November 9, 2016

I can't believe we're still waiting for Clinton to come out and do her concession speech.

This should have happened last night, and now we've had announcements of speaking times that have been missed. The newsfolk on CNN are blabbing — about Clinton, not the President-elect — on a split screen with an empty lectern in front of a line of American flags. They're talking about Hillary's whole life. I'm hearing about how she does "her homework" and how she was inspired by religion and her mother and how she believes that "Donald Trump would hurt little girls."

It's bad enough that her entitlement to the nomination blocked fresher Democratic prospects and that she created so many problems with the email and the Foundation and ran such a terrible campaign. That alone should generate intense anger at her. But for her to now...

Ah! Here she is!

UPDATE: No, it's just Tim Kaine. He's so proud of Hillary Clinton. The delay goes on.

So I can continue my sentence above: But for her to now absorb all our attention this morning is so enraging. I know there are a lot of people who are mad at Trump for winning (or mad at the people who voted for Trump), but I think the anger should be directed at Hillary Clinton. She lost this disastrously. So much was done to clear competition out of her way, and the news media were dedicated to helping her. What does she have to say for herself?

UPDATE 2: She's finally here. She'd better not say "glass ceiling."

UPDATE 3: She's done. There was a mention of the glass ceiling, but in all, I think it was decently generous. She still believes we're "stronger together," and she urged us to go forward accepting that Donald Trump is President but, at the same time, she said we should never stop fighting — fighting him and his Congress, I presume.

UPDATE 4: On CNN, David Gergen is going on about Bill and Hillary Clinton both wearing purple. It means something. The color of spirituality.


Greg Hlatky said...

Bet she won't concede.

DanTheMan said...

If she didn't appear last night, or at 9:30A today, or at 10:30A, it's because she couldn't do it.
The 'why' will eventually come out....

rehajm said...

This is a Clinton trait. No respect for those they keep waiting...

I can see not giving a speech before Trump this morning. Some of us/them don't keep nightclub hours anymore, and it would have made Trump's speech that much later...

Birkel said...

She has a well-known temper and a penchant for the hooch. Angry drunks do not concede.

Christy said...

Kaine doesn't have a gracious bone in his body. What an ass! Not a word of reconciliation.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...


Ignorance is Bliss said...

...but I think the anger should be directed at Hillary Clinton. She lost this disastrously.

Losing this disastrously is the only good thing she has ever done.

Gusty Winds said...

She's wearing black.

richard mcenroe said...

Name three of those promising Democrats. They have no bench.

rehajm said...

Name three of those promising Democrats. They have no bench.

Sherrod Brown. Elizabeth Warren...oh..wait..promising? Uhhhh.....

dreams said...

We'll have to wait at least 4 more years before we can get the female George Washington and that's a good thing.

Azirok said...

Why does she need to give a speech? Couldn't she just send an email?

Kathryn51 said...

Howard Kurtz noted last night how miserably the media failed to understand the electorate and their lives. last night, it was gratifying to see all of the heads exploding across the spectrum (except Fox and Fox Business).

But they got their groove back this morning - endless prognostication about how difficult it will be for Trump to govern, the continuing references to things he said nearly a year ago and, of course, not a word about "deplorables" or the flagrant media bias reflected in the Podesta emails.

Fen said...

She had a mental breakdown.

Good thing she wasn't elected to do anything stressful, like coordinate a rescue mission of embassy personnel under terrorist attack.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

So after DJIA futures were down as much as ~800 points after Trump's win, the Dow is actually up ~150.

Lyle Smith said...

She is so fake. A real person would be balling in front of all of their supporters.

DanTheMan said...

Finally! A Hillary speech worth paying for!

Fen said...

"But they got their groove back this morning"

Yesterday's men. Quite frankly, if I ran CNN or Wapo I would fire every last one of them. They are completely out of touch with Americans and should not have a platform to air their flawed and ignorant analysis.

They also lied to their own people. Their viewers. Dem loyalists should feel betrayed this morning.

dreams said...

Crooked Hillary deserves to be indicted, convicted and then perp walked to prison.

MadisonMan said...

It seems pretty gracious, but she's not saying much noteworthy. But should a conciliation speech be memorable? I'd say no.

I like the Royal Purple color.

Lyle Smith said...

Trump is so much more real. He was so relaxed in his victory speech last night while sincerely thanking a bunch of people. Hillary is just in the same mode like nothing just happened.

Jake said...

She actually finally looks authentic.

traditionalguy said...

I believe she is actually relieved to be out of the kitchen now where she could not take the heat anymore.

She is playing it is her victory lap. She keeps awarding herself with the very highest honors.

I think she is Jury Tampering. She will have several jury trials upcoming, unless those have been rigged already.

Nonapod said...

To me she seemed like someone running on autopilot, pure autonomic response. There's some real fear there. The Clinton's past, the long legacy of the graft, corruption, mendacity has finally caught up with them. The bill is due.

TheGiantPeach said...

Clinton owes it to her supporters to go on fighting. The results are so out of line from polling (including exit polls), that one has to assume that somebody (Russia?) hacked the vote count. I think Hillary won, and I think this absolutely has to be investigated.

Lance said...

She's still unwatchable. So much verbosity, so little substance.

Big Mike said...

@rehajm, Warren is very, very promising. She promises one thing to one group, the opposite to a different group, yet something else to a third group. All to be paid for by making "the rich" pay their "fair share."

Except for wealthy donors to The DNC.

traditionalguy said...

I believe she is actually relieved to be out of the kitchen now where she could not take the heat anymore.

She is playing it as her victory lap. She keeps awarding herself with the very highest honors.

I think she is Jury Tampering. She will have several jury trials upcoming, unless those have been rigged already.

Dude1394 said...

Blogger Jake said...

She actually finally looks authentic

Actually true. But it isn't over yet.


Sella Turcica said...

I'm glad to see her. I was afraid she lost a panel and the motherboard was in danger of shorting out.

Jake said...

SHE SAID IT! "Highest hardest glass ceiling"

rcocean said...

Her supporters need to keep on fighting for whatever Clinton was fighting for.

MadisonMan said...

Well, she just said 'Glass Ceiling'

john said...

Glass ceiling! 11:51 AM

rhhardin said...

Rule of law? Who dropped that in?

Nice speech though.

MaxedOutMama said...

If it took this interval for her to muster up the reserves to do this, I am willing to grant her that reprieve.

Her ethical problems loom very large and blew this election for the Dems, but there's no need to dwell on it.

Of course, she has to throw in the glass ceiling crap.

Fen said...

United Arab Emirates doesn't have an extradition treaty with the US, Hillary. Go there. Bring Bill and Chelsea with you. I have native friends there who will meet your plane on the tarmac.

Look for the guy with the US Stinger Missile you sold to ISIS.

It's a small world.

Dude1394 said...

Arrgggg....all the little girls....boys suck it.

Tim said...

Clean house at DOJ,EPA now. The Clinton cabal has to be worried about the rest of the wikileaks to come.

dreams said...

One of the reasons bubble baby liberals are so out of touch and ignorant of the facts is they get their news from CNN and other liberal media. Again, what is the definition of insanity?

rhhardin said...

"I guess that's the official end of the campaign. That was somethin'." Armstrong and Getty

rehajm said...

@rehajm, Warren is very, very promising.

You're right Mike. She's likely the vocal lead of the party for now. Sen. Brown will take a more public role now and will likely be groomed for bigger things...

Fen said...

"Hillary is just in the same mode like nothing just happened."

She's dosed up. Watch her eyes.

rcocean said...

Thank God we didn't have to listen to that voice for 4 more years. Surprised at the God talk at the end. Not a bad speech, considering the source.

john said...

I think that's Huma touch with Bill's purple tie and Hillary's purple blouse match.

So she hasn't left the country yet.

gspencer said...

"And I'm so, so disappointed that the voters didn't want to grab my pussy. I feel so unloved."

Sob, sob, sob.

Nice touch, Hillary. See ya at the Clinton Foundation depositions.

Jaq said...

They cleared the New York State Senate seat for her too.

john said...

Now CBS is talking about how good she is at concession speeches.

Bob Boyd said...

"Keep fighting" she tells them, "It's worth it."

I guess it would be when you walk away with over a hundred million dollars.

Virgil Hilts said...

I almost feel bad for her, but she and Bill still get to go back to booking speaking gigs at between $250k and 500k a pop, so they should be in pretty good shape.

Steve said...

Tyrian purple? Seriously? If that isn't a big FU of a parting shot I don;t know what is.

Bruce Hayden said...

@Peach - sorry, but the only investigations that we are going to see are investigations into (typically Dem) voter fraud. As Obama said "We Won", and, that meant to the Dems that they now controlled the DoJ, which is why Lois Lerner got her pension, instead of jail time, the BATFE agents behind Fast and Furious were ultimately promoted, not fired, and Crooked Hillary, and her crew of miscreants and toadys, aren't going to prison for offenses that are far worse than those committed by a number of others with security clearances.

Rob said...

She seemed some ways tired.

walter said...

"It was high time. I wanted it."

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sydney said...

The fact that it took her this long to get things together to give a concession is telling. We dodged a bullet last night. Concession speeches don't have to be long. Just a brief thank you to supporters and out of there and on to other things. She would have been a disaster in a position of leadership. She has been a disaster in positions of leadership.

PB said...

Let's see just how much Bill and Hill can charge for a speech now.

Fen said...

"Her ethical problems loom very large and blew this election for the Dems, but there's no need to dwell on it."

Yes there is. Waving off her kind of corruption is one the reasons this country has sunk so low. She needs to be made into an object lesson, or we will get more it.

Lop off the head, stake the heart, lace with garlic. Then take off and nuke the site from orbit just to be sure.

tcrosse said...

Hillary sacrificed the Party to her own sense of entitlement. The DNC and the Press bought it. The voters didn't. So the Dem Loyalists can thank her for more years in the wilderness. As for all us knuckledraggers, you fight a campaign with the electorate you've got.

David Begley said...

The people rejected lawlessness. That's why Hillary lost.

DanTheMan said...

>>she and Bill still get to go back to booking speaking gigs at between $250k and 500k a pop

I don't think so. I'd wager donations to the foundation will suddenly drop, for reasons that only very very smart people will not be able to see...

Bruce Hayden said...

@Virgil - except that they no longer have as much to sell. They could sell official favors when she as a Senator and Secretary of State, and future official favors when she was expected to be in a position to fill them, as the President. But, now they are left with being two out-of-touch old people with little to sell, other than their wisdom, whatever there is of it.

Jaq said...

Remember how long it took Bill Clinton to clear out after W's inauguration? They believe are entitled to make America wait.

Dan Hossley said...

She said "glass ceiling". She couldn't help herself. Kind of like lying.

rehajm said...

There was a mention of the glass ceiling, but in all, I think it was decently generous.

Yet in her moment of grace in defeat she tries to articulate that this was not completely about her and recognizes the commitment and sacrifice of others by saying she was sorry for not getting it done and the CNN lady has to shit on it by making it a women thing by pointing out saying sorry ' is what we women do'.

One more way lefties are not like the rest of us.

Mark said...

It's bad enough that her entitlement to the nomination blocked fresher Democratic prospects

All of you Dems who are inclined to bitch and moan and attack -- look, the country did you a huge favor last night. Now you can finally move on away from the Clintons (and hopefully Clintonism). It is a new day for your party. Take advantage of the gift you were given.

PackerBronco said...

I muted it after her "rule of law" quote.

If there was true rule of law, she'd be making her speech in front of the sentencing judge.

CStanley said...

That was a good speech. I have such a hard time reconciling that woman with the one who has done heinously selfish and corrupt things, continuously, over the past couple of decades.

Quaestor said...

I clearly remember driving around on a evening errands last 23rd June listening to the BBC America gloat over the voters repudiation of the UKIP. I got dispirited and turned to another station. Later I turned back to the BBC and started hear panic, disbelief, and fear. What the heck happened? Did England get swamped by a tsunami? Had WWIII broken out? Was Godzilla wading up the Thames? No, it was patriotic Englishmen and women (and more than a few Welsh and Scots) voting for a return to the principles of Liberty, which was their birthright of old, and against an untouchable bureaucratic tyranny determined to destroy their national sovereignty. When Brexit passed I knew Trump would become President, and that Hillary had no chance if the voting was fairly conducted and fairly counted.

PackerBronco said...

the CNN lady has to shit on it by making it a women thing by pointing out saying sorry ' is
what we women do'.

Married men know better.

rhhardin said...

It's actually a fur ceiling, mistranslated from the original Cinderella story.

SayAahh said...

Only a pathological liar can simulate a victory speech while making a concession speech. She is a master at prevarication.
Her audience is convinced she has won.

Jaq said...

All that "pen and phone" stuff can be undone with a "pen and phone." The reconciliation stuff can be undone with reconciliation.

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand
in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies,
whose frown And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
My name is Obamadeus, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away".

Hah, I made that comment in 2009.

mccullough said...

The tone of her concession sounded like an incumbent who had been ousted.

Wince said...

The good new is that with Hillary loosing the presidency but able to devote herself full-time to the Clinton Foundation, those large dollar donations from around the world will continue to roll-in for all those “good works".

I mean, it’s not like those donations were tied to the buying and selling of influence.

Jaq said...

Obama could have saved his legacy by indicting, and replacing her.

PackerBronco said...

Blogger PB said...
Let's see just how much Bill and Hill can charge for a speech now.

There's a lot of p***ed off people this morning who gave the foundation a lot of money and were expecting to get paid.

Now they might decide to take it out of their hides.

Leaks? You ain't heard nothing yet.

Anonymous said...

Blogger rcocean said...
Her supporters need to keep on fighting for whatever Clinton was fighting for.

She,Bill, Chelsea, and their supporters are always 'fighting' just not in Vietnam, The Gulf, Iraq, or Afghanistan.

Laurie said...

Clearly the purple was orchestrated. But why? In the Methodist church, ministers wear purple vestments during Lent and Advent - and funerals. Purple symbolizes sacrifice, penance and mourning.

MayBee said...

My favorite thing was CNN's Gloria Borger saying Hillary apologized because "that's what women do".

Unknown said...

Give her a break. It's hard to sober up after drinking a case of Bordeaux.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

David Harsanyi nails it.

"In all their vast coverage of agitated right-wingers, it may have escaped the attention of many in the media that over the past eight years the Democratic Party has moved dramatically to the left on an array of issues. It’s now a party of cultural imperialists and economic technocrats who want to rule through fiat. It is a party more comfortable coercing Americans who see the world differently than in convincing them. It is a movement propelled by a liberal punditry that’s stopped debating and resorted to smearing millions they disagree with."


It’s worth remembering that every time a media figure or liberal grumbled about how terrible the 2016 presidential election was, they meant Trump was terrible. The Democratic Party establishment never entertained any other nominee seriously, and the liberal punditry never earnestly lamented Hillary’s inadequacies. There was never any question that all the money, power, and infrastructure of the Left would mobilize behind Hillary.

The media never treated Clinton as an atypical candidate, although she was in so many ways. No matter how often she lied or much we learned about her racketeering or her malleable positions on foreign policy and everything else, her defenders could claim that there was no moral equivalency between her and Trump."

cheddar said...

Purple = blue plus red

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

and on...

".... Democrats nominated one of the least trusted people to ever run for the presidency. According to the final Washington Post-ABC News tracking poll, Americans trusted Hillary six points less than they did Trump, whose absurdities and outright fabrications probably came off as straight talk to millions of Americans sick of hearing manicured talking points. An Associated Press-GfK poll also found that 92 percent of Americans thought Clinton’s email setup either broke the law or was in “poor judgment.” Only 6 percent believed she did nothing wrong. This poll was taken months before the freakout over the James Comey letter. Rather than dealing with this reality, Democrats and their allies attempted to normalize her corruption."

"The Left has become so saturated in identity politics, it can’t imagine that anything else might drive a voter.

walter said...

That ceiling is real. We may not live to see the first male first lady.

cheddar said...

Or they are Prince fans.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

David Harsanyi link

Christy said...

Sorry Gang, I don't think the phrasing and tone of "We must accept [the vote]" was gracious at all.

Henry said...

She should have said glass server.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Take advantage of the gift you were given.

Mark makes a good point. I actually thought Trump winning the nomination would free Democrats from the burden of having to drag Hillary to the finish line. For whatever reason, that didn't happen. Going forward, it will be interesting to see if the DNC establishment will be able to maintain control the hordes after this stunning defeat

madAsHell said...

Purple? Isn't that the color of kings, and monarchs??

Known Unknown said...

@rehajm, Warren is very, very promising.

How old does one need to be to be promising?

Virgil Hilts said...

Bruce Hayden said - "Virgil - except that they no longer have as much to sell."
I know, I was being sarcastic. I have a feeling the whole Clinton foundation is going to collapse in on itself, unless Bill and HC can somehow convince contributors that subsidizing the lifestyle of Chelsea and her weird husband at the expense of sick and starving Haitian children still makes the same economic and charitable sense.

madAsHell said...

I'd wager donations to the foundation will suddenly drop, for reasons that only very very smart people will not be able to see...

I have never heard anyone reconcile the future of the Clinton foundation. If Hillary had won, then I imagine it would have been ignored.

Now that Hillary has lost, what becomes of the foundation? I'm hoping the FBI is pulling out the RICO playbook, and puts Chelsea in jail too!!!

damikesc said...

Hillary sacrificed the Party to her own sense of entitlement.

Looks like the Party was more than happy to do so.

I don't think so. I'd wager donations to the foundation will suddenly drop, for reasons that only very very smart people will not be able to see...

Yeah, it's hard to sell non-existent access.

My favorite thing was CNN's Gloria Borger saying Hillary apologized because "that's what women do".

Oh, that's classic. Makes the old truism that men always apologize to assuage the wife really hard to understand.

She "apologized" because she utterly shat the bed in every conceivable way.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

A Biden, Warren ticket would have won by 5%.

rhhardin said...

Rush affiliate interrupts for a long Obama speech. I quickly switch to a streaming feed from another station, and they interrupt Rush too. Obama goes on and on.

Rush isn't all that good but he's better than Obama

Just_Mike_S said...

These two are sooooo spiritual. Perhaps that "spirit cooking" gal made them eggs benedict for breakfast. No, you don't want the recipe.

Static Ping said...

She was probably still hungover and/or having a medical episode.

RNB said...


After pondering deeply the general trends of the world and the actual conditions obtaining in Our Party today, We have decided to effect a settlement of the present situation by resorting to an extraordinary measure.

We have ordered Our Campaign Committee to communicate to the Campaign Committee of the Republican Party that Our Party accepts the provisions of their Joint Declaration.

Despite the best that has been done by everyone – the gallant fighting of the journalists and pundits, the diligence and assiduity of Our campaign workers, and the devoted service of Our pollsters – the campaign has developed not necessarily to the DNC's advantage, while the general trends of the Flyover Country have all turned against Our interest.

Moreover, the enemy has begun to employ a new and most cruel Candidate, the power of whom to do damage is, indeed, incalculable, taking the seats of many innocent Senators and Representatives. Should We continue to fight, not only would it result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Democratic Party, but also it would lead to the total extinction of human civilization.

khesanh0802 said...

@Fen 1047 The WaPo should be completely reorganized. They spent the last 9 months lambasting Trump without an honest piece of campaign coverage the entire time. Their opinion writers are as out of touch with America as it is possible to be. If I were Bezos I would have most of the staff packed up and out the door tomorrow.

Curious George said...

She gets a standing ovation when she mentions Obama...gotta hurt.

Fen said...

Now that Hillary has lost, what becomes of the foundation? I'm hoping the FBI is pulling out the RICO playbook, and puts Chelsea in jail too!!!

The many people who bribed SecState for access should also be in the dock. As a warning to the rest of the rats.

Matt Sablan said...

So... just about 8 hours over due.

Matt Sablan said...

My bet: They didn't really have two speeches prepared like they said. Losing was so far from their minds they didn't do basic due diligence just in case.

If my assumption is true, that'll be the perfect metaphor for her entire campaign.

FleetUSA said...

Color of mourning

chuck said...

> Their opinion writers are as out of touch with America as it is possible to be.

Nonsense. The New York Times has the worst stable of opinion writers in the business. Hands down, no contest. Their comics suck too.

Fabi said...

The biggest crowd of her entire campaign!

walter said...

Nice tone in O's speech...though he had some intentional stumbling around going forward vs going backwards.
We'll see if/when the bleating scold with folksy accent returns.

Drago said...

chuck: "Nonsense. The New York Times has the worst stable of opinion writers in the business. Hands down, no contest. Their comics suck too"

This is an absurd assertion.

Have you read Vox? (not that I would wish that on anyone)

Bad Lieutenant said...

UPDATE 4: On CNN, David Gergen is going on about Bill and Hillary Clinton both wearing purple. It means something. The color of spirituality.

Are you kidding? Purple is the color of royalty.

She is a Queen abdicating her throne. Which she never had, but leave her to her dreams, eh?

Rabel said...

Just dropping by to say thank you to all those Wisconsinites who voted for Mr. Trump and helped defeat Secretary Clinton. Well done.

Go Badgers!
Go Packers!

Kyzer SoSay said...

Rob @ 10:57. Winner.

Jaq said...

Drago, can Vox be really called a "business"?

Rick said...

She still believes we're "stronger together,"

More evidence what she says has no relationship to reality whatsoever. Dividing Americans and stoking hatred is the only consistent policy Democrats and the left have. Well, that and MOAR!

Jaq said...

Time for her to get a Reality TV show. Peyton Place, Chapaqua, NY.

wildswan said...

How sweet it is.

The Hildebeest dies but not as a martyr. Just not good enough of a cheater. She and Bill will end up like the Duke and Duchess Windsor. The Duke and Duchess were shipped off to Bermuda and spent the rest of their life sitting in the sun, going on cruises and partying while others fought World War II and the rise of Communism. Occasionally the two tried to influence events but they were through except as tabloid stories. The Dems, whatever they say, are furious with Hillary for demanding the nomination, making the DC DNC / media corruption so apparent and then losing. Kaine sounds like a speaker at a funeral which is what the whole show was and why they wore purple. So we'll hear of Bill cavorting with ever younger girls in the Caribbean. Hillary will make calls that will not be answered; there will be stories about her calling up drunk at 3AM with a plan to win in 2020.

PackerBronco said...

"David Gergen is going on about Bill and Hillary Clinton both wearing purple. It means something. The color of spirituality."

Purple haze, all in my brain
Lately things they don't seem the same
Actin' funny, but I don't know why
Excuse me while I kiss the sky

Purple haze, all around
Don't know if I'm comin' up or down
Am I happy or in misery?
What ever it is, that girl put a spell on me
Help me
Help me
Oh, no, no

Ooo, ahhh
Ooo, ahhh
Ooo, ahhh
Ooo, ahhh, yeah!
Purple haze all in my eyes
Don't know if it's day or night
You got me blowin', blowin' my mind
Is it tomorrow, or just the end of time?

Help me
Ahh, yea-yeah, purple haze
Oh, no, oh
Oh, help me
Tell me, tell me, purple haze
I can't go on like this

Purple haze
You're makin' me blow my mind
Purple haze, n-no, nooo
Purple haze

Deb said...

They (Washington, the MSM) don't know us at all. I have been saying it all along: they underestimate the average American, when they consider us at all. They have no idea who we are. Thus the shock and awe.

dreams said...

The year 2016 wasn't the year of a female George Washington, thankfully, but it was still a good year for women and all of us.

"Last night was a night for broken glass ceilings – albeit, not the glass ceiling that many liberal pundits were expecting to be broken.

For the first time in history, a successful presidential campaign was managed by a woman.

While Kellyanne Conway was admittedly the third campaign manager on Donald Trump's staff, her hard work undoubtedly helped paved the way to last night's results."

Matt Sablan said...

Kellyanne Conway is a political miracle worker and, if Trump doesn't bring her to the White House, she's going to be the most sought after politico.

wildswan said...

All over DC hard drives are being smashed by some (Huma-types) while others (Wiener-types) with sly smiles are archiving emails cc'd to them.

Lobbyists are sweating on the phone trying to explain to foreign clients, the kind who accept results only, not excuses. "You see, we lost the vote." "But you didn't lose this, how you say, 'vote'." "Well, the electoral college ..." "What is wrong with you, call out the military." Well, the military, you see, they won't ..." "I see you won't; send back the money." "It's spent, my wife, she ..." "Send it."

Bleachbit sales soar.

Rick said...

wildswan said...
The Dems, whatever they say, are furious with Hillary for ...making the DC DNC / media corruption so apparent

This is going to haunt the media longer and harder than it haunts the Dems. It couldn't happen to a nicer group of people.

Jaq said...

For the DNC, sunshine is the best disinfectant. It will hurt, but they will be stronger for it.

readering said...

It would have been nice if she had been on time, but she's about to go off the national stage and we're going to be listening to Donald Trump every day for more than 4 years (he doesn't actually take office until late January--but thank goodness for the 20th Amendment). Don't know why Althouse found the wait enraging.

el polacko said...

her supporters stood for hours and hours last night, waiting to see their candidate and she left them hanging. i don't care how drunk she was, she should have stumbled out there and slurred a few words to them. she owed them that much.

madAsHell said...

Will she continue the charade with WJC?
He really isn't needed anymore, or will they close ranks, and attempt to stonewall the FBI? Can the FBI offer something to Bill to turncoat on Hillary? vice-versa?
Does Tim Kaine return to just being a stupid, smug bastard?
Will the number of firearm background checks diminish?

It will be interesting to watch the wheels fall off the Clinton juggernaut.

madAsHell said...

her supporters stood for hours and hours last night

They disappointed her. Let them wait.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Don't know why Althouse found the wait enraging.

Maybe that's why you lost.

Sebastian said...

"Kellyanne Conway is a political miracle worker" True.

"They don't know who we are." True

Paul said...

I still want Hillary in JAIL. Hope the new DOJ, under Trump, charges her and her fellow travelers.

I don't forget the crimes she did.

Carter Wood said...

Purple means she's running for Pope now.

lemondog said...

Alice Walker title The Color Purple?frame of reference?

Fred Drinkwater said...

RNB 11:35 Winner

Jose_K said...

Purple is the mourning color but is also the royal color

mezzrow said...

Purple. As in Royal Purple?

Boss motor oil, btw...

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I think the anger should be directed at Hillary Clinton. She lost this disastrously.

Professor, I think it is pretty obvious who you voted for.

Bilwick said...

As I watched Queen Cacklepants' concession speech, I kept channeling the old NATIONAL LAMPOON short storey, "Telejester," about a hippie who, upon ingesting a drug with magical properties, discovers that everything he wishes would happen on the tv screen while watching television actually happens. For example, while he is watching Henry Kissinger give a press conference, Froggy the Gremlin from the old "Andy's Gang" kids' show pops up on Kissinger's podium and tricks Kissinger into saying embarrassing and silly things that reveal Kissinger's real and (according to the hippie's worldview) evil nature.

When Kaine (who looks goofier than he does in still photos, like an uncle who tells embarrassingly dopey jokes a la "Joey Nichols" in ANNIE HALL) said that Hillary knows what the real America is, I imagined him saying: "You know, a potential Venezuela del Norte . . . or modelling clay for her to pound and squeeze into the kind of country she'd REALLY likes . . . or like a husband or fiancé who, once she gets her hooks into him, she can henpeck, browbeat and terrorize into becoming more like the man she actually wishes he was."

For Hillary I went for the classic, "What a world . . . what a world!" And, "I'll be back, and this time I'll lobotomize you, Randle McMurphy--I mean, Donald Trump--you troublemaker!" and "Soros, you f*cking Jew bastard--you promised me a win!"

MadisonMan said...

I still want Hillary in JAIL. Hope the new DOJ, under Trump, charges her and her fellow travelers.

I do not want that at all.

Trump should be magnanimous -- he should pardon her. That would not be a gift that she would want, I don't think. Then have the IRS audit CGI. And then pardon Bill and Chelsea.

Quaestor said...

I think the anger should be directed at Hillary Clinton. She lost this disastrously.

To have won this Hillary would have to have made a number of changes, the change to forthright honesty from scofflaw arrogance being foremost among them. However, given her nature (the mistakes of her campaign were merely a compilation of character flaws we've all known about since the Travelgate scandal from 1993) who exactly would Hillary be without the propensity to skirt the law, to lie and obfuscate, to lash out in fury against anyone who thwarts her will? I don't know, but the person would be unrecognizable as the ambitious climber who married William Jefferson Clinton simply to ride his coattails into power.

Furthermore, directing anger at Hillary Clinton fails to recognize the genius of Donald Trump. Trump certainly benefitted from the able management of Kellyanne Conway, but we must recall that he fought his way from the position of joke candidate — a kind of tycoon Harold Stassen, as it were — through tremendous opposition from the bigwigs of the Republican Party and a rabidly partisan press to the nomination without her. A lesser mind would certainly have faltered and disappeared like Jeb Bush or Carly Fiorina. Even if Hillary had not been her mendacious self, defeating Trump would have been doubtful thanks to the incompetent, lawless, arrogant administration of Barack Hussein Obama that queered the pitch for any Democratic successor. Too Americans had had enough of Obama to entertain for a moment any candidate whose platform was More of the Same.

Greg Hlatky said...

Will she continue the charade with WJC? He really isn't needed anymore, or will they close ranks, and attempt to stonewall the FBI?

Spousal privilege.

Quaestor said...

I do not want that at all. Trump should be magnanimous -- he should pardon her.

But first she must be indicted. The world needs to see the depth of her depravity.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

A long wait for Hillary's concession speech? The obvious answer - she had to wait for someone to write it.

Quaestor said...

BTW. Lately I've been getting a Bad Request error when I try to post a comment. Not always, but more often than not. Sometimes I can resolve the problem by doing a login-logout with the botcheck, but sometimes even that rigamarole doesn't help. The error appears whether I use Safari or Opera.

J. D. said...

My wife's reaction when Hillary didn't give a concession speech let night was that it reflected poorly on women they she was to distraught to deliver her prepared concession speech. She was really angry to be deprived, even temporarily, of the satisfaction of seeing her in defeat.

Alexander said...

"Trump should be magnanimous -- he should pardon her. That would not be a gift that she would want, I don't think. Then have the IRS audit CGI. And then pardon Bill and Chelsea."

Let's make a deal, shall we?

Hillary needs to go down. Special. Prosecutor. Then if anything shows up for Obama, Obama can be pardoned. Because it's bad precedent for a president to indict his predecessor or whatever.

Then, everyone within the Democrat elite can be on notice: either you quit fucking around, quit letting the country get invaded, get onboard with the idea that at the very least America is a sovereign nation with a citizenry, and has the right to limit its citizenship. Build the wall. No need to dig much harder, Hillary's in prison. Obstruct... well then, let's keep digging.

mikeski said...

she believes that "Donald Trump would hurt little girls."

The same woman who's on tape laughing about getting the rapist of a 12-year-old girl off with a couple months "time served"? That one?

Daniel Jackson said...

Professor, Purple is the color of Royalty; white, saffron, and ochre are colors associated with spirituality.

I think the medium of the message is quite clear. As suggested, the King and Queen are saying, "Screw y'all, peasants. Eat cake."

I voted for Billy-Bob-Boy two times; I even made money betting he would win against George II for his first election.

I am SOOOO ashamed.

Snark said...

When female CNN commentators wore purple or burgundy dresses I always registered that as not-wearing-blue and not-wearing-red...the colour of impartial engagement. On Bill and Hillary I would read that similarly as the "Let's all get along and find our common interests" colour.

Meade said...

I do not want that at all. Trump should be magnanimous -- he should pardon her.

But first she must be indicted. The world needs to see the depth of her depravity.

I agree with this.

Francisco D said...

In medieval England, only royalty was allowed to wear purple.

It was also a very expensive dye to make, so that only the very rich could afford it in any case.

madAsHell said...

I do not want that at all. Trump should be magnanimous -- he should pardon her.

But we must have photos of the orange pantsuit, and then the pardon.

readering said...

Weird. All the things Trump has to focus on but folks here drool about prosecuting the losing presidential candidate.

Gretchen said...

She wanted to be the leader of the free world but curled up like a little baby when faced with an unpleasant task. Probably because the task was unpleasant to her personally, lying over coffins of dead Americans wasn't difficult at all for her.

While I admit I got nervous before FL was called for Trump, this year has had a very strong theme, FU establishment. Clinton was anointed by a cabal at the DNC throwing Bernie under the bus, and Trump was not the candidate wanted by the GOP elites who wanted a nightmarish matchup of Bush v. Clinton.

Earlier in the week my liberal brother gravely told me he hoped the Republican party could pull it together and become relevant again. I listened patiently as he intoned about how in the event a republican congress was elected, they would need to stop the obstruction and work with President Clinton. He also indicated that SCOTUS appointments should not be ideological but based on experience, so the congress should give the president her preferred candidates. He didn't seem interested when I reminded the current hijinks started with Bork, who was far more qualified than recent liberal appointees. Like all good and ernest liberals (he is hardly an ideologue) he believed what the "credible" sources like the NYT and CNN were telling him.

On one point we agree, I sincerely agree it is VERY important our new congress get lots of work done with President Trump.

Michael said...


I think you are making a common Progressive mistake: you are taking the ideas of a few and painting the rest with the same. Very few commenters hold the vindictive view.

hstad said...

madAsHell said...
"....I do not want that at all. Trump should be magnanimous -- he should pardon her..." Why, Obama will do it for him before he leaves the office of the Presidency! LOL

JPS said...

Quaestor, 2:03:

"But first she must be indicted. The world needs to see the depth of her depravity."

I'd be very interested to see whether Pres. Obama allows it to come to that. Does he pardon her for anything that might yet be found by the investigations in progress? Kill those investigations? Or does he let them roll un until Trump's AG (Christie? Giuliani?) takes over?

I think it depends on who he's madder at: The Clintons for all the old reasons plus blowing this; or us, for not taking his advice.

hombre said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hombre said...

Purple is the color of spirituality? I thought it was the color of royalty. I suspect the Clintons agree with me.

Weren't Hillary and Barack gracious to The Donald today?

You don't suppose it's because he will control the DOJ and FBI and Giuliani and Christie, his likely candidates for AG, have both said she should be prosecuted for the email server.

The Vault Dweller said...

Am I the only one who thinks that the reason she didn't give her concession speech last night was because despite what she said, she actually did not have one prepared? And then as the night went on and got worse and worse she drank too much at that point to do anything.

hombre said...

readering said...
"Weird. All the things Trump has to focus on but folks here drool about prosecuting the losing presidential candidate."

Yes, it is certainly callous and unseemly for people to expect the rule of law to be applied to our betters.

Was it Chesterton who said: "Children, who are innocent, seek justice. Adults, who are not, prefer mercy?"

dustbunny said...

It's fun to analyze the many waredrobe choices Hillary made throughout the campaign. Many of her costumes an be read as signs and signals to her minions. To those who view the world in terms of fantasy, purple indicated her position of Queen; now the defeated queen needs her followers to conduct acts of revenge to recapture the crown. With the huge collars that made her head appear small, she was signaling that unlike her opponent, hers was not a raging ego.The Mao-collared suits signaling her support of the collective especially those collective farms that will employ all the deplorable peasants necessary produce food to feed the meritocracy. I'm sure there are many more interpretations.

dustbunny said...

It's fun to analyze the many waredrobe choices Hillary made throughout the campaign. Many of her costumes an be read as signs and signals to her minions. To those who view the world in terms of fantasy, purple indicated her position of Queen; now the defeated queen needs her followers to conduct acts of revenge to recapture the crown. With the huge collars that made her head appear small, she was signaling that unlike her opponent, hers was not a raging ego.The Mao-collared suits signaling her support of the collective especially those collective farms that will employ all the deplorable peasants necessary produce food to feed the meritocracy. I'm sure there are many more interpretations.

dustbunny said...

It's fun to analyze the many waredrobe choices Hillary made throughout the campaign. Many of her costumes an be read as signs and signals to her minions. To those who view the world in terms of fantasy, purple indicated her position of Queen; now the defeated queen needs her followers to conduct acts of revenge to recapture the crown. With the huge collars that made her head appear small, she was signaling that unlike her opponent, hers was not a raging ego.The Mao-collared suits signaling her support of the collective especially those collective farms that will employ all the deplorable peasants necessary produce food to feed the meritocracy. I'm sure there are many more interpretations.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Do you suppose she picked royal purple for election night or for the inauguration?

Qwinn said...

Trump should pardon Hillary on one condition: she accept the post of ambassador to Lybia.

dustbunny said...

Just saw I posted three times, I had eye surgery today, so that's my excuse.

khesanh0802 said...

I think Trump should drop the e-mail issue. Everyone with any sense knows it was criminally stupid and most likely illegal. It had a lot to do with her losing the election. Let her stew in that.

On the other hand Trump should stand back from the FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Allowing the investigation to go wherever it leads will not be seen as so much of a personal attack - after all it's a corporation like Enron, or Tyco, or Wells Fargo. If its management was dirty then they deserved to be punished.

khesanh0802 said...

@ dustbunny Wishing you a rapid recovery!

Hu Flung Poo said...

Tim Kaine kinda got his one-way ticket to Palookaville. It was not a good outing for him, he had a lot of embarrassing events here in FL that had no measurable audience, after you subtract press and security. Am\nd he came off poorly by comparison to Pence in the debate. Roll plan B.

PenguinBelly said...

I can't believe how terrible person you are faulting Clinton for having a couple of hours to collect herself and reflect, after almost 2 years of campaigning.

Doug said...

wildswan at 12:05 - I have goosepimples.

Bad Lieutenant said...

PenguinBelly said...
I can't believe how terrible person you are faulting Clinton for having a couple of hours to collect herself and reflect, after almost 2 years of campaigning.
11/10/16, 12:48 AM

She apparently should have started reflecting around 8:30 when FL turned. Or like Eisenhower, write your D-Day Failed speech before.

And leave it where your blood will not make it hard to read.

Lots of problems are solved by Hillary going to sleep and not waking up.

mikee said...

Purple, in the Catholic color scheme of things, is worn by priests on certain holidays such as Lent and Advent, and especially for the sacrament of penance and reconciliation. So Hillary has that going for her.

Even more interestingly, purple is worn on Rogation Days, i.e., days of prayer, and formerly also of fasting, instituted by the Church to appease God's anger at man's transgressions, to ask protection in calamities, and to obtain a good and bountiful harvest.

Hillary was sending a subtle message that she wants not to go to jail, despite deserving it. She was also showing her disrespect for the winner by declaring her loss a calamity against God. Send her to jail, do not let her pass Go, do not let her collect any more money at all.

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