October 7, 2016

"House Speaker Paul Ryan, saying he was 'sickened' by Trump's comments, announced Friday night that the GOP presidential nominee would no longer attend a Republican event in Wisconsin..."

"... at which the two were slated to appear on Saturday. Trump's campaign said vice presidential nominee Mike Pence would represent him instead. Trump campaign advisers were huddling together in Trump Tower Friday night trying to figure out how to react."

How about withdrawing?

Why, it was only this morning that commenters on this blog were pushing for me and Meade to attend the rally tomorrow in Elkhorn. David Begley said:
Trump rally one hour from Althouse and Meade on Saturday. Wisconsin is critical for Trump and the Meadehouse endorsement is influential.
I joked:
So I could tip the nation, eh, Begley? After all this, it might depend on me.
Meade boosted my joke:
In a world... where Clinton corruption grew exponentially, there was one lady blogger...
David Begley leaned in:
Yes, Ann, selection of the next Leader of the Free World depends upon you and Wisconsin.

No pressure....


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Jaq said...

I'd ask for some clarification if a friend told me that he grabs gals by their pussies.

It's pretty clear he didn't say that, that he was engaging in hyperbole. But that's how the game is played. Pretend that hyperbolic statements are meant as deadpan accurate description of actual behavior.

The Clintons are far from clean in this matter. Hillary called Juanita Broaddrick a liar even though the evidence is stacked high on Juanita's side. So you have an actual rapist vs some locker room talk. Whatever.

Meanwhile Hillary is telling Goldman Sachs that she wants no borders, complete free trade. What is that supposed to mean? Why doesn't somebody ask her? Nobody will because they would rather talk about this when it comes to Trump and this subject is off limits with the Clintons.

Bruce Hayden said...

@Robert - sorry, but that wasn't what Reynolds said or meant. He wasn't suggesting or proposing murder, but potentially self-defense, which is perfectly legal, and self-defense homicides are specifically not "murder", because they are legally justified. If a bunch of rioters were indeed trying to break your windows to pull you out of your car, or to turn it over, or set it on fire, you can, indeed, sometimes just floor it to get away. Reynolds, as a licensed concealed handgun carrier and a law professor probably has forgotten more about the legal use of lethal force than you know (as evidenced by your comments), but he admitted that Twitter isn't a good medium for complete thoughts.

You can't run over just anyone, willy, hilly, to escape rioters. You must first have a reasonable fear of death or great bodily injury to you or an innocent third party. And it pretty much has to be proportional. But rioters turned Reginald Denny into almost a veritable after pulling him from his truck. Other rioters are essentially co-conspirators, so self-defense against them, using one's vehicle as a deadly weapon may be justified, but runniiing down peaceful, non-rioting, protesters to escape would probably not be self-defense.

Jaq said...

I can't figure out how imprisoning somebody in their car as part of a "protest" is not kidnapping.

Bruce Hayden said...

Imprisoning someone for a short period of time in their car may, indeed be kidnapping, in the legal sense, but that alone probably wouldn't legally justify the use of deadly force to extricate yourself in most states. For that you would typically still need the reasonable fear of imminent death or great bodily injury. But, as i noted above, what happened to Reginald Denny was clearly great bodily injury, and a reasonable fear that that might happen to you or other occupants in the vehicle goes a long way in proving self-defense. The problem with kidnapping as a defense is that you essentially need a state statute specifying that it is sufficient justification for the use of deadly force, and last i knew, most states don't have such statutes.

tim maguire said...

The media will do what it can to make this "controversy" stick, but the reality is, we learned nothing new about Trump or the Daily News today. We didn't really learn anything new about Paul Ryan either.

It will be forgotten by tomorrow. As it should be.

Etienne said...

The main story is, who sent the copy to the Washington Post?

Obviously, they didn't like getting banned from the Trump campaign, and Bezos wanted payback for his Amazon fueled hobby.

Who was the deep throat?

rcommal said...

@Bruce Hayden, this one's for you from me:


Jaq said...

If using his celebrity to get women to consent to being groped is sexual assault, then what happened with Monica was flat out rape.

Mark said...

Yes, Bruce, tell me about how the Democrats are always the ones with the double standard.

Meanwhile you ask us to forget the guy who liked Capitol Hill interns, the fellow wirh the 'wide stance' going for gay sex in airport bathrooms, and the any pecadillos of the right. The list goes on and on .... yet you are calling someone out for a double standard?

The Republicans who shielded bi and secretly gay Congressmen while demonizing gays? Yes, do tell me about the hypocrisy of the Democrats. I like just-so stories.

Jaq said...

If Pence is supposed to walk away from Trump, why wasn't Hillary expected to walk away from Bill? Oh yeah, because he has always been her ticket to power and her dream of "no borders."

Jaq said...

Hillary feigning shock at this is just one more example of her having one set of values in public, and another in private, as she has admitted.

rcommal said...

@tim in vermont

This one is for you:


Temujin said...

Probably nothing more to add. I'm sure it's all been said. But let me just say these things.
1) Weeks ago David Brock, the official Director of Dirt for the Clintons, announced large payments for ANY dirt on Trump. I'm sure they had a lot anyway, but over the last 4 weeks, non-nation threatening issues have been brought up and everyone in the press has been dutifully horrified by them.

2) I'm shocked...SHOCKED that a celebrity (male or female) finds that their celebrity makes getting a little pussy or dick much easier. Imagine that.

3) Politicians have long found their celebrity easier. Sens. Ted Kennedy and Christopher Dodd famously grabbing Washington area waitresses in far away places- in the restaurants. Pushing up against them. Grabbing them. THAT is considered normal in Washington. Especially if you have that lucky 'D' next to your name. Kennedy was the 'Lion of the Senate'. Remember?

4) Bill Clinton...well...there have been books written. About rape. Groping. Cigar use. Interns. Islands of teenage women. And Hillary? She slammed every one of these women. She trashed them all. She had no stomach for standing up for women. She had only visions of her own greatness getting set back. She could not let that happen.

Trump talks. And he is a blustery millionaire. He had no eyes on being President until recently, so he did not have his taxes presented like a politician would. He did it like any business person- large or small- would. He talks like guys who think they're big shit talk. Talks about 'conquering women'. Guys do that. Or at least until this generation they did.

But...that's talk. We're still left with Hillary is corrupt. She's sold out her country and position for money. She (and Bill) have been bought and paid for. They will have to pay people back. Many are not Americans with US interests. She's a liar. She broke the law more times than I can write here. The Dept. of Justice has been turned into a political arm of the Dem party and will continue under her. She's 4 more years of economic stagnation and increasing debt.

But Donald used the pussy word. He sucks. He is so uncouth. However he has not done what she has done. He has not stood up and lied to a nation and the parents of the dead about how they died. He did not tell us it was a video, knowing (as any 7 year old knew) that it was a terrorist attack. His incompetence did not create that situation.

These are serious things she's done. What he's done...just isn't. You all need to get a sense of reality and perspective. Stop following the breathless reporters on NBCABCCBSCNNFOX. Do your homework. Trump has not been in this position. She has. She has done horribly. And she has not taken responsibility for any of it. She is corrupt. She is dangerous.

Trump is uncouth.

MayBee said...

It's almost funny to see Hillary be outraged at this. And all the press just saying "But Bill Clinton isn't on the ticket".

It's also funny to see all my Bill Clinton loving friends write about how Donald Trump is the worst.

It's all so funny, but it's so not funny.

MayBee said...

Nobody in journalism is paying attention to Wikileaks. Obviously the Clinton people dropped this strategically, to crowd out any bad Hillary media.

It will be interesting to see how this is handled on Sunday. Hillary can't possibly attack him with it, can she? With Bill in the audience?

Temujin said...

Last comment. The Washington Post is a disgrace.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I wish Trump had been recorded saying Paul Ryan was a pussy.

320Busdriver said...

Humpty Trumpty sat on a wall....

rhhardin said...

Once you can fake respect for women, you've got it made.

That's all they want. The power to you fake it.

The real thing isn't of any interest.

tim maguire said...

Well said, Temujin. Trump is uncouth. We're supposed to turn a blind eye not just to Hillary's crimes and misdemeanours, but also, and especially, to her status within a corrupt and decaying system because Trump uses the wrong salad fork.

Taken in isolation, one would never guess from the coverage of this election that there are real issues at stake. Yes, Trump is appalling, but if you are sane and care, you will choose appalling over traitorous.

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HT said...

From what I read, Trump did not break through a barrier of arms or other physical resistance to grab a woman "down there." He used his power, riches, and fame to temporarily stun a woman or women and even himself - "they let you." I suppose it's assault, but what makes it different was that, based on what we heard, there was not outright, obvious physical resistance. This is what a lot of famous men have done and do.

dreams said...

I'm shocked that a man would say something like that about a pretty woman, I'm really shocked and I'm sure I speak for men everywhere, even Muslim men who apparently prefer virgins. We're all just shocked. Faux shocked.

traditionalguy said...

Puritans are back. Only eunuchs can
be elected. Does that include Hillary...maybe not.

The question remains: do we want to be a border less and gunless Provence of cattle being herded at whim by atheists that want energy rationed and free speech criminalizes.


rcommal said...

Once you can fake respect for women, you've got it made.

rhhardin expresses the notion in a nutshell.

Alas, Donald J. Trump lacks the skill that rhhardin has, among other skills that rhh has but DJT lacks.

rcommal said...

To wit:

Once you can fake respect for women, you've got it made.

That's all they want. The power to you fake it.

The real thing isn't of any interest.


dreams said...

Democrats, liberals and wimp Republicans can for sure relate to this poor woman quoted below from twitter.

"American vegan tourist brought to tears after shocking discovery that New Zealand has sheep"


HT said...

"The question remains: do we want to be a border less and gunless Provence of cattle being herded at whim by atheists that want energy rationed and free speech criminalizes."

Yes to gunless, no to borderless. But Trump won't do anything about the border - if you disagree, please tell me how.

Tank said...

Paul Ryan is a coward. I'd hate to have that virtue signaling bastard with me in a foxhole. Why can't he MAN UP and say that a bunch of locker room talk is not relevant to the election as much as immigration, trade, Hillary's wars, etc? He is a f*g weasel. I wouldn't waste spit on his hand, never mind shake it. Imagine him as President? I can't believe I once thought he was an alright guy. He's already a godawful Speaker, and he'll continue to be one under President Trump or Clinton.

rcocean said...

People really are insane. I thought this was another predictable attack on trump but evidently its some sort incredibly "devastating" blow.

This whole general election has been about Hillary and the Democrats trying to avoid the issues and her proven corruption and focus in on Trump and meaningless crap that doesn't matter.

She breaks the law, lies, promotes open borders and globalization while pretending to care about the average person. She never gets a hostile question from the press.

And yet all that matters is what Trump said about women in private conversation 11 years ago.

rcocean said...

Ryan and all the others are withdrawing their endorsements because they all want Trump to lose. He'd rather make deals with Hillary, and keep his Rich Donors, DC insiders and Bankster friends happy.

If you think he's going to fight Hillary and keep her from busting the budget - you're a fool.

And if you think McConnell is going to fight Hillary over gun rights, the Supreme Court or anything except tax cuts for the rich, you're a fool.

Tank said...

After commenting, I saw that C. Heartiste said this,

Paul Ryan, World’s Biggest Faggot

October 7, 2016 by CH

The world’s most craven, gutless, cuck faggot piece of quisling shit, Paul Ryan, had this to say after thecuntcrü released an 11-year-old recording of Trump engaging in normal healthy heterosexual male banter about hitting on women...

OK, he said it better than I did.

Phil 314 said...

Trump doesn't need to withdraw. He's wearing protection.

Phil 314 said...

And the Republican Party is going to get the full Trump

Good and Hard

rcocean said...

RH - don't blame Ryan on women. Trump's remarks are the excuse not the reason.

rcocean said...

Lets see, what have we been talking about so far:

1) Private sexual Comments made Trump 11 years ago.
2) Trump's tax return from 20 years ago
3) Whether Trump may- or may not - make fun of a disabled NYT reporter
4) Trump's feelings about Rosie
5) Trump's bankruptcies - 15 years ago
6) Trump's failure to denounce the KKK for 56th time.

Yeah, its been Lincoln-Douglas all over again.

rcocean said...

Bill Clinton with the help of Hillary has sexually harassed any number of women and lied under oath about it.

Does any remember Paula Jones or understand that having a Sex with Lewinsky - a white house employee violated EEO laws?

Does anyone care? Or are just supposed to pretend to care what Trump said 11 years in a private conversation?

dreams said...

When a Republican candidate is attacked by the Dems for some past indiscretion, the stupid party validates the attack by piling on. Stupid.

rhhardin said...

Derrida's first translator, Gayatri Spivak, was very angry with Derrida for not faking a respect for women in _Spurs_, where Derrida instead displayed the real thing, which she was not capable of noticing.

dreams said...

We continue to delude ourselves, we're doomed.

Hagar said...

I would not call Trump's tape "locker room talk" as much as "fratboy bravado."
And when a 70 year old private citizen suddenly decides to run for president, one might suspect he is a person who never grew up.
Not that there necessarily is anything wrong with that, think Teddy Roosevelt. Though of course Cousin Teddy was way too much of a prude to use this kind of language, his general attitude and behavior remained boyish.

Rusty said...

What? Did Ryan get sand in his vagina?

Patrick Henry was right! said...

They are doing to Trump what they did to Ken Cucchinelli. Uniparty protecting it's own.

Michael K said...

"Does any remember Paula Jones or understand that having a Sex with Lewinsky - a white house employee violated EEO laws?

Does anyone care? Or are just supposed to pretend to care what Trump said 11 years in a private conversation? "

I have to give the Ruling Class credit for a very successful caper that may have cut the legs off Trump's campaign.

"the stupid party validates the attack by piling on. Stupid."

Yup. Watergate was a successful coup d'etat by Mark Felt, the #2 FBI guy. Woodward and Bernstein were stenographers. I sometimes wonder if the Republicans were in on it.

Theranter said...

Soros and his millions of marionettes, Hillary being the new star after Obama, are literally raping America of everything she ever was, or promised to be. Literally.

And people are having the vapors over Trump, who made crude, typical, man-to-man remarks about women.

We are so doomed.

BJM said...

"How about withdrawing?"

Electus interruptus?

traditionalguy said...

We are inLexington and Concord today where the 1799 monument says the militia dared to be free, and that God was proud of them.

Unknown said...

Seems like it is too late for Trump to withdraw. Best possibility would seem to be to tell people to vote for the Trump/Pence ticket, if he wins, he will resign as president, effectively making Pence the president. So essentially people would be voting for Pence. But, doubt anyone would trust him enough to resign. I'm not sure I would and I would be inclined to vote for Pence if I knew Trump would in fact resign.

mockturtle said...

Tradguy reports: We are inLexington and Concord today where the 1799 monument says the militia dared to be free, and that God was proud of them

Glad your trip happened as planned, despite the Matthew threat.

HT said...

" So essentially people would be voting for Pence"

Yep, been saying this for a while. And on the Democratic side, too. I would greatly prefer Kaine to Clinton. It should have been Pence vs Kaine all along, but our craving for entertainment got in the way.

In March I was saying that should Trump win, the Dems could impeach him, but now I'm not sure they would as Pence is far more conservative than Trump, a real Republican.

Phil 314 said...

RCOCEAN stated:
"Lets see, what have we been talking about so far:..."

Do you really think there's more to Trump than this?

hombre said...

Trump is a braggart and a vulgarian who has made himself a billionaire and claims to oppose the DC establishment.

Clinton is a grifter and a criminal who as Sec of State enabled and armed Islamic terrorists, has corrupted The DOJ and the FBI and IS the DC establishment. (And see FEB at 1:33.)

Hillary's Ascension will only be supported by those who belong in a basket of immorals.

hombre said...

"Do you really think there's more to Trump than this?" 10/8/16, 10:36 AM

There is much more to Trump than this, but it doesn't matter. The election is about crooked, incompetent Hillary.

FullMoon said...

Louis C.K. on 09/01/2010:
“people think that sarah Paalin is really mean but she has a family of chinese poor people living in her c*nt hole. sorry.

Louis C.K. on 09/01/2010:
“I want to rub my father’s c*ck all over Sarah Palin’s fat tits.”

Louis C.K. on 09/01/2010:
“@SarahPalinUSA kudos to your dirty hole, you f*cking jackoff c*nt-face jazzy wondergirl”

“When she was standing on that stage at the f*cking convention holding a baby that just came out of her f*cking, disgusting c*nt… her f*cking retard-making c*nt. I hate her more than anybody…”
Source: The Opie and Anthony radio show

SukieTawdry said...

Paul Ryan has been waiting for an out. Chances were always good he'd get it. He got it.

rcocean said...

"I have to give the Ruling Class credit for a very successful caper that may have cut the legs off Trump's campaign."

It shouldn't cut off the legs - unless people are Morons.

Of course, this is all a set-up for the next Townhall "debate" - where out of 8 questions directed at Trump - one will involve this great "Scandal". As opposed to 50 more important things.

Gospace said...

Bruce Hayden had somewhat of a point earlier.

The behavior of the lower class and the real upper crust, and also actors and performers, is far more similar to each other then to the vast middle class between them.

The vast middle class is what keeps the world running smoothly, producing the food, making and repairing the machinery of progress, etc.And they are held accountable for bad behavior, with real osses if they misbehave.

People at the real bottom? What do they have to lose by misbehavior? Nothing. They have nothing, no hope, and nothing to lose. Really doesn't matter what the misbehavior is; drug use, knocking over the corner store, whatever. The real upper crust, similarly for most misbehavior, in the end, loses nothing. Caught using drugs? No problem. Daddy hires a high price lawyer, they're diverted out of the criminal justice system into a rehab program where they're "cured". And if you look at the Kennedy family, you've got all kinds of examples of criminal activity excused by royalty status. How many laws were broken by Chappaquiddick? Leaving the scene of an accident. Driving without a license. (Probably) driving while drunk. Negligent homicide, due to a combination of all before. Penalty? None. He continued to be elected and reelected to the senate.

Now, what happens to someone in the vast middle class who does any of these things? Well, look at the Duke Lacrosse case. There weren't even any laws violated, and the men of the lacrosse team suffered for years. Get caught using drugs? There goes your scholarship and ticket to a higher paying job. I'm certain you can provide your own examples. The middle class is held accountable, and resents those that aren't. On both side of the spectrum, the upper crust and the lowest class.

The people I know who really hate food stamps and EBT? Cashiers at Walmart who make just enough to not be eligible to get either. Who watch people walking through the lines dressed better then them buying better food then they can afford- using their tax money to do it. I know a bunch of Walmart workers. Several in my family. Most of them are Trump supporters. And they're watching the media holding, or trying to hold, Trump accountable for things he said. While studiously ignoring things Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend's wife, Communist Party candidate for president and corrupt alcoholic enabler of her sexual predator husband has done. And they resent it.

mockturtle said...

When a reporter asked Vernon Jordan what did he and Bill Clinton talk about on the golf course, he smiled and replied, "We talked about pussy".

Well, he was probably referring to the Clintons' pet cat, Socks. ;-D

Bilwick said...

Yeah, let's let Hillary win the election. Nothing would punish Trump's sexism like dragging the US the rest of the way down the Road to Serfdom and finish Obama's job of turning it into Venezuela del Norte.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Isn't Ryan some kind of a fitness fanatic? CrossFit P90 or something? I wonder if that gives you power glutes like Andrew Sullivan's.

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