৬ আগস্ট, ২০১৬

"I think they’re acting like little brats. If Trump loses, I blame them — Paul Ryan, Scott Walker... all of the little baby boys that don’t want to support the official nominee."

Said one of the Wisconsinites who attended the Donald Trump rally in Green Bay last night.

Other quotes from attendees at the link, including: "Pull up your big boy pants and get with the program."

ADDED: Note the theme: Manhood. Everyone's manhood is at stake. America's manhood is at stake.

AND: Speaking of big boy pants, I was going to say there is no photograph of Donald Trump wearing shorts... but Google drags up this...

... which is possibly photoshopped. Photos can lie. But gaze upon that image and learn why a man who wants to be taken as a serious adult should stay out of shorts.

And yet, I suspect that was a tennis situation, and Trump's outfit is tennis as hell, so he's squarely within one of my men-in-shorts exceptions: engaged in a sport where shorts are the traditional attire. (So: tennis, basketball, biking, running, but not golf.)

ALSO: Just for balance, fun, and memories of the good old days:

৯৯টি মন্তব্য:

Humperdink বলেছেন...

He won the nomination, get over the fact that your choice(s) lost. Trump loses and this party is toast.

A Trump victory will lead to a party makeover, which it desperately needs.

robinintn বলেছেন...

I don't understand why the Republican nominee for president, at the height of the campaign, is under an obligation to endorse one Republican over another in a primary election. It seems like a terrible idea in several ways, pissing off large chunks of potential voters, and bordering on corrupt. It's related to the fact that I only donate to a specific candidate, as various republican organizations that should be neutral until the general use people's money to help their pre-determined winner. Also, isn't this the same scandal that has DNC staffers resigning? Taking sides in the primary?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

I thought Ryan and Walker are supporting Trump?

Trump's supporters are delusional.
Delusional Trump throne sniffers are the trouser-less brats, this time around.

If Trump loses, as planned, it's the fault of Hannity and all the idiots who bought into Trumps's multi-level marketing scheme. What a farce.

Mark বলেছেন...

Either you are a pussy like Eastwood claims or you wear big boy pants.

And we wonder why the Republicans are sinking. All my young nieces and nephews on vacation two weeks ago considered the Republican party a joke.

Based on the last week, it has been made clear why.

Mark বলেছেন...

AprilApple, just about every Republican in Wisconsin refused to go to Trumps rally.

The speaker of our Assembly posted a 'hell no' editorial about Trump too.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"I thought Ryan and Walker are supporting Trump?"

I'm seeing news stories this week that Ryan is working to undercut Trump. And Ryan didn't show up at the Trump rally.

Eric the Fruit Bat বলেছেন...

Nope. It is perfectly correct to say that they are behaving in a way inconsistent with the general understanding of how a grown man should comport himself.

Going from that to "America's manhood is at stake" is absurd.

I hope that was intended to be humorous.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

It could be as simple as knowing a sinking ship when you see one.

Eric the Fruit Bat বলেছেন...

Another way to look at those unflattering photos is to see that some people can present themselves imperfectly from time to time and still be extremely successful.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

But gaze upon that image and learn why a man who wants to be taken as a serious adult should stay out of shorts

I don't see it. Is it a female brain thing? It can't be evolution and a survival skill.

It's probably imprinting, like what has a duck following you around all its life.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Radio Derb is good this week on the Trump news scandals, basically a WTF coverage moment, as Derb returns from two weeks in Taiwan and catches up on the news.

Radio Derb page.

Ryan বলেছেন...

Why even bother jogging if you go to McDonald's after?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Men who pretend to be athletes who wear shorts -V- men who are athletic in shorts. V. men who wear shorts on a hot day but at least the shorts are long enough that we don't have to notice any creepy sweaty nubby thing.
Big diff.
Nobody, male or female, runs in pants.

Bill and Gore are pudgy pink chakras.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

Everybody's getting too caught up in people and personalities. Sure, Trump is an ignorant clown. Sure, the GOPe is mostly petulant pussies. But the GOP problem is structural. Different constituencies think differently and want different things. Reagan optimism could unite them temporarily, though he had the benefit of Carter and the common red enemy, and small-gov, pro-amnesty Reaganism wouldn't fly with the Trumpkins anymore. Bush compassionate conservatism papered over the differences, and he had the benefit of Gore, and briefly (politically speaking) 9/11 and Iraq, but Bushy amnesty and "stupid wars" don't fly with Trumpkins either. So there we are. Bush/Romney moderates, old-fashioned conservatives, and Trumpy populists will have trouble getting into the same tent again. The most rational thing, of course, would be to unite behind a sensible, charismatic figure who is most likely to beat the other party, RRII, so that each faction gets at least something more than they otherwise would, but no such figure was on offer this year and mere rationality may be too much to ask.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

"But gaze upon that image and learn why a man who wants to be taken as a serious adult should stay out of shorts."

I played competitive basketball and volleyball, indoors and outdoors, until I was 62. You don't do that in jeans. Does one bicycle in long pants? Play tennis? Or does not sports count?

What if one lives in Phoenix (106 today)? Not everyone lives in the Arctic circle in Madison.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"I hope that was intended to be humorous."

It's a characterization of how other people are talking and thinking. It's humor if you like humor like that.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"Why even bother jogging if you go to McDonald's after?"

The subject of endless late-night TV comedy in the 1990s.

SteveBrooklineMA বলেছেন...

The Wisconsinite is right. Working hard to defeat Trump while blaming his supporters for his (potential) loss is quite fashionable in conservative circles. It doesn't really make sense.

I'll stop wearing shorts when women stop wearing pants.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

I think the idea was: How can I look more ridiculous than these shorts already make me look?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

I didn't bother following the link because from where I sit Trump is deeply committed to self-destruction. Take Khizr Kahn. If Trump had kept his mouth shut for a day or two, and if he had built up a professional campaign team, he would have learned that Khizr Khan was making money by bringing in Muslim immigrants in ways that get around the vetting process. All he had to do was wait until one of the stupid (alleged) journalists prodded him on camera, then unload. Nope. Trump had to be Trump.

Take Ryan (please!). All Trump had to do was make a vague statement about how he assumes Ryan will win his primary and general and that he looks forward to working with him after Inauguration Day to restore balance between the government and the people. Emphasize that Ryan holds the power of the purse strings. Nope. Had to start a feud. Not dumb. Dumber.

@Achilles, now do you get what some of us who are experienced in political campaigns were trying to tell you?

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"I played competitive basketball and volleyball, indoors and outdoors, until I was 62. You don't do that in jeans. Does one bicycle in long pants? Play tennis? Or does not sports count?"

Why do you ask that when it says right in the post: "And yet, I suspect that was a tennis situation, and Trump's outfit is tennis as hell, so he's squarely within one of my men-in-shorts exceptions: engaged in a sport where shorts are the traditional attire. (So: tennis, basketball, biking, running, but not golf.)"

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Men in shorts isn't a female thing, it's an Althouse thing which makes sense only to Althouse.

Ryan, Walker, Johnson, and the rest of the Wisconsin Republicans who didn't show up to Trump's rally are acting in self preservation. Unfortunately they will forever be tainted with the stink of Trump, even when he loses to Clinton in a historic landslide. True believers still hang on until the bitter end, such loyalty. April Apple will be here screaming "I told you so!"

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

I've always had exceptions. Besides the sports one, I make an exception when the temperature is high enough. I'd say at least in the 80s. Where I live, men wear shorts even when it's in the 40s!

I've also made an exception for any individual man who is able to look great in shorts, and I have put up photographs of men in shorts that I saw and like. I remember them. One was a guy fishing and another was a guy in NYC walking dogs. Click on the men in shorts tag and scroll. You'll find them.

Take a good look at your legs. And look at the shorts you are attempting to wear: Are they oversized and worn with an oversized untucked T-shirt? It's the giant toddler effect you need to look out for. It's desexualizing. If that's the effect you want: Go for it. It's no worse than a 50-year old woman in a big, baggy sweatsuit. Not everyone wants to be thought of as physically attractive. If that's what you want to express — I never want to have sex — go ahead and be out and proud about it.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Tom Wolfe described the giant toddler effect perfectly in "I Am Charlotte Simmons":

"All that elegance was what made the personage of Dr. Lewin seem so curious. Last week, when the class first met, he had worn a plaid cotton shirt and pants -- nothing remarkable about that. The shirt had had long sleeves, and the pants had been long pants. But this morning he had on a short-sleeved shirt that showed too much of his skinny, hairy arms, and denim shorts that showed too much of this gnarly, hairy legs. He looked for all the world like a seven-year-old who at the touch of a wand had become old, tall, bald on top, and hairy everywhere else, an ossified seven-year-old, a pair of eyeglasses with lenses thick as ice pushed up to the summit of his forehead -- unaccountably addressing thirty college students, at Dupont, no less."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

I won't be screaming "I told you so". Not my style.

The fix is in. It's rigged. The man who invented the word rigged is part of the rigging. I'm saying so now. I might be wrong and I hope I am wrong because there isn't anything more foul than the Clinton Crime family and their corrupt media - and all the corrupt mega-corporate anti-free speech that will flow from it.

I take no comfort.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Wolfe is comparing his character to a 7-year old. That's post toddler.

I say toddler because I often see men who have big bellies and relatively small legs and arms. The proportions call to mind a toddler when a big t-shirt and shorts are worn.

Sydney বলেছেন...

Any of the Republicans would lose to Clinton. The press would make any of them look ridiculous and/or evil. The establishment Republicans are fooling themselves into thinking that if the oppose Trump, they have a chance at winning future elections. They're taking their cues from the press, not the voters. They think the press loves them. The press is only making them look good because they are supporting Hillary.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"I take no comfort."

I will take great comfort in Trump's loss.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

OK AA, I was being a bit sarcastic with my sports comment, but the your continued antipathy towards shorts as a mode of dress for males is uncharacteristic of you.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Sydney is very wrong. Any other reasonable Republican could've won over Clinton, but the bat shit crazy base wanted Trump, LOL! Thanks!

rhhardin বলেছেন...

The shorts evidence submitted lacks the quality of being evident.

Something hallucinatory is going on.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

I have great legs, muscle-wise. Lifetime bicycle commuting.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

That's because you prefer a criminal.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

".....but the your continued antipathy towards shorts as a mode of dress for males is uncharacteristic of you."

Are all conservatives and Republicans this oblivious? It's very much within her character, based on what I've observed from her writings on this blog.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

After reading a few financial articles, it appears the shorts are taking a stronger position on Wall Street. As Taranto would say: "Look out below".

Wince বলেছেন...

Althouse: White [male] Thighs Matter!

rhhardin বলেছেন...

The shorts problem, with boats

KATHLEEN Well, the only thing I really care about, besides the married thing, and the jail thing, is the, uh, the boat thing.

JOE What boat thing?

KATHLEEN I can never be with someone who had a boat.

JOE I have a boat.


JOE Which clinches it. We'll never be together. How many?


JOE Allow me.

KATHLEEN Oh, thank you.

JOE I could never be with someone who likes Joni Mitchell. "It's clouds' illusions I recall. I really don't know clouds at all." What does that mean? Is she a pilot? Is she taking flying lessons? It must be a metaphor for something, but I don't know what it is. So how's your book coming?

-- You've Got Mail

Humperdink বলেছেন...

LittleKnown said: "Are all conservatives and Republicans this oblivious? It's very much within her character, based on what I've observed from her writings on this blog."

Nope, to me, shorts are an easy mark, which is why I deemed it uncharacteristic of our gracious hostess.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Nope, to me, shorts are an easy mark, which is why I deemed it uncharacteristic of our gracious hostess."

Yes, oblivious.

chickelit বলেছেন...

"Fair and balanced" would be a recent photo of Hillary in shorts or even a skirt. But, her thighness was doesn't do sports.

Chuck বলেছেন...


Trump said he didn't want the endorsements of people like McCain. Trump ridiculed the Republican Party and its donor base. Trumpkins all across the internet are howling about how they want to end the Republican Party as we know it.

Most of all, having secured his own base -- whatever that is -- Trump has mostly refused to do anything to try to win the votes of the rest of the standard Republican electorate.

So shove it, Mr. Trump. And all of your fanatics. You don't want the Republican Party, and we don't want you. Just make your run, and then shut the fuck up because what is happening to you is something all of your conservative critics predicted all along.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

AprilApple said...
It could be as simple as knowing a sinking ship when you see one.
8/6/16, 8:14 AM

Rats often do.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Thank you, Chuck. It needed to be said.

F U Trumpkins., YOU fell for the fraud.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Unknown - you support a crook. You are thrilled with a fraud facing the crook- because the crook wins by default.

We really are screwed.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

Mean guys wear shorts.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Chuck you two, Farley.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

At the Althouse Commenters Banquet who will be sitting next to Chuck?

Maybe Althouse has ideas on the Seating Arrangements...

I am Laslo.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Trump is the outsider everywhere he goes except among his voters.

People hate change, and the Insiders know that. Normal people will refuse change unless staying the same is more painful than the painful process of learning new ways.

So Trump is a big challenge because he is offering to MAGA by using a skill set not seen since JFK. That is change to the Socialist miasma we are being steeped in with Big Lie Propaganda.

And Venezuela seems like a nice place in our Fantasies. It has all the oil wealth it needs. It has a old Hispanic culture. It has everything except for food. It turns out food is not good for Socialists.

Eric the Fruit Bat বলেছেন...

There are times when shorts are inappropriate or unflattering. Hard to imagine anyone disagreeing with that.

My biggest problem with shorts is that my car has leather seats and the meat on the underside of my upper legs gets all sweaty and sticky.

I'm sure there's something I could do to remedy the problem but who the hell cares?

The good news is: At least I've learned to unstick myself gradually when getting out of the car. Even a rat learns what to do if it gets enough in the way of electrical shocks.

John বলেছেন...

I'm confused, why can't men wear shorts while golfing? I knowthe PGA standard for tournament play, but I hardly even qualify as an amateur. It is usually in the 70's to 90's when I play here in FL, does that mean I fall into the heat exemption?

How do I get a waiver from the Althouse Rule as I will now think of it?

David বলেছেন...

Laslo Spatula said...
At the Althouse Commenters Banquet who will be sitting next to Chuck?

Maybe Althouse has ideas on the Seating Arrangements...

I am Laslo.

I volunteer. I can do a great George H.W. Bush in Japan imitation.

(Just an imitation, mind you. Think Campbell's mushroom soup.)

David বলেছেন...

Trump is the nominee because the Republican Party failed to produce an alternative more attractive to its voters.

David বলেছেন...

"It is usually in the 70's to 90's when I play here in FL, does that mean I fall into the heat exemption?"

You fall within the fool exemption if you play golf voluntarily when the temp is in the 90's.

If you wear shorts when it's in the 70's, it's the wimp exemption.

chickelit বলেছেন...

And Hillary is the nominee because the Democratic Party failed to produce an alternative more attractive to its voters.

William বলেছেন...

Does tucking your shirt into the pants help or does it aggravate the problem? To me it looks a little uptight, but it does show an effort has been made to look respectable. At any rate, you see it less and less often. The untucked shirt is like a comb over for early baldness. If you're about ten pounds overweight, it can disguise the bulge, but, otherwise, it just draws attention to it..........The subtext of shorts or fashion in general is that you have to care what kind of impression you're making. There comes a point when you just don't give a damn.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

And Hillary is the nominee because the Democratic Party failed to allow an alternative more attractive to its voters.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

Althouse doesn't have a problem with shorts per se. She has a problem with men's body hair. It grosses her out. She wants men to keep it covered.

Original Mike বলেছেন...


Trump said he didn't want the endorsements of people like McCain. Trump ridiculed the Republican Party and its donor base. Trumpkins all across the internet are howling about how they want to end the Republican Party as we know it."

The man has a point.

Fritz বলেছেন...

Blogger Bob Boyd said...
And Hillary is the nominee because the Democratic Party failed to allow an alternative more attractive to its voters.

Given Sanders success, that's not obvious. Maybe they prefer an open socialist to a crook.

LYNNDH বলেছেন...

Pull up your Big Girl Panties and drop all the BS about Men in Shorts.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Trump is a farce candidate. Not the change candidate.

Trump will be back in Clintonian good graces within 1-2 years after he loses. Right now all Trump can do is raise enough money in the campaign to break even.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

"Maybe they prefer an open socialist to a crook."

Many Dem voters clearly do, but not the Party. The hacked DNC emails show that.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said... @8:35
There's an alternative that you may not have considered.
Oversize shirts and shorts OR those same men naked.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

I will say "I told you so.", becuase I predicted months ago that blaming people who found Trump to be a terrible candidate will be the first and only response by Trumpers to his loss. They won't blame themselves for picking and pushing - without reflection - a lame horse wearing clown shoes to run a race against a lame horse being driven around the track in a trailer. They won't blame Trump for wearing those clown shoes in a serious race, and they won't even blame the voters who decided freely, even if uninformed and misinformed. Republicans got sold a bad horse and paid dearly. I blame those who chose him in the primary and those who vote for Hillary in the general, because that's simply the people who will be responsible for giving her the power.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

4% of the population nominated Trump. A slightly higher percentage chose Hillary, because a bell curve is fat in the middle.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Chuck: Trumpkins all across the internet are howling about how they want to end the Republican Party as we know it."

Well, uh, yeah. Deadwood needs to be cleared out so that something fit for purpose can rise in its place. These things take time, certainly longer than a few election cycles. (If you care about a meaningful opposition to what Hillary represents, you sure as hell ain't gonna get it from the Republican Party.) Trump kicked this salutary process up a notch, which is all to the good, whatever happens in November.

As this proceeds, the neocons and their gormless hangers-on will be (already are being) resorbed into the Dem machine, where they belonged all along, and the "true conservatives" will natter along to extinction. (Dear "true conservatives": I suggest a time machine taking you back to the early days of the American republic, or carving out a little niche republic for yourselves with a demographic profile similar to the same. Maybe the survivalists in Idaho can give you some tips.)

The basic problem with the analysis of people like you and April is that you project your own student-council nerd mindset about politics onto people who don't give a shit about Your Little Party, who simply don't perceive the world in those terms, and this severely limits your understanding. Thus you're reduced to extended pissy-bitch sessions with your counterparts about "Hillary is going to get elected because you didn't vote for my guy!", and about how everybody else is just getting "conned", because (as buwaya is continually pointing out to no avail) they don't prefer your flavor of flim-flam.)

If the S ever really does HTF, I'm gonna be really worried about you guys.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"If the S ever really does HTF, I'm gonna be really worried about you guys."

Such big brave talk, it's bullshit. Don't think for a minute normal Americans won't fight back.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I'm already happy to say "I told you so". It's fun watching the loony fringe's candidate crash and burn so early in the general election.

Stephen Taylor বলেছেন...

If Trump wins, Paul Ryan will find out what happens to March Violets.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

bagoh20: I will say "I told you so.", becuase I predicted months ago that blaming people who found Trump to be a terrible candidate will be the first and only response by Trumpers to his loss.

Sure, some of 'em, same way the anti-Trumpers have been pre-emptively blaming the Trumpers for a Republican loss since before Trump even got the nomination, are blaming the Trumpers now, and will blame the Trumpers if Hillary wins.

So, not a particularly interesting, or astute, observation.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Unknown: Such big brave talk, it's bullshit. Don't think for a minute normal Americans won't fight back.


Scratching my head here. This response seems about as pertinent as "Great post! Really good insight! Visit my webage at http:..."

JML বলেছেন...

William said...There comes a point when you just don't give a damn.

Yup. I'm afraid so...

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Angelyne, take my comment to mean you're a big mouthed Trump nutcase, who imagines some time in the future when right wing loons such as yourself "rebel". Good luck with that rebellion. There are far more sane Americans, than nutty Trumpists longing to burn it all down.

victoria বলেছেন...

Trump had to read his endorsement of Ryan, Ayotte and McCain. It looked like it was making him gag. The Republican Party did not want him going off script for that one

Vicki from Pasadena

Annie বলেছেন...

Republicans have only themselves to blame. You win first and then you bitch fight and push your guy into the direction you want him to go. Like the democrats do, who give zero shits about how crooked or criminal their candidate is. They are in it to win. And then they do.

And the republicans, who found McCain, Romney, Christie, Kasich, Rubio, etc., not good enough, only piss and moan as they watch OChavez, and next, Chairman Cankles, shred the Constitution, protected by party men in a non-existent Justice Department or IRS, unless you oppose them.

I have been told by anti-Trumpers that there will be a revolution if a Hillary SCOTUS reverses Heller. I just laugh as they have yet to push away their keyboards and do anything about every other assault their overlords smacked them across the head with.

Yes, I suspect we're being played; I could be wrong. Trump can't be that stupid. And the slime that is the GOPe really would prefer another Clinton as you've heard not one peep from any of them regarding what Hillary has done. Both know she can be bought. So why give them what they want and why not give him what he might not?

To the Hillary seat-sniffers, being a member of the Free Shit Army at either end, is not something to be proud of. I just don't understand how you guys are more than happy to let other very obviously corrupt, stupid men, in it for themselves, to tell you how to live. Or is it some dark perverted jealousy of your own that gives you satisfaction to see free-thinking, hard working, others, be cut off at the knees? Rhetorical question. I am related to people like you who have told me as much.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Unknown: Angelyne, take my comment to mean you're a big mouthed Trump nutcase, who imagines some time in the future when right wing loons such as yourself "rebel". Good luck with that rebellion.

Yeah, sure, whatever. I think you just posted a stupid bleat and I doubt even you knew what you meant by it at the time.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

I've also made an exception for any individual man who is able to look great in shorts,

Me with Annie in 2005.

Kevin বলেছেন...

"Trump said he didn't want the endorsements of people like McCain."

He never said he didn't want anyone's endorsement until after they had failed to endorse him.

When asked by the media to respond, he then went on to say he would win without their backing. He wasn't going to publicly beg for them to change their minds, nor should he have.

victoria বলেছেন...

Kevin, endorsing those candidates, no matter what. Changed his tune.
He knows he needs the backing of the party, which he really doesn't have. IF he keeps succumbing to the bait, he will lose support. People already think he's a loose cannon. I think he is heading for a major meltdown, unless his people reel him in. That would be sad.

Vicki from Pasadena

Fabi বলেছেন...

Another thread to brag about my great looking legs -- thanks Althouse!

Fabi বলেছেন...

Hahaha! Real Republican Chuck is having a full meltdown! What a pussy you are, little boy. Hahaha!

Fabi বলেছেন...

AprilApple goes Full Chuck. Never go Full Chuck.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Jesus Christ Ann. A lot of people don't look all that "good." This is the fattest country on earth. Do you really think you look all that good in shorts, at your age and in the shape you're in? Good god. Some people look good and some people don't. Some people keep in shape some don't. Yes, it's easier for people to look like they're in shape when they're in peak hormone prime - ages 18 to around 30 but there's simply no reason to make this an ageist sexist thing. Taste is taste and Bill Clinton never had and never will have any of it. Plus you're being totally racist. (Ha ha! Didn't think you had it in you!) I notice you don't post pictures of black guys in shorts looking bad. The pasty look is definitely a white person thing.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"So, not a particularly interesting, or astute, observation.".

Sometimes obvious things are important too, especially when leading the blind.

victoria বলেছেন...

Shorts exception.. i was reading T and Lo during Comicon and they were lambasting Idris Elba for wearing shorts. Shame on you, T and Lo, that man looked incredible in shorts. My exception.



Made my heart go pitter pat.

Vicki from Pasadena

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

The guy's jogging, breaking a massive sweat and taking a happy break carrying along purchases from McDonalds. If that doesn't tell you everything you need to know about Billjob's commitment to a wholehearted healthy approach to anything then nothing will. It takes real skill to develop urgently needed interventionist CAD while not a smoker or diabetic but by golly Billjob pulled that one off. Maybe his blood pressure was pretty high though, the creepy horndog.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"Sure, some of 'em, same way the anti-Trumpers have been pre-emptively blaming the Trumpers for a Republican loss since before Trump even got the nomination, are blaming the Trumpers now, and will blame the Trumpers if Hillary wins."

The difference is they were right, or astute if you will.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

bagoh20: The difference is they were right, or astute if you will.

Asserting the truth of unprovable claims, always the mark of the astute analyst of events, and the superior prognosticator.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Don't blame me if Hillary wins in November.

I wasn't the one who nominated a buffoon to represent the Republican Party.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Had the Never-Trumpers and Trump-skeptics been the noble, wise-men that they always pretend to be, they would've supported Trump to the extent they could and otherwise kept their mouths shut.

Instead, they criticized Trump, refused to support him, stabbed him the back, and made it quite clear - while the election was going on - that they'd be either happier that Trump lost or that Trump was loser and don't blame them.

If you think Trump supporters or just Republicans who don't want Hillary are going to forget that kind of behavior after the election - you're nuts.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Unknown said to me: "Yes, oblivious."

Unknown said to Angelyne: Angelyne, take my comment to mean you're a big mouthed Trump nutcase, who imagines some time in the future when right wing loons such as yourself "rebel". Good luck with that rebellion.

Angelyne responded: "Yeah, sure, whatever. I think you just posted a stupid bleat and I doubt even you knew what you meant by it at the time."

@UnknownByFew: Coming from you, being labelled as "oblivious" is a badge of honor. Thanks!

rcocean বলেছেন...

The never-Trumpers have made it quite clear their primary goal is support for wars in the Middle East, open borders, and Globalization and NOT "limited government" "Fiscal Responsibility" or "Social conservatism".

People aren't going to forget their hypocrisy. Cruz was crawling back into McConnell's good graces, as well he should, because his insurgent conservationism has been shown to be totally phony.

The same is true of Glenn Beck and all the girly men at National Review

lgv বলেছেন...

Tennis was traditionally played in pants just like tennis. I just spent 4 hours on the golf course in 100 degree weather. I can't imagine playing in pants. The pros have to by rule, but at least their caddies can wear shorts. You should be railing against tennis players to. The women should be wearing dresses with knickers. So should swimmers if we going with "traditional" attire.

lgv বলেছেন...

BTW, do you have a golf double standard? LPGA tour players get to play in shorts. Is it just a guy thing? How about kilts? That's traditional Scottish attire where golf was invented.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

No big surprise that George Will has formally endorsed Hillary. What a turd!

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"I'm confused, why can't men wear shorts while golfing? I knowthe PGA standard for tournament play, but I hardly even qualify as an amateur. It is usually in the 70's to 90's when I play here in FL, does that mean I fall into the heat exemption? "

You can't use the sports exception but if it's hot enough you can use the heat exception.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Back in my golfing days, women at the Country Club were allowed to wear Bermuda-length shorts and so were men. Shirts, with collars, had to be tucked in. They've probably eased their restrictions by now. A lot of gals are wearing skorts now--more flattering, I think, than shorts, and your butt isn't so evident when you bend over.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

And, yes, America's manhood IS at stake! Males, beware the Hildebeest and her testosterone-sapping administration. Even black males are at risk once 'empowered' black women take over. Goodbye gonads.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

NJ: But what’s the case for low-skilled workers?

RYAN: [They] bring labor to our economy so jobs can get done. The dairy farmers in western Wisconsin are having a hard time finding anyone to help them produce their products, which are mostly cheese. If they can’t find workers, then they can’t produce, and we’ll end up importing. The flip side of the argument is: Just raise wages enough to attract people. But you raise wages too much in certain industries, then you’ll get rid of those industries, and we’ll just have to import.

- See more at: http://paulryan.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=344861#sthash.rOmTcZL5.dpuf

Of course "Just have to import" assumes Paul Ryan's point of view on trade.