"... nothing to be embarrassed about with the photos. She’s a beautiful woman."
Said the Trump spokesperson. There's also the alternate response, which is what Trump himself went with: The photo was "taken for a European magazine prior to my knowing Melania" and "In Europe, pictures like this are very fashionable and common."
I think it's only fair for the media to dig out nude photos of Bill.
In the coming years, most women who become involved in political elections will have nude photos of their young selves on the Internet.
Oh, Lord no. Nude Bill? Somethings *cannot* be unseen. TYVM
Bleaching my eyeballs now in a feeble attempt...
And, once again, Trump tells the truth. We'll see how it flies.
When I was in Munich some years ago now, our tour guide—a lovely Bavarian woman—first of all pointed out that Munich has the largest collection of works of Rubens in the world, and that every time she visited the museum she changed her mind about going on a diet. Then she assured us Americans that, to be sure, Munich is a conservative city... nevertheless, it's true that you might find people in the city gardens in their "birth clothes" (i.e. nude).
Practically all European countries have a very different attitude toward nudity and, yes, sex, than America does.
My wife and I have a friend who manages hotels. She tells a story about an international police convention where one of the German guests was nude sunbathing in the grassy area adjoining the dining room, separated by a wall of windows.
Well, ask yourself who you'd like to see on TV for the next 4-8 years, her or Hillary? In addition, one of the side benefits of a Trump victory is the possibility of never having to hear Hillary's voice again. That has to be worth something.
We were warned this was going to be one nasty election campaign - may get as bad as 1796.
Repent and abort... I mean, expose no more.
For better or worse, humans are born with a liberal ideology, then with knowledge and experience discover principles.
That said, we probably shouldn't normalize/promote exposure, and certainly not pornography, but it can be reasonably tolerated in moderation and in specific contexts.
Those photos won't help with the female vote, that's for sure.
With the male vote, the response will be "That Trump's one lucky sonafabitch."
I read the article, and since its Reason, they equate being unembarrassed over nude photos of your stunningly beautiful wife as practically the same as being pro sex work.
I'm beginning to understand that time the Professor burst into tears when confronted by Libertarians for an extended period of time.
The (pre-internet) "Nice Matin" morning paper for Nice, Fr, generally had a topless girl waving hello from the front page.
You tell me what you'd rather be looking at,
In other words,
Look at the slut!
Those photos won't help with the female vote
Probably not. I recall the reaction of women glancing sideways during Slut Walks.
Then again, we are capable of appreciating natural and developed qualities without envy.
No airbrushing, either.
Paul Snively: Practically all European countries have a very different attitude toward nudity and, yes, sex, than America does.
For now, anyway: Gang of Muslims storm nudist pool in Germany yelling 'Allahu Akbar' and threatening to 'exterminate' women for being 'sluts'.
Best bit from linked article:
"Meanwhile the professional swimming association in Germany wants to reduce escalating sex attacks by refugees at public baths by training migrants to become pool lifeguards."
I think that photos of Melania Knauss, taken in Europe, before Trump, before the WH are less disrespectful to the people, the office of the POTUS and to Trump than the sorts of things our last 2 Dem Presidents have done on late night tv in order to boost their ratings and try and become popular celebrities.
I covered for Althouse on this, earlier this morning on a post, on the Fauxhaus Blog:
Sometimes a Banana is just a Banana.
Fauxhaus: for when Althouse is not there yet.
Kinda like Methadone.
I am Laslo.
Perhaps the post needs a celebritinies label?
Yeah, apparently, my Munich trip was more "some years ago" in some senses than others.
By the way: what, exactly, is the theory upon which these pictures hurt Trump as a presidential candidate? "Your wife is hot?"
If I were trump, I'd just say he is for more transparency as is his wife.
With the male vote, the response will be "That Trump's one lucky sonafabitch."
There is a general, well, difference of opinion vis-a-vis general European standards.
Certainly modern European standards. On the other hand, even in a European context, this is certainly at least declasse. Melania Knauss (and Ivana, and Marla) was a peasant girl, to put it bluntly, and what she did was all very well for that sort, but that Trump married her is a bit embarrassing, even for a son of the noveau riche - as a mistress of course she would do famously. Trump might as well be Berlusconi or Hollande or Sarkozy (see Carla Bruni). Thats my approximation of what it would look like.
I saw no nudes in Munich in the early 60s. Interesting airplane museum. Pfennig games of chance in coffee shops.
I think breasts have jumped the shark in general.
Even babies aren't interested.
Professional models don't retreat to their trailers to change swimsuits. It's just a job all around, the one to look pretty or whatever and the other's to make her look good, which isn't as easy as it sounds, the human nude being essentially ridiculous or indifference-producing.
Iowahawk reports Trump promises to get rid of internet porn. That'll cost the male vote.
Possibly it's crony capatilism with Trump Men's Magazine.
I wonder how many women feel like my wife does: She doesn't like the thought of having Melania be first lady. These photos only reinforce that view.
"Even babies aren't interested."
Sez you. Getting a bit old for this then?
"the human nude being essentially ridiculous or indifference-producing."
As usual, it depends on the human nude. And again, I wonder about the effects of old age.
Paul Snively: By the way: what, exactly, is the theory upon which these pictures hurt Trump as a presidential candidate? "Your wife is hot?"
Not so much a theory, rather an inchoate (and mostly false) set of notions about the belief-systems of those dumb flyover hicks who'd vote for Trump.
(Plus the projections of cat-lady reporters with limited self-insight.)
And again, I wonder about the effects of old age.
Perspective. You can go for days without thinking about sex.
"You can go for days without thinking about sex."
!I will have to arrange things so I do not fall into this condition!
Death is one thing, this is worse.
The Rupert Murdoch owned New York Post published the exclusive photos of Melania. The NYP endorsed Trump in April. What say that Rupert has just un-endorsed Trump. Also, Roger Ailes is no more at Fox News and Murdoch is in charge.
"She doesn't like the thought of having Melania be first lady."
And why not?
Well, it answers the implants question.
Surprised Trump didn't purchase the copyright on these photos before running. Shows once again how cheap he is.
And surprised Melania still needed the money this badly at age 25. Goes against the "successful model" trope.
@buwaya: "that Trump married her is a bit embarrassing, even for a son of the noveau riche - as a mistress of course she would do famously" Yes, mistress would have been better from a conventional upper-class point of view. But Trump didn't do that, doesn't view himself as upper class, and is not embarrassed. I think his marrying her speaks well of him. By the looks of it, and the kind impression she makes in public, she was worth marrying.
Fox was ambivalent, at best, about Trump since 2015, hence the Megyn Kelley business.
I don't think Ailes was a backer.
As for Murdoch, he has been actively anti-Trump through the WSJ, also since last year.
This part of the anti-Trump axis isn't part of the coordinated machine, but it has been unfriendly for a long time.
@DKW and PW: ""She doesn't like the thought of having Melania be first lady." And why not?"
Trump manages to lose the let's-not-be-mean-to-Muslims vote and the envious-women vote in one day. The first loss could be handled, the second will be fatal.
@buwaya nailed it. The Left will pretend that they're trying to shock the evangelicals with the nekkid woman, but really the shock is theirs. A woman so declasse should never touch the White House door.
I have sympathy for a woman, so respectable now, who is confronted with choices made in her younger years. And anything that rattles the elite snobs is a bonus.
. . . And Monday's front page adds a photo from the same vintage and photographer of her in the nude embrace of another woman on a bed. . . .
I guess the Post will dribble this out for as long as it can.
Everything considered, the correct comparison is indeed Nicolas Sarkozy, marrying Carla Bruni.
Carla Bruni, also a model, also had quite a few nude pictures around.
Sarkozy was not noveau riche, quite, as he is the son of a proper aristocrat, though one that made himself wealthy - aristocrats aren't always wealthy. Sarkozy grew up rich, just like Trump. Like Trump his educational credentials were mediocre. He did not finish at Sciences Po - and that is the "alternate" grand ecole.
He is also on his third wife.
The parallels are very close.
Differences are that Sarkozy rose through conventional politics, and he is only a modestly wealthy man (I was surprised - I may be wealthier than the ex-President of France?), he is not in Trumps league.
readering: And surprised Melania still needed the money this badly at age 25. Goes against the "successful model" trope.
Given that these are pictures of her successfully modeling, I'm not following. Unless, of course, you believe "successful model" means "pulling $10,000/day at age 18," which describes literally nobody.
If the Trump campaign were smart, they would have released these photos just before Bill Clinton's convention speech.
Carla Bruni, ah, that's a blast from the past. The past when Trump tried to pretend to be his own publicist to plant false stories that he was dating Bruni at the time he was dumping Marla (to avoid $$ in the prenup kicking in if I recall).
I'll say!
The pics are hot! She has wonderful tits. Melania is the secret weapon and she could possibly make some inroads with the LBGTQ community.
Sebastian: Trump manages to lose the let's-not-be-mean-to-Muslims vote and the envious-women vote in one day. The first loss could be handled, the second will be fatal.
Lol. But seriously, I doubt Trump ever had the "let's-not-be-mean-to-Muslims" vote. As for the envious-women vote, it surely exists (see: Palin haters), but then again, plenty of women are huge fan-girls of stylish, glamorous women (see: Jackie), and have an intense interest in beautiful celebrities. Humans are naturally biased in favor of beauty, and interested in the activities of primates above them in the social scale, even if that emotion is countered by the natural tendency to envy.
Which emotion predominates varies greatly among individuals. If I had to bet, I'd bet that women with a high envy/admiration ratio skew Hillary.
PS: I could be wrong, but those shots do not look like the shots of a model paid a healthy sum by a magazine. They look like shots of a model paid very little for signing a release to a photographer who then shopped them around. I am thinking of the early nudes of women like Madonna and Vanessa Williams. But they were both much younger than Melania when they needed the money to do something similar.
Not so much a theory, rather an inchoate (and mostly false) set of notions about the belief-systems of those dumb flyover hicks who'd vote for Trump.
Yes, as a Christian I am supposed to swear to God almighty and His only Son, Jeebus Christ, to keep that harlot OUT. OF. THE. WHITEHOUSE.
Cause she showed her boobies.
Why would my wife be uncomfortable with Melania as first lady? She gives off the vibe of having slept her way to wealth. That's probably unfair, but women tend to judge other women harshly. These nude photos won't improve my wife's opinion of her.
As a voter, I can tell you I didn't for a second consider Scott Walker as a viable candidate because of his wife. Shallow? Well, it was a major decision he made which may be indicative of future major decision making. Don't even get me started on Bernie Sanders' wife. Or Jeb!
Go Trump 2016 (now more than ever)! Go Ivanka 2024!
readering: PS: I could be wrong, but those shots do not look like the shots of a model paid a healthy sum by a magazine.
"More research is needed", said the political analyst examining this important issue.
The pics are hot! She has wonderful tits. Melania is the secret weapon and she could possibly make some inroads with the LBGTQ community.
Wait, what? You're just gonna drop that nugget of wisdom on us with no further explanation? That's just cruel, Titus!
How does Melania help with the LGBTQ community?
And, yes, agree on the breasts.
Trump: "It's important to remember that culture is nuanced and different societies have different standards and values...except fuck Mexicans and Muslims."
Carla Bruni, in her day, was more beautiful, IMHO, but we are talking of fractional degrees at the very top of that league.
But the parallel works.
Both are extremely beautiful and chic, they present well and speak well.
Sarkozy helped himself at all international conferences with his dazzling wife.
The pair looked good.
Yes, as a Christian I am supposed to swear to God almighty and His only Son, Jeebus Christ, to keep that harlot OUT. OF. THE. WHITEHOUSE.
It's kinda tough to get judgemental about anybody's whoring, sodomy & fornication when the other choice is Bill C. as First "Gentleman".
Sheesh -- talk about yer double standards!
I could be wrong, but those shots do not look like the shots of a model paid a healthy sum by a magazine. They look like shots of a model paid very little for signing a release to a photographer who then shopped them around. I am thinking of the early nudes of women like Madonna and Vanessa Williams. But they were both much younger than Melania when they needed the money to do something similar.
Melania had just arrived in New York when the photos were taken. We don't know her circumstances, but it's possible that she was poor and not established in the NYC modeling business.
"she could possibly make some inroads with the LBGTQ community."
? Do they care?
Or do the care in secret?
These are life's mysteries.
She gives off the vibe of having slept her way to wealth.
But she doesn't give off the vibe of having gotten four people killed and then lying to their familys' about it. Or stupidly putting American national security secrets at risk to enable her corrupt schemes.
So, I guess its even stevens.
She gives off the vibe of having slept her way to wealth.
Wait, is this about Hillary or Melania?
Guess who, age 21?
Melania is as earthy a female as women come. That is a God given talent. And her personality is just being boringly loyal to her husband.
Which makes Melania the exact opposite of a gold digger who marries a rich man that she despises solely for the purpose of divorcing him after a set number of years.
Melania is a fine looking woman. But she cannot compete with Princess Kate who has it all.
EDH- Hildabeast!
It is a sad commentary that 20+ year old nude photos of a model are considered such a negative for Trump when the multiple accusers of Bill over rape, sexual assault and more are considered "old news".
Whoa! Melania's built like a brick hospital.
But I wouldn't expect a man in Trump's field to have a wife who wasn't well constructed.
DKWalser: Why would my wife be uncomfortable with Melania as first lady? She gives off the vibe of having slept her way to wealth.
Hillary Clinton, though in a rather different way, also "slept her way to the top" - her high status, wealth, and claims to deserve power are entirely derived from her having hitched her wagon to the right man.
I have a hard time getting morally indignant over the fact that beautiful women tend to find themselves rich husbands (or that rich men tend to choose beautiful women for wives).
"Ron Winkleheimer said...
She gives off the vibe of having slept her way to wealth.
But she doesn't give off the vibe of having gotten four people killed and then lying to their familys' about it. Or stupidly putting American national security secrets at risk to enable her corrupt schemes.
So, I guess its even stevens."
A great pun opportunity lost.
readering, I admire your depth of knowledge about nude photos of women who went on to have successful careers that weren't centered on nude modeling.
YoungHegelian said...
agree on the breasts.
8/1/16, 1:02 PM
Nay, sir, cannot you tell falsies when you see them? They point in different directions! I feel sure that Don saw to that first thing - best surgeons - yuuuge and all that.
Again, this is chiefly striking in terms of how looooow the opposition will sink, and who will play along.
"OGWiseman said...
Trump: "It's important to remember that culture is nuanced and different societies have different standards and values...except fuck Mexicans and Muslims."
Yes, because modeling nude is the same as illegal entry into a country or killing every non-believer you come across. Get back to me when Melania pulls out a semi-automatic weapon and starts killing in mass.
Curious George on Ron W:
So, I guess its even stevens."
A great pun opportunity lost.
8/1/16, 1:24 PM
Nay, sir, I saw what he did there. He just didn't drive it home with a club. Subtle, like.
Hillary tolerated her way to the top.
Fareed Zakaria, discussing Trump on CNN: "This is the mode of a bullshit artist."
Poor Trump. Everyone is hating on Trump except the Trumpkin followers.
Feminists are going to hate Melania because they hate the "exploitative" modeling/fashion industry, and that's what she made herself successful in.
Plus, just the usual we celebrate the beauty and majesty of all women, except for dumb Republican whores thing.
Everyone: My wife is uncomfortable with the thought of Melania being first lady. That doesn't mean, in the end, she won't vote for Trump. Melania just won't help him get my wife's vote.
And, for the record, there's no way she'll vote for Clinton. Having Bill as first dude is far worse than having Melania as first lady. Having Hillary as president, with or without Bill, is not something she wants.
MB: It comes from being a New Yorker in the glory days of the Murdoch's NY Post in the seventies and eighties.
Munich? The Englisher Garten's where to spot them. Rick Steves even gives you guidance in the guidebook map as the the exact spot. Also along the Isar. Pretty much every German town has such a spot where nude or topless sunbathing is tolerated/popular.
Fareed Zakaria
Good God.
One of the standard mouthpieces of the media cartel.
And a particularly slimy one.
EDH: You're gonna burn for that...
Blogger Bob Boyd said...
Hillary tolerated her way to the top.
8/1/16, 1:30 PM
Yeah, I guess she had to swallow a lot.
Angelyne: "beautiful women tend to find themselves rich husbands"
In the Vin Diesel B-movie "xXx" there's a scene where the female lead is listing her needs for defecting to the US, and XXX mockingly asks her if she also needs to be given a condo in South Beach and a rich hubby. Lady looks askance at him and says "Those I can get for myself."
Fareed Zakaria, discussing Trump on CNN: "This is the mode of a bullshit artist."
A rent-a-pundit on CNN is speaking ill of Trump?
Goodness, that's a game-changer. I may have to vote for Hillary now.
Poor Trump. Everyone is hating on Trump except the Trumpkin followers.
Quite the fall, when he was loved by all a few days ago. Sic transit gloria...
(Btw, "Trumpkin follower"? If Trumpkins are Trump followers, then Trumpkin followers must be followers of Trumpkins, no? One of those "...and these have smaller fleas to bite 'em. And so proceeds Ad infinitum" things?)
Are these pictures really considered bad press? Color me skeptical.
So, from what I gather, unless the woman is homely, she cannot be President. Good to know. Pretty girls, go ahead and give up. Feminists have a glass ceiling for you.
. . . And Monday's front page adds a photo from the same vintage and photographer of her in the nude embrace of another woman on a bed. . . .
Is this supposed to generate outrage?
Our next First Lady might not be a Wookie who the press swears is super, totally gorgeous. What a horror!
Yes, because modeling nude is the same as illegal entry into a country or killing every non-believer you come across. Get back to me when Melania pulls out a semi-automatic weapon and starts killing in mass.
Know who REALLY wouldn't like those photos?
"Modesty" and all...
They'd stone her. She probably deserves it, tho. Amiright?
Man, if Trump loses him AND Thomas Friedman, then he is in deep, deep shit. Can't win without the "deep thinker" vote and all.
Yeah, I guess she had to swallow a lot.
Given Monica --- apparently not. It seems Hillary is Bill's last resort for sex.
Yes, because modeling nude is the same as illegal entry into a country...
Then there are the compelling causes for mass exodus (e.g. anti-native policies, progressive wars, opportunistic regime changes, welfare industry) from second and third-world nations, as well as creating and saving a space for immigration through class diversity schemes, abortion rites, planned parenthood, etc. Pro-Choice.
"Thomas Friedman"
If there has ever been a more overrated pundit, I haven't run across the creature.
This was not a man who achieved his venue, he was made by his venue, which he achieved by marrying a rich girl.
Thank God no such photos of Hillary Clinton have ever surfaced. Although if they ever did, whoever took them and released them would probably get to meet Vince Foster. (And that's a warning to you, Huma!)
The focus is on Melania so the Press can look away from Hillary's lying and terrible record of accomplishments. All I read is how horrible Trump is, but I put that through my Main Stream Media filter, and what I remember is that the Press is squarely trying to sail the U. S. S. Hillary straight to Pennsylvania Avenue.
Torpedos away.
buwaya: "Thomas Friedman"
If there has ever been a more overrated pundit, I haven't run across the creature.
No, there hasn't been.
You'd be hard-put to name a stupider one, either, no matter how far down the rent-a-pundit food chain you descended.
Actually, I want a presidential candidate who will say "Yeah, I'm Christian, and I married a model who posed nude. Have you read the Song of Solomon, jackweed?"
"How does Melania help with the LGBTQ community?"
Fags like pretty things and models. Being a model she has been surrounded by fags-designers, hair fags, makeup fags, photographer fags. Her entire career has been fags.
Of course the hope and promise of Trump is that he can do for all of us what he's done for himself. I think it's gonna take a Manhattan Project type of commitment from a lot of ladies, but let's git-r-done.
Not enough Trumpkin votes to elect Trump.
Traditional Republicans will vote for Clinton but will not tell anyone their true intentions including pollsters.
Majority of traditional Republicans (particularly those with college degrees) will not vote for Trump because they know he is insane. The speech by Bloomberg et al might make no difference to Trumpkins but it does to traditional Republicans. They will vote Clinton. They may hold their nose but they will vote Clinton.
Traditional Republicans will vote for Clinton but will not tell anyone their true intentions including pollsters
Keep hope alive!
Your breasts are like two fawns, like twin fawns of a gazelle that browse among the lilies.
Song of Solomon 4:5
Blogger tim in vermont said...
Traditional Republicans will vote for Clinton but will not tell anyone their true intentions including pollsters
He is so confident of his prediction that he makes it anonymously.
I think her tits are delish. They would be fun to play with and titty fuck.
"Fags like pretty things and models."
This I still don't get. The professional interest, that's fine as far as professions go, but "pretty things"?
Thats weird and not natural. I suspect, rather, some residual instinct, some of the nature trying to break through the nurture.
Would anyone like to see nude photos of Hillary? I rest my case.
Titus, you are, I think, letting nature take its course. Let it all out.
The real thing (getting women) is just a matter of confidence and persistence.
> They will vote Clinton.
You are joking, surely. I'm no Trump fan, but voting for a criminal, corrupt, incompetent, habitual liar is in no way an acceptable alternative. That may be just me, but I don't think you will see many conservatives voting for Hillary.
When have Republicans taken Nanny Bloomberg seriously?
For every Republican pearl clutcher that leaves the fold, there will be two union workers who think that real jobs making things are a bigger priority than some form of "perfect social justice" and stultifying political correctness, which of course, empowers one set of people over another, that the Democrats have made their top priority.
My take on how Trump should handle it.
Reporter(i.e. Democrat). "Your wife posed naked!"
Trump: "Yeah, so what? She was a model and is, was, and always be beautiful to me"
Reporter: "But that isn't proper for a First Lady. The American public may not accept that"
Trump: "Proper? You're joking, right? Hillary Clinton's husband, who will be the First Gentleman, had an affair on Hillary Clinton while in the White House, including fellatio in the Oval Office on several occasions, lied under oath, was impeached, and now your outraged about the Melania may be unbecoming to the role?" The new media is disgusting.
Walking through the Printemps Dept Store in Paris back in the '80s I as much bare T&A in the Cosmetic Department displays and ad circulars as I did in pre-frontal Playboy.
Frankfurt-Main Flughafen used to have a "Dr. Müller's Sex Shoppe" situated just as one exited International Arrivals.
I don't know what's funnier, the clowns trying to make an issue about this, when society as a whole tolerates nudes far more (this isn't the 1960s, when Marilyn Monroe had to come up with a cover story when her nudes appeared in playboy).
Or this:
JAORE said... It is a sad commentary that 20+ year old nude photos of a model are considered such a negative for Trump when the multiple accusers of Bill over rape, sexual assault and more are considered "old news".
Or that anyone would consider voting for Hillary when she has a proven record of back-room deals with Russia, an inability to follow security procedures (8 emails with Top Secret info at the time they were sent, 36 email chains with TS info at that time, 8 more with Confidential info at that time, plus 2,000 more that were up-classified.), a history of destroying records, and an inability to conduct an effective foreign policy.
But I guess you can't make a funny meme out of stolen data and dead bodies.
Trump "pretty good, eh!!!" 👍
The timing is interesting. It's like someone had obtained the photos and considered the best time to release them. "How about over the weekend right after the Democratic convention. We'll still have everyone's attention but won't distract from the nomination"
I expect some other items are queued up for release right thriough november.
she will be the hottest first lady ever
although that Dolly Madison was pretty hot
The kind of pics on the table at the young Althouse's home.
Everyone pray the Russkies don't unleash Hil's deleted yoga pics.
(It's high time. She wants it.)
You are joking, surely. I'm no Trump fan, but voting for a criminal, corrupt, incompetent, habitual liar is in no way an acceptable alternative. That may be just me, but I don't think you will see many conservatives voting for Hillary.
There are two main choices for President. People can vote for the Liberterian or Green candidates or not vote otherwise it is Clinton or Trump.
The Trumpkins are an echo-chamber but there are tens of millions of voters who are not Trumpkins including Republicans. Most sane people can see insanity when they see it. Trump is insane. Clinton has huge unfavorables but she is not insane. People are voting for the President of the USA. In the voting booth, tons of Republicans will hold their nose and vote Clinton.
I don't know if Clinton is sane. She continually makes public statements at odds with easily verifiable facts. So, if she's not insane, she must be...lying.
Clinton has huge unfavorables but she is not insane.
She STILL claims she told the truth on her emails. That isn't evidence of rationality.
For extra credit discuss the impact of Melania Trump nude photos on President Trump's foreign policy and economic policy.
Hilary Clinton is not insane, and she is also not in charge, and won't be.
For a precise popular culture reference, explaining her role, she is the Mouth of Sauron - the ugly fellow at the end of the third movie.
It is the Goebbels principle: Go for the big lie.
Joan Rivers said that Michelle Obama is a tranny and there are videos of Michelle on YouTube where you can see what appears to be a dick under her clothing. It's not a trick of the light and it's not a maxipad. And some go on for a considerable time--when she was promoting fitness and exercise. And Barack keeps calling her Michael. We are past the point of anything being beyond the pale. But thanks, Lefties, for pretending to enforce our moral codes. We appreciate it.
At Columbus, Ohio rally, Trump started talking about a rigged election in November.
Only someone who knows they are going to lose talks about a rigged election. What a loser.
17 Gold Star Family Members letter to Trump. See list of family members below letter.
August 1, 2016
Donald J Trump
725 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Mr. Trump,
We are all Gold Star Families, who have lost those we love the most in war. Ours is a sacrifice you will never know. Ours is a sacrifice we would never want you to know.
Your recent comments regarding the Khan family were repugnant, and personally offensive to us. When you question a mother's pain, by implying that her religion, not her grief, kept her from addressing an arena of people, you are attacking us. When you say your job building buildings is akin to our sacrifice, you are attacking our sacrifice.
You are not just attacking us, you are cheapening the sacrifice made by those we lost.
You are minimizing the risk our service members make for all of us.
This goes beyond politics. It is about a sense of decency. That kind decency you mock as "political correctness."
We feel we must speak out and demand you apologize to the Khans, to all Gold Star families, and to all Americans for your offensive, and frankly anti-American, comments.
We hope you will hear us.
Diane and Neil Santoriello, Mother and Father of 1LT Neil Santoriello, KIA, Iraq
Summer Lipford-Mickelson, Mother, Frederick Sirko, Father, Kirby Mickelson, Stepfather, Laura Sirko Samimy and Bridget Sirko Gentle, Sisters of PFC Steven Sirko, KIA, Iraq.
Sue and Randy Loudon, Mother and Father of 2ndLt. Christopher Loudon, KIA, Iraq
Melanie House, Widow of HM3 John Daniel House, KIA, Iraq
Derek and Lorene Davey, Mother and Father of Cpl. Seamus M. Davey, KIA, Iraq
Celeste Zappala, Mother of SGT. Sherwood Baker, KIA, Iraq
Sue Niederer, Mother of 2LT Seth Dvorin, KIA, Iraq
Fulvio and Gilda Carbonaro, Father and Mother of Sgt. Alessandro Carbonaro, KIA, Iraq
Karen Meredith, Mother of 1LT Ken Ballard, KIA, Iraq
Sergio Torres, Father, Lupe Torres, Mother and Beatriz Saldivar, Aunt of SGT Daniel Torres, KIA, Iraq
MG (Ret.) Paul D. Eaton, and Frank Eaton, sons of Col. Norman Eaton, KIA, Vietnam
Stephanie Fisher, mother of SSG Thomas Fogarty, KIA Afghanistan
Norma and Oscar Aviles, parents of Lcpl. Andrew J. Aviles, KIA Iraq
Cheryl Lankford, widow of CSM Jonathan"Miles"Lankford Sr., KIAIraq
Carlos and Melida Arredondo Father & Step-Mother to Lcpl. Alexander Arredondo, KIA, Iraq
Florence Sandra Penn , sister of 1 LT Charles Penn Jr , KIA Korea
Nadia McCaffrey, mother of SGT Patrick McCaffrey, KIA Iraq
Xiomara Mena, Mother of CPL Andy D Anderson KIA, Iraq
Annette Pritchard, Aunt of PFC William Ramirez, KIA Iraq
Paula Davis, Mother of PFC Justin R. Davis , KIA Afghanistan
Nooshin Razani, Sister of SPC Omead Razani, KIA Iraq
Christina Ayube, Mother of Sgt James Anthony Ayube II, KIA Afghanistan
Keavin Duffy, Brother of SGT Shane Duffy KIA Iraq
Tracy Miller, Mother of Cpl. Nicholas Lee Ziolkowski, KIA , Iraq
Nikki Bunting, Widow of Capt. Brian Bunting, KIA Afghanistan
Pam Baragona, Sister and Dominic and Vilma Baragona, Parents of LTC. Dominic (Rocky) Baragona, Iraq
Marianne Cleary, Mother of 1Lt Michael Cleary, KIA, Iraq
Fernando Suarez del Solar, Father of Lcpl Jesus Suarez del Solar, KIA Iraq
@Paul Snively said...
And, once again, Trump tells the truth. We'll see how it flies.
Do you remember the naked image, first published in GQ, of Melania handcuffed on the Trump jet while the two were dating, used by the anti-Trump Super PAC (mockingly called “Make America Awesome") in Utah? According to the DailyWire:
Donald Trump has accused Senator Ted Cruz of buying the rights to his wife’s naked GQ Magazine cover shoot photo and then allegedly signaling a non-Cruz-affiliated anti-Trump Super PAC to go ahead and use the photo in effort to smear Trump’s current wife. This nasty accusation from the Manhattan socialite is in typical Trump-taste: disgraceful, outlandish and most importantly, without evidence.
Trump called in to ABC News on Easter Sunday to explain that the National Enquirer story which smeared Cruz as a cheater with at least five different women had nothing to do with little old Trump. He added that it was “disgraceful” of Cruz to accuse him of such as nasty thing and that above all else “[Cruz] started it." Because apparently our politics have been reduced to third-grade style but-he-started-it rationale.
So "once again" Trump tells the truth? It seems that while she earning her degree in architecture from the University of Ljubljana (not!), Melania went to Paris for the photo shoot back in 1994 that Trump's buddy Rupert Murdoch got around to publishing on the Saturday edition of the New York Post front page with stars blocking her nipples.
And we are supposed to believe that free publicity wasn't at the bottom of this Trump-Murdoch scheme?
Unknown, how do you feel about Hillary calling the Benghazi "Gold Star Mother" a liar?
Of course she was lying about the lies that she told her earlier. Hillary can't help but lie in every situation where the truth causes her the slightest discomfort.
Oh, that's right, this thread is about Hillary lying so you have to deflect it somehow.
Hillary was lying, not Patricia Smith, mother of slain U.S. Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, who was killed during Hillary's little scheme to get Libyan arms to ISIS in Syria.
I am sure that wasn't her intent, to arm ISIS, but she is not very bright, as it was completely predictable.
Kate, do you wanna talk declasse women touching the White House door? Well Monica touched the White House floor and more. And with all due respect to Queen Moochie and her law degree, she comes from "peasant" stock as well. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
There's no Dem who will make a hostile remark about these photos. They don't have to. No one will vote for Trump simply because of this, but there's some small fragment of the population who will vote against him because of it. This, therefore, is not the last nude photo of Melania you will see.......Melania is very good looking, but not in an appealing way. She doesn't look like she'd be fun to hang out with. Ivanka is much more approachable. She carries her beauty with greater ease. I think she could win votes for Trump, but Melania not so much........Just as an aside, the only celeb nude that I rejoiced at viewing was Jennifer Lawrence. I never even bothered to check out Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian.
Do the Dems want to turn this into a war of Gold Star mothers vs Gold Star mothers?
That can happen.
Won't be nice.
Isn't it fair to mock Hillary as a chicken Hawk?
The kind of chicken hawk who makes gold star families?
Darrell said...
Joan Rivers said that Michelle Obama is a tranny and there are videos of Michelle on YouTube where you can see what appears to be a dick under her clothing. It's not a trick of the light and it's not a maxi pad.
Some of us appear to have gotten a little unhinged today.
It definitely is the perfect foil and response to Hillary's uptight, prude, insecure, bitchy/aggressive "femunizm".
"In Europe, pictures like this are very fashionable and common."
True, that.
Which party is more provincial and narrow in their understanding of the world around them now?
Take that, you bitchy fucking uptight Democrats!
Since when did Europe operate under a different standard of pictures of naked models in mens' magazines? The 1990's?
What a weird deflection by Trump. Blame it on Europe? It could easily have been Playboy. Was any European magazine of the era raunchier than that American icon, "Hustler," published by Larry Flynt?
Trump's got an answer for everything. And all the answers are shitty.
Trump's got an answer for everything. And all the answers are shitty.
You're wrong, Chuck. Europe definitely has different "standards" than Puritan America. In the UK it's fine to show nudity on free/network tv past a certain time - and you can be sure they're one of the more restrictive countries. They don't have any equivalent to an FCC regulating profanity on the public airwaves either, AFAIK.
Joan Rivers.
That's the random way that pant creases fold while being moved when there's nothing in them, Darrell. Which is something about which I take it you'd know a lot.
Running nood pictures of Melania looks like a naked attempt to get Bill Clinton to join the Trump campaign.
Rhythm and Balls said...
Trump's got an answer for everything. And all the answers are shitty.
You're wrong, Chuck. Europe definitely has different "standards" than Puritan America. In the UK it's fine to show nudity on free/network tv past a certain time - and you can be sure they're one of the more restrictive countries. They don't have any equivalent to an FCC regulating profanity on the public airwaves either, AFAIK.
Oh bullshit. I already cited the perfectly American example of "Hustler." Along with the folk-hero status of Larry Flynt. And Hugh Hefner. From the exact same school of early 21st century reality television as Donald Trump.
American cable television is probably quite a lot worse for sexual content than anything that is uniquely European. Hell, they are all watching The Sopranos and Breaking Bad and House of Cards along with the U.S. audiences on Netflix.
Trump is a quaintly 1950's guy himself in many ways; not the least of which is his pulling out the old "well, that's Europe" card in this case. It's not true, and it isn't even remotely true. But as long as Trump likes hearing himself say it, he'll be fine with it.
Now, I will confess that there is a Puritan strain in America; you are not wrong about that. But Trump never paid it any mind, and he isn't doing so now. And it will be one of the many reasons I expect he won't win this election. There will be a group of Americans -- older, many of them -- who will recoil at Trump's bacchanalia, his crudeness, his egomania, and his arrogance.
Just please don't try to tell me that Melanija Knauss' posing nude for a European men's magazine in the 1990's was any different from a woman posing nude for Playboy in the same year, whenever it was. Europe Schmurope. She was a young lady who posed nude for the money and the exposure. As Trump would have said at the time (I am quoting); "a world class piece of ass."
DKWalser - How does your wife think Hillary got to where she is?
Lamar Gonna Set You Straight....
White People getting upset about White titties: Fuck That.
You Old White Fucks all grew up on National Geographic magazines showing black girl titties in Africa, and you were all mighty fine with that. Some of you probably busted a nut or two to one of those African Mamas, I know you....
But White Woman titties -- somehow they're different. NOW you get all judgmental and shit. Good White Girls ain't supposed to show their titties, right? Unless they're an 'actress' like Meryl Streep or shit: hell yeah Meryl showed her titties, but you are all good with that, it's 'Art'...
Know what matters to ME, a Black Man? In "Swordfish" the Black Goddess Halle Berry was paid half-a-million to show her titties on screen. A half-million, so White Boys could yank off to the Fine Black Woman's breasts. THAT was Progress, bitches....
You think you got Problems? Fuck You.
I am Laslo.
Not that my 9:38 post was a response to 9:05 Chuck, but -- if I were to respond to Chuck -- it would probably be a lot like my 9:38 post.
How things work and all that.
I am Laslo.
no is this a lachlan or other murdoch management decision, it makes one wonder, no tmz didn't take the bait, just goes how political, this cultural touchstone is,
Good-lookin' woman, alright. She looks good in clothes, too. Best-looking First Lady since Jackie, for sure.
Jupiter said...
Good-lookin' woman, alright. She looks good in clothes, too. Best-looking First Lady since Jackie, for sure.
8/1/16, 10:14 PM"
Actually, better looking.
Sounds like you've never been to Europe, Chuck.
Hell, maybe you've never even been outside of America.
Trump used the proper gerund form for his question?!
"...taken for a European magazine prior to my knowing Melania".
(Used 'my' instead of 'me').
I have a new respect for him.
Really, who cares? In fact, why does a politician's spouse have any bearing at all on whether the the politician can be effective at representing his or her constituents?
We are all Gold Star Families … [blah, blah, partisan blah, political blah, bullshit blah] … We hope you will hear us.
I, for one, might be more sympathetic to the Khans’ pain(and of the pain of the signatories of the letter above) if they had not offered the death of their son as campaign fodder for the Democrats.
I see the Khans as sort of the Muslim equivalent of “Mother” Cindy Sheehan – except the DNC of the time had the good sense not to let “Mother” Sheehan anywhere near their convention’s podium.
And I qualify my analogy with “sort of” because it wasn’t Trump who sent their son to his death. Trump had NOTHING to do with the their pain, if indeed “pain” can be legitimately claimed in such a baldly political act. The actual responsibility for their “pain” and “sacrifice” lies elsewhere, embedded within the terms and foreign policy of two or three past and present Presidents of the US.
Shorter Chuck: "Europeans do not have a more relaxed attitude toward nudity than Americans because Hustler. And cable."
You've outdone yourself playing the court fool here. Please take a well-deserved rest.
Robert Cook: Really, who cares?
People for whom People magazine marks the limit of their reading life get to vote, too, Robert.
It was no kindness by Clinton to put the Khans in the spotlight, nor wise of the Khans to accept.
Darrell, I don't get fucked or suck cock. Some gays are either top or bottom-about 50% I would say and the other 50% are Vers-Versatile-depending on the guy and their mood. Most the guys I do are "vers" but bottom for me. But some are also total bottoms. I prefer sex with vers guys rather than bottoms because bottoms can be too bottomy. I try and suck cock for like a minute but am bad at it. I also like women's tits. Thanks for your knowledge and interest in my sexual practices!
thanks and have a super day!
" These nude photos won't improve my wife's opinion of her."
Women can be such assholes about other women.
"Really, who cares? In fact, why does a politician's spouse have any bearing at all on whether the politician can be effective at representing his or her constituents?"
Trump should just respond that it is amazing that they are supporting the woman who voted to have their son killed.
"Trump should just respond that it is amazing that they are supporting the woman who voted to have their son killed."
Yes, well...that can be said about the majority of politicians in Washington.
Which is a condemnation, not an apologia.
I think the concept of liberating Iraq and making them democratic was a good idea.
Execution sucked and, in that part of the world, it requires a much longer and much harsher occupation than we were willing to undergo.
The occupation of Germany post-WWII was hardly sweet and loving. Soviets utterly dominated their zone and the Western allies dominated their zone. Japan as well was harshly occupied until they were prepared to join the world. Changing a culture is difficult. Weimar Germany failed because German culture was not changed and the Constitution played right into some of the weaknesses in German culture.
Until somebody has the will to force change to a better culture --- and, let's be blunt, Western civilization is infinitely better in every area than the swill that is culture in the Arab world --- it's a waste of time and resources to try.
Bush tried to minimize the impact and it caused a ton of problems. The surge fixed a lot of things, but then we pulled out with Obama (who bragged that Iraq was doing GREAT during his re-election run).
Unlike Chuck I see a great deal of difference between casual nudity, widely used commercially in Europe, and pornography sold in limited formats NOT disseminated on over-the-air broadcasts here in USA. I skipped over the most recent long exposition by Chuck. I really don't see any connection between Flynt's Hustler and the "fashion" shots of Melania that are clearly just average Euro fare.
And I';m impressed by the length of Titus's
"I think the concept of liberating Iraq and making them democratic was a good idea."
That was never our real goal, and even if it had been, it is not a legal basis invading a country and starting a war.
That was never our real goal, and even if it had been, it is not a legal basis invading a country and starting a war.
Repeated violations of a cease fire were absolutely a legal basis. We were polite going to the UN. Such niceties were not required.
And our goal certainly wasn't oil as we were one of the few who got none.
"Repeated violations of a cease fire were absolutely a legal basis. We were polite going to the UN. Such niceties were not required"
Yes, under the UN Security Council Charter, to which we are a signatory, UN approval for invasion was absolutely required. In fact, under Colin Powell's urging, we reluctutantly put it before the UN Security Council for a vote, but we withdrew it when it became apparent the Council would not approve the invasion.
Western Oil interests certainly did get access to the oil...they got big contracts they didn't have before.
Again, Robert, you have to be called on this. Western interests maybe, not American interests.
It's only detrimental to your own credibility to suggest that even the evil Bush or the wicked Cheney would spend American blood and treasure to buy British French and Dutch into the Iraqi oil infrastructure. Not to mention the Chinese! I certainly wouldn't have. It would be all American firms with maybe a sop thrown to allies. As I told you before, I saw a total of 1 American firm in the list that you named.
I don't know why you can't grasp this - well, I think I do; it would be detrimental to your argument.
@Cook - we had UN approval, from when Saddam Hussain invaded Kuwait. The only reason that we didn't actually invade Iraq, with boots on the ground, was the reaction of the American people to seeing the Highway of Death on TV (for those who are too young to remember it, the Iraqis were fleeing Kuwait down a highway that narrowed, forming a choke point, in any vehicle they could steal, fleeing our VII Corp, and got completely shot up by our Air Force and choppers, leaving miles of smoking vehicles and dead bodies for the cameras). After that, with tanks on his border, ready to roll into Iraq, we offered Saddam a cease fire, which he accepted, then routinely violated over the next decade, and was doing so with increasing frequency, at the time that we restarted the invasion that we had begun a decade earlier. Keep that in mind - when Saddam accepted our proposed cease fire, we had thousands of tanks and maybe a hundred thousand troops a couple hours from entering Iraq. GW Bush just picked up where his father had stopped.
I think the sexual dynamics of these pictures are interesting. I think most normal guys are going to say that Melania was way hot, and just thinking about her would be enough to get a lot of their votes. Of course, SJWs and guys who think that they are feminists are mortified. But they are girly guys anyway, and probably wouldn't vote for Trump in any case. But, Trump is having problems with women anyway, and this may hurt him more there, since most women seem to be jealous of other women, and, in particular their looks. Often insanely jealous. The one group that is maybe the most vulnerable here are upper middle class traditional Republican women, who are likely horrified by those pictures. I know my mother, descended from ancestors who had voted for Lincoln, and every Republican after that, would have been. And, despite all her crimes, and being married to essentially trailer trash, Crooked Hillary came from that demographic. So, I think that the end result will be a slight advantage to her here. Which is why, of course, the photos were released after, and not before, the Republican convention.
Yes, under the UN Security Council Charter, to which we are a signatory, UN approval for invasion was absolutely required.
False. By any reading of law, if one party violates a ceasefire (and the UN said they were in material breach of it), then the ceasefire is nullified. Meaning the original state of conflict is back in effect.
The US, as a signatory of the ceasefire, was under zero obligation to honor it after Saddam had opted to violate it for years.
There was no peace treaty signed. It was a ceasefire. It required Saddam to abide by the terms of the ceasefire --- or else it is no longer in effect. The UN had no say on this and it was, honestly, a mistake by Bush to even involve that corrupt body.
In fact, under Colin Powell's urging, we reluctutantly put it before the UN Security Council for a vote, but we withdrew it when it became apparent the Council would not approve the invasion.
Bush was right to not do it and Colin was wrong to pretend the UN had any say on this one way or the other.
Western Oil interests certainly did get access to the oil...they got big contracts they didn't have before.
The UNITED STATES didn't. Quite bluntly, we could've achieved, in regards to oil, what we accomplished by simply ignoring the sanctions that the UN was trying hard to end.
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