September 18, 2016

"I will consider it a personal insult — an insult to my legacy — if this community lets down its guard and fails to activate itself in this election."

Said Obama... guilt-trippingly.


mockturtle said...

What unmitigated gall! What has he done for 'this community' in eight years?

David said...

Oh brother! (Can't say "Oh boy," that's for sure.)

That is one gigantic ego that man has.

Tommy Duncan said...

Don't vote for your own best interests. This is not about what's best for you. This is about what's best for my legacy.

Hagar said...

I see some polls talking about Trump getting up to 20% of "the Black vote." If that happens, Obama will not be the only one to go bananas.

le Douanier said...

"What unmitigated gall! What has he done for 'this community' in eight years?"

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Oh, in that case...

campy said...

I see some polls talking about Trump getting up to 20% of "the Black vote." If that happens, Obama will not be the only one to go bananas.

If that happens, the fraud machine will reduce it to 2% anyway.

David Begley said...

It is all about Obama. 24/7, 365.

What is this guy going to say when Iran tests its nukes in three years?

Rob said...

Is this a sign of Obama's colossal ego or the Clinton campaign's desperation? Magic 8-Ball says, "Both."

Bad Lieutenant said...

How will he process it if the black community does quote unquote betray him? I'd like to be a fly on that wall.

le Douanier said...

"I'd like to be a fly on that wall."

You'd probably need to be a fly on the eighteenth. I'm not sure hell be too house bound after leaving office.

Just sayin'.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

His legacy? I'm confused...

Bad Lieutenant said...

Well I wouldn't wallow in it, I would be content to be buzzing just about the time on Election Night when the polls come in and, wishfully, Obama learns that Trump got, say, 19% of the black vote, including key urban blocs that rolled over a winnable state or three. My fever dream of course is that Trump wins New York.

JAORE said...

Out of the entire universe of reasons to pick a candidate, could there possibly be a less motivating one that the legacy of a lame duck?

le Douanier said...


If anti-BHO folks believe their own stuff, why would he possibly care about 19% of the black vote? The dude has been POTUS (x2) and will have FU dough. He can put around on a G600 to putt around the world's links. Think about it.

John henry said...

Will he be OK if it "activates" itself to vote for Trump?

Or is it not activation that he wants but staying chained up on the Democrat plantation?

John Henry

le Douanier said...


I'm not sure folks (like yourself) really get what the difference between really rich folks and most folks means.

Bad Lieutenant said...

PBJ, one of us doesn't seem to have read the post.🤔

Automatic_Wing said...

Trump's not getting 19% of the black vote, forget about that fantasy. Black turnout could definitely be an issue, though. He has reason to be concerned.

Bad Lieutenant said...

OMFG emojis are here!


Bad Lieutenant said...

Oh, I just picked a number. Any degree of insult will do, esp. if coupled with injury.

Doug said...

Black turnout is going to be a big issue ... By its surprising dropoff from 2008.

Dude1394 said...

The first black president has presided over the worst state of black America in decades. His immigration policies directly taking the food out of their mouth and putting their children in peril. He has caused the worst black murder rate in my lifetime. Yea boys and girls, let's get some more of that!!

Dude1394 said...

Well the few times he has inserted himself into anything but his own political campaigns he has been a colossal failure. Hopefully his trend will continue.

le Douanier said...


I prefaced my comment by stating it only refers to anti-BHO folks who believe their anti-BHO stuff. So, you start by assuming he's lying and he want's to get on the links as soon and often as possible. So, it wouldn't make sense to pay attention to what he says about black folks.

Bad Lieutenant said...

He'll be on the links no matter who wins or what the turnout is. I don't understand where you're going with this.

Etienne said...

Kanye West who gets no respect for his ugly fashion line, said "I have a f**king Ph.D. in art, you know? And not that that would even make the difference, but me saying that makes the difference to the exact people I'm talking to it's, like, shut the f**k up."

Actually, he dropped out of college, and has a H.S. diploma.

In that regard, he talks like an idiot. Same as the other hyphenated-American from Chicago.

le Douanier said...

"He'll be on the links no matter who wins or what the turnout is."

That's my point: he'll be rich and golfing and jet setting and having folks suck up to him for the rest of his life.

If cons acknowledge that he cares about who follows him in the White House and/or how black Americans respond to him, you're starting down a slippery slope where you open the door to the possibility that BHO cares about improving the well being of America, including black Americans. Anywho, it seems like it'd be more consistent for anti-BHO folks to say that BHO doesn't and never did care about black folks or Americans, because he was into golfing and implementing his anti-colonial father's dreams.

Bad Lieutenant said...

You could say that he cares about them, like he cares about his golf clubs, that they impress the other people in the clubhouse, and that they drive his balls straight and true. Doesn't mean that he loves and respects the golf clubs and is interested in their welfare except inasmuch as they serve him.

Mary Beth said...

What is this guy going to say when Iran tests its nukes in three years?

"It's President Trump's fault."

Jupiter said...

No, Peanut. We on the right have epistemelogical closure on that point, and fear no slope, however slippery. Barack Hussein Obama is, above all, a narcissist. The thing he cares most about is how he is perceived. Indeed, the most astonishing thing about Obama's success is that he imagined it was possible. His lifetime achievements, prior to running for the Presidency, make Hillary Clinton look accomplished by comparison.

le Douanier said...

"Doesn't mean that he loves and respects the golf clubs and is interested in their welfare except inasmuch as they serve him."

If you believe this, why would you believe BHO would continue to care about the rusty old used up golf clubs (hopefully I'm not too deep into this analogy) after he's got the golden ticket? BHO is at the pinnacle, if he's interested in anything to help himself personally, it'd be DJT supply side economics that will make him richer. You must realize that he's not going to be personally applying for an ACA subsidy from his G600. Right?

le Douanier said...

"The thing he cares most about is how he is perceived."

Then, why did he golf so much, including after jabbering about American captives? And, why did he take such luxurious vacations in Hawaii?

Bad Lieutenant said...

How is this losing you? Obama arrogates the American black identity to himself. He believes that he can and should control it. For them to defy him is the offense in question. Has nothing to do with money.

n.n said...

Obama carries on the Democrat legacy of class diversity that judges people not by the content of their character, but by the color of their skin.

chickelit said...

Obama had in spades what Hillary lacks.

le Douanier said...

"He believes that he can and should control it. For them to defy him is the offense in question."

For argument let's assume this is correct. Then what? If 19% of black folks commit what you feel he will feel is an offence. Then what? Do you think that'll hurt BHO's handicap because of the severe emotional toll?

Bad Lieutenant said...

I can certainly think of Obama as the petulant loser at golf who, when he misses his shot, flings the club, or the bag of clubs, into the water hazard, or bends one around a tree.

Bad Lieutenant said...

PBJ, read the damned post. Are you calling our President a liar?

rcocean said...

I don't think Obama will be disappointed. Trump *might* get 15% of the AA vote, but I'd be surprised if he did.

le Douanier said...

"PBJ, read the damned post. Are you calling our President a liar?"

I've prefaced my comments in this thread as being from the POV of an anti-BHO person. Assuming that BHO is a liar is one aspect of this perspective.

Bad Lieutenant said...

It's not just the %, it's turnout too.

Bad Lieutenant said...

OK, Jelly, this is no longer interesting, you win one Internet, or whatever are the stakes here.

le Douanier said...

"or whatever are the stakes here."

I think it's this: ����

le Douanier said...

I failed at copying and pasting one of BL's emojis.


Tom said...

Sweet - an extra benefit.

jg said...

might help her. god knows she needs it badly.

Birkel said...

I believe President Carter said a similar thing in 1980. He just knew that electing Ronald Reagan would besmirch his legacy.

To PBandJ, that is somehow a net negative.

mockturtle said...

Curious, Laslo....What might Lamar say about Obama's legacy? I have a feeling he would tell him where to stick it.

le Douanier said...

"To PBandJ, that is somehow a net negative."

Not sure it's related, but in 1990 I saw Reagan in a parked limo waving to an empty space. I was on the other side of the limo, but I could see through its interior. Anywho, he did shake my hand before getting into it.

This was behind the stadium at the Goodwill Games where I, as a minor, was a security volunteer w/ supposedly limited duties (though I'd been trained at SeaTac to operate mag and x-ray machines and I used a mirror to look under incoming vehicles for bombs). Yup, I've always been an over achiever. Not that there's anything wrong w/ taking it easier. Just sayin'.

Birkel said...

...not at all related...

richardsson said...

Keep feeding the trolls = get more trolls.

mockturtle said...

Keep feeding the trolls = get more trolls.

And, worse, you get 'over-achieving' trolls. ;-)

walter said...

I doubt golf is the only element of his post prez phase. He needs "cred" on having done his part now..and he also would prefer gems like ACA are allowed to run their intended full course.

Lyle Smith said...

Obama is going to be personally insulted by some folks, I am afraid.

walter said...

I bet this "do it for me" message really resonates in his "hometown" of Chicago. Things are so groovy there. ACA is only relevant for for the top tier of South Chicago...well.. it will swell the Medicaid ranks to unsustainable, resource overloading maybe it's broader.

Gk1 said...

Is it me or has anyone noticed that the Prez has never been able to move the needle in any direction since getting into office? When he pushed his pet programs like Obamacare or the Iranian treaty giveaway, the numbers actually went down the more he pushed. He only got what he wanted by brute partisan force in 2009 when he passed the stimulus and obamacare on a party line vote. He campaigned in 2012, 14, 15 for party members and the democrats got the crap knocked out of them. Why does anyone think he will be effective getting Hillary elected? Can someone cite an example of his campaign prowess other than getting himself re-elected in 2012?

Birkel said...


Everybody has noticed. None more so than Hillary.

le Douanier said...

Gk1 and Birkel,

Isn't that the greatest reason to vote for a D? They're feckless in opposition. And, w/o overwhelming numbers in congress they can't chart their own course.

But, W showed that Rs can cause much more trouble w/ less fuss/difficulty: Multi trillion dollar war for no reason=ok, voodoo economics tax cuts for rich folks=ok, free stuff for old folks=ok, expand control over local schools=ok. The result is debt and injured/killed Americans and the worst recession since the great depression.

This time around DJT says it's ok to borrow w/ low rates (like Krugman) and of course pushing through un-offset tax cuts is like give heroin to a fiend w/ Rs in congress.

And, 18 is going to be a very good year for R in congress. Too much running amok.

walter said...

Sure, Jelly. Throw the economic fail squarely on R's..despite Dems like Frank playing major roles.

Gk1 said...

I suspect this is the main issue in the campaign. Not even the NYTimes can pretend to ignore it anymore.

"But doctors not connected with the candidate’s care say that the letters omit basic information like height and weight, and that a more detailed history of her blood clots and a 2012 concussion should be disclosed."

walter said...

Hey now. It's rude to disclose the weight of a lady.....

Annie said...

Walter, that would be true if we were talking about a 'lady'.

walter said...

bait taken..;)

veni vidi vici said...

Such well-creased trousers and yet at heart Obama's merely a pantywaist.

Bruce Hayden said...

Voodoo Economics is lib speak for economics that works, but they don't like not being able to sell taxing and spending favors as much. And PB&J forgets the attack on 9/11/01, partly precipitated by the feckless response of Bill Clinton to get ncreasing attacks on the US around the world. And ignores that we are suck in the longest recession since the last time that large scale Keynesian spending was tried, some 80 years ago. As a note, the new book out by Crooked and Kaine appearantly repeats the well debunked Fable of a 1.6x Keynesian multiplier for expanding GDP through govt. spending. Unfortunately for them, and the country, if they are elected, the Keynesian multiplier has been known empirically to be < 1 for almost 40 years now. FDR can be maybe excused for not knowing any better, and facing an internal communist threat. Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and now Crooked and Kaine, don't have that excuse. They want to spend more money, because that is how they and their friends, families, and major donors get filthy rich, and use discredited Keynesian economics as thir justification.

MayBee said...

I think Obama yucking it up about his legacy at the exact moment men were planting bombs in New York and New Jersey is the perfect tribute to his legacy.

Humperdink said...

"Such well-creased trousers and yet at heart Obama's merely a pantywaist."

Hoping David Brooks comments on Hillary's creases.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Note the shift in tactics, as well. No more suicide attacks. They have learned, or have been encouraged to learn, but you can strike and run away and survive to strike another day perhaps. I wonder if this is caused by our apparent lack of resolve of late. Meaning of Obama.

Rusty said...

PBandJ_LeDouanier said...
"The thing he cares most about is how he is perceived."

Then, why did he golf so much, including after jabbering about American captives? And, why did he take such luxurious vacations in Hawaii?

Because he only cares about himself and his prerogatives. He would like history to think well of him, but not if it's an inconvenience to him. His brand of socialism is Obama socialism.

RichAndSceptical said...

That's because an LA Times poll shows Trump with 19.6% of black vote. Panic time in hillaryville!

damikesc said...

What unmitigated gall! What has he done for 'this community' in eight years?

The questions best left unasked. Why would they want 4 more years of what they've dealt with the last 8?

At a certain point, would you rather have a "racist" who might make it more possible for you to support a family or would you rather have a friendly person who wants to make you a slave to the state?

Voodoo Economics is lib speak for economics that works, but they don't like not being able to sell taxing and spending favors as much. And PB&J forgets the attack on 9/11/01, partly precipitated by the feckless response of Bill Clinton to get ncreasing attacks on the US around the world. And ignores that we are suck in the longest recession since the last time that large scale Keynesian spending was tried, some 80 years ago.

Also ignores how big a scandal the massive corporate accounting fraud of the 1990's was. A huge chunk of the "prosperity" of the 1990's was mythical. The claims of what caused the 1920's crash was the REALITY of the dot-com bubble bursting.

Christopher said...

A narcissistic clown talking about "my legacy."

How many mirrors has this guy worn out gazing into his image?

Sam L. said...

I do love all his racial harmony efforts.

Paul Snively said...

An insult to his legacy of "Because black!" An insult to a legacy deserving of nothing less than the fullest measure of derision we can offer.

Paul Snively said...

richardsson: Keep feeding the trolls = get more trolls.

What you subsidize, you get more of. It's as true in the attention economy as the real one.

wildswan said...

Some year the blacks are going to discover and use strategic voting. Why not this year? Under Obama blacks are poorer than they were in 2008; under Obama millions of black kids are trapped in underperforming schools. That's his legacy. Why should they vote for it?

Under Obama jobs held by blacks have been transferred to China, to Mexico and to Hispanics. Rotten trade deals - that's his legacy. Why should they vote for it?

Under Obama the teacher's unions have prevented school reform and been upheld in their destructive course of action because they are big donors. Putting the teachers unions ahead of black kids - that's Obama's legacy - why should parents vote against their own kids?

Under Obama Planned Parenthood is driving on a black genocide, keeping the black birth rate falling. Obama supports Planned Parenthood and so does Clinton - that's his legacy. Why should blacks support it?

Vote for Trump - for jobs, schools and families. No matter what happens, the Dems will listen to you next time AND so will the Republicans. What have you got to lose?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That shit might work on black voters, I suppose. It won't for anyone else. We ain't no sheeple.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Rhythm and Balls said...
That shit might work on black voters, I suppose. It won't for anyone else. We ain't no sheeple.
9/19/16, 8:15 PM

Ladies and gentlemen, a Democrat speaks.

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