October 29, 2016

Hillary Clinton is so imbued with email that her public speech sounds like email messages between political insiders.

Yesterday, Hillary Clinton did a short press conference about FBI director's Comey's letter to Congress about reopening the email investigation. Here's part of that:
REPORTER: What would you say to a voter who right now will be seeing you and hearing what you're saying, saying I didn't trust her before. I don't trust her any more right now....

HILLARY CLINTON: You know, I think people a long time ago made up their minds about the e-mails. I think that's factored into what people think and now they are choosing a president.
So the question is: What would you say to a voter? And the answer — the nonanswer — is: People don't think. They're done thinking. Anything that could be in the email is already factored into their opinion of me.

It sounds as though she's delivering the contents of what could have been an emailed conversation with her confidantes about what she could say to voters. I imagine a private conversation hitting upon the idea of maybe voters will think that they don't need to think about email anymore because they've already heard a lot about email, and that if they are still voting or considering voting for her, they've factored it in.

But that's not what you should say outright to voters. You should say something that makes them feel they've already absorbed and digested the email and have had their fill. You shouldn't reveal that's what you want them to think!

It reminds me of President George H.W. Bush:

"Message: I care" came in January 1992 as he was just gearing up the process of losing the election to Bill Clinton — Bill Clinton, who had a special knack for making people feel that he cared.


sane_voter said...

Hillary's "press conference" last night addressing the new investigation was a joke. Anyone considering voting for this crook should be ashamed.

chickelit said...

Hillary's message: I scare

Clyde said...

One thing's for sure: Whether Hillary Clinton wins or loses, Anthony Weiner should be making inquiries about whether Julian Assange could use a roommate at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. If she wins, she'll have blood in her eye. If she loses, he'll be the Democrat party's Steve Bartman, and there'll be no place to hide in America where he can escape the blame.

rhhardin said...

It's a metamessage, which is one way to package the problem so it's not there anymore.

Talk about the campaign strategy considerations. Women understand considerations. There are so many of them in everyday life. Everything's so social.

She's not talking to men, who tend to abstract and fixate.

rhhardin said...

What she'd say to voters is what she said to voters. They're women. They buy it.

Bob Boyd said...

Hillary isn't answering a question, she's placing a narrative.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"don't think"...

Gruber was correct.

rhhardin said...

There's a trick you can pull, on the same topic, on an island of truth tellers and liars, if you want to know the way to the village. The problem is creative liars, who aim to deceive, not to lie. They know the old trick.

Ask, "Did you know they're giving away free beer in the village?"

No matter what he says, follow him.

sane_voter said...

I think the reason Comey came out yesterday with the letter on the new investigation is that he knows these emails are going to be released shortly and he was getting ahead of the news cycle to look like he is an unbiased proactive FBI leader, rather than being confirmed again as the Clinton hack he really is.

David Begley said...

Three questions were allowed. Either planted or easy to figure what questions would be asked. Surely her brain trust (Huma, Podesta, Mook, Tandeen et al.) told her what to say.

Hillary also demanded that the FBI release all of the emails when she well knew that could never happen. So she puts the FBI on defense and she tries to make it look as if the FBI is hiding information. Straight out of the Clinton playbook.

The found FBI emails are the deleted ones. The evidence of bribery that I have long expected.

MayBee said...

Well, if you read the Pedestal emails you see she usually has a lot more time to practice the talking points they give her.

I did like the bank of flags behind her for the mini-press conference, though. So inspiring.

Oso Negro said...

It certainly is an interesting turn of events. Indeed, whatever could have made Democrat FBI Director Comey and the Democrat Assistant FBI Directors change their mind to release something that prima facie appears to be detrimental to Democrat Hillary. Where is the patented Althousian deep dig here? What if we start from the assumption that Democrat Comey is again aiding Democrat Clinton? How can we torture that construct from what we know?

Diogenes of Sinope said...

The Clintons become rich and powerful assuming that in the aggregate people are stupid and don't think. The Clintons have been wonderfully successful, this is old news, so why don't you move on?

rhhardin said...

"Did you know that the NYT is offering to delete the Hillary emails for one million dollars?"

Then watch what she does.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.”
“...and basically, call it the stupidity of the America voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really important for this thing to pass.”

-Jonathan Gruber, Architect of the Affordable Care Act.

The "don't think" is strong on the left. Delivered daily by the Democrat Media Industrial Complex hacks.

Bob Boyd said...

Why didn't Huma clean up that computer?

Bob Ellison said...

That was not a press conference.

Wince said...

It sounds as though she's delivering the contents of what could have been an emailed conversation with her confidantes about what she could say to voters.

It was a press conference after all.

MayBee said...

I am amused it is Anthony Weiner who is bringing this on them right now. This is what happens when you try to pretend something isn't a problem, when it really is.
For whatever reason, Huma being married to Weiner was just kind of ignored, or accepted. But back when he first tweeted his package, there was evidence something really weird was going on. Patterico had some evidence he'd been flirting with an underage girl then. And then reporters were threatened. Do you remember all of that? And it went away and Huma, Hillary Clinton's closest aide, was just allowed to never have to answer for her awful husband.
And now the strategy of pretending there's no problem with having the closest person to the Presidential candidate who works for the State Department, a consulting firm, AND the Clinton Foundation, married to an out of control teen chaser, seems to have come back to bite them.

HT said...

You lost me at "email."

Hagar said...

e-mails, shmemails, maybe the contents of the e-mails will finally gain some attention?

And I do not think james Comey went out on his own with this.

Greg Hlatky said...

When do her minions start blaming Colin Powell?

Tommy Duncan said...

Hillary made an important enemy in her "press conference" last night when she attacked the FBI and demanded “transparency”. She knows the FBI can’t reveal the evidence during an open investigation. She overtly used them as a pawn.

She demands transparency from the FBI after creating a private email server for classified government use, deleting 33,000 emails, bleaching her disk and smashing laptops and cell phones.

The irony is rich.

Michael K said...

"The found FBI emails are the deleted ones. The evidence of bribery that I have long expected."

And it is delicious that it was on Weiner's computer and the FBI was looking for pornography.

I'm reading a book about the making of the disastrous movie, "Bonfire of the Vanities" in 1990. What was interesting, among many things, was the fact that the social characters that Tom Wolfe lampooned in the novel all wanted to play themselves in the movie.

That was 25 years ago and the rot was already well advanced.

Bob Boyd said...

They went to a lot of trouble to delete emails on multiple laptops and servers, yet Huma left this one alone? Why?

Diogenes of Sinope said...

If a REGULAR citizen, a peon, like you or me was being investigated as Clinton was, every computer from everyone you ever emailed would have been subpoenaed, seized and searched day one of the investigation. And the FBI would have had everything and wouldn't be discovering anything new at this point. But Clinton receives special treatment.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Once you send an email you lose control of it. You can never be sure it is ever actually deleted.

Tommy Duncan said...

They went to a lot of trouble to delete emails on multiple laptops and servers, yet Huma left this one alone? Why?

Hillary and Huma do not strike me as technologically adept people. They probably weren't able to connect the dots. Perhaps they thought that if the illegal server was gone the notes they sent to others also disappeared off the recipient's computer.

JWH said...


The truth is Comey didn't have a choice. Because the new information followed his sworn testimony about the case, Comey was obligated by Department of Justice rules to keep the relevant committees apprised.

SukieTawdry said...

James Comey, dude, you're harshing Hillary's mellow. Wassup with that, man? They were already doing victory laps.

Why didn't Huma clean up that computer?

My thought exactly. Especially after they started talking about investigating Weiner. My second thought: Donald Trump has just been handed the gift of his campaign. What'll he do to screw it up?

MayBee said...

My guess is Huma had simply forgotten she'd used this computer for email, and no longer had it in her possession. I don't think she and Anthony have been sharing the same living space for a while now.

MayBee said...

How long until Jennifer Granholm tries to spin this into a pro-woman hash tag?

Paul said...

So, was Weiner blackmailing Hillary or Huma? Why did he have the stuff and what was he using it for?

Still, if the emails say something like, Hillary: "I will send tops secret emails and receive them through my server cause I need to talk privately on these matters. You will do what I order and strip 'secret' stamps off the information, got that?"

Then she defiantly knew what she was doing was illegal.

Still, gonna be a fun election.

Greg Hlatky said...

Remember all the shock, horror, dis-endorsements and refusals to appear with the candidate among establishment Republicans when the tape was released of Trump saying "pussy"? Prima facie evidence of sexual assault!!!

Have there been, are there or will there be any such repugnance among Democrats not just over these most recent revelations but also for the whole ghastly modus operandi of the Clintons? Or is this just now accepted as part of the way political business is done? If so, the rot in the Republic runs much deeper than anyone imagined.

Martha said...

Huma told the FBI when they interviewed her during the initial investigation that she routinely sent emails from State to her Yahoo account so she could print these emails at home.

Why didn't the FBI agents ask her WHY she printed work emails at home and WHY didn't the FBI get a warrant to look at what was in Huma's Yahoo emails?

The FBI did not seize the home laptop until Weiner's texting investigation. So when the FBI investigates a sexual deviant they are more thorough than when they investigate the mishandling of top secret classified documents by a former Secretary of State.

Way to go, Comey.

Levi Starks said...

I've created an alternate narrative.
We see polling results everyday designed to influence the actual vote. We see what they want us to see. But certainly Obama knows the "real polling data", and I'll bet it doesn't look so good. Hmmmm.... if only there were a way he could remove Hillary, and install a new democratic candidate of his choosing.
Coincidence that on the same day, the first lady is sent out to give warm endorsements to Hillary the FBI director announces a change in the investigation?
Obama is stabbing Hillary in the back, and providing himself cover lest anyone doubt his enthusiasm for the nominee.

tcrosse said...

"Why didn't Huma clean up that computer?"
You mean with a cloth ?

Darrell said...

Hillary For Jail 2016.

Meade said...

"...an F.B.I. investigation into illicit text messages from Mr. Weiner to a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina..."

Isn't it always a "15-year-old girl?" In this case, a 15-year-old girl named James B. Comey.

Bob Boyd said...

REPORTER: What would you say to a voter...

HILLARY CLINTON: I think it's factored in...

VOTER: Are you familiar with the term schadenboner, Mrs Clinton?

Michael K said...

The fact that it was found on Weiner's computer when they were looking for sexual perversion messages will make it very hard to conceal.

The media will not be able to help itself.

Weiner should take a long vacation to someplace quiet where he doesn't have to cross the street.

Laslo Spatula said...

No one can ignore the Weinergasm.

I am Laslo.

MadisonMan said...

I am so ready for the Clintons to be in the rear-view mirror of history.

Good God.

(Clinton fatigue)^10000

madAsHell said...

I'm really having trouble discerning the source of Hillary's problems. Is it absolute contempt?....or is it blinding ignorance?

How in the world do you let a schmuck like Weiner anywhere near your inner circle? If poor judgment was water, we'd be drowning.

Why was the FBI investigating porno on Weiner's computer? Sure, I understand. The potential crime was across state lines, but I think the usual trend is for local law enforcement to find a problem, and then flag the FBI.

This will come full circle with double irony when we find Weiner's porno investigation was prompted by the Clinton campaign, and a bitter divorce.

MayBee said...

How Hillary brought this on herself:

1. Setting up a private server and commingling work and private business and emails
2. Making Huma marry Anthony Wiener and then have a baby instead of dumping him after his first Twitter scandal

madAsHell said...

Can SouthWest Air spin this into a new Wanna-Get-Away advertisement?

Jaq said...

Hillary always has talked like that. She has no game. That kind of talk appears to work great on wealthy donors.

Bob Ellison said...

You have to challenge yourself on two questions:

1) How dumb could this person (Hillary, Huma, whoever) be?

2) How evil could it be?

On a scale of 1 to 10, the average answer would fall on 3. The answer is 10.

Humperdink said...

Just one more reason to eliminate early voting.

Darrell said...


Unknown said...

Once again, if I were Anthony Weiner, I would be in the deepest, darkest hole I could find. The Congo, say, or Sri Lanka, or some remote island like Tuvalu or the Aleutians.

Because I'm pretty sure he will break out in a sad case of the suicides, or Arkancide, if he's anywhere within Hillary's reach. And I'm sure he knows it, too.

And it's not just Hillary who wants him dead: think of all those people that Hillary owes and she has to be president to pay off. If this costs Hillary the election? All of those groups will be after him too.

Yeah, he's toast.


Mark said...

It was disheartening and disillusioning when I realized, many years ago, that when it comes to corruption and evil and dishonesty and wrong, many if not most of the people in this country simply DO NOT CARE. So long as they get theirs, any evil imaginable is OK by them.

Even if they don't get theirs, so long as it is used against some manufactured boogeyman, some scapegoat to blame everything on, once again any evil imaginable is perfectly fine and acceptable.

Perhaps a majority of those casting ballots know that Hillary is thoroughly despicable and corrupt, but they do not care.

Jaq said...

This is why it was so important for the IRS to destroy those hard drives. That's where the IMs were they needed to cover up. But nobody cares!

Curious George said...

FBI reopend case 11 days before election.

Hillary's response "So I would urge everybody to get out and vote early in all the states that have early voting"


MadisonMan said...

Perhaps a majority of those casting ballots know that Hillary is thoroughly despicable and corrupt, but they do not care.

That is my assumption. Early Voters are so convinced of their candidates that they'll not care about anything that might be revealed after they vote. My daughter fits in that category.

Unknown said...

My theory on why this stuff wasn't deleted is that Huma may have had that yahoo email account going to separate devices and may have forgotten that they were going to that computer (she may have been accessing them and printing from a separate laptop.) Or it's even possible that Weiner had directed them there and was storing them as his bargaining chip for exactly the situation he now finds himself in.

Jaq said...

"I think he is probably not all that enthusiastic about having the rest of our country see what the real reasons are because it must be something really important, even terrible that he is trying to hide, - HRC, Deleter of thousands upon thousands of emails.

I am telling you she is clueless. But the powers that be want her to be president. Probably on account of, even if she will overcharge them, at least she clearly can be bought. If you are a billionaire, it is important to you that politicians can be bought.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Based on Comey's letter to his colleagues this doesn't seem to be a particularly significant development. And, the emails may be duplicates of emails they already have.

"To all:
This morning I sent a letter to Congress in connection with the Secretary Clinton email investigation. Yesterday, the investigative team briefed me on their recommendation with respect to seeking access to emails that have recently been found in an unrelated case. Because those emails appear to be pertinent to our investigation, I agreed that we should take appropriate steps to obtain and review them.

Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed. I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record. At the same time, however, given that we don’t know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails, I don’t want to create a misleading impression. In trying to strike that balance, in a brief letter and in the middle of an election season, there is significant risk of being misunderstood, but I wanted you to hear directly from me about it.

Jim Comey"

Laslo Spatula said...

C Stanley said...
"Or it's even possible that Weiner had directed them there and was storing them as his bargaining chip for exactly the situation he now finds himself in."

My thought, too.

I am Laslo.

Jaq said...

I still seem to be the only person who finds it hilarious that the "Reset" button that she presented to the Russians actually said "Overcharge." And hey! The emperor is really rocking that new outfit!

Bob Ellison said...

Right, Jim Comey woke up yesterday and thought, "ya know, I really oughtta send a letter to Congress about this, eleven days before the election."

Good argument, AReasonableMan.

Unknown said...

See this monologue by Pat Cordell. Not a wasted word.


Diogenes of Sinope said...

If Hillary wins, how will she govern? No reasonable person will believe anything she says.

Unknown said...

Pat Condell. iPad autocorrect gremlins.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

This story works to Trump's benefit primarily in that it involves Weiner, possibly the only man in public life who Trump can legitimately portray as even sleazier than he is when it comes to sexual behavior.

Jaq said...

Don't worry ARM, nobody gives a shit that she destroyed official records of her meetings with people who also gave her political slush fund millions of dollars. Destroyed them using State Department burn bags in contravention of Federal Law, one of the penalties for which is being disqualified from holding Federal Office.

Like I said ARM. Nobody gives a fucking shit! You win. The lawless harridan is going to be POTUS.

There is simply nothing to worry about.

MayBee said...

This is in an email chain from the Podesta wikileaks today:

First this:

GMMB < jim.margolis@gmmb.com> Subject: Re: That was our next president!
WOW. The gun answer was as powerful and heartfelt a moment as you get.


She really practiced and she delivered. She did great.

Yesterday she was unable to practice enough to get to "heartfelt"

Clyde said...

@ Michael K and Vance the Unknown, as I noted above, Weiner should be checking on whether Assange needs a roomie at the Ecuadorian embassy. If Hillary loses because of this, he'll be the Democrats' Bartman, the guy who messed up and cost them the eletion.

Jaq said...

Weiner, possibly the only man in public life who Trump can legitimately portray as even sleazier than he is when it comes to sexual behavior. - ARM

Maybe you can tell me what part of the evidence that Bill Clinton is a forcible rapist that made you decide he is innocent? Was it the part that the Clinton people leaked that Juanita's husband was abusive, and so any cut on her lip from being struck was probably done by him, not Bill. And so, by extension, no woman whose husband is abusive can be believed? That was a pretty strong argument, for me too!

MayBee said...

And, the emails may be duplicates of emails they already have.

What else *may* they be?

Jaq said...

I should have said "leaked" I should have said the argument proffered by the Clinton surrogates was that you can't believe Juanita because she had an abusive husband. It's right in Slate if you want me to find it for you, ARM.

Humperdink said...

ARM said "This story works to Trump's benefit primarily in that it involves Weiner, possibly the only man in public life who Trump can legitimately portray as even sleazier than he is when it comes to sexual behavior."

Say what? Hillary's spouse is/was a co-pilot on Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile express.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

tim in vermont said...
Nobody gives a fucking shit! You win.

I'm not voting for her, you moron. I just call it as I see it.

Jaq said...

Didn't they indict Casper Weinburger the Friday before the election? That was just "good government," right ARM?

Jaq said...

I'm not voting for her, you moron. I just call it as I see it.

So "as you see it" sexting people is sleazier than forcible rape. I got it.

Amadeus 48 said...

Who knows what is going on here? None of us. This is like a bad LeCarre novel. House of mirrors, baby. If Comey says next Friday that they reviewed the new emails and already had all the relevant ones, then we will know this was a setup to kill Trump. If he is silent through the election, he was trying to cover his butt, and he did HRC no favors after he delivered the message that Obama/Lynch would not prosecute.

These are terrible candidates. The obvious answer is to vote for Trump as a huge fuck you to the media, the professoriat (sorry Althouse--you are special), the commentariat, the politicians who have treated us like idiots, BHO, HRC, WJC, Jeb, Cruz, Bill Kristol, George Will, David Brooks, the Business Roundtable, the entire health insurance industry, Goldman Sachs, the DOJ, the EPA, the Sierra Club, the Warmist Combine, the Illinois legislature and Colleen and John Chisholm.

Boy, that felt good.

Bob Ellison said...

"you moron": Another convincing argument.

Hey, fella, this is an interesting election. We all have biases. Come out as the leftist you are.

David Begley said...

C Stanley and Laslo

In her interview with the FBI, Huma told them she was directing stuff to her yahoo email account in order to print. Printing confidential stuff! Many commentators have noted the FBI should have seized her devices immediately based on that alone.

Jaq said...

I don't recall any "bad LeCarre novels."

damikesc said...

Based on Comey's letter to his colleagues this doesn't seem to be a particularly significant development. And, the emails may be duplicates of emails they already have.

They might be.

...but that they were on ANTHONY WEINER'S computer is a bit more of a problem.

This story works to Trump's benefit primarily in that it involves Weiner, possibly the only man in public life who Trump can legitimately portray as even sleazier than he is when it comes to sexual behavior.

Forgot about Clinton, William J., huh?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

tim in vermont said...
So "as you see it" sexting people is sleazier than forcible rape.

Trump has also been accused of rape. That make's it a tied game for Trump and Bill. Two equally grotesque grotesqueries.

Jaq said...

Does Trump's accuser have five contemporaneous witnesses who could go to prison for lying? I am just wondering here how to weigh the evidence.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

At this point, anyone who is supporting either side and who also wants to claim the moral high ground is only fooling themselves. But people are good at fooling themselves.

Bob Ellison said...

At this point, you're ignoring the evidence.

khesanh0802 said...

@Mada Gasper Thanks. That should be viewed all over the country. Gets right to the core of what Trump is about.

Amadeus 48 said...

I left out Amy Schumer, Peggy Noonan, Leo DiCaprio, all of Hollywood (except Clint Eastwood and Roger L. Simon), and every single columnist of the NYT except Ross Douhat.

traditionalguy said...

Buying off people at the top "authority" levels with their big money slush funds ARE the Clinton and Obama method of governance. And that is the swamp that President Trump has promised to drain.

And all the pretended noble but bought off critters that are going to be be exposed stuck in the drained swamp's mud are overnight becoming rats fleeing and acting out for mercy like the German Nazis of 1945 who suddenly began trying to do right by Jews as Patton's Third Army tanks rolled over the Rhine.

robother said...

So, putting thousands of internal State Department emails, including classified material, on the same laptop Anthony Weiner uses to access internet porn sites and find people purporting to be teen aged girls to sext to is just part of the whole email Vast Rightwing Conspiracy thing. No reason for the FBI to be concerned. Nothing new to see here just move on.

JackWayne said...

What if it's a false flag op by Comey? Hillary is sliding badly in the polls. Maybe it's a preferential cascade. What to do? The FBI has had this laptop for several weeks. These emails weren't found yesterday. Supposedly there's tens of thousands. So Comey reopens the investigation, generates a lot of hoohah and then a few days later says, Nothing to see here. Hillary proclaims her innocence being cleared by the FBI again and she wins on Tuesday. Comey subdues his agents' mini revolt and shows his loyalty to Obama. Win win.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Thought stuff like this was supposed to be released Friday after COB, not Friday first thing.

khesanh0802 said...

@ARM Strongly suggest you watch Mada Gasper's link to Pat Condell. Trump may, in fact, have a piece of the high ground.

traditionalguy said...

Talking about funny, on MSNBC this morning there was a panel of twenty somethings political hit persons in training (assigned the Saturday AM watch) who are auditioning to become professional Trump trashers.

They were speechless this morning until one asked the others if they remembered where they where and what they were doing when the Hillary/Comey bombshell went off.

Then they all talked freely sharing their feelings like a JFK Assassination or a 9/11 attack had happened to them.

Owen said...

ARM @ 10:00: "At this point, anyone who is supporting either side and who also wants to claim the moral high ground is only fooling themselves. But people are good at fooling themselves."

Some of us can differentiate between bad and worse. Trump is a trainwreck; but next to Hillary he looks like the Messiah. Even as a pragmatic political matter --whose bad behavior is more likely to be contained by Congress, the media and society at large-- Trump looks like a less-bad answer.

I think you know that, and you just constructed a false choice for us. Thanks for playing.

Amadeus 48 said...

tim in vermont-- The Constant Gardener. LeCarre reveals himself as a total nutter, especially in the afterward in which he says that compared with reality, his story is as tame as a holiday postcard.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Security experts tell us that porn sites are often riddled with security exploits. As they say: "There's always free cheese in a mouse trap." So could Mr. Weiner's computer have been hacked? If so, what information was revealed?

Unknown said...

In her interview with the FBI, Huma told them she was directing stuff to her yahoo email account in order to print. Printing confidential stuff! Many commentators have noted the FBI should have seized her devices immediately based on that alone.

Oh I agree...and even if this was mainly Weiner's computer, they should have seized it (especially because of his known behavior) but I don't know the legality of that. My point though goes to why Huma may not have thought to cover tracks on this particular device, or may not have even known her emails were on it.

Hagar said...

How about the now public information that the wife of the No. 2 man at the FBI made a "longshot" (code for sham?) run for office and got a $675,000 "campaign contribution" through Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Clinton Inc. associate, from a PAC that Hillary had raised funds for?

That goes to severe corruption within the FBI itself and indeed a "cause for alarm."

Hagar said...

Forgot to mention in that already long sentence that this FBI No. 2 man, McCabe, also was in charge of the team that came up with the previous conclusions regarding Mrs. Clinton's e-mail practices.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

There is no way Comey would do this at this time without rock solid conclusive evidence that Hillary committed a indictable felony.

This is a huge big deal. Clinton apologists are parsing every word of Comey, trying to spin this into a nothing burger.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Soon, Obama will issue an all encompassing pardon for Clinton.

David Begley said...

Let's be frank about sex here like this blog sometimes is. (Some more than others.)

Hillary and Huma are lesbian lovers and have been for 20 years. Huma wants to follow her mentor and so she marries an up-and-coming NY Dem as her cover story. Bill Clinton performed the marriage. One obligatory baby follows.

Huma then cuts Anthony off from sex. There are reports that he complained about that. Surprise! Why would she do that? Hillary demanded sexual exclusivity. But unlike Bill Clinton and his seeking out of new partners in the conventional way, Weiner does sexting and gets caught. Forced out of Congress.

Weiner makes a comeback attempt (The Comeback Kid) but fails. Huma helps the campaign and stands by her man, but it doesn't work. In a weird movie, they both consent to the filming of that movie which Althouse blogged here.

Weiner refuses to follow the Bill Clinton model of being in a business marriage with a lesbian and - in a truly unforeseeable move - starts sexting with a minor. Allegedly.

Huma files for divorce against Weiner when it come out.

But Weiner will not be the scapegoat. He is a fighter! He's a New Yorker. If he's going down, he's taking them all down too.

Weiner knows everything. He informed on Hillary and Huma to the FBI.

It is all about sex and revenge.

Unknown said...

My husband was in the other room watching the press conference and started cracking up. Apparently her response to this question also included something about early voting and urging people to hurry up and vote. He (and I) were amused by the idea of a candidate openly telling her supporters to hurry up and cast their ballots before they change their minds.

Owen said...

David Begley: "...sex and revenge." Entirely plausible. The ironies and plot twists here are enough to make Sophocles and Shakespeare throw down their pens.

When will we see this all again, as Seasons X through XXX of "Game of Thrones"?

Bob Boyd said...

Maybe Team Weinerprobe up in NY told Comey about what they found, but made it clear they wouldn't go along with any cover up of the material and would provide it directly to Congress if Comey didn't go by the book.

Owen said...

C Stanley: "a candidate openly telling her supporters to hurry up and cast their ballots before they change their minds."

"Limited offer! Act now! You know this car is right for you, and the factory rebate ends tonight!"

Churchy LaFemme: said...

What I don't understand is that as generally used, Yahoo Mail is a webmail service. I mean, maybe you can set it up as a POP or IMAP service, but nobody does, and you need to even know what that means to try.

That means the mail is on Yahoo's server, not your machine. Yes, you can print it, which may (or may not depending on how they implemented it) make a temporary file on your disk while it goes to the printer, but in general the mail is now on your machine. The only thing I can think of is that the the browser on that computer was set to automatically enter then user name and password to the Yahoo account, but that would imply the FBI never asked for that information during the first inquiry..

Bob Boyd said...

Soup of the Day: Weiner's in hot water.

Churchy LaFemme: said...


"now on your machine" ==> "not on your machine"

Hagar said...

How about the FBI "going rogue" and throwing Hillary! under the bus before Jason Chaffetz announces a Congressional imvestigation into the "McCabe Affair"?

Unknown said...

I think Hillary told everyone to vote now because she knows something big is coming and she wants to get as many votes as possible before that drops.


Diogenes of Sinope said...

Hillary Clinton and the hackers are the only people who know.

William said...

I saw the Weiner documentary. On a superficial level, he seems likable and open, but the man is extravagantly self destructive. When a guy gets involved in all these scandals, it has to be because he wants to be involved in all these scandals. I used to think that the scandals were related to his exhibitionism. He didn't just want to reveal himself to his sexting partners. He wanted to reveal himself to the world......But maybe it's more perverse than that. He's ultimately a masochist who wants to bring shame and disgrace down upon his head. And even then that's not the full extent of his masochism. The truly refined masochists want to bring pain and suffering not just on themselves but on the people they love. This adds an extra ripple to the misery and shame they inflict on themselves......If so, Weiner has succeeded beyond all measure. He's no longer a minor footnote in the Hillary campaign. He has ruined not just his own life but that of his wife and the causes they both espouse. In the annals of perversion, no one will ever be his equal.

mockturtle said...

Tangential, perhaps, but your unqualified statement: Bill Clinton, who had a special knack for making people feel that he cared..

Perhaps some people 'felt' that way. Many of us who didn't vote for Clinton did at least appreciate the fact that he worked with Congress to balance the federal budget and reform welfare. We aren't all about 'feelings' when choosing our leaders. Or, at least, we shouldn't be.

Jaq said...

The Constant Gardener did suck. I stand corrected.

Owen said...

William @ 11:17: ".....If so, Weiner has succeeded beyond all measure. He's no longer a minor footnote in the Hillary campaign. He has ruined not just his own life but that of his wife and the causes they both espouse. In the annals of perversion, no one will ever be his equal."

Bingo. We are watching an epic turn of History here.

Jaq said...

Bill Clinton had a special knack for making groups of supporters believe he was lying to everyone else but them.

Jaq said...

It won't be reported and nobody will care.

David Begley said...

Think of Weiner as Edward G. Robinson. "Top of the world, ma!"

He's taking them all down with him.

cf said...

godspeed, America.

Achilles said...

It is interesting watching people talk about these emails showing up on an non-secure computer and not really understanding what that means. There are dozens of service members in jail for having a few pictures of themselves in places they shouldn't have taken pictures of on their computers.

This violation is the definition of the espionage act and every person who knew about this breach and didn't report it would be accessory. Talk to anyone who had a clearance and worked in a classified environment and they will just look at this report with open credulity. If anything like this happened in the real world dozens of people would be in jail for ever. The only reason Hillary is free is because she is wealthy and powerful. This is an absolute joke.

No decent human being could support her.

Jaq said...

Think of Weiner as Edward G. Robinson. "Top of the world, ma!"

Meanwhile, Hillary is all "Come get me you screws!"

Known Unknown said...

Maybe Huma wants out? Maybe she didn't forget to wipe the other devices. Hmmm...

Known Unknown said...

"Think of Weiner as Edward G. Robinson. "Top of the world, ma!"
That was Jimmy Cagney in White Heat, but the point stands.

Jaq said...

My favorite part was when she talked about that Iranian scientist who helped us out somehow, in pig Latin. OK, not literally, Clinton voters, that's a metaphor for her half witted attempts to conceal his identity by talking around his name, but all the while giving enough information for the Iranians to identify him.

“We have a diplomatic, ‘psychological’ issue, not a legal one. Our friend has to be given a way out,” the email by Richard Morningstar, a former State Department special envoy for Eurasian energy, read. “Our person won’t be able to do anything anyway. If he has to leave so be it.”

Another email, sent by Sullivan on July 12, 2010, appears to obliquely refer to the scientist just hours before his appearance at the Pakistani Embassy became widely known.

The gentleman … has apparently gone to his country’s interests section because he is unhappy with how much time it has taken to facilitate his departure,” Sullivan wrote. “This could lead to problematic news stories in the next 24 hours.”

How hard would it be for the Iranians to figure out who had come to them for help in that time period and notice a guy with access to their most closely guarded secrets.

What is also funny, and also validates the Wikileaks crapola on Google is the first two stories that appear looking for the above factoid are sarcastic statements that there is no way that the above information led to the man's hanging.

He was hanged soon after the emails became public. How Google and all of Hillary's press sycophants could know that the above did not cause his hanging must make a fantastic tale. The more important issue is that the emails certainly could have caused his hanging, and the issue should never have been discussed outside of secure channels, full stop.

Jaq said...

Huma sometimes seems to show these disconcerting twinges of conscience that no Clinton would ever show.

Jaq said...

Google's new "fact checking" algorithm is certainly fail proof!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Feeeelings, nothing more than feelings...

Sebastian said...

"But that's not what you should say outright to voters. You should say something that makes them feel they've already absorbed and digested the email and have had their fill. You shouldn't reveal that's what you want them to think!" Why? For once she is not lying: lefties and women have "factored in" her deceit and law-breaking, and decided they don't care, so Hill can afford not to care. She's not revealing" anything and her sycophants simply nod in assent.

There's nothing Hill or any Dem can say that will turn Dem voters away, except perhaps for that lone law prof in Madison, WI. Sure, if you are GOPer there are things you "should not" say, for fear of getting the MSM on your case or offending sensitive women who might hear a "rape joke" in mildly offensive remarks. Smearing veterans (JFK), lying about Mitt on the floor of the Senate (Reid), lying about sex with (that woman" (Bill), lying about Ocare and not knowing Hill's email setup (O), deceit about every single step of the email saga (Hill) -- makes no difference to Dems. Should is for suckers. We're way past that.

Yancey Ward said...

Someone above asked:

"They went to a lot of trouble to delete emails on multiple laptops and servers, yet Huma left this one alone? Why?"

One theory that makes sense to me: Abedin used this laptop at one time to access her private accounts, so anyone using this laptop probably had access to those accounts because of the save/store password and username functions of modern browsers. Even if Abedin were smart enough to have a separate user account on the computer itself, how likely is it that Weiner didn't know how to access that? So, there are two possibilities- before Abedin cleaned her public e-mail accounts, she or Weiner had already downloaded and stored all them on the laptop's hard drive, and simply forgot it was there. Weiner may well have done this himself simply as protection against the Clintons and his wife.

Now, to the theory that Comey doesn't already know the content and thus doesn't know it is new material: this is doubtful since Comey already knew how this would be seen by the Democrats- I just don't believe he would send that letter without already knowing the material was, in fact, unknown during the prior investigation. However, we will get this question answered before the election- if it is duplicate material, he will announce this sometime next week. If it isn't, you won't hear anything more from him on the matter.

DVSONE said...

HiLIARy's message: I'm Careless (in more ways than one).

hombre said...

@Jack Wayne (10:08): Good point.

Hard to imagine Comey is out from under what motivated his original sell out.

bflat879 said...

I love conspiracy theories. I'll add my 2 cents worth just for fun. My guess is the Huma and Weiner shared a computer at home and she accessed her Google account for e-mail purposes from there. She had her own password so she never really worried about anyone getting on to her side of the computer so she never really thought about this stuff being there. The FBI, doing a search of the computer needs to check all the e-mail, since just because someone else has an account set up doesn't mean it's not the same person, and they run into Hillary's 30,000 deleted e-mails, conveniently stored out of the way, on this computer.

Comey wants to improve his Yoga technique and has a wedding coming up so he is desperately searching for Hillary's e-mails on those 2 subjects and runs across something else. Since there are other agents who know about this, he's forced to re-open the investigation into Hillary's e-mail server.

You'll notice, there's no line of Democrats heading for the microphones to attack Hillary, no Democrats condemning this, in fact there are more Democrats condemning Comey. I would ask those Democrats, what would you have him do, hold this information until after the election? I'm sure that's what they'd like but, if it turns out to be a nothing burger, it could benefit her.

I'm still suspicious of this because of the most deceitful administration I've ever seen.

Fen said...

AReasonableMan: Trump has also been accused of rape. That make's it a tied game for Trump and Bill. Two equally grotesque grotesqueries. At this point, anyone who is supporting either side and who also wants to claim the moral high ground is only fooling themselves. But people are good at fooling themselves.

Giggles. You are so entertaining. First off, you chose a name to prop up your unreasonable and illogical shilling for the Left. I don't think you intended it as irony, more like argument by assertion, but irony is what you are presenting, and involuntary at that. So thanks for the giggles. Every single time.

Second, you trot out the usual tu quo - Hillary slut shamed the victims of her serial rapist husband, but lets pretend Trump raped people too, so Hillary is excused. I find that interesting because its a subconscious admission you realize how evil Hillary is. But to keep your self-esteem intact for supporting her, you have to pretend Trump is just as bad. And it helps explain the hyperbolic attempts to demonize him.

Third, your false equivalence about "both sides" losing the moral high ground. Its simply not so. We support Trump because Hillary is above the Rule of Law. If there was a better person in range of stopping Hillary from gaining the power of the Executive Branch, we would happily support them instead, but we are left with Trump as the only choice.

And consider:

A) If President Trump gets out of line, the MSM will eviscerate him (as they already do) and the Establishment will Impeach him before his blood is dry. They hate hate hate him. Trump won't be able to tie his shoelaces wrong without them jumping his case.

B) But if President Hillary gets out of line, the MSM will censor the story (as they already do) and the Establishment will either cave or cover for her. She should be in jail, but has instead managed to squash an FBI investigation into her handling of classified material. She is above the law and accountable to no one.

You support Hilly despite her 20 years of corruption because you figure her tyranny will be inflicted on the people you hate. We support Trump because he is the only candidate close enough in the polls to keep Hillary from abusing the power of the Executive Branch.

So your claim that "both sides" are equally corrupt simply does not fly. I know, you really need to believe in this Unicorn so you can face yourself in the mirror each morning, which I guess is something - it means you still have *some* sense of shame. Else, you wouldn't be contorting your intellectual integrity into a pretzel.

But go ahead, debase yourself further. Embrace that moral corruption. Go all in. It's killing off bits of your soul. And in no time at all, you won't even be able to recognize Truth or Honor or Integrity. You are handicapping yourself forever. And I can't imagine a better fate for a Clinton shill.

[Back off Screwtape, this one is all mine.]

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Hysteria level: Defcon 1.

Birkel said...

"AReasonableMan" :

Who can blame Leftist collectivists like you for hysteria? This is what you support.

cubanbob said...

mockturtle said...
Tangential, perhaps, but your unqualified statement: Bill Clinton, who had a special knack for making people feel that he cared..

Perhaps some people 'felt' that way. Many of us who didn't vote for Clinton did at least appreciate the fact that he worked with Congress to balance the federal budget and reform welfare. We aren't all about 'feelings' when choosing our leaders. Or, at least, we shouldn't be."

The real credit goes to the then de facto president Newt Gingrich. Clinton had to be dragged into balancing the budget (thanks in large part to the stock market bubble) and welfare reform.

bgates said...

"Why didn't Huma clean up that computer?"
You mean with a cloth ?

She may not have known a damn thing about computer security, but I'm positive she knew her husband well enough to wipe down that computer with a cloth before she'd touch it.

Anonymous said...

"In her interview with the FBI, Huma told them she was directing stuff to her yahoo email account in order to print."

So she needed to print, allegedly, tens of thousands of documents at home and it never occurred to her to ask the State Department to put a printer for her personal use in her office at work? Despite all appearances to the contrary, the FBI director is not a turnip who fell off the truck just yesterday.

Why were the emails on Weiner's laptop? Because Huma had a reasonable expectation the FBI would seize any computer she had in the office or at home during their investigation of Hillary's email server, so she put them for safekeeping on a machine she never expected the FBI would ever grab. Why did she save those emails? Don't know, but maybe Huma kept them as a get out of jail free card in case someone in the Hillary camp decided to throw her under the FBI bus.

Mimi said...

Occam's Razor:

Comey originally refrained from prosecuting in order to cover his ass.

He is now informing Congress about the new emails in order to cover his ass.

As to why Huma did not wipe the computer? She's just not as sneaky as Clinton.

Bruce Hayden said...

I actually don't think that Huma is really that bad of a person. Rather, she clicked with Crooked Hillary, and got sucked into her orbit. She seems to really care for Clinton. More so that most of the others, who are users, just like the Clintons are. As I noted elsewhere, Huma comes from a culture where marriages are arranged, and allowed herself to be involved in one with an up and comer in the NY Congressional delegation (who turned out to be a pervert, but, by our definition, a lot of traditional Muslim men are perverts). She doesn't appear to me to be that sneaky, nor that crooked. Just willing to do what it takes to help protect Crooked Hillary, but not from an opportunistic point of view, but rather, a personal one. So, I don't think that her first, or even second, or third thoughts were on hiding emails, as was the case with her mentor, Clinton.

Howard said...

Fen, you write like a BAM. I am truly sorry your generation got feminized. To bad you can't un-ring that bell.

Miriam: yes, that makes the most sense.

Christopher B said...

Just a couple notes regarding my parsing of the situation as a computer tech. It seems to me that the computer was likely a desktop PC shared by Weiner and Huma. Not impossible that it was a laptop but unlikely in my opinion. Huma likely did use it as she stated to the FBI for printing emails from her Yahoo account. It's somewhat irrelevant if she used it for more. It's likely the emails wound up there not through any deliberate action by either but simply in the course of Yahoo caching the files locally to speed access. This also would explain why Huma might not have expected them to be found. She likely deleted them from her Yahoo mailbox but using a physically different computer and never considered the detail thst they might be recoverable from any computer she used to access Yahoo. Even that deletion might not have purged local copied. The situation was further complicated by her estrangement from Weiner which lead to losing access to further erase the evidence, especially once it was seized by the FBI.

jg said...

you've a lovely way with thoughts+words - at your best today, althouse

clinton need to work on her public position. it's jury-rigged. unresponsive. inauthentic. when she makes an effective appeal to voters, that's news, and the carefully rehearsed product of hired experts.

trump has *only* a public stance. you don't need to say "trump appealed DIRECTLY to the american voter". that's all he does, but it comes *from him*, crucially. people respond to what he's communicated about his cares+values. he genuinely wants good things for americans.

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