৬ আগস্ট, ২০১৬

Suddenly, Hillary's using the hand-to-the-heart gesture.

What does it mean? Alessandra Stanley drills down:
Bill McGowan, a communications coach and chief executive of Clarity Media Group, calls the hand-on-heart motion “the gesture du jour.” He said he has noticed that other politicians have adopted the habit...
It's not just Hillary:
Chelsea Clinton used the gesture when she introduced her mother at the convention. Michelle Obama put her hand on her heart multiple times when she mentioned her daughters. Khizr Khan, the father of a Muslim United States soldier killed in combat, did the same when the crowd applauded his son’s sacrifice.
There's a theory that it started in Canada:
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada may have inspired the trend: He put his hand to his heart so humbly and so often before cheering audiences during his campaign last year, it became almost a trademark.
It worked for him, and he's dreamy, so why not the whole party of dreams — the Democrats?
There is no way to pinpoint how or when the motion gained currency. When Angelina Jolie received a humanitarian award at the Sarajevo Film Festival in 2011, she put her hand on her heart several times to show how moved she was by the honor...
I associate it with Al Gore, conceding the election in late 2000. He was at his best that day, and the hand on the heart was part of the overall poignancy of the acceptance of loss. I can't find video or still photos of this, but he'd delivered an excellent concession speech and, greeted by crowds as he walked to his car, he patted his hand over his heart.

At the time, as I remember, the gesture was a way to acknowledge affection, to say, "You've touched my heart," which seems to be what Justin Trudeau is described as doing.

In a less honest-seeming person, it may come across as more of a clumsy effort at saying: I do indeed have a heart. Like the way one might point at one's head as a way to comically say: See? I'm thinking! I have a brain!

Meanwhile, Hillary, confronted with her 4-Pinocchio's lie about what the FBI director said about her email problem, said: "So I may have short circuited." Like she's a robot.

৪২টি মন্তব্য:

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

I thought that gesture was a Roman ritual sign of pledging Fides to the Emperor an thereby The Empire itself.

The Rituals of all religions are to be respected but only one Ritual is required for all: the Cult of the Emperor to whom loyalty is owed at time of conflict.

Gojuplye বলেছেন...

Short for, Hillary; If you don't like those lies, I got more.

ndspinelli বলেছেন...

A liberal affectation. There are a shitload of them. Tilting the head and looking empathetic. Hand on chin, nodding the head, looking pensive. Just a couple, but there are countless others. A recent verbal affectation is replacing the Ivy League stammer to starting EVERY FUCKING SENTENCE W/ "So." Take note and don't have a loaded weapon nearby.

ndspinelli বলেছেন...

"So" is the adult version of "Like."

নামহীন বলেছেন...

No preferential treatment for Hillary, despite the right wing narrative.

When Hillary Clinton told her audience at a rally in Las Vegas on Thursday “Here’s what I believe,” she punctuated those words with not just a vocal flourish but a physical one. Up went her hand, placed over her heart. It’s a subliminal message of sincerity that some language experts consider contrived.

Got it? She’s “contrived.” According to our national media, nothing Hillary says or does is real. She’s just a cold, robotic, scheming, lying ambition machine.

In response to this bizarre determination on the part of the national media to assail Hillary’s integrity, I published an open letter pointing out that several independent studies confirm Hillary receives more negative press coverage than Donald Trump. I asked why deference to supporters is present for him but absent for Hillary and why she and her voters are maligned and marginalized at every turn.

I noted the three immutable tenets of Hillary reporting:

Always assume bad character and attribute malicious motives.
Completely overlook and invisibilize supporters.
Focus relentlessly on negatives (and turn positives into negatives).
I argued that the media can’t keep pretending that Donald and Hillary are equivalent. They’re not. Nor can they insist that their unfavorable ratings are remotely comparable. One candidate is a dedicated public servant who is smeared and lied about simply for existing. The other is a bloviating buffoon who lacks the most basic common decency. One is trusted and respected by the most accomplished people in the world. The other is an intolerant and dangerous bully who is toxic to his own party and mocked across the globe.

It is a travesty of epic proportions that the first woman with a viable shot at the presidency is treated with such dripping disdain by the American media.

The silver lining is that her millions of supporters see through the spin and are intent to hand Hillary’s detractors a resounding rebuke in November.

I can’t wait for that moment to come.

~Peter Daou

Martha বলেছেন...

Hillary! is a robot.
Watch her short circuit here:


নামহীন বলেছেন...

I'm coming, Elizabeth!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Hillary - as horrid as she is - will use all the standard BS methods needed to help her appear human.

Achilles বলেছেন...

"The silver lining is that her millions of supporters see through the spin and are intent to hand Hillary’s detractors a resounding rebuke in November."

Hillary Clinton stood on the coffins of dead veterans and knowingly lied to the parents of those veterans. She told the lies about the videos causing the attack so they could continue to say alquaeda was dead which is made even more obviously pathetic by recent events. After she told the lies about the video she threw an American citizen in jail to support her lie.

None of these points can be argued. They are all black and white fact. Only a disgusting soulless piece of shit could support Hillary Clinton. Peter Daou is s soulless piece of shit and you are too whoever is behind that particular "unknown."

ronalddewitt বলেছেন...

Short circuits are not unlikely when you have a screw loose.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

November is coming!

mockturtle বলেছেন...

It worked for him, and he's dreamy, so why not the whole party of dreams — the Democrats?

Trudeau dreamy? More like a nightmare. Flaky. He could be governor of California.

sunsong বলেছেন...

That's a smart move for Hillary. It will work even better in contrast since Trump doesn't think he has any faults and so he has no need to up his game :-)

dbp বলেছেন...

Hillary: "I was pointing out in both of those instances that the Director Comey had said that my answers in my FBI interview were truthful."

True, that is what Comey has said.

Hillary: "That’s really the bottom line here,” said Clinton. Clinton noted that she has also been telling interviewers that the answers she gave the American public were the same ones she gave the FBI and she must have accidentally confused the issue."

False, Comey has directly disputed all of Hillary's major claims regarding her email.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Trump's famous fake smile.

Scott বলেছেন...

Touching your chest after a handshake is an Indonesian thing (also practiced in Malaysia and other Muslim-influenced places). It can mean either "I take this greeting to my heart" or "I wash my heart of this improper contact with you," depending on who you talk to and whether or not you're Muslim.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Eh..she's missing brains, a heart and courage. Furthermore, we all know if anyone ever threw a bucket of water on her.....

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Hillary puts hand on heart, horrors! Trump puts hands in the air to prove he has a big penis, Trumpers swoon in delight.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

“the gesture du jour.”

Jesus started it.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Blatant affectations like that are counterproductive. Clinton doesn't have the public persona to pull it off. R2D2, a fictional character, had more genuine warmth than Clinton, and was probably safer to put into a swimming pool.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Hillary is a horror-show and has been for decades. She's a liar, a fraud and a corrupt money-grubber. but the heart thing - wow that changes everything. I'm swayed.

Trump is in this to hand it to her.

We are screwed.

I Have Misplaced My Pants বলেছেন...

That's been a sincere, lovely gesture that George Strait does for decades. Google the Texas Monthly cover with him on it.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Clinton doesn't need your vote. Trump however does.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Women do it before fainting.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Hillary does have a Daleksy voice.


Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Maybe I am pointing out the obvious, but Crooked Hillary has a trust problem, because she is, well, crooked (and a pathological lier). So, my guess is that one of her handlers figured that this hand to the heart would give the impression that she was speaking from the heart, and somehow overcome this perception of her being untrustworthy. Except that she really doesn't have a heart, so more accurate to say that she puts her hand over where her heart would be if she were a normal human being.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Hillary has a heart? Who knew?

Don't you think she looks tired?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Maybe Trump can give this guy a nice big Nazi salute, with one of those big hands of his.

The chairman of the American Nazi Party, Rocky Suhayda, declared on his radio program last month that a Donald Trump victory would present a great opportunity for white nationalists to build pro-white coalitions.

“I’m gonna project, that I believe that Trump is going to win the election this November, for various reasons which I don’t want to go into again,” Suhayda said on his radio program’s July broadcast. “I think it’s gonna surprise the enemy, because, I think that they feel that the white working class, especially the male portion of the working class, and with him his female counterparts have basically thrown in the towel. Given up hope of any politician again standing up for their interests.”

eric বলেছেন...

Poor Hillary. She has lost her mind and doesn't even realize it. Now the Democrats are stuck with her and they will put her near our state secrets and nuclear codes because, well, they don't take that sorta stuff seriously.

I wonder if that's what will come out in the next wikileaks. That Hillary has serious mental issues, let's be kind and call them glitches.

Maybe the heart, the cough and the brain are all connected in a way. Let's play Dr. House and ask ourselves what would infenct the Heart, Brain and cause a cough? Where did our Dr. Michael K run off to?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Poor eric, lol.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

a Donald Trump victory would present a great opportunity for white nationalists to build pro-white coalitions.

That would only be fair, since Black nationalists have spent the last eight years building pro-Black coalitions.

eric বলেছেন...

Blogger Gahrie said...
That would only be fair, since Black nationalists have spent the last eight years building pro-Black coalitions.

I fact checked this and it's false. Jess Jackson got involved in politics back in the 80's. But it's only rated as partly false, since you've only got the number of years wrong.

Luke Lea বলেছেন...

re: Hillary's "may have short circuited" remark

Her exact words immediately preceding were: "what I told the FBI was consistent with what I told the American public." Sounds like she may have told the FBI very little. In other words, artfully clever lawyer talk that, while technically true, was totally misleading. Her husband was an expert at that.

Warren Fahy বলেছেন...

Fuck this bullshit.


Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

My Favorite ol' '55 is back.
You are mucho sexy. mucho better than '11.
Watch the smoldering when Mr. Balls shows up!

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I think it means "There's no credibility gap!"

The Vault Dweller বলেছেন...

I don't know what the Hillary campaign is thinking. Trying to rehabilitate Hillary's sincerity is truly a Sisyphean task. It will never work. Plus it has a huge risk of backfiring and making it even worse. Faked, manufactured sincerity is the ultimate form of insincerity to many.

Instead of repelling and fighting back against the image they honestly should be focusing in on Trump more than anything. If they have to talk about Hillary try to paint her more as hard-lined, tough and willing to do what it takes to get things accomplished. That is about the only hue of lipstick that will stick to that pig. Certainly not caring and sincere or empathetic.

Michael Fitzgerald বলেছেন...

I think Trump should adopt doing the move Generation X of The World Wide Wrestling Federation was known for: Stand with arms raised and legs spread 'X' like,, then a double-karate chop to the crotch!! In your face, Crooked Hillary!


MikeD বলেছেন...

In an insanely run world, this is insane. Much like our hostess, in an earlier post, described her "adult" (she was 24) feelings toward a middle-aged boy bands' release of mush, "Revolver", as "It's hard for me to express the brilliance of that moment. I feel helpless and tears come to my eyes"! Shallow Hal was miles deep compared to this crap!

n.n বলেছেন...

Still beating. The call to Planned Parenthood can wait.

chorister বলেছেন...

Another phony gesture du jour:

Clasping hands together as if in prayer in middle of chest, with slight head bow, to acknowledge totally deserved adulation of crowd.

Lance বলেছেন...

"I associate it with Al Gore, conceding the election in late 2000"

Which time?