৫ আগস্ট, ২০১৬

"Why Millennials Are Having Less Sex."

Is this something I have to read? Or can I just ask why Baby Boomers need to know how much sex millennials are having and why?

I was going to read it just so I could get past the question whether I'd read it yet, but in the second paragraph I ran into this sentence...
And when they do hook up, in most cases they have the kind of sex that Bill Clinton memorably refused to recognize as such: according to a recent study by Arielle Kuperberg of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, only a minority of U.S. college undergraduates say they had penetrative sex during their most recent hook-up.
... and found it — I'm choosing this word carefully — impenetrable.

৫৯টি মন্তব্য:

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

I believe that the kind of sex that Bill Clinton liked best did not depend on any particular intersection of human geometry. The kind of sex Bill liked was "furtive" sex.

Caroline বলেছেন...

Having sundered the connection between sex and marriage, we then "progressed" to decoupling sex from its procreative nature. What followed naturally was that sex would be separated from love, exclusivity, fidelity and monogamy. Maybe this is the bottom, sex so meaningless and empty that scrolling through your fb feed gets bigger kicks.

Clayton Hennesey বলেছেন...

Sucks to be a Millennial.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

If I recall correctly, the person willing to talk about sex was the one that wasn't garnering such (getting any). This was especially true about blow jobs. So, the author has drawn consensus from a bunch of losers.

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

Why Millennials Are Having Less Sex.

Because instant gratification is not all that gratifying.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

I'm not worried.
Hillary can always appoint a Sexual Penetration Czar to sort this out.
My guess is it will turn out to be funding problem.

Etienne বলেছেন...

I wonder if penetrative involves a knife or an ice pick...

dreams বলেছেন...

I blame it on their poor diets, too much sugar, etc. They probably already have moderately clogged arteries which means less blood flow and a repressed sex drive.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

I think they don't get the point.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Fellatio is penetrative.

Inserting a cigar in a vagina is penetrative.

Does the author at Bloomberg think "penetrative" means only the penis goes in the vagina??

I'm too old to have questions about sex. This is just a question about language and how close to illiterate is the mainstream press?

MacMacConnell বলেছেন...

Having spent one's middle school and high school years perfecting your craft at rainbow parties in the neighbor's' basement rec rooms this sounds logical.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

Renfro Jeffries. Nazi And Proud Of It!

Ha! Diversity has killed your Modern Sex. You go ahead and surround yourself with Gays, Lesbians and Feminists and Rape-Culture Whiners, and yet you don't realize that now there is no one around that wants to fuck you...

You know who still has sex? The Mud Peoples. That's because they don't buy into this shit, they just fuck who they want to fuck, when they want to fuck. They can even fuck White Women, it makes no difference to them if the Girl has Daddy Issues. Shit, I almost respect them more than the God Damned Pajama Boys...

Us Nazis -- we don't care about that Cosmopolitan Media Government Sensitivity shit: there is strength in numbers, and every Nazi Baby is another soldier in our Struggle. We fuck like God wants us to Fuck: Pure and Plentiful to Replenish America...

Young White People: it is Time for you to realize which Side you are on. We are the Nazis, and we are the Future: Come Fuck With Us...

Helter Skelter is coming, and it's coming with Cattle Cars: don't say I didn't tell you...

I'm Renfro Jeffries, Nazi And Proud Of It!

I am Laslo.

EsoxLucius বলেছেন...

It's because we're so scared of the twilighters electing a dumpster fire.

Krumhorn বলেছেন...

I'm too old to have questions about sex. This is just a question about language and how close to illiterate is the mainstream press

Millennials may be having less sex, but they sure aren't spending that free time studying grammar and reading books. We've become a nation of texters. As a professor, how many emails do you receive from your students that omit even basic structural courtesies, punctuation, and spellchecking?

I can't speak for Lazlo, but I imagine he would encourage them to probe the depths of anal if they aren't going to study Proust...tap the tar if they aren't going to read Tartt.

- Krumhorn

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Penetrate is from L penus, the innermost part of a temple; so penetrative isn't oral sex.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

It's because we're so scared of the twilighters electing a dumpster fire.
It's all dumpster fires this year, kid.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Topologically speaking, the vagina isn't inside the woman anyway. It's on the outside.

damikesc বলেছেন...

Straight girls don't want to fuck pussified men?

Topologically speaking, the vagina isn't inside the woman anyway. It's on the outside.

The vulva is on the outside.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

"Topologically speaking, the vagina isn't inside the woman anyway. It's on the outside."

"The vulva is on the outside."

So we are in what, the seventh grade here?

Fred Drinkwater বলেছেন...

why Baby Boomers need to know how much sex millennials are having and why?
You will have so much more free time in your life after you realize that (to use this article as an example) it's not about Boomers and their needs, it's about the desperate flailing about of the media for eyeballs to sell to advertisers. It's ALWAYS about that. Most articles can be quickly turned to a more useful purpose, e.g. lining the bottom of a birdcage. (Oops. Dated metaphor. Who reads the news on paper anymore?)
how close to illiterate is the mainstream press
Actual literacy is rare, but not vital for a journalist. Basic competence with the English language, which is vital, is only slightly less rare.
My own education included "Use simple declarative sentences." Also "Do not write to be understood. Write so you cannot be misunderstood.", which prevented many problems when communicating for professional purposes with non-native English speakers.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

The vulva is on the outside.

The sides of the vagina itself form the boundary between inside and outside of woman; the uterus is on the outside as well, for that matter, its walls likewise forming the boundary.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Penetrative sex in all its myriad and wonderous variety...

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Think of women as kangaroos.

tola'at sfarim বলেছেন...

the cost of sex has gone up. When your life can be ruined by an accusation of sexual assault/rape etc, you might be wary of leaving evidence. Now lets wait for Laszlo's take..

rhhardin বলেছেন...

The Joey of sex.

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

rhhardin said...

Think of women as kangaroos.

Whatever it takes for you to get the job done, but man you are one sick puppy.

buwaya বলেছেন...

It has come to this:
Laslos Nazi makes more sense than most.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"As a professor, how many emails do you receive from your students that omit even basic structural courtesies, punctuation, and spellchecking?"

Students send respectfully composed email. They really send very little email though.

damikesc বলেছেন...

Let's be blunt --- for men, sex is unbelievably risky. Girl regrets her decision and you become a rapist.

Krumhorn বলেছেন...

Students send respectfully composed email. They really send very little email though.

My law partner and I are adjunct professors of business law (undergraduate) at a large CA state university. Our experience is somewhat different. Almost all communication outside of class and office hours is either email or messaging through the Moodle platform. While many of the students are polite and careful in their written communications, a great many...far too many... are inappropriately casual in tone and careless as if normal punctuation and spelling requirements do not apply to them.

- Krumhorn

William বলেছেন...

This is the least prurient explication of sexual mores I have ever read........Millenials have great sex. I have read that at proms they get to twerking and pretty soon everyone on the dance floor is involved in a huge orgastic mass of naked bodies. The school chaperones keep drums of water around the periphery of the dance floor to forestall such eventualities. For obvious reasons, schools don't like to publicize such occurrences, but they happen all the time...,,,While you're sitting at home reading this, some millennial is having an orgasm. Young people have orgasms every four or five hours.

Etienne বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Original Mike বলেছেন...

Blogger damikesc said..."Let's be blunt --- for men, sex is unbelievably risky. Girl regrets her decision and you become a rapist."

That alone could explain this phenomenon.

Unknown বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Unknown বলেছেন...

very few people are talking about the reasons actually listed in the article. makes me wonder if anyone bothered to read it. i think i agree with what they are suggesting about porn and tinder. it's very depressing, to be honest.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Clayton Hennesey said...
Sucks to be a Millennial.

Based on the excerpt I think you should say "Millennials suck."

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Admitting up front I haven't read the article, don't you think there are feminist issues raised by the assertion that the preferred "hook up" activity now (for young people) is fellatio--an act of sexual gratification for the male partner (as opposed to sexual intercourse, which would presumably gratify both)?
Or does the article use the reference for fellatio as a shorthand for all oral sex (that is, both fellatio and cunnilingus)?

damikesc বলেছেন...

very few people are talking about the reasons actually listed in the article. makes me wonder if anyone bothered to read it. i think i agree with what they are suggesting about porn and tinder. it's very depressing, to be honest.

The reasons listed make no sense.

Porn? Well, that's been around for a long, long time. There wasn't a lack of porn in the 1990's.

But it is endlessly amusing to see people --- who called people warning about the sexualization of our culture as being Puritannical --- are now coming around to realize there might be some truth to the concern. It's always WAY TOO LATE to fix it.

They then go on about how women are objectified and date rape. One of which is bullshit (men don't spend a lot of time insulting women because, well, pussy is pussy after all) and the other is hardly common. The absolute insanity about it is definitely a problem as girls are taught that ALL boys are basically rapists-in-waiting and the boys get increasingly annoyed at being blamed for all issues in society.

And the issues are different globally. Here in the US, how much is the absurd cost of college killing sex? And the absolute mind-blowingly asinine bullshit they are taught about sex?

And that boys have been fucked over in education so badly that girls out-perform them (who'd have guessed that removing all aspects of education that boys excel at would harm their performance?) suddenly makes a woman's goal to get a man who is her "equal" or "better" dramatically more difficult is ignored.

Progressive society has made sex bland. Free love was a disaster. The obsession over porn was a disaster. The now "all sex is rape unless the girl says otherwise" killed it.

It takes a special level of stupid for an ideology to kill off a biological imperative.

damikesc বলেছেন...

To be blunt, if you're fucking a college girl while in college, you are a damned moron. Best to leave them to Sugar Daddies who can ignore their protests as they are nothing but hookers anyway.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Wait a minute! Doesn't this mean there are probably fewer splooge stooges now?! This should be good news, then, right?

rehajm বলেছেন...

Giving credence to the hypothesis that human reproduction is less an individual human decision and more collectively regulated by the population, wisdom of the crowd style.

mikee বলেছেন...

Is this sort of article part of the Democrat's ongoing War on Women media blitz in favor of Hillary's campaign?

I ask only because the wonderful in-joke about oral sex being so popular now, compared to coitus, when Bill is the most famous recipient of oral sex on earth, must have Hillary and Bill laughing themselves silly.

Paul Snively বলেছেন...

rhhardin: Topologically speaking, the vagina isn't inside the woman anyway. It's on the outside.

Except, of course, when the woman is a closed non-orientable boundary-free manifold, like one of my girlfriends when I was between marriages. Then the question of whether her vagina is "inside" or "outside" has no meaning. Good times.

Just_Mike_S বলেছেন...

The sex lives of Millennials as an allegory to this election cycle: a 3 way suckfest.

Thuglawlibrarian বলেছেন...

oh who cares? these folks are more insufferable than the baby boomers!

buwaya বলেছেন...

"Giving credence to the hypothesis that human reproduction is less an individual human decision and more collectively regulated by the population, wisdom of the crowd style."

This is true.
We are not individuals.


Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

rhhardin said...

Topologically speaking, the vagina isn't inside the woman anyway. It's on the outside.

As the old joke goes, a topologist is someone who can't tell their coffee mug from their doughnut.

And apparently they pour their coffee onto, not into, their mug.

Unknown বলেছেন...

damikesc said...
Porn? Well, that's been around for a long, long time. There wasn't a lack of porn in the 1990's.

8/5/16, 11:41 AM

it has, and i am not anti-pornography by any means. but has porn always been so pervasive? has it always been consumed in the same way? is the porn being made today exactly the same as it was in 90's and earlier? did young people of earlier generations acquire as much general knowledge about sex through pornography as kids do today? is the way human sexuality is depicted in the pornography of today (or any era) an accurate representation of how people engage, or should engage in these types of behaviors?

damikesc বলেছেন...

but has porn always been so pervasive?

Althouse has mentioned, several times, that her dad left Playboy laying around the house.

So, yes, it has been.

It's just that the Left thought it was cool to spit in the eyes of conservatives who thought it was a bad idea. It wasn't the Right who tried to turn Larry Flynt into a hero of freedom.

has it always been consumed in the same way?

Yes. Men have long masturbated to it. Women too.

is the porn being made today exactly the same as it was in 90's and earlier?

Well, it has less of a story last I checked. And better production quality. So, no, not identical.

did young people of earlier generations acquire as much general knowledge about sex through pornography as kids do today?

Yes. Hate to break it to you, but when I was kid in the 80's, yeah, porn was not remotely difficult to come by.

is the way human sexuality is depicted in the pornography of today (or any era) an accurate representation of how people engage, or should engage in these types of behaviors?

I'd rather my boys engage is sex like you'd see in porn than in the dystopian shithole that is sex as feminists want.

damikesc বলেছেন...

I ask only because the wonderful in-joke about oral sex being so popular now, compared to coitus, when Bill is the most famous recipient of oral sex on earth, must have Hillary and Bill laughing themselves silly.

Feminists had no issue, at all, with Bill getting sucked off by an intern and having it become front page news. They applauded him nonetheless.

People who mentioned how crass it was were, as usual, ignored and mocked.

Remember how much heat Dan Quayle got for mentioning how bad it was for a popular show to make single motherhood look like just another lifestyle choice? Does anybody, honestly, want to argue that he was wrong?

walter বলেছেন...

Sandra Fluke might have something to say about this avoidance of penetration. It just costs too much.

Or..maybe it's the drugs. Not those kind..

Ejaculatory dysfunction and depression: pharmacological and psychobiological interactions

Prepared for International Journal of Impotence Research supplement on Ejaculatory Disorders.

S Seidman1

1Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, New York, NY, USA

Correspondence: Dr S Seidman, Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, 1051 Riverside Drive, Unit 98, New York, NY 10032, USA. E-mail: sns5@columbia.edu
Top of page

In recent years, increased attention has been focused on antidepressant-associated sexual dysfunction, largely because of the widespread use of serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and the recognition that such side effects can have a negative impact on treatment compliance. Data suggest that serotonergic antidepressants are associated with delayed ejaculation and anorgasmia, although these sexual problems are also linked to depression and to age. In this review, we discuss central mediators of normal orgasmic functioning and dysfunction, the relationship between depression and sexual dysfunction, possible mechanisms for SSRI-associated sexual dysfunction, and evolving treatment strategies.

walter বলেছেন...

(ritalin is a mixed bag as well)

Unknown বলেছেন...

damikesc said...

Althouse has mentioned, several times, that her dad left Playboy laying around the house.

So, yes, it has been.

8/5/16, 1:42 PM

was althouse’s experience common for American households of the 1950’s? was the content in a playboy identical to the kind of pornography that’s available today on the internet?

damikesc said...

Yes. Men have long masturbated to it. Women too.

8/5/16, 1:42 PM

that goes without saying, but might there still be other differences? was the content the same? were as many people consuming it? were people consuming it as often? did they always begin consuming it at such an early age? is there a significant difference between streaming hardcore videos and cheesecake of the 1950’s?

damikesc said...

Well, it has less of a story last I checked. And better production quality. So, no, not identical.

8/5/16, 1:42 PM

and is production quality and story lines the only difference from the porn of the past and today?

damikesc said...

Yes. Hate to break it to you, but when I was kid in the 80's, yeah, porn was not remotely difficult to come by.
8/5/16, 1:42 PM

maybe it wasn’t difficult, but was it exactly as easy as it is today?

damikesc said...

I'd rather my boys engage is sex like you'd see in porn than in the dystopian shithole that is sex as feminists want.

8/5/16, 1:42 PM

that’s fine, but it doesn’t answer my question.

whitney বলেছেন...

Same thing is happening in Japan. Late stage civilization side effect?

BN বলেছেন...

v. valdez is right and damikesc is wrong. Playboy in the 50s does not compare to today's porn in any way. It's like saying covered wagons were just the same as rocket ships. Moreover, the Althouse family was an extreme outlier; most of us never saw a Playboy displayed openly in anyone's houses, not our parents, not our friends, not our relatives, nor even strangers that we got dragged off to visit. And get this, almost all people actually went to church back then too, but that's a different subject. And virtually no 13 year old boy had access to porn of any sort back then, unless they had college age brothers. And even then, it was just about as unrevealing as going to the local swimming pool. The first time most guys saw a vagina back then was when they saw a vagina.

Yes, you could get porn in the 80s at the convenience store (albeit it was not as graphic), but that meant you had to leave the basement, which actually IS different from the way it's obtained today.

In the 90s, penetration (since we're on that subject) was still not shown in any mass distributed glossy magazine, and could only be found in the most porno of porno that you could only get at the little seedy XXX shops in the big cities (many of which were shut down after the 80s AIDs epidemic, as they were notorious meeting places for anonymous gay sex). The internet changed everything, of course, but that is still a relatively recent phenomenon, that certainly didn't exist prior to the 90s, so that's a huge difference. Moreover, it is not consumed in the same way either. Take nude selfies, for example, as well as the social phenomenon of MGTOW. Although it's true it may be consume[ated] the same.

Perhaps the biggest difference? Hairlessness.

walter বলেছেন...

It's hard to imagine anything more natural than "dick" to "pussy" penetration.
The other stuff that's getting hard for the casual porn viewer to avoid? Not so much.
As someone who has zero interest in watching a guys cock being sucked, anal or 3 ways with bi gals, the porn mainstream at this point makes that perspective seem prudish.

RMc বলেছেন...

Everybody is always having more sex than you are...but they're all doing it wrong, so it's all good.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

I used to cry when I was a kid. Emotions are a form of weakness, a loss of control. So I learned to control my emotions.

My first love broke my heart. I learned all the wrong lessons. I stopped loving women. My emotions caused me pain, so I stopped having emotions. “Just fuck ‘em,” I said to myself. “Don’t feel anything.” So that’s what I did.

After a few years of that, I stopped fucking them. I didn’t have sex with anybody.

I’ll tell you something, passionate people have amazing sex. It’s very loud sex. We’re enjoying ourselves, that’s why we’re so loud.

One thing I realized, looking back at my sexcapades, is that sex is always best when I am feeling strong emotions. 007 is a lie, basically. To be cold, to feel nothing for a woman, is a joyless orgasm. A nothing-burger. No, if you want great sex, you need to feel strongly, and be out of control. That’s what an orgasm is, a loss of control.

In my 40’s, I rediscovered Christ. And by doing so I rediscovered myself and my own passion. I have now wept in public three times. It’s a little embarrassing, particularly for an Episcopalian. I can smack people with Jesus, who also wept in public. Not three times, though.

You want to chill out a lady and destroy sexual tension, cry in front of her. That will do it. Nobody wants to fuck a baby. And it’s the same with me. I lose all interest in crybabies. The real trick is to have emotion, contain it, and then release it.

walter বলেছেন...

Yeah..so if you're going to become a Catholic priest, be a married Episcopalian minister first.