November 4, 2016

"Harvard announced on Thursday that it was canceling the rest of the season for its men’s soccer team..."

"... after university officials uncovered what they described as a widespread practice of the team’s players rating the school’s female players in sexually explicit terms," the NYT reports.
Lawyers for the university began investigating the men’s team after the college newspaper, The Harvard Crimson, reported last week that a player created a nine-page document in 2012 with numeric ratings, photos and lengthy evaluations of the freshman recruits of the Harvard women’s team based on their physical appearance. Men on the team referred to the document as a “scouting report.”
Here's the Harvard Crimson article. Excerpt:
The author... assigned each woman a nickname, calling one woman “Gumbi” because “her gum to tooth ratio is about 1 to 1.”

“For that reason I am forced to rate her a 6,” the author added.

“She seems to be very strong, tall and manly so, I gave her a 3 because I felt bad. Not much needs to be said on this one folks,” the author wrote about another woman.

Concluding his assessment of one woman, the author wrote, “Yeah… She wants cock.”
According to the NYT, the team had "a 4-0-1 conference record, 10-3-2 over all." There were 2 games left in the season, and the Ivy League championship was at stake.

Here's the response from the women's team, published in the Crimson. Excerpt:
“Locker room talk” is not an excuse because this is not limited to athletic teams. The whole world is the locker room.... We are hopeful that the release of this report will lead to productive conversation and action on Harvard’s campus, within collegiate athletic teams across the country, and into the locker room that is our world....
IN THE COMMENTS: MadisonMan said:
I roll my eyes at the title of the Women's Team's response.


I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

On the one hand.....these are adults and what business is it of Harvard to police what they say?

On the other hand.....what a bunch of shitheads.

Unknown said...

So the question is... did the chicks who got awarded a "10" complain? Or is it just the 1's?

Yes, supposedly it's bad to judge people by their looks. I occasionally think I'm being a male pig when I am channeling my inner Laslo.

But then I remember high school, where I was in the "geek" club and thus no girl of any kind looked at me at all, but all those football players could barely move from the swarms of girls.

And I don't feel so bad about being shallow and judging the ladies on their looks. They do it all the time to my half of the species.


MadisonMan said...

I roll my eyes at the title of the Women's Team's response.

Nonapod said...

The whole world is the locker room

If so, then the PC thought police seem to be strutting around with a pretty tightly wound rat tail.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Before I pass judgement I would need to do a bit of sifting and winnowing to determine the veracity of the scouting report.

Rick said...

What a crazy and idiotic overreaction.

Unknown said...

so trump was right! again!

Oso Negro said...

It is hard to think of a worse 1960s pestilence than modern feminism. If more young American men could get to Eastern Europe, the pussy monopoly could be broken forever.

WisRich said...

“Locker room talk” is not an excuse because this is not limited to athletic teams. The whole world is the locker room.... We are hopeful that the release of this report will lead to productive conversation and action on Harvard’s campus, within collegiate athletic teams across the country, and into the locker room that is our world...."

She continued...besides, they all have small dicks.

Lyle Smith said...

The whole world must be like a shining city upon a hill!

The Vault Dweller said...

Something tells me if all the ratings had been 10's and everything would have described how beautiful and hot the women were, then the soccer team would not have complained. Now there still would have been complaints at the school, but they would have come from the ugly woman's brigade on campus. Because those women been rated as hot would have reminded the other women that they were not.

Why do so many people feel so entitled to regulate people's speech and ideas? This was done privately among the guys. But even if had been done publicly so what? Oh boo hoo someone somewhere is judging me based on my looks, I need the school come in and smash them.

Rocketeer said...

I'm pretty sure that response was written either by Gumbi or Man Hands.

Normally, I wouldn't write something so crass or sexist, but I'm beginning to comprehend that preserving any hope of future liberty demands it.

Alexander said...


This is bullshit, but it's the sort of bullshit that leaks into our society from Harvard. Make them sit in their own shit for once.

Unknown said...

at least Russia actually seems to be trying to save modern, western civilization. crazy how that turn out to be the case

mccullough said...

Too bad someone ratted them out to the school newspaper after four years of this. The soccer boys will now be permananetly shamed forever. Time to burn a Crimson M on their chests.

Cath said...

So this doc was created & routed around by someone from the 2012 season, and Harvard's solution is to cancel the current season? How is that fair to the current players?

Martin said...

I am confused. This list was put together in 2012 so they cancel the 2016 season?

And that punishes the people who did this in 2012, how exactly?

Virtue signalling with no concern for who gets hurt. Typical liberal campus social justice cr*pola.

I get how someone can be offended by Trump, who has been pretty offensive at times. But how can any sane person vote for Clinton and what she represents and will encourage?

The Vault Dweller said...

mccullough said... "Too bad someone ratted them out to the school newspaper after four years of this. The soccer boys will now be permananetly shamed forever. Time to burn a Crimson M on their chests."

What is the M for? Man? Because every straight guy I know judges how attractive women are based at least in part on their looks. And I'm pretty sure that is how gay guys judge men too.

Unknown said...

my wife told me this morning that she liked my body while I was getting dressed. she then touched me penis--without asking. my wife is a rapist. shame her!

exhelodrvr1 said...

'Cuz women never do this

Curious George said...

Checking out the Harvard Women's soccer team online:

"would do, would do, nope, nope, would do, nope..."

Real American said...

Men judge women by their looks. Sometimes the evaluation isn't positive. That is not going to change. Get the fuck over it.

Unknown said...

when will someone start a hashtag: "Iamarapisttoo"

when everyone is a rapist, it wont matter anymore

Bob Boyd said...

Send those boys to a re-education exclusive one... one that most of could never hope to be sent to.

trumpintroublenow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

If it's the Harvard Lampoon, they've got the women's reaction perfect.

traditionalguy said...

All SEX thought is Revoked at Harvard!

The Onion could not out do these idiots.

Bob Boyd said...

"she then touched me penis"

Women find an Irish accent very sexy.

TomHynes said...

It was a running joke. It was funny enough to keep it going for years. Harvard undergraduates are creative, funny people. Look at the alumni list of the Harvard Lampoon.

Darrell said...

Just think. A couple of years ago they might have been playing the "fuck, kill, marry" game.

Fernandinande said...

"We are hopeful that the release of this report will lead to productive conversation and action on Harvard’s campus, within collegiate athletic teams across the country, and into the locker room that is our world." -- Gumbi

WisRich said...

I love it when the SJW Intelligentsia crowd turns and eats there own.

CJinPA said...

Frail-Girl Feminism wins again.

Girls need to be shielded from all uncomfortable opinions, even those they're not exposed to.

PB said...

Funny, but I'll bet everyone of those women use a Facebook account.
Which was started at Harvard.
By men.
Rating women.

Mike Sylwester said...

This is what happens when Scientific Progressives are allowed to become athletic directors.

Virgil Hilts said...

One of the predecessors of Facebook was Zuckerberg's hot or not Facemash program for ranking students at Harvard by look.
He also got in hot water for it.
People who break the rules at the ivy league schools seem to do be more interesting and do better in real life than the PC toadies.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Given age and physical fitness, I should think that the baseline was a "6."

Bob Boyd said...


bagoh20 said...

I'm sure the women would never talk about men like that. If they did, and you complain, I'm sure they would stop immediately... right after they call you a pussy and tell you to stop being a little girl.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

In college I knew a girl who would look for a man's crotch bulge and give it a rating.

She thought it was funny.

She was kind of a whore.

Ended up with herpes.

Rob said...

It's important to nip this sort of thing in the bud. Unpunished, it leads to the Duke lacrosse team raping a stripper or a UVA fraternity gang-raping a woman as an initiation rite.

Cancelling the rest of the season does seem a little harsh. Better would have been if President Faust had given a sound spanking to each of the soccer players while repeating, "Mommy is not happy."

Rae said...

These players are being punished for their extended adolescence, which is encouraged in most other venues of society.

They can stay on their parents insurance until 26, for God's sake.

Todd said...

Unknown said...

my wife told me this morning that she liked my body while I was getting dressed. she then touched me penis--without asking. my wife is a rapist. shame her!

11/4/16, 10:49 AM

You know, you are right! She touched mine too!

Not really, I told her no...

I am not Laslo.

rcocean said...

I started to feel sorry for the soccer team being suspended. But then remembered we're talking about a bunch Ivy League pricks and its soccer. I'm sure a majority of the Men's Soccer team are all Hillary supporters and proud feminists (in public).

But I'd love to read the scouting report though and see if I agree with the evaluations.

Tom said...

I coached a girls rugby team in college. Lemme just say I've seen and heard far worse. Oh, I got groped on many occasion.

Known Unknown said...

Human nature is a bitch.

Wait, is that sexist?

Unknown said...

So here's my question. Why don't we give the women's soccer team what they want... no annoying male gazes; no men appraising them; no men thinking about them.

I'm sure that's a recipe for a happy life. Hope they like cats.


Rick said...

bagoh20 said...
I'm sure the women would never talk about men like that.


Duke is in an uproar about a highly detailed "fuck list" that a recent female graduate made — in PowerPoint, complete with penis-size evaluations and dirty talk transcripts. We've got that document, and spoke exclusively to the now-contrite author.

Jezebel Summary:

Overall, very little regret and lots of good humor. Now that she's apologized, we suggest that she keeps on owning it and then move on, because the fickle Internet surely will.

They don't seem to think it's that big a deal even though she's disclosing personal information rather than speculation.

Known Unknown said...

We did this at work. But we made it like March Madness, with brackets. Can't remember who won.

rcocean said...

Checked out the team photo for the women's soccer team. Just what you'd expect, not a lot of 10s.

damikesc said...

So, if the players were recruited for playing soccer there, is there grounds for a suit?

Also, leaked it bad here? Or is it only bad if it harms Hillary? So hard to keep up with the standards in play.

On the other hand.....what a bunch of shitheads.

They are the "best and brightest" we're expected to trust to run the country. I also keep forgetting that men are never judged by arbitrary means. Hell, at least ugly women can become more attractive. A man with a small dick is kinda stuck with that problem.

Can't figure out why American men lack much desire to marry recent American college women graduates. Have fun with your cats, ladies.

So this doc was created & routed around by someone from the 2012 season, and Harvard's solution is to cancel the current season? How is that fair to the current players?

Because they're men.

Frail-Girl Feminism wins again.

No joke.

"We can do anything...well, except handle any remote concept of criticism. Then it's back to the Victorian Age for me, baby!"

Not. All. Girls. Are. Attractive.

This constant "Don't dare speak ill of women" nonsense is insane. The same college girls who will have a guy go down on them in public and then complain that she was raped are laughably idiotic.

damikesc said...

They don't seem to think it's that big a deal even though she's disclosing personal information rather than speculation.

Because patriarchy, obviously.

Any man who marries a woman who graduated from college recently is just asking for problems.

William said...

Did everyone on the soccer team participate in this? It seems unfair to punish the whole team even if the majority of the players participated. God was willing to spare Sodom and Gomorrah if a few righteous men could be found. Of course, Harvard has higher standards than God........A lot of cute girls play soccer. The shorts and the bouncing pony tail are an attractive look. Cute girls know what they're doing when they decide which sport to take up.

cubanbob said...

Harvard needs to lose it's tax exempt status. They have way too much money if they can fund this nonsense.

Unknown said...

rcocean: Check out BYU's women soccer team. The majority look pretty good, in my opinion.

But then, they are at a university that actually acknowledges the idea that women should be married, as well as men. That men and women belong together.

That may have something to do with it.


Wilbur said...

40+ years ago, a group of young men in our dorm decided to sit at the back of the cafeteria at dinner and hold up numbered cards, rating each woman resident as she entered. Real funny stuff. Just ask them.

This went on for a while until a couple of my friends and I quietly told these guys that we were sure they didn't realize how they were hurting the feelings of a lot of the women who entered and asked them to please stop. Of course the fact that we were all over 6-2, 200 lbs. with reps helped matters along to see our point of view.

This had nothing to do with feminism. We just didn't like seeing people unnecessarily getting their feelings hurt. Some things we (all) say privately should not be made public.

Achilles said...

Harvard is going to be empty soon. All universities are outdated and will be replaced by AI driven instructors who will offer personalized instruction with the best information and pedagogical skills available, and they will start off at a fraction of the cost of a university. 10-20 years at most. You will be able to put on VR goggles and be in the classroom with your choice of instructor, and with how many other students you want to be with.

You can even have a sprite that displays you as a "10" to the other students.

damikesc said...

This had nothing to do with feminism. We just didn't like seeing people unnecessarily getting their feelings hurt. Some things we (all) say privately should not be made public.

...except the paper is the one who leaked it. The players didn't tell the women anything. The players didn't hurt their feelings. The paper publishing it did.

Goldenpause said...

Harvard is shocked and dismayed to find out that some young Harvard men under the age of 22 sometimes are immature, thoughtless jerks. Who knew? Back in the '60's I was told by my college girlfriend that her female friends were rating men by the size of their penises. I doubt that the level of discourse among college women has become more elevated since the '60's.

I am hoping that some enterprising person discloses similar immature and thoughtless actions by young Harvard women on a sports team. I guarantee that if this happens all you will hear is the sound of crickets because of the absolute silence from the Harvard administration.

Big Mike said...

Why don't they just turn Harvard into a women only college and be done with it?

Jaq said...

I bet women never rate guys' dicks.

campy said...

Haven't read all the comments yet, but I'm awarding Unknown (Vance) @ 10:33am the early win.

campy said...

Surely women do the same thing?

Of course, and it's Good when women do it. It's Empowering!

Martha said...

Blogger Big Mike said...
Why don't they just turn Harvard into a women only college and be done with it?

Exactly. This was the atmosphere at Wellesley in the 1960's when Hillary was a student. I never thought it would go mainstream.

eric said...

If you have male sons (I have three) why would you send them to college?

Bill Peschel said...

Harvard and Yale aggressively recruit bright students with offers of a full-ride scholarship if they're accepted.

Sounds cool and virtuous, except that they set aside so many slots for children of alumni and minority slot-fillers that, at best, about a third of the remainder are open to all.

Then I read in "Crazy U" (great book on college admissions in general), that they do this to get a very low admission rating to game the U.S. News rankings.

Fuck them.

Freeman Hunt said...

Why did the women's team read it? I remember the boys at a math and science boarding school making a list ranking the girls in terms of appearance. I think some were disappointed that no girl had any interest in hearing about it.

The normal response to something so stupid is, "Wow, that's rude and unkind. Do you want to be such a rude and unkind person?" Let the person decide for himself and accept the social consequences that go with his choice.

richlb said...

More of that Locker Room Talk that guys like LeBron James, and anyone he's ever played with, doesn't engage in.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

The normal response to something so stupid is, "Wow, that's rude and unkind. Do you want to be such a rude and unkind person?" Let the person decide for himself and accept the social consequences that go with his choice.

Thanks, Freeman. My thoughts exactly.

And to you guys who are all whaaaaaat? women rate men by the size of their dicks!1!!!, I'm sorry you've known such classless women. I've been a woman for 36 years and I've never encountered a single such conversation. Maybe I know better people than some of you.

Obviously we are all attracted to some people and not others, but being so crass about it and reducing other human beings made in the image of God into an entry on some puerile fuckability scale is repellent. How would any of you feel about your wives or daughters being discussed in such a fashion?

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

(That said, Harvard's reaction is absurd on numerous levels, so please don't respond to my comment as though I am defending the academic powers that be.)

mtrobertslaw said...

The list was put together by an individual in 2012 and the entire 2016 team is punished.

This is the latest enlightened idea from our social progressives--collective punishment.
For more of the same, just wait until they achieve political power.

Rick said...

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
(That said, Harvard's reaction is absurd on numerous levels, so please don't respond to my comment as though I am defending the academic powers that be.)

Why not? Aren't you responding to criticism of the academic powers that be as though they are defending the men?

n.n said...

There is an interesting juxtaposition revealed in the female-male chauvinist conflict. While men judge women by their physique, women judge men by their collateral...

Class diversitists judge people by the "color of their skin", pro-choice/abortionists judge people by their convenience and desirability, and Planners appraise the lucre in cannibalized clumps of cells. It seems that everyone has a different measure.

mockturtle said...

Wouldn't the strongest response be to just ignore it?

mockturtle said...

While men judge women by their physique, women judge men by their collateral...

That depends, n.n. on whether they are judging men as potential husbands or as bed partners.

tcrosse said...

In the 80's, my wife at the time graduated as a Womens Studies major at a Big Ten university. She and her friends would discuss the men in their lives in locker-room fashion, dick size and all. It was empowering for them, I suppose. This I found shocking, having never been away from home except for 4 years in the Navy.
As for women sizing up women, just listen to Sorority girls rating the new rushes.

n.n said...

While this investigation discovered evidence of an orientation, the interest to civilized society is two fold. One, how does this orientation translate to behavior (i.e. treatment of women generally and individually)? Two, was anyone aborted and/or cannibalized in a moment of narcissistic indulgence (e.g. "benefits")?

buwaya said...

"Wow, that's rude and unkind. Do you want to be such a rude and unkind person?"

I think that the preservation of liberty requires, as a personal duty, that we all be as rude and unkind as possible.

It has come to the point that these values are irreconcilable, there are no half measures, and one must choose one path or the other. Honor requires the choice of liberty at any price, cueste lo que cueste.

JoeV said...

Isn't rating Harvard women exactly what facebook started as? Fine if they want to suspend the soccer team, but they should also then shun Mark Zuckerberg and his checkbook.

Lewis Wetzel said...

More toxic feminism, this time it's Freud's idea of penis envy, finding expression in the desire to control the male gaze.

buwaya said...

This is one reason I appreciate Laslo.

Quaestor said...

Choices. If there's one lesson life teaches it's you can't have everything.

Feminism and free speech are incompatible. One or the other must be excised from the body Republic.

hombre said...

According to a study completed in 2011 by Black Women's Blueprint, 60% of black girls are sexually assaulted by black men before they turn 18. There have been other documentations of this phenomenon. Black Lives Matter, snowflake feminists, Democrat politicians and, of course, black NFL players are to busy with 20 year-old Trump vids, "scouting reports," the national anthem and other outrages to notice or comment.

I wonder if those girls would rather be soccer players at Harvard.

n.n said...


My comment is directed to male and female chauvinists.

Allow me to clarify my perspective. I don't... I try not to judge people, women or men, in blocs or classes, unless there is a common character (e.g. principles, behavior).

As for intimate relationships, that's a bit more complicated.

Quaestor said...

By excised I mean in the the same sense Nazism has been excised. Nazism exists, that's a given, but it is despised. Its adherents are jeered at and excoriated as worthless knuckle-draggers or as charlatans preying on the fools and paranoids. That's how feminism should be treated. As a first step self-professed feminists in academia should be compelled to state clearly and without equivocation that the principles of free speech and free inquiry are supreme and must never be impeded or circumscribed, else they should be hounded from the halls of higher education.

Sorry to be so arch on this matter, but la patrie en danger. It's either fish or cut bait, necks.

SukieTawdry said...

Surely women do the same thing?

Of course we do. But more in passing, I think. And other traits are generally more important. I also think a woman's attitude about this kind of thing largely depends on where she falls on the 1-10 scale.

Scientific Socialist said...

Like the guys' non-lesbian counterparts aren't rating them. Such bullshit.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Why not? Aren't you responding to criticism of the academic powers that be as though they are defending the men?

Some in this thread are defending that behavior, which is what I'm responding to.

Did those fellows back in 2012 have the right to act like assholes? Yes. Is it Harvard's responsibility to punish them? No. Is it still reprehensible behavior? Yes.

Anyone in this "room" who would be proud of your son for discussing a woman like that, or who doesn't want to punch someone who would discuss your daughter like that, raise your hand.

buwaya said...

"Is it still reprehensible behavior? "

Nothing is reprehensible, anymore, not in any universal or broad sense. Everything is contingent, situational, and political. If you concede that ANYTHING is reprehensible it is still a rhetorical weapon against you. The only way it ceases to be a rhetorical weapon is if it simply is no longer held as a value. You cannot fight poison gas without likewise adopting poison gas.

madAsHell said...

Isn't this locker room talk??

Jaq said...

Some in this thread are defending that behavior, which is what I'm responding to.

I am not defending the behavior, though I think the biggest sin was the person who made it all public. I am decrying the double standard. Jezebel's comment, after reprinting a treatise written by a woman on her sexual encounters with many named men, including one where she said she had to force a smile after seeing his small dick, well what was Jezebel's response, I mean aside from reprinting it with the most perfunctory redactions and complete with slightly blurred photos? "Own it girl!"

I really wouldn't have a problem with the second one either, if it had been kept private, as a writing exercise and joke between friends. It is making it public that was the real crime against morality.

It's like all those little girls who feel shamed by Trump's words, taken without context, about weight. Who stripped the context and made sure that every little girl heard it?

madAsHell said...

freshman recruits

What a waste of time!! By the end of the first term all those women will have found their freshman 15.

madAsHell said...

“Doggy style,” “The Triple Lindy,” and “cowgirl” were listed as possible positions for other women.

Well....2 out of 3 ain't bad. Maybe Lazlo can explain Triple Lindy.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Nothing is reprehensible, anymore, not in any universal or broad sense. Everything is contingent, situational, and political. If you concede that ANYTHING is reprehensible it is still a rhetorical weapon against you. The only way it ceases to be a rhetorical weapon is if it simply is no longer held as a value. You cannot fight poison gas without likewise adopting poison gas.

I understand your point, but we are all still responsible for the states of our own souls, and whether we teach our children I/thou relationships or that others are human beings.

I'd rather my children die in a FEMA camp believing in the humanity of others than live long healthy lives treating others as Hillary Clinton, et al do.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

*or that others are not human beings.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Tim, the double standard is repulsive as well, I agree.

It's really pretty easy. Treat other people like humans and not like objects. Failing to do this results in poor life experiences because of the quality of the company you find yourself in. This is the natural punishment, not the thought police approach favored by our friends on the left.

Rick said...

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
Some in this thread are defending that behavior, which is what I'm responding to.

Saying something isn't a that big a deal is criticizing the response, not celebrating the behavior. The fact that it is a "deal' at all is admitting the behavior is not appropriate. Pointing out that when it's done to men we are expected to deal with it is a criticism of the double standard. Pointing out that it is common and other instances did not trigger a similar response is a criticism of the authority rather than a defense of the behavior.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quaestor said...

Some in this thread are defending that behavior, which is what I'm responding to.

Those who have defend and those who have criticized "that behavior" are tilting at windmills. The real topic of concern is the assault on Liberty (not to mention sanity) that campus feminists, particularly among faculty members, have been and are waging every day.

Gahrie said...

Yeah..because women never judge men's appearance or rate men on a numerical scale.

Rick said...

Speaking of authoritarian overreaction Rolling Stone lost their defamation case over the UVA rape hoax.

Rae said...

The Men's team should sue for violation of their First Amendment rights, gender discrimination and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Because everything has to be decided by the courts these days.

Rae said...

So, one player in 2012 made a juvenile list of women, and the whole team in 2016 reaps the consequences? I was joking in my previous post but now I think they have a case.

Bruce Hayden said...

What I do find interesting is that women seem to rate women much more than men seem to. We were at the airport the other day, in line to board, and I had to turn away and pretend that I didnt know my partner of almost two decades, as she went on about the woman ahead of us in line.

That said, this story does brig back fond memories. Some of my fraternity bros would set themselves upstairs on the second floor of the library, rating the co-eds as they walked in on the floor below. It is just what college guys do. And, no, they wouldn't bother with the 1s or 2s, but rather just argue about the hot ones. With a steady girlfriend, I thought it a bit silly, or, indeed, studying in the library in the first place. I had studied, when I had to either in my room, or in the student union.

Laslo Spatula said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laslo Spatula said...

Men appreciate women in much the way they appreciate cars.

You actually have to drive a car awhile to find out how it fits, how it handles, its quirks and characteristics and its inside beauty and features.

Until then, you can only appraise the body.

The body's curves.

The prominence of headlights.

The available space in the trunk.

Any dents or dings or obvious body work.

That kind of thing.

Note: men do NOT fall in Lust with Minivans.

I am Laslo.

n.n said...

Did they normalize transgender/crossover males in order to infiltrate the brotherhood? Insidious.

chuck said...

Oh, that's nothing. I recall the biology student who kept a card file rating all the guys she slept with. Students these days have no ambition.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Note: men do NOT fall in Lust with Minivans."

Lena Dunham would be a Minivan.

For example.

I am Laslo.

Peter said...

I think the problem is far more in the reaction than in the initial action.

Because first we might evaluate the sin (the Harvard administrators who decided to punish the team wouldn't use that word; nonetheless, if they're not accusing the Team of sin then what are they doing)?

The men's sin appears to lie in rating the women's sexual attractiveness. And there's been more than a little discussion in Althouse of how "hurtful" it is to reduce someone's humanity to a single number. BUT the men didn't actually do that, it was the censorious women who conflated sexual attractiveness into self-worth. I realize these women are mostly at or near their peak sexual attractiveness, but perhaps that's the point: what are they going to do when they get older and their sexual attractiveness inevitably declines?

Perhaps it's comforting to believe that one man's "6" is another's "10," but that's not very likely. Women seem to judge a man's sexual attractiveness along multiple axes, yet men mostly seem not that complex. If a group of heteroxesual men were asked to rate the sexual attractiveness of a group of women I'd expect to see very high correlatons in their ratings. And I'd expect that even if the men were culturally diverse, as sexual attractiveness cues seem far more Darwinian than culturally dependant.

The root cause of the problem here (if there is a problem) is not so much the possibly boorish behavior of some men on a Harvard sports team, but the choice of some women to conflate their sexual attractiveness with their self-worth.

Yes, the physical sexual attractiveness of a woman to straight men can captured pretty well in a single digit. So? Is this the only dimension along which these women can value themselves and, if so, isn't that their (poor) choice?

CWJ said...

Punishing the entire team in 2016 for the action of an individual four years ago makes no sense. It's like suspending the Cincinnati Reds years later to punish them for Pete Rose's gambling. I don't get it. There must be more to it than this. Or maybe the social justice gods require sacrifice. Any sacrifice will do.

ccscientist said...

Doesn't anyone remember that the origin of Facebook on the very same campus was to rate girls by their looks?

Todd said...

CWJ said...
Punishing the entire team in 2016 for the action of an individual four years ago makes no sense. It's like suspending the Cincinnati Reds years later to punish them for Pete Rose's gambling. I don't get it. There must be more to it than this. Or maybe the social justice gods require sacrifice. Any sacrifice will do.

11/4/16, 2:24 PM

This, a thousand times this! A "approved" group has hurt feelz so there must be a sacrifice!

mockturtle said...

This is just one of many 'butt-rankings' of NFL players by women.
Butt Rankings

Jaq said...

A world where nobody can have a private conversation, whether girls about boys, or boys about girls, or anything else is a new kind of Hell.

Gahrie said...

How refreshing it would have been if the Harvard women's soccer players had responded by saying..."no big deal...we do the same thing to them......"

mockturtle said...

A world where nobody can have a private conversation, whether girls about boys, or boys about girls, or anything else is a new kind of Hell.

Is the new Big Brother 'Big Sister'?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Gotta appreciate people calling for the exclusion of (deplorable) others using the banner of inclusion. Stronger together...but not together with those creeps. I mean, not like, together together. Together with us! You know what I mean.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

I guess the Harvard men's soccer team wasn't being sex positive.
I though embracing your sexuality, your sexual desires, putting aside social hang ups around sex & expressions of sexuality, etc, was sex positive and was to be encouraged.
The men's team's actions 4 years ago, though, aren't sex positive.
They aren't because...? Hmm, I'm clearly not smart enough to understand, but the point is women are hurt and it's our job to punish men for causing hurt. That includes punishing men today for things men 4 years ago may have done.

Honestly? Fuck 'em all.

MayBee said...

Rick- yes, I too was thinking about the Duke "Fucklist".

Althouse blogged about it at least once:

Birches said...

Reason 568 why Trump is doing as well as he is...

ALP said...

CWJ said...
Punishing the entire team in 2016 for the action of an individual four years ago makes no sense. It's like suspending the Cincinnati Reds years later to punish them for Pete Rose's gambling. I don't get it. There must be more to it than this. Or maybe the social justice gods require sacrifice. Any sacrifice will do.

11/4/16, 2:24 PM
Same thing happens in the work environment. One person wears too much aftershave/perfume? Suddenly your workplace is "scent free". Someone has an accident with a knife in the lunchroom? NOBODY gets to use any knives. I am not kidding. I call it the "Middle School Method" of discipline, favored by female middle school teachers. Saves the original offender from getting their feels hurt by being singled out.

MayBee said...

world where nobody can have a private conversation, whether girls about boys, or boys about girls, or anything else is a new kind of Hell.


khesanh0802 said...

When I first saw this news I thought that it had to do with this year's team and, therefore, the suspension was more than appropriate. So far I have not seen anything to indicate that President Faust's action was based on the behavior of this year's team. I am not naive enough to think that something as grossly stupid as this "rating"system has not continued in some form or other, though I would like some proof before I call "off with their heads!" Harvard students are no more immune to criminal stupidity than undergraduates anywhere.

Harvard College, like so many other schools, is in the middle of a witch hunt to eradicate "sexual violence". They have instituted a policy that no member of a so-called final club - similar to a Frat -can hold a leadership position in any other undergraduate activity (ie. Band leader, captain of any sport, etc). The policy is intended to make final clubs less attractive. This policy was aimed primarily at the men, but there are nascent women's Final Clubs that will be adversely affected as well. This move was based on a survey finding that roughly 10% of "unwanted sexual activity" took place in the Final Clubs. On the surface that may make sense, but the survey also revealed that 75% of the "unwanted sexual activity' took place in the Harvard Houses and dormitories for which, obviously, the faculty is responsible.

As far as I can tell there still has been no college-wide policy initiated to deal with "unwanted sexual activity" in the Houses and dorms. I have written President Faust several times to express my displeasure about the draconian Final Club policy - I was never a member -and to ask when we might see a policy promulgated for the Houses and dorms. After a couple of form replies I no longer get replies. I regret I don't have a couple of million to wave in front of Faust so I can get her attention.

Behavior of both sexes has gotten a lot coarser than when I was in college. In those dark days we knew what locker room talk was and that was where it stayed. Of course our lives were simplified by the fact that the athletic facility was all male and any women's team sports took place at Radcliffe. Going full co-ed has had some benefits for both Harvard and Radcliffe, but as always there are an equal number of problems.

I understand the women's anger. However, no one - certainly no one on a campus - can take a joke any more. So far, though, I think Faust is beating the horse after it has left the barn!

Fritz said...

Now they need to cut a women's sport to maintain Title IX parity.

Dude1394 said...

Good grief. I guess the auctioning off of dates for charity has got to stop, someone's fweewings might get hurt.
Certainly all beauty pagents should be ended immediately. I mean, you can't even comment when the winner blows up like a hippo anymore.
All fashion shows should end.
Sports illustrated, no freaking way.

No wonder there are more and more gay guys, who wants to put up with this shite. Bring on the sex robots.

dbp said...

Hey Kat, should we show a lot of class? You know, say we are more amused than offended and take a stand for free speech by opposing the boy's suspension? You know Alli, I really agree with you, we should do that.

All the ladies cheer! Okay, Hannah can you draft something to the above effect and send it out?

Kidding! Lets get the six ladies who were incomming in 2012 and are still here, to write a creepy screed about letting men "who may lay claim to our bodies" and completely poison any possible future good feeling between the men's and women's team!


n.n said...

So, liberals destroyed religion/morality in order to exploit it, them, us for profit. Social liberalism has always been a trap to destroy competitors, relationships, dignity, liberty, men, women, and babies, too.

Kathy Antley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Douglas B. Levene said...

Hey Harvard, the Cultural Revolution is calling. You should make these counter-revolutionary pigs wear dunce caps while kneeling on the ground and being beaten as they are confessing their counter-revolutionary crimes before the People's Tribunal, and then you should send them to re-education camps where hard physical labor and no food will cure them of their wrong-thinking.

Joe said...

Why does Harvard even have sports teams?

Anonymous said...

If the list is from 2012 and nobody on this year's team is involved, this doesn't make any sense except as a collective punishment of some men for the actions of other men. Original sin and collective guilt is supposedly a theological doctrine, but feminists certainly seem to hold something similar, just about half the human race instead of all of it.

This is also a useful public service reminder to men to steer clear of Ivy League women.

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