September 22, 2016

Hillary Clinton — in a strange new angry voice — asks "Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?"

Who advised her and coached her about talking and looking like this? It's either ludicrous or scary... which makes me think that she's decided to try to sound like Trump. In that view, this is her statement of what Trump seems to be. This is what she thinks Trump's fans are responding to in Trump. It's so wrong on so many levels. And I guess that's a clue why she's not 50 points ahead.

ADDED: If you imagine this clip played to a large group in an auditorium somewhere, her tone and gestures make sense. But then why did the campaign allow this video to go public in this form rather than using video of the crowd with this video playing within that larger scene? Maybe the other video is worse because of the crowd response. I don't know. These are problems that arise when you do not appear in person at events but video yourself in.


mezzrow said...

Gracious. She looks unwell.

Are any animatronics involved in this? She sounds like like this is being dubbed in by Uncle Morty.

rehajm said...

I can't believe i'm losing to this guy!

Curious George said...

Jesus Fucking Christ.

Brando said...

Maybe it's good for her to wonder this. Because if the polling breakdown is at all accurate, Trump is not close to her because so many people love Trump, but rather because so many people do not want Hillary to be president. She'd be well behind against most other candidates.

Too bad she had inflated poll numbers for the previous few years, and believed the media when they said she was "inevitable". She might have saved us all the risk of her own presidency and done something else in her retirement.

Bad Lieutenant said...

I'd pay $3 to tell her to her face why she isn't 50 points ahead.

traditionalguy said...

That was painful to watch. Hillary is staring at a camera and attempting to focus her mind. That effort looked like a drowning person going down for the third time with no hope left in stunned eyes.

She cannot hide the brain damage anymore. It shows in her eyes. Her body has let her down and that is so unfair.

320Busdriver said...

Cause you're an effing criminal. And we all know it.

SayAahh said...

A better question would be: Why am I 50 lbs overweight?

Bad Lieutenant said...

Also, is that how she's going to be on TV for the next disaster, the next Crimea, the next 9/11?

rhhardin said...

Because political correctness doesn't work anymore, once one guy shows how to defeat it.

bleh said...

That was dreadful. Maybe it will work on a few blue collar whites, but I doubt it. She just looks silly.

tcrosse said...

You fucking kids get off my lawn !

David Begley said...

Given her record of crime, corruption and failure I'm genuinely surprised she's not 50 points behind.

I am not kidding.

bleh said...

I've noticed her Illinois accent has reasserted itself in recent weeks. Maybe it was there all along and I missed it. She's sounding more and more like a Chicago girl.

Gusty Winds said...

That was horrible. Hope she goes into the debate with that approach.

Either she has no idea who she really is, or the reality of her personality is so bad, they have to keep going to adjustments.

Remember how Al Gore adjusted from being an arrogant prick in the first Bush v Gore debate ("it's my turn) after Saturday Night Live skewered his lock box routine? The next sit-down he was Mr. Mellow Nice Guy. But all the while a complete prick underneath.

Gusty Winds said... does Hillary think anybody can protect Union jobs by importing cheap labor to try and turn Texas Blue?

SayAahh said...

An unlikeable harridan.

Amadeus 48 said...

"An' I ain't noways taarhed", to quote her in another guise. Except she is.

MadisonMan said...

Her campaign can't be happy with that.

"Going through the motions" comes to mind, as well as dreadful. There is no fire in her belly.

buwaya said...

Trump should use this as a commercial.
Just grab the video, add a tagline.

Gusty Winds said...

For Hillary to ask why she isn't 50 pts ahead of Trump at this point means she really doesn't have a clue what is going in in this country. Who told her to say that?

Comes off like a temper tantrum.

Rick said...

Because you're a horrible person so people don't want to vote for you?

damikesc said...

She's not ahead because a Democratic President led to years of routine rioting. Who wants this shit?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I find myself reminded of a comment made by someone yesterday observing that David Foster Wallace was not the sort of person amenable to the cruise line experience.

Althouse has, in the past, mocked the idea of "authenticity" but I think it highly valuable and I think I have a good enough idea what it is and how to spot it.

My humble advice to anyone wanting to be more like Trump would be to make the effort to be more like yourself.

rehajm said...

Channeling Dukakis

Known Unknown said...

Holy Awful. This is something Republicans would normally do.

Clyde said...

If 75% of Americans were okay with having a criminal grifter as their president, she'd be 50 points ahead.

Known Unknown said...

Ahhh. This isn't for a general audience. This is for a gathering of true believers (unions.) That's why she's so "angry." She's trying to pump up the crowd.

Unknown said...


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

This is:

1. Hillary finding her voice
2. A campaign reboot
3. Her attempt at humor
4. A Russian reset
5. The end

Annie said...

Eric, it appears Hillary just gave us a glimpse of who she really is. Now think of all the stories that have followed her over the years about her temper and foul mouth.

Barry Dauphin said...

It sounded to me like she was trying to sound like "Bernie" (including the raised hand, finger pointing) rather than be Trump. Same issue applies though. It comes across as weird.

Anonymous said...

imagine her addressing the deplorables, omg. out of control school marm.

Mike Sylwester said...

Hillary Clinton seems to be suffering from an eye-coordination disorder. This might cause dizziness and falls.

M Jordan said...

Hillary puts on these personas to play for certain audiences because someone tells her it's working. Really? Do they have evidence of this? Because to me the condescension gushes out of her like a full-on faucet.

Jaq said...

She is wondering for the same reason that O.J. could never figure out why the police thought he, an innocent man!, murdered Nicole.

Now her email guy has been caught, Reddit handed, destroying more evidence in the whole email thing, her winning has become more important than ever. Could you imagine what Democrats would have to do to keep a Trump appointed Justice Department and FBI head from pursuing this line of evidence? It's unthinkable!

CJinPA said...

Explanation: It seems like, even though she's in a studio, she's addressing a big crowd, either by recorded video or live, from another location. She references "in Las Vegas, where you are right now."

She's speaking as she would to a live crowd because she is. So, it seems odd watching it in silence. But if you're sitting in a crowded union hall in Vegas, it probably plays OK.

Charles said...


Not one person has stepped up to defend her. Surely "unknown" has an impassioned defense in the works.

Jaq said...

How many union jobs mining coal, building infrastructure and equipment for Keystone, etc, etc, has she threatened to destroy? Why do people resent that? I honestly don't know...

Jaq said...

But if you're sitting in a crowded union hall in Vegas, it probably plays OK.

Sure, and I am sure Putin gets it too. It's the rest of America where it is a problem.

Bob Ellison said...

Her dad was a small business. Why are she not fifty points ahead?

This was written for her by people she pays to write for her.

Temujin said...

This is so awful on so many levels. She's just awful- no matter what dialect she uses, what vocal volume she tries, what drug she's on at any given time- she's just awful. And the reality is that she's vacuous. Yes- we wouldn't want a thing like 'right to work' for the American people, now would we?

This video is Hillary playing up to her perception of a typical union guy. Trouble is, they want work. Trump will get them work. He's actually employed people before. Hillary will get them speeches like this one. Who you gonna choose?

Sebastian said...

This what granny C thinks will play with union thugs. Pretty soon, we will all get the same treatment. 4 long years will feel like 7.

Tank said...

Because you are an incompetent, corrupt criminal, wrong on almost every issue?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

These are the type of uncomfortable moments that occur when you assume you are so much more intelligent than your audience.

Bob Boyd said...

She mad.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Apparently Dilbert thinks it's #5 according to his analysis.

khesanh0802 said...

@ Gusty Winds said "Either she has no idea who she really is, or the reality of her personality is so bad, they have to keep going to adjustments."

I agree with both points. She has tried on so many personalities since she left Wellesley that she has completely lost track. In this case she is acting the part of the bitch that is your ex wife. She is a despicable person, a quality there is very hard to disguise.

Note the need to keep completely focused on the camera. No straying eye.

I have no idea how the debate will go. Trump scares me to death on the one hand and on the other hand I think (hope) he is too smart to fall for nasty tactics. Clinton, I dream, will collapse at the podium and need to be carried off the stage on a gurney.

Curious George said...

"EMD said...
Ahhh. This isn't for a general audience. This is for a gathering of true believers (unions.) That's why she's so "angry." She's trying to pump up the crowd"

No, this is trying to reconnect to the millions of white blue collar men she recently labeled as "Deplorables."

Jaq said...

Her dad was a small business. Why are she not fifty points ahead?

The contempt for small business was aptly summarized by Hillary Clinton back in 1993, when she was pushing her plan to nationalize health care. Told that her proposals would devastate small companies, she replied: “I can’t be responsible for every undercapitalized small business in America.” Forbes

The Savage Noble said...

Watching without sound the first time, honestly, her movements and body language reminded me more of Bernie than Trump.

cubanbob said...

What I want to know isn't why she is ahead in the polls but why she isn't in prison.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

"She has demonstrated a limited number of emotions and the emotions are appropriate nearly 50% of the time."

...Robot Chicken sketch

CWJ said...

When I went to play the clip, it opened with an ad for Goldman Sachs. Now that's coffee spitting funny right there.

Rick said...

Surely "unknown" has an impassioned defense in the works.

I think her shift starts at noon.

Wince said...

Has Hillary ever signed the front of a pay check paid to a union employee?

How about her father the small businessman?

Fabi said...

She's insane.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Not one person has stepped up to defend her. Surely "unknown" has an impassioned defense in the works.

In her defense, maybe this is the best way to get the attention of an audience that's half in the bag.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

She's talking to da guyz in da union. Not those smart, enlightened, public service union folks but those dirty dumb union guyz doing menial labor. The ones in the industries she wants to destroy. It's how she see them. It's what she thinks they respond to.

gspencer said...

Shudder !!!


Eeewwwuuu !!!

Both work.

CJinPA said...

Sure, and I am sure Putin gets it too. It's the rest of America where it is a problem.

The rest of America reads this blog? So that's why the Prof is giving up teaching.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

At first I thought it was a SNL skit.

I did notice there wasn't any laughter but that isn't unusual for SNL.

Fabi said...

When I watched it the second time it was preceded by a commercial for Goldman Sachs. Hahaha!

Jaq said...

I personally know a couple of Bernie voters who are voting Libertarian. She says the Libertarian is hurting her -- Nope! She is hurting the Democrats.

madAsHell said...

Wow!! She forgot to say "GET OFF MY LAWN!!"

She is a strange blend of anger, ambition, incompetence, and ignorance.

rhhardin said...

It sounded like standard Hillary to me, nothing special.

Comanche Voter said...

Here's why Hillary. You can best be described as corrupt, clueless and crammed full of crud. Other than that, you are a peach of a person.

Jaq said...

With the first presidential debate coming on Monday, Donald Trump has moved to a five-point lead over Hillary Clinton, his biggest advantage since mid-July.

Taking third party candidates into account, and with both candidates so unacceptable to so many, deeply unacceptable, you have to figure that people are going to vote third party this time at least as much as they did when Perot ran.

I think America will survive either of them, but neither will get my vote.

Paddy O said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paddy O said...

When I saw the picture in this post I finally realized who here recent pictures were reminding me of:

Marshall Applewhite.

It's the eyes.

madAsHell said...

I think she's channeling Disneyland's "Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln".

madAsHell said...

Harcourt Fenton MUDD!!

Jaq said...

LOL Paddy O

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The raised hands finger pointing was scary!!

It reminded me of a Harpy's claws coming to grab you just before taking you to the nest to be eaten alive by her spawn.

I hope Trump and his crew can make this go viral.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jay Vogt said...

@BDNYC said..."I've noticed her Illinois accent has reasserted itself in recent weeks. Maybe it was there all along and I missed it. She's sounding more and more like a Chicago girl."

I've noticed this too. I wonder if it's by design or just that she's too fatigued to use one of her more affected voices.

Also, who in God's name let her point at the camera (us) with her forefingers? If you ever have any kind of presentation training, that's the first thing they eliminate. Helpful hint: crop that out now!

William said...

Her make up artist is genuinely talented. If you look hard enough, you can see the bags under eyes, but you really have to look hard. Perhaps the weight of all that pancake makeup helps to still the involuntary twitches. Her cheeks have a flushed, healthy glow like she just finished a five mile run. She looks not just healthy but bustle so.. ......It helps to have friends in Hollywood. With the proper lighting, camera angle, and make up, she looks quite human. You get that uncanny valley effect when she starts speaking, but her appearance is convincingly human.

Bay Area Guy said...

HRC: "Why am I not 50 points ahead?"

Answer: Benghazi, private server, emails, lies, Goldman Sachs speeches, $153 Million in speeches, pay for play Clinton Global Initiative, nasally voice, poor health, lied about it, pneumonia, left-wing crony-capitalism, abortion on demand, vote for Iraq War, then cut and run, husband is rapist, greed, 93 million out of work force, sick of Democrat policies, programs and political correctness, old, naked ambition, wierd political partnership with lothario husband, Human, Slimy Syd Blumenthal, and we don't like you.

Bay Area Guy said...

Human = Huma

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Jaq said...

One point in her favor: It would be great to have a president we could call "Ole Crosseyes."

eric said...

Yesterday, a new NBC poll came out showing Hillary 5 points ahead. In this poll people were asked who they voted for president in 2012.

47% said Obama.
33% said Romney.

Obama won by 3.9% yet this poll had 14% more Obama voters.

Think about that for a moment. She needs 14% more Obama voters to show up at the polls in order to win by 5%.

The NYT had an article a few days back. It gave four or five respected pollsters some numbers. Asked them to weight the numbers and come up with results. All the pollsters came up with different results. The point was, pollsters have different assumptions which causes noise in polling.

The campaigns have their own polling, which comes with raw data.

Imagine if all your polling is showing Trump winning, until you weight the data. Imagine if you're polling over and over and over again and the results are the same, every time. The raw data shows Trump winning. You have to heavily weight it, each time, to show Clinton winning.

I imagine you'd get videos and desperation like this if that's what you were seeing in the polls.

mccullough said...

Her wardrobe alone ensures a close election. The Nehru collars are just disturbing

Michael K said...

how does Hillary think anybody can protect Union jobs by importing cheap labor to try and turn Texas Blue?

This is Trump's answer if she tries that line in the debate.

Jay Vogt said...

W/r/t that inexplicable finger pointing. I've heard that she has a professional staff of over 500 and I presume they are all bright enough people. Not one of them thought apparently had the gumption to say, "Hey if we just cropped the video frame by 10% then the hugely off-putting finger pointing would disappear". If anyone said that, everyone would agree immediately. However, no one did. That is not the sign of a healthy organization. She'll still win by a bunch, but that campaign has got to be really and unpleasant place to be right now.

Thuglawlibrarian said...

Jimmy, go fetch grandma six pickle jars! I'll show the American people how tough I am.

FullMoon said...

"The Right to Work principle--the guiding concept of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation--affirms the right of every American to work for a living without being compelled to belong to a union. Compulsory unionism in any form--"union," "closed," or "agency" shop--is a contradiction of the Right to Work principle and the fundamental human right that the principle represents. The National Right to Work Committee advocates that every individual must have the right, but must not be compelled, to join a labor union."

She mentions Las Vegas. Isn't Nevada is a right to work state already?

gerry said...

Eric the Fruit Bat wrote: My humble advice to anyone wanting to be more like Trump would be to make the effort to be more like yourself.

That sums it up perfectly.

The problem, of course, is that Hillary is a very unpleasant person.

RNB said...

Dear God, it's the alien from 'The Corbomite Maneuver'!

Etienne said...

I was just thinking, what did Monica Lewinski have over this woman. Why would a husband stray from his marriage to this woman?

I mean, blue dress, reachable cigar, it's all there, why stray?

D.D. Driver said...

Why isn't she 50 points ahead?

Every good lefty knows in their heart that the answer is: Citizen's United!

There is too much money in politics!

khesanh0802 said...

@Full Moon You are correct, NV is a RTW state.

Etienne said...

The one thing missing from her campaign, is eloquence. When I think of many women in politics, they either have eloquence, or they are ankle biters.

Thatcher - eloquence
Pelosi - ankle biter

This wife is an ankle biter, and chases after cars. She should be running for city counsel, not federal government.

Barking like a dog.

Curious George said...

She might as well say "If you don't vote for me, well, Fort Marcy Park"

Jaq said...

The one thing missing from her campaign, is eloquence.

You know where elegance comes from? A clear vision that you don't mind sharing. When what you have is lies, lying to one part of your conflicting coalition when talking to another, you are checked at every turn in what you want to say.

Bruce Hayden said...

NV is a weird state. It was one of the states promised to the Republicans by the Mormons if Utah were allowed statehood. And, there is still a large LDS contingent esp in Las Vegas (the saying is that if you to trial you had better have a Mormon sitting at counsel table). But Vegas, in particular, but also Reno, means a large union presence. It's mostly the hotel and gaming industries. Sure, there is still some unionized extractive industries, but primarily the people working in gaming and the people with the big hotels. And, to be fair, they probably need to be in unions. Otherwise, the cute waitresses would be out of a job at 30 or maybe 40. This is, btw, Dingy Harry Reid's power base, which was able to get him reelected six years ago despite just having passed ObamaCare, Porkulous, etc. this is his last hurrah, trying to keep his seat from flipping to the Republicans. Because outside the big cities and the casino and hotel unions, the state is filled with Clyde Bundies. Ok, of tmaybe not that bad, but it is awfully conservative, in the same western way this part of MT is. And most of those Mormons (excluding the Reid clan) are also Republican.

cubanbob said...

As per Chuck our resident True Republican and expert in all things Trump, Trump is the worst possible candidate the Republicans could have possibly nominated and yet Hillary can't understand why she isn't fifty points ahead. Perhaps she ought to take out her nose plugs, a good whiff of her stench will give her a clue of why she isn't ahead by any real margin of victory.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

tim in vermont said...Now her email guy has been caught, Reddit handed,

That's funny, tim; I chuckled--thanks.

Drago said...

Bay Area Guy: "HRC: "Why am I not 50 points ahead?"

Answer: Benghazi, private server, emails, lies, Goldman Sachs speeches, $153 Million in speeches, pay for play Clinton Global Initiative, nasally voice, poor health, lied about it, pneumonia, left-wing crony-capitalism, abortion on demand, vote for Iraq War, then cut and run, husband is rapist, greed, 93 million out of work force, sick of Democrat policies, programs and political correctness, old, naked ambition, wierd political partnership with lothario husband, Human, Slimy Syd Blumenthal, and we don't like you."

That list is so comprehensive it might almost make "lifelong republican" Chuck dance up to the edge in offering a very light and mild tangential (never direct) criticism of Hillary.


Roughcoat said...

I hope that Trump will trounce in the debate, but ... I remember that thinking that Ryan would demolish Biden. As it turned out Biden wiped the floor with Ryan. Ryan proved to be a daisy, a pansy, a poof. Ryan lost me because of his poor performance. Well, that was the start of losing me, at any rate.

Michael said...

I saw this this morning. Unsettling She appears to have a screw loose.

Virgil Hilts said...

I think they're trying different types of amphetamines on HC before the debates start to see which might work best. The bug-eyed look of a couple of days ago kind of shouted out Adderall. Of course, a well known side effect of cocaine is that it makes your voice become hoarse and higher notes are more difficult to reach. I known, I know. . . the idea of HC taking cocaine is preposterous. Oh wait --

Matt Sablan said...

Her people really, really, really should let in information outside of the liberal bubble. It's known that both candidates are incredibly disliked. It has nothing to do with Trump, and everything to do with her.

MAJMike said...

My goodness. That is the smartest, best qualified candidate for President? That is the most brilliant woman to have ever defecated between two shoes? That is the best the Party of Jackson, Jefferson, FDR, and Kennedy can produce?

Lord! How fallen are the mighty!!

MAJMike said...

I've been told that she sounds like every guy's worst nightmare of an ex-wife or ex-girlfriend. This video provides an excellent example of this impression.

boycat said...

Chuck is a moby.

Krumhorn said...

She is certainly a shrew and a harridan, but it can't be easy to sit in a quiet space with a single camera and make a statement to a convention hall full of over-served union thugs. Without any ambient feedback, it's hard to calibrate tone and volume.

Of course, also being a corrupt harpy doesn't help.

- Krumhorn

dbp said...

Why isn't Hillary ahead by 50%. Maybe because she is delusional and it shows. A political genious like FDR won with less than a 25% margin and Hillary thinks she could do twice as well? Breathtaking!

JWH said...

Hillary Clinton = Hatchet-Face

David said...

Targeted speech for a union audience. Pretty awful but it's the right message for them.

She's gonna win as things stand today, despite all the problems she has caused for herself.

Then four years of this.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Why am I not up by 50? Do you know who I am?"

I feel sorry for her staff. They must be feeling that haranguing pressure on a daily basis. Heck, I almost feel sorry for Robby Mook:)

MaxedOutMama said...

I suspect she's being coached with the intent of sounding determined and vigorous, but it comes off as if she's auditioning for the star role in the remake of "Norma Rae". Most unfortunate.

She should revert to her normal persona. It is better than this.

mikee said...

That video is a presentation by a corrupt presidential candidate who can say any damn thing that comes to mind, because she is so sure the election is already stolen in her favor, beyond any recovery.

Vote Hillary, because SMOD ain't coming.

Wince said...

That diatribe was way, way, way worse than Howard Dean's "scream".

CWJ said...

"One point in her favor: It would be great to have a president we could call 'Ole Crosseyes.'"

Just think. If Sanders hadn't been torpedoed, the Dems could have run on the slogan, Bernie the Jew and Crosseyes too.

MadisonMan said...

That not-often-used Hillary Snaps tag. Excellent.

MayBee said...

This is only acceptable if she's drunk.

MayBee said...

She should take whatever it is Jennifer Granholm takes before Democratic National Convention speeches. That'll give her some pep.

CWJ said...

"I suspect she's being coached with the intent of sounding determined and vigorous, but it comes off as if she's auditioning for the star role in the remake of "Norma Rae". Most unfortunate."

Most unfortunate indeed. Isn't Norma Rae braless in the most famous scene when she stands up in the plant in her union t-shirt and raises her fist? Yeah Hillary? That's an image I can't unsee. Thanks a lot MaxedOutMama.

Henry said...

If you watch it with the sound off, she appears to have adopted the mannerisms of Coach Sue Sylvester from Glee.

Here's a good set of highlights.

But with the sound on, the magic is over. It's still Hillary Clinton.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

I'd vote for Trump just for this. Hell, if she was running against Torquemada I'd vote for him.

Nobody in her campaign said, "No, let's delete this"?

She has people around her who know how to make communications disappear. So I've heard.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

Torquemada. See you don't always have to use Hitler.

Show so imagination.

Daniel Jackson said...

I think the problem is that Hillary can't dance:

I must admit I got this idea reading the Best of the Web today.

Seriously, she needs to give up; however she needs the tax write-off as a loser.

Your Mama Don't Dance; that's your problem, Hill. You ain't got no rhythm no how.

Jaq said...

Otherwise, the cute waitresses would be out of a job at 30 or maybe 40.

It's like the old joke about the union leaders and prostitutes at a convention. The Union boss says "I'll have Tiffany here..." The Madam says "Sorry, but Ethyl has seniority.

richardsson said...

Well, that's a little worse than her usual performance. There are many disconnects there. The outrage is certainly fake. Most people, when they lie, their vocal chords tense. She has a kind of natural shrewishness to her voice, like a woman who has too many kids and has to keep yelling at them. She wants to be a political leader but she has no natural talent for politics. Like Richard Nixon she hates dealing with people so she just grits her teeth and tries to fake it. Why isn't she 50 points ahead of Trump? Because she makes the fatal mistake Democrats usually do of underrating their opponents and overrating themselves. Democrats aren't as intelligent as they think they are.

That said, I think her health issues are a ticking time bomb and she is just hoping she can make it to election day. All ambition and no talent.

Levi Starks said...

You're just now figuring out that she takes her lead from trump?
One day trump announces that 90 retired generals support him, and the next day Hillary announces that 100 support her.
She supposedly started whith a huge lead, yet constantly campaigns as though she's trying to catch up.
So after weeks of telling us how Trump is a bad man, while continuing to drop in polling numbers, she's finally given in, and effectively said "OK, FINE IF YOU LIKE TRUMP SO MUCH, THEN I'LL BE A BETTER TRUMP"
She just doesn't seem to be able to grasp the fact that for some intrinsic reason people don't like her.

Bad Lieutenant said...

MayBee said...
This is only acceptable if she's drunk.
9/22/16, 12:28 PM

Alcohol or drugs would greatly aggravate her esotropia (strabismus/squint/crosseye). Now that would be a sight!

Bay Area Guy said...

Hillary has a lower approval rating than my ex-wife.

FullMoon said...

Watching Hillarys supporters rioting . Who is deplorable now?

Reporter asked Hillary if she would be willing to take dementia/Alzheimer test.

Hazy Dave said...

"I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?"

HoodlumDoodlum said...

That's funny, Hazy Dave--just the other day I was thinking Congress ought to sit IRS Commissioner Koskinen down at the big table and ask "what is it, exactly, you say ya do here, John?"

Anonymous said...

John Taylor: imagine her addressing the deplorables, omg. out of control school marm.

My first reaction. Sounds for all the world like that teacher in grade school who hasn't got the natural authority necessary to control school kids.

You know the drill. Kids smell teacher weakness like sharks smell blood. The less respect the kids show, the more stridently the teacher tries to assert to assert her non-existent authority. The shriller she gets, the more contempt the kids feel. And show. Ends up with that crazy, terrified look in her eyes shrieking "Respect my authori-tay!" over and over again, as the kids snicker and shoot spitballs.

I always felt really sorry for those teachers. I don't feel sorry for Hillary.

Tommy Duncan said...

Imagine the woman in that video as Commander in Chief in a time of actual war.

Yancey Ward said...

Boy, I hope that is her approach Monday night.

Sure, the angry approach was bad enough, but watching her head bobble like that just reinforces my belief that she has some sort of neurological problem. Either she was deliberately amplifying the head movements, or she simply couldn't hold it steady.

cloudslicer said...

Looks like the Queen of Hearts ... "Off with his head!"

But really this article truly explains the anger:

I guess her downers were looking for little more ROI, for all we know they tried to poison her on 9/11 to get someone else.

JaimeRoberto said...

I thought she was going to climb out of my computer screen and choke me with those hands.

Yancey Ward said...

MadasHell wrote:

Harcourt Fenton MUDD!

You owe me a new keyboard!!! Of the two Star Trek references in this thread, yours was by far superior, though the other one was good, too.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Please, please, we need a Bad Lip Reading!

Watch it with the sound off - I'm pretty sure she said "Can I get some muscle over here" at least once.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Or the one where you can DEBATE AND DISAGREE!!!

Big Mike said...

Bottom line. "You're likeable enough, Hillary" was merely Obama's first big lie.

Jake said...

She's such a poor speaker.

Bill said...

That grating Chicago fishwife voice of hers, taken to the next level . . .

Jaq said...

How is she going to to get Reddit to smash hard drives the way the IRS did? How is she going to "BleachBit" the backup tapes? She better win or she's facing jail time, or the prospect of begging Trump for a pardon. That would be sweet. Almost enough to make me vote for him.

Stonetear has committed a felony now in front of the whole world. Why doesn't the DNC replace her forthwith and we can all move on?

Gretchen said...

It is always a mark of extreme hubris to underestimate your adversaries. Hillary and the Democrats consistency overestimate their own strengths and underestimate anyone who disagrees with them.

Ironically Hillary accuses Trump of insanity, yet she is the one who appears increasingly mentally unstable. I wonder if the pressure Huma is currently under in regards to her marriage must take her attention away from keeping Hillary on a somewhat even keel.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Why doesn't the DNC replace her forthwith and we can all move on?

Shhh, tim, shhh!

Unknown said...

She sounds like she is angry at her supporters. its as if she is saying "the reason I am not ahead by 50 points is because you people are not doing something I want you to do"

mockturtle said...

Per Anglelyne: You know the drill. Kids smell teacher weakness like sharks smell blood. The less respect the kids show, the more stridently the teacher tries to assert to assert her non-existent authority. The shriller she gets, the more contempt the kids feel. And show. Ends up with that crazy, terrified look in her eyes shrieking "Respect my authori-tay!" over and over again, as the kids snicker and shoot spitballs.

I always felt really sorry for those teachers. I don't feel sorry for Hillary.

Substitute teachers were especially vulnerable.

Valentine Smith said...

Virgil got it: amphetamines. I'm quite sure speed is widely used on campaign trails everywhere state local federal. They make you smart and fearless and indestructible reinforcing every monomaniac's delusion. Problem is you can't always predict a person's reaction especially a geezer like Clinton.

grackle said...

The campaigns have their own polling, which comes with raw data … I imagine you'd get videos and desperation like this if that's what you were seeing in the polls.

I’m guessing that internal polling, unlike public polling, is not based on 2012 voting patterns, in which African-Americans voted 85% for Obama. She cannot hope to match that.

And Trump has thrown the gate out of the plantation wide open. Something the eGOP(Bush, Ryan, Romney, etc.) didn’t have the balls to do. There’s going to be some black voters who say to themselves, “What the hell, we can always vote him out of office if we don’t like his first term.” A significant drop in the black vote, either through crossover to Trump or to lack of turnout, could easily derail Hillary.

If Hillary has a deteriorating neurological illness the stress could be triggering symptoms which have to be masked with drugs but which may be causing their own set of symptoms.

Perhaps the lack of press conferences is not due to her staff simply wanting to spare her from embarrassing questions about servers and emails. This is a person that cannot be embarrassed and the adoring press would doubtless make it as easy for her as possible in any presser and would eagerly and uncritically regurgitate her response on their slanted news “coverage.” I see very little risk in periodic press conferences, weighed against the credibility gained by holding at least a couple of real, 30-minute pressers.

Maybe the real worry is her condition, whatever that may be.

madAsHell said...

@Yancey Ward

Thanks!! That was a real dog whistle even for avid Trekies.

khesanh0802 said...

Tommy Duncan at 2:33 pm. You spoiled my entire day. What an awful thought.

David-2 said...

If I was Trump I'd add a "I'm Donald Trump and I Approve This Message - Vote For Me Or Listen To Her For The Next Four Years" bumper to the end and use some of my (well preserved) ad dollars to put this message on websites and cable channels all across the country.

gadfly said...

I always considered Trump to be a bad actor, which he is in more ways than one. But Hillary keeps trying to deliver "madder than Hell" speeches but she simply doesn't understand the concept of pretending to be angry - probably because that is her normal everyday emotional outlook. Speaking in her normal voice would work but her handlers have failed to get that idea across.

And God only knows why she she thinks her audience is interested in her views when she always looks down her nose at the poor peons assembled to endure her talk.

gadfly said...

Powerline is locked in on this one. Look at their video.

wildswan said...

Having said all this, why am I only fifty days ahead of the police?

Larvell said...

"I'm against the right to work!" Geez, the ads write themselves.

PackerBronco said...

I was just waiting for her to yell "Trrrrruuuummmmmpppppp!!!!!!" in the way that Cap'n Kirk yelled "Khhhaaaaaaaannnnnn!!!!"

PackerBronco said...

That's just great Hillary. Now give your closing argument in the first debate in just . that . tone . AND . THE . VOTERS. WILL . LOVE . IT!!!

Christopher B said...

grackle - I think she's had a freeze or a mini-seizure in at least two instances where reports were mobbing her. I suspect that's why they are restricting them to chats on the campaign plane. A small confined space, relatively quiet, forces them to keep their voices down, take turns, and keeps them all in front of her.

I've had similar thoughts to yours but in regard to canceling fundraisers. These were going to small quiet events, often in private residences, with people who certainly don't want to, ahem, waste their investment by seeing Hillary defeated. They aren't the kind of folks to leak a cell phone video or talk out of school. If her staff is worried about those people seeing her in the flesh, what is her real physical condition like.

FWIW, it looked to me in the video like she was seated, maybe on a high stool but still sitting, and the video was cropped to make it look like she was standing. Do the pointing thing yourself when you are in a chair , and you can feel your shoulders do the hunch that Hillary exhibited.

Unknown said...

You're welcome. ☺

Jaq said...

Virgil got it: amphetamines.

According to her emails, she was looking into Nuvigil, which is a refined kind of speed.

SukieTawdry said...

The woman is on drugs. Serious drugs. I don't know how she makes it through a 90-minute debate.

Hendu said...

Fox Butterfield, is that you?

Jaq said...

Holy crap! Just watched it without sound. I can't listen to her voice. It is horrific. Is she mad at us Americans or what?

David Duffy said...

Dutch Courage.

mockturtle said...

According to her emails, she was looking into Nuvigil, which is a refined kind of speed.

I believe Nuvigil is used for narcolepsy. Could she have narcolepsy?

David Duffy said...

"My dad made his money in small business"

I'm thankful she still looks up to her father. Her husband was POTUS. Not a bad resume.

Luke Lea said...

She's been drinking, that's my guess.

jg said...

eerie vine loop of the '50 points' quote

Joe said...

That was freaky, especially her eyes.

"Right to work is wrong for workers and wrong for America."
"The choice for working families..."

Does she really not see the contradiction?

loudogblog said...

The first thing I thought of when I saw this video clip was Edith Prickley on SCTV.

pkerot said...


MayBee said...

My husband (lifelong Dem, will vote for Hillary) laughed about this all night.

LordSomber said...

President Mommie Dearest

Jeff H said...

Her medication is clearly not well-regulated.

Jaq said...

I believe Nuvigil is used for narcolepsy. Could she have narcolepsy

It's also used for Parkinson's, and just to keep people awake who change shifts a lot, not to mention, considered a mind enhancer. Maybe she just watched the movie Limitless.

Jeff H said...

I especially love, while scolding Trump for "busting" up a union at his Las Vegas resort, she had to mention that her union minions are holding their meeting at the very same resort.

Bandit said...

Maybe they should have taped that before Happy Hour?

damikesc said...

Now her email guy has been caught, Reddit handed, destroying more evidence in the whole email thing, her winning has become more important than ever. Could you imagine what Democrats would have to do to keep a Trump appointed Justice Department and FBI head from pursuing this line of evidence? It's unthinkable!

If the press cared, it killed her entire story on how she chose to preserve or destroy emails.

"So, he changed the email addresses used to send/receive emails. You searched for specific email addresses. This doesn't really add up to anything besides a cover up, does it?"

Philip said...

The problem with Hillary Clinton is that she is a misandrist (a man hater) who only cares about the well-being of women and girls (and only them), who only wants to protect of women and girls (and only them) against sexism, violence and poverty, as if men and boys were not also victims of sexism, violence and poverty. The sexism of Trump (sexism against BOTH genders) can be denounced, but Clinton's sexism (... against men and boys) is still a taboo in our gynocentric societies, and because her misandry is unchallenged, we ended up with a candidate who is constantly showing us the ugly face of female sexism (or feminist sexism) and the shame that goes with it: only fighting for women is a form of sexism (feminist sexism) and every one (especially women) should be ashamed of her “women and children first” agenda.

Moreover, sexists, feminist women like HC have transformed the already sexist value “women and children first”, to the even more sexist value “women and girls first”, and fundamentalist feminist like her wants us to believe that it’s OK for a woman to only protect women and girls, and to exclude men and boys from the benefits of gender equality? As if her shameful “female solidarity” was not one of the worst form of sexism, because this gynocentrism has created two kinds of citizens: women (as a group), who are protected against sexism and violence, and men (as a group), who are left to themselves, without protection against sexism and violence. As if for her, societies and (some) women didn’t also have sexist expectations towards men.

When Hillary Clinton is ONLY considering sexism and violence against women and girls, she is implicitly saying that men and boys are not victims of sexism and violence. When she ONLY holds responsible conservative men for the existence of sexism, when she spares conservative women from their responsibilities in sexist values, when she only demonizes men and only victimizes women, she is denying the right, for men and boys, to benefit from the necessary empathy and solidarity that is needed to be liberated from sexist expectations that societies and some women still have towards men and boys. Women’s liberation has been built on men’s silence over the sexism affecting their own lives (an inability to express themselves inherited from the use of men in wars).

No men should vote for this sexist feminist woman: it’s a question of having a minimum of self-esteem for themselves. They must give the example to their sons: that the life of a man or a boy matters as much as the life of woman or a girl.

No women should vote for her because women should be ashamed of these sexist, feminist women who only cares about the well-being of women and girls. Women owe this to men and boys (to their sons).

No progressive should vote for her because they have to show that the well-being of men and boys is as important as the well-being of women and girls. There must be a limit to this accepted misandry that sexist, feminist women like Hillary Clinton is promoting. We (progressives) must learn to fight all forms of exclusion: racism, sexism, …. and feminism! Critical thinking must win over ideological conformism (to this sexist feminist ideology).

Herb said...

and how can the President change right to work laws how?

Unknown said...

This evil, angry woman as Presidet? Over my dead body.

LA_Bob said...

"Jimmy, go fetch grandma six pickle jars! I'll show the American people how tough I am."

Imagine, just imagine, some poor grandkids having to face this Grandma.

By the way, so many great comments on this post. Of course, with the material at hand the comments practically write themselves.

J Melcher said...

To me the interesting thing is not "Right to Work" law per se. It's the idea that 25 of 50 States have made a "wrong" policy choice and must be Federally Corrected.

It's one more example of hostility to the 10th amendment, subsidiarity generally, and freedom of association among communities of like minded individuals. It's an assertion that the preferences of (here, Union) voters in New York and California should overrule the preferences of voters in Texas or Nebraska. Not just in R-t-W, but with gun registration, abortion, same sex marriage, voter registration, school choice (vouchers) and an entire rainbow of other issues. San Francisco and Salt Lake City MUST have, in this view, the same sorts of regulations. And a majority -- composed of urban voters in a few states -- are allowed to impose policy preferences on the minority -- dispersed voters across many states -- regardless of whether those preferences make sense in other locations, or whether the dispersed voters have any inclination to reciprocate imposition of policies should the opportunity present. (Does anyone really believe the voters in Utah would impose their preferences on marriage law upon the citizens of California?)

Those who agree with a given policy of course agree it should be universal. But those who respect the freedom of choice and of movement, Hillary's attitude can induce sheer panic.

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