And alan markus said:
I will be watching the discussion here - much more interesting than what any talking heads on TV will have to say.And I said:
Hey, good point! I should have provided that option: I will be hanging out on Althouse and seeing whatever is visible from this vantage point.The option wasn't available on the poll, but it's available right now. Hang out here and watch with me. I know we can't all get what we want, but if what you want is company and conversation, you can get that here. My vote is secret, and I'm sympathetic to everyone's feelings.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1169 Newer› Newest»I'm sure she had some high lib voting percentage from her years in the Senate,
Well it's her time in the executive, when her judgement really mattered that we are talking about here. But, like I said, I don't blame you for not going there.
There was her vote though "With conviction" (Her words) for the Iraq war, and then, as SoS she continued in her conviction. She agitated to overthrow Qaddafi, her question about a Syrian civil war?
So the problem for the US and the
Europeans has been from the very beginning: What
is it you -- who is it you are going to try to arm? - HRC to Goldman Sachs
Unless you believe that arming one side in a civil war does not make the war worse than it needed to be.
Oh yeah, I forgot about PB&J's stated position here on removing Qaddafi. He supported it! "Bad man!"
It's sexist to judge Hillary by her actions, policies, past positions, or associations.
Basically it's sexist to judge Hillary.
Hillary is a woman. Women need to be appreciated. Not judged.
All you "citizens" just don't get this. As her confidante John Podesta said, you're just "enemies of the state."
So does Chuck now admit he was wrong about Trump as a drag on the down ballot races?
"Anything but a recount."
How about a tie. Then, the House deadlocks, so no POTUS. Then, the Senate picks Pence as VP who becomes POTUS because there is no POTUS (thanks to the House.)
I think there's an HBO show that already did this.
It's always Florida.
Charlie Crist elected -- as a Democrat -- to the House of Representatives.
Charlie Crist is the living, breathing embodiment of the absolute worst of American politics. I can't think of a more odious figure, with Harry Reid exiting the stage.
Dang, I might have to do this all night: YT Who Baba O'Rielly
I don't need to fight
To prove I'm right
I don't need to be forgiven
The exodus is here
The happy ones are near
Let's get together
Before we get much older
"My vote is secret..."
Oh, you precious, you! :)
it's ok, i'm scared of saying it out loud too. Peeps be cray-cray in these times.
Oh, what the hell, I voted for the stoner. If we're all going to hell anyway, I'd like to get blitzed before i get there.
Although I want the GOP to hold the Senate, I cannot cry over Mark Kirk. A nauseating combo of RINO, spineless and racist.
Birkel said...
So does Chuck now admit he was wrong about Trump as a drag on the down ballot races?
I may have been concerned about that, but my prediction was that Republicans would hold the House, and that we'd also have something like a 51 or 52 seat majority in the Senate, thanks to strong candidates and no thanks to Trump.
So that was my prediction. I never once predicted a Democrat landslide.
Did Hillary carry her home state of Goldman Sachs?
That's unfortunately funny about Broward. Broward often comes in late.
2000 when they declared for Bush I was screaming at the TV that Broward
hadn't come in yet, you fools.
"Shiloh, she's losing by nearly 1% point now."
At 91% a little under a million votes left to be counted in heavily Dem areas according to Todd/Wallace.
Looks like a longgg night!
All Hail Lord Hillary Blankfein-Clinton! President Goldman Sachs of America!
Man, if only HillDozer had blue eyes, her campaign song would have been locked in!
But my dreams
They aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free
No one bites back as hard
On their anger
None of my pain and woe
Can show through
VA is a
Dems appear nervous
"Shiloh, she's losing by nearly 1% point now."
How dare anyone question shiloh on the election. It's the only thing he cares about!
The policies and record, you people clutter your minds with these things. shiloh can focus on the election because his little mind is unencumbered by facts pertaining to policies and the record.
So, Chuck, you admit nothing? You are a liar.
Sean Hannity just got a tingle up his leg
Meade is the bellwether. Wisconsin for Trump.
Trump seems to be beating my -3% prediction. If so he outperforms Romney.
Birkel said...
So, Chuck, you admit nothing? You are a liar.
What do you want me to admit, you asshole? Quote me and supply a link if you think you've got me. I can assure you; you haven't got me on anything.
Bomb 'em, Bomb 'em
No boots on the ground,
Fuck the refugees,
Let 'em drown.
The Battle Hymn of Hillary Clinton
Hi Chuck. I'm glad you stuck around. I know you sure didn't like Trump and got frustrated with people who didn't fully agree and lots of people weren't very nice to you, me included at times, but you seem like a good dude and I'm glad you're still around.
Not really related, but just a pretty song:
YT Tom Petty: Wildflowers
Hey Birkel;
Here I am in a comment from weeks ago saying what I just told you.
Now go fuck yourself.'
I agree, Hoodlum! Chuck, ARM & Cook are contrarian but good people. Wish I could say the same for shiloh. But I can't.
HoodlumDoodlum: Thanks for the soundtrack. Much better than talking heads and sound effects on CNN
Meade is the bellwether. Wisconsin for Trump.
Depends on how many Walker supporters come home...
I did, and there are a lot of us. Could it be?
You were aghast at how Trump would ruin down ballot chances.
You know you did. Admit you were wrong, you skittish lifelong Republican.
You know that I voted for Trump, right? I voted a "straight party ballot." So without making a mark next to Trump's name, I voted for him as the Republican party nominee.
Brikel! Why? The vote is over, the die is cast. People said things leading up to the election and had arguments with one another, maybe intemperately at times. That's done now, that's over! Chuck's here, you're here, be civil. No one gets points for being right or making a solid prediction anyway, unless you put some cash down at one of the betting markets. If anyone did feel free to brag, but the rest of us should be in "wow, I didn't think that would happen, did you?" mode.
I think a recount in Florida would be great!
This is awesome. Come on America, you can do it.
Chuck - I know you did, you said you were going to.
I didn't. I know, I know, ridiculous, but it's a ridiculous year. A sad year, I think. I have never been undecided like that before; it was a weird feeling. Hillary was not an option, of course, and a part of me regrets not getting counted in just as an FU vote, but I just couldn't do it. They guy's not a conservative.
Anyway I wasn't being sarcastic earlier. I'm sure it couldn't have been easy voting for a guy you opposed so thoroughly but I hope you feel ok about your choice anyway.
Chuck has called names of a most vulgar variety. So kindly poss up a rope.
Also, Chuck was a shrieking ninny about the down ballot races.
Well Shiloh, you are an optimist. I grew up a Dem in a red state, so I am predisposed to pessimism. So... it's not looking good.
Piss up a rope, that is.
She can't even win Virginia???
They guy's not a conservative.
Well, conservatives are just part of the new coalition that is there for the grabbing. People abandoned or sold out by both parties. There is a "realignment" coming, and the fact that this race is this close with a nominee this bad says that the any prospective Hillary presidency has "one term" written all over it.
But if you insist on litmus test conservatism, I think that you might not have a national candidate to vote for for a long time.
If Queen Hillary loses, how will they spin it on Clinton News Network (CNN)?
Wolf Blitzer is practically shitting their pants for them right now.
Good work, Media!
Looks like we are a lot more deplorable than the media expected.
Fairfax Co, Va only 20% reporting
I grew up a Dem in a red state, so I am predisposed to pessimism.
This is finally the election when the time came to stop being a partisan and start figuring out who's a progressive and who's a corporatist.
If Trump wins, CNN will jump for joy. Their ratings over the next 4-years will double
R&B Bullshit. Trump is about as progressive as General Ripper. He just plays a progressive on TeeVee
I was just diagnosed with a concussion today.
So I am prepared for the outcome better than anyone.
I am Laslo.
Tim in V said: "I think a recount in Florida would be great!"
As long as they bring in the guy with the "eyeball" - the guy fully focused on the chad.
I'm not sure I mind if HIllary wins - given the alternative. I just want it to be a like a 1-vote margin of victory.
Enough to cast the illegitimacy on it that it so richly deserves.
If Trump wins, you'd better hope that he gets better opposition than the pathetic MSM and DNC.
Howard: "If Trump wins, CNN will jump for joy."
On what planet do you reside?
Howard, you do understand that Hillary has "public and private" positions, right?
If you read her paid speeches, well the ones we got our hands on, she is withholding still a ton of them, she sounds like a comment thread right-winger! "The Russians are behind the anti-Fracking movement" etc, etc, etc.
R&B Bullshit. Trump is about as progressive as General Ripper. He just plays a progressive on TeeVee
Oh gee! You really schooled me! I had no idea!
Really, now? Well, at least he panders to them better than Hillary panders to her own corporatist base.
No one knows or cares what Donald Trump is. What matters is that Hillary hates the working class. Or anyone that needs her who's not clamoring over women's issues. And even then she's not such a great ally.
Planet Claire.
How ironic would it be if the candidate who stole her own party's primary couldn't manage to convince enough people that she was the right choice for the general election.
About as ironic as it gets.
Time to hate on the working class a little bit less, Democrats.
Hillary is a whore. Bernie introduced her to new clients, just like Drumpf
I'm depressed. KY has flipped and I was so against giving Crazy Bevin a ruling majority. A governor who thinks he's the CEO. Pfffft
I knew KY was in the tank for Trump so I voted third party to try and help them get to five percent of the national popular vote so they can get federal funding next time. If it were a swing state, I wouldn't have done that.
I have at least nine write-in votes for the county soil and water conservation commission. I didn't file as a write-in candidate so I don't know if it will work or not. LOL
Shit OH looks like a Trump win..maga
Drago said...
On what planet do you reside?
On a planet that tracks media company stock prices. Trump is good for the media business.
Ok Birkel, I hear you man, up a rope shall I piss.
m in vermont said...But if you insist on litmus test conservatism, I think that you might not have a national candidate to vote for for a long time.
Yeah, but honestly it's not really a strict litmus test for me--I voted for Romney and really regret he didn't win, but he wasn't much of a conservative, either. (He did speak the language FAR better than Trump, though!) But you're not wrong that it will be a looong time...quite possibly never. I dunno, honestly I thought I'd reluctantly vote for him. It might help that he'll win my state almost for sure--if I thought he wouldn't I would have voted for him, so I wasn't taking some noble, principled stand and I recognize that. I think it was more "this guy isn't my kinda guy, he doesn't need my vote for this state, and he isn't a conservative so giving him my vote as a protest won't really send the message I want."
I dunno, I might regret it later; the available options were certainly regrettable.
I just hope, if she wins, that Dave Chappelle is still hosting SNL. She needs some serious cold water thrown in her direction, and he is just the Dorothy to do it.
The lesson of this election is that identity politics is for the fucking birds.
Economics trumps everything. And both parties hate the working poor.
There's a reason why these candidates are so detested and why the election is essentially a toss-up.
R&B's: "No one knows or cares what Donald Trump is. What matters is that Hillary hates the working class. Or anyone that needs her who's not clamoring over women's issues. And even then she's not such a great ally."
That's a decent 2 line summary of this election and the extent to which that working class makes hillary pay at the polls in the blue wall states of MI, WI, PA will determine the winner.
Again, it's very difficult for me to believe that the dems won't generate 1000% turnout in Philadelphia, Milwaukee and Detroit for the wins.
tim: no shit, so does everybody on the planet. She is a pus-filled crook who will do anything for money and power...
Sort of back on topic: YT Rush: Freewill
I never paid much attention to Rush as a kid but I'm coming around--the basslines especially remind me of Entwhistle and even though lots of their stuff is overproduced it still kinda grabs ya.
Look how close this will be. And Clinton had a very strong ground game.
She's a shit candidate. It can't be denied.
And she will be a shit president, in all likelihood.
Oh, Please God, no. Not a recount in Fl. Please. We have suffered enough. Can't we just have the two candidates shoot at each other at 20 paces? Anything but a recount.
You said it, Mama!
Rhythm and Balls: "The lesson of this election is that identity politics is for the fucking birds.
Economics trumps everything. And both parties hate the working poor.
There's a reason why these candidates are so detested and why the election is essentially a toss-up"
The fact that R&B and I, coming from very different places politically, end up at the same place is what makes this election so different.
And it won't be the last election that this is the case.
HoodlumDoodlum, I would have done the same thing, but I live in Florida, well, most of the year. I threw up in my mouth a little voting for Trump, though. I am still not sure I did the right thing.
Howard: "tim: no shit, so does everybody on the planet. She is a pus-filled crook who will do anything for money and power..."
Enough about her good qualities, what about her bad qualities?
Ho Hum. It is coming down to reports from a few counties in urban areas where the Dems expect huge votes, but they cannot turn in their results until the winning margin Hillary needs added in is computed.
2016: The year the Democrats openly admitted that they would abandon all economic concerns or issues affecting the working poor so that they could make the identity politics candidate the first woman president and further entrench their party's machine.
You heard it here, first. Women care about economics, too. Everyone does, in fact.
All's Trump needed to do was to make a slight move to women and Latinos. Perhaps he did math and figured if he was nice to girls and mexicans, the deplorables wouldn't come out to vote.
kentuckyliz said...I knew KY was in the tank for Trump so I voted third party to try and help them get to five percent of the national popular vote so they can get federal funding next time. If it were a swing state, I wouldn't have done that.
I have at least nine write-in votes for the county soil and water conservation commission. I didn't file as a write-in candidate so I don't know if it will work or not. LOL
Solid reasoning, solid move. That's funny about your write-in votes, but you know if you win you'll have go to to the meetings and what not, right?! Storm water abatement and construction site silt fence debates for 3 hours twice a month--yikes!
I am having a colonoscopy tomorrow, and I am currently chugging an entire bottle of Miralax mixed with gatorade. I just wanted to share that with everyone.
Man, is that the perfect election metaphor or what?
"Well Shiloh, you are an optimist."
Didn't start being engaged re: politics until 2003 at a reality tv site that had a current affairs forum. Oh the irony.
Again, if Trump wins I'll be pissed a couple days then move on.
Nov 2000 was working 3rd shift listening to the radio and "they" declared Gore the winner in FL, then Bush around 2am IIRC and then drove home and discovered it was still undecided. Had breakfast and went to bed.
Keep hope alive!
1992: It's the economy, stupid!
2016: It's NOT the lack of femininity, stupid!
Hillaries cookies are deadly... just ask Vince Foster and Jim McDougal
Charlie Crist is the living, breathing embodiment of the absolute worst of American politics. I can't think of a more odious figure, with Harry Reid exiting the stage.
Well, there's Alan Grayson. How's he doing?
How fucking badly did the media misjudge this whole thing?
tim in vermont said...HoodlumDoodlum, I would have done the same thing, but I live in Florida, well, most of the year. I threw up in my mouth a little voting for Trump, though. I am still not sure I did the right thing.
Man, FL, you're never gonna be able to sit one out! But shouldn't your name be "tim FROM vermont" or something like that? I'd have to imagine Vermont and FL would be night and day, climate-wise, no? Taxes, too!
Howard: "All's Trump needed to do was to make a slight move to women and Latinos. Perhaps he did math and figured if he was nice to girls and mexicans, the deplorables wouldn't come out to vote"
Come on Howard, stop phoning it in. You can do better than that.
Love Shack, Baby
Sorry Drago, I had to give up drinking.
If Trump gets the trifecta, I predict the repubs pull the nuke option on the Court.
All the Queen's statisticians and all the Queen's men, couldn't put Hillary back together again.
A candidate so out-of-touch that she left it all to numbers and aides and advisers and other nerds.
Howard: "Sorry Drago, I had to give up drinking"
You picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue!
ARM says: On a planet that tracks media company stock prices. Trump is good for the media business.
But won't the CNN crew look silly with all that egg on its face?
But won't the CNN crew look silly with all that egg on its face
Ratings gold!
Mock: Yeah and so will half the country and they will look to CNN to interpret the Dronalds every move. Plus, it keeps Trump off his own network
Nov 2000 was working 3rd shift listening to the radio and "they" declared Gore the winner in FL, then Bush around 2am IIRC and then drove home and discovered it was still undecided. Had breakfast and went to bed.
Keep hope alive!
Newsflash: Gore lost Florida. What hope am I supposed to be keeping alive? Ugh, this is a baaaad night. Bad. Even if Trump turns out to lose, it's bad in Congress. Just baaad.
How fucking badly did the media misjudge this whole thing?
More evidence the MSM are operatives (D), not journalists. The aggregator maps are still intact. So is a repeat of the 2012 map.
Howard: " Plus, it keeps Trump off his own network"
Oh, ye of little faith...
At this moment in time, the NY Times is giving Trump 54$ chance to win the Presidency.
But hey.
Don't worry, buddy.
If Hillary loses maybe the Democrats could get a candidate in 2020 who's even more closely tied to Goldman Sachs than she was.
I finally opened the NYT Live Forecast to see how badly Trump was losing. In the five or ten minutes I watched it, it swung from Clinton to Trump. Should be an interesting night!
From 'The Community of Color Gazette':
"Local Man of Color Says He Doesn't Care Who Wins The Presidential Race."
Edison Banks, a local man of our Community of Color, was overheard at his local bar saying "I don't give a f*ck which cracker f*ck becomes the f*cking President, you feel me?"
"Lola Thomas, bartender at the Blackside Backside Bar, confirmed Mr. Banks' statement.
"Eddie, he's sixty-eight years old: he's done tired of all this sh*t. He said we had a Black President and things are still the same sh*t for the Brothers. Rich white people are always gonna block our way."
Gregg Jenkins, a fellow patron of the bar, elaborated on Mr. Banks' statement.
"Word that. Picking a President ain't no different than picking out which dude is gonna f*ck you up the *ss in prison: you're still getting f*cked up the *ss."
Mr. Banks agreed with Mr. Jenkins statement.
"I ain't never been butt-f*cked in prison because I ain't never been to prison none, but I imagine Gregg is right on this. White People, they like to butt-f*ck."
Ms. Thomas nodded, but did not fully agree with Mr. Banks' last statement.
"A lot of Black men, they want the butt-sex, too. Just sayin'."
Upon hearing Ms. Thomas' comment, Mr. Banks modified his statement.
"Sure, alright. But White Men do it because they are secretly gay. Us Black Men do it because it feels good."
Mr. Banks had the last word.
"I'm not sure why we're all goin' on about butt-f*cking. I just don't care who ends up being President, that's all."
So there it is: a Story of Change in our Community of Color. For more stories like this please read 'The Community of Color Gazette'.
I am Laslo.
Have a look at the futures markets. Suggesting Trump. Currencies. Equities. Watch
I went to the mainland over Labor Day (Minnesota and Wisconsin) to visit the kinfolk.
Me: Who are you going to vote for, Mom? Hillary?
Mom: Ach! No! She is a terrible woman!
Rhythm and Balls: "If Hillary loses maybe the Democrats could get a candidate in 2020 who's even more closely tied to Goldman Sachs than she was."
You'd have a better chance of surviving getting between Chuck Schumer and a microphone!
it's bad in Congress. Just baaad.
You know what would have been better? If the DNC hadn't rigged the primary for the most divisive figure in American Politics to breeze almost unopposed to the nomination. That would have been better.
You'd have a better chance of surviving getting between Chuck Schumer and a microphone!
Oldie but goodie!
Hey Drago!
Well, if we see a lot of this the same way, what do you think are the chances that these goddamn idiotic party bosses will figure it out and finally get a pro-working class leader before we completely Weimarize ourselves?
"I don't give a f*ck which cracker f*ck becomes the f*cking President, you feel me?"
Deep down, we are all the same.
Mes chers amis Clintonistes: Si vous souhaitez déménager au Canada, vous devez apprendre le français. C'est la loi. Bonne chance.
They keep saying too early to call, but they must know based on remaining precinct projections exit polls and current count. They just want to stretch it out.
Is anyone watching? What does their body language say?
NY Times now giving Trump a 59% chance to win.
Aw, Cspan's map has a gold for "other." I almost wanna cry. It's so ... fair. But hopeless.
Only if you want a job, tcrosse.
Rhythm and Balls: "Hey Drago!
Well, if we see a lot of this the same way, what do you think are the chances that these goddamn idiotic party bosses will figure it out and finally get a pro-working class leader before we completely Weimarize ourselves?"
Before I answer your first question I want to take a moment and revel in the phrase "before we completely Weimarize ourselves".
That's solid gold right there.
Solid gold.
You know, like the gold standard!
I'll be you thought I couldn't get there!
The state to watch is Virginia as I wrote this weekend. I have seen this movie before, but Trump is standing better than Romney was at this point in the count in Virginia, but Obama did win by 3.9%, too. I still think Clinton will win Virginia, but it is much closer than the idiot pollsters had it, and I can only say she has about 60% to win it from this point in the night.
I think Trump is probably going to win Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina. So, by my count, he really needs to win Michigan.
Hillary made a mini gain in Va.
Qwinn: "NY Times now giving Trump a 59% chance to win."
What the heck are they looking at?
R&B - I said all along that if the Dems allowed Sanders, they had a very good chance.
It is Not Really That Inviting to have Madam Goldman Sachs as the first female president.
Trump is probably more of a classic Democrat than Hillary Clinton, which is why we are still up so late at night pleading with the electoral gods to at least make a clear decision in Florida.
The country is in a Democratic mood, and it might have been nice if the Democratic party could have nominated one.
HT, stop. Quit the negativity. The west hasn't even closed their polls yet.
So I look forward to the Clinton lawyers fighting to reject every overseas vote from soldiers, and cheering with each disenfranchisement!
Word is that waters on the margins of the everglades are seen to be retreating...
NY Times now giving Trump a 59% chance to win.
Oh, how fickle of them! Just this morning they had it at 15%.
Nothing wrong with that daily dose of overconfidence, eh NYTimes!
If I'd known the race would be this close, I'd have gone to the house of someone with cable.
Those of you with cable need to record the funniest media moments for YouTube. Get some now because it might swing back the other way.
Well of course not! But what surprise is there aside from Colorado? I'm sorry, but SHE SHOULD WIN VIRGINIA!
Its crazy!
I was one of the folks who said I wasn't going to watch, but I would've checked the option for "watching discussion here." Spent the day shopping to get away from news channels. Tonight, I've been watching NCIS (on USA channel) and Bravo (one of the Housewives show). Checked into Althouse and. . . .doesn't look like a landslide for the Hildebeast yet.
Turned CNN on for a few minutes - worth it to see the shock on Wolf's face.
Ritmo, you were right about Sanders and I was wrong. Lots of sad faces on NBC. The fat lady is about to sing.
Michigan ~ Michigan ~ Michigan
Oh, how fickle of them! Just this morning they had it at 15%.
Well this morning they were trying to suppress Republican turnout, now they are trying to salvage their reputation. But I think they already ate the seed corn there.
I may make a cup of coffee.
You're welcome, Howard.
Couple of good ones, may or may not apply:
YT Donovan: Season of the Witch
YT Chambers Bros: Time Has Come Today
Long version, baby! My Dad has that one on vinyl; I used to listen to it, loud, after school. Kickin' off the psychedelic era RIGHT.
Even the fox heads are strumped at how bad the polls were compared to these early results
Freeman Hunt said...
If I'd known the race would be this close, I'd have gone to the house of someone with cable.
CNN and FOX are both streaming online.
Thank you, Shiloh.
I've thought about this quite a bit. I saw it coming all the way back in the 1990s.
THere's just so much shutting out of your working poor that a country can get away with.
These social democracies of Europe that we were told would never work in America? The whole reason they did that was to prevent fascism.
Trump is the symptom, not the disease.
The left has to do a complete top-to-bottom re-routing, pronto. Yesterday. This disaster has been over 16 years in the making. Time is running out.
Political polling is no longer a science.
Qwinn said...NY Times now giving Trump a 59% chance to win.
Well then: YT Loggins: Danger Zone
turn on abc. they're about to start crying.
Clinton had all the advantages and Trump basically didn't fucking care and looks like he's on his way to C-in-C.
NYT had that damn, idiotic fool percent likelihood ticker every day. I couldn't believe it. It was basically a way to assure overconfidence. Every day they had Trump at under 10%. Every day. For months. What could go wrong?
The DNC needs to be turned upside down and shaken to its core. Like searching for hametz at Passover.
Just clean the whole fucking house. Rally the progressives and get all the corporatists out. Completely. No one with any investment banking ties should be allowed, and have it be that.
They're really letting these go down to the wire to call in the states that matter.
LOL! They definitely should pay whatever he asks. It's a small state, it can't be that much! The Democrats will be offering a lot, but his state has changed. Hillary has betrayed the coal miners, just like Maggie Thatcher did in England.
But Hillary would NEVER be hated for that the way Thatcher was! Noooooo!
They are just making shit up in broward county.
Um, what happened to keep hope alive
Dow futures down 300. Posted earlier today an HP headline THE END IS NIGH!
Inching forward in Virginia!! Losing Oh. badly.
Fox just called Virginia for Clinton, as I expected. Trump really missed an opportunity by not spending time in Virginia, in my opinion. The pollsters are incompetent pretty much all around.
I think it is Michigan or nothing for Trump. I can't see any other path to victory for him.
VA called.
Will Hillary win by more than 60,000 felons mcaulife illegally allowed to vote?
Does THIS look like the antics of a "left-wing", liberal party to you? To anyone?
Time for some changes, Democrats. Big time.
Whoop there it is.
NYT is doing the math.
See HT?
shiloh: "Clinton had all the advantages and Trump basically didn't fucking care and looks like he's on his way to C-in-C"
Clinton did not have all the advantages and Trump did f'n care about some things. Stop kidding yourself and open your eyes. R&B's has been screaming truth to you for months now.
Still looks like a very narrow path for Trump (unless he flips one of the big blue wall states along with winning all the Romney states).
I am grateful that Obama stayed healthy enough not to have Joe Biden take over. I am so so grateful for that. I am sorry that Biden lost his son. That is terrible to endure, and sad all around, though.
Yes. I just wish Trump would lose Fla and Va. I can't believe how poorly she's doing in Ohio. I think I can start contemplating sleep now.
Michigan=58% Trump
NH= 70% Hillary
PA= 52% Trump
From NYT
Season of the Witch. I always liked the Super Session version
tho some argued Vanilla Fudge was better. Couple years ago
came across a Joan Jett take. It kicked both their butts.
I don't wanna think I live in some kind of two bit country where a group of billionaires can't shove their candidate over the finish line! Billionaires have gone 20-1 for Hillary and that means something, Goddamn it!
HT, the keep hope alive refers to Althouse cons. So they should be happy and hopeful.
Chris Christie as Attorney General.
Palin Energy Sec.
Carson Health Sec.
Rudy Homeland Sec.
NYT now has trump at 68% likely winner
My God! Can he get this done?! WTF is the nyt site smoking?
Chance of Winning Presidency
Popular vote margin
Clinton +1.6
Electoral votes
! ! !
Ohio just lost to Georgia, Cavaliers to Hawks that is.
So how is Feingold doing in his attempt to go home again?
HT: "Yes. I just wish Trump would lose Fla and Va. I can't believe how poorly she's doing in Ohio."
Yes, it would be a shame if hillary were denied the opportunity to sell her Presidency for about $8Billion (a markup of of $6B from what she sold her Sec of State role for). Plus, where would Chelsea get money for her next marriage if the CGI were shut down?
I can't believe how poorly she's doing in Ohio
You don't have a fucking clue why people hate her, do you? It probably has to do with keeping your fingers over your ears whenever anything not worshipful was pointed out, and studiously avoiding all Wikileaks not pre-digested for you by a worshipful press.
Broward County is calculating how many votes they need.
shiloh: It's not like they can do any worse. it almost guarantees a democrat bump in the mid-terms.
you forgot Putin in as CIA director
State Est. pct. of votes Reported margin NYT projection
Minn. 11% Clinton +3.8 Clinton +6.3
Colo. 53% Clinton +5.2 Clinton +6.0
Nev. 0% - Clinton +4.1
Va. 87% Clinton +0.5 Clinton +3.2
N.H. 41% Trump +1.8 Clinton +2.6
Wis. 26% Trump +5.8 Clinton +1.2
Pa. 35% Clinton +13.9 Trump +0.3
Ariz. 0% - Trump +1.1
Fla. >95% Trump +1.1 Trump +1.1
Mich. 25% Trump +4.2 Trump +1.9
N.C. 83% Trump +3.1 Trump +2.1
Iowa 0% - Trump +2.6
Ga. 49% Trump +18.9 Trump +5.3
Utah 0% - Trump +6.6
Alaska 0% - Trump +6.9
! ! ! ! !
Yeah, Howard. Keep reading the New York Times. They'll always tell you the truth. And never just what they want you to hear.
Geez. What happened to those daily tickers FOR MONTHS THAT TOLD ME TRUMP'S CHANCES WERE LESS THAN 10%???????!!!!!
Fucking idiotic Wall Street assholes. Revolution's a-comin'.
I am on verge of optimism.
It's really happening... a republican Jimma Carter out of nowhere
The Smiths
What difference does it make
I wouldn't pay too much attention to the NYTimes predictor function unless someone can assure me the odds predictions take into account what precincts are missing. I actually went to the individual states, and I still don't see how Trump wins PA, and MI is a stretch, at best.
Also, Florida should be called within a few minutes for Trump. And I think Ohio will be called within an hour at the latest.
Howard: "It's really happening... a republican Jimma Carter out of nowhere"
I have it on good authority that Trump will not concern himself with who has scheduled time on the White House tennis court.
I'm not sure if you guys are fucking with me or not with these results. Fine, ok:
YT Bon Jovi: Livin' On A Prayer
YT Aerosmith: Livin' On The Edge
Does anyone know if there are any sites to tell you the percentage of eligible voters who voted, broken down by counties?
(I am getting sick of having to ID the storefronts every time I post!)
WTF is going on in Florida. Been 95% reported for an hour.
In the midterms, Democrats defend 25 Senate seats. republicans defend 8 (or 9)...
Senate moves more Republican in 2018.
Howard is an idiot.
I knew the NYT was completely unreliable when they pushed and shilled and blowharded (is that a word?) for CLinton ENDLESSLY during the primary with as much negative coverage for Sanders as they could invent and completely ignored the complaints of 90% of their approved comments and commenters about their objecting to the slant.
You'd better believe those hundreds of thousands of "disappeared" Democratic primary votes in Brooklyn etc. were stolen by HIllary's henchmen.
Hillary now gets what Hillary deserves. Sorry.
It's down to Michigan 16 or Pennsylvania 20 he don't need both to win
Birkel: grow some balls and block me
The more I watch and wait, the more I think that even if Trump loses VA, it may not be as fatal as I thought this morning. He may still lose, but it isn't as clear from just losing one key state. He's actually somewhat competitive elsewhere. And if the NYT is to believed, who knows?
With Wall Street's candidate in jeopardy Doe futures down more than 600 points.
Do they know something?
Fla - cspan says 99.15 % reporting.
I am getting sick of having to ID the storefronts every time I post!)
Ignore it. Just publish. It doesn't do anything.
R&B: I agree, Hitlary stole it from Bernie and gave us Trump instead. This is all on her and her fucking wall street cut-throats
Shiloh, it's not over yet.
Keep hope alive!
you asshole.
No. I will mock your idiocy.
Maybe Hillary can complain to the national H.R. department about getting "groped" by DEMOCRACY!!!!
What a lousy, worthless fucker. The WORST candidate I've seen the Demos run. THE W-O-R-S-T.
THey could have run Tulsi Gabbard and she could have done better.
The country has no patience - ABSOLUTELY NONE - to be told to put the working poor's economy on hold so that post-menopausal retirees can fulfill their fantasies of "sticking it" to the boorish male bosses they had 50 years ago in the 1960s. No matter how much Wall Street money she "earns."
The Democrats have now officially become the party of stupid.
I wonder if the NYT predictor is using the same tech that ESPN uses to predict football games. At some point, it just depends on who has the ball, once the game is underway.
The crowd on the street outside FOX headquarters cheering as pro-Trump news is reported, is fantastic.
They already called MO
Dow futures going down now are punters.
It's coming down to Michigan, Baby!
Last week, Jim Harbaugh was out in California scouting my son's football game (not my Son though, darn it)
Back to politics - go Trump! Shock the world!
Dt 75% chance
Futures markets seem to still think Trump. buying opportunity, boys and girls. don't wait. If DT is elected buy tomorrow and again on Thursday and again on Friday. then hold. Sell on the bounce.
trust me on this
Ritmo said: "Hillary hates you. How soon after the inauguration will you wait until your offer her your firstborn kitten?"
Now, you've outdone yourself. That there is funny. I don't care who you are. It sounds like something I would have said to you back in the day. Good times. Finally we have a Democrat we can both hate. That's progress, my friend.
Imagine an election where Trump and Sanders debated what was going to happen to the elites who have fucked over so much of the country, instead of who talked about whose pussy, and who had their maid print out classified documents.
Matthew Sablan said...
The more I watch and wait, the more I think that even if Trump loses VA, it may not be as fatal as I thought this morning. He may still lose, but it isn't as clear from just losing one key state."
He wasn't expected to win VA. RCP had it down for Hill last night. It's a shock to me that Trump came as close as he did.
Howard: "R&B: I agree, Hitlary stole it from Bernie and gave us Trump instead. This is all on her and her fucking wall street cut-throats"
Pretty much.
Funny thing. Political scientists were tweeting like crazy earlier in the evening. Once the NYT forecast turned Trump's way, suddenly crickets.
Birkel ok, knock yourself out girlfriend
Here's another silver lining to Hillary's perhaps impending loss:
We can kiss the asshole "baby boomer" generation goodbye as a target demographic for determining what's considered to be an "important issue" in our elections.
Goodbye, baby boomers. And good riddance.
Worthless generation.
Get me now, Howard. How many Senate seats do the Democrats gain in 2018?
Give me a number.
Dow futures down 625.
Now, you've outdone yourself. That there is funny. I don't care who you are. It sounds like something I would have said to you back in the day. Good times. Finally we have a Democrat we can both hate. That's progress, my friend.
Ha ha lol. Where have you been? I can't even remember Hillary ever giving me anything to like.
Back in the nineties (remember those times) I asked myself how far someone with so much resentment in them thought they'd want to go in American democratic politics.
Well, she went as far as she could. And then completely wiped out.
Sorry, Hillary. I guess you could always blame it on the FBI or some shit.
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