But we enjoyed it quite a bit. The filmmakers did well with the material they had, which was the implosion of Weiner's mayoral campaign. It was interesting to be a fly on the wall for some painful moments for Anthony Weiner, but you're not really a fly on the wall. As Weiner himself says to the filmmaker at one point: Why is the fly talking?
Oh... that sounds wrong. The fly. Seems like the fly on his trousers! Poor Weiner! He means the documentarians are supposed to be a fly on the wall but they nevertheless prompted him sometimes, obviously trying to get better material. You'd like to know what he's thinking.
And as for those scenes with Huma Abedin, she clearly doesn't want to reveal her thoughts. She rarely says anything. She's just appearing as the long-suffering wife, but you know very well that she's got plenty to say when the cameras aren't around. At one key point, we see the camera shut down because she needs to have an argument with him.
There's no getting to the real Huma. I mean, we paused it many times and speculated about what she must be thinking and the nature of their relationship. Does she love him? He seems to be heavily infused with testosterone — is that working out well for her on some level? Were they always just a fake couple, put together for show and for the acquisition of political power?
You can't tell from the movie. Did Weiner do that sexting because it seemed like trivial fun and he probably won't get caught or was he trying to bust loose from the stifling grip of the ravenous political ambition of Huma Abedin?
Who knows?! I have an odd soft spot for Anthony Weiner. He's a human being. And she's Huma Abedin.
I object to the spelling. A resident of Vienna is a Wiener, pronounced veener. The second letter of ei or ie gets the sound, in German. or Austrian too.
I have an odd soft spot for Anthony Weiner.
Their strategy always struck me as an exact copy of the Clinton strategy. Well, maybe not an exact copy, more like those shitty fuzzy purple copies off the Ditto machine in elementary school.
It makes no sense that "a good Muslim girl" like Huma Abedin is married to a NYC secular Jewish schmuck like Weiner.
I mean, did her family disown her for that marriage or what? If not, why not?
I tell ya, there just seems to be absolutely nuthin' on the level with those Clinonistas. Absolutely nuthin'!
"Were they always just a fake couple, put together for show and for the acquisition of political power?" Of course. It's marriage as Muslim laundering. Making the Brotherhood offspring acceptable to the American establishment.
"or was he trying to bust loose from the stifling grip of the ravenous political ambition of Huma Abedin?" Busting loose, yes, but not just from that grip.
"Who knows?!" You just implied the answer: Huma has ravenous political ambition, in the modern Clintonian-American sense of using politics as a form of advanced racketeering. And of course from the emails, and other material now coming out, we know quite a bit about Huma, enough to make reasonable inferences. Between her and Sydney Blumenthal, we're gonna have an interesting White House staff. (But Trump, Trump I tell you, is the crazy and unstable one.)
It was supposed to be a joint ride, but hubby messed up. So now the all-consuming priority is to keep his mess from derailing her ride. That's what she's thinking.
As to Huma's feelings, they are irelevant. One must take into account that she is a natural born sleeper agent trained from birth to infiltrate and work secretly for a "Religion" that has always been dedicated to hunting down and murdering all Jews and Christians...and that's about it.
If Hillary wins, the chances are she will be the one who is awake and running the US Government while Hillary sleeps off their latest fun times together. Talk about a purpose driven life for a Wahabbist, Saudi Muslim. Huma is sitting in the cat bird's seat, while Weiner can do anything else he wants.
"I object to the spelling. A resident of Vienna is a Wiener, pronounced veener. The second letter of ei or ie gets the sound, in German. or Austrian too."
I know. And the movie begins with a quote from Marshall McLuhan, something to the effect that it's very hard to escape from the destiny that is one's name.
Were they always just a fake couple, put together for show and for the acquisition of political power?
There may be another documentary to make. And Huma might get "best supporting" for that one, too.
I was thinking of Kenny Banya in Seinfield, who tells Jerry:
She is Uma, Jerry.U-MA! I got her phone number.
Hillarious episode.
He is a sick dude and a crooked Democrat.
I have an odd soft spot for Anthony Weiner.
And Weiner would like to probe it, I'm sure.
My best guess is that Huma for some reason unknowable to the rest of us really loved that awful person she married, and perhaps still does.
If she wanted to marry money or power she could have done a lot better, and still can.
One must take into account that she is a natural born sleeper agent trained from birth to infiltrate and work secretly for a "Religion" that has always been dedicated to hunting down and murdering all Jews and Christians.
I agree, and it's so fugging obvious......and don't forget Valerie Jarrett.
I saw it in the theatre out here in LA. The funniest part featured the running scroll of NY Post covers but all in all, it seemed like he was a guy that had largely bridged the gap and then got kneecapped by whatever dark forces were backing the DeBlasio candidacy, which was shown at one point (the parade footage) to be a moribund ragtag crew, far less energized and less popular than Weiner's campaign. Left the film feeling sorry for the guy, who seemed potentially destined for high political achievement before his lack of impulse control took him out of contention the first time, and then the second.
Blogger Gabriel said...
My best guess is that Huma for some reason unknowable to the rest of us really loved that awful person she married, and perhaps still does.
If she wanted to marry money or power she could have done a lot better, and still can.
That's a fanny slapper. She's already married to Hillary. Maybe Althouse could run a poll to see how many readers think that Huma's main work is on Hillary's doddering snatch. It is fair to wonder what Huma's vision for America may possibly be.
Dysfunctional couple; just like the Clintons.
"something to the effect that it's very hard to escape from the destiny that is one's name."
I don't know how anyone could have a soft spot for Weiner - even before all the texting came out. His purpose was to unleash rude, hostile, over-the-top attacks on Republicans on news shows, and on hosts such as Megyn Kelly, who interacted with him innumerable cringe-inducing times. And the feminists squeed and became wet over it. Just like over Biden's weird, smirking, non-step cackling during the Biden-Ryan debate, every time Ryan tried to say something. I thought it mortifying; libs thought he had hit a home run. Civility!
Huma is an Islamist sleeper. Her marriage was an ill-conceived cover. But she'll be fine, she has a more powerful friend and protector.
I don't know why I feel empathy for him. There's just something human about it, and he got caught and made such terrible fun of. And he tried to lie, but it was so childish. You see him caught and trying to figure out what he can do. When he tries to talk his way out of it, it's so absurd. It's every political cliche: This is not about me, this is about (blah blah blah) the people/economy/etc.
Mel Gibson is a hunan being too Professor
I have an odd soft spot for Anthony Weiner. He's a human being.
"insect politics". My son sent me this, absolutely fascinating: http://www.theverge.com/2016/8/25/12608928/santa-cruz-island-argentine-ants-extermination-nature-conservancy
The title is not politically correct.
Brent said...
Mel Gibson is a human being too Professor
with an alcohol problem.
The movie did its job. Propaganda to rehabilitate him.
"The movie did its job. Propaganda to rehabilitate him."
How do you figure that??
Did you see the move?
"He seems to be heavily infused with testosterone — is that working out well for her on some level?"
The movie gave me the impression she has plenty of testosterone of her own — maybe even more than he has.
Emotionally, she seems to be about 40 going on 50 while he seems 50 going on 17 (when he isn't being 6). Meant for each other.
By the way: very wrong of both parents to allow their baby son to be used in the film since the young child can't give consent.
No - did not see the movie. Easy to see from a far that the point is to rehabilitate him, make him seem human and fun. His blunders are no big deal. Republicans never get that treatment or opportunity in film.
How do you figure that??
Why else make such a movie? This is how all P.R. faux pas are dealt with in the age of over-exposure. Make a documentary/reality show out of them. Gain sympathy. Create opportunity to regain status. The end. Does it really have to be spelled out?
"soft spot for Weiner?" Really. Am I supposed to go out of my way to miss the double-entendre in that? What would Meade say?
It's interesting and funny because he did something with his penis and his name is Weiner and weiner is a slang word for penis. Did I get it right?
Mel Gibson is a hunan being too Professor
The Hunanese are responsible for all the wars in the world.
His purpose was to unleash rude, hostile, over-the-top attacks on Republicans on news shows, and on hosts such as Megyn Kelly, who interacted with him innumerable cringe-inducing times.
My personal favorites were when he called the Republic Party a "wholly owned subsidiary of the insurance industry" and when he told the congressman who took time during his speech that he did not yield to him that the gentleman "is correct in sitting!"
He was liked by the left because he was just as aggressive and obnoxious and effective as the most aggressive and obnoxious political voices on the right. You've got to love it when the more gentle right-wingers objecting to left-wing incivility seem to have no clue as to how pervasive incivility is both in and all over their own faction.
Apparently there's no way he can get back into politics. He was simply custom-built to be an obnoxious left-wing machinator of the House from Brooklyn. If Obama hadn't demanded his resignation he probably still would have been there, still making his opponents look ridiculous when called for. Obama is one of the most cowardly and self-defeating political leaders of recent memory. Demanding Weiner's resignation served absolutely no purpose. The lengths to which POTUS will go to polish his own image while undercutting others, even his allies, is pathetic. No wonder the favoritism-mongering Clintons were able to weasel their way back in. As horrible as they are, at least they have some sense of loyalty, albeit as limited as it is to financial and political wheeling and dealing.
I don't know. She could have seen -- with Hilary's ok -- that he was a rising star. Well oops! I am amazed they have procreated.
I mean, did her family disown her for that marriage or what? If not, why not?
It's good that papists and Wahhabis can occasionally see eye-to-eye.
Oh, the propaganda will work. And why not? Who cares? Who judges? We will shortly have a First Husband in the White House who used to get blow jobs from people that worked for him for low pay in the very same abode. Who cares?
Hillary could shoot the Pope and would not lose a single vote.
Asked:The movie did its job. Propaganda to rehabilitate him."
How do you figure that??
...and Answered: I don't know why I feel empathy for him.
Oh I wish I was a Abedin-Weiner. That is what I'd truly like to be. Cause if I was an Abedin-Weiner, everyone would be in love with me.
Anthony Weiner wanted to be the next Bill Clinton. And he is in many ways a more tawdry less talented Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton would have gotten away with it.
I would really like to hear if Huma was infibulated as a young girl in Saudi Arabia.
I'd be willing to bet money that she was.
I think we need to see some pictures. If she was, it would explain a lot about her and Weiner.
John Henry
the show runner for house of cards, who started out working for schumer, then hillary, then dean, talking about the full augean stables circuit, had a character somewhat based on weiner,
a congressman from the philadelphia area, who indulged in all sorts of debauchery, although he was a seemingly concerned public servant,
of course the interesting parts about how a congressman who supposedly is the foe of the saudis, became inlaws to a thoroughly salafi family like the abedins
Did the movie get into where Huma's money came from? How does a young college graduate, employed as an intern, live the life she led in the 90's? remember, Crooked Hilary was broke at that time so it probably didn't come from her.
Huma bought a $400,000 townhouse for cash. Was always in designer clothes and so on, jetting off here and there to hang with the beautiful people.
Where did the money come from?
Did it go into how she got a security clearance with her mother a potential hostage in Saudi Arabia?
I think there is a lot more to Huma than meets the eye, none of it likely to be good.
John Henry
I'm assuming Wiener likes his soft spots younger than 65.
He's got a hard spot for you.
Weiner did that with everybody. He was doing that before his marriage. Probably with Huma Abedin, too.
In the 1990s the Clintons didn't have money in their own name but it doesn't mean they didn't have money.
The only reason they were "broke" on January 21, 2001, is because their lawyers could not ethically work for free (they'd be in trouble with the Bar associatio) because their client was the president of the United States. So they had to billthe Clintons, and the Clintons had to owe it.
I agree with Traditionalguy
I mean, did her family disown her for that marriage or what?
No, it fidn't,
If not, why not?
Because the Islamists are not on the level. But you knew that. Or should.
They're a little bit like Renaissance Popes or the Medci family, and most definitely the Saudis.
@ rehajm
It's called a mimeograph machine. Or was called. They're not really around anymore.
The two moments that struck me were the O'Donnell interview, and the turmoil concerning his concession speech.
The O'Donnell interview occurred after he decided to more aggressively push back. For the interview, the documentary shows that he is isolated in an empty studio. If he and O'Donnell were on the set together, maybe both would have moderated their interaction because of nonverbal queues from the other. Then we see Weiner the next day enjoyably watching the encounter on YouTube, alone, thinking he did a great job. Huma comes in, watches a bit, and quickly and correctly points out, "This is bad."
To give his concession speech, Weiner wanted to avoid one of his sexting partners who is trying to cash in (Sydney Leathers), who is waiting to confront him at the speech venue. He also wants to spare Huma the humiliation of such a confrontation. Security has planned a way to take him in the back. Even though Huma rides to the venue with him, they decide she should remain in the car. When Leathers learns of Weiner's alternate route, they show her racing to get there. As bad as being ruined by a woman so tawdry is, giving a concession speech after losing to Bill DeBlasio might be even worse.
Meow. This post was so good read it aloud to my spouse. Perfect.
Anthony Wiener is a psychopath. Why does Huma stay with him? It can't be because of their son since raising children around psychopaths is a Very Bad Idea.
It seems that either Huma has serious psychological issues of her own or Anthony has something very embarrassing on her that she must hide. Either way, I feel bad for the kid.
I would like to recommend this song for consideration as the Althouse blog theme song.
Fun to imagine him stuck in traffic next to this.
Liked the song ARM
"We watched it last night."
I am so sorry for your loss.
Weiner drunk at the bar....
I mean, I married her, right? Or she married me? I thought I knew what I was getting into -- I'm the Man, I'm the One who sets the path....
But then, she is the confidant of the most powerful woman in politics. I'm still her husband, right? I didn't marry the both of them, except it turns out I did...
Look, I knew it was volatile. She comes from a stern Muslim family, she edited a Journal that says things that I would be ashamed to say I believe to my own Mother. But it's just Pretend, right? All that political stuff, all that Religion Stuff: know one REALLY means it, right? I mean: she married a Jew -- I thought we were, like, all in on the Joke...
Then I never see her. She is always by Hillary's side, sublimating herself to her. Has she ever sublimated herself to ME? Like, even once? She treats Hillary like the Husband, not me...
So I have a lot of time on my hands, and my wife is off being Hillary's husband. Sure I took a photo of my dick: is it wrong for me to believe that SOMEONE still wants to see it...?
'Carlos Danger' was MEANT to be funny. I'm not dangerous. My Wife's family might be, the Clintons very well might be, but I am innocuous: my fucking name is Wiener, right? I've been a punchline all of my life, and I learned to roll with it, until I turned out to be a punchline for my wife and her political husband: like I never heard the comments, the quips...?
I am a joke to my wife, a joje to the possible next President of the United States, a joke to her husband the former President, a joke to their millionaire daughter. America: look at my dick. At least it's mine. No one sold their soul for it, right?
I'm sorry America, but the Big Joke is Right In Front Of You, so just laugh at me instead. Ha Ha. Everyone does.
I am Carlos Danger, dammit.
I am Laslo.
“It took a lot of work, and a whole lot of therapy, to get to a place where I could forgive Anthony,” she added.
(below from the director)
“Just as Anthony was reduced to a caricature and a punchline, so was [Huma],” says Steinberg. “Our hope is that you get to see a different side of her: as a wife, as a mother, as a person with a very important job, and you also get to see the judgment that was placed against her. Huma is one of many women whose husbands did something wrong or embarrassing, and they were criticized for staying in the marriage. Our job was to question those judgments.”
If my 9;27 comment was a New Yorker satire piece Althouse would headline it.
But it is just Laslo.
I am Laslo.
Abedin's mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, edited a book published by the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs that justified the practice of female circumcision (aka female genital mutilation). When Abedin was the age that this procedure is typically performed, the family lived in Saudi Arabia where it is not prohibited although it's not known how widespread the practice is (according to reports, the incidence of post-circumcision complications suggests it is widespread). Studies show that sexual function (arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction and so forth) in women with FGM is adversely altered, often severely (and, of course, there is the mutilation itself). I imagine non-Muslim men would have trouble coping with the kinds of problems this would create in an intimate relationship. Naturally, I have no clue if Carlos and Mrs. Danger have had to cope with such problems. Abedin attended a British girls' school and her parents were quite educated, so she hopefully was spared this barbaric practice. It could explain a lot, though.
Sir Spatula,
Maybe you get get a few New Yorker column inches....
My doctor advised me to eat more roughage in order to avoid a semicolon.
@Oso Negro:She's already married to Hillary.
I've never believed that. Women can be close without being lesbian. Men can be close without being gay. Our culture thinks it discovered sex, and doesn't remember anything from more than a few years ago.
Might put stress on the asterisk.
The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe.
It’s tempting to compare Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin to Bill and Hillary Clinton, but the closer match would be Eliot and Silda Wall Spitzer. In both men an ungovernable libido is embodied in an improbable physical form, while their female counterpart seems parched, arid, and devoid of genuine sexuality. Whether this is cause or effect is an enigma.
Laslo's 8/25/16, 9:27 PM post is brilliant.
If the Weiner marriage was on the level, there would be a permanent death sentence on the both of them. The radical Muslims know it a scam to make it look like Huma is more secular than devout. Idiots like Hillary, who don't believe in "spies" and religious zealots, give Huma access to critical information and a voice at the top level of American power.
Huma is a high functioning parasite. Think of it that way and she comes into view more clearly.
"Sir Spatula,
Maybe you get get a few New Yorker column inches...."
On this topic a generous 6 would be perfect.
Weiner and Wiener are separate German names. Weiner is derived from Wagner, which is related to English Wainwright and Waggoner. Wiener, unsurprisingly, means coming from / living in Vienna.
Blogger Rhythm and Balls said...
He was liked by the left because he was just as aggressive and obnoxious and effective as the most aggressive and obnoxious political voices on the right. You've got to love it when the more gentle right-wingers objecting to left-wing incivility seem to have no clue as to how pervasive incivility is both in and all over their own faction.
Ah, false moral equivalency. The favorite progressive rhetorical tool to shut down a discussion when it seems to be heading in an uncomfortable direction.
The fact is, this vile man was put front and center by his party to treat Republicans, conservatives, and Fox News with contempt and hostility. And he received the squeeness and adoration of the left for it.
I challenge you to name a similarly prominent, widely supported Republican who behaved like that. A good side by side comparison would to search for a video of the Biden-Ryan debate that I mentioned, and contrast Biden's goddawful behavior with Ryan's calm, earnest, and respectful demeanor.
However, if your point is that we are no longer that way, you are right, at least I hope so. The time to be nice is past. And I am fine with that.
But I went way off topic earlier with all of that. My point is that it seemed obvious, even before the sexting, that Weiner is a repulsive human being, a narcissist, and that I personally couldn't feel any sympathy.
I did watch some clips of the documentary, and oddly, at least to me, I felt some moments of sympathy for Huma. It was as if she were thinking, "how did I let them talk me into marrying him?"
@Njall:I challenge you to name a similarly prominent, widely supported Republican who behaved like that.
Not elected officials or other politicians. Chris Christie may have come closest.
Republican talking heads like Ann Coulter, yes.
You can get Weiner through Althouse's Amazon portal!
Not only that but you can even get Wagner through the Althouse Amazon portal:
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