১২ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৬

"The top 20 cities for male same-sex married couples are more likely to include dense city centers like New York, Los Angeles and Chicago."

"The top 20, while the top 20 cities for female same-sex married couples tend to include smaller and medium-size cities like Springfield, Mass.; Madison, Wis.; and Burlington, Vt," reports the NYT.
Women gravitated toward commitment more than men. Among the same-sex marriages, 55 percent involved same-sex women and 45 percent same-sex men....

৩৭টি মন্তব্য:

Lyssa বলেছেন...

Very interesting. I would have expected the male/female difference in total numbers to be much larger. It will be interesting, as the dust clears and this becomes more normal, how the differences between male and female couples change over time.

Etienne বলেছেন...

A New York State Marriage License is valid for 60 days (except for active military personnel, for whom the validity runs for 180 days). A Marriage License issued in New York can be used anywhere within New York State but may not be used outside New York State.

First cousins can marry with no sterility requirement, and a blood test is not required to obtain a Marriage License in the State of New York.

$35 for the "right to marry." What a racket!

Next thing you know, they will require you to get a gun license! Sheesh...

Can you marry your gun? Will that be double-billed?

mikee বলেছেন...

Marriage is all well and good, but let's see what the divorce rate is in a few more years. No, I kid - I wish all married couples the best times, and longest time together, possible.

Hunter বলেছেন...

mikee, I think you can have high hopes and not much optimism that they will come to pass.

Not that "traditional" marriages have such a high success rate either. It will be interesting to see how the divorce rates and longevity compare between male and female SSMs, vs. hetero marriages.

Hunter বলেছেন...

I should note that (it's my understanding) divorce rates are skewed by serial divorce/remarriage, and nowhere near as many individuals have failed marriages as the raw divorce rate would lead you to believe.

Though raw divorce rates of different types of marriages should, presumably, still be a fair relative comparison. If it's lower for same-sex marriages then it will look particularly bad for them, while still not really being as bad as it looks.

Brando বলেছেন...

What's the median income for lesbian couples vs. for gay male couples? That may have something to do with it (as well as what sort of jobs they hold).

Plus, who is more likely to be fearful of crime--gay males or lesbians? Living in a big city like Chicago means accepting likelihood of getting mugged. Living in Burlington means accepting likelihood of having your drink order mocked by some kid with a soul patch.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

"The top 20 cities for male same-sex married couples are more likely to include dense city centers like New York, Los Angeles and Chicago."

Not Saint Paul?

The South St. Paul school teacher and his husband found dead last week were both under investigation for sexually assaulting minors.
The couple’s bodies were discovered in Washington state on Thursday, in what police describe as a murder-suicide.
Aric Babbitt, 40, was a longtime teacher at Lincoln Center Elementary in South St. Paul. He lived with his husband, 36-year-old Matthew Deyo, in a house on 5th Avenue South.
Court papers show that earlier this month a 16-year-old former student and his parents went to South St. Paul police with a disturbing allegation.
The teen accused Babbitt of sexual assault and turned over some Polaroid pictures of himself naked with the teacher.
He said Babbitt became his mentor when he came out as gay to his family.
The teenager described how Babbitt and his husband took the teenager to a hotel and Babbitt’s cabin for sex, using marijuana and alcohol to get the teenager intoxicated.


BarrySanders20 বলেছেন...

"Can you marry your gun?"

Only in a shotgun wedding. Double barreled, not double billed.

Wince বলেছেন...

The same sex divorce rates between sexes won't be a straight forward comparison.

Even with higher rates of infidelity among male spouses, as Camille Paglia observed, both male spouses are more likely to tolerate the open marriage lifestyle.

And the more dense, urban setting would reflect that embrace of the "single" lifestyle.

Lesbians looking for commitment are more likely to divorce when infidelity occurs, and embrace a less cosmepolitan lifestyle before that.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"Even with higher rates of infidelity among male spouses, as Camille Paglia observed, both male spouses are more likely to tolerate the open marriage lifestyle." The underlying law of sexual difference: gay men want easier access to more gay men who want sex.

CJinPA বলেছেন...

Women gravitated toward commitment more than men. Among the same-sex marriages, 55 percent involved same-sex women and 45 percent same-sex men...

What's this "women" and "men" crap from the NYT? Take your binary genders back to 2013 with your papal resignations and Cyprus bailouts, and leave the rest of us be in more enlightened times.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

"Can you marry your gun?"

In my, unscientific and totally anecdotal, experience, lesbian couples are far more likely to be strapped than their gay male counterparts. They usually say it's for snakes or some such nonsense as they're uncomfortable copping to the idea that they's use a gun for self-defense against a person. Y-chromosone snakes, no doubt.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

Socially Awkward Guy Who Makes No Eye Contact says:

I once had someone who I thought was a friend.

We happened to get drunk one night and I told him of my desire to pee on young women. I don't know why I told him; maybe just -- for once -- to feel accepted for who I am?

Anyway, he didn't act freaked out at all. In fact he told me that he had a secret: he was gay.

Actually, I have some concerns about the gay lifestyle, but who am I to judge?

No big deal, I said.

So then he told me he liked me in 'that way'.

I told him Sorry, but I'm not into men.

He then said maybe we could work something out: I could suck his cock, and then he would let me pee on him.

Like I said: I have some concerns about the gay lifestyle.

I declined his offer, which hurt his feelings; I am specific about peeing on girls. He then went and told a bunch of people about my predilection, and now those people, when they see me, call me "Pee Boy."

What could I do -- tell everyone he was gay? Everyone likes the gays now. It is interesting what Society will and won't accept, but there it is: I'm used to the short end of the stick. I don't mean that in a gay way, if that is what you are thinking.

And it wasn't even the idea of sucking his cock. Upon reflection, I realized that I would probably have sucked his cock if that made it OK for me to pee on his sister.

Like no one else thinks these things.

I hope the Girl with the Blue Hair is working at McDonalds today.

I am Laslo.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

Althouse is lucky to have a commenter named Laslo Spatula.

TomHynes বলেছেন...

"In my, unscientific and totally anecdotal, experience, lesbian couples are far more likely to be strapped"

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

What does a lesbian bring on the second date?

A U-haul! Badump bump!

n.n বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
n.n বলেছেন...

Pro-Choice is a peculiar religion. Sometimes "=" is limited to the magical number two, to couples, and couplets while the third lurks anonymously in the twilight. And other times it is violently cut to one in the dark fringes of the penumbra. So selective.

Ron Snyder বলেছেন...

Most deviant sexual behaviour is centered in urban areas.

Etienne বলেছেন...

Ron Snyder said...Most deviant sexual behaviour is centered in urban areas.

Better deviant then in a Basket of Deplorables...

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

$35 for the "right to marry." What a racket!

$35 for a right to claim govt benefits for married couples.

It would never occur to me to be so nosy as to say to a couple: "Are you married"? How is that my business? Sometimes they volunteer that information, or I'll see a wedding picture. This is regardless of same sex or opposite sex.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

madAsHell said...

"Althouse is lucky to have a commenter named Laslo Spatula."

I'm not sure "lucky" is the word Althouse would choose for that sentence.

I am Laslo.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Don't feel bad Ron, you country folk must surely have the edge on beastiality :-)

Or isn't it bestiality? Stupid Android vtt!

Etienne বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
David বলেছেন...

If you click on the map, the percentage results seem different than in the table which is part of the article. Why would this be?

It's also clear that because of uncertainties in the data and the timing of the survey, the data is suspect. At least suspect. More likely trash.

So the article really tells us little more than a couple of simple facts. (1) Up until 2014 there was no rush by gays to get married. (2) For males at least, gay marriage is largely confined to a very narrow economic elite.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

Socially Awkward Guy Who Makes No Eye Contact says:

My family says my Uncle Larry wet the bed when he was a teenager, too.

Unfortunately, I don't have many memories of him; by the time I came along he was serving time for exposing himself to little girls by the schoolyard. When he got out of prison he went straight to the Big City, and no one hears much from him any more.

We did get a Christmas Card one year that came from a Big City Drag Queen Revue, but no one was sure if that was from him. My mother did say Uncle Larry would probably make a good Drag Queen, because of his very effeminate features. She also says I'm the one in the family who resembles him most: Thanks, Mom.

I have no desire to be a Drag Queen. I want to pee on women, not dress like them.

I think transsexuals are damaged people: they think they are being who they really are, but I think they are actually desperately hiding from what they really are.

But I like to pee on women with the genitalia I was born with, so I am the weird one.

Like no one else thinks these things.

I hope the Girl with the Blue Hair is working at McDonalds today.

I am Laslo.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...


ndspinelli বলেছেন...

Where does Lubbock, TX rank?

BN বলেছেন...

The gays always get screwed. Just as society deems marriage passe, they get "allowed" to get married.

BN বলেছেন...

In my fantasies, the Girl with the Blue Hair has a pony tail.

BN বলেছেন...

Like no one else was thinking that.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

"But I like to pee on women with the genitalia I was born with, so I am the weird one."

I think that is one of the funniest things I have ever written.

You have to go to the end of the pier to even see that boat.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

BN said...
Like no one else was thinking that.

9/12/16, 9:06 PM

BN gets the Laslo Singularity.

I am Laslo.

Titus বলেছেন...

I go to a gym everyday and there are like hundreds of stair masters with girls pony tail going swish and swish and I laugh.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

Titus said...
I go to a gym everyday and there are like hundreds of stair masters with girls pony tail going swish and swish and I laugh.

I'm going to coast on the good feeling of this for a week.

Titus: You are an Althouse Treasure.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

It is funny / perplexing / frustrating:

"The Girl With the Ponytail on the Treadmill" sometimes comes to me where all I am doing is transcribing her, I am not even involved otherwise.

Then sometimes I want her to be there and she isn't there, no matter how much I beckon and plead.

I know this sounds like Bullshit, but: I can't put words into her mouth.

She has to tell me.

I am Laslo.

Glen Filthie বলেছেন...

Homosexuals can't 'marry'. Their unions are at best a crude parody of marriage - which can only involve one man and one woman. Oh the courts may say otherwise - but their idiocy is of little import. I rejected their authority ages ago, and their rulings are of less concern to me than the mud on my boots. I am a law abiding man of my own accord, and as long as the law, the perverts and the queers stay out of my business - nobody gets hurt.