What interests me most here is how the protesters have suddenly forgotten the interest all students have in being free from sexual harassment. They are making a big in-your-race display of the graphic sculptural depiction of the erect penis.
Event organizer Ana López said protesters are fighting absurdity with absurdity, and she placed blame for the campus carry law on “reluctant legislators,” the National Rifle Association and others.Putting the organ in organic.
“I have a huge dildo strapped to my backpack because these people believe it is their God-given right to carry a weapon into my classroom,” she said. “Let me tell you something. I don’t think that those who drafted the Bill of Rights thought that a well-regulated militia started in my organic chemistry classroom.”
A dildo doesn't depict an erect penis. It substitutes. The woman pops into the mind, not the man.
I think a woman has a right to defend herself from a rapist, and a woman who is carrying a firearm to do so should not be subjected to a dildo waved in her face.
When Malaysian Airlines 370 or whatever went missing, and the question came up how long the signal battery would last, Imus's Bernard McGuirk suggested "Ask Dagen."
It's the automatic association of the dildo with women.
Sexual harrassment rules don't apply on the air, incidentally. It's considered to be a performance.
They are making a big in-your-race display of the graphic sculptural depiction of the erect penis.
That whole correlation between race and penis size is a myth.
--An extremely white white guy.
“I have a huge dildo strapped to my backpack because these people believe it is their God-given right to carry a weapon into my classroom,”
I'm pretty sure that doesn't make any sense.
organic chemistry classroom.
Orgasmic chemistry.
Scalpel envy. When they bring a dildo to the fight, then you bring a scalpel. Only babies (and a few women), were hurt in this production.
I guess if the poor girl who was killed on campus this past spring had a dildo she could have defended herself.
The performance exemption would apply to demonstrations.
carrying a dildo is sexual harrasment?
As a college student in the 1960's, I was amazed that whatever harebrained quasi-political stunt we pulled was picked up and celebrated by the media. Even then, I knew we shouldn't have been that important.
Pity the poor govt employee who's obliged to tote around Hillary's strap-on. (Rule for Radicals #5)
The COEXIST hijack is a nice Alinsky touch.
Sure, just so long as they are not assault dildos. If they shoot off automatically with out another pull per shot, than they should still be prohibited...much to the relief of the poor men.
I think some enterprising young UT woman should register a sexual harassment complaint with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion about all of this sexual display. Force the university to undergo an investigation. Use their own rules against them.
What still doesn't make sense to me is: Why do they think carrying around dildos bothers people who want to carry guns?
If you want to look like an idiot, you're free to.
Although it's funny they are doing this passive-aggressive thing rather than confronting people who carry. Because they're afraid people who carry are violent nuts who might just haul off and shoot them for no reason.
"A dildo doesn't depict an erect penis. It substitutes. The woman pops into the mind, not the man."
A dildo doesn't have to have realistic elements like veins, but these do and that's the point. It's for display purposes in this case.
When you see a Playboy centerfold, does a man pop into your mind?
If they want to pack sex toys... fine with me. There is no CHL/LTC license required... pack as many as you want. I sure damn don't care.
BTW.. I am a Texican and yes, I can go to the local U and pack my gun.
@tradguy: Sure, just so long as they are not assault dildos. If they shoot off automatically with out another pull per shot, than they should still be prohibited...much to the relief of the poor men.
A woman always pops into a man's mind.
I like them better when they cast off the mantle of victimhood.
traditionalguy said...
Sure, just so long as they are not assault dildos.
Assault dildos have a shoulder thing that goes up, and they're dangerous.
Guys are not worried about sexual harassment. They'll immediately play.
Or, if the situation is too serious for playing around, set about setting it straight.
Always use tact with women.
"Putting the organ in organic."
Classic Althouse. Only Althouse. Why we read Althouse.
If I were on campus and witness to all that I'd assume the psychology department was running some kind of experiment on us.
Laslo bait.
I suspect a lot of immature undergraduate men (are there any other kind?) will find plenty to comment about a woman carrying a dildo.
Ann Althouse said...
When you see a Playboy centerfold, does a man pop into your mind?
No. But if I saw a woman, or in this case a girl, carrying or waving a dildo around, I'd think of her using it on herself. These grrrlz are objectifying themselves as sex objects. Yay!
Ha, I found my bottle of Titebond II premium wood glue. I put it somewhere safe several years ago and couldn't find it, and who wants to detour to the hardware store again when there's a perfectly good bottle here already.
You just have to rememeber where the safe places are.
Is anyone contemplating charges of public lewdness? Not that I care personally, but I would think these displays would pose some sort of liability for the administrators. Even just bad viral video publicity: "Here's what you're likely to see on any day at your pubic university."
You need wood glue for snath repair.
It makes slightly more sense knowing an element of the protest is the use the catchy phrase Cocks not Glocks
In Roman times, a phallus was considered a good luck charm. Maybe such adornments are due for a comeback, but it's my understanding that they were worn by men.........If guys prominently taped centerfold pictures to their backpacks , it would be considered sexual harassment.......
In a Mrs. Litella moment the local ABC station heard or misread the protestor tag line of "Cocks instead of Glocks" as "Clocks Instead of Glocks". Going on to say it meant the protestors thought the attending college was not the TIME for having guns around. LOL... I nearly spit my drink out...
If confronted by similar protestors at the local University, I imagine my smart aleck (apple not falling far from the tree) son saying "I've got you covered there too!"
Let me tell you something. I don’t think that those who drafted the Bill of Rights thought that a well-regulated militia started in my organic chemistry classroom.
Wait a second. She does realize that chemistry labs have, you know, chemicals in them, some of them quite fatal if used wrong, right? Not to mention tools that make fine makeshift weapons, and lots of glass that make sharp edges when broken, and fire, and things that go BOOM, and plenty of more mundane objects that make perfectly fine blunt objects, right? Right? RIGHT?
There is a fine line between clever and dumb.
For the record, she may have a point that may be some areas of the university where guns should be banned, but only because using them in those areas would be inherently dangerous because of the environment. I do not suspect she has considered that argument. Then again she's waving around a dildo so nuance was probably out of the question from the beginning.
Socks not glocks might work.
Irony: The UT Texas Tower in the background.
carrying a dildo is sexual harrasment?
In the parlance of the day, it's triggering to all those rape victims and if you disagree you've being violent toward me.
Dildo vs. Gun!
Mayhem vs. Fun.
Public vs. Pubic.
Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me.
Socks not glocks might work.
Barrettes not Berettas
Cocks not Glocks
Why choose? What's with (especially on college campuses) the rampant false dichotomies?
People who use the well regulated militia plea ignorant of its 18th Century meaning betray themselves as obedient subjects of the monarch to begin with: of course the Founders intended that the people be disarmed.
a big in-your-race display
[class] diversity politics?
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed
While the Second Amendment is predicated upon securing a free State, it recognizes an individual right preceding its subversion. Ironically, the Second Amendment was included to recognize an imperative for education.
What interests me most here is how the protesters have suddenly forgotten the interest all students have in being free from sexual harassment.
What interests me is that this is the best they can do.
Heh, too funny. I wonder if the same acceptance would be forthcoming if a great big ole latex puss was being carried around.
If you pack heat, we’re packing meat!
Biology 101.
We’re going to make you as uncomfortable as we are.
Billions of men, past and present, and the women who love them, would disagree.
Paul Snively
Why choose? What's with (especially on college campuses) the rampant false dichotomies?
Indeed! It's a bit like 'there are two sides to every issue'. ONLY two, and you'd better choose one!
This is stupid. The law is about carrying concealed weapons and, whether licensed or not, there is no way to know who is carrying - and that is also so whether this law is passed or not.
This is why there will soon be sexbots.
Another reason why I argue for concealed carry, not open carry. Any college woman who believes that it's necessary for her to carry a dildo in case of an emergency, should carry it concealed. That way nobody can be offended.
One strength that progressives have is their willingness to try new, untested things that push the boundaries in political discourse, such as Occupying a public space, or publicly displaying sex toys.
One weakness that progressives have is their compulsion to try new, untested things that push the boundaries in political discourse, such as Occupying a public space, or publicly displaying sex toys.
Well, I don't get it. Why would anyone interested in carrying a concealed gun into the classroom be bothered/deterred by a dildo on a backpack?
"I don’t think that those who drafted the Bill of Rights thought that a well-regulated militia started in my organic chemistry classroom.”
She's wrong. Let's see what the current historical celebrity has to say:
"[I]f circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little, if at all, inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their own rights and those of their fellow-citizens. This appears to me the only substitute that can be devised for a standing army, and the best possible security against it, if it should exist."
- Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 28, January 10, 1788
"If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government, and which against the usurpations of the national rulers, may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success than against those of the rulers of an individual state. In a single state, if the persons intrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the different parcels, subdivisions, or districts of which it consists, having no distinct government in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair."
- Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 28
They say that in Pompeii you can't go two feet without encountering a phallus. They were everywhere. Considering how things worked out in Pompeii, I think we can discount their efficacy as a good luck charm.....How about buns not guns. On Bun Day, the girls can wear yoga pants and the guys can wear chaps. This would be edgy and daring without being sexually discriminatory. Plus you can stare at buns without violating the fourteen second rule. A win win for everyone, and a necessary first step in restoring sanity to our gun laws.
"Heh, too funny. I wonder if the same acceptance would be forthcoming if a great big ole latex puss was being carried around. "
Already have the protest worked out: "Cunts not stunts!"
Let's get started and see.
What? Women don't carry guns?
Fortunately, there will be a safe space not too far distant.
What children these people are (as is ALL of the LEFT). Carry your dildos all you want. Do they really think that stops me from carrying a gun?
“Let me tell you something. I don’t think that those who drafted the Bill of Rights thought that a well-regulated militia started in my organic chemistry classroom.”
Why am I inclined to believe she is studying 'Feminism in Art and Literature' rather than organic chemistry?
Yancey Ward said...
Well, I don't get it. Why would anyone interested in carrying a concealed gun into the classroom be bothered/deterred by a dildo on a backpack?
You think differently than they. Their thought process is "what can I do to signal my dedication to left wing politics"? If they carry a ribbon do you suppose people will notice and recognize their tribe?
And for the gun controllers: if a student is carrying concealed off campus, do you really want him to take out his weapon and leave it in a pouch with his bicycle while attending class?
When you see a Playboy centerfold, does a man pop into your mind?
Fernandinande nailed it, no pun intended. A dildo is something a woman uses to self-pleasure. A woman carrying a visible dildo is basically screaming "this is my hot date for the evening!" and is the universal symbol to the local pharmacist to be sufficiently stocked with lube or else the herpes medication and discount bon-bons will need to find someone else to buy them. The only other variations possible are the woman is using the dildo on her girlfriend, in which case we think of two women; she carries it around for her boyfriend to use upon her in which case we pity his lack of self-respect and/or wonder why he has not invested in Viagra, unless she has big boobs in which case we are pretty much stuck on the boobs; or she uses it on her boyfriend, in which case us men think about baseball. I suppose it is possible that it could be for less erotic matters - perhaps she uses it as a mating aid for worms - but then we've already lost interest and are checking our phones for the latest viral video involving redneck girls in bikinis firing guns. Unless one of us is into the worm thing. Not judging. You got your soulmate right there.
As to the Playboy centerfold, if the man sees what he likes, he is thinking of a man, specifically himself ravishing her and testing if her advertised pet peeves are the real deal or something thrown together by a bored copy editor. As I believe George Carlin pointed out, when he watched porn he would see the female talent as his girlfriend and would eventually get pissed off that she was cheating on him. Better to pretend he isn't there. Of course, these days Playboy centerfolds are actually clothed. I'm not sure what the standard male response to that is. Nice shoes?
"I suspect a lot of immature undergraduate men (are there any other kind?) will find plenty to comment about a woman carrying a dildo."
Exactly, and not just the immature ones. They're not offended, snowflake. They're amused. And still armed.
Interesting typo (at least I assume it is a typo):
They are making a big in-your-race display of the graphic sculptural depiction of the erect penis.
Guns. Sex. Racism. Texas. It sort of makes sense, from a certain world view.
I think the explanation lies in two misconceptions that these protesters share:
1 ) Guns are magical evil talismans that turn anyone who touches one into a soulless, brainless killing machine. Thus, the idea that someone might carry one of these items is shocking to any Correctly Thinking Person.
2) That conservatives find sexuality just as shocking as these protesters find guns. That is, people Of a Certain Age (vaguely defined as something over thirty or maybe forty, but definitely their parents age) will feel such discomfort at any overt display of sexuality, as to acquiesce to any demand.
Motto of the National Dildo Association:
"They're takin' away my dildo when they pry it out of my cold, dead, sticky fingers."
Well they are idiots, short answer, the longer answer is extreme category error about the constitution.
More of the Two Worlds thing going on.
Two sides just haven't got anything to do with each other, no shared interests, and I suspect not even any shared classrooms in this case. Two ships passing in the night.
To a degree both sides fight, overtly, against phantom fantasies of the other.
There are real things, not phantom fantasies, going on, unperceived by the silly people with dildos nor by the almost as silly gun carriers.
NRA says "Sold". And thus the historic 2nd Amendment - sex toy compromise was born.
"If there are guns in your bags, there will be dildos in mine."
Because one is for fighting, the other's for fun?
According to the book, Deer Hunting With Jesus, 32% of rape attempts succeed when the victim isn't armed. If she has a gun or knife, only 3% succeed. Conclusion: women need to pack heat.
Conclusion: women need to pack heat.
Right! Packing a dildo is unlikely to deter a rapist.
The Germans have decided tattoos are the solution to their kerfluffle witn unruly immigrants
""If there are guns in your bags, there will be dildos in mine. If you pack heat, we’re packing meat! We’re going to make you as uncomfortable as we are.""
Hee...I'm always packing meat, babe. And I bet it would make you a lot more uncomfortable than me...at least at first....
"If there are guns in your bags, there will be dildos in mine. If you pack heat, we’re packing meat! We’re going to make you as uncomfortable as we are."
What a fucking twit.
Kristian Holvoet: "Guns. Sex. Racism. Texas. It sort of makes sense, from a certain world view":
Why can't Texas be more like Chicago?
This may be an issue ARM can get in front of.
"What interests me most here is how the protesters have suddenly forgotten the interest all students have in being free from sexual harassment." They haven't suddenly forgotten anything. They are just practicing the usual situational prog ethics. The interest of all students is to be interpreted in context: if usefully exploited for prog purposes, apply; if not, ignore. Forget hypocrisy and contradiction; any argument is a mere tactical tool.
Someday they might realize that nobody gives a flying goddamn if they have a dildo or not.
This could be a partial solution to the problem of women infantrymen not being able to carry as much weight as their male counterparts.
Nothing says "I am a serious person who can be trusted in society" like walking around with a dildo in public.
"According to the book, Deer Hunting With Jesus, 32% of rape attempts succeed when the victim isn't armed. If she has a gun or knife, only 3% succeed. Conclusion: women need to pack heat."
Women and men:
Keep women as objects, serviceable, and taxable. The pornographer humanitarians approve.
That said, this reads like an awkward attempt at flirtation a la "Slut Walk". However, she is repeating the lessons of Biology 101 in a confused daze, as if her head is trapped in... the twilight zone (a.k.a. penumbra).
nobody gives a flying goddamn if they have a dildo or not
Nobody? There can be only one.
No one is trying to take away her right to carry a dildo or to auto-sexual stimulation. Well, perhaps in public -- keep Portland weird[er]. What, exactly, is she protesting?
In fact, the choice of auto-sexual stimulation by immature women (and men) reduces the elective occurrence of childhood mortality for trivial causes to near zero. The dildo should be embraced as a symbol of pride for the female chauvinist cause.
The harpy may have a real lesson after she leaves her dildo on the bench in Organic Chemistry lab and then shoves it up her shrewish cooter. You can always tell chemical plant workers because they wash their hands before they urinate. You can think about why.
“I have a huge dildo strapped to my backpack because these people believe it is their God-given right to carry a weapon into my classroom,”
This is a college student. "Because?" Thanks, Leftists: your war on standards and "reason" has been won, and people like this--people seemingly incapable of thinking--are our prize.
There's no attempt to persuade, or to address an argument, or even to make an argument of her own. Stewart and Colbert and their ilk taught her that the correct reaction to something you disagree with is unreasoning scorn and ridicule. That is all they're capable of--their actions are absurd because there is no reason behind them.
What in the hell do these protesters believe their opponents (the "guns-in-classrooms" supporters) will think about the protest? "We're offended by your position and the current law, so in response we'll do something we imagine (without any evidence) will offend you?" Is...is that all there is?
It's a PR stunt for the new Bravo series Have Dildo Will Travel. The pilot episode introduces the grim hero Paladina lolling around on the floor of her Super 8 Motel on 3rd Ave in Park Slope twirling the end of her mustache while practicing a quick draw of her dildo from her vajayjay. Taped to the wall opposite is a large pin-up of Raquel Welch in One Million B.C. Only her face has been replaced by the head of Charlton Heston, which as hard as she tries she cannot hit with the razor-tipped dildo. Assured by her Women's Studies professor that Heston remains a powerful totem to geezer gun toters everywhere and Welch's.hateful traditional beauty survives as a symbolic rebuke to dykes everywhere, Paladina in mounting frustration angrily rips out her dildo and performs an accidental epiesiotomy. The episode ends with our hero sitting in a mixture of blood and shit reaching for her cell phone and calling her professor for advice.
"No. But if I saw a woman, or in this case a girl, carrying or waving a dildo around, I'd think of her using it on herself. These grrrlz are objectifying themselves as sex objects. Yay!"
But what about the effect some women are having on other women. That's what the dildo-wielders have lost sight of.
And the men also have a basis for objection. A body part of theirs is being treated as separate from the human being. His body part is being treated with disrespect and as a device to use for ridicule and hostility.
Irony: The UT Texas Tower in the background.
Especially considering it was students with guns - that they ran to get from their trucks parked on campus - who helped keep Charles Whitman from shooting more people than he did.
And the men also have a basis for objection. A body part of theirs is being treated as separate from the human being. His body part is being treated with disrespect and as a device to use for ridicule and hostility.
But that's a sensitive snowflake effect. Guys aren't into snowflake. They don't care.
Feminism is nagging. Guys don't do it. They respond to it, or, nowadays, not. Chivalry being both dead and alive at once, something that feminists rely on.
I'd say flood public spaces with male and female body part replicas until everybody gets over it.
That turned up in Lautreamont somewhere.
The priest of religions heads the procession, holding in one hand a white flag, the sign of peace, and in the other a golden device depicting the male and female privy parts, as if to indicate that these carnal members are most of the time, all metaphor apart, very dangerous tools in the hands of those employing them, when manipulated blindly to different and conflicting ends, instead of engendering a timely reaction against that well-known passion which causes nearly all our ills. To the small of his back is attached (artificially, of course) a horse's tail, thick and flowing, which sweeps dust off the ground. It means, beware of debasing ourselves by our behaviour to the level of animals. The coffin knows the way and moves behind the billowing vestment of the comforter. The relatives and friends of the deceased, demonstrating their position, have decided to bring up the rear of the procession. The latter advances majestically like a vessel that cleaves the open sea, and does not fear the phenomenon of sinking; for at this moment tempests and reefs are conspicuous only by their understandable absence.
Why would they think that someone carrying a firearm would be made uncomfortable by seeing someone carrying a dildo?
And why do they think that everyone carrying a firearm is male?
"A federal judge denied a request from three UT professors on Monday for an injunction to allow them to ban firearms in their classrooms. "
I've read a number of comments from these professors. They seem to be laboring under the greatly mistaken impression that the classrooms they work in belong to *them*. They do not. They belong to the citizens of Texas. You professors just work there. And the citizens of Texas as a body are sovereign in such matters and have every right to decide whether or not people should have a right to carry firearms into college classrooms and to determine that the concerns of those professors in this issue matter less than the rights and concerns of the rest of Texas.
It confirms my long-held theory that women who hate/fear guns see them as phallic instruments and they also hate/fear men.
I just hope they've all received training in the proper and safe use of those things.
In the early 1970s when I was Chairman of the College Republicans at my university had a liberal chic brandished a dildo on campus I would have asked if she would let me watch. Most if not all of us would have asked to watch. Christ, at 65 I would now. Who do these morons think is afraid of a dildo? Trust me, we NRA members on campus would not be threatened.
Female students brandishing dildos would be the first to be invited to frat rush parties.
I say we reach out and join together on common ground: Bushmaster!
Seems to me that it all evens out. On the one hand, you have folks walking around equipped to commit rape. (Dildos)
On the other you have folks walking around equipped to prevent them. (Guns)
It will be interesting to see what happens to the potential dildo wielding rapist when confronted with a gun wielding rapee.
I suspect that the act will not be consummated.
John Henry
Organic Chemistry was the hardest course I ever took. That silly twat may be signed up for it now, but no way will she still be there Spring Term.
Nobody cares what a bunch of liberal dildo toting freaks do.
Oh, wait I forgot about all the male losers and cucks.
Yeah, maybe it'll work.
Kids say the darndest things. Why do we admit them to college?
I think there might be something underneath this that makes sense in some strange way. In a discussion from my past, when mentally reaching for some object that would communicate the same strange vibe as a gun sitting causally on a coffe table, I thought immediately of...a dildo. I'd have to spend some time analyzing why that seemed right at the time.
Nothing like a dildo on the back pack to declare yourself as a gun free zone.
But, hey, whatever floats your boat.
Lol. You're just fucking with us now. Who knew blogging could be such fun?
I didn't check. Did Lazlo chime in?
What a crazy world. There was a time when crazy people walking around with huge fake penises (peni?) on their backs would be thrown in the crazy bin. Today? 15 minutes of fame on the greatest blog in the world.
It's going to be ok. I think.
"His body part is being treated with disrespect and as a device to use for ridicule and hostility."
Oh noes! Will somebody please hold my hand and cry with me? Just for a sec?
Pretty please?
Bunch a pussies!
"when you see a Playboy centerfold, does a man pop into your mind?"
Yeah, actually. Me... with the girl.
Meh. Cultural conditioning has taught me to not take female protests seriously until they are topless.
Though those bachelorette parties are kind of funny when the gals roam about sucking on dick straws. "look at us..we're gettin' craaazyyy!"
"If there are guns in your bags, there will be dildos in mine."
So how will they know to pack the sex gear?
Sounds like a Schrödinger's cat variation.
And the men also have a basis for objection. A body part of theirs is being treated as separate from the human being. His body part is being treated with disrespect and as a device to use for ridicule and hostility.
Frankly, most men don't care as long as they get laid and they are not detached from the real one they were born with.
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