the VP of all the people, even the ones he despises

He isn't. Biden still is. Unlike Obama, Trump isn't pulling that idiotic "Office of the President-Elect" nonsense.

And it is exceptionally poor form for somebody to lecture anybody who is paying to see them do a performance.

And here you have the supreme cognitive dissonance, as when Eric Holder demanded a "national conversation" on race. They don't want a conversation, they want to impose a lecture. Singling out an audience member with a one-way diatribe is not a conversation, it is harassment.

I noticed that, too. Did Pence get a chance to respond?

Fabi, He hates Gays and transgender people.

Citation lacking evidence.

No one who professes to "Love" gays and transgenders would advocate subjecting them to conversion therapy.

Same. Transgenders are pretty clearly suffering from body dismorphia. Humoring their delusions is horrifying. It'd be like telling an anorexic "Yeah, you DO look kinda chunky" while he or she is starving to death.

That's all the proof I need.

Admission that opinion is not based on any factual basis.

I suspect that, like in life, there are gay and potential transgender people in the cast.

"Potential" transgender? You can "catch" it or something? I thought they were "born" that way.

You are filled with so much hate-speak for people who were only exercising their rights in a free society.

Ironic comment duly not noted by original author.

President-elect Donald Trump continues to use tweets to intimidate critics.

Pretty weak critics, there. Wonder what was more intimidating --- a tweet or a cast an audience who loathes you?

It’s bad enough for the President-elect of the United States to disparage and lie about the New York Times in his tweets.

I'll remind you that the author, Robert Reich, LIED TO HIS OWN DIARY IN HIS MEMOIRS. He made comments about what happened at a meeting that was RECORDED ON VIDEO and it didn't match his comments at all.

@realDonaldTrump must stop using tweets to criticize free speech he disagrees with. That's un-American

It's un-American to criticize?

Then, pray tell, what the fuck happened at the end of that play?

tcrosse said...

" Gay and transgender people are, each one, a tragedy, especially if they have abilities and talents beyond the normal. Because otherwise they are each of them a dead end. There is no next generation, they are cut off from the gene pool, nothing on this earth lives after them. After the brief spark of their lives, nothing, a loss. "

It is not impossible for gay men to father children, or for gay women to bear them. It happens every day.

wildswan said...

If the play was any good it's meaning was not deepened by having an actor to come out and make a political statement "explaining" the play as an attack on Republicans and thus limiting it.

And it's cheap theatrics to attack when the other person can't respond for reasons of civility. It doesn't take courage to do that except insofar as it is brave to make a public statement that an expensive Broadway play is an attack on Trump voters and their values thus alienating half the potential audience.

campy said...

Hillary [...] is nowhere in the order of succession.

Order of succession? Screw that. If she wins the election on Dec. 19 she'll be president-elect.

clint said...

"Friedrich Engels' Barber said...
Trump is absolutely spot on. A person must be allowed to feel physically safe in the dark, close quarters of an audience to be allowed to be distracted and focused by the events on stage. Theatre 101. Every professional on Broadway should be shaking his head in wonder and disgust. And as an actor, you are there to deliver the playwright's lines, which have overcome long odds to make it to Broadway, not make up your own doggerel. And the audience last night, best NYC Hicksville."

To be fair to New Yorkers -- it's unlikely they made up more than a tiny fraction of the audience. The play has been out for over a year and ticket prices are through the roof. At those ticket prices, this was a sampling of the nation's 1%ers booing the candidate elected by their blue-collar flyover inferiors.

Rick said...

"I'm with @BrandonVDixon. @realDonaldTrump must stop using tweets to criticize free speech he disagrees with. That's unAmerican."

Robert Reich and the left in general are criticizing free speech they disagree with.
Do you suppose sunsong even understands he just labelled himself un-American? I can't figure out whether Reich et al are so stupid they don't understand this or whether they correctly understand their followers are this stupid. So I'm going with both.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Tsk tsk tsk. Very unpresidential. Why, if I were Hitler, like President Elect Trump is, these guys and gals would all be getting a little visit from a four-man team at 3am. Tweets is bush.

Of course he isn't POTUS yet, give him time.

Oh wait, people will still be flinging poo after January 20? The poor fools! President Trump will hang them all from meat hooks with piano wire!

Oh wait, he won't?


buwaya said...

Various -
Not impossible of course, but extremely unlikely.

Bad Lieutenant said...

damikesc said...
Interesting (ironic?)
he is being sarcastic

Ya think?!?

I think it's not a matter of CAN, they WILL not understand.

Known Unknown said...

"@realDonaldTrump must stop using tweets to criticize free speech he disagrees with. That's unAmerican."

That's actually 100% fucking American.

Alex said...

Trump has every right to use the bully pulpit to demand an apology. It would only be a problem if he sic-ed the Justice Department on them. But he is fully within his own rights to speak his mind on any topic.

Alex said...

EMD... free speech for me, not for thee. That's the progressive way.

Alex said...

The thing is Trump speaks to middle America. When he expresses his outrage at how VP-elect was treated that's the same reaction somebody in Iowa would have. Trump gets them. That's why he was elected and as long as he remembers that it was these middle American folks who got him there he'll be fine.

Don't ever give in to the coastal elites Donald.

Seeing Red said...

All this brouhaha over a play in which mostly white, rich, credentialed people pony up big bucks (yes I have tickets, but am in no way credentialed) to watch people of color, donning on metaphorical white face, using a uniquely Black American art form to celebrate mostly the dead, white slave owners and the modern culmination of Judeo-Christian, Greco-Roman-English history (citizens, not subjects) while thinking they're sticking it to da MAN while raking in big bucks. I hope they have good accountants, financial advisors and tax planners!


glenn said...

Re: Stage parsley. Show up on time, know your lines, hit your marks. Entertain me. Sing me a song. If I want a sermon I'll go to church.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Ah, well that explains a lot. We are learning that "Hamilton" was produced by a pack of out-and-out unrepentant racists. Such people are best avoided if possible, and otherwise ignored. Nothing but ill can come from any association with their ilk.

Gospace said...

If the lawyers for the plaintiffs waived their attorneys’ fees, as widely reported, in a class action suit, that means Trump's lawyers did some hardball negotiations that were very unsettling to the plaintiffs' lawyers. Think about it for the moment. When was the last time you heard about lawyers doing a class action suit pro bono- AFTER THEY TOOK IT? There's something about how this was settled we'll never know about. Wonder just what it is the lawyers heard that told them it was time to back off.

tcrosse said...

Whatever else you can say about Mike Pence, he's a veteran of Indiana politics, where candy-asses do not flourish. I doubt if his feelings were hurt very much.

Bad Lieutenant said...

And it's cheap theatrics to attack when the other person can't respond for reasons of civility. It doesn't take courage to do that except insofar as it is brave to make a public statement that an expensive Broadway play is an attack on Trump voters and their values thus alienating half the potential audience.

11/19/16, 2:53 PM

Not too brave, apparently it is sold out a year ahead.

I delight to relate a bit of (hopefully not fake) FB news: some important Broadway-friendly tax provision is up for renewal in Congress. A Republican Congress. And the GOP owes Broadway, exactly, what?

Fabi said...

Interesting speculation and innuendo, Howie -- get back to us when you have some facts.

Achilles said...

Mobs are made up of cowards. Pence is well known as a nice guy. He is one of the good people who restrain catharsis.

I hope with all my heart you leftists keep going after the good guys like pence. Keep pushing until he gives up and says fine, you guys deal with these shitheads...

victoria said...


Who in the heck is Snopes? Seriously? You've never heard Pence pontificate about "conversion Therapy"? Read a paper, listen to a podcast. I knew about this and the idiotic things he did as governor concerning the LGBT community way before he was a vice-presidential candidate.

No grief here, Michael K. I'm not sorry Hillary lost, I'm just sorry that Trump had the bad sense to pick Pence as his running mate. Though, Pence is the greatest insurance policy alive.

Vicki from Pasadena

Gahrie said...

Though, Pence is the greatest insurance policy alive

Nope...Biden still has a lock on that for the next couple of months.

I mean really...all that White racism and hate on the Right, and not one single credible assassination attempt on Obama?

Owen said...

I read Pence's 2000-era campaign statement about taxpayer money and gays, had to do with discouraging risky behavior that allowed AIDS to spread. Simplistically, taxpayer money should not go to support organizations that celebrated multiple unprotected encounters with strangers, but to organizations that taught safe sex. Where did the idea of "conversion therapy" come in?

Bad Lieutenant said...

The Democrats will do very well to realize that letting, for lack of a better term, the special interest group consisting of sexual deviants drive policy and tactics has been counterproductive for them. I think we're at the point of diminishing returns i.e. homosexuals don't really have to seriously fear being hunted for pelts. They could let up a bit.

Owen said...

Bad Lieutenant: "...they could let up a bit." Wishful thinking. The noisy ones can't let up, they *live* for The Struggle, which turns out to be all about them. They need to pose on the ramparts with a banner in one hand and an AK in the other.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Owen, don't get me wrong, I'm fine with it, just that it will make them lose, which is their problem, not mine.

Owen said...

Bad Lieutenant: " will make them lose...". Agree but they feed on emotion, not reason, so losing is somehow less bad or even good for them, because it is dramatic and somehow about them. So we should not expect them to stop. Worse, because their drama is predicated on the injustice of their losing (due to malign and overwhelming forces), it is for them a rationale for lashing out at everyone who let them fail or actively opposed them. They are self-cornering rats, and we should expect some bizarre and vicious behavior in the final stages.

Chuck said...

And is Trump now Tweeting, campaign-style, that "Hamiltion" is an "overrated" show?

Shhheeeesh! So much for a pivot to gravitas.

Trump could have played it as Althouse did; with the audience and cast shown as small but inexcusable demonstrations of disrespect, rudeness and intolerance. But no. Trump did the Trump thing, which is to meet anger with more anger and a lowered level of discourse.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trump has every right to use the bully pulpit to demand an apology.

For an insult? I don't think so. He's not a king, you authoritarian.

Rusty said...

Blogger victoria said...

Who in the heck is Snopes? Seriously? You've never heard Pence pontificate about "conversion Therapy"? Read a paper, listen to a podcast. I knew about this and the idiotic things he did as governor concerning the LGBT community way before he was a vice-presidential candidate.

No grief here, Michael K. I'm not sorry Hillary lost, I'm just sorry that Trump had the bad sense to pick Pence as his running mate. Though, Pence is the greatest insurance policy alive.

Vicki from Pasadena

Relax Vicki. Pence isn't going to steal your vagina.
If you like your womb you can keep your womb.

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