November 8, 2016

Donald Trump is going to be President of the United States?!

Here's the NYT prediction right now:


Trump seems to be winning in Michigan and in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.


Lyle Smith said...

Let us hope. And get your guns out, because I think some Democrats are going to try and literally kill him.


Bay Area Guy said...


Trump is on a path to win Wisconsin, which I attribute to our doggedly honest and honorable hostess, and the quirky deplorables who comment here.

Go Trump!

David Begley said...

Good that Meade went with the winner.

Smart guy.

Sydney said...

I don't have cable, so I'm having fun watching liberal heads explode on Facebook. Oh, and to my governor, John Kasich- FU!

David Begley said...

I am Cornhead.

Cornhead Says:
November 8th, 2016 at 1:21 pm
I am predicting a slim DJT win. He wins NC FL IA MI OH PA WI.

Enthusiasm makes the difference. The Republic is saved.

Steve said...

"Send lawyers guns and money, the shit has hit the fan." -HRC

Steve said...

I can't wait to read Podesta's email about this.

Limited blogger said...

CNN hasn't called FL or NC yet.

Weird guy at the map is really spinning.

Limited blogger said...

The NBC channels haven't called Florida either.

Fox is usually the last to call.

Sydney said...

CNN's website has Clinton winning, Google's live election results have Trump ahead. Not sure why the difference.

traditionalguy said...

Trump became a Badger, and a Buckeye, and a Gator, and a TarHeel, all to become a President.

Great workmanlike job done on the mat, DJT.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

FL and NC are Trump, I think, but PA is Hillary's. NH is probably Trump.

What I want to see is NV. We know all the actual West Coast is going for Hillary, but NV is a wild card, especially as there's an open Senate seat, and a ton of new immigrants.

But Trump is mopping up states that used to be safe D. I can't believe my eyes, frankly. MI? WI?

Clyde said...

It ain't over until the stake goes through her heart. That said, I'd rather be Van Helsing than Hillary the vampire.

exhelodrvr1 said...

If he wins, it will give us a little breathing space.

Clyde said...

And if Michigan and Wisconsin stay red, Hillary is toast. Burnt toast. Burnt to a crackly crunch. Whoo, doggies.

Mary Beth said...

It's looking like it was a smart move to cancel the fireworks.

Bay Area Guy said...

ABC News is like a funeral parlor - famed #NeverTrumper Bill Krystol is there; I love it!

holdfast said...

I think the NYT is trolling its own readers with that widget.

mockturtle said...


mockturtle said...

I was so hoping to see the look of horror and dismay on Anderson Cooper's face but he's not on! Probably lying down with a cold towel on his pale little forehead.

Christy said...


Heartless Aztec said...

Damnnnnnnn. Who would've thunk it?

3MartiniLunch said...

oh the sweet, sweet tears of the supporters at the HRC HQ...

Qwinn said...

Yep, Fox just called Wisconsin for Trump. PA alone wins it for him now. He only needs 16. Hillary pretty much has to run the table now.

Jake said...

Cue the calls for a shift to a popular vote.

Qwinn said...

Actually last I saw Trump is winning the popular vote by 3 million as well.

Bay Area Guy said...

Carville on MSNBC is awesome! Gotta watch him. Obamacare is done. Dodd-Frank is done.

Freeman Hunt said...

Oh. My.

So much reversal. So much sweet, sweet reversal.

Jake said...

"Actually last I saw Trump is winning the popular vote by 3 million as well."

I was working off of what NYT was projecting. You may be right.

BN said...

Oh wow! Youse guys was right!

I am happy to be wrong. Very happy!!!

...I am still running a special on bullets though. This week only.

Drago said...

The weenies on CNN complaining about the Trump crowd shouting "lock her up".

That's an awful lot of "shilohs" in the CNN crew.

Drago said...

Now CNN is focusing on the dow futures being down.

Good old CNN.

Biff said...

I'm pleased that Trump looks like he's going to win and get to nominate some judges, but this is the first election cycle where I just feel numb. That said, I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I saw the title of Paul Krugman's latest column -- "Our Unknown Country: Is America a failed state and society? It looks truly possible."

BN said...

And Wisconsin! WISCONSIN! Johnson AND Trump!

And here, I thought y'all were unredeemable! And yet, here you are! Joining your fellow midlands countrymen! I'll be!

Ok, I'm celebrating with y'all tonight! Does Easy Cheese and Dos Exes count?

Sammy Finkelman said...

CBS has nor yet called any of these three states, but they say Wisconsin is edge Republican and Charlie Rose thinks they may have a winner of the Oresidntial election in about half an hour.

Utah was called for Trump.

But they are not facoring in recounts.

Sammy Finkelman said...

Hillary and Obama did not campaign at all in Wisconsin.

Anonymous said...

Wisconsin seems genuinely a surprise.

Birches said...

What a shock! I will admit of feeling a lot of schadenfreude watching our Coastal Media Elite crap their pants. Perhaps now more Americans will discover the value in smaller government. I hope Trump is as good of a president as you all believe.

mezzrow said...

Over 3,000 brave individuals lost their lives and over 15,000 were wounded at the Battle of Shiloh. I just had to mention that.

Wisconsin? Trump came THAT close to taking Virginia?

These ARE the crazy years, you know... First the Cubs, then this. (shakes head)

Matt Sablan said...

Yeah. This is surprising.

mockturtle said...

Yep, the Cubs' win is what shook the foundation of normalcy and made this all possible. Even though Illinois is decidedly blue.

M15ery said...

Apparently the "deplorables" still vote.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Clyde said...
It ain't over until the stake goes through her heart...
11/8/16, 10:12 PM


M15ery said...

I live in SF and I've been telling my lefty friends for weeks that I thought Trump would win. To paraphrase:


Because the media is caught in an echo chamber and doesn't have a clue about how unhappy people are in "flyover country."

"But he's a misogynist and racist and..."

Bill Clinton was accused of rape. The same white working class that stood behind Bill through his impeachment troubles will back Trump. Sexual foibles? It's the economy, stupid. Also, the left blew its racism wad-- the people voting for Trump have tuned it out.

"Who are these people and how can they do this?"

Did you watch The Hunger Games? Did you think it was popular just for its special effects? Did you cheer for Katniss and the poor districts? Dude, we're the Capitol City, "flyover country" is the Districts.

Douglas B. Levene said...

Not happy to see the asshole elected, but happy to see Hillary + the Democrats lose. Like watching the Iran/Iraq War.

Gahrie said...

It is not over tonight tomorrow night there will be a campaign to convince the Electoral voters to switch their votes.

Achilles said...

Trump saved the senate for the Republican party.

Best candidate since Reagan.

Anonymous said...

Assuming the results hold, this appears to be the revenge of the Rust Belt on the Democrats for abandoning those voters in favor of environmentalists and free-traders. Think the Democrats would like to have a do-over on Keystone, TPP, or the war on coal?

Meanwhile, while each party was faced with the prospect that if it lost it would have to live with knowing it probably could have won had it nominated someone else, it has to sting twice as hard for Democrats knowing that the party did everything it could to make sure Clinton was the nominee. Had Bernie been chosen, I think we'd be waking up to President-Elect Sanders tomorrow.

Known Unknown said...

"Did you watch The Hunger Games? Did you think it was popular just for its special effects? Did you cheer for Katniss and the poor districts? Dude, we're the Capitol City, "flyover country" is the Districts."

I've been using this analogy for a while now. It holds true. The GOPe never saw this taking shape, either.

Sammy Finkelman said...

244 E;ectorsal votes for Donald Trump and 209 for Hillary Clinton, which went up to 215 since I typed that and it has stayed that way for an hour or two.

Donald Trump is leading in most of these states,

The biggest thing is they are wauting fror absentee ballots.

Sammy Finkelman said...

@Gaine. It won't be close enough to try to grt rlrvtord to defect. No, recounts, maybe lawsuits.

Johnathan Birks said...

His problem was lack of discipline and temperament, hers was lack of character.
-Chris Wallace

Dude1394 said...

So Hillary is too drunk to stay up. I think Trump should come on and claim victory.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Ya know what's racist? All these celebrities, many of whom have homes in southern California, would rather move to cold, white Canada than move a few miles south and live among Mexicans.

Dude1394 said...

I think the Democrats want to have some more time to create some votes.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Dude1394 said...
I think the Democrats want to have some more time to create some votes.

11/9/16, 1:21 AM

My thoughts exactly. podesta sent everyone home so the brains could have time to scheme up something crooked before morning.

Wilbur said...

Just woke up - saw Trump is the winner!!!!

Immediately tuned into MSNBC - watching their heads explode. So sweet.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Does anyone remember way back when the democrats were crowing about the death of the republican party, and how it was destined to never win another election ever... Was that 2006 they were saying that, or 2008?...

Night Owl said...

Seems there was indeed hidden Trump support that was not reflected in the polls. There were many states where it was close-- closer than polls suggested-- and there were more battle-ground states than the DNC and Hillary expected, like WI and MI. Too many states for them to attempt to cheat themselves to a win. Many people, including myself, said that Trump couldn't win unless he won in a landslide, and that's what happened-- as close to a landslide as you can get from such an evenly divided electorate.

I'd reached peak cynicism during this election cycle, in part due to all the corruption revealed from Wikileaks. But I'm not cynical about the American electorate-- it rejected the crook, the crooked DNC machine that forced her onto to us, and the crooked media who acted as her cheerleader. Good for us.

(Oddly enough, I woke up Tuesday dreaming that Trump had won in a landslide. My subconscious is apparently more in touch than my inner cynic, which steadfastly refused to believe it was possible until Hillary conceded.)

Rusty said...

The usual suspects must be devastated. I'm taking R&B off that list since he was informative and quite entertaining the last couple of days.
Are you OK?
Do we need to send somebody over?

Rusty said...

I guess this means that if we the people show up in enough numbers the democrats can't cheat their way to winning an election.
Lesson learned.

Mick said...

They couldn't steal it, as much as they tried. Trumpmas is here. Hail President Trump!
Now, as for all the criminals that have inhabited our government, including the Usurper Hussein Obama, we are coming for you. DRAIN THE SWAMP, LOCK HER UP.

GWash said...

Congrats to all the trump bloggers here !... especially Mick who called it early and often.. not quite the landslide but he out performed the pollsters!... now we own it and whatever trump turns out to be, whatever this country does next belongs to the trump faction of the republican party... it's a great day to be a republican with full control, anything is possible..

Mick said...

I would love to be a fly on the wall when President elect Trump visits the Usurper Hussein Obama at the White House.
Pack your shit Usurper, you have divided us long enough.

Mick said...

And don't steal the silver...

Mick said...

GWash said...
"Congrats to all the trump bloggers here !... especially Mick who called it early and often.. not quite the landslide but he out performed the pollsters!... now we own it and whatever trump turns out to be, whatever this country does next belongs to the trump faction of the republican party... it's a great day to be a republican with full control, anything is possible.."

It was easy to outperform the pollsters. All you had to do was identify the liars. Always consider the source. The MSM was repudiated, but they will never give up. The "progressives" never give up. They will double and triple down on their lies. It was a joy to watch all of the Bagdad Bobs in the media deny the power of the Trump movement all the way to the point of their defeat, How sweet was.

But I am sure they will not go away. They will turn to the anger phase.

Mick said...

It was fitting that the Crooked Old Lady sent out the Satanist Podesta to tell her stunned (delusional) worshippers to go home.

Mick said...

Podesta looked like Darth Vader without the mask. A shriveled little man.

buwaya said...

This is a glorious day for you, Mick.
I have to admit I found you rather eccentric at times, and I thought predicting last night was a die-roll, but you got this one, no two ways about it.

shiloh said...

Many voters, mostly Dems, stayed home:

2008 ~ Obama = 69.5 million /// McCain = 60 milion

2012 ~ Obama = 66 million /// Romney = 61 million

2016 ~ Hillary = 59,137,478 /// Trump = 59,025,041 so far as the totals will increase slightly in the next few days.


So, even McCain and Willard, at this time got more votes than Trump!

And Obama got 9.5 million more votes than Trump in 2008 when the eligible voter base was smaller.

As always, America gets the govt it deserves and America's voters are basically lazy. Congrats!

Also, both Trump and Hillary did a really good job suppressing the vote ie both had yuuuuuge unfavorables.

It will be interesting watching Trump's job approval the next (4) years. Indeed, he's sooooo frickin' unlikable from the get-go as many who voted for him don't like him already.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Shiloh, in theory, you COULD wait and see if and how he follows up on his magnanimous, statesmanlike victory speech. Why don't you try it?

Rhetorical! Bwahahahahahahahaha...

Bad Lieutenant said...

And yeah, Sympathy for the Devil, Mick!

Rusty said...

shiloh said...
Keep hope alive, Shiloh.
You're bound to be right sometime.
Right Althouse libs?

Mick said...

buwaya puti said...
"This is a glorious day for you, Mick.
I have to admit I found you rather eccentric at times, and I thought predicting last night was a die-roll, but you got this one, no two ways about it.

Thank you. I see with my eyes. Trump was the only candidate that truly loves America, and it was obvious. The long nightmare of the Usurper is over.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Leave it to loser Shiloh/ARM to take a sour-grapes shit on Americans because they rejected her despicable candidate. Stay classy, progressives!

mikee said...

When in 2012 Obama, much to my surprise, won his second term, I made a $100 bet with my wife that Hillary would be the next president. I did so in the fully cynical assumption that the US was absolutely beyond redemption, in the hands of corrupt government and corrupt business and corrupt culture.

It is with great pleasure that today I have to go to the bank and get a nice crisp $100 bill to pay my wife her winnings.

Maybe, if I am humble enough about it, she will use it to take us both out to eat somewhere nice.

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