October 9, 2016

Are you expecting Trump to go big and wild or to play it straight and "normal"?

Watch the debate with me.


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Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

He needs to start attacking the moderators more. Call the whole thing a biased farce. Also needs to go back to bashing Bill.

Spiros Pappas said...

Trump is back in this. Remarkable!

Matt Sablan said...

Each of the questions has had smuggled assumptions in them that, when I hear, I am clued in that these people may not be declared one party or the other -- but they are not undecided/swayable voters.

le Douanier said...

HRC hits the demos. DJT hits the demons.

Close, but not the same.

cubanbob said...

There she goes again. Government as charity. Doing you and everyone else a favor with your tax dollars.

Matt Sablan said...

How does Clinton have a prepared statement that circles back to the first question this beautifully?

Achilles said...

Going to be hard for CNN to spin this for Hillary. Everything she says is about dividing us.

Now bullying is up because of the trump affect. Amazing.

cubanbob said...

Blogger PBandJ_Ombudsman said...
HRC hits the demos. DJT hits the demons.

Close, but not the same."

Indeed not the same. He hits the truths and she hits the gimme dats.

Rob said...

I don't care how many times Trump says "pussy," Clinton is abhorrent.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Bullying is up?!


How about threats to drone-assassinate journalists? Are those up?

Matt Sablan said...

If Trump's apology about things he said 10+ years ago doesn't cut it, Clinton's apology about things she said this year doesn't cut it either.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

"Trump campaign source says Willey, Broaddrick and Jones will be in the spin room afterward."

Will there be photo ops with Bill?

Phil 314 said...

Anderson does a follow up to "Deplorables"!

Clyde said...

What planet is she living on where the Trump people are inciting violence? It's the left-wing thugs from her party who were beating up Trump supporters! What a liar she is!

Matt Sablan said...

Trump said: "She said irreedeemable."

Cooper says: "She just said SOME!"

Why does he feel the need to defend her?

Achilles said...

She has hatred in her heart.


le Douanier said...

What planet is she living on where the Trump people are inciting violence?

Maybe (((some folks))) get nervous about many of DJT's supporters.

Matt Sablan said...

"Tweeting is a modern day form of communication."

... Uh... is Trump, somehow, the modern character?

Matt Sablan said...

This is the FOURTH TIME we've asked about Trump's character tonight! Why are we wasting an hour of Hate Trump at the debate? He sucks! MOVE ON!

Original Mike said...

"What planet is she living on where the Trump people are inciting violence?"

Hillary learned a long time ago that there are no negative consequences for making shit up.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Trump's debate performance has been uneven but respectable. I don't see it winning over many educated woman voters, which is what he needs.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Is Anderson Cooper really saying that attending to your campaign, as with the job doing president, at 3 AM, is somehow undisciplined?

How does he get away with this insinuation? It can go either way. Working into the wee hours of the night doesn't make you undisciplined.

Clyde said...

She's talking up Bill Clinton's economic record. Well, Obama hasn't had 3% growth in any of his eight years in office -- the first president EVER to have had such poor economic growth, and Hillary's prospective policies are unlikely to improve on that sorry record.

Original Mike said...

"Cooper says: "She just said SOME!""

HALF is more than SOME.

Matt Sablan said...

Citizen's United isn't about Dark Unaccountable Money.

le Douanier said...


you do realize that he was talking about the twitter war against Ms Piggy that started at 3:20. Right?

Rob said...

Citizen's United isn't about Dark Unaccountable Money.

Don't worry, I'm CERTAIN that will be covered in the fact checks.

walter said...

She can call a bunch of folks deplorable, etc etc and claim her issue is not with them. (moderators nod)

Matt Sablan said...

... Wait -- that's what Citizen's United said about large companies! It said that poor people can work together to do political speech!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think he's actually coming out tying her in terms of effectiveness. She wants to make it personal, he can go back personally.

Like it or not, none of the other Republicans would have gone there. They needed Trump because Hillary would always make it personal, and sexist, and he's the only one willing to fight back on the same grounds. The others would have shuddered, as they always do with her.

Limited blogger said...

Debate score so far...

Trump 10 Martha 6 Cooper 3 Clinton 0

cubanbob said...

So Hillary wants a court that is a progressive super-legislature. She wants to overturn Citizens United a ruling that allowed her crimes to be exposed.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Maybe (((some folks))) get nervous about many of DJT's supporters.

10/9/16, 9:22 PM

Have Trumper supporters beaten up any of them?

I've heard people beating up Trump supporters but not the reverse. You might have different information.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

you do realize that he was talking about the twitter war against Ms Piggy that started at 3:20. Right?

Doesn't matter. Cooper's question referenced the time. Not the topic. He related discipline to not staying up and tweeting. I heard the question in its entirety. No hiccups on my line. No reference was made by the questioner to the topic. Just that he was up late tweeting.

le Douanier said...

"The others would have shuddered, as they always do with her."

Completely wrong. Anyone else would have been hammering and hammering and hammering and hammering change v status quo. But, HRC has him so diverted that he can't remember what he should be doing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Did they finally attempt to cut Hillary off?

Well I'll be darned.

Phil 314 said...

Wow, where did Mr. Kenneth Bone come from?

Matt Sablan said...

How are we on the third debate and we just now, at the last or so question, gotten to energy policy?

Did we really need to talk about Trump's Twitter meltdown?

Roughcoat said...

Who's winning?

(Not watching, haven't read the posts here.)

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Make her tell us what the "gun show loophole" is. It's a myth. Gun shows require background checks just like stores.

Phil 314 said...

Mr. Bone will be featured on the Sartorialist next week.

Matt Sablan said...

"Who's winning?"

-- Anderson Cooper has landed some good hits.

Rob said...

Trump is a fool, but Hillary is a knave. A fool can surround himself with competent people. A knave will surround herself with other knaves.

Tyrone Slothrop said...



Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Completely wrong. Anyone else would have been hammering and hammering and hammering and hammering change v status quo.

Not effectively. They would have been recycling the same Republican talking points I've heard for decades. No one cares about that. Trump's approach, rhetoric and ideological style are way more diverse. Other Republicans wouldn't have given a shit about what she and the DNC did to Sanders supporters. Or blacks. Or whatever. He does. Say what you will - he's not hemmed in by the GOP and that's exactly what they needed. She controls the DNC; there's no way someone controlled by the RNC could have made a dent in someone with that much power.

Matt Sablan said...

If he's illegally buying it, bring the charges.

Wince said...

Ideologically, this is a Democrat Party primary debate of the late 1960s.

Matt Sablan said...

Did Hillary Clinton just embrace Palin's all of the above policy?

Limited blogger said...

Trump is winning. He is talking about a prosperous future where all Americans can take part in the country's greatness. He is talking about reversing 30 years of slow decline.

Clinton is losing. She is talking about maintaining the status quo.

le Douanier said...


We can agree to disagree. DJT was planning to rest this argument on the 30 year thing, just like he did in the first debate. But, HRC came ready to blow that apart. Another R would have come armed w/ a new, powerful way of making the point.

michaele said...

Hmm, looking at the tired faces of the folks chosen to ask the questions made me ask myself "Didn't the United States outlaw torture?"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The coal miners...

The ones she bragged about preparing to "put out of work."

Matt Sablan said...

... "I respect his children."

Well, that's probably the assest answer we've gotten to one of these questions ever.

You don't get bonus points for respecting human beings who, by the nature of being a human, deserve respect.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Another R would have come armed w/ a new, powerful way of making the point.

Lol. Total nonsense.

Agree to disagree? Sure. But offer something more than "just words."

Lyle said...

How come a black man like Bill Cosby gets publicly destroyed with rape allegations and a white man like Bill Clinton goes free? White privilege? Women's privilege? Democrat privilege?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

She respects "his children?"

What a diss. A disrespectful dodge if ever I've heard one.

Matt Sablan said...

Bullshit she's tried to put it off the personal.

This campaign has been entirely about the personal destruction of someone no one much liked to start.

Matt Sablan said...

... Wait, Trump actually praises Clinton, Clinton goes "Bless his heart."

And for Trump, "not quitting," is actually a huge compliment.

walter said...

Oh boy.."civility bullshit" moment from the audience dude.

Matt Sablan said...

"How come a black man like Bill Cosby gets publicly destroyed with rape allegations and a white man like Bill Clinton goes free? "

-- Bill Cosby was famous, Bill Clinton had power. That's the real difference, I think.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

His answer was apt.

Known Unknown said...

"Will you respect one another after the election?"

My answer: Why?

le Douanier said...

"But offer something more than "just words." "

That's all you. You're trying to pinch hit for DJT. How would you have DJT forcefully make the change v status quo argument if you knew that HRC would come ready to destroy the 30 year thing?

walter said...

Blogger Rhythm and Balls said...
She respects "his children?"
It's a woman/vagina/vulva/hooha thing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There's no way he ended up looking any worse than Bill did after all his peccadilloes.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Blogger Rhythm and Balls said...
She respects "his children?"
It's a woman/vagina/vulva/hooha thing.

Yeah, that's true. I forgot about that. And a dodge, too.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, if nothing else, I think Trump stemmed the bleeding. It was about as effective as he could do.

walter said...

Blogger Matthew Sablan said...
"How come a black man like Bill Cosby gets publicly destroyed with rape allegations and a white man like Bill Clinton goes free? "
-- Bill Cosby was famous, Bill Clinton had power. That's the real difference, I think.

Bill was the 1st black president. Cosby went off the plantation re culture.

Theranter said...

Ah, there's Humma waiting for her.

Theranter said...

I mean Huma.

Rob said...

Trump snatched victory from the jaws of defeat, or snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, or jawed snatch from . . . wait, I'm overthinking this.

cubanbob said...

Matthew Sablan said...
If he's illegally buying it, bring the charges.

10/9/16, 9:32 PM"

Nothing has stopped the Obama-Democrat Administration from levying countervailing duties.

walter said...

If no pussy grabbed victims come forward, they will need to be created.

Lyle said...

Matthew Sablan,

Had power or has power? Bill Clinton gets away with it because he has the power.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

How the hell does China dump illegal steel on us?

Humperdink said...

I can do without Me(OB)gyn Kelly post debate, but where else to go .......

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If no pussy grabbed victims come forward, they will need to be created.

LOL. No shit. They criticized him for "not apologizing."

Apologizing to whom? Who complained that he did this to them?

No one.

Owen said...

Hard to watch. Trump seems to be unable to move, as a debater must, from specific facts to general claim and back again. Apparently his coaches stuffed his RAM with sound-bites and generic themes and turned him loose. He is so excited at the fat target pictures that keep appearing in his sights that he jerks the trigger or swings early. Some damage done but OMG what 6 months' training in forensics could have done. My sad conclusion is: he's an angry slob, what you see tonight is as good as it will ever get.

Does that mean he should never get the launch codes? I don't know. His weaknesses do NOT redeem her.

Maybe, as Scott Adams suggests, we should go for Johnson/Weld.

tim maguire said...

If Trump had given this performance at the first debate, he would be far in front right now. As it is, I think Rhythm and Balls has it right. He stemmed the bleeding, halted the slide. He still needs to make up the lost ground.

Paul Ryan is probably sweating a little.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I do have to say one thing, though. As much as I hate the DNC, the journos right now are talking about Trump stopping "the panic" among his party.


WTF. What a bunch of cowards. They should have been defending him from the get-go. There was absolutely nothing to this accusation, whatsoever. A tape. A bunch of words. Nothing substantive.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Bill is a liability for Clinton. She gains from the perception that Bill's presidency was successful economically but she loses more because the two of them have so little credibility, thanks primarily to his lack of discipline.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

walter said...
If no pussy grabbed victims come forward, they will need to be created."

And Trump will bring forth the Clinton victims again.

Carter and Obama could go after an opponent's sexual peccadilloes. The Clintons are another matter.

Hagar said...

I do think that whoever was incharge of her make-up and wardrobe - and possibly her "vitamin shot" - this evening deserve medals.

sane_voter said...

Trump won

Wince said...

In answer to Althouse's original question, I think Trump succeeded.

"Are you expecting Trump to go big and wild or to play it straight and "normal"?"

EDH said...
I expect him to pick his moments, if he's smart.

Apologize for his words when questioned, pivot for the jugular on Hillary's war on women hypocrisy, and then move on to attack her on policy and ethical substance.

10/9/16, 8:00 PM

walter said...

I thought his early performance here was bad..very clearly avoiding/rambling etc.
But I was honestly surprised he gathered it together as he did as it went on.

MacMacConnell said...



exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

" What a bunch of cowards. They should have been defending him from the get-go."

To steal Drudge's line, they're pussy whipped.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Rhythm and Balls said...


WTF. What a bunch of cowards. They should have been defending him from the get-go. There was absolutely nothing to this accusation, whatsoever. A tape. A bunch of words. Nothing substantive.

The "panic" was among the establishment hacks who are worried about their tenure in Congress. They will be dealt with by the voters, if not in '16, then in '18.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Look at how quickly Democrats jumped to defend Bill Clinton from every sexual accusation ever levied at him.

For as much as Republicans form a firewall in every other regard, their willingness to completely fold on this thing was very notable.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Hillary acted like Obama's grandma- a typical old white person.

Not so Trump, who was a pure statesman.

Sorry libs, but the demographics mean we are gonna be shelacking your ass this November.

sane_voter said...

How long until "Unknown" shows up with the Journolist talking points?

mockturtle said...

Trump won handily.

eric said...

From everything I'm reading, Trump won this debate. I didn't see much so don't have an opinion.

If true and Trump won the debate, here is my theory.


The Clinton Campaign thought the audio and subsequent politicians and media personalities on the right abandoning Trump would be the end of his campaign, so they didn't prepare for the debate tonight.

Jon Ericson said...

sane_voter said... [hush]​[hide comment]
How long until "Unknown" shows up with the Journolist talking points?

10/9/16, 9:56 PM

Excellent point.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Still watching CNN. Van Jones says his threat to investigate and/or jail was a new low.

How could he not go there? She totally got her goons to accuse him of sexual assault. She's about as guilty as sin of as many ordinary citizen jailable offenses as any government official.

cubanbob said...

Meaghan Kelly just demonstrated that she is a dumb bimbo. Kelley should tell us if she voted for Bill Clinton and if she was against his impeachment.

Trump missed a few opportunities to smash Hillary like stating the economy cratered in 08 thanks to the economic IED's planted by the Clinton Administration. Or go into detail about her graft.

PB said...

Trump did himself a lot of good tonight. We'll see if others see it that way.

Jon Ericson said...

I give it fifteen minutes or less.

Jaq said...

It was worth it to see that picture of Bill squirming that Drudge has up right now. Either way, whoever wins though, there is going to be a dot on the sexual predator map at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Hagar said...

I still suspect this attack came from the GOPe.

Jaq said...

Be interesting to hear Van Jones explain how what Hillary did was less of a crime than that NSA guy they just dragged off to jail this past week for taking classified stuff home with him.

Jon Ericson said...

What does Skeezy think?

Jon Ericson said...

Well unkle#55, show us your stuff!

Jon Ericson said...

You've got five minutes left, Hup! Hup! Hup!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Jon Ericson said...

How long until "Unknown" shows up with the Journolist talking points?"

If Trump had bombed, she would already be here with her witless taunts.

Hagar said...

Cosby went off the plantation re culture.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

True, Hagar. The gossip is that the Bushes were behind it.

Phil 314 said...

I'm not voting for him but Trump won the debate. (especially if you leave out the 1st half hour)

Hagar said...

Hillary! said a lot of stuff that is just pure B.S., and Trump did not have the facts or speed to challenge her on them. He is not a good debater.

On the other hand, I see several commenters thinking he did well, so maybe it is just that I do not follow that muddled manner of his. Muddled to me anyway.

wildswan said...

I could not, could not watch and now it's impossible to find out the result. No one seems very sure. I guess that Hillary did not win since then everyone would be sure. Trump didn't get destroyed because they'd be gloating. A draw? Trump put himself back on the map and now the "e"s (establishment) are baffled?

Maybe tomorrow I'll be strong enough to watch it on Youtube.

Jon Ericson said...

It must take more than fifteen minutes to do all that's required to give assholes like unkle#55 something to say.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I think Trump having that presser before the debate with Paula Jones and the other women and then bringing them in to the debate was a brilliant move. If he hadn't done that we would have listened to 90 minutes of attacks on Trump and his pussy talk. They couldn't go where they wanted to go with that, so they actually had to talk about other issues.

Hillary was playing defense much of the time.

Hagar said...

It'll take at least a week to sort itself out.
This was a debate that was new low for debates by far; like nothing ever seen before, and it will take time for people to sort it out in their minds.

Jon Ericson said...

Drum roll... Here she comes...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Bushes did it. Jeb was so pissy about how Don hurt his feelings. Didn't he go in front of an audience to talk about how Don hurt his feelings and was then ushered off the stage before he could finish his comments?

Ok so now that Jeb's floppy attempt to take vengeance on Trump failed, can we get on to a real campaign?

What's the matter with these journos BTW... saying that Trump's a third world dictator for jailing criminals? That's what happens in a law-abiding society. We're letting too many people go with too many pardons, political and otherwise, regardless of party. There have to be some standards, after all. No one thinks Hillary holds the law in high regard. No one.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"The gossip is that the Bushes were behind it."

Fuck that entire family. I am sorry now for ever defending them. They're just the GOP branch of the UniParty.

Jon Ericson said...

Saved by the Ball...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He didn't threaten to jail Clinton for vengeance. He made more than a competent case that her criminality, which so many people take very seriously, is being tolerated for political reasons.

walter said...

Hagar said...This was a debate that was new low for debates..
New low for "moderators"

sane_voter said...


Trump didn't need to answer all of her claims, that is a trap so he can't attack her. He answered the important ones and that is sufficient. That left him plenty of time to land solid blows on her credibility and judgement.

Also who gives a fuck about debate civility. Trump was actually very civil tonight.

Hagar said...

That too. I quite whooped when Raddatz forgot herself and went to arguing with Trump!

I have got to say, this is the first debate since Nixon-Kennedy that I saw the opening and got so fascinated that I stuck with it to the bitter end!

sane_voter said...

As civil as he needed to be.

mockturtle said...

"The gossip is that the Bushes were behind it."

Fuck that entire family. I am sorry now for ever defending them. They're just the GOP branch of the UniParty.

And owned by the Saudis, lock, stock & barrel.

sane_voter said...

Tim Kaine was a totally uncivil jackass. Dems dont seem to mind that.

walter said...

If the economy is a concern to a voter, I can't imagine them really thinking Hil would be a better steward. However, decades of ingrained/taught ignorance likely undermine that assumption.
If it's all "fair share" and free stuff..she's your man.

Theranter said...

NBC seems a bit desperate:

"Fact Ceck:: Trump said Clinton "acid washed" her email server. She did not.
More #debate fact checks: (link: http://nbcnews.to/2c6w8lx) nbcnews.to/2c6w8lx"

BleachBit, acid wash, tomato, tomatto...

walter said...

Tie dye..

Andy said...

The last debate should be moderated by the WWE a cage match

Achilles said...

Trump took any hope they could pass Hillary off as a decent person off the table.

He also stuck a wedge between Hillary and the sanders supporters.

He also took on the moderators effectively.

Hillary accomplished nothing that I could determine. That may have been her goal.

SukieTawdry said...

If Trump were a skilled, well-prepared debater, Hillary would be a puddle of quivering goo right now. That's how bad she was. She did stay on her feet for the full 90 minutes--I'll give her that (although she frequently appeared to be short circuiting). There was nothing new of substance, but, really, did we expect there would be?

sane_voter said...

Odds that Trump brings up Monica Lewinsky in the third debate? I was wondering if he kept that one in his pocket this time for any other bimbo plays by the Hillary campaign in the next ten days.

Hagar said...

There is a thing on FB(?) that a fly landed on Hillary!'s face and she did not notice it?

Lyle said...

From afar I can't tell who has raped more women: Bill Cosby or Bill Clinton.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Hagar said...
There is a thing on FB(?) that a fly landed on Hillary!'s face and she did not notice it?

10/9/16, 10:37 PM

Flies are drawn to shit.

sane_voter said...

Trump did skillfully embarrass the moderators when he pointed out that Hillary had been talking for an extra minute and they didn't interrupt her like they did him. After that they seemed to get on her when she exceeded her time.

SukieTawdry said...

I also have this fantasy of him withdrawing during the debate...

So you've said. Why in the world would he or should he withdraw?

Bad Lieutenant said...

April, are you happy now? Mike Pence is.

sane_voter said...

I also have this fantasy of him withdrawing during the debate...

So you've said. Why in the world would he or should he withdraw?

You know, the withdrawal method, risky and exciting

SukieTawdry said...

Hagar said...
There is a thing on FB(?) that a fly landed on Hillary!'s face and she did not notice it?

Yes, it landed very briefly on her forehead. Botox has a numbing effect.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

sane_voter said...
Odds that Trump brings up Monica Lewinsky in the third debate? I was wondering if he kept that one in his pocket this time for any other bimbo plays by the Hillary campaign in the next ten days.

10/9/16, 10:36 PM

Lewinsky is old news. The Kathy Shelton case is, IMO, much more damaging to Hillary's phony reputation as a protector of women. BTW, I just heard that Trump could not seat those women in the front row at the debate. The organizers didn't want Bill and Hill to have to look at them.


walter said...

sane_voter said...
Odds that Trump brings up Monica Lewinsky in the third debate?
Nah..Lewinski was a willing participant...and she's not rallying with the others.

mockturtle said...

I was pleased that Trump admitted to disagreeing with some of Pence's foreign policy statements made last week. First, because I believe Trump is right and Pence wrong Second, because there was no hesitation in his answer nor any attempt to blur the distinction.

Wince said...

Trump said if elected he'd put his opponent in prison.

How excellent is that?!!!

J. Farmer said...

The last question really could've used Ann's "bullshit call for civility" tag. Why do people think asking debaters to say something nice about their opponent will produce anything but insincere, mawkish bullshit?

grackle said...

NBC seems a bit desperate: "Fact Ceck:: Trump said Clinton "acid washed" her email server.

They do not seem to realize that they do not help Hillary when they do this. Trump knows that Hillary did not dunk her servers into a bucket of Clorox.

I watched only part of the debate. The feeling I get from the parts that I watched is that Trump clearly won the debate but of course that may be due to my bias. I’ve got it all recorded for possible reference.

I see from the post ops that Trump got into it with the moderators. I assume the moderators were blatantly unfair and believe it was probably a good tactic for Trump to ensure that it did not go unnoticed.

The camera had to follow Trump as he paced around in the split screen format. That movement detracted from Hillary’s more static presentation. In the theatre it’s called “scene-stealing.” And apparently Trump stood throughout while Hillary sometimes took to a chair when she wasn’t speaking. That contrast can only be good for Trump.

The polls next week will settle the question. On the polls – I don’t trust them but they are what we have until that final poll – the election.

It’s not the pollsters’ fault; it’s that Trump is such an unusual candidate, attracting first-time voters, and the continual MSM anti-Trump barrage has made it uncomfortable to openly support Trump.

There’s no Trump decal on my Toyota for the same reason there’s no NRA decal, and for the same reason I do not open-carry: I have no desire to become the target of righteously crazed lefties.

So I always tack on 3 or 4 points to Trump’s numbers in my own calculations. Maybe the only other gauge is Trump’s huge rallies against Hillary’s anemically attended appearances.

walter said...

my many lib Facebook folks are very quiet on this debate...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

walter said...
my many lib Facebook folks are very quiet on this debate...

10/9/16, 10:58 PM

The lack of leftist trolls in this thread is very telling.

Original Mike said...

Though I didn't see much (Packers won, BTW), I did see Hillary's reponse to Trump's calling her out for deleting 30,000 emails. But I turned over 30,000 more, she bragged. Incredible.

walter said...

No shit..I gave you half!

Original Mike said...

Who buys that?

walter said...

Peons should be satisfied with half the story.

MacMacConnell said...

Fox fact checked Hillary's statement that she was gone as SOS when Obama made his Syrian "Red Line" policy and speech. She lied.

Matt Sablan said...

I thought that she was SoS then. She was SoS from, what, 09~13? The red line I think was issued in 2012, but I think it wasn't broken until later?

Known Unknown said...

There is a thing on FB(?) that a fly landed on Hillary!'s face and she did not notice it?

She's a Westworld host. Althouse was right about the use of "short-circuit."

grackle said...

Been watching more cable post ops. Favorite narrative:

The debate is unimportant, signifies nothing and will be soon forgotten. What will not be forgotten(and will be run over and over by the MSM) is the Access Hollywood tape.

That means that our man Trump won the debate.

mockturtle said...

Per EDH Trump said if elected he'd put his opponent in prison.

How excellent is that?!!!

I thought she paled momentarily at that statement.

walter said...

Trump's team should have put mics (and a press feed box) in front of the "alleged" Clinton victims for their statements.
Amateur shit like that gives press an excuse to not record or play it.

readering said...

Most interesting post debate moments:

Tiffany pulling away from dad's attempt to kiss her

Growing love for Ken bone in the red sweater

Trump campaign manager answer about staying with the campaign...unless....

walter said...

wow..really bringing it.

le Douanier said...

I received my HRC-for-jail bobble head in the mail yesterday. When I ordered it (by following a link from a con in these threads) I thought it was funny.

After hearing DJT (hopefully jokingly?) saying he'd put her in jail, it doesn't seem as funny.

Anywho, it was also a downer to see that it was made in China.

Original Mike said...

Spent some time watching the CNN "fact checkers". Holy cow; Trump was false when he said Hillary had her emails deleted while they were under Congressional subpoena and Hillary was true when she said the FBI determined that her server wasn't hacked.

Alternate reality TV.

le Douanier said...


Stay away from fact checking. Never leave the bubble.

Original Mike said...

I don't need fact checking on those points. I just wanted to see the shit they were shoveling.

Original Mike said...

CNN actually said that Platte River accidentally deleted the emails after they were subpoenaed.

Mick said...

"Because you'd be in jail"

That about sums it up.

le Douanier said...


DJT is hitting Twitter as harder than I've seen because he needs dough.

All of you folks who want to see justice (as you see it) for HRC should immediately go to the DJT website and give as much as you can.


readering said...

Next few days will be interesting. Next polls will only reflect Billy Bush tape and Trump will tank. Then debate polls will come out (the professional ones) and will basically reflect the preferences of those asked. Then Trump will go ballistic for a week. Then news.

William said...

I thought Trump was the clear winner. The pundits are in the process of trying to convince the American public otherwise. Perhaps they'll succeed. They're much more persuasive than Hillary.......They're inviting any woman who had ever dated Trump to come forward and claim that he groped her.........I don't think Trump will win the election. Salacious scandals seem to have more top spin than email scandals. That shouldn't be, but that's the way it works.

Achilles said...

"After hearing DJT (hopefully jokingly?) saying he'd put her in jail, it doesn't seem as funny."

I had a TS/SC Clearance while I was in the army. If I did what Hillary did I would be in jail for multiple life sentences.

It is not a joke. If you place any value in equal justice under the law and the rule of law in general you must want Hillary to go to jail. You want to let her off because she is wealthy and powerful. You are a disgusting human being.

walter said...

Berner FB dude with Trump as Hitler profile pic is posting about climate change and female armpit hair...

sane_voter said...

female armpit hair...

Trump is definitely against that

eric said...

Blogger PBandJ_Ombudsman said...

DJT is hitting Twitter as harder than I've seen because he needs dough.

All of you folks who want to see justice (as you see it) for HRC should immediately go to the DJT website and give as much as you can.


I haven't donated to anyone since 2008. I told the wife tonight that if he did well in this debate, we'd donate, because then he'd still be in this.

Time to put my money where my mouth is.

Jon Ericson said...

Female (or male) genital hair:

Known Unknown said...

Female (or male) genital hair:

Peter's (ironweightsironrails) not around much anymore.

Jon Ericson said...

I'm not fond of the ones cut to look like dollar signs...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"After hearing DJT (hopefully jokingly?) saying he'd put her in jail, it doesn't seem as funny."

Why is that? He can't just toss her in the pokey. There would have to be an investigation and a trial. As Achilles said, do you think she should be above the law?

I recall that Hill had no problem with that film maker going to jail for a year for making a film she falsely blamed for the Benghazi fiasco.

Known Unknown said...

"Anywho, it was also a downer to see that it was made in China."

I can get you one made in the states for a cool $199.

Jon Ericson said...

But no depths remain unexplored at the Althouse blog.
click, click.

le Douanier said...

"There would have to be an investigation"

Golly, why didn't anyone think to have an investigation until today.

Mary Beth said...

PBandJ_Ombudsman said...

I received my HRC-for-jail bobble head in the mail yesterday. When I ordered it (by following a link from a con in these threads) I thought it was funny.

That was my link. I don't consider myself to be a con, either the conservative kind or the kind that Hillary deserves to be. (I posted it because someone made a reference to a Hillary bobblehead. Maybe a joke? I don't really remember. Anyway, I had seen the one that Trump had for sale and thought it was funny so I linked to it.)

MacMacConnell said...

"Golly, why didn't anyone think to have an investigation until today"

I think he meant an honest one.

le Douanier said...

"I can get you one made in the states for a cool $199."

Mine was something like $39, incl shipping.

And, it is fairly good size. Also, the box sorta looks like a jail cell with bricks printed as the background and an open side where you can see HRC in a blister pack. One side lists the criminal charges. Presumably this could be evidence in a DJT kangaroo investigation, rather than the Comey model we have today.

Known Unknown said...

" kangaroo investigation, rather than the Comey model we have today. "

Please explain the difference.

MacMacConnell said...

Special prosecutor and a grand jury, indict Comey too.

Known Unknown said...

"I can get you one made in the states for a cool $199."

Mine was something like $39, incl shipping.

And thus my point about shit like that being made in China is made.

le Douanier said...

Until 5 seconds ago I hadn't taken HRC out of the box.

I have to admit it's pretty cool.

Feels weighty. Good wobble/bobble action. The ball & chain on her ankle is a nice touch.

MacMacConnell said...

FBI = Fake Bureau of Investigation or OBW, Obama's Bukake Whores.

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

I don't know how this will play out, but Trump probably took the only path open to himself tonight. At least Cooper opened the subject for him, though one could argue Trump forced the issue with the pre-debate press conference.

I think it will really come down to this question- outside of Clinton's strongest supporters in the electorate, how many of them really believe the Clinton campaign isn't coordinating all of these revelations of the bawdy sex talk? If you can see through that charade, Trump's counterattacks might work for him. However, if they think the Clinton campaign has nothing to do with it, it won't.

Also, there is probably another shoe to drop- Cooper made the point of asking Trump directly if he had ever been accused of sexually assaulting a woman. Whether he has or not, I think the Clinton team will find someone who will step forward. Anita Hill did it once, so I would not be surprised to find it happening later this week, like Friday afternoon again.

le Douanier said...

She's actually quite thin.

And, the face looks younger than reality.

Nice smile too.

She has a pearl choker and her prisoner number is HC2016.

It's sorta endearing.

le Douanier said...

BTW, I meant thin compared to reality. Not compared to DJT 10s

Known Unknown said...

One interesting thing is that NBC sat on that tape for 11 years, all the while paying that horrible, despicable man $$$$ for The Apprentice.

Do people even think of that?

Jon Ericson said...

What the fuck is the problem between observing that
Certain Women go for a notch on their??? dildo? (don't know).
and the rest of the women shake their heads.

Bad Lieutenant said...

True, it does open that door. He will just have to fight it out if and when any crap is drummed up. Perhaps the child rape calumny will have taken off by then. I do hope there is more ammunition to be fired at her, though. Pleasant to see the bullets bounce off him. <--not referring to actual violence

Stay the course, people. It ain't over till it's over.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Oh, and Professor:


Better fantasize instead about President Trump crawling into bed with you, the odds are better than him quitting. Meade will understand.

Jon Ericson said...

Naw, she's on her way out.
Legacy, legacy, legacy.
Too late!

Theranter said...

"...Also, there is probably another shoe to drop- Cooper made the point of asking Trump directly if he had ever been accused of sexually assaulting a woman. Whether he has or not, I think the Clinton team will find someone who will step forward. Anita Hill did it once, so I would not be surprised to find it happening later this week, like Friday afternoon again."

Yes, Cooper pushed that a little to hard. They have something cooked up and ready to serve.

Jon Ericson said...

Sorry that teaching constitutional law won't have any effect on the future of so-called Law.

Yancey Ward said...


I have been thinking about Billy Bush's role in all of this. At the time the recording was made, Trump wasn't a politician and no one at NBC would have given a shit about it, as well they shouldn't have- at best it would have been a National Enquirer level story. As such, it probably sank into the memory holes of all involved. I am guessing that when Jeb Bush was running against Trump in the primaries, Billy Bush told his cousin about the conversation, and probably remembered that it was likely recorded, too. Again, since it wasn't used, one can speculate that they were unable to acquire the footage and audio from whoever had it. Without the recording, the hearsay accusation from Bush would have been worthless. Whoever they dealt with at NBC, however, did find it and I believe they gave it to the Clinton campaign, or at least asked them what to do with it. That is why it was held until Friday.

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