September 15, 2016

"Hillary Clinton viciously demonizing hard-working people like you."

You've probably already seen this Trump ad...

... I'm just blogging it today — after choosing not to blog it before — because I've hit on this theme of "working hard." As I said 3 posts down: "The candidates and their proxies are continually referring to the citizenry as 'hard working.' Why?! Some Americans are hard working, but plenty of us are pacing ourselves comfortably or lazily shirking. Why are we always getting buttered up this way?"


dreams said...

"Why are we always getting buttered up this way?""

I think they want our vote.

traditionalguy said...

Elbowgreaseophobic. This goes beyond stopping work at the point of diminishing returns of pay compared to hours of labor expended. It is a drug addiction to balanced serotonin levels.

Big Mike said...

... but plenty of us are pacing ourselves comfortably or lazily shirking.

@Althouse, not everyone is a tenured university professor!

Rob said...

There's getting buttered up and then there's getting buttered up.

gerry said...

Why are we always getting buttered up this way?

The U.S. has the highest GDP in the world. Why are you such a hater?

Once written, twice... said...

Ann, speaking for the hard-working tax-paying citizens of Wisconson, let me thank you for finally ending your tenure abusing de facto semiretirement and retiring officially. I am sure you could have milked it for a few more years but it is big of you to finally do the honorable thing.

Jaq said...

“Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris. I told you about the gig I lost at a University because she so overcharged them they came under heat and couldn’t [pay] any fees for awhile. I should send her a bill,” Powell griped.

LOL! These emails are hysterical.

Brando said...

Everyone wants to see their side as the real hard workers, the people that this country depends on. Team Hillary figures their side is hard working "everyday people" (they still using that?), middle class and working class, and the working poor, and their opposition are scattered racists whose only work probably consists of shooting varmits, and then a bunch of plutocrats tossing Faberge eggs at the help. Team Trump figures their side is hard working coal miners and truckers, the salt of the earth, and the opposition is a mix of wealthy paper pushers, deranged radicals and pajama boys on welfare.

Brando said...

"I think they want our vote."

Works better than saying "hey lazy ass, vote for me and I'll let you keep being lazy." Nope, everyone's a character in a Springsteen song.

Ron Snyder said...

"... but plenty of us are pacing ourselves comfortably or lazily shirking."

Sure, in the circles you run around in Ann. Many of us do not have that luxury. You should take a cue from Glenn Reynolds and stop letting your elitism come thru.

Michael K said...

This a very good video by a doc who knows more than I do about Hillary's Parkinson's Disease.

It explains why she cannot work hard.

n.n said...

They did the same thing to mothers, fathers, and babies, too, during the dysfunctional revolution.

le Douanier said...

Beyond wanting our vote, this is the same mentality that has led to participation awards in sports and the PC culture in general and ever more folks looking for gov handouts.

Even Althouse plays along when she does things like suggesting it's inappropriate for educated folks to look toward personal responsibility when thinking of folks who didn't put themselves through school. Rather than themselves, society as a whole and not getting a fair shot in life are to blame. If that doesn't get the job done, blame the Mexicans who are willing to work long hours for low dough. Not to mention the overseas manufacturing workers who are also cool w/ lots of work and little dough.

Anywho, it's cute that folks are suckers for the jabber about bringing back these low paying, high number of hours worked manufacturing jobs from overseas. Ignoring the fact that manufacturing is a relatively small (compared to services) portion of GDP. And, ignoring that w/o unions, today's manu jobs aren't what they used to be. The fact is that success is easy to come by for Americans who are motivated to work as long and hard as the motivated peasants in places like China. Our poor folks have massive advantages over poor folks in places like China. Pandering to our unsuccessful folks by encouraging them to place the blame for their failures on others seems like the problem, not the solution, imho.

buwaya said...

"Why are we always getting buttered up this way?"

Because this is politics and it has been this way since before the Athenians were flinging potsherds.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

We ARE hard working. The most productive workforce in the world because we do what we do voluntarily. Don't exempt yourself either, Althouse. You have a full-time job and you write continually for this blog. That's output. That's creating goods and services. Don't let the buttery flattery distort this particular application of the phrase of the day.

America earned the respect that comes with being more productive than every other society on Earth*. Be proud.

Well on this chart we are 3rd, but look at that huge GDP!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Missing * above

Chuck said...

Does the "deplorables" thing work with us mainstream Republicans who never supported Trump in the first instance? (Trump's best selling point now is "the lesser of two evils.")

I just can't get any fun out of the "deplorables" emails and t-shirts.

And it isn't because I have any sympathy for anybody named Clinton. I'm all in favor of pushing back on the left-leaning media. Some of the most ardent NeverTrumpers are also some of the original critics of the left-wing media. Brent Bozell is Exhibit A.

I got a particular kick out of Hillary trying to hammer Trump's deplorables as including "homophobes." That might be true, but if it is, those homophobes have made a curious choice of a candidate. Since Trump is inarguably the most pro-gay Republican nominee in history.

sunsong said...

racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia:

Those are deplorable! Is Trump trying to encourage those deplorable perspectives? Is he trying to encourage insulting and demeaning others? Seem like a stupid idea to me.

pdug said...

I'm more a person who plays by the rules, than a hard working person.

Curious George said...

"Some Americans are hard working, but plenty of us are pacing ourselves comfortably or lazily shirking."

Correct. You work for the state. Most of you are pacing yourselves comfortably or lazily shirking.

le Douanier said...

"Correct. You work for the state. Most of you are pacing yourselves comfortably or lazily shirking."

Was Althosue running one of those contests where she sets up commenters to make banal and predictable statements?

Brando said...

"Does the "deplorables" thing work with us mainstream Republicans who never supported Trump in the first instance? (Trump's best selling point now is "the lesser of two evils.")"

From what I can tell it's pure base-vs.-base as far as that goes. Hard core Dems feel invigorated at calling out Trumpkins for what they see them as--bigoted morons fueled by hate and happy to have a bigot as their standard bearer (notice the recent defenses of Hillary's remarks, usually saying she didn't go far enough by only suggesting "half" Trump supporters were deplorable). And it fires up the Trump fans, who see being called "deplorable" by such a person as a badge of honor.

As neither, I feel sort of "blah" about it. It was an unfair smear, but that doesn't make me like Trump any more. Though to his credit, he handled the matter well.

khesanh0802 said...

@ Brando et al. Buy your "deplorable" products here!

Brando said...

And "lesser of two evils" will make this an interesting race--Hillary and Trump are making the same argument to a large swatch of the middle. Who can outdisgust the most people?

fivewheels said...

Professor, I think the "hard-working" cliche goes back to an older political division that still exists but is less center stage these days. The distinction is not between those who are working hard and those who are just cruising at their jobs, it's between those who have jobs they dutifully perform and the non-working poor who live off the taxes of the workers, the old welfare queen idea.

Ironically, I think welfare reform (signed by Bill, opposed by Hillary) helped take that issue mostly out of the discourse, although the whole 47 percent thing was an echo of it.

Rick said...

racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia:

Those are deplorable! Is Trump trying to encourage those deplorable perspectives?

An example of how extreme political positions prevent the holders from understanding reality. When events and their beliefs conflict they re imagine the events to conform to their beliefs.

le Douanier said...

This sticker seems like a different take on the "lesser of two evils" theme:

Bay Area Guy said...

Viciously demonizing those slow, lazy, ignorant, no-good sonsabitches doesn't quite assist Mr. Trump in his political metrics.

tam said...

There was an article linked by Instapundit, yesterday I think. It was from the Guardian so I would normally have skipped it. But in it the author was wondering about where the left lost the people of Europe. So I was curious to look at it from his perspective.

One of the things I noted was that he saw the use of "hard working people" by the Liberal party as a conscious attempt to distance themselves from the perception that they were the "welfare" party. Now it is true that a large part of the Liberals and our Democrats are welfare recipients, but you can't admit that. You have to pretend that you represent hard-working people.

The same thing is true of Hillary's use of "middle-class". Everyone knows that the Democrats represent the very wealthy and the very poor. But they always talk about how things like Obamacare are going to help the middle-class.

Chuck said...

Brando; to be sure, the "deplorables" thing does work in Trumpkinland. It was a grievous mistake on Mrs. Clinton's part to have said it, for sure, and it will energize the Trump base. It works for that, on a bunch of levels, including on the notion that Mrs. Clinton is supposed to be such a careful, polished, Yale-educated attorney. And that the birther/vaxxer/truther Trump is the guy who says stupid shit. Not her. Well, so much for that one.

I just don't think it helps to win my vote, or the millions of Trump-reviling Republicans like me.

Fabi said...

Real Republican Chuck thinks there are "millions" like him. Lulz

Nonapod said...

There's something eminently hateable about opulent elites disdainfully categorizing large portions of the common rabble as "deplorable" and "irredeemable". It taps into something primal when the privileged few insult common folk. I can't help picturing these wealthy Democrat fundraisers like Skeksis dinner scene in Jim Henson's Dark Crystal.

lemondog said...

The song: You're Deplorable

Bay Area Guy said...

@Michael K,

Thanks for the fascinating video. Do you agree that Hillary has advanced Parkinson's Disease?

eric said...


If you asked around, how many people would describe themselves as hard workers and how many would say they are lazy shirkers?

Politicians are all about getting votes. You don't get the most votes by appealing to the 2% but by appealing to the 98%.

I've seen an inverse corollary when looking at workers vs shirkers. The lazy tend to rate themselves the hardest of workers.

So, it doesn't really matter what percent of society works hard and what percent doesn't. What matters is, how many people think of themselves as hard workers?

And my guess is, most people. Even my in laws who are nom working, drug addicted, welfare recipients think they are hard workers. And Trump appeals to them because they like the way he is going to give them jobs. Even though they haven't worked a day in their life and they'll probably never work. Still, it does something for them to imagine that maybe, one day, they will work.

But for now, they deserve a break, because they are such hard workers.

lemondog said...

The Poem

Chuck said...

More than fifteen million of us, Fabi.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I wonder if Melissa Harris-Perry is working hard now or hardly working.

Jaq said...

Those are deplorable! Is Trump trying to encourage those deplorable perspectives? Is he trying to encourage insulting and demeaning others? Seem like a stupid idea to me. - Sunsong

Glad to see you have completely abandoned your concern for the poor and disadvantaged you showed when you backed Bernie and have come around to the machine politics that Hillary champions and so have no problem writing off half of America as "irredeemable" and "not America."

Now all you have to do is join the war dance against Putin and Syria!

Jaq said...

Is he trying to encourage insulting and demeaning others? - Sunsong

Calling half the people who would prefer somebody other than the corrupt old war-monger as president "racists" and "irredeemable" seems like it's insulting and demeaning to others to me. YMMV

n.n said...

Class diversity, selective exclusion ("="), female chauvinism, anti-nativism, trickle-up poverty, Pro-Choice quasi-religion, Dodo Dynasties, scientific mysticism, and abortion rites are deplorable.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


I got a particular kick out of Hillary trying to hammer Trump's deplorables as including "homophobes." That might be true, but if it is, those homophobes have made a curious choice of a candidate. Since Trump is inarguably the most pro-gay Republican nominee in history.

Yes, it's never mentioned that Trump came out for gay marriage about a decade before HRC did, which was itself just after Obama did. "Me, too!" Or that her husband was responsible for DOMA and "Don't ask, don't tell."

There's also the little wrinkle that she includes both "homophobes" and "Islamophobes" in her black list, without noting that a lot of Muslims are "homophobes," and would happily topple a wall over any gay man they came across. I suppose you're all right if you profess to love everyone, and let the murders go on while you sleep.

n.n said...

Progressive wars (i.e. social justice adventurism), mass abortion, sodomy trials, political assassination, and refugee crises are deplorable.

JAORE said...

When the TEA party was being demonized in the same manner as Trump, I recall a sign:

She's not racist, she's my grandmother."

Pretty effective,I think.

And Clinton is hitting the list of isms and phobias at a point where many are sick unto death of it. They have beaten that dead horse beyond the point of value for glue.

Peanut butter = racist
golf = racist
white privilege = I have the original sin of racism due to my skin pigment???

And on, and on, and on.

Well a big fucky off to you too.

We all know these words really mean "shut up". But they are only effective in face to face communication or if something like your job or social standing are affected.

Won't work, IMO, behind the voting booth curtain.

Bruce Hayden said...

@Dr K - thanks for the video

@Bay Area - I expect that it is hard for a doctor, like Michael K, to actually confirm a diagnosis when they haven't actually examined a patient. One of those ethics/professionalism things. At best, they may be able to say that there is strong evidence of Parkinson's. As a lay person (in medical matters), I can say that the video is compelling. Dr K may not professionally be able to say the same, even if he believed it in his heart.

Fabi said...

Your logic sucks, Chuck. I voted for Cruz in my primary, but I don't revile Trump and will gladly vote for him in the general. Try again.

Jaq said...

Trump created a scandal in Palm Beach when he first arrived. He opened his club to blacks and Jews. What a racist!

Fabi said...

Your "voted against Trump" narrative is also specious, Chuckles. I voted for Cruz, not against Trump.

Big Mike said...

See? Hasn't there been change since November 2008? The voters have evolved from "bitter clingers" to "irredeemable" and "deplorable." This is the change Obama promised, is it not?

ccscientist said...

It is a way of showing that the candidate respects you, appreciates you, to say you are hard working. Many people do not feel respected for how hard they work. To be demeaned as a "deplorable" is the opposite of this.

grimson said...

Trump's use of "hard working" is a call out to blue collar workers--past and present. It also serves to distinguish them from the elites, such as John Kerry and Hillary, who are not. Kerry is just busy; Hillary is just lying, as usual.

Ignorance is Bliss said...


Your "voted against Trump" claim wrongly includes me. I did vote against Trump in the primaries, and still don't much like him. But his response to the deplorables comment is spot on. Of course I would crawl naked over broken glass to vote against Hillary, so this isn't changing my vote.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Calling someone racist, islamophobe and all the other crap that Hillary did is insulting and people do not want to be called racist etc. So they will push back or ignore the old blister when she does it.

However, putting people into a 'basket' and calling them a part of a basket of 'deplorables' is over the top and actually strikes a funny bone in most people. Really? I'm in a basket and all these other people with me...millions of them are all 'deplorables'? Millions of us. Really?

M'kay..they say. Let's run with this and have some fun. Claim the name Deplorable. Proudly wear the ridiculous insult. In addition with the movie The Minions Despicable Me, Deplorable Me has a nice ring to it.

The jokes and merchandise just flood the net and fly off the shelves. Doing what Americans do best.....making fun of the puffed up politicians.

Deplorable Me!!!!!! Do Dah Do Dah.


Chuck said...

Fabi; among Republicans and Republican-leaning voters, Gallup polling shows Trump's negatives at between 25% and 29% for the last two months. If we are talking about a quarter of 50 million voters, that is millions.

Brando said...

Fabi, Chuck, Ignorance is Bliss--yes, the numbers of voters who voted for candidates other than Trump in the primaries doesn't really mean anything--preferring someone else does not mean you can't stand the person who did win. But if you think Chuck represents only himself (and maybe a few pundits on National Review) you're mistaken--there's a fairly large swatch of GOP-leaning voters who detest Trump but will vote for him as the lesser evil (as the same will happen on the Dem side for Hillary).

That doesn't mean those voters are NeverTrump--like many anti-Trump Republicans, they'll hold their nose and vote for the guy, and are giving themselves rationalizations for doing so (e.g., Hugh Hewitt and the "it's about the Supreme Court" argument). Trump may indeed hold them all together, if they keep Hillary on the mind and Trump avoids tripping over his own feet for six more weeks.

khesanh0802 said...

@ Lemon Dog Great song, better poem! Thanks.

Tarrou said...

"Hard working" is just code for those with jobs. No, we're not all working hard. But it's a damn sight harder than collecting benefits.

Rusty said...

"We ARE hard working. The most productive workforce in the world because we do what we do voluntarily. "

I have it on very good authority from someone on this very blog...............Oh. ferget it he'll just blow an O-ring and start swearing.

Do the fucking lazy ass workers in this country still make O-rings?

CWJ said...

"Works better than saying "hey lazy ass, vote for me and I'll let you keep being lazy." Nope, everyone's a character in a Springsteen song."

You mean like "Glory Days?"

Fabi said...

His negatives translate to "revile"? Lulz. Quit digging, Chuckie. Quit digging.

Brando said...

"You mean like "Glory Days?""

I had in mind the lyric "I been workin' real hard tryin' to get my hands clean" from Prove it All Night. Though, weren't all his songs about working class heroes?

I'd like to see him do an album dedicated to the hard working people in high finance. You know, the ones who can afford to go to his concerts.

David Begley said...

Hillary just now. "I'm working as hard as I can."

And kids.

And campaign working hard.

CWJ said...

Sunsong wrote -

"racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia:

Those are deplorable! Is Trump trying to encourage those deplorable perspectives? Is he trying to encourage insulting and demeaning others? Seem like a stupid idea to me."

Agreed. That's why Trump's NOT encouraging insulting and demeaning others. However, someone else is.

David Begley said...

Praises Kerry for his hard work in Syria.

But 500k dead in Syria with Obama as leader of the Free World.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

That's a very effective, well played ad. It's going to leave a mark on Illary.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia

Like clockwork, Hitler rises every 4 years. In 2008 it was McCain. In 2012 it was Romney. Now it's Trump. I'm sure Rubio would also be Hitler if he was still in the race.

btw, when did it become racist to expect your government to enforce it's own immigration laws? That's a serious question. I must have missed the memo.

eric said...

Blogger Chuck said...
More than fifteen million of us, Fabi.

The Washington Post is probably the worst paper in America. Don't bother quoting it, it just reflects poorly on you.

As it happens, my wife and I voted for Cruz. This wasn't a vote against Trump. He would have been my third choice behind Ben Carson.

Michael K said...

Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
@Michael K,

Thanks for the fascinating video. Do you agree that Hillary has advanced Parkinson's Disease?

Yeah, I do now. I was thinking this was related to the cerebral sinus thrombosis but that video, and there are now a couple more, convinced me. The doc in the video also mentions apomorphine so I looked it up.

I am now convinced that this is the explanation for the quick recovery Sunday.

It was not a "body double."

This was the first study of a new sublingual apomorphine formulation in PD patients. In this open-label study, APL-130277 appeared to provide a convenient, rapid, and reliable method for treating OFF episodes.

I now think her collapse Sunday was an "OFF" episode.

Of 19 patients, 15 (78.9%) achieved a full ON response. All 15 achieved a full ON response within 30 minutes and 6 of the 15 patients (40.0%) achieved a full ON response within 15 minutes.

Chuck said...

eric said...

The Washington Post is probably the worst paper in America. Don't bother quoting it, it just reflects poorly on you.

I didn't quote anything. I linked to a story, for the simple purpose of documenting the number of primary votes for Trump and for other candidates. Numbers which aren't in any dispute, and which WaPo simply put into a readable form.

It really seems to me that once somebody becomes a full-throated Trump supporter, their IQ goes down by about 30 points.

Bay Area Guy said...

@Michael K,

Thanks for all that. On a political note, Trump should ask Hillary whether she's ever been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. I think Janet Reno was (former AG under Bill Clinton). Why is Hillary trying to hide it from the voters?

eric said...

I didn't quote anything.

The link you posted has a headline which says record number of people voted against him.

If it wasn't your intent to make that argument, I apologize for putting words in your mouth. However, in the future, if you just want to post numbers, I'd look at something a little less partisan. Otherwise, it sure appears like you're in agreement with the headline you posted.

HT said...

"Why are we always getting buttered up this way?"

Because it is a demanding job?

Michael K said...

"Trump should ask Hillary whether she's ever been diagnosed with Parkinson's "

I read a, probably facetious, comment yesterday that someone should find a number of Monica Lewinski lookalikes and station them in the debate audience in blue dresses. Just to see if Hillary would freeze.

Friedrich Engels' Barber said...

Perhaps you have seen the analysis, I learned as credited to the WWII German General von Manstein, that divides the population along two axes - smart/stupid
and active/lazy.
The stupid-lazy group, which is most of the world, is what makes up the great majority of an army, so they must be made to be effective. To do that, assign
the smart-actives to be officers, controlling the stupid-lazy group.
The stupid/active group is the group that must be rigorously removed from any organization. They are the people who will march an army up and down a hill for no good reason and leave the troops too tired to fight when they need to.
Finally, the smart/lazy people should be assigned the roles of... leader/general The smart/lazy group are the people who are driven to do the most with the least work, just what one wants from any organization.
I would assign Kerry and Hillary to the stupid/active group, while Bill Clinton is clearly a smart/lazy. Book is still out on Trump.

hawkeyedjb said...

Erich von Manstein, born Erich von Lewinsky. Not known: whether any of his descendants became famous for wearing blue dresses.

BN said...

"Hard work" does not compute to robots. Nor does "hunger."

There will come a day when we will long for the opportunity to work hard again.

BN said...

For many, it already has.

rcocean said...

"racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia"

I'm always astounded at how many white men and male NAM's will for Hillary. Judas priest, what a bunch of cucks.

HT said...

Michael K said...

This a very good video by a doc who knows more than I do about Hillary's Parkinson's Disease.

It explains why she cannot work hard.

9/15/16, 12:45 PM


Would have had a lot more impact had he not politicized it so much. The attempt at dry observation, then, just comes off as hollow or phony.

Danno said...

Blogger Chuck said...More than fifteen million of us, Fabi.

Like Fabi above, I voted for someone other than Trump in my precinct caucus, but now will vote for Trump over Hillary. In fact, the reasons for my decision were not even close. Crooked Hillary would go to Guantanamo if it were my decision. (And I mean, mix her in with the general population, of course.)

Chuck = lifelong idiot

rcocean said...

The lamest praise you can give a co-worker is "he's a hard worker".

As kids, we're always praised for "giving it 110%", but the truth is that in real life, no one cares how hard you work, they only care about results.

No one cares that the doctor that botched your surgery, the stock broker who lost you money, or the CPA that filed a bad tax return "worked hard".

Nobody worked harder than Herbert Hoover in 1929-1932, he worked round the clock to halt the Great Depression. And guess what? No one cared. They elected FDR, who worked 9-5 and then had a couple of martinis.

William said...

Those of us who were not born wealthy have had to work pretty damned hard to become lazy in our later years.

narciso said...

I think bezos, has made the paper qualitatively worse, than the times, and that's a tall order,

furious_a said...

More than fifteen million of us, Fabi.

You may have drawn fangs and blacked-out teeth on [ ] DONALD TRUMP spot on your ballot, but I don't recall seeing [ ] AND NOT TRUMP on my county primary ballots. "Voted against" is such a tired bullsh*t fallacy. They could have been voting against Jeb! or Carly for all you know.

grackle said...

I voted for Cruz in my primary, but I don't revile Trump and will gladly vote for him in the general.

I had only one major objection policy-wise with Cruz and would have voted for him without hesitation had he won the nomination. My only other reservation was his viability as a candidate in the general election. I do not believe he would have stood a chance of breaking through the MSM propaganda wall and would have suffered an even worse fate that either McCain or Romney – the last two GOP champions.

If I were Trump I would put him on the SCOTUS; he’s a strict constructionist and we need some more of that judicial philosophy on the court.

It really seems to me that once somebody becomes a full-throated Trump supporter, their IQ goes down by about 30 points.

This commentor has been pushing his own “basket of deplorables” theme for months. He says he’s going to do his party’s nominee a big favor and vote for him, anyway, come November – or did the last time I bothered to check. In the meantime, along with Hillary and her MSM minions he’ll keep busy maligning Trump supporters. Makes perfect sense.

grackle said...

This a very good video by a doc who knows more than I do about Hillary's Parkinson's Disease. It explains why she cannot work hard.

I’ve viewed the “collapse” video dozens of times. While they are waiting for the limo she seems to have her back propped against a vehicle barrier post. As soon as they move her off the post her legs fail and they have to hold her up. They end up thrusting her into the limo, a difficult thing to do when she can offer no help. Her feet are dragging on the curb as she goes in head first.

Her head is erect during all this so I do not think she fainted. It was a loss of the motor function of the lower extremities.

The first time I saw the video a feeling of sympathy flooded over me. She seemed so helpless. If she has a progressive neurological disorder she has a very hard time coming. She was our First Lady, a Senator and a cabinet member. She may be Crooked Hillary and incompetent to boot but she’s OUR Crooked Hillary and if what some of us suspect is true then she deserves our sympathy.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Say what you wa t about Hillary, at least she got rid of the "work hard and play by the rules" Democratic slogan. Sure, the job is only half done, but she'll wipe out the second half of the slogan in her first term.

damikesc said...

Team Hillary figures their side is hard working "everyday people" (they still using that?), middle class and working class, and the working poor, and their opposition are scattered racists whose only work probably consists of shooting varmits, and then a bunch of plutocrats tossing Faberge eggs at the help. Team Trump figures their side is hard working coal miners and truckers, the salt of the earth, and the opposition is a mix of wealthy paper pushers, deranged radicals and pajama boys on welfare.

Looking at their bases of support, Trump's people's assumptions are closer to reality.

And, Chuck, I'm a Cruz guy. I didn't support Trump. But at this point, he is the only one running who is actually close to my beliefs. Hardly hits them, but he's closer than Johnson (who feels that public accomodations laws should trump Constitutional rights), Stein (who is a clown), and Hillary (who is a criminal). Trump wasn't my first choice at the start, but as now, he's the only possible choice of the ones presented.

damikesc said...

I’ve viewed the “collapse” video dozens of times. While they are waiting for the limo she seems to have her back propped against a vehicle barrier post. As soon as they move her off the post her legs fail and they have to hold her up. They end up thrusting her into the limo, a difficult thing to do when she can offer no help. Her feet are dragging on the curb as she goes in head first.

Her head is erect during all this so I do not think she fainted. It was a loss of the motor function of the lower extremities.

The first time I saw the video a feeling of sympathy flooded over me. She seemed so helpless. If she has a progressive neurological disorder she has a very hard time coming. She was our First Lady, a Senator and a cabinet member. She may be Crooked Hillary and incompetent to boot but she’s OUR Crooked Hillary and if what some of us suspect is true then she deserves our sympathy.

Sargon of Akkad, Youtube personality and progressive Brit, has said that he can fully understand the concerns about her health because, if you look at prior Presidents, the job is borderline lethal. Everybody ages horribly in office. So, if you're ALREADY frail, then the Presidency of the US seems to be a terrible position for you to serve.

She clearly didn't faint. I said it looked a lot like a epileptic seizure. Not grand mal, obviously, but a seizure.

Jaq said...

I noticed that her head remained erect too, and also that a piece of metal fell out of her pant leg, and wondered about the "faint" too. She might really have fainted and was wearing a brace to deal with the head bob.

Bruce Hayden said...

I think the best explanation so far is Parkinson's (from that video Dr K posted yesterday). Pretty much everything that has happened to her over the last decade of so can be explained by that disease, or side affects of its most typical and effective medications. For example, you just don't collapse and/or fall like she did on multiple occasions without automatically putting out your hands to break your fall - unless you can't. Her collapse on 9/11 is apparently not the way people most typically collapse when dehydrated, but rather, when they lose control of their muscles entirely, as with Parkinson's. Etc.

There are a lot of problems with a President with Parkinson's (if indeed that is what she has). First, it is degenerative. It doesn't get better, just worse. The episodes get more frequent, and stress makes this a lot worse. And, imagine enemies being able to trigger fits and episodes merely by flashing lights at her. How does the Secret Service protect her from that? Or from getting too many questions too quickly? Or, indeed, too much stimulus too rapidly. And it would only get worse with time and stress. Could she survive even one term in the White House?

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