October 14, 2016

"And so he was really trying to dominate and then literally stalk me around the stage and I would just feel this presence behind me."

Said Hillary Clinton, talking about the last debate to Ellen DeGeneres. She also said: "He was really all wrought up, and you could just sense how much anger he had."

Sexist claptrap, in my opinion, but Trump's response, which starts out okay, ends in what I'm seeing as a rape joke:
“So I’m standing at my podium by my chair. She walks across the room. She’s standing in front of me, right next to me,” Trump claimed.“And the next day I said what did the papers say? They said, ‘he invaded her space,’” he said. “Believe me, the last space that I want to invade is her space.”
IN THE COMMENTS: A lot of people are unable or unwilling to see the innuendo that I see, perhaps because you want to protect Trump. For example I Have Misplaced My Pants says:
I see no evidence that he is referring to Clinton's [I presume Althouse suggests] vagina. Althouse, you have a dirty mind. You do this a lot. Is your mind and your blog--just want to counterbalance!
On the other hand, Unknown says:
Of course he was using double entendre. How dense are you people?
And then there is EDH:
Althouse: "ends in what I'm seeing as a rape joke" ... which I guess is okay if you're a liberal, like Norman Lear?

"Who'd wanna rape you, anyway?"


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 300 of 300
Remorse said...

I don't know if it's a rape joke or not. But it's pretty apparent from all his talk that Donald Trump is extremely immmature on a number of levels. By that measure it's likely he would be our most immature president.

FredwinaD said...

Althouse has officially lost it. Ugh. I used to have such respect for her intelligence, and I was frequently impressed with her analytical skills. It's almost as if someone else is posting as her. So much inane bullshit lately. Weird. I hope she's alright.

Michael said...


years ago I had a deal to build a hotel at O'Farrell and Mason on the edge of the Tenderloin. Cecil Williams of Glide led the extortion route which was to require us to build X number of low cost units for every hotel unit. The site was a parking lot employing 8people. We intended to employ about 300 full and part time. We abandoned. The fear of "gentrification" has insured that the tenderloin remains an authentic shithole.

SF in those days was an impossible place to get anything done. It is worse today.

buwaya said...

The funny thing about the SF Civic Center is that it wasn't always this way.
In the earlier 1980s - not a low-crime period in SF, quite the opposite, when I was poor and living in the Tenderloin (saving money and learning many useful facts), my cheap amusement was the SF Public Library (now the Asian Art Museum; the replacement, much larger Library is charmless and has fewer books) right there, and I would go home at night without a worry.

Civic Center is right by the Tenderloin, which is exactly as it sounds, so one has to expect infiltration from there, but at that time it wasn't happening. Perhaps it was a matter of police procedure.

The lowlifes and crime came in with Mayor Art Agnos, a loony, frankly. He opened "Camp Agnos" for the homeless there, and it has been that way since.

buwaya said...

Cecil Williams of Glide was a much honored grifter.
Would have been a very fine subject for Tom Wolfe. He did get the type down in "Bonfire".

The Tenderloin is still exactly that. Amazing really, the rest of the place, with high rents, has been driving the poor out of town very efficiently, leaving the worst of the worst who don't pay rent or are protected by politics.

Michael K said...

Pretty explanation of Trump from an unusual source.

Michael K said...

".he has spent his life turning around failure. Imagine where our country could be today if he had won. "

Yes, I think Romney was the last chance for a "soft landing." Now, even if Trump wins, we are going to see chaos. If he loses, it won't stop.

Matt said...


"As a president, I want someone who can dominate a room, or a debate, or a bunch of diplomats or foreign leaders."

What are you 14 years-old?

CWJ said...

Unknown wrote -

"Sunsong, you make more sense than the majority of commenters here."

To make more sense, Sunsong would actually have to post something other than other people's thoughts to have one of her own. I've seen little evidence of the latter.

MacMacConnell said...

"What are you 14 years-old?"

No, I'm an American citizen watching my leaders and diplomats being Putin's bitches.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Mac Mc,

Trump is Putin's bitch. In what reality does Trump stand up to Putin? Trump stands up for Putin in more ways than one. How's that for double entendre?

walter said...

This came up on a shoot with the client's wife..who laughed out loud to that joke.
But then, Meadehouse feels conflicted (titillated?) when a lightbulb needs to be screwed in.
Kinda rapey world...

Mick said...

Rock on Trump!! Speak Truth to power. Never have I seen any politician speak this truth. Turn it up!



CWJ said...

GWash wrote -

"candidate for potus, someone who will represent us all.."

That would be nice for a change from the last 8 years. By the way, Bill Clinton - potus not entertainer. You're cute when you troll.

Past - The pretentious handle is a dead giveaway. But maybe it gives your life meaning. So there's that.

Matt said...

Mac McConnell

I don't view testosterone tactics or men strutting around dominating a space an appealing thing for a president. The world of diplomacy is not cavemen politics or schoolyard bully tactics. Trump possibly doesn't understand there is a difference.

walter said...

"And the times..they were..a chainnn..ginnnn"

chickelit said...

Here's another sexist althousian double standard: It's OK to be sexually attracted to a male POTUS candidate (cf. Lena Dunham and Obama), but it's not OK to be sexually repulsed by a female candidate.

Anonymous said...


Ohhhh Hahahahahahahah!

Matt said...

Mick said...
"Rock on Trump!! Speak Truth to power."

Speaking of truth The Rolling Stones don't much appreciate the Donald using their songs for his rallies.

walter said...

"The world of diplomacy is not cavemen politics or schoolyard bully tactics."

Right..that's how we get elevated, cerebral approaches like we have toward Iran..

buwaya said...

" testosterone tactics "

There are many kinds of testosterone tactics.
Really, most things that do work are testosterone tactics.
Smart people use one here, another there, some have different types in their kit.

A study of leadership and leaders is instructive.

Trump does use one here, another there. He presses the flesh, does not recoil from the hoi polloi, that is a testosterone tactic, a lack of status anxiety in the open. And etc.

holdfast said...

Romney was objectively a good man, who had led a generous, successful and exemplary life. He should be a role model for our children. He was the man we needed for the times....he has spent his life turning around failure. Imagine where our country could be today if he had won.

Exactly. Mitt was a little too moderate for my taste, but he was objectively a good man, and probably the best qualified to run for the Presidency in my lifetime.

So the Dem operatives with bylines ripped him apart, smeared him in unbelievable ways.

So now we have a candidate who's a bully and a smear merchant. And a bit stupid. But at least HE FiGHTS.

What good person would want to run against the Clinton Smear Machine? You'd have to be a raging narcissist with delusions of grandeur to even try it.

khesanh0802 said...

Here's a piece from the WSJ that explains why we should vote Trump. By a Yalie no less.

Mick said...

"Speaking of truth The Rolling Stones don't much appreciate the Donald using their songs for his rallies".

They haven't stopped him...

Mick said...

Trump is the Grey Champion of the 4th Turning. Look it up. Prepare yourselves, the natives are restless.

Trump gets 10-15K at rock concert rallies. The Crooked Old Lady can't fill a high school gym. The polls are a lie, just like 5% unemployment is a lie, just like the stock market is a lie, just like the Usurper is not a fag is a lie. Trump is kicking the establishment's ass, thus the desperate attempt to smear him with more lies, but those lies are falling apart. The MSM is going down hard, never to be trusted again, and Trump is exposing it all.

Read about how every claim of sexual misconduct is a lie here:


Mick said...



Big Mike said...

IN THE COMMENTS: A lot of people are unable or unwilling to see the innuendo that I see, perhaps because you want to protect Trump.

@Althouse, I don't see it. My wife doesn't see it. Neither of us has any reason to "protect" Trump because, frankly we already regard him as being rude and crude, though less crooked and vastly less corrupt than his main opponent in this election. So perhaps it's YOU who needs to unblinker herself. You are falling for BS, and I would like to think better of you.

Big Mike said...

Trump gets 10-15K at rock concert rallies.

Interesting, but what he needs to do is get millions of votes on November 9th. The rallies may stoke his ego, but the votes on November 9th is what will allow Melania to head over to the White House with an interior decorator.

khesanh0802 said...

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-14/donald-trump-uncensored-americas-moment-reckoning Mick's link didn't seem to work, but if you google "donald trump uncensored" you'll get the link that works. Absolutely worth five minutes to watch and listen.
Trump is cutting the D's really close to the bone. Thanks, Mick

sunsong said...

Bob Dylan - Gotta Serve Somebody

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Rape joke, no, confirmation bias.

Trump is an asshole who is working to get Clinton elected.

khesanh0802 said...

@ Big Mike Election day is November 8! Don't miss it!

Tim said...

It was not a rape joke. It was a snarky, NY-style joke, from a snarky New Yorker. What is wrong with people?
What is wrong with democrats?

Mick said...

khesanh0802 said...
"http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-14/donald-trump-uncensored-americas-moment-reckoning Mick's link didn't seem to work, but if you google "donald trump uncensored" you'll get the link that works. Absolutely worth five minutes to watch and listen.
Trump is cutting the D's really close to the bone. Thanks, Mick"

This one works


Michael K said...

There was no "side" of the stage for pity sake. If someone asked Clinton a question from that general vicinity, she had every right to walk over there to answer the questioner.

You are absolutely correct. That's why it was so odd for her to accuse Trump of "stalking her."

If she walked over there to answer a question, why is that "stalking" by him?

I'm afraid you make no kore sense than when you were Inga.

Mick said...

Big Mike said...
"Trump gets 10-15K at rock concert rallies.

Interesting, but what he needs to do is get millions of votes on November 9th. The rallies may stoke his ego, but the votes on November 9th is what will allow Melania to head over to the White House with an interior decorator".

Let not your heart be troubled. There is MUCH MORE enthusiasm for Trump than the Crooked Old Lady. Watch the video I posted above. This is a man on a mission, and speaking the truth. There will be so many of us for the Grey Champion on November 8 that it will prevent all efforts to fix the vote.


Big Mike said...

@khesanh0802, David Gelernter is not just any Yalie. He is a professor of computer science who was personally targeted by Ted Kaczynski, aka the Unabomber. Gelernter lost his right hand and suffered a damaged right eye in the bomb blast.

In addition to making fundamental contributions to the field of parallel computing back in the 1980's, he is a member of the National Council on the Arts, a noted author, and a much more than competent painter.

There are lots of people who are called Renaissance men. IMHO there is only one true Renaissance man: David Gelernter.

Big Mike said...

@Mick, I agree about the enthusiasm, but I wonder about the votes. Not much longer to wait to find out.

Anonymous said...

I suppose you could get to that being a rape joke, but I'd also think it requires the kind of person who thinks that a man looking at a woman in a way she doesn't like is sexual assault. It wouldn't have been my first thought there, and probably not even my tenth. The phrase expresses a disgust of Clinton whereby one wouldn't want to get too close.

Meanwhile, this is the exact same playbook Clinton used in her Senate race against Rick Lazio 16 years ago, that he was invading her space (at least he had physically approached her podium to earn that charge). Just as all the women suddenly accusing Trump of sexual abuse in the last weeks before the election looks like Anita Hill all over again when it looks like the Democrats are at risk of losing.

But absent rock-solid video proof or a court conviction, I'm not giving credence to any of these allegations, they're too conveniently timed as a last minute accusation that cannot be vetted by the public in time, particularly since nobody in the near-unanimously against Trump national media will bother to question them. The media was perfectly willing to push a bogus frat rape story that fell apart once scrutiny was applied, and that was just to promote a narrative about campus rape. Does anybody honestly think they wouldn't try it to win a presidential election?

Big Mike said...

On the night of November 8th I intend to watch the results from Virginia. If Trump wins, it will be a long night for the Democrats. But I don't think he'll win.

Mick said...

Big Mike said...
"@Mick, I agree about the enthusiasm, but I wonder about the votes. Not much longer to wait to find out."

Did you watch the video? Trump is becoming a statesman right before our eyes. He left his great life because he saw America in trouble. He is taking all the arrows and spears the establishment throw at him. There will be a massive Landslide of voters for him on Nov. 8.

Mick said...

Big Mike said...
"On the night of November 8th I intend to watch the results from Virginia. If Trump wins, it will be a long night for the Democrats. But I don't think he'll win".

Turn off the news. THEY LIE. There is no "news" there.

Megthered said...

It wasn't a rape joke. What is wrong with you people. Did they have a sale on fainting couches?

Anonymous said...

"Did you watch the video? Trump is becoming a statesman right before our eyes. He left his great life because he saw America in trouble. He is taking all the arrows and spears the establishment throw at him. There will be a massive Landslide of voters for him on Nov. 8."

Ohhhhh dear God! Hahahahahaha Hahahahahaha!

walter said...

Diogenes of Sinope said...Rape joke, no, confirmation bias. Trump is an asshole who is working to get Clinton elected.
Interesting. So he is fine with having national..nay..worldwide media sodomize him and his family in exchange for a majestic seat at table Clinton, inc.

SweatBee said...

"Grab 'em by the p****" is not talking about the vagina because that would be rape and Trump wouldn't joke about rape, but "invading her space" is a rape joke? I'm going to need a cheat sheet to keep all this straight.

Of course, we've all seen the pictures where he didn't mind being in her space at his third wedding and all those fundraisers they attended together. Maybe she just smells bad when she has stress sweat and he knows about it from experience.

walter said...

Oh..unknown..you laugh at Trump's stated motives while suckling Hil's?

Original Mike said...

Big Mike said..."On the night of November 8th I intend to watch the results from Virginia."

I'll be watching it from Australia. Probably a bar (they'll probably have it on; rugby season is over).

Original Mike said...

Oh, and it will be Nov 9.

Theranter said...

Blogger Tim said...
It was not a rape joke. It was a snarky, NY-style joke, from a snarky New Yorker.


Although I must say when I first glanced at the line earlier today, I took it as he was coached not to "invade" her space on the debate floor, as lib women and the media would take it as an "aggressive" move.

Howard said...

Walter: Billy Jeff has photos of Donnie with a live boy from one of their Lolita Express trips.

Howard said...

Not a rape joke = teabag twister

walter said...

Howard will soon post a compelling link...

walter said...

Btw, "Howard", welcome to the blog.

gbarto said...

Hillary's narrative is clearly designed to imply she is another victim of Trump.

If you don't want a stupid rape joke, you don't hyperventilate an obvious non-rape on national television into victimization.

He's an idiot. But she's making a mockery of genuine victimization to score political points. And if she believes Trump's accusers, she should know better. But of course Trump's accusers and Bill's accusers are all the same to her: Political props to be arranged for the narrative of the day.

It is a stretch to think that Trump, Clinton or Clinton see these people as people.

CWJ said...

Oh Hell, It's just Fen's law. Or at least I hope it is. I can't stomach the thought that anyone takes Hillary's claim seriously, or that Trump made a rape joke. Because if so, at the end of the day, a woman sincerely intimidated by sharing the stage with an opponent is just the sort of person who's best qualified to be potus. Indira Ghandi and Benazir Bhutto had real "sniper fire," real enemies, Golda Meir and Maggie Thatcher are laughing too hard to roll in their graves. Good thing all four are gone so that all we have with whom to compare Hillary is Angela (borders? We don't need no stinking borders) Merkel. Sometimes confused with Angela (Greece, I'll just leave the amount blank) Merkel.

MayBee said...

Exactly. Mitt was a little too moderate for my taste, but he was objectively a good man, and probably the best qualified to run for the Presidency in my lifetime.



walter said...

Yes..in many ways, it's an embarrassment of (the) richest.
Although..have you ever heard a contender candidate call out the MSM/Dem entanglement so strongly?

Anonymous said...

Oh, Ann, I am so disappointed to see how many people take issue with your comment on the meaning of Trump's remark. I know he was blissfully unaware that what he was suggesting was rape, because he is a neaderthal, but I also agree with you that he was making the point that he did not find her sexually attractive and he would not want to have sex with her, which to him is a clever put-down. How juvenile is this 70-year-old?

As someone else said, Mitt Romney was a truly good man. I wish with all my heart he were running this time. John McCain was saltier/cruder than Mitt, but also was a demonstrably good man. why didn't we field a candidate like those great men this time around? I know the Trump-kins will laugh derisively and say it's because those men are "losers," but I don't see it that way. Clinton is a far weaker candidate than Obama was. Either of those men would beat her handily. And my party has a host of other honorable people who would have made fabulous opponents for Clinton--- Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley, Scott Walker, Rob Portman, to name but a few. Instead we have this man who is ugly inside and out and who seems determined to drag not only the Republican party, but the entire nation, down into the mud where he resides. This is truly depressing. And seeing commentators that I once respected even when I completely disagreed with their stated opinions twist themselves into pretzels or just plain throw common decency out the window in their rush to defend this small-fingered vulgarian is one reason I find the whole situation so distressing.

SukieTawdry said...

Rape joke? No.

A lot of people are unable or unwilling to see the innuendo that I see, perhaps because you want to protect Trump.

Or perhaps, like I, they merely disagree with your interpretation of the remark. Perhaps, like I, they're thinking gee, I wouldn't care to invade Hillary's personal space either.

What is dumb is to paint ALL Muslins with the same brush...

I wonder, is our safety and security better served by approaching every Muslim with the idea that he is a basically good person with no desire to harm others or with the idea that he has the potential to indeed wish us harm? Certainly the idea that ultimately all you need is love is in this case misbegotten at best.

Don't forget they love and idolize JFK, who they admit was a womanizer and consummate philanderer.

And who also had medical problems that were concealed from the public. He took many heavy-duty drugs while he was president, drugs that can alter perception and impair judgement (and let's not forget Dr. Feelgood). JFK, you might say, embodied aspects of both Clintons.

walter said...

"he was making the point that he did not find her sexually attractive and he would not want to have sex with her"
Ahh..do you honestly feel he did invade/intimidate? Do you not think she was staging for effect?
Are you shocked that a man might counter sexist claims with a "sexist' joke?

Comes down to who you will vote for, Ella. Do tell.

walter said...

"this small-fingered vulgarian"
Ella! Rising above it all!

Anonymous said...

Ella makes a lot of sense, unlike the Trump enablers on this blog's comments sections. I honestly don't know how Althouse can stand you people.

buwaya said...

David Gelernter in the WSJ says Trump is an empty gin bottle the electorate has flung against the system.
He backs Trump anyway.
I like that, it works very well.
Look for his article.

Its not that hes a good candidate. Its that he is in any usual analysis a terrible one. Thats the point. Hes a perfectly reasonable reaction from the people to those who hold them in contempt. Its an act of mutiny, a revolt, an act of contempt right back.

Its not really about Clinton and Trump or any alternative. Its the inevitable reckoning and this just happens to be the form its taken. That the form is ugly is itself the point.

This sort of thing is distressing and uncomfortable. But if you are going to get better it is time for a fever and to throw up a lot. Granted, you may not get better even so. Or just continue increasing the bacterial load, which is most likely.

walter said...

Unknown: (back of hand to forehead)

chickelit said...

Howard said...Walter: Billy Jeff has photos of Donnie with a live boy from one of their Lolita Express trips.

Shorter "Howard": Trump is gay.

Pull my other one, Howard.

Michael K said...

"I honestly don't know how Althouse can stand you people."

Eeeeek ! Where is my fainting couch? Quick, the smelling salts !

chickelit said...

Q: Why doesn't "Hillary is gay" fetch so far sound-wise?

Anonymous said...

Don't bother fainting Michael K , just kick yourself in the ass.

Anonymous said...

Then kick Walter in the ass.

Laura said...

What happened to the Clinton who could handle men "who went off the reservation"? If he was indeed "stalking" her, why not call him out then and there?

Thanks to Whoopi Goldberg we have "rape-rape," and now thanks to Hillary Clinton, we have "stalking-stalking."

walter said...

I love it when we get schooled on civility by unknown. Truly enlightening.

chickelit said...

walter said...I love it when we get schooled on civility by unknown. Truly enlightening.

It's like being whispered to in the dark from anywhere with a blindfold on.

At least with Inga we knew it was from a living, breathing woman.

I much prefer the Inga incarnation.

Achilles said...

Blogger Unknown said...
"Ella makes a lot of sense, unlike the Trump enablers on this blog's comments sections. I honestly don't know how Althouse can stand you people."

Says the hypocrite who flushed her soul down a toilet to support Hillary.

Bad Lieutenant said...

10/14/16, 4:44 PM
Blogger Sebastian said...
@BL: "Everyone who feels that way about a Hillary Clinton victory, but is not going to crawl over broken glass to vote Trump and bring friends, is fucking themselves." Point taken. But I mainly meant to refer to AA's unbelievable rape joke point. If even AA can't see through the BS being shoveled anymore, and buys into the war-on-women memes enough to construe what T said as a rape joke, there's not much left to be said or done.
10/14/16, 4:55 PM

Unfortunately, there may be little left to be said, but there is a lot to be done.

Ann just says things, she doesn't mean them or doesn't think about them or there's something wrong with the things that she says sometimes, but she intended to say that and I'm sure she thinks she's really great because of it. I don't understand people like that. I wish they would all be placed in a state of nature where they would learn the value of such tactics.

walter said...

I don't really care about the lineage of "unknown".
Just picking that moniker inherently diminishes a poster to a degree.
But really, the irony is deep when decrying an obvious joke while employing suggestions of violence.
Quelle horreur!! ;)

Unknown said...

Perceived innuendo = rape.

Meanwhile, Russia, NK, China, and Iran with our financing, are rattling nuclear sabres. Our debt is 20T and we face financial collapse if the interest rate rises 1 percentage point. Our healthcare programs are catastrophic coverage plans.

And one of the most intelligent bloggers that I read is convinced that the first line of my post is the sticking point.

Here we are folks, here we are.

walter said...

Apparently..unless it's all a ruse to get hits and folks buying __ on Amazon.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"I wish they would all be placed in a state of nature where they would learn the value of such tactics."

Very sad wish, I would have thought Althouse would have shown you how to wish bigger by now.

Try this: I wish I didn't waste time on baseless wishes impossible to fulfill but instead created a community for folks to bullshit and tell stories to each other so as to pass the time in a state of elevated wonderment.

Darrell said...

I hope this shitstorm of lies causes millions to vote for Trump who wouldn't have normally. Hillary may go Bobblehead fulltime.

Darrell said...

Althouse's blog WILL be all rat drawings if she keeps going at this rate. Inga will still commnent until multiple sockpuppet names.

Quaestor said...

Unknown wrote: And some dummies here would compare us to Mumbai.

Those club goers in Orlando probably had great empathy with Mumbai in their final agonies.

Cameron said...

Is it a rape joke when you say you DON'T want to have sex with someone ? I get if he had said "I wouldn't mind invading her space" you're arguable correct - but he said the exact opposite.

Humperdink said...

Hillary claims to be stalked ....... in front of 60 million people and a live audience.

Yep, got it. Entirely plausible.

Curious George said...

"ends in what I'm seeing as a rape joke"

It's a sex joke for sure. How you think it's rape is beyond me.

Will Cate said...

EDH nails it.

damikesc said...

How much attention have Bill Clinton's accusers gotten this week, vs Trump's?

The media is expending more energy attacking KEN FUCKING BONE than covering anything else. Attacking a citizen who had the gall to ask a question (note, the government also illegally leaked info to attack Joe the Plumber when he dared to ask Obama a question).

This is how Progressives treat anybody who "wrongs" them.

Also shows how it is absurd to assume the issues are all Trump.

damikesc said...

I don't know if it's a rape joke or not.

Then the value of your opinion is approaching zero.

I don't view testosterone tactics or men strutting around dominating a space an appealing thing for a president. The world of diplomacy is not cavemen politics or schoolyard bully tactics. Trump possibly doesn't understand there is a difference.

We've done that for the last 8 years.

Shit is markedly worse now.

Your idea is an empirical failure.

Why should we continue?

Speaking of truth The Rolling Stones don't much appreciate the Donald using their songs for his rallies.

Their opinion is irrelevant.

But if they are really gung ho, we should do away with IP protections completely. Why should the government expend resources to protect the work that only a small group of politically agreeable person can use, even if paying the proper licensing fee?

And, no, I'd have no problem if all IP protections died tomorrow.

Billy Jeff has photos of Donnie with a live boy from one of their Lolita Express trips.

Amazing how easily Progs resort to "He's the gay" to all critics. At least I can point to Obama being the most effeminate man on Earth to state that his marriage to the wookie might not be on the up-and-up. You cannot actually accuse Trump of "harassing women" AND THEN accuse him of homosexual pedophilia.

damikesc said...

Legitimately, I do not know what is more depressing.

That Progressives think that this is all it takes to make women (and pathetic, neck-bearded white knights) vote for them...or that they might well be correct in their assumption.

Rusty said...

Don't read too much into it , Althouse. Sometimes an offhand joke is just an offhand joke. How you got rape out of it tells us more about you than Trumps meaning. Maybe she smells bad.

Mick said...

This whole thread proves that women should never have been given the right to vote. Way too easily manipulated, way too emotional (along with the beta male libs), way too egalitarian at the expense of liberty.
Giving women the right to vote was a way of splitting the family, and giving the right to 18 year olds split it even more.
And Viola--- women elected the Usurper, the final straw that broke the back of the Republic.

walter said...

damikesc said...The media is expending more energy attacking KEN FUCKING BONE
Damn..he must be very selective in revealing such a middle name.

walter said...

Ann..how about sketching out a Democ-rat?

walter said...

Hey..if they have a sense of humor left, Ken's extended family could have fun tracing the family tree to the tune of Dem Bones at the next reunion.

Bad Lieutenant said...

That's interesting, Guildy. It's not easy to catch your attention.

walter said...

And...who the hell is Guildy?

Kirk Parker said...


McCain was demonstratively a very bad man. I can demonstrate in a mere two words:


Bad Lieutenant said...

walter said...
And...who the hell is Guildy?

10/15/16, 12:22 PM

Guildofcannonballs, ex-Buckley fan.

Todd said...

ellamentary said...

10/14/16, 9:29 PM

Oh please! How anyone can read a "standard" comeback to the "invaded my space" remark is a real example of what the left refers to as a "dog whistle". It is heard to be a rape joke only by those that are actually looking, straining to see a rape joke.

As to your other insights, yes Mitt was/is a good man and in no way deserved that he and his family was put through. As for McCain, God bless him for his service to the country but he has long since passed his sell-by date. He is the worst sort of politician in that he compromises from a position of strengths right in to weakness. Folds a hand of 4 aces to a pair of twos. I would not care if it was his own business he was throwing away but it is MY country he screws with. No thank you. He was a bad pick for the nomination then and not getting any better.

As for any of those men beating Clinton, no way. None of them could be Obama who had only his skin color going for him. How could any of "those good men" beat a vagina? The media and the Democrats (I repeat myself) and the SJWs would not/could not let that happen. It takes a "thug" to beat a "thug" especially when the ref is bought and paid for. Trump may not win but he is the only one that has a chance against the Clinton machine and I say this as someone that can not STAND that Trump is running at all.

And my party has a host of other honorable people who would have made fabulous opponents for Clinton--- Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley, Scott Walker, Rob Portman, to name but a few.

Except for Jeb, not a bad list (would have loved a Haley/Rubio ticket or a Cruz/Haley ticket) at all except NONE of them made it. NONE of them are currently running against Hillary. If you want to live in "could have been" land, that is fine but here in the real world we have to work with what we have and what we have it Trump.

Instead we have this man who is ugly inside and out and who seems determined to drag not only the Republican party, but the entire nation, down into the mud where he resides. This is truly depressing. And seeing commentators that I once respected even when I completely disagreed with their stated opinions twist themselves into pretzels or just plain throw common decency out the window in their rush to defend this small-fingered vulgarian is one reason I find the whole situation so distressing.

I agree 100%. The only thing worst than Trump running is that Hillary is running. The only thing that could be worst than a Trump Presidency would be a Hillary Presidency. There you have it. Now get off of your feinting couch, tuck away your hankie and do something about it.

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