October 19, 2016

WaPo's Fact Checker gives Hillary 4 Pinocchios.

"Clinton is creating an imaginary Trump here, claiming that Trump didn’t really care about the auto industry."

Hillary's remark (made at Wayne State University in Detroit earlier this month):
“Nobody should be surprised, because back in the Great Recession, when millions of jobs across America hung in the balance, Donald Trump said rescuing the auto industry didn’t really matter very much. He said, and I quote again, ‘Let it go.’ Now, I can’t imagine that. I supported President Obama’s decision to rescue the auto industry in America.” 


Mike Sylwester said...

Will any fact-checker ever evaluate Hillary Clinton's claim that Donald Trump has caused an increase of bullying in schools?

Curious George said...

Glenn Kessler, dead man walking.

cubanbob said...

Cars are made from steel and steel is made with coal and the Democrats hate coal...

David said...

Actually it was George Bush's rescue of the auto industry. He got it started, deliberately providing political cover for his successor.

320Busdriver said...

Who cares

The Dems are proudly touting their voter fraud ops. The secret is out.

Anarchy is not too far away.

Jaq said...

Trump has caused an increase in bullying. He has forced Democrats to use that tactic.

Birkel said...

I give tim in vermont zero Pinocchios and award him a Nobel Peace Prize.

I blame that lying son of a bitch, Johnson.

MadisonMan said...

I note two tags: "Hillary 2016" right next to "lying". I think they could be combined. No need for the comma in between.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I have to admit that I didn't lose any sleep worrying about the auto industry.

Levi Starks said...

America deserves a Hillary presidency. We've been a bad nation, and she's just the person to deliver up the punishment.
But don't worry, it won't be too terrible, she'll be spending at least 50% of her time hiding/covering up all the things we know she's guilty of.
Still I think there's an upside potential for some significant destruction. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Meade said...

We should have listened to Bob Dole in 1996. I say impeach and convict her now. Once she's in, it will be too late.

rhhardin said...

I bought a Toyota.

Kirk Parker said...


No need for "2016" either.

rhhardin said...

Built by the people who brought you Pearl Harbor worked for me.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary is a liar? no way!

Lyle Smith said...

Miserables of Michigan... I own a Subaru.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Meade said...We should have listened to Bob Dole in 1996. I say impeach and convict her now. Once she's in, it will be too late.

Har de har har, Meade. It's already too late, and you know it.

Some of us don't need to be told we should have "listened to Dole in 1996," some of us voted for him back then and watched as the kind, loving Left mocked him mercilessly and gave their unending adoration to a sleazy self-dealing rapist. By some strange happenstance that same guy--who by the way still has approval ratings in the mid-to-high 60s with women--is today a major force in the Hillary Clinton campaign & proudly featured in Democrat party events/materials. But anyway Love Wins and Love Trumps Hate and anyone not on board now, with whatever the approved Leftist beliefs are today is by definition a Hater and nice people like Professor Althouse don't support Hate or Haters.

Hillary will never be impeached and to be honest it's a bit misogynist and more than a little rapey of you to suggest she should be (you know, since you as a man are saying she should have her freedom and autonomy as a woman taken away just because you disagree with her positions or actions). Stop being rapey, Meade.

MadisonMan said...

Once she's in, it will be too late.

How can someone in extremely poor health -- is she even campaigning -- elected with about 45% of the vote, at most, be effective?

If you want ineffective Government, this is a dream election.

The only thing certain is that the Clintons will continue to accumulate wealth.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

rhhardin said...Built by the people who brought you Pearl Harbor worked for me.

Ha! I was going through some old books at my father's house last month and he gave me that one--I just started reading it. Solid so far.

cubanbob said...

Meade said...
We should have listened to Bob Dole in 1996. I say impeach and convict her now. Once she's in, it will be too late."

I listened to Dole in 1996 and voted for him. What's your excuse for not listening back then? Still you can make amends in a few weeks by voting for Trump.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

MadisonMan said...If you want ineffective Government, this is a dream election.

Wishful thinking, MM. The work of the Government doesn't get done through the passage of laws much any more--it gets done through federal policy & the courts. Block the Legislature all you want, but Hillary's team is going to oversee the Federal bureaucracy & Hillary's judicial appointments are going to get through. Ineffective? No, the opposite; they'll further entrench Leftist control over the institutions that actually matter in people's lives.
Does anyone believe Hillary will be hesitant to use her pen & phone? Laughable--the Media will hail her as a heroine standing up to a regressive, sexist white male dominated institution trying to thwart progress & the will of the people. "Ineffective" is not be the word to describe what's coming.

Skeptical Voter said...

If Washington Post Four Pinochio awards were medals--and if Hillary wore them on her pantsuit, she'd have a chestful of ribbons that would make a third world dictator in a tin pot country blush. Covered with ribbons and medals from shoulder to waist she would be.

Kevin said...

"Stop being rapey, Meade."


F said...

For Hillary to say Trump does not care about the auto industry is really psychological projection: she is the one who does not care.

Anonymous said...

I will never read WaPo again after this election.

The Godfather said...

I wish "The People" understood that "bankrupt" doesn't mean that the company disappears. It might help if we said the auto companies should be "reorganized".

MacMacConnell said...

In 1996 they should have let Dole be Dole, he is a very funny guy, dry humor and great to be around.

Godfather, but with bankruptcy there is not as great an opportunity for graft.

Meade said...

"Stop being rapey, Meade."

I don't want to first-degree sexually assault her. I just want to prevent her from raping US.

mockturtle said...

Even if she wins, we shall continue to be Deplorable. Enough T-shirts have been sold [my daughter has one] to see us into the next election, at least.

Michael said...

Lord, and here we are with Chrysler products roaming the streets. Not many of them, of course, but they are there nonetheless, reminders of where our tax dollars have gone not once but twice!! Crappy crappy crappy.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Meade said...I don't want to first-degree sexually assault her. I just want to prevent her from raping US.

And by thy words shalt thou be condemned! Meade you just admitted to wanting to prevent future President Hillary from acting as she desires--from doing the things millions of Americans will vote to allow her to do. You, a man, want to prevent Hillary Clinton, a woman, from doing something. That's a confession of hateful, anti-woman desire on your part, Meade, and your confirmation that you want to restrict the actions of a woman against her will is dark and rapey.

There ought to be a law, Meade--and pretty soon there will be.

Sam L. said...

Well, if she's lost the WaPo's fact checker...

HoodlumDoodlum said...

[Oh, to clarify - I was too young to vote for Dole in '96 but I did support him over Clinton and went to a campaign event of his at the GA capitol; as I remember he was late and there was a lot of waiting around but he gave a decent, short speech.

But yeah "we as a nation shouldn't have given Bill & Hillary Clinton the keys to the White House" really isn't something a lot of us need to be told, man.]

Bad Lieutenant said...

Just checking - so HooDoo, Meade, and everybody who has winced over Trump's foibles, understands now that you still need to pull the lever for the guy, right?

If everybody who fears and loathes Hillary, votes for Donald,

He will win,

And even better,


Bad Lieutenant said...

HD, I think youve confirmed that already, not nagging.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Bad Lieutenant said..Just checking - so HooDoo, Meade, and everybody who has winced over Trump's foibles, understands now that you still need to pull the lever for the guy, right?

I really was not planning on it, BL; I'm in Georgia so I was certain my vote wouldn't matter and I planned to vote for a 3rd party. This guy Trump has run such a bad campaign that Georgia might be in play, though! Just mindbogglingly bad; what a year.
I'm trying to decide if it sends any kind of different message for Clinton to win "even in Georgia" vs. her winning the Presidency but narrowly losing states like GA. If it's the sam then I'll still probably vote 3rd party. I guess my honest answer is that if I think it will make any real difference at all I'll probably vote for Trump but otherwise I won't.

Chuck, I think, has said he'll (very reluctantly) vote for Trump.

Michael K said...

Hillary's team is going to oversee the Federal bureaucracy & Hillary's judicial appointments are going to get through. Ineffective? No, the opposite; they'll further entrench Leftist control over the institutions that actually matter in people's lives.

She is the grim reaper coming to a town near you.

I haven't totally given up on Trump but the vote fraud is going to guarantee the win for her, I think. It will be millions.

I can't think of many advantages to being old but this is one.

Scott M said...

How can someone in extremely poor health -- is she even campaigning -- elected with about 45% of the vote, at most, be effective?

This is what most Hillary! voters don't want to talk about. She unlikely to make it past the first big press conference that features flash photography without seizing her way out of office. What they're actually voting for is President Joker, I mean, Kaine.

Big Mike said...

Some Democrat-leaning friends of ours were talking about the need to rescue GM back when Obama did the bailout. Wife and I gently pointed out that we own two American cars (Ford products) while they owned a Subaru and a Volvo. Standard liberals -- do as we tell you, not as we do.

Meade said...

HoodlumDoodlum said: "I guess my honest answer is that if I think it will make any real difference at all I'll probably vote for Trump but otherwise I won't."

This describes my position as a Wisconsin voter.

I am most interested in returning Ron Johnson to the U.S. Senate.

SukieTawdry said...

GM is alive; Osama is dead.

My favorite parts of the bailout were: the Obama administration reshuffling the deck so bondholders and non-union employees took losses while the UAW remained whole; the government deciding which dealerships would have to close (funny how most of them were owned by Republicans); the $23 billion bath taxpayers took; Obama bragging about how he saved the US automobile business; the Chevy Volt.

I thought then and still think now everyone would have been better off if GM had gone through a normally structured bankruptcy even considering the short term pain it would have involved.

I don't think most Hillary supporters care if she drops dead after she's elected. There will be a Democrat in the White House; that's all that matters.

Static Ping said...

I've lost interest in media fact checking. There is simply too many convenient "mistakes" to take them seriously.

I do agree with them here, but if I cannot trust them 99% of the time, I cannot trust them at all given they profess to know things. It's a high standard, but one they embraced and repeatedly fail to live up to.

mockturtle said...

I got a survey today from the Trump campaign asking who we think would make the best cabinet members. He has been asking for input about quite a few things. I wonder if Hillary does?

320Busdriver said...

Trump has indicated a desire to push for an amendment to get congressional term limits as well as a host of other reforms needed in DC.

These are all excellent ideas that voters who want to see a change should pay close attention to.

Unless of course you think no one can/should improve upon Obamas USA.

mockturtle said...

I agree with term limits. There should be no such thing as a 'career politician'.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

SukieTawdry said...My favorite parts of the bailout were: the Obama administration reshuffling the deck so bondholders and non-union employees took losses while the UAW remained whole;

Richard Epstein is characteristically brilliant in his discussion of what a big terrible thing it was that the government changed the order of creditor precedence in a bankruptcy/reorganization (article here and EconTalk podcast here about 35min in) for Chrysler & GM...that was way back in 2009 I guess but any argument that the Dems or the Left gave a damn about the rule of law was gone that early into Obama's presidency. Sad, sad times.

Saddest of all--almost no one cares.

Original Mike said...

"WaPo's Fact Checker gives Hillary 4 Pinocchios."

They must be feeling pretty confident.

MadisonMan said...

everybody who has winced over Trump's foibles, understands now that you still need to pull the lever for the guy, right?

I'm voting for him. I don't think he'll win, which makes voting for him more palatable.

Meade said...

I suppose I'll stand shoulder to shoulder with MadisonMan. I hate to think of him having to stand all alone in this neighborhood of ours which tends to vote consistently and overwhelmingly for Dems.

But I'm having lunch with my 3 #NeverTrump buddies on the Monday before election day. They can be very persuasive. All 4 of us will be voting for Ron Johnson I'm almost certain.

Bad Lieutenant said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bad Lieutenant said...

Good. Just vote for Trump, everybody, and see what happens. Because only the Great Blue Sky Tengri Nor knows what the outcome will be.

The entire purpose of the Unknown, No-Profile, I'm Not Inga, turd-troll types is to sow fear, uncertainty and doubt, not even to persuade, but merely to disgust, demoralize and ultimately deter turnout. Spite 'em. Spite the fuck out of them.

The Trump vote is the only signal they will understand:

- Your not voting is blessed silence.

- Voting Quixote is background noise, static, earth hum.

- Assume that any trick balloting, like leaving Trump off an otherwise straight ticket, will be regarded as a spoiled ballot, and your entire vote negated -cancellation of feedback. How's that for a reason, NeverTrumpers?

- A vote for Hillary...if that's even an option for you, I have nothing more to say. I will let Samuel Francis speak for me:

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom--go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!

A vote for Donald Trump, many millions of them, is your only voice that will be heard loud and clear. To be mute is to be dumb.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Does anybody remember what I'm talking about by the way? The hanging chads and dimpled chads, the over votes and under votes and butterfly ballots and the alte kockers in Palm Beach being told they voted for Buchanan?

Remember all the absentee ballots, the military ballots being invalidated during the recount? You think there may be recounts in Wisconsin? You think Democratic operators in Wisconsin are too decent and honest for that?

If Chuck had anything to do with his life besides attacking Trump, he might be able to tell you about some of that, if he is who he says he is.

mockturtle said...

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom--go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!

That's great! I don't think I've ever read that before.

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