"... they tend to act sexually available. In other words, they flirt. But it isn’t always the 'real' kind of flirting. They might have husbands or boyfriends and no intention of cheating. But their body language tends to be inviting in ways that non-famous people never see. The signals can be confusing because sexual attraction and celebrity-awe look the same to the observer. I’m willing to bet that when Trump is alone with a woman, she often – but not always – sends signals of availability, whether she intends it or not. Her rational mind – and her words – might be giving a clear message of no while her eyes, body language, and other signals are responding to power the way humans have evolved to respond."
Writes Scott Adams, who is quick to say that he's just offering some "context" and "excuse or condone anything Trump has allegedly done."
I don't think this context is anything sophisticated adults don't already understand, but the point is that Trump is running to be President. He needs to be worthy of great trust and not confused by people who are in awe of him. People will be in awe of the President, and he needs to have his wits about him. If he — even as an old man — sees young women as his willing play things, he's not very sharp. He's an old fool. We don't need an old fool as our President.
Old fool, young fool--it's all the same. Look at Obama and Clinton! There are worse things to be foolish about than women
Nor do we need a dishonest and corrupt politician who enabled a serial rapist and was grossly negligent with national security.
Hell of an election, isn't it?
i'm personally more by disappointed the 'grab' part than the 'pussy' part of his statement. implicit in this kind of language is that he can do whatever he wants with/to people. he can essentially treat them like objects. this isn't the first kind of statement he's ever made to that effect. 'my african american' or when he talks about 'putting' people places. and sadly, when it's a woman the object always takes on a sexual dimension. it's just a blatant lack of respect for other people.
They say there's no fool like an old fool.
I don't care anymore. Faced with making the best of bad choices, I choose Trump.
To my mind restoring accountability to government, slowing down or stopping the uncontrolled immigration and restoring the rule of law in this country is far more important that someone's diddling dalliances a decade ago. I have watched and read the transcripts of that stupid conversation, and I do not at all believe he was confessing to assaulting anyone. He was commenting and bragging on how some women threw themselves at famous men. And like I said, I. Just. Don't. Care.
Hillary Clinton must be stopped from winning the White House. Period.
Good grief...juxtapose that last paragraph with the video of Obama displaying his erection to a plane full of giddy female reporters.
I can't stand Trump and won't vote for him but the selective outrage over that video is way beyond the pale. If anything the boasting just makes him seem a bit pathetic.
We are rationalizing our visceral dislike of the candidates. Sufficient to say that we just don't fucking like either of them. The dilemma is that we will be stuck with one of them. What I dread most, no matter which one wins the election, is the gloating that's sure to follow.
When women find out that I am Laslo they get a look in their eyes that unequivocally says 'bend me over a chair.'
Being a responsible sort, I ask: "I can't help but notice the look in your eyes. Are you wanting Laslo to bend you over a chair?"
They will inevitably shake their head 'no', but they will smile and bat their eyelashes in doing so.
So I say: "I would never think of bending you over a chair if you did not desire such a thing."
Then their eyes say 'No! Don't listen to me shaking my head, listen to my eyes!"
So I ask: "Are you being coy with me?"
And -- again -- they shake their heads 'no', but the eye contact says "Of COURSE I am being coy with you. Bend me over a chair already."
So I ask: "Do you have a folding chair in the trunk of your car?"
Because, dammit, if you are going to play these games at least bring your own damn chair.
I am Laslo.
but the point is that Trump is running to be President
Actually, the point is that Trump was NOT running for President when these things 'supposedly' occurred. He was not a political figure and wasn't as meticulously guarded (read that as fake and crafted) as a Jeb Bush or Rubio or Cruz might be. He was a private citizen, albeit a famous one and incredibly rich one. However as a private citizen he didn't need to think...."how would this look when I am running for office? I'd better hide this!"
Doesn't necessarily excuse the behavior, which is pretty much normal for men (and women) in those nosebleed levels. Was he a big horn dog? Probably. Are we to assume that over the years and with age with a new wife and children, his behavior has never changed, will never change?
One would "like" to assume that with age and especially with his new position as a candidate for office that he has mellowed.
On the other hand.....and this is the main point. Trump is not Hillary. The thought of a Hillary Presidency, the corruption of government would be complete. The Constitution would be in shreds. The economy will be even further destroyed. It is not to be born. Trump would be, at least, fettered by the opposition that he has now from the Dems and from his own (supposed) party allies. One we KNOW will be a disaster. The other, maybe a disaster or an embarrassment but not a lethal one.
CStanley said...
Good grief...juxtapose that last paragraph with the video of Obama displaying his erection to a plane full of giddy female reporters.
10/17/16, 5:48 PM
never happened.
We don't need an old fool as our President.
Thank you, Professor, I needed that chuckle.
vicari valdez said...i'm personally more by disappointed the 'grab' part than the 'pussy' part of his statement. implicit in this kind of language is that he can do whatever he wants with/to people. he can essentially treat them like objects. this isn't the first kind of statement he's ever made to that effect.
Yeah, can you imagine having a President who treats women like objects, takes advantage of his power over younger women in his employ, sexually assaults & rapes women, etc?! Scary stuff, good thing it won't happen.
Hey, unrelated, but do you have any memory of the time between January 1993 and January 2001?
It is a 99.99% given that we are going to have an old and extremely foolish person as a president, who is in no sense worthy of worthy of great trust.
Dust Bunny Queen:
The usage is Borne.
I'm not a real grammar NSDAP
And, I agree a Hillary presidency would be almost unbearable
But that doesn't mean she has few bears.
HoodlumDoodlum said...
Hey, unrelated, but do you have any memory of the time between January 1993 and January 2001?
10/17/16, 6:02 PM
i do.
RE: Memories of the 1990's
Yeah, so do I, and I remember women taking off their freaking panties and throwing them up on the stage where Bill Clinton was holding a rally. So I guess maybe there is something to this claim that women act differently when they are in the presence of a powerful male. Hypergamy much anyone?
Personally, being neither rich or famous -by design of course,
I have never experienced a used-panty shower.
Why do people insist that they act as rational and reasoning creatures when the facts plainly show they are not?
The usage is Borne.
I'm not a real grammar NSDAP
Thanks for the correction :-) I noticed my mistake after posting but was too lazy to copy paste and reformat....and hoping no one else would notice. Drat!
...but the point is that Trump is running to be President. He needs to be worthy of great trust and not confused by people who are in awe of him. People will be in awe of the President, and he needs to have his wits about him.
Do any of the allegations date since he announced his run for president?
"My own fame is about 1% of Trump’s fame. And I can confirm that when women hear what I do for a living... they tend to act sexually available.
Ken Bone is "famous." Scott Adams is a celebrity. Trump was a celebrity but not a "star," at least in 2005. That's the pecking order I described with Tom Hanks SNL Aerosmith Roadie sketch.
Wayne: Garth, take a ritelin, man! Alright, Barry - you're a roadie, right? It must be Chick Central for you, right?
Garth: Yeah! You must be a citizen of Babe-ylon!
Hanks/Barry: Well.. yeah.. uh.. we get our share of the babes.. But, you know, you don't have a lot of time, and there's a lot of people to consider.. I mean, there's the band, there's the sound guy, there's the lighting crew, there's management, there's tour co-ordinators, the record company.. and then, of course, us, the roadies.
Wayne: Okay.. so, what you're saying is that roadies are the bottom feeders in the Great Babe Food Chain. Right? [ Garth can't control his laughter].
Hanks/Barry: Uh.. that is not what I'm saying, Wayne! I mean, come on.. there's a ton of chicks who would rather go out with roadies than with the band.
Wayne: Shyeah, right! And, later on, monkeys might fly out of my butt!
"I don't think this context is anything sophisticated adults don't already understand, "
You may be amazed to learn that there are a vast number of contexts and ways of being sophisticated adults. This is a problem of lack of perspective.
There are many, many worlds out there where the rules are just different. That, among other things, is a good reason to travel, if you can actually deal with the society and not just the architecture.
I bet there are vastly different societies within minutes of your home actually.
We don't need an old fool as our President.
No, we certainly don't. And we don't need someone with a third-rate mind, a repugnant personality and contempt for the governed as our president either. Especially not when that person is one of the most corrupt individuals to ever run for the office.
Which is the greater risk, that Hillary will go on a crime spree or Trump will go on a pussy grabbing spree?
This is all women's issues. Guys don't care at all.
That's why you don't want women voting.
If you handicap the election you have to take it into account, but it's taking crazy into account.
It's not a philosophical problem, but a what makes women crazy problem.
Trump should buy every woman in America flowers.
That would show he has character. To women.
What women want is an apology, the same as always.
You were right, dear.
The news is for women in the first place, so it will be all accusations all the time.
Ratings is ratings.
Women are so unsuspicious of this.
Scientific studies show that women with grabbed pussies are smarter, live longer, lose unwanted weight and attract desireable males.
Whatever it takes.
I bailed out of a DVD early, apparently noir genre, where a guy with a perfect wife and kids inexplicably has an affair with a babe with some unknown agenda.
Bzzt. Uninteresting plot.
Another uninteresting problem is a drinking problem, you plot writers.
Unmotivated bad choices.
The Trump story wouldn't have bad choices so much as an unfavorable gender voting.
It ends with him and Zsa Zsa living happily ever after somewhere, with nice kids.
In many places one had, and there still are, rituals whereby a woman would signal whether advances were welcome. A man would have to sing, serenade, dance, approach through intermediaries, or any number of systems.
These seem absurd in the modern US context, but they still exist, are still alive.
The more "primitive" a people is, the closest to the village and survival traditions, the more complex, restrictive and in most ways protective they are.
How to prevent rape among the traditional Igorots for instance -
"Brett-Prill further said that these elders informed her that it was inconceivable for a man to force a woman to have sex if she did not consent to it. If a woman rejected a man, there were many other women he could court and who would like him, so why force her?
She cited that even in warfare, women from the enemy villages were never sexually violated. During warfare, women caught in the rice fields could defend themselves when they spotted an approaching enemy by disrobing and exposing their sexual organs and cursing the men by shouting "Go back into the place where you came from!"
Prill-Brett explained that this was a curse strongly believed to bring them bad luck, because in some forgotten past, when men pursued their revenge on women who exposed their vaginas, they literally lost their heads in battle.
For the Igorots of the past, taking an enemy's head in vengeance was a heroic act. But rape and acts of domestic violence against women were taboo and made of them men of no honor. And honor was as dear as life itself to these tribal men. Thus, there were times when women were not spared a beheading, but their men never raped them."
To explain some of the above, in traditional Igorot society there was a high female:male ratio, because so many of the men had had their heads lopped off. Headhunters you know.
I like Igorots. Tough bunch. Good heads on their shoulders.
Similarly in America itself there are systems entirely outside the context of the white upper-middle class. Some are simply degenerate, some are systematic, there being logic behind the madness.
Unless he is an advocate for abortion rites, class diversity, progressive wars, trial by sodomy, immigration reform, progressive debt, scientific mysticism, etc., then he is not irredeemable. Unless he is an acolyte of the Pro-Choice Church (i.e. twilight religious/moral philosophy), then he may still overcome his liberal origins.
Christine Malabou disagrees with Nietzshe's characterization of women, and says women should rebel against it, but three levels deep and not on the surface.
Subvert the subversion.
"Bzzt. Uninteresting plot.
Another uninteresting problem is a drinking problem, you plot writers."
They should write a show about Igorots, or something like them.
It would work for HBO. The women would be topless all the time.
Catherine Malabou.
But it's OK to have a young fool who'll take advantage of awe struck women, like JFK or William Jefferson Clinton, as long as they're Democrats. Yep, got the logic.
Topless all the time doesn't work. It's just boobs everywhere.
Topless does best with a young actress just now "grown up," causing men everywhere to cancel their vacations, Klavan says, when they hear she's taking her shirt off.
Even that is only a box office plus.
There's a double entendre there.
Women go for a glimpse of Mel Gibson's ass.
Hussy grabbing is a possibility. It might be a misprint.
There are no feminists in foxholes.
"Women go for a glimpse of Mel Gibson's ass."
Maybe not these days. He's older than I am.
But if thats what they are after, then Igorot movies would work well for them too.
Check out the G-strings.
"Our studies show the average American woman is more likely to adopt a cat if her pussy isn't being grabbed all the time by some fucking asshole who thinks he's, like...whatever.
Save a cat. Keep your hands to yourself." - People for the Ethical Treatment of Pussy and Cats, PETPAC.
Maybe a certificate of appreciation from Trump to each women in America would help.
Work it like a corporation.
We don't need an old fool as our President.
So we are excluding Hillary then. . .
"never happened"
Yeah, I keep repositioning my wide-open groin in plain view for no reason whatsoever all the time.
Valentine's day is over so only Halloween offers a chance to make up with the women of America.
The witch motif is out, unless you want to go negative on Hillary, but that's not going to work with women.
Think, think.
"We don't need an old fool as our President."
Electing HRC would return the Clinton "Co-Presidency" to the White House. Bill was so dumb he was flavoring his cigars in the Oval office with an immature intern knowing he was being investigated and sued for sexual abuse. Hillary is said to hate drinking water, this has resulted in her passing out from dehydration on several occasions. As SOS HRC was such a fool she endangered national security to hide her emails from FISA.
A fool you will get - it just depends if you want a one that the media monitors closely or one who the media colludes with.
Women might like Marge Piercy's Strong Women. Maybe single out one of the many bons mots.
A strong woman is a woman at work
cleaning out the cesspool of the ages,
and while she shovels, she talks about
how she doesn’t mind crying, it opens
the ducts of the eyes, and throwing up
develops the stomach muscles, and
she goes on shoveling with tears in her nose.
but I can't get it to ingratiate Trump with women.
Some kind of flattery, though, is needed.
Elections get really hard with women involved.
"Think, think."
Maybe not on Trump though.
Fuck you. He was in his 50s at the time of the interview, referring to an unspecified earlier time. Men in their 40s and 50s aren't old fools, and aren't asexual.
Women have to put up with so much.
Their view.
Then elect an asexual eunuch. One of the most egregious horndogs to occupy the Oval Office was JFK, and just look at the sickening encomiums the establishment has produced praising that wretched family.
Some woman confided, in her role helping the male lead, that women have no idea what they want.
But we can figure it out. Trump has to do something. But what.
The Democrats have no chance to compete on the matter of g-strings.
Trump is Trump, and 70, but he has strong, manly sons and in a pinch, Pence.
The Democrats have no sons, and only Kaine.
This is all just so stupid and meaningless in the grand scheme of things. We're facing demographic extinction, an unelected, unaccountable Deep State carrying out global war and destabilization campaigns, and globalist fanatics wishing to erase any vestige of American national identity to serve their bottom lines, and yet the entire commentariat is aflutter with news that Trump engaged in crass talk while hot mic'd for a tacky tabloid show over a decade ago.
You know, I always say the USA is doomed. I think I needed to start adding "...and deserves it."
Trump could appoint Althouse, now available again, as an advisor. But he'd have to listen to her, is the downside.
Althouse doesn't see it as a women's problem but as a transcendental problem.
One from which the whole system develops.
This fixed vision is what has to be finessed.
"Actually, the point is that Trump was NOT running for President when these things 'supposedly' occurred. "
Yup. I am so tired of females and elections. Either alone is OK. Together, disaster.
I knew a girl in college who was very sharp, very together. She was also rich and drove a Mercedes when they were not common. The word was her father invented the parking meter and she was due to come into millions when she was 25.
Anyway, USC had a JFK rally in 1960 after school started. She went to it and was a"jumper" after that. I could not believe that such a sensible girl could flip out like that. I haven't trusted women since.
" I think I needed to start adding "...and deserves it."
I think I agree. You have gotten very sensible lately.
Trump could get into wordplay and win Althouse, but the rest of the women wouldn't come around. They have their own collective women's issue, namely whatever gets ratings.
So probably Althouse is out.
"This is all just so stupid and meaningless in the grand scheme of things"
Yes. And?
"You know, I always say the USA is doomed. "
"I think I needed to start adding "...and deserves it."
Unfortunately true.
Women like tears, weddings and fatal diseases, if the movies are any guide.
Trump needs to tap that interest.
Arrange the wedding of a beautiful and deserving young woman with only months to live. Cure her if possible, though that goes against Nicholas Sparks screenwriting. Maybe better not.
Paying for her cancer treatment would prove that Trump is no Mitt Romney, though.
The point is that you can't be a fighter and win women, unless you're saving them from some fate.
We could drop all women into a hole, perhaps. Trump could rescue them. Some sort of bravery would be necessary.
Politics is so complicated with both genders involved. Man.
Come out for polygamy, and marry every woman.
Propose setting up a White House honey-do list that women can add to online.
Mist the nation with estrogen.
On the other hand, Hillary's sterling judgement pays off!
Five years after an uprising killed Libya´s Moamer Kadhafi, residents in the chaos-wracked country´s capital joke they have grown to miss the longtime dictator as the frustrations of daily life mount. Those living in the capital say they are exhausted by power cuts, price hikes and a lack of cash flow as rival authorities and militias battle for control of the fragmented oil-rich country. "I hate to say it but our life was better under the previous regime," says Fayza al-Naas, a 42-year-old pharmacist, referring to Kadhafi´s more than four decades of rule. Today, "
And Hillary went to so much trouble to claim responsiblity, and now they are ignoring her "We came! We saw! He died!" quote! Imagine, the media covering for Hillary! Who would have guessed it! Thank God Kadhafi was only sodomized with a gun barrel or something, when he was killed, and not grabbed by the pussy!
Does awe surround the presidents? I don't think so.
but the point is that Trump is running to be President. He needs to be worthy of great trust
Not this year he doesn't.
How could you even begin to rationalize trusting Hillary more than Trump?
We know she lies to us.
We know that she has set up a private server to circumvent FOIA and historical requirements concerning her emails.
We know she will do or say anything to get elected.
We know her campaign was literally stealing money from little old ladies for Christ's sake!
"The problem with the internet is that there are no gatekeepers!" - HRC
Of course, that was before Obama!
It seems that the Obama administration´s efforts to save the presidential candidacy of Hillary Clinton is finally starting to yield tangible results as WikiLeaks just provided the following update that Julian Assange was cut off from using the Internet at the Ecuadorian embassy in London effective Saturday evening. We can confirm Ecuador cut off Assange´s internet access Saturday, 5pm GMT, shortly after publication of Clinton´s Goldman Sachs speechs.
Come out for polygamy, and marry every woman.
Even Trigglypuff?
g-strings are more practical and very cheap.
Maybe in a charity calendar thing.
Like so many have done with naked ladies.
Its quite a thing in the UK. Look it up.
Now this should draw Laslo. If it doesn't nothing will.
"Even Trigglypuff?"
Arrange for a Chinese mother-in-law, and that problem will be handled.
... but Trump is a ladies man. He certainly is no mans man. He is definitely blanket party material.
Democrats have used trained provocateurs to instigate violence at Republican events nationwide throughout the 2016 election cycle, including at several Donald Trump rallies, using a tactic called “bird-dogging,” according to a new video investigation released Monday by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas. The goal of “bird-dogging”: to create a sense of “anarchy” around Donald Trump that would undermine his political support. Often, the tactic uses the most vulnerable people — including the elderly and disabled — to maximize shock value.
They used to be called "brown shirts."
"Stronger Together" You can nae break a stick when it's in a bundle, right Hillary? But we are still talking about an ancient audio tape, deplorable as it is.
"We don't need an old fool as our President."
The choices are old gross fool, or lying, scheming, thieving (including furniture and lamps from the State Department), poor judgement, what difference does it make, corrupt old fool who will have a pass from the media.
Yup. I am so tired of females and elections. Either alone is OK. Together, disaster.
I cannot tell you the number of smart, educated, professional women I know who I lose their mind when it comes to politics. It is dismaying really. It was only in reluctance that I came to the conclusion that the 19th should be repealed with the remaining two Progressive amendments. I am no longer reluctant.
I would love to read some of the predictions made by those who opposed the 19th Amendment to see what they were, and how many have come true.
An old fool like Hillary? At least if she is elected, the Democrats will be forced to take responsibility for everything they do.
It's just a matter of getting the right narrative, and you've got women on your side.
It can't be that women are just always wrong. How would they know? You'd expect right half the time, just at random.
Push them that way with a narrative. Something fuzzy and warm.
It was only in reluctance that I came to the conclusion that the 19th should be repealed with the remaining two Progressive amendments.
My wife is pretty sensible and married women tend to be better but as a whole (no pun intended) women are not logical enough for politics.
I also think TV has wrecked what election campaigns we have.
Lincoln had a book made of the debates. It is still in print. I might see of audible books has it. Save my sanity on the 405 in Los Angeles.
Make America Great Again Trump fuzzy slippers.
The whole thing comes down to an inability to sell male sex to women in an election.
The Democrats have been trying this trick over and over. Clinton managed it with his saxophone, and he was an operator by nature. They tried with Gore, the Tipper romance stuff, Naomi Wolf advice and etc., but it didn't really work, the guy is a stiff. John Edwards and his hair, etc. Actually the 2004 field was quite instructive as to what was being sold. Mucho wannabe-macho.
Obama was uniquely qualified here, he had a plausibly romantic image and worked well as a mannequin for this purpose.
Trump is much too old for this role, though he might have managed it in his 40's.
Orro, the master of wordplay.
You'd think a hostile work environment would be welcoming to women, just from the etymology.
Salt and buttery.
What did women do for VJ day?
Valentine's day, Mother's day, and VJ day.
Michael K-
You can use Amazon portal.
"but the point is that Trump is running to be President. He needs to be worthy of great trust and not confused by people who are in awe of him. "
Ann, the rule of holes would be worth reviewing at this point, because this is silly pablum considering who the choices are this time.
"We don't need an old fool as our President." We just need an old rapist as First "Husband."
"as a whole (no pun intended) women are not logical enough for politics."
Trump really isn't the only problem the GOP has.
Blogger Remorse said...
"as a whole (no pun intended) women are not logical enough for politics."
Trump really isn't the only problem the GOP has.
No, Hillary trolls are a mild problem. I expect after the election, no matter who wins, they will cut off your minimum wage pay.
@Althouse, I admit you've got me at my wits's end.
Problem: The American economy is not growing fast enough to accommodate the influx of border crossers plus
See http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/steve-breen/sdut-steve-breen-10-11-2016-20161009-photo.html.
Any man who ever had authority can tell you about some little chippe wiggiling her ace and batting her eyes. Forget Brandy. Power is the greatest aphrodisiac.
I think your bias and some high horse indignation is showing.
Sorry, accidentally posted the above. Let's try again...
@Althouse, I admit you've got me at my wits' end.
Problem: The American economy is not growing fast enough to accommodate the influx of border crossers plus Millennials coming of age, much less the backlog of people out of work who've given up. How will the next president address this? Do you honestly expect Trump's opponent to address the economy based on what's best for the country versus what's most politically advantageous for her and financially advantageous for her donors?
But never mind the economy, because Trump is a dirty old potty-mouth.
Problem: We now have "boots on the ground" in Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq (the war George W. Bush won, you might recall), and Lord only knows where else. How are we going to manage those wars, much less win them?
But in your eyes Trump is just an "old fool." I gather that means you are okay with the woman who started an unnecessary war in Libya and then lost the peace?
Problem: Judging by the assaults on Trump rally-goers, the fire-bombing of the GOP HQ in North Carolina, attempted assassination of police officers, and other affronts to law and order, the Democrat rot is not confined to Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch, and James Comey conniving over mishandled classified information. Who can better address this rot? Donald Trump or the chief rotter?
Problem: Many economists believe that we're headed for another recession in 2017 or 2018. Do you trust Hillary Clinton to deal with it? Why on earth would you do that?
Althouse, two questions for you. First, do you know how to learn from your mistakes? In 2008 you focused your attention on what's wrong with McCain, never paying the slightest attention to what's wrong with his opponent. Eight years later you're doing it again -- focusing on what's wrong with Trump and not balancing it with what's right with Trump and what's wrong with Hillary Clinton.
Second, is there a point between now and November 8th when you realize that you've been played? You aren't alone, that's for certain, but You've. Been. Played.
NO, we need an evil diseased old mad WOMAN! Progress!
Trump is bad. Hillary is far, far worse, and unlike Trump would never be held to account. The other candidates have zero chance of being elected. There are no good choices here, only bad or worse.
So choose: Bad or worse. Chop off a finger or chop off your entire arm. The vulgar boor or the corrupt criminal. The one who's probably never read the Constitution or the one who will wipe her ass with it.
This is the problem of this election: everything wrong with Trump (and there is much, much wrong) is worse with Clinton. Everything bad about Trump will be poured over and Trump does not have anything near the solidified political machine. Why was Hillary the only truly viable Democrat running? Because the machine stood in everyone else's way.
Go down the list and everything wrong with Trump is worse with Clinton. Except for being a woman. Clinton has that going for her this election. Do you want someone of Clinton's character, Clinton's form of feminism, being the first woman President?
Speaking of 1%, I just saw on Drudge that only 1% of Russians approve of Obama. Compare that to the alleged 56% approval that Obama supposedly has among Americans. Sad to say, it appears that the Russians are better judges of character.
Perhaps anyone about to retire should be careful about throwing 'old fool' around.
Blogger Clyde said..."Hillary is far, far worse, and unlike Trump would never be held to account. The other candidates have zero chance of being elected. There are no good choices here, only bad or worse."
That's essentially why I plan to vote for Trump: Hillary's utter lack of accountability. It is blatantly obvious and yet the media ( including Althouse) seem unaware or hide their knowledge for some reason.
vicari valdez said...
CStanley said...
Good grief...juxtapose that last paragraph with the video of Obama displaying his erection to a plane full of giddy female reporters.
10/17/16, 5:48 PM
"never happened."
The video is right fucking there. At :06-:10 you can see the woman's face who looked right at it and she walked away abashed as if... Obama's cock was erect and right there in her face. Everyone on the plane was looking. Snopes is a douchebag lefty hack site now and you are just stupid for posting this.
It is right fucking there.
You would think that anyone who lived through Nixon would have siren alarm bells going off inside their head regarding Hillary.
Ann Althouse is an intelligent woman who tries to educate herself about politics although she refuses to really learn about the wikileaks.
Ann Althouse said: "He needs to be worthy of great trust ..."
So the obvious answer for this is Hillary Clinton.
When we look back at the fall of our republic, you really only need to read the 19th amendment.
Scott Adams gives off a creepy lecherous libertarian vibe. Doubleplus unhot.
"Ann Althouse is an intelligent woman who tries to educate herself about politics although she refuses to really learn about the Wikileaks"
Perhaps she believes looking at them is illegal?
Anyone who excused or apologized for Lena Dunham's leacherous moistening over Bararack Obama is no judge of the role of sexual attraction in politics.
Trump is running to be President. He needs to be worthy of great trust and not confused by people who are in awe of him. People will be in awe of the President, and he needs to have his wits about him. If he — even as an old man — sees young women as his willing play things, he's not very sharp. He's an old fool. We don't need an old fool as our President.
Really? Did you vote against Bill Clinton, twice? Did you advocate for him to be impeached and removed from office in 1998 - 1999?
Unless you can say "yes" to all the above", you've permanently forfeited the right to say what you wrote in the first paragraph.
Heh. It was clear as day that Scott Adams eventually would attempt to "walk back" via "distancing his own self," as so he has been attempting, recently. Too bad, so sad, too late, arrogant lad.
Anyone who could not see that trump was an old fool before all this came out is a fool
There's a better defense of the sexual assault allegations that I haven't seen Team Trump use for some reason--he was flirting with these women, made a move, and when he was rejected he stopped. Is there anything really wrong with trying to kiss someone when you misinterpret their signals and then back off when they make it clear they don't want that?
But right now all I heard from Team Trump is that these are all liars, which gets harder to believe when more of them come out and seem to have corroboration (or at least their stories aren't ridiculous on their face, like the UVA Jackie story). It's like the Cosby case or the Bill Clinton case--we can give you the benefit of the doubt but once there's a cascade of accusations we start to wonder. So I dont' think "these are all liars" will work, but unless one of the stories is "he made a move on me, I told him no, but he kept at it" I don't see why Trump doesn't simply say "I misinterpreted her signals, got rejected, sorry" and leave it at that.
I don't think this context is anything sophisticated adults don't already understand, but the point is that Trump is running to be President. He needs to be worthy of great trust and not confused by people who are in awe of him. People will be in awe of the President, and he needs to have his wits about him. If he — even as an old man — sees young women as his willing play things, he's not very sharp. He's an old fool. We don't need an old fool as our President.
You're fundamentally misunderstanding the appeal here. Trump IS NOT Hillary. People aren't voting FOR Trump. People are voting to keep the Clintons out of the Whitehouse. Hence to willingness to cut the Trumpster a load of slack. C'mon. it isn't difficult. (I was going to say 'hard' but I knew you would take it the wrong way).
"vicari valdez said...
CStanley said...
Good grief...juxtapose that last paragraph with the video of Obama displaying his erection to a plane full of giddy female reporters.
10/17/16, 5:48 PM
never happened."
Despite video evidence Snopes says "unproven." You take it step further to "never hapened." You're as honest as snopes, and most lefties. Which means not honest at all.
Great comments by rhhardin.
Actually, the point is that Trump was NOT running for President when these things 'supposedly' occurred. He was not a political figure and wasn't as meticulously guarded (read that as fake and crafted) as a Jeb Bush or Rubio or Cruz might be. He was a private citizen, albeit a famous one and incredibly rich one. However as a private citizen he didn't need to think...."how would this look when I am running for office? I'd better hide this!"
That's the funniest part. We keep hearing how people hate how "fake" politicians are...but they will then incessantly bitch if a candidate isn't fake like a politician is. It's like hearing the media bitch that they aren't in the tank for a candidate while emails keep being leaked showing how in the tank they are.
They used to be called "brown shirts."
"Stronger Together" You can nae break a stick when it's in a bundle, right Hillary? But we are still talking about an ancient audio tape, deplorable as it is.
And the press doesn't care. Then they'll bemoan how "superficial" this election is, which is almost all their fault.
If a President decided to simply kill off freedom of the press, I wouldn't bat an eye at this point. We don't have a press. We have stenographers and hacks.
The video is right fucking there. At :06-:10 you can see the woman's face who looked right at it and she walked away abashed as if... Obama's cock was erect and right there in her face. Everyone on the plane was looking. Snopes is a douchebag lefty hack site now and you are just stupid for posting this.
Who will you believe, an unadultered (zero evidence of video manipulation so far) video or Snopes analysis of the video?
"We don't need an old fool as our President."
But we are getting one. Hillary is just a different kind of fool.
I hadn't seen the Snopes "rebuttal" of the creepy Obama video before. That's actually pretty scary, in that it reads like a parody but they seriously presented it as a debunking. I was assuming, when first directed to the link, that perhaps I had fallen for a hoax (a doctored video) or that the tape was real but Snopes and others covered for Obama by doctoring the lighting or something to make it less evident. But the video is right there with an indisputable bulge and Obama positioning himself for display, and the Snopes article describes how it might just be something in his pocket.
Are you daft "law prof" (surely a misnomer)?
Here are the Communist Thug tactics employed with full knowledge of the Crooked Old Lady.
Communist Thug Zulema Rodriguez, in the film causing violence at Chicago Trump Rally is actually paid by the FEC.
Here is the State Dept. offering quid pro quo to the FBI to downgrade emails classified as "Secret".
Deep State protecting the Crooked Old Lady
Add to that
1) Starting wars in Libya, Syria and Ukraine.
2) Creating Isis by arming "Syrian Rebels" against Assad.
3) Allowing our Ambassador to be killed in Bengahzi.
Amazing size of a blind spot you have there "law prof", you even voted for an illegal Usurper (as a supposed "law prof"). I guess it's good you retired, no more turning young minds to mush.
You're not dealing with a law prof. You're dealing with a woman.
DBQ nails it at 5:53PM
Well hell Ann, you voted for Obama. What kind of fool was that? An old one?
So we have an "old fool" and a massively corrupt and lazy old grifter of a lady running for president.
I'd take the "old fool" over the old grifter any day.
Oh, Ann---your last paragraph ignores that Trump said/did this stuff when he WAS NOT running for President, he was a private citizen.
I don't know why you are so surprised by Trump's crudeness in his prior life--you write as if it was totally unexpected, which is ridiculous, we all knew exactly what he was about, sexually, for the previous 35+ years. Yet you seemed sympathetic toward him until a tape and some questionable accusations that basically just confirm what we already knew or suspected. What gives?
But if your standard is he should act Presidential while running for President, none of that should matter, anyway. If you don't like him because of all this, that's certainly your right and not crazy, but how can you act like this changes your opinion, unless you weren't paying attention since the late 1970s?
I've been to Scott Adam's home. Yes, I can prove it too. Never the less, I was never attracted to him or felt flirtatious around him. Of course I'm a guy so...
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