October 7, 2016

What Donald Trump said into a hot microphone back in 2005.

"I moved on her and I failed. I'll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married. I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there. And she was married... Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look.... Whoa! I've gotta use some tic tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

Trump immediately issued an apology, an apology that took a shot a Bill Clinton:
This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course - not even close. I apologize if anyone was offended.
If anyone was offended. Is there any chance that no one was offended?!

Hillary Clinton immediately tweeted: "This is horrific. We cannot allow this man to become president." And Tim Kaine said:
"I don't like to say the words that he's used in the past when he calls women, 'pigs, dogs and slobs' ... but this is behavior that's just outrageous and so that there would be a news story that would have more statements like this of this kind, I mean, gosh, I'm sad to say that I'm not surprised. I should be surprised and shocked. I'm sad to say that I'm not."
Yes, Tim Kaine is right. Trump's statement — which is itself only words — is a confession to behavior.

Criminal behavior. Sexual assault.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 350 of 350
readering said...

Maybe after election day Trump could host a PUA cruise. Social attitudes seem to be evolving at warp speed.

Howard said...

gspencer: playing the blame game is anti-masculine.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So Clinton's a carpet muncher, loves the women and wants to be prez in order to be their hero. Isn't that what this is all really about? She resents that Trump got anywhere with any lady. That's HER territory! SHE KNOWS MUH WOMENS! FFS SHE IS ONE. Trump has no claim to any feminine anything whatsoever anywhere nohow no way, Jose. Hillary IS woman. The leader of All Women. The One, The Chosen One, who will give them joy and opportunity and success and orgasms and self-esteem beyond Melania Trump's wildest dreams. Hillary - She is to women what The Beatles were to women. And one of them, as well. No one else will be permitted this glory of being what her lusted-after fans also are.

Michael K said...

"The Soviet Union would not have tolerated the stupidity and laxness of US schools."

The Soviets were widely assumed to have the best programmers because they were using such crappy hardware and getting pretty good results. Plus Russian math has always been excellent.

We are seeing how good they are right now.

Howard is shocked, shocked ! at Trump's crude manner in private.

rehajm said...

So pecadilloes matter this week?

Matt said...

Rhythm and Balls

The media had a field day with Bill Clinton back in the 1990's. There wasn't yet a 24 hour news cycle but it was relentless. And I guarantee you if Bill was running now the media would be just as harsh. Still, he managed to withstand the attacks. He has that gift. To some degree so does Hillary. But, in fact, Trump has stood pretty solid too through attacks on him - granted mainly among his followers in the GOP primaries.

I will say, however, Trump has made it easy for them to attack him. Hillary's problems always tend to be slightly convoluted and never quite something that can be blamed 100% on her. The same could have been said about Reagan. [I can hear some Americans saying; 'Was the email thing illegal or not? The FBI said no but my Republican uncle says yes"]. Trump on the other hand tends to own all his problems because he is direct and can be crude with his words. That makes him both a revered figure and a pariah. It also makes it easier for the media to fire arrows his way.

effinayright said...

"Plenty of y'all are eager to give DJT a pass, e.g. some of you have said that all men say this stuff and try to sleep w/ married women by furniture shopping w/ them. Would these same commenters make excuses for BHO if he talked about furniture shopping as leverage in the pursuit of grabbing a married woman's pussy, or something like that?"


Were you of voting age during Bill Clinton's impeachment, when he and his supporters said "character doesn't matter"?

This hypocritical horseshit is standard Democrat Playbook material: demonize conservatives, but exempt yourselves and your political cohort from any and all standards.

To answer your question re Obama, conservatives have been neutered when it comes to criticizing his personal life. It would be "racism". But we can bet people like you would forgive him for ANYTHING he does ---because you already do.

Darrell said...

20 years ago. Ten years ago? Do you know that Hillary was committing felonies less than eight weeks ago when she was lying to the FBI?

sojerofgod said...

I am so sick of people saying "its over, its over"
You know what, it ain't over.
Nov 8 we will see.
Of course, with 57 (at the latest count) of precincts out of 92 in Indiana under investigation for voter fraud, perhaps it is if this is widespread.
My greatest fear is that the loser, whichever side that is, refuses to accept the result. Chaos is bad for business.
insurrection is even worse.

JimBonobo said...

oh please prep the fainting couch. what is it 1880? I've heard worse locker room BS in high school. Who says it's even true (guys have been known to boast about these things). and i've also heard much worse from women discussing sexual escapes over mimosas with their girlfriends.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Howard said...
Theranter: Let's stipulate Hill is Humming the rug in Brooklyn. She is not fucking bragging about it to a third-rate scion host of a dreck TV show. Instead, she knows how to keep secrets. That's kinda important in world affairs.

No one can be as successful as Trump has been without having a good understanding of how they are perceived by other people. The problem for Trump is that he has largely dealt with a relatively narrow slice of the world, people like him. Not exclusively, but in general he has interacted with other successful men. He is doing a poor job of understanding the broader electorate's view of him. Obviously he had a successful TV show with broad appeal but that was highly scripted. Trump's problems occur when there is no script and he reverts to what has worked for decades.

Rae said...

If you gave Bill Clinton a pass on his "Bimbo Eruptions" don't you have to do the same in this case?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I so want to go up to Hillary Clinton in a rope line and gush with enthusiasm while telling her, "You're my FAVORITE lesbian EVER!" I just LOVE WHAT YOU'VE DONE FOR LESBIANS. All women should recognize the base amazement of what you are to them. You and yer womens reflect back a love to each other that no man will ever know. This mutual lust society will form the basis for an energy and enthusiasm in America that will power it with more electricity than nuclear power. Political lesbianism is the answer to all of America's ills. The female mutual lust society is the only thing that can save us now.

Howard said...

No Mike, not shocked, I was born on Van Nuys Blvd... nothing is shocking. I am disappointed Trump ran his filthy sewer to Billy Bush because he wanted to impress that lowly vermin. Loose lips sink ships. All past is prologue.

Howard said...

ARM: I would agree that Trump's experience is with superficial successful men.

FullMoon said...

PBandJ_Ombudsman said... [hush]​[hide comment]

I've never pursued a married women. In fact I've had several try to bed me. And, two of these were very hot, and we had amazing chemistry. It was extremely hard to pass that up.

But, I did.

Hilarious! You realize you just said the same thing Trump did? "Women find me attractive".

Of course, Trump wasn't lying

Big Mike said...

But why is this coming up now? I thought this election was about America's future and each candidate's version for same.

@David, because looking at all four candidates, this country has no future.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I strongly suspect that Hillary would smile widely and knowingly if you told her how awesome a lesbian she was.

She's running for the womens. And not in a crude, Trump-like way.

It's like if da Vinci was running Florence and did so from a villa in which nude real-life Davids were twirling.

Hillary will teach the women of America... love. A different kind of love.

Her own very special sort of love. Not that crude Trump-love.

The love that dares not even speak its name, let alone act manually in a way that could cause anyone to stare. Or judge. Or even suspect.

Hillary. A very unsubtle person. Except about one, very important thing.

Howard said...

Darrell: The US Prez has to go toe to cameltoe with Vlad the Impailer. You need a secretive crook on your side because the world is not a boy scout jamboree.

Howard said...

Giants Cubs... see ya

Darrell said...

Showing solidarity with lesbians is cool and progressive. Especially from 10 years ago. Beats Clinton whacking off in the White House sink.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hillary needs to be confronted loudly and publicly on what she has to lose by coming out of the closet. Maybe even while "doing" Ellen. I mean, the Ellen Show.

"Hillary! What do you have to lose by coming out of the closet!"

All smiles. America knows. And America loves her.

The female mutual lust society will the the ship that steers our politics off of the rocky shoals of crude male Trumplicans, and onto the glorious, smooth as a satin sheet cloud-like lightness of being that is Hillary's Society for the (not always but often non-sexual) Admiration of Women.

J. Farmer said...

Glad to se Clinton doesn't support rapists and serial sexual offenders....unless she's married to them and they can advance her career, that is.

Darrell said...

Hillary is George Soros' bitch and she doesn't represent any interests I support---especially not those of the USA.

Anonymous said...

"Bill did it! So Trump can too, it's only fair!"

"No, Trump has not been accused of rape. Bill has been by a pretty credible accuser. Even Stephanopolis admitted he went to that hotel room to try to discredit her story in 1992 and he couldn't do it."


Federal Judge Ronnie Abrams has ordered a December status conference hearing after a woman, who calls herself “Jane Doe,” filed a lawsuit claiming that Trump raped her when she was 13 years old in the 1990s. This is the third attempt the plaintiff has made in filing this particular lawsuit. Last Friday, she filed an amended complaint, with a new “witness” named “Joan Doe.” The plaintiff and witnesses in the case are using pseudonyms, they say, to protect their identities.

“In the 1994-95 school year, I was told by the plaintiff in Jane Doe v. Trump and Epstein (1:16-cv-04642, SDNY) that the plaintiff was subject to sexual contact by the Defendants at parties in New York City during the summer of 1994,” one of the witnesses said in a declaration.

The complaint alleges billionaire convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein had a woman pickup teenage girls for his famous parties. One of these girls was “Jane.” Another witness, “Tiffany,” who also provided an affidavit in the lawsuit, said she witnessed Trump and Epstein rape the plaintiff several times. Trump has repeatedly denied the allegations.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'd really like to vote for Clinton, but the cost of getting a sex-change operation and identifying the way she'd prefer me to be is a little prohibitive.

Matt said...

Rhythm and Balls

Why does it matter if Hillary is a lesbian? Is so then it's the one lie most anyone should be able to accept. It simply doesn't matter. It's her life.

Anonymous said...


On Wednesday, in the midst of the Republican National Convention, new allegations emerged of sexual assault committed by Donald Trump. This is the third woman who has accused the GOP presidential nominee of sexual assault.

The latest allegations of unwanted sexual contact by Trump come from Jill Harth, a makeup artist and business associate of the billionaire in the early 1990s. According to Harth, Trump sexually harassed her on numerous occasions, including cornering her in his daughter Ivanka’s bedroom and attempting to have sex with her. In 1997, Harth filed a lawsuit detailing Trump’s alleged repeated efforts to force her to have sex with him, as well as a number of other outrageous and inappropriate behaviors.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hillary! I love you! But only because your lips have the faint but unmistakeably fresh and floral scent of... MY VAGINA!

I love you, Hillary!

Sprezzatura said...

I hope someone asks DJT what if any furniture he bought for Nancy when he was trying to get her to cheat on her husband. Also, how much did it cost?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Too bad Trump didn't rape a 12 year old, then Hillary could have, again, gotten a child rapist set free to rape again.

And we could all hear the cackle a bunch more about it, that little ^**%>€'%#<\<.

Ha ha ha.

Of course we all have cackling audio after we get child rapistist set free, duh.

What kind of rube are you?

But Trump's lack of cackling after setting rapists, of children , free, is Who We Are.

Okay then, as the Coen's were want to have the performers verbalize.

Etienne said...

Hillary: "Can't we just drone this guy?"


Sprezzatura said...

Do other parts of the country like tables made out of single slabs of wood w/ the live edges intact? Maybe that's what DJT bought as he hoped to grab Nancy's married pussy.

Maybe a lamp?

Sofa? Loveseat?

Lewis Wetzel said...

Unknown said...
"Bill did it! So Trump can too, it's only fair!"

Jane Doe filed a similar suit in California in April, under the name Katie Johnson, also accusing Trump and Epstein of rape. That suit was dismissed on the grounds of improper paperwork — the address affiliated with her name was found to be abandoned. Today's suit confirms that the plaintiffs are one and the same.

The women's lawyer is a patent attorney. Perhaps that explains why he does not know how to file a lawsuit.

Sprezzatura said...

I know someone who paid $64,000 for one of those slab tables.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why does it matter if Hillary is a lesbian? Is so then it's the one lie most anyone should be able to accept. It simply doesn't matter. It's her life.

Yep. One more thing she'd hide and lie about and follow instead of lead on.

Being pro-DOMA until that oh-so-late date of... what was it? 2013? You go, Hill!

Don't ask don't tell?

Listen, how wonderful it is to be a very inhibited and somewhat masochistic individual.

But it's not what the country needs. We need someone who's not afraid to be themselves, and who they are.

I'm pretty sure that a masochist would have no problem overlooking YOUR pain. Your concerns. Or the country's.

After all, look at what she put herself through! All the pain and secrets and suffering she's had to endure.


Yeah, I kind of need a better empathizer. Someone honest with themselves. Not another weirdo politician closet case like Senator Larry Craig or Mark Foley or Dennis Hastert or any of those goofs.

Honesty is what's needed most in our country right now. Leveling with the American people.

And honesty starts with being honest to and about yourself, you LESBO.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I would have taken advantage of Haviland Morris in 16 Candles.

She has taken more from me though, than I could ever attempt a giving.

Sprezzatura said...

If HRC became a transgendered man, then she'd feel R&B's pain.

Jon Ericson said...

This blog is meh, but you commenters more than make up for it!

jr565 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

It is going to be a little chilly in the Trump household when Melania gets around to reading this story.

Michael K said...

Inga and her 50 cats are all outraged by Trump's attention to a woman who may or may not have encouraged him.

No 13 year old would ever accuse a billionaire of rape in hopes of goaway money.

Jon Ericson said...

Ooh! Patent attorney! Gauntlet thrown!

MacMacConnell said...

Just curious, what's the word on Bill Clinton's illegitimate son?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Leave Hillary alone!

Matt said...

Rhythm and Balls

Okay, you're become unhinged and incoherent. You hate Hillary and you hate lesbians. How original.... Have fun.

Michael K said...

"when Melania gets around to reading this story."

You mean the story about something he said before they were married ?

Anonymous said...

Michael K, are you fucking senile? Do you always speak to strangers on political forums calling them by a name that seems to have taken residence in your head? Why are you obsessed with this person? Trying to deflect from the unsavory character of your hero?

Jon Ericson said...

There will be more skanks flowing out of Dronald's ass?
Alert the Media!

Anonymous said...


Seems like Michael K has joined Rhythm and Balls in his insane rantings. They are having a tough time coming to grips with Trump crashing and burning.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Okay, you're become unhinged and incoherent. You hate Hillary and you hate lesbians. How original.... Have fun.

Lol. That's seriously what you got out of what I said? Go back into your closet, DOMA-supporter!

Sprezzatura said...

"You mean the story about something he said before they were married ?"

Why would she ever leave by choice? That would lock her into the prenup terms. But, if he doesn't trade her in she can outlast him which would probably result in a better payout, depending on his will. She's no dope.

Guildofcannonballs said...

There is no eye of any hurricane.

There are no hurricanes with true names.

You tell me, or WE sue the ratcunts, what does the "eye" consist of, molecular or atom level-wise?

Seperate that from separate money-makers.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Seems like Michael K has joined Rhythm and Balls in his insane rantings. They are having a tough time coming to grips with Trump crashing and burning.

No. Matt won't lick your dusty pussy and neither will Hillary.

I don't care about anyone. Why is a hero needed in this election? I don't care about Trump, I don't care about HIllary, I don't care about most of the cyber people here and certainly not about a halfwit fangirl "known" as "Unknown."

Just tell us something about yourself. It gets boring assuming that you probably are necessarily as boring as someone who calls herself "Unknown" would really happen to be.

And leave Hillary alone! What did she ever do to you!

You people are like the Chris Crockers of 2016. Sitting in your beds crying and getting mascara running about nothing.

Aussie Pundit said...

Sexual assault?
You're on the "yes means yes" wagon now are you?

Michael K said...

" am disappointed Trump ran his filthy sewer to Billy Bush because he wanted to impress that lowly vermin. Loose lips sink ships. All past is prologue."

Hillary's treason does not bother you, I guess.

I understand we are required to choose between two very flawed people. One is crude and rude and has had a successful career in business.

The other married her ticket into politics. She has been the bagman for a corrupt couple since Arkansas and cattle futures.

Her corruption ventured into selling US secrets and influence for money to their Clinton slush fund. They raped Haiti while Bill was raping supporters like Kathleen Willey. Hillary's chief aide is a Muslim Brotherhood agent.

And you are worried about gross male locker room talk. Somebody, maybe you, asked how we would feel about such talk about Obama. I would be slightly encouraged by evidence of testosterone.

SweatBee said...

What Trump should have said was, "I apologize for the things I said when I was a Democrat."

Jon Ericson said...

A lotta chaff, doncha think?

Guildofcannonballs said...

How does this "eye" process or transmit information?

What does it consist of?

If we didn't just make it up, would anyone care in terms of other than getting rich by making it up?

No fault in that?

mockturtle said...

Two things: One, some of you guys may be shocked to find out that women sometimes talk about men in more or less the same way.

Two, I always told my kids that our country usually gets the leadership it deserves. And I was right.

Anonymous said...

Crude, just like Trump.

MacMacConnell said...

Since Trump left school there hasn't been a decade he hasn't said something stupid. On the other hand, since Hillary Clinton left school there hasn't been a decade she hasn't committed a crime.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The identity of commenter "Unknown" has recently been discovered.


Sprezzatura said...

"One, some of you guys may be shocked to find out that women sometimes talk about men in more or less the same way."

Gals do grab cocks. Good point Mock.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Empty. Just like Hillary.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael K said...
You mean the story about something he said before they were married ?

They have been together since 1999. Good chance, but currently not certain, that these are coextensive. An anxious public awaits further revelations.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Crude, just like Trump.

Another woman who hates her vagina has been discovered.

Oh, stop the presses. This is such a rare find! So uncommon and interesting! You never see that in America!

Jon Ericson said...

Crude. Arrrgh! The Ironical Irony!

Mark Caplan said...

If Trump really behaved as he says he does on the recording, there would be a Bill-Cosby-sized lineup of women and their lawyers suing Trump for sexual assault.

Anonymous said...

Althouse, how do you manage to get so many misogynist wackos to comment in your comments sections?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Unknown, for how long have you hated your vagina?

I mean, I realize you advertise your own sense of insignificance in your very name.

But your lover doesn't require you to feel such contempt for yourself that way, don't cha know? Hillary LOVES women and LOVES, you know, for the things that MAKE them women!

She doesn't want you to hate yourself... there. In that place. That long forgotten and very neglected place -- about which you feel so much shame.

Learn not to hate it.

Jon Ericson said...

She allows free speech.

bleh said...

I thought Rhythm and Balls was a wild ass lib? Now he's a wild ass conservative?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Althouse, how do you manage to get so many misogynist wackos to comment in your comments sections?

Hey. NO ONE hates your vagina as much as YOU do! No one.

Most of us just don't even think about it. Trust me. It's veeeeery insignificant. I know.

But YOU'RE the one who hates it. HATES it!

So NOW who's the misogynist?

Sprezzatura said...

"Good chance, but currently not certain, that these are coextensive."

Aside from that, isn't it pretty much certain that DJT was either w/ Marla or Melania? I thought those two had a bit of overlap. So O'Dell would have been wedged in there somewhere.

Hagar said...

I am so square I am sometimes disturbed by the language AA use on this blog, but then she is a lady. Donald Trump has never claimed to be a lady and I am not sure he even claims to be a gentleman. (Though I have been told that mockturtle is right; women will talk rougher between themselves than men usually do.) The New York/New Jersey real estate game is not really for gentlemen.

Geraldo Rivera is over the moon about this and Megyn Kelly is deeply shocked, but I really do not think this is going to have that much impact. Have you seen - and heard - some of the stuff that is on cable TV these days?

As for AA, I think she would also take offense to Paul Ryan's comment that "women are to be revered." I kind of expect her to come unglued over that too.

Jon Ericson said...

Wild ass hothouse flower.

Clayton Hennesey said...

A law professor concluding that criminal sexual behavior occurred in the absence of any evidence whatsoever is far more disturbing than anything Trump said.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Unknown" is so ashamed of her vagina, that she won't even acknowledge that she has one.

But everyone else is the misogynist.

Unknown, where did you first learn to hate your vagina? Who taught you to feel that way?

Sprezzatura said...

"Now he's a wild ass conservative?"

Considering the current circumstances, I'm not sure the cons are taking applications from dudes who jabber about hating vag. That's too close to jabbering about grabbing pussy. The cons already have that covered for now.

Henry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Henry said...

If you are defending Donald Trump on this score, remember that today is October 7th, the election is a month away, and you will be called on again before the month is out, to defend worse.

MacMacConnell said...

Hillary's Monica Lewinsky impressions,


Anonymous said...

Paul Ryan disinvited Trump from his event in Wisconsin, lol.

Questions are flying regarding the debate on Sunday occurring, crash, burn, whoosh!

Sprezzatura said...

One thing that's for sure: anyone who has 50 cats definitely doesn't hate pussy.

Dixie_Sugarbaker said...

"the misogyny, the vulgarity, the sexism, the devaluization and objectifying, even aggressive behavior toward women"

Reminds me of the Billy Jeff years.

As a woman, I am sick and tired of the political gadflies expecting me to be more offended by what someone says than what they have done. I have heard worse than Trump from some of my democrat colleagues sitting around the courthouse, and nothing he says could ever offset Hillary's multiple treasonous acts.

Anonymous said...


Jon Ericson said...

Oh, you three! So little signal, so much noise!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

One thing that's for sure: anyone who has 50 cats definitely doesn't hate pussy.

You really think she's that hairy?

Well, who knows. One thing's for sure, this is getting weird. Anyone who's more comfortable comparing her anatomy to an animal than just the fact that she has a basic anatomy is a total Dr. Strangelove.

But we already knew that about her.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm sure lots of people were offended or will at least pretend to be, but in an America coarsened by 50 years of sexual revolution, this is pretty garden variety and I doubt as many found it offensive as either Hillary or the media hopes. Maybe it would matter more in a Christian America, but I don't think Democrats will get as much out of this as they could have even 8 years ago. Meanwhile, Clinton is the wrong candidate to make this kind of pitch - she, her party, and the media all excused criminal sexual actions on the part of her husband, and in a weighing of actions versus words, actions take precedence in severity. The only way I can see this mattering is if the Democrats can parade an accuser with a credible story that won't fall apart in 24 hours sometime later this month.

No matter what people may say publicly, privately they're perfectly fine with this kind of sexual banter. Most comedy acts noawadays are at the very least "bawdy" or raunchy with sexual innuendo, and it seems to be what people go for. I don't know exactly how it plays with millennial women who aren't activists, but most guys my age said worse than this at the cafeteria table in high school, and certainly talk much more coarse than this occurs at pretty much every blue collar jobsite in the country.

mockturtle said...

JFK was, by all accounts, the most philandering President ever to occupy the White House. And he had zero respect for women. Yet he is still held up as some kind of Dem icon, for some reason. His charm, I guess. Trump lacks charm.

Hagar said...

The media will certainly blow this up all they can in order to bury the Wikileaks' drop of e-mails about Hillary!'s Wall Street speeches. It will be interesting to see if it will work.

Both of these things certainly will add a lot of interest to Sunday's "townhall debate" TV show.
Hmmm. Could that have something to do with the release just now?

Anonymous said...

Rhythm, it was you who brought the weird onto the thread with all your crude talk of pussy, now you feel embarrassed by your own behavior? Good, maybe you are not unredeemable, maybe.

Sprezzatura said...

"One thing's for sure, this is getting weird"

Right, just now it's starting to get weird.

Got it.

Jon Ericson said...

I think our Trio Chorus is getting too pooped to pop.

Hagar said...

Yeah, regarding mockturtle's above, I read an article about one of the WH "secretaries," the one in the pool incident, I think, describing how JFK pulled his droit de seigneur act on her when she first came to work and still a virgin. The poor thing completely star-struck and I think never married because she was still "in love" with JFK.

machine said...

"I moved on her like a bitch"

I'm not offended by that...I'm just not sure who or what the bitch is in his scenario

just a creepy old dude trying to be cool with the kids...

jacksonjay said...

All the alt-house assholes wanted a not-a-politician! Not beholden, they said! Tell it like it is, they said. He can shake things up, they said! Well you got it! Now the vetting begins! Did ya'll really think this kinda shit wouldn't surface? What a shame. Lots of innocents will go down with this ship!

Jon Ericson said...

Ah, Five part harmony!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh, hahahahahahah!

I knew I'd get the last laugh, I just though it would be on Election Day.

Jon Ericson said...

Keep pluggin', it's your only path to a meal ticket.

jr565 said...

"Yes, Tim Kaine is right. Trump's statement — which is itself only words — is a confession to behavior,"

""I moved on her and I failed. I'll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married. I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there. And she was married... Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look.... Whoa! I've gotta use some tic tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything"
so, let's look at his behavior in the past. He moved on her, or made a pass at her...
BUT He couldn't get there. Meaning. She shot him down. Did he then go on to rape her? NO, of course not. So then, it's not a confession. To behavior of sexual assault. IS IT?

As to whether kissing someone is sexual assault, that is spoken by someone who is clearly a woman. WOMEN GENERALLY ARE NOT THE ONES THAT MAKE FIRST MOVE. So, they have no clue what it means to actually do that. Believe me, guys think long and hard abl et how they are going to do it. If they waited for women to make the first move they usually would go home with blue balls. So, if Trump says he immediately goes on for a kiss, that doesn't mean thst he will just kiss the first woman he sees. It's probably in the context of a woman he is on a date with. He doesn't beat around the bush. He goes in for the kiss right away. And usually, he gets away with it.
THEY LET HIM DO IT. Where is the No in that? How then is that "sexual assault"

Anonymous said...

Scott Adams may have a nervous breakdown.

Jon Ericson said...

... let stew five minutes ...

LA_Bob said...

Mom2Es said, "What Trump should have said was, 'I apologize for the things I said when I was a Democrat.'"

That would have been Reaganesque, which Trump is not.

But people should remember that in 1984 President Ronald Reagan was caught on a hot mike joking about bombing the Soviet Union. And he still won a landslide re-election.

People making a fuss over Trump's private-citizen vulgarities just have too few constructive thoughts in their heads.

heyboom said...

My friends and I talk like this all the time in private company with each other. A round of golf doesn't go by without someone saying they want to fuck some babe. Has any of us ever assaulted a woman or treated them in a harmful way? Hell no! It's just fucking talk! You know who else talks like this in private company? Women! Some of the things my wife tells me she talks about with her girlfriends rivals what we men talk about!

But go ahead and let that lying criminal get elected and continue the destruction of this country so you can all get on your high horses about men being men. I guarantee nobody on this site has as much integrity as they claim they have.

MacMacConnell said...

Note the media has reported that the Russians are leaking Podesta's emails to Hillary, do we really think they didn't intercept Hillary's or Hillary's and Obama's communications? That might explain all Obama / Hillary foreign policy total failures, well that and the policies were fucking moronic. Maybe Hillary is actually a Russian mole. Probably she's just an incompetent elitist lying criminal skank.

Gospace said...

Diogenes of Sinope said...
This is no surprise. If someone asked me if Trump talked like this a year ago I would have said yes. Bull shit male sex talk from 11 years ago. Again what Trump says versus Clinton actions.

Yup. Exactly. I'll be voting for Trump because he isn't Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend's wife, Communist Party candidate for president and corrupt alcoholic enabler of her sexual predator husband.

Woman who says all accusers should be believed, but tried to destroy those who accused her husband. I believe the term used was she was in charge of "Bimbo Eruptions". Very respectful of other women, don't you think?

Women who violated almost every possible rule, if not EVERY possible rule and law on handling of classified material. And isn't being prosecuted for it. Ask any veteran what they think about that little brouhaha. Like me, for example. She belongs in jail for that. A court had to consider her innocent until proven guilty; the facts show she is guilty.

A women who lied to the American People (remember that charge against Nixon?), telling them a video that no one had ever heard was responsible for riots in sharialand, while telling her friends and daughter that that explanation was nonsense.

A women who instinctively lies about EVERYTHING. The origin of her first name. That she tried to join the USMC. Where her daughter was on 9/11. Dodging sniper fire in Kosovo, or wherever it was. Lies about EVERYTHING!

Nothing that Trump haws done or said compares to what she has done and said. But T.C. Mits, has never heard all of her lies repeated over and over again by the MSM, because they've never printed or reported on any of them. They're discussed on blogs, like this one. With a small knowledgeable audience. I'll bet that right now if you went and asked random strangers "Did Trump once lose a billion dollars?" they'd all say yes. And if you asked "Did Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend's wife, Communist Party candidate for president and corrupt alcoholic enabler of her sexual predator husband fail a bar exam?" they'd say no- because they've never read about it.

jr565 said...

This outrage is coming... from the Clinton's? really?

jimbino said...

"I did try and fuck her" in English would read, "I did try to fuck her."

Hagar said...

I do not necessarily believe all this jabber about "the Russians" this and that. This administration lies if you ask them for the time of day. No doubt the FSB is monitoring and enjoying the proceedings, but I also see articles by IT types saying that if you want to hack, the first thing you do is to find a Russian server to operate from.

jr565 said...

It really doesn't seem to be a good move for clinton to make, since it only opens her up to her actions when clinton was banging his bimbos,and evenpossibly raping them, sexually harrasing him even while governor and as president. Who then LIED u dear oath in a sexual harassment suit brought by one of the women, who was called trailer trash. Hillary sent her folks out to discredit all these women. She said Monica was crazy, thst these were all bimbos. In other words, she facilitated his behavior by discrediting all the women who brought claims of innaporopriaite behavior in Bill's part. And there was A LOT of thst behavior. MOnica was just the tip of the iceberg.

Trump can simp,y ask,"if me just talking about how I get lucky with women is bad, then can we agree that your husband Bill Clinton, engaged in some of the worst behavior towards underlings thst we've ever seen? Why did you call those women bimbos, Hillary? And can we get you on record as saying your husband did in fact treat women horrendously? Also, why are you still married to him? You say, we could never let someone like me in the White House becaise of what you say I say about women. But we already had someone in the White House who engaged in actual behavior thst is provable. And thst man is your husband. And you helped him get away with it. Over and over"

jr565 said...

Not even offended. Sorry, but this is weak sauce.
And it's not an example of sexual asault. that's
Ludicrous. Unless you can show proof that he actually assaulted someone.
Face it. The bar was lowered to the ground once the left defended Clinton while he screwed the intern, committed sexual harrasment on Paula Jones pays jones and then feminists said they'd get out the presidential knee pads and service him orally because he was pro choice.
Sorry, not buying this sudden piousness.

Known Unknown said...

"The ever increasing Republican majority in the Congress and Senate are going to whip her like a rented mule"

Mitch McConnell? The feckless vagina-necked 'leader' of the Senate? Are you kidding me?

The GOPe needs Hillary. Someone they can pretend to rail against while they idly let their entrenched bureaucracy grow.

The worst thing is that the GOPe figured out they could gain from an ever-growing government, too.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Rhythm, it was you who brought the weird onto the thread with all your crude talk of pussy, now you feel embarrassed by your own behavior?

No, I think your greater comfort relating your body to a pet than to its own reality is what is weird.

But you are not an adult, so that should be expected.

readering said...

After Ryan tells trump to stay the hell away, looking forward to the leaks from trump's substitute emergency debate prep.

MacMacConnell said...

In the newly released emails Hillary admits due to her great wealth she and Bill enjoy, she has lost contact with her working class origins. This is her working class home she grew up in, more than two and a half times the size of the average American home. Silk screening drapes must have been very lucrative.


jr565 said...

Speaking of sexual assault let's talk about Clinton, shall we Hillary?
Here's Paula's testimony where she says your husband grabbed her, kisssed her and then exposed himself to her and told him to kiss his penis:
This is the man who was our president right? This is the man who you are still married to, right? This is the man who you are going to bring on to the campaign to handle the economy, right? Tell me, do you think telling women who work for him to kiss his penis is permissible behavior? Is Tim Kaine disgusted to be in the same room as Bill?
Why did you tell your guys to go out and smear this woman and call her trailer trash? Was it not bad enough thst your husband told her to kiss his penis? You had to smear her on top of it?

In the case of Trump, yes he appears to be very forward with his kissing. But at least it appears to be in the context of doing it with people who he is trying to date outside the office. If bill was in a bar, and there were some presidential groupies that had no problem FUCKING a president (and I'm sure there were a lot of women who would jump at the chance) and Bill cheated, then we could surely say he was a cad. But the context of thst screwing is a lot different than a sitting governor walking into an office with an underling, pulling his pants down and telling them to kiss his penis. Or a president finding a willing intern and screwing her in the Oval Office.
And at any rate, it's Hillary's reaction to both thst is what's relevant in this election. Since she KNEW about all of the incidents that Bill was involved in, and repeatedly discredited the "bimbos"

Anonymous said...

Rhythm, I never spoke about my anatomy, YOU did, you freak.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh I know. You're scared of it. But you did say "meow" when someone used that word in reference to pets.

Wonder what that's all about.

Actually, I don't. I don't care. You are a squeamish person, apparently - and that's that. People really don't care about you as much as you presume. They don't really care about anybody.

But just remember this the next time you'd like to come up with something interesting to say, and in lieu of that, just say "anything" in the hopes that someone will find it interesting enough to reflect well on you.

Or just talk about politics and how everyone who's not down with your Wall Street agenda is horrible.

Politics, politics, politics. I sure hope you get what you persuade yourself that you're getting out of it.

But I somehow doubt it.


geoffb said...

Echoing PB above.

Every Friday there's a doc dump on Clinton/Dem emails and such

Every Friday their answer is "Trump said this "awful" thing years ago.

Then the "Church Lady" pundit chorus cries out what a horrible man he is while ignoring the Clinton sleazy crimes.

I prefer a different SNL for a chorus of pundits. One that responds more like:

"Well Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another."

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ann Althouse said...Criminal behavior. Sexual assault.

Is this a joke? You're serious, aren't you? Good grief.
By Hillary Clinton's standard she's married to a rapist. You nice Lefty people happily voted for and still support a rapist. But yeah, ok, let's go hard at Trump for "confessing to sexual assault." So, so stupid.

We, as a culture and a people, are too dumb to be a great nation. We don't deserve to be Americans.

n.n said...

A principled religion will be more discerning about distinguishing between orientations and behaviors; classification of behaviors for normalization, tolerance, and rejection; and objectifying people (e.g. class diversity) for political purposes (e.g. female chauvinism).

Once you go Pro-Choice... Viva la Sexual Revolucion!

Oh, and throw another baby (i.e. "Posterity") on the barbie. Another stork follows.

jg said...

Interesting "criminal behavior" troll at the end. Really surprised to read that.

n.n said...

if it ain't one thing, it's another.

On one hand. On the other hand. Always and forever.

That said, I think people have come to terms that they will be flogged mercilessly by the profitable baby's parts irrespective of their choice. Their adversaries are empowered holding a life in their hand, while beating it senseless and lifeless.

jr565 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Who cares... this is nothing. One guy talking to another guy about Poon.

jr565 said...

Here is Hillary standing g by her man in 1992 as Bill categorically denies having an affair with Gennifer FLowers in 1992:
And bill accuses Jennifer of changing her story for money, and Hillary looks on in agreement,. Even though Hillary already knew AT THE TIME that bill has a long term affair.
They both say in the interview that they are leveling with the American people while lying to their faces. IN 1992. Then again when it came time to Monica Lewinsky,
So, I don't really want to hear about Hillary and how she is pro women. She knows her husband is a dog, and goes along with him as he tries discrediting Gennifer Flowers. She truly was an enabler. Not just for Monica, but for ALL of his affairs, harassments and possible rapes. She has a long history of backing Bill as he tries to discredit the women.

Every time they happens they went into cover up mode where they said they were leveling with the American people while trying to discredit those that got fucked by Clinton.

YEt, Althouse wants to say what trump says about kissing women discredits him, yet doesn't think what Hillary and bill both said and also didn't say doesn't discredit her?

Not only was Bill a serial adulterer, but Hillary was revealed to be a serial aid in his demeaning of women. And is on tape lying multiple times for multiple events every time her husband stuck his penis in some woman's vagina.

Wha trump,said is not even all that bad. What Hillary and Bill said and more importantly DID is.

MacMacConnell said...

If all Criminal Hillary lied about was sex her lying wouldn't be a problem. She is incapable of the telling the truth even when there is no downside to not lying.

Michael The Magnificent said...

Yes, Tim Kaine is right. Trump's statement — which is itself only words — is a confession to behavior. Criminal behavior. Sexual assault.

Wait a minute! Why is Bill Clinton entitled to one free grope (per Gloria Steinem, no less), but not Trump? I smell a double standard.

Theranter said...

Trump apology released:


Sebastian said...

Yes, JFK and Ted and Bill are worse. Yes, the MSM will use the latest Trump eruption to bury the latest inconvenient Hill evidence. Yes, no pro-Clinton feminist has a leg to stand on. Yes, the notion that Trump gave "evidence" of "assault" is laughable.

All true, and all irrelevant. The GOP cannot afford to run an incompetent clown. In a different world, it wouldn't be so, but the Althousian vapors are relevant evidence.

effinayright said...

For tens of millions of hormone-crazed American wymyn, their political sillygism goes like this:

"Hillary has a twat.

I have a twat.

THEREFORE I must vote for Hillary, because having a twat TRUMPS everything else."

REPEAL THE 19th AMENDMENT!!! Wymnyn are estrogen-poisoned sub-humans.

effinayright said...

"Wait a minute! Why is Bill Clinton entitled to one free grope (per Gloria Steinem, no less), but not Trump? I smell a double standard."


No, you smell a ten-day-old FISH of a double-standard, which our blogmistress ascribes to, utterly, entirely and without a shred of shame.

She's like that "journo" who said she would happily give Clinton blow jobs throughout eternity, as long as he continued to allow taxpayer-funded abortion.

Audacity17 said...

I can go to a club in any big city in America and watch a dozen half naked women grab some man's crotch on the dance floor. Criminal my ass. People are just mad he exposed today's modern women as gold diggers.

Mick said...

Please, this was a private conversation, with men bragging to each other how virile they are.
The Crooked old Lady is trying to equate this with:

1) Her defense of a rapist of a 12 yr. old girl during the short time she actually worked a s a lawyer, where she got the rapist off by convincing the jury that the girl "wanted it".


2) She violated the Emoluments Clause, and her term as SOS was illegal.

3) She sold favors while in office though donations to the Clinton Foundation, using her office to gain wealth at the expense of the American people. She even sold Uranium production in the Western US to Russia, while her husband sold military secrets and technology to China. ONLY 7% of Clinton Foundation Funds go to "Charity".

4) She destabilized Algeria, Libya, Egypt and Syria, starting multiple wars in the Middle East in the pursuit of "regime change", murdered another country's sovereign ruler (Kadafi), then bragged about it. Many thousands of innocents have died in these "arab spring" wars, and it has sown the seeds of the "migration crisis" seen today.

5) She let our Ambassador at the outpost of Bengahzi to be killed brutally, then blamed it on a "movie" for weeks.

6) She armed what is now ISIS through arm shipments through Libya to Syria (which is why Ambassador Stevens was killed-- knew too much about treason).

7) She served as SOS under an illegal Usurper (Hussein Obama).

8) She violated the Federal Records Act by having a private email server for State Business, and then deleted those emails when subpoenaed to turn then over.

9) Her "right hand girl" is a Muslim Brotherhood spy.




"Trump said mean things"

They are desperate to stop the Trump train--- LANDSLIDE TRUMP.

Mick said...

Clinton Cash


Is "saying mean things" worse than selling your Federal Office to the highest bidder?

Landslide Trump--- They (media, political establishment) are desperate to hold onto power.

Rusty said...

Guys talkin shit about women 11 years ago?

Pffft. Get serious.

Fritz said...

How dare a mere second generation billionaire talk like a Kennedy!

Tom Bache said...

Men with experience in the real world know that bragging about sexual "conquest" is common and accepted. We laugh at these tales because they are meant to be funny and entertaining, and we usually doubt their veracity. Every sentient person -- male or female -- must know that many women are eager to have sex with powerful and famous men (ever heard of groupies?). Both traits are embedded in male and female nature -- always have been, and always will be. So why the expressions of horror when we overhear comments about such common things? Can it be that there are men who don't know they are common? Women -- ask your men (they will probably lie if you are the type of woman who can't handle the truth about male nature). Do you really think they would turn away from a banquet of eager women without tasting? Human nature is what it is, so it seems wise to focus on public policies that actually affect our lives.

walter said...

I'd like to hear more about the furniture shopping...

Robert Cook said...

It's no wonder so many commenters here support, defend, or dismiss Trump's crude remarks (and apparent admission to assault): they live in the same moral swamp as Trump.

Or they're true believers: if the person they've invested themselves in behaves or speaks in an ugly way, well...that's alright, because blah de blah de blah.

Hey, it's alright to wake up and realize you've been had, that the guy (or gal) you've supported is a fraud. We can all be conned. The problem is when you refuse to wake up and you find yourself making excuses for the schmuck who conned you, rather than getting angry at him or her for having played you.

This doesn't mean you should vote for Hillary, of course. She's also a fraud.

Find a third party candidate you can vote for; write-in someone; write-in "None of the above!"

Let the powers that be know clearly we're not going to play our part any longer as dupes in the fixed game.

walter said...

You can do that more readily, with a clean conscience, if you really believe there will be no policy or governance difference between the two.
I'm not sure "fraud" really applies to Trump with this since he hasn't presented himself as a saint...especially in this area.
Clinton's a bit different case...actively hiding and misrepresenting her official activities...proposing highly detrimental policies.
But you and Gadfly can trick yourselves into sleeping well because your hands won't be "dirty" from casting votes in any real sense.

Bad Lieutenant said...

A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for the end of the American Republic and the American people.

A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for civil war.

A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for World War Three.

A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for the boot in the face forever.

A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for the politics of personal destruction.

No, Trump isn't at all difficult to defend.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Walter, I suggest you pay no attention to Robert Cook, he's just his own thing.

Gadfly, apparently when he was 6 his uncle stuck his thumb up his ass when he was sitting on his lap, and the uncle had orange hair and a Queens accent.

Gadfly, don't even bother voting Johnson or the Constitution party, I want you to do what's in your heart, you go right ahead and vote for Hillary, because that's what you want. Don't fool around.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Incidentally, the Trump story reminds me very much of a couple of boys nattering on about martial arts and saying something like "When you're a black belt, you can hit somebody in the nose with the heel of your hand and drive their nose bone straight up into their brain and kill them."

What are the odds that either of those boys ever attempted to execute this maneuver, which by the way would fail because there is no such bone in the nose?

But there would be Ann saying Behavior. Criminal Behavior. Murder. And she wouldn't even know, or have any basis for knowing, whether the "homicide" was justifiable.

Robert Cook said...

I see Bad Lieutenant is one of those who still cannot admit to himself he has been conned by a particularly sleazy and crudely obvious hustler.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Conned into or out of what, Robert? I don't support Trump because I'm looking for a first gentleman to be a role model for sexual relationships. I believe it was your hero Stalin who said, who cares if a soldier who's fought his way through blood and fire for a thousand miles toys with a woman or takes some trifle?

What am I supposed to care about, that Trump correctly described human nature?

If you're upset about this, then you must be really super duper upset about the innumerable perfidies of the Clintons, right? (Will you grant all that or does it have to be argued out afresh?)

Seriously, assuming the worst possible interpretation of Trump's remarks, which I do not believe is accurate, you've never, in the course of lovemaking, put your hand on a woman's pubis, in the absence of a signed contract, to see whether she liked it? Are you a 65 year old virgin?

(Once upon a time I used to be that shy and respectful. Women taught me not to be that shy and respectful. That's part of women's expectations of men, that they be bold and take chances. Guessing wrong used to get you slowed down or pushed away or a slap, not a social or political death penalty.)

Bad Lieutenant said...

Let me tell you, the first time a girl takes your hand and puts it on her breast, on a city bus no less, you realize that women are not paper dolls.

Unknown said...

im just happy hillary isn't our president

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