September 10, 2016

Who was that woman in a Playboy T-shirt clamped in a 4-way embrace for the camera with Bill Clinton and Donald and Melania Trump?

That was Kylie Bax, a swimsuit model, in that breasty, chesty photo from September 2000.
"Unbelievable that im now a 'random woman', no one was random in that Tennis Suite/corp box," Bax wrote.... Bax said she recalled Clinton dropping by Trump's box at Flushing Meadows. “I actually think Bill was in another box and he came by to say hello to Donald," she said. "Melania is also a friend and we all went to tennis together and had a great day ... Donald was always a good host and close friend. And his wife Melania is equally as kind."...

In interviews last month, the New Zealand native said she would vote for Trump if she could. "It may be scary for people to think of him as being the President, but I think he will do an outstanding job," Bax told Fairfax Media. "He'd take his friends to the tennis, for example, the US Open - he had a box there....When we'd go through Spanish Harlem or one of the poorer areas, if anyone recognized him they'd all yell, wave. They love him. The poorer communities are very supportive of him."
The Clinton Presidential Library released a set of pictures of Bill with Trump. There's this one too:

Somehow the funniest thing in that picture — to me — is Bill Clinton's left hand. It's hard being a man, isn't it?

AND: Meade found something funnier in that second picture: the white circular mark on Bill's shirt right that seems to be right where Melania's breast was -- an imprint or impression of some kind.


David Begley said...

Clinton nailed her or wanted to. He had lust in his heart.

When is someone going to talk about the sham marriage of the Clintons? It is a corrupt business-political deal.

MayBee said...

Bill wanders from private plane to private plane and from box to box.

AllenS said...

Wait a minute, where's Hillary?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Don't let April Apple see these.

Quaestor said...

Billy was within mere feet of two beautiful, sexy women, one the wife of his host (a paltry detail), therefore he experienced that itch that must scratched.

Tcdq1293 said...

The last sentence.

sdharms said...

Bax quote sounds like an air head elitist admirer. Was she with Bill? Was she meant to be? Was it a fix up? Her lifestyle and theirs bears no resemblance to reality.

cubanbob said...

Give the horn dog his due, he rarely is seen with unattractive woman.

Ann Althouse said...

Why would a married man pose like that in what looks for all the world like 2 couples?

It's disrespectful to the wife. It doesn't matter whether there was any sexual relationship involved. Just posing like that is disrespectful

Oso Negro said...

Glam bunnies like Kylie and Melania have no compunction about photos like that. It comes with their hotness. Men like The Donald and Bill don't give a fuck about how it looks. Hell, they enjoy it.

Rusty said...

Blogger cubanbob said...
Give the horn dog his due, he rarely is seen with unattractive woman.

Monica, Paula, and the list goes on. Hell. If he was in the company of nines and tens at least there would be something to admire, but he keeps coming up with these closing time frumps. bad taste and bad judgement

gspencer said...

"he rarely is seen with unattractive woman"

I dunno about that. Lots of pics of him and the Harridan floating around. And with his daughter. At least they all say she's his daughter.

David Begley said...

AA, "It's disrespectful to the wife."

Bill never respected Hillary. It was just a corrupt business-political deal. No woman with any self-respect would have stayed married to Bill. She files for divorce in December.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Ann Althouse said...
Just posing like that is disrespectful

Really stretching for the outrage here. Where these photosa problem? Famous politicians appear in tens of thousands of photos, you can read into them whatever you want.

Curious George said...

"Ann Althouse said...
Why would a married man pose like that in what looks for all the world like 2 couples?

It's disrespectful to the wife. It doesn't matter whether there was any sexual relationship involved. Just posing like that is disrespectful"

Are you talking about Clinton, Trump, or both?

Sydney said...

I'm no fan of either Clinton, but it isn't disrespectful to be photographed like that. He's a politician and an ex-President. Posing with people for photos is what they do. It's not like she's sitting on his lap or anything.

Quaestor said...

Sham marriages, ain't they a hoot?

traditionalguy said...

Hillary needs the marriage with Bill as much as Bill does. It protects her in the latest Lesbian love affair conquest from any pressure to Marry her conquests.

Anonymous said...

So, Trump hasn't posed with any women he's not married to, ever? Maybe not, he just had sex with them. Why the double standard for Trump? Has Trump caused the dumbing down of the Althouse blog too? It wasn't disrespectful of Trump to cheat on his wives?

Fabi said...

She was very cute. In the present day, I'm guessing her bra size is 38-long.

Big Mike said...

"...When we'd go through Spanish Harlem or one of the poorer areas, if anyone recognized him they'd all yell, wave. They love him. The poorer communities are very supportive of him."

Ms. Bax, you just caused tens of thousands of Democrat operatives to crap their boxers and panties.

You know, maybe it's just the Slovenian in my ancestry but I thought Melania was the prettier of the two women.

Ann Althouse said...

Meade is telling me that the photo is "perfectly innocent."

Big Mike said...

Make that "tighty-whities and panties."

Ann Althouse said...

Melania has a very severe look. I wouldn't call her "pretty." Maybe "handsome."

Big Mike said...

Meade is telling me that the photo is "perfectly innocent."

As he's busy deleting old digital photos from his archives!

Seriously, a married politician often has his (or her!) picture taken with voters from the opposite sex. Her comments suggest that Kylie Bax was there as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Trump, not as Clinton arm candy.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, as I said, maybe it's the Slovenian in my ancestry.

Fabi said...

Is that Terry McAuliffe standing behind Slick in the bottom photo?

John Christopher said...

I attended the US Open every year from 2000-2014 and remember the day that Clinton was in Trump's suite.

FWIW, there wasn't a Big Screen in the stadium in 2000, but from 2001 on, it was part of the regular schtick for the Big Screen to go back and forth featuring the individual Trumps with the crowd booing for Donald and cheering for Melania.

Bob Ellison said...

It's a sin to pose for a photo with your arm around the tiny waist of a beautiful woman?

Or was she the sinner for having big boobs?

Levi Starks said...

Clearly, Bills left hand has a mind of its own.
It's saying let me off my leash, or get me out of here.

Virgil Hilts said...

AA, "It's disrespectful to the wife."
Disagree, that is why BC has his arm around Melania's beautiful waist rather than Bax's. BC is not the most faithful guy but that is how a normal married man would handle that photo.

Psota said...

I think we can all agree that those are two very high-level women.

Anonymous said...

Uh, Melania is much more than 'handsome.' Most normal guys, up close to a woman like that, would have to work to keep it together.

While she's in her prime?

Unless you're around models all day...

bleh said...

Clinton had his hand around Melania's waist AT HER WEDDING, and in view of Hillary and Donald. Now that is weird.

Ann Althouse said...

Just to talk about the face, I wouldn't use the word "pretty" for Melania, because she doesn't have the sort of sweetness that would make me use that word. I wouldn't say "beautiful," because to me that's a very high standard. I'd use it for Catherine Deneuve and Elizabeth Taylor. I just wrote "handsome" because we were talking about that word the other day. For Melania's face, if I had to pick an adjective, I might say "striking" or "glamorous."

rhhardin said...

It's like hungry baby birds in a nest photo.

Martha said...

Melania's resting bitch face features her pout and the pout looks surgically enhanced.
Boobs may be too.

Meade said...

Calm down. It's a huddle. For a photo. Hands can go on the dorsal side of waists and shoulders. No higher; no lower.

William said...

Bill and Trump have remarkably pleasant lives. I wish I had a few swimsuit models in my circle of friends. They lend zest and adventure to a tennis outing. All that thinking and worry about the plight of America's poor and unfortunate can be a downer. Swimsuit models always cheer you up and allow you to remain aware of the true worth of wealth and power.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Trump loses, to the un-indicted felon, we will all look back at these friendly photos and understand.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

AprilApple said...
If Trump loses, to the un-indicted felon, we will all look back at these friendly photos and understand.

I knew this wouldn't go well. The humble Trump selflessly throwing himself under the bus so that that bitch Hillary can be president. No amount of supermodels can make up for that kind of humiliation.

AllenS said...

There's two photos here. The emphasis should be on the second one. The first photo might indicate what a politician like BJ Clinton does. Not the second photo by the expression on BJ's face.

Quaestor said...

Is that Terry McAuliffe standing behind Slick in the bottom photo?

Good eye, Fabi! That's exactly who that is, the ever loyal Wormtongue trailing in Sharkey's footsteps.

Sebastian said...

"It's hard being a man, isn't it?" No, it isn't. Sorry.

"It's disrespectful to the wife." Now that's funny. ISWYDT. Excellent use of midwestern schoolmarm shtick.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

What does the Clinton library have in it, exactly? Bill's stash of Hustler and "Big Boobs" magazines?

walter said...

Yay..more chummy photos of Trump with a Clinton. Hard to to those wedding pics though.Melania's smile seemed genuine in those. Her big league day.

Etienne said...
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jacksonjay said...

Show the pic of Trump grabbing Bubba's pee-pee!

madAsHell said...

Melania has a very severe look. I wouldn't call her "pretty." Maybe "handsome."

I think most men are wired to find a woman that looks, acts, or thinks like their mother. Therefore, I don't find Melania pretty, but I do find her a sports car....and she needs to be driven fast.

n.n said...

The top picture is of model chic -- strike a pose. In the bottom picture, Melania warms with a smile.

As for Bax and Clinton... Well, Mother Nature loves her children equally.

David said...

Wearing a bra is not necessarily a bad idea.

Jon Burack said...

I find it hard to do anything but laugh at this. Almost everyone wants me to think this election is really important because of how hideous (insert Trump or Hillary) is. You have conservatives calling it the Flight 93 election. Liberals feel the same except for who they think is taking the plane down. Supreme nonsense. These top dogs all know, like, love to shmooze with and joke with one another (Bill and Trump, but, yes, Hillary, too, who is perfectly fine with Bill and photos like this as long as it serves her purposes). It's all a game for them. As for me, "gone fishing." As Jonah Goldberg puts it, "America is larger than one election for one office in one branch in one of our many layers of government. Indeed, if it’s true that America is one election away from death, then America is already dead. Because the whole idea of this country is that most of life exists outside of the scope of government."

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CarlF said...

Famous people spend much of their time posing with people they meet, so I cannot read too much in this. But if a Republican poses with anyone who the media can attack, we are in for a week of scandal articles.

walter said...

"the whole idea of this country is that most of life exists outside of the scope of government."
Great idea.

Curious George said...

"Unknown said...
So, Trump hasn't posed with any women he's not married to, ever? Maybe not, he just had sex with them. Why the double standard for Trump? Has Trump caused the dumbing down of the Althouse blog too? It wasn't disrespectful of Trump to cheat on his wives?"

You're embarrassing yourself.

buwaya said...

J Burak,

You are correct and wrong. This election wont save you, because the decline is inevitable. At best this can, maybe, slow it down.
Goldberg is wrong though, because life no longer is going to be mainly about things outside of government. It no longer is, really. He is whistling past the graveyard.
He is wrong too about the position. This election is about the only important branch of government, the rest of the structure is secondary and irrelevant and wont save you from the executive.
The powerful are a class of their own and their own society. This is a constant. This extends even to enemies. Prince Eugene of Savoy grew up at the French court with Louis XIV, his later enemy, and any number of future Marshals of France. The brothers Gracchi, radical Tribunes, were friends and relatives of the Senators they fought unto death, grandsons of Scipio Africanus. Thats how it goes.

Fabi said...

Semper ubi sub boobie?

walter said...

re: breasty, chesty,
The gravity of the situation is apparent.

Earnest Prole said...

And only three days short of this post’s ten-year anniversary.

Virgil Hilts said...

It would be fun to have an Amanda Marcotte look back day at this blog. Hard to believe that was only 10 years ago.

Bruce Hayden said...
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Bruce Hayden said...
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Bruce Hayden said...

I don't think that my partner would appreciate me with my arm around NDA the waist of another woman, unless she were there,band a hotter guy had his arm around her. Not that she doesn't believe that she was hotter than either one at their age. Because she knows she was. It is a respect thing. Bill is disrespecting his wife there. But that isn't new. 

Never been a fan of big breasts, especially like Clinton's bimbo there. As someone above pointed out, that woman's breasts are probably down below her waist by now. I still have somewhat less than happy memories about finding myself in a compromising situation with a woman whose large breasts had sagged that much. Luckily, I was young enough that my testosterone levels saved me from embarrassment that night. Thank goodness, by partner has saved me from that, usually wearing a good support bra even to bed (when nothing more amorous is planned).

Never been a fan of big breasts, especially like Clinton's bimbo there. As someone above pointed out, that woman's breasts are probably down below her waist by now. I still have somewhat less than happy memories about finding myself in a compromising situation with a woman whose large breasts had sagged that much. Luckily, I was young enough that my testosterone levels saved me from embarrassment that night. Thank goodness, by partner has saved me from that, usually wearing a good support bra eve

AllenS said...

I did some research using the Googles, and Kylie Bax images indicate that there is a lot up there, and no those things are not down to her knees. You go girl!

le Douanier said...

It's sad when once hot gals get old.

I can only imagine what went through Bax's mind when she chose that outfit and the pony tail.

Poor thing. I grieve for her: one more for the D basket.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"You're embarrassing yourself."

Unknown is incapable of embarrassment. She was wishing suffering and death on the people of the Philippines and calling their women whores the other night - just because their President insulted Obama.

You have to have a modicum of self-awareness to be capable of embarrassment.

readering said...

Althouse you're too severe a critic. Melania definitely not my type, but if you had seen her then you would have said she was beautiful. Trump certainly did, often. And as for the pose, I think presidents find themselves in all kinds of awkward poses. He must have a gazillion pictures taken of himself with others, even in the days before camera phones.

MacMacConnell said...

Trump is admiring his wife, Clinton and McAuliffe are ogling Ms. Bax. The stain on Bill's shirt may be explained because he's left handed. Anyone remember which direction the court determined his penis was bent to?

gadfly said...

AND: Meade found something funnier in that second picture: the white circular mark on Bill's shirt right that seems to be right where Melania's breast was -- an imprint or impression of some kind.

Meade knows exactly what the "mark" is, Slick's nipple. See matching nipple on the right side of his body. While most septuagenarians suffer from hardening of the arteries, the convicted ex-president lets us know exactly how he reacts to sexual stimuli.

JAORE said...

The white ring looks like Billy Job got really sweaty in the area where Mrs. Trump's breasts touched his chest. Leaving a salty residue.


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