৫ আগস্ট, ২০১৬

Donald Trump admits he was wrong about something.

৪৮টি মন্তব্য:

rhhardin বলেছেন...

That kills Alan Colmes' claim that Trump is releasing top secret video information from his secret briefings, so you can't complain about Hillary, who wasn't releasing classified information in any case.

narciso বলেছেন...

actually he wasn't, obvious it didn't come from intelligence,


Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

I like how he makes sure to remind us that we sent $400 million in cash to Iran.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

What about all those thousands of Muslims celebrating on the roofs after 9/11?

The Bergall বলেছেন...

Is it feasible under the constitution for both candidates to not win and leave it to congress to elect the next president?

narciso বলেছেন...

memri also reported on it at time, now they'll probably deep six the link,

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"Is it feasible under the constitution for both candidates to not win and leave it to congress to elect the next president?"

-- If the Electoral College somehow deadlocks, the House still has to pick from people on the ballot, I think. Which will probably mean a Trump win in the House.

Hagar বলেছেন...

I thought he had confused it with the pictures from some years ago when we sent C-5's loaded with pallets of 100 dollar bills to Iraq.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Think of it, a President afflicted with false memory syndrome. Just what America needs.

Nonapod বলেছেন...

Does lying matter to people anymore? There doesn't seem to be a lot of repercussions for politicians being caught lying these days. Despite the amount of whoppers Obama has told over the years it hasn't seemed to have affected his approval rating much. And it's likely that Hillary: The Queen of Lies will be our next president, otherwise it will be Trump: The King of Exaggeration.

I guess lying matters more to people who pay attention. To regular voters, the fact that politicians lie is just par for the course. If a politician on your side is caught lying, it's unfortunate and embarrassing, but ultimately forgivable. The goal is always to defeat the other side. They're the real bad guys.

narciso বলেছেন...

like pretending churches had burnt in arkansas, when they hadn't

readering বলেছেন...

On to the next crazy self-created distraction.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Three planes and one with the cash pea is a hard game to win. The expert ponzi man Obama won another game.

Birkel বলেছেন...

I know it, UnknownInga! What will the country do if a presidential candidate falsely remembers getting shot at in Bosnia? Or what if they falsely believe the FBI director didn't admit she was a liar?

Or what if a sitting president has a false memory of not paying a $400 million dollar bribe to a hostile government, over intelligence services' objections?

What shall we do then?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi বলেছেন...

Has Hillary ever told the truth about anything to anyone? (except Chelsea, of course)

Darrell বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Darrell বলেছেন...

Didn't one of the hostages say they were kept waiting until a plane arrived and was unloaded, and the cargo checked?

For Trump it's a lie. For Hillary, it's nothing really because it's never mentioned again.

Hagar বলেছেন...

I think Obama is right that it was not a ransom payment. $100,000,000 per warm body ransomed is ridiculous. I think it was a money transfer that he meant to find some way of doing regardless of Congress and their laws forbidding passing U.S. funds or currency to Iran
Whether the Iranian government thought it was a ransom, I do not know; it might have been a cover story to tell their people for whatever reason.

The media do mention that some of this money may be passed on to Hamas and Hezbollah fighting wih Israel - "our most important ally in the Middle East," etc., blah, blah blah. That should probably be "will" rather than "may."

More to the point it will also show up in guerilla actions against our other allies in Europe and around the world, and, of course, ourselves.
The IED's and other munitions that killed our troops in the Middle East ever since 2004 were manufactured whole or in part in Iran, and deployed by operatives funded and trained by Iran.

narciso বলেছেন...

well the clip I included tells you how they thought of it,

dreams বলেছেন...

Now I'm going to have to hear about this all day long on CNBC or whatever tv channel.

narciso বলেছেন...

yes, and as they revealed in the debate, they haven't a clue except for santelli, and kernan on even numbered days

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


cubanbob বলেছেন...

Of course its ransom. And it will be used to pay terrorists which is why it was paid in cash.
Obama's bullshit about the bank law restrictions are just that, bullshit. The treasury could just wired the funds to country like Switzerland or Germany and those countries could have wired the money to Iran. The real question is why are we giving any money to Iran? We could have amped up sanctions by simply barring any bank or company doing business with Iran from doing business with the US. We should be using this time of low oil prices to punish Iran and the Arabs while we can as payback.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Nonapod said...
I guess lying matters more to people who pay attention. To regular voters, the fact that politicians lie is just par for the course. If a politician on your side is caught lying, it's unfortunate and embarrassing, but ultimately forgivable. The goal is always to defeat the other side. They're the real bad guys.
8/5/16, 9:16 AM


i guess there's something very machiavellian about it. it also goes seems to go hand in hand with the way people root for their side in politics like it's a sports team or celebrity feud. people simply want their biases confirmed. i'm working hard on myself to try and think about politics in a different way.

Curious George বলেছেন...

"Unknown said...
Think of it, a President afflicted with false memory syndrome. Just what America needs."

Sniper fire in Bosnia.
Dead broke when leaving White House.
Turned down by the Marines

walter বলেছেন...

Blogger Unknown said...
What about all those thousands of Muslims celebrating on the roofs after 9/11?
went the way of Hil's sniper fire.
Wiped..like with a cloth.

walter বলেছেন...

But you know..regarding that cash..

It was high time. They wanted it.

But since we are apparently doing ledger maintenance, did we deduct rent for the hostages in the distant and not so distant past? I'm sure there are various other fees that might go into that total.

Paul Snively বলেছেন...

Anyone who thinks you can build and/or maintain a real-estate empire in New York by not being able to admit when you were wrong is delusional. Anyone who thinks you can build and/or maintain a real-estate empire in New York by caving every time someone says "you're wrong!" is delusional.

Joe বলেছেন...

Anyone who thinks you can build and/or maintain a real-estate empire anywhere without making major mistakes is delusional.

eric বলেছেন...

This is my favorite Trump read of the day.


Has the added benefit of being funny.

I, for one, will never forget #Nevertrump.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

It would have been good for the voters in Republican primaries to vote for someone who thinks before he speaks. Just sayin'

Darrell বলেছেন...


FullMoon বলেছেন...

Unknown said... [hush]​[hide comment]

What about all those thousands of Muslims celebrating on the roofs after 9/11?

He was correct, simply misindentified the city, that's all.

StephenFearby বলেছেন...

Deus Ex Machina II (from Politico):

'Amid widespread chatter that Donald Trump could drop out of the presidential race before Election Day, Republican insiders in key battleground states have a message for The Donald:

Get out.

That’s according to The POLITICO Caucus — a panel of activists, strategists and operatives in 11 swing states. The majority of GOP insiders, 70 percent, said they want Trump to drop out of the race and be replaced by another Republican candidate — with many citing Trump’s drag on Republicans in down-ballot races. But those insiders still think it’s a long-shot Trump would actually end his campaign and be replaced by another GOP candidate.

“I’d rather take our chances with nearly anyone else than continue with this certain loser who will likely cost the Senate and much more,” said a New Hampshire Republican — who, like all respondents, completed the survey anonymously.'

"...A Trump exit from the race after he’s been formally nominated would trigger a rarely used vacancy rule in the national Republican Party’s rulebook. That rule empowers the Republican National Committee — a 168-member panel that includes three GOP leaders from every state and territory — to select a replacement. The RNC is also authorized to reconvene the national convention, which would be all but logistically impossible."


The attraction for the Trumpster: Instead of being thrown to the lions after the predictable loss, he would be toasted and lionized by a very grateful public.

Excluding the Hildabeast.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Where does Obama get 400 million dollars to shovel to Iran? Congress appropriates money and supposedly for particular uses. I don't recall Congress being involved. Does Obama have the power to just shovel money from one appropriation to another? To skim funds from someplace and use as he wishes.

Maybe Obama has his own "stash" of money he swiped from the tax payers.

Seriously. Where did this money come from?

mikee বলেছেন...

Say Trump quits. Who then goes up against Hillary? Jeb? Ted? Mario? Any other Republican primary candidate? They couldn't even fight their way out of the wet paper bag that was the primary.

So go to the governors who didn't run: Nobody knows who they are, and they don't have anything going for them. Sure loss, but eGOP is secure.

So go to the Congress: These are, in large part, the people rejected in the primary for their recent decades of poor performance. Sure loss, but eGOP is secure.

So go to business: Is Mark Cuban a Republican? Or Mr. Wonderful, or any others from the Shark Tank show? Why would they run? And other than the Koch brothers, name any business leaders who are identifiably Republican. ~ crickets ~

So stay with the devil what brung ya, and dance til dawn or perdition, whichever comes first.

Hagar বলেছেন...

It was put in escrow back when the shah fell and the U.S. did not deliver the planes he had ordered and paid for.
But Obama neatly laundered the funds for the ayatollahs before giving the money back to Iran.

Hagar বলেছেন...

Just "bookkeeping" at the Treasury.

Hagar বলেছেন...

Obama may have been able to avoid violating the letter of the U.S. law regarding payments to Iran - you have to ask a lawyer - but he definitely violated the spirit. It is an f.u. to Congress, and he wanted Iran to have this money.

Hagar বলেছেন...

Here you go:


Chuck বলেছেন...

This is really interesting. Trump apologizes, clearly and carefully... And his base doesn't care. But people like me -- anti-Trump Republicans -- are softened by it.

Trump needs my vote. And he doesn't even need to pry me away from Mrs. Clinton. All he has to do is to be an adult, with strong Republican leanings.

We'll see. I would not bet on Donald Trump's aflthood.

narciso বলেছেন...

except he was right, the mullah even filmed the exchange and put on their propaganda real, memri then picked it up, which is where the treehouse found it,

Chuck বলেছেন...

Um, "adulthood."

How did my iPhone mess that one up?

Howard বলেছেন...

Obummer models his behavior towards Iran on Ronnie Raygun

HT বলেছেন...

I love the explanation point at the end of every one of his tweets! It makes him look so serious and thoughtful!

narciso বলেছেন...

actually he spoke too soon, it's rather clear what their intent was,


Saint Croix বলেছেন...

I like it when he's magnanimous.

He's going to be glad he did that when the election goes into the House.