August 3, 2016

Clint Eastwood talks about the "pussy generation."

In a great interview with Esquire:
ESQ: Your characters have become touchstones in the culture, whether it's Reagan invoking "Make my day" or now Trump … I swear he's even practiced your scowl.

CE: Maybe. But he's onto something, because secretly everybody's getting tired of political correctness, kissing up. That's the kiss-ass generation we're in right now. We're really in a pussy generation. Everybody's walking on eggshells. We see people accusing people of being racist and all kinds of stuff. When I grew up, those things weren't called racist....

ESQ: What is the "pussy generation"?

CE: All these people that say, "Oh, you can't do that, and you can't do this, and you can't say that." I guess it's just the times.

ESQ: What do you think Trump is onto?

CE: What Trump is onto is he's just saying what's on his mind. And sometimes it's not so good. And sometimes it's … I mean, I can understand where he's coming from, but I don't always agree with it.

ESQ: So you're not endorsing him?

CE: I haven't endorsed anybody. I haven't talked to Trump. I haven't talked to anybody. You know, he's a racist now because he's talked about this judge. And yeah, it's a dumb thing to say. I mean, to predicate your opinion on the fact that the guy was born to Mexican parents or something. He's said a lot of dumb things. So have all of them. Both sides. But everybody—the press and everybody's going, "Oh, well, that's racist," and they're making a big hoodoo out of it. Just fucking get over it. It's a sad time in history....


Jaq said...

He's dead to me since Gran Turino. Not really, I still like his old movies, but he took it all back with that one.

Jon Ericson said...

I'm in the Pepsi generation.

Bob Ellison said...

Word on the street is that Gran Torino was an in-between movie, something Eastwood made just to keep active for a while. That's an amazing concept. You have a few months' free time, and you make a movie between the other stuff you're doing. At close to 80 years old.

traditionalguy said...

Dirty Harry Callahan was the Trump paradigm. I suspect Trump copies his style.

Clint could play The Donald in a movie. He could call it The Un-insider. But who would play Morgan Freeman's character?

But Clnt is old now. Meade would would play a good William Bonney.

Sebastian said...

"Both sides. But everybody—the press and everybody's going, "Oh, well, that's racist," and they're making a big hoodoo out of it. Just fucking get over it." Sorry, Clint. That's like saying a drug gang should get out of drugs. "They" won't get over it as long as it is useful. "Both sides" is irrelevant since only one side is evil. The hoodoo serves the cause, and the cause is by no means finished. Trump's mistake is that he thought a hoodoo of his own would balance out the traditional hoodoo against the GOP. It won't. Of course, his amateurishness only makes it worse.

Fernandinande said...

You know, he's a racist now because he's talked about this judge. And yeah, it's a dumb thing to say.

No, it wasn't dumb, it turned out to be quite accurate once it came out that the judge was a member of several - not just one - "racial" supremacist groups and expressed concern about how another court case would affect Mexico.

Gahrie said...

I really wish Clint had run.

rhhardin said...

It's really about the 40% soap opera women, whose interests control the MSM via ratings.

60% of women and 100% of men say fuck it along with Eastwood.

Chuck said...

It was George H.W. Bush, not Reagan, who appropriated "Make my day..." Ironic, since Reagan was reputed to have called 41 "a Yalie, a preppy and a sissy." ("Pussy" may not have been a word in the Reagan vocabulary, but who knows?). Anyway, Bush went to war as a fighter pilot while Ronnie Reagan spent the war making morale movies.)

Jaq said...

Dirty Harry was a mensch. That is the funny thing about that movie. John Milius, who co-wrote it, got black-listed from Hollywood after writing the huge commercial hit "Red Dawn." Everybody interested in how Hollywood blacklisting really works, should watch the Netflix documentary Milius.

Gahrie said...

Anyway, Bush went to war as a fighter pilot while Ronnie Reagan spent the war making morale movies.

Reagan started taking army correspondence courses in 1935....enlisted as a private in the reserves in 1937, and was then appointed a Lieutenant in the reserves later that year. He began active duty in 1942, but was regulated to support units because of his poor eyesight. Reagan served in a variety of support positions during the war, making movies, working on war bond tours etc. He left active service in Dec of 1945.

Sally327 said...

Scott Eastwood is a fine looking man. So much like his Dad except prettier. I bet he gets plenty of pussy.

Mountain Maven said...

While generally agree with Eastwood, he is washed up.

bagoh20 said...

So that's where the abbreviation "BCE" comes from - the time before pussies.

Paddy O said...

Gran Torino is a perfect movie in light of Eastwood's oeuvre, continuing the trajectory of Unforgiven in his extended commentary on violence. It also very much gives depth to his comments here.

exhelodrvr1 said...

GHWB was a torpedo plane pilot. GWB was a fighter pilot.

Hagar said...

Clint Eastwood is 86 years old, and no, he is not "washed up."

David said...

"Just fucking get over it."

I am usually strongly adverse to t-shirts with profanity on them, but for this I would make an exception.

n.n said...

Pussy generation? Hardly. Some of the leading people in Western civilization have been women, not the least of whom were mothers (aka "Momma Grizzlies").

Chauvinist, corrupt, narcissistic, yes; but that applies equally to men and women of these genres.

Still, Eastwood is sharp. He recognizes a fatal condition of civilization: complacency. You can keep it until corruption from within or invasion from without takes it away.

narciso said...

he means pajama boys or the mythical melbourne men, of australia, he suffers no fools that was clear with both 'trouble with the curve' and 'american sniper' bradley cooper seems to have forgottten the latter,

HoodlumDoodlum said...

A big hoodoo, do you say? I will 100% count that as a Clint Eastwood dog whistle endorsement of all my ideas and positions.
Thanks, Clint.

paminwi said...

I loved everything about the interview. I loved Gran Torino and I loved the Dirty Harry movies. I also loved his movies about the two perspectives of Iwo Jima and so many others. I totally agree with his perspective of so many men AND women being pussies. Time to grow and get over yourself. You really aren't as special as you think you are.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

When I was 16 my mother, an English language scholar who could read Old English in the original and quote long passages of Chaucer from memory, taught me about "pussy". It was, she said, an Old Middle English word for "soft". As in "pussy cat", "pussy willow" and (chuckling) pussy PUSSY!

Then she pointed out that "fuck" was from the same era, a verb "fucken" meaning to plant. "Isn't English a fantastic language?" she said.

So to call someone a "pussy" is to label them a "softie" rather than a reference to the female pudendum, and it's been used that way for a thousand years. It's just that there are far more candidates for the designation is the era of post-modern pyjama boys.

readering said...

How's it a pussy generation when half the population delightedly keeps saying stuff it knows will piss off the other half?

David Begley said...

The racist label has been stuck on Trump and it may cost him the election against a criminal.

le Douanier said...

Sorta related to CE, I can't wait for Sophia Coppola to redo The Beguiled.

I think she's great. I thought the original was edgy. I look forward to seeing what Sophia can do w/ that material in 2017.

le Douanier said...

Regarding PC, I just don't get the backlash. How are people victimized by PC police. Clearly, the PC police can look foolish and over zealous. But, why should this get me worked up?

And, is it supposed to be refreshingly anti-PC when DJT says that a woman can find another job if she's sexually harassed? What's wrong w/ saying this gets it backwards, i.e. if anyone needs to relocate, the offender should find another job?

Paddy O said...

Bart Hall's great comment about "softies" reminds me again of my great-great-great-great grandmother Eliza.

From a 1926 article about her:

"Just Hard Work Says Woman Who Did It"

“Work. That’s the secret of being a centenarian,” yesterday declared Mrs. Eliza McConnell 810 East Forty-fifth Street [Los Angeles], who will celebrate her one hundredth birthday anniversary Monday. And when Mrs. McConnell says “work” she means just that.

In the days when Cynthia, Indiana was a straggling frontier settlement, Mrs. McConnell and the other women would help the menfolk plow the field and clear the forest with axes, after the washing and household chores were finished. Mrs. McConnell was married and had nine children. When her husband was killed in the Civil War she was left alone to do the farm work and care for the children.

“Soft,” Mrs. McConnell contemptuously refers to the present generation. “They can’t compare with the boys and girls I knew. Imagine a flapper with seven children to support. The world is full of weaklings.”

Mrs. McConnell laughed at the modern housewife who requires servants.

We've been getting soft for generations.

rcocean said...

"Regarding PC, I just don't get the backlash. How are people victimized by PC police. Clearly, the PC police can look foolish and over zealous. But, why should this get me worked up?"

I always felt the same way about "McCarthyism", I mean, why should I care?

I'm sure you agree.

Hunter said...

How's it a pussy generation when half the population delightedly keeps saying stuff it knows will piss off the other half?

Because thanks to our wonderful communication technology, it's easy to do that and there are no repercussions such as getting punched in the face.

So much so that it seems a certain contingent people forgot about this repercussion entirely, and went trolling in real life and were shocked and appalled that a few of them got punched in the face. (Proof that someone is stirring up heretofore unknown currents of violence, when you invite someone to hit you and then they do.)

rcocean said...

Its amazing that Clint is still involved in the world at 86. Its amazing that he's the same age as Steve McQueen who died 36 years ago. And one year older than Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn.

Clint really is just a liberal whose lived long enough to be labeled a conservative.

David Begley said...

Eastwood said he put it in third gear at age 62; after Unforgiven.

Fernandinande said...

You can download Eastwood's first film here.

He's a good-guy biker in 1956's Highway Patrol.

David Begley said...

"That's Obama. He doesn't go to work. He doesn't go down to Congress and make a deal. What the hell's he doing sitting in the White House? If I were in that job, I'd get down there and make a deal. Sure, Congress are lazy bastards, but so what? You're the top guy. You're the president of the company. It's your responsibility to make sure everybody does well. It's the same with every company in this country, whether it's a two-man company or a two-hundred-man company… . And that's the pussy generation—nobody wants to work."

The only deal Obama ever really worked was the Iran deal. Telling.

Known Unknown said...

"How's it a pussy generation when half the population delightedly keeps saying stuff it knows will piss off the other half?"

Haven't been to a college campus lately, have you?

le Douanier said...


Even in this interview CE doesn't explain what bad comes from being PC.

He is concrete in describing his opposition to government provided welfare programs. But, I don't see where PC police impact the lives of others. I know comedians don't like it when college kids don't laugh at their jokes that focus on things like race and gender. And, it seems that many of these PC folks want some sort of trigger word warnings if you talk about rape or something.

But, where's the harm. These PC folks are met w/ mocking and disparagement (as CE demonstrates). I think that's how it's supposed to work. As long as the government doesn't mandate what people can say, the people can democratically or corporately or privately make their own determinations. If this is hard for you or CE to understand Mr. Kahn can give you a copy of the Constitution.

mockturtle said...

Affluence has been the culprit, I think. And I am including my own boomer generation here. We have forgotten how our country became prosperous--hard work and the entrepreneurial spirit--and have disdained those qualities that made our nation great and respected. Not just prosperity but moral goodness and courage. Yes, we have become a pussy nation.

David Begley said...

That was really a great interview. Thanks Althouse.

rcocean said...


Hmm...I've never seen your name before and when I click on your 'profile' I just get a page.


And your comment doesn't really address mine, but repeats your earlier rhetorical assertion.


Wonder what that means.


Jupiter said...

PBandJ_LeDouanier said...

"And, is it supposed to be refreshingly anti-PC when DJT says that a woman can find another job if she's sexually harassed? What's wrong w/ saying this gets it backwards, i.e. if anyone needs to relocate, the offender should find another job?"

and then PBandJ_LeDouanier answered...

"As long as the government doesn't mandate what people can say, the people can democratically or corporately or privately make their own determinations. If this is hard for you or CE to understand Mr. Kahn can give you a copy of the Constitution."

Freeman Hunt said...

The bolded should be the rebel's mantra. A poignant bumper sticker for our age.

le Douanier said...

"That was really a great interview. Thanks Althouse."

IMHO, that was not a great interview. I'm a huge CE fan. But, these dudes talking about F-ing gals and IDing the vag-mentality-people who are said to be all over the place causing all sorts of serious trouble didn't illuminate or express anything nontrivial.

Maybe I'm spoiled by well over a decade of Howard Stern interviews.

Etienne said...

Sensitivity training is gay.

Unknown said...

The PC police are actively trying to harm us. Ask Milo if his life is in more danger because of them. Ask Brandon Eich about the PC police. For that matter, PC police are trying to remove my alma maters accreditation as a law school, because apparently holding the same views about homosexuality that Obama held 8 years ago is now grounds to destroy my school. And in California they are trying to strip funding for all Christian schools who are not "PC".

These are real tangible harms that are being inflicted in the name of political correctness


le Douanier said...

"Wonder what that means."

Let me guess.

A) Commie
B) PC loser
C) Commie and PC loser

I'm going w/ C.

le Douanier said...


Don't forget that they probably make Christian schools teach the mega evil, satin lie aka evolution.

le Douanier said...


Jaq said...

Bill Clinton will be in charge of sexual harassment in the Clinton White House. How any Democrat can pretend that they care about the issue is beyond me.

Juanita Broaddrick, five contemporaneous witnesses, including her friend who found her in the hotel room with torn clothes and bleeding after Bill left.

Does Bill have any witnesses telling us he was somewhere else? As governor of the state, surely somebody was with him? Nope.

But Democrats care about rape.

le Douanier said...

"A poignant bumper sticker for our age."

If that's true, can we all agree to try to raise the bar, at least a little?

Unknown said...

Ah. So PB & J says there is no evidence that political correctness harms anyone. When several instances of actual harm are cited, PB & J instantly resorts to the idea that the idea of Christian schools being forced by the government to speak or otherwise violate their teach a is a good thing. In short, The evil Christians deserve everything and they don't have rights. They are Unpeople. Right? Just like slaves didn't have the same rights as "real" people, to PB&J Christians are no better than slaves-- or so he or she wishes no doubt.

le Douanier said...


I went to a Christian school until tenth grade. And, I belong to an Assemblies of God church (though my attendance is far from perfect).

Anywho, hopefully I won't burn in hell for believing in evolution and gay rights.

Jaq said...

Anywho, hopefully I won't burn in hell for believing in evolution and gay rights.

But you will defend to the death Muslims' right to stone gays to death.

Jaq said...

Is Trump anti gay in some way?

le Douanier said...

t in v,

You and that other commenter who was getting into HRC's cattle futures are awesome.

Good stuff. Keep it comin.

Jon Ericson said...

The unwashed are amusing tonight.

le Douanier said...

Btw, just this week Seattle banned gay conversion therapy.

Presumably this, for some folks, is another sign that the end is near. [Which isn't all that bad, for the saved.]

Jaq said...

So that's the best you can do?

So what is the true explanation of why a lawyer for a big polluter (Tyson Chicken) regulated by her husband, the Governor of Arkansas, made a series of trades for Hillary that resulted in her making 100K and, drat the luck! Lost the records that would have shown that the deal was on the up and up?

Was this the famous Clinton luck that allowed her to win six out of six coin tosses vs Bernie Sanders in Iowa for delegates? She is so lucky!

rcocean said...

I was thinking more on the lines of :

A) Left-wing sock-puppet
B) Troll
C) paid Troll

One attribute of (C) is they continually repeat their message without addressing any other comments and never get upset about what others say about them.

Jaq said...

"Deflect, deflect, deflect." actually, that's wrong, Bill Clinton said "Deny, deny, deny."

Jon Ericson said...

Heh, ha, eh.

Jon Ericson said...

Eject! Eject! Eject!

Jaq said...

The thing that makes the trolls seem like they are paid to be here, is that they have no interest in discussion of the issues, just in pushing talking points.

narciso said...

you're new around here, aren't you, cass susstein suggested this very tactic in 2008,

le Douanier said...

I miss Palladian, Methadras, Trooper, ZPS, etc.

Real American said...

PC police are just fascists. They are Nazis with a rainbow instead of a swastika. They just haven't conspicuously gotten to the genocide part yet.

rcocean said...

If you're a left-wing troll you can't very well Defend PC run amok, so the only tactic left is to minimize it:

"Hey, what's all this fuss about PC? Its no big deal"

So what if people get fired, harassed, and attacked for straying from the "approved" speech codes in violation of the spirit of the 1st Amendment.

Or that the PC overlords can tighten the screws, whenever they wish to ban any kind of speech they desire.

They're doing that right now. Who likes "hate speech"?

Well, they'll just keep expanding that definition of "hate speech" till it includes anything the liberal/left dislikes. Don't like "open borders"? hate speech. Don't like voter fraud? hate speech. Think abortion should be illegal? hate speech. You gotta problem with that? Oh you do? Well, that's hate speech.

n.n said...

Evolution is a chaotic process, which is why the scientific domain is strictly limited in both time and space, or just space if time is a property of motion. Evolutionary creation is an article of faith based on the assertion of linear, single branch processes and inference (i.e. created knowledge) from limited, punctuated samples.

As for normalizing transgender/homosexual behavior, why so selective?

Sure, it may be a stable orientation. It does not represent a progressive condition. Although, normalization did require reproductive prostitution, especially for male transgender/homosexuals to realize; but, that was already accomplished by the female chauvinists that preceded them, and the transgender cause may have just exploited the opportunity.

Still, why the progressive exclusion?

As if class diversity or denial of individual dignity had not already destroyed their credibility, the Pro-Choice argument is fatally tainted by the Twilighters denial of human evolution (e.g. belief in spontaneous conception), disarming and elective abortion of human life when it is uniquely vulnerable, and defense of clinical cannibalism/Planned Parenthood (e.g. channeling Mengele).

le Douanier said...

Btw, as I've noted the substance and impact of CE's attack on PC police only landed punches on laziness and folks who don't work like hell.

How ironic is it that this is the demographic that is Trump's base? Poors and uneducateds are flocking to Trump. When they are told that CE has a rant against the PC police I'm not sure that they understand that they're the losers who CE really despises.

Anywho, it's interesting that (on average) the rich, hard workers (like CE) are moving toward HRC while the less rich folks who don't work almost around the clock and into their eighties are drawn to Trump because they're attracted by his not being PC to non-white-man demographics.

With their limited capacities, I wonder if DJT fans reading CE would understand that working like hell is what really matters. CE makes it clear that jabbering about the PC police is just the frivolous fun, it's the equivalent of jabbering about sticking your cock in gals you meet at a bar. But, according to CE, being unsuccessful (like the demographics that are attracted to DJT) is the failure that's shameful.

le Douanier said...

I don't want to hurt any feelings. So, I'm sure there are a lot of successful folks who are drawn to Trump. Just because, in general, Trump is gaining w/ folks on the not-high end of successfulness [notice how I put that in a PC, un-feeling-hurting way?], doesn't mean that you particular DJT-fan-commenters in this thread are on the not-high end of successfulness.

William said...

Would gay conversion therapy work on Anne Heche, Sinead O'Connor, or Kristen Stewart?

Jon Ericson said...

I'm all in favor of Pussy Generation. I have always felt that not quite enough Pussys have been generated.

le Douanier said...

To be clear, I want to be PC (unlike CE) so I'm not suggesting that it's a lack of a strong work ethic that is the reason that you low-dough DJT fans have ended up on the not-high end of successfulness.

I thought it was harsh when CE suggested that you're a PC whiner if you blame your lack of success on anyone other than yourself. I'm sure there could be all sorts of things to blame for your lack of success other than yourself. CE's lack of PC consideration can be harsh, don't feel so bad DJT voters.

William said...

It was probably just as well that Scott Eastwood grew up in Hawai, far distant from his father, and that their age difference is more typical of grandfather/grandson than father/son. The Oedipal complex must be far more difficult to work out when you have someone like Clint Eastwood as a father. Female actresses have had far more success replicating their parents' show biz success than the male of the species............Clint Eastwood has had a fabulously successful life and, moreover, keeps having a fabulously successful life well into extreme old age. It's good to see that it can be done by someone, somewhere.

eric said...

Eastwood was right about Obama being an empty chair.

He will choose Trump and be right again this year.

le Douanier said...


Are you a poor or an uneducated?

le Douanier said...


Carl Icahn and the rest of the DJT gang are going to fix your life for you. Don't listen to CE, your not responsible for your situation. Only DJT can bring success to you.

le Douanier said...

your or you're

mockturtle said...

Btw, just this week Seattle banned gay conversion therapy.

For minors.

le Douanier said...


As a Seattleite, did you pick up on the allusion: "the end is near..."

Jon Ericson said...

These 15 watters aren't doing anything for me. You?

le Douanier said...

Non-Seattle folks probably don't know that we have a popular local, conservative radio show dude named Dori. He has a segment called "Today's sign that the end is near."

This is a video version of the stuff he does on the radio:

Writ Small said...

Eastwood was right about Obama and he is largely right about our over-restrained culture. But why doesn't Clint see Trump for who he is when Trump has all the markings of a villain in an Eastwood flick.

Eastwood villains are often excessive talkers, often vain, often cruel or brutal to those who challenge or insult them including going after the innocent family members to send a message. Eastwood villains often consolidate power by killing or humiliating their rivals. The typical Eastwood hero, in contrast, is a man of few words, a man who quietly shows, a man who returns insults and mockery with either narrowed eyes or complete disregard, a man of understatement trying to atone for past mistakes. In short, a man nothing like Trump.

Anonymous said...

What if I told you? Alex, Mick, Jon Ericsson and yes...Garage Mahal...all bots.

Thank you for participating and providing valuable data points for further development!

Jon Ericson said...

I'd say give me a turing test, odd one.

Jon Ericson said...

Twenty Mule team Borax!

Anonymous said...

And Pajama Boy is living tissue on top of a metal combat chassis...a cybernetic and passive-aggressive ideobot sent to pacify and soften people for the coming leadership.

Jon Ericson said...

Purple haze... all through my brain...
Many things... they don't seem the same...
Actin' funny, but I don't know why...

Anonymous said...

Over 20k available English words and a pretty complex set of algorithms working together.

Unite with tender love behind a strong thought-leader!

Jon Ericson said...

Go, go, Godzilla!

Jon Ericson said...

A weemawack, A weemawack A weemawack A weemawack
A weemawack A weemawack A weemawack A weemawack
In the jungle , the peaceful jungle, the lion sleeps tonight...

Levi Starks said...

Well I feel quite vindicated, since much earlier today when the discussion was about the Iranian hostage ransom I said, and I quote "could Obama be any more of a pussy? "
Looks lIke I nailed it.

walter said...

PBandJ_LeDouanier said...
To be clear, I want to be PC (unlike CE) so I'm not suggesting that it's a lack of a strong work ethic that is the reason that you low-dough DJT fans have ended up on the not-high end of successfulness.
Income shaming!!!
Jesus..sometimes you are such a prick.

walter said...

The import is that as a generation of sunflowers gradually enters more positions of power, rules not covered by the constitution get implemented..or existing rules that are subject to some degree to subjective response "That makes me feel __" become more onerous..even litigious.'s not necessarily just a campus phenom over time.

walter said...

Here's a great result of PC mentality:

It's high time. She wants it.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"The typical Eastwood hero, in contrast, is a man of few words, a man who quietly shows, a man who returns insults and mockery with either narrowed eyes or complete disregard, a man of understatement trying to atone for past mistakes. In short, a man nothing like Trump."

Eastwood is associated with anti-heroes in many ways. Gritty, down and dirty to fit the times, and ready to rape uppity dames, or chimpsit chimps as the Eastwood myth expanded, his efforts as Mayor of Caramel are why he might support Donald in theory.

Or his film "Absolute Power" about Bill raping and covering it up again.

Unknown said...

Clint Eastwood is one the greats of American cinema.

Eastwood is 96 years old. Young people, say 26 and under do not connect with him. Young people connect with people like Katy Parry, Taylor Swift and many other celebrities who predominantly vote Democrat.

Eastwood re-inforces the Trump view for Trumpkins.

Not a big deal to anyone else.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The argument of the Hillary people against the Trump people seems to be:
"We are rich, powerful, and educated. You are not. Therefore, it is only right that we make decisions for you in every matter we deem important, and you should be grateful to us for doing so."
It's a lot like slavery.

Unknown said...

The pussy generation and the size of Trump's hands in the news on the same day.

What is the connection? None. But, everyone can measure up against Trump now.

'It’s pretty small': Trump's right hand on display for all to judge in New York

Lewis Wetzel said...

I knew this one guy who interned at the White House in the 90s, and he said that he used the bathroom after Hillary walked out, and you know what?
The seat was up.

Anonymous said...

Despite Pockets Of Popularity, Are Cargo Shorts Gauche?

Brando said...

Eastwood is right that a lot of this is Trump taking advantage of people reacting to the "pajama boy" culture that is rotting this country from within. The problem is Trump is pulling off a con here, exploiting a real anger to advance his own ego and nonsense. It'll do nothing for the angry, but give them a chance to engage in a primal scream. Meanwhile, the "pussification" of this country continues. After all, what does it say when the so-called vessel for the reaction to pussification is a complete coward himself? We have a guy who mocks POWs, rips off veterans' charities, dodged the draft himself, orders others to beat people up for him, weasels out of debates when he doesn't want to prepare for them, refuses to read up on anything, and reacts to slights more like a petulant child than a man. THIS is going to fight against pussification?

If so, we are more doomed than I had figured. Enjoy the decline, folks!

lonetown said...

I'm so old I remember the "not enough pussy" generation.

Humperdink said...

PB & J said: "I belong to an Assemblies of God church (though my attendance is far from perfect).

Anywho, hopefully I won't burn in hell for believing in evolution and gay rights."

Count me as shocked PB & J. You go to an AG church which presumably preaches/teaches Genesis 1, Romans 1, Matt 19, 1 Cor 6, 1 Tim 1. When they preach this stuff, do you confront the pastor or just get up and leave?

A fellow AG'er.

Unknown said...

Eastwood is right that a lot of this is Trump taking advantage of people reacting to the "pajama boy" culture that is rotting this country from within. The problem is Trump is pulling off a con here, exploiting a real anger to advance his own ego and nonsense. It'll do nothing for the angry, but give them a chance to engage in a primal scream. Meanwhile, the "pussification" of this country continues. After all, what does it say when the so-called vessel for the reaction to pussification is a complete coward himself? We have a guy who mocks POWs, rips off veterans' charities, dodged the draft himself, orders others to beat people up for him, weasels out of debates when he doesn't want to prepare for them, refuses to read up on anything, and reacts to slights more like a petulant child than a man. THIS is going to fight against pussification?

THIS IS the definition of a MAN in the eyes of a TRUMPKIN.

Don't worry. We are not doomed but the Trumpkins are.

lonetown said...

As for the "draft dodging" slur. most of those hurling that one would have been doing the same thing (like slick willie getting a pass from his senator). Do you know why? Because no one wanted to get their ass shot off for what was a feckless attempt at foreign policy. To those who did give their all, I am very sorry but it was all for naught (or worse). Kind of like the Libyan adventure.

Jaq said...

Unknown is right about one thing, the Democrats strongest support comes from people who haven't seen a lot of history and know even lest. They will get it right this time! And Venezuela is happening right before our eyes and it doesn't get any news coverage.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

From the excerpt, it seems to me that Mr. Eastwood's objections are chiefly aesthetic.

Brando said...

"As for the "draft dodging" slur. most of those hurling that one would have been doing the same thing (like slick willie getting a pass from his senator). Do you know why? Because no one wanted to get their ass shot off for what was a feckless attempt at foreign policy. To those who did give their all, I am very sorry but it was all for naught (or worse). Kind of like the Libyan adventure."

Draft dodging is one thing--draft dodging, lying about it, and then slurring those who did serve is disgusting.

And I'm not excusing Slick Willie either. It's possible to be disgusted by both him and his golf buddy Trump at the same time.

Rusty said...

PB&J unwittingly parodies himself.

You know what would be funny? I'll tell you.
Grumpy Old Men starring Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, and any over the top old queen you can think of.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I want to vote for Clint Eastwood.

Paul Snively said...

Terry: The argument of the Hillary people against the Trump people seems to be:
"We are rich, powerful, and educated. You are not. Therefore, it is only right that we make decisions for you in every matter we deem important, and you should be grateful to us for doing so."

Exactly. We really need to start using the word "technocracy" more. The left has been technocratic at least since the Wilson administration. Then we need to point out the obvious fallacy: that a centralized government cannot have enough information to make optimal decisions. The problem isn't that a desire to be educated and informed is bad. It's that the only way being educated and informed can handle the information-processing load is in a more distributed fashion. Almost... dare I say... a federated fashion. What if we carved the country up into different physical and social entities—let's call then "states"—and those states could be further carved up into "counties," and counties into "municipalities," and we put more decision-making authority at the leaves of this tree than at the root?

As the Instapundit would say, an idea so crazy it might just work!

Phil 314 said...

Speaking your mind is not a qualification for POTUS.

walter said...

Blogger Unknown said...
Young people, say 26 and under do not connect with him. Young people connect with..

Ber-nie!, Ber-nie!

Gary said...

Bart Hall - "fucken" means to strike, not to plant.

Does seem like the "Senile" generation disparaging the "pussy" generation.

Look at the people under 30 voting and polling. His time has past. More under 30's voted in the primaries for Bernie Sanders than Trump and Clinton combined.

I learned you can disagree with artists and actors' politics and still respect their work.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Paul Snively wrote:
"Then we need to point out the obvious fallacy: that a centralized government cannot have enough information to make optimal decisions."
I talk to these people, Mr. Snively. They believe that whatever decisions are made by educated technocrats, even if wrong, will not be as wrong as decisions made by the uneducated, non-specialist. If you want to own a firearm for purposes of self-defense, they will explain to you that experts, far more intelligent than you are, have determined that owning a firearm puts you at grater risk than not owning a firearm.
If you complain that global warming is buncombe, they will explain that while the climate scientists may be exactly right, they are surely closer to being right than an uneducated rube like yourself.
You have to be prepared to handle those arguments.

Anonymous said...

PB&J: But, I don't see where PC police impact the lives of others.

Sure, if people get hounded out of their livelihoods for having un-PC views, they can always find another job, right?

walter said...

Clint is 86, 10 years older than Bernie.
It's interesting how quickly many young Bernie voters will resort to ageism when the "elder" isn't playing Santa Claus.

samsondale said...

I am not sure if anyone else made this point but the term "pussy generation" has at least two
accurate meanings -- a generation of pussies and the generation of pussies. There is a generation of Americans (and Europeans) who are mostly pussies and we are generating more pussies.

n.n said...

Progressive Corruption is on trial.

Lewis Wetzel said...

James Franco is this generation's Clint Eastwood.
Remember that scene in High Plains Drifter where Eastwood's character grabs the shrewish blonde, drags her into a barn and rapes her?
Today's movie heroes don't do things like that.

n.n said...

It's Generation P, but more aptly described as the Pajama Generation. However, there is positive progress. The Europeans are shedding their pajamas and pulling up their pants and donning their dresses. Americans may follow.

Joe said...

"How are people victimized by PC police..."

Getting you fired, kicked out of college, thrown in jail, shutting down argument (which results in mountains of cash flowing into bullshit.)

The harm of the PC police is huge. The politically correct are fascists out for a cause.

And yes, the generation which just came of voting age are pussies.

Anthony said...

I was watching a few of the old Dirty Harry movies a few weeks ago and was surprised at how much I'd changed. Back when I was first watching them I was all "Yeah, Harry, go! Who needs 'technicalities'?"

Now I was like "JAYsus, Harry, it's not a 'technicality' it's the f***ing Constitution."

Joe said...

Today's movie heroes don't do things like that.

You do understand that The Man With No Name was an anti-hero, right? He was an avenging angel.

And the rape scene is actually more ambiguous. She was one of those who didn't intervene when Marshall Duncan was being killed. In fact, my interpretation of the subsequent flashback is that she was responsible for setting Duncan up and when she tries to do the same thing to The Man With No Name, he turns the tables on her.

Mrs. Bear said...

RE: Terry's reference to "High Plains Drifter" above...I am not entirely certain that we should be regarding Mr. Eastwood's character in that film as a "hero". He is a ruthlessly vengeful ghost.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Speaking your mind is not a qualification for POTUS.

It's better than lying through your teeth all the time.

Jaq said...

A Men's Warehouse ad came on during the ball game, and the dude was modeling a blouse. I swear. It made him look like he had woman's hips and didn't tuck in, and was pink to boot.

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