August 11, 2016

"At the end, it’s either going to work or I’m going to, you know, I’m going to have a very, very nice long vacation."

Said Donald Trump, quoted in the NYT in "Donald Trump, Insisting He Won’t Change His Style, Repeats Claim Obama Founded ISIS."


Larry J said...

Obama didn't found ISIS. He and Hillary just created the conditions that caused ISIS to flourish, such as the premature withdrawal from Iraq, taking out Qaddafi in Libya leaving chaos in the wake, and contributing to the mess in Syria.

David said...

After Donald loses, it's going to be fun watching conservatives explain why I supported him in the primary, and how they didn't see this coming. I know most of Republican politics is about being scammed and grifted, but Trump is such an obvious con man it's hard to understand what his supporters are even thinking.

Achilles said...

The US government armed "moderate" Syrian rebels. They became ISIS. We pulled out of Iraq precipitously and gave a newly armed ISIS room to grow. Steven's was in Benghazi distributing surface to air missiles to "moderates."

Obama and Hillary were pivotal in creating ISIS. But so are the neocons like McCain. The whole ME policy for the last 2 decades has been an absolute disaster but everyone in DC is on the hook for it. Nobody in DC wins if this truth comes out so it will get buried.

We are fighting an uphill battle. Those 50 GOP experts were all neocons that helped flush the ME down the toilet. Of course they want Hillary elected.

Achilles said...

No Larry, we gave them their weapons and helped them organize. People like McCain pushed this policy hard and Obama bought in.

We quite literally founded ISIS.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump could say it in a way that helped him.

Instead - he says it like a 6 year old.

traditionalguy said...

Trump just threw down the gauntlet at the host of RINOs and secret One World Government Conspirators running the GOP since the days of the CIA and Bush I, with a little cover help from ideology cultists like Cruz and Beck that make them look reasonable .

Trump is saying that if they continue to join the Dems attacking Trump for proposing the truth based reforms needed to strengthen the USA, then they deserve to never see another American election victory.

So far that has not worried them one bit. If they cannot have the New World Order company man JEB, then Hillary seems to be all that they ever wanted in a candidate.

Brando said...

Sometimes he looks like he could use a real vacation. Nothing about him suggests he wants to do the serious, boring and unpleasant work of governing. If he loses and can blame someone else for it, all the better--hence his suggestions of a "rigged" system. He's not a loser--the game was rigged! He would have won if everyone was fair to him.

Yes, let's nominate someone like that again.

SayAahh said...

Trump has no interest in winning. His "candidacy" has been nothing more than an ego trip with the secondary gain of marketing his name.
POTUS is not a goal.

FullMoon said...

David said... [hush]​[hide comment]

After Donald loses, it's going to be fun watching conservatives explain why I supported him in the primary, and how they didn't see this coming. I know most of Republican politics is about being scammed and grifted, but Trump is such an obvious con man it's hard to understand what his supporters are even thinking.

On the other hand, when unemployment is up,taxes are raised, malls are bombed, polygamy is legal, Israel is nuked, inflation is rampant, those who backed Trump will say "We warned you about Hillary".

FredwinaD said...

Brando, if Hillary Clinton becomes President, it doesn't matter whom the Republicans nominate ever again. Our country will be transformed in such a way that no conservative or even moderate will ever win the Presidency again. That's what the #NeverTrump people and the GOPe know, but they won't admit to knowing. They are okay with it, though, because their bread will still get buttered, and that's all that really matters to them.

Brando said...

"Brando, if Hillary Clinton becomes President, it doesn't matter whom the Republicans nominate ever again. Our country will be transformed in such a way that no conservative or even moderate will ever win the Presidency again. That's what the #NeverTrump people and the GOPe know, but they won't admit to knowing. They are okay with it, though, because their bread will still get buttered, and that's all that really matters to them."

But nominating a guy with no real interest in winning means that that ship sailed last spring. The GOP might have picked someone who wanted to win, or at least was savvy enough to take a vacation and let Hillary self-immolate, and win by default. Instead we have a guy actively helping her across the finish line.

Time to stock up on whiskey. We're going to need it.

Original Mike said...

"Trump ... Repeats Claim Obama Founded ISIS"

It's a fair cop.

HT said...

"We warned you about Hillary".

Really, with such an un-serious candidate? That is your warning?

Todd said...

Brando said...

Sometimes he looks like he could use a real vacation. Nothing about him suggests he wants to do the serious, boring and unpleasant work of governing.

8/11/16, 1:46 PM

Maybe but the sure didn't stop President 3-putt from getting 8 years. Not only is it possible to get elected with zero real experience but also re-elected after 4 years of failure. So the bar has been set pretty low for holders of the WH these last few elections. Also, to the best of our knowledge Trump has not gone to the church of an American hating, racist nor has he entertained domestic terrorists.

Granted, he hasn't had the opportunity yet but he also has not sent the IRS, EPA, or DOJ against those he disagrees with. Can you say that Hillary won't either or is there already a general expectation that she will abuse any/every official power she can get her hooks into? One of the only things saving her is her "people" are naive enough to think she will only abuse those wrong thinking "others" and don't expect her to go after them too despite all of her history but the conservatives are the "rubes".

n.n said...

The conditions for ISIS were created when Obama removed the honest brokers from Iraq. The conflagration ignited with social justice-inspired humanitarian disasters that brought national leaders to justice through sodomy and abortion sessions. It was sustained through arming terrorists to remove other politically unfavorable regimes. It reached its apogee with the refugee crises, which progressed to a global humanitarian disaster when Obama et al abandoned the native people in favor of creating democratic and fiscal leverage in Europe and America. The coup in Ukraine was intended to reset the cold war with Russia and discourage them from opposing Obama, Clinton et al's anti-native policies.

Paddy O said...

I know most of Democrat politics is about being scammed and grifted, but Clinton is such an obvious con woman it's hard to understand what her supporters are even thinking.

Such is the choice we have this election. Both sides picked people who are conning their supporters. Both sides have candidates whose primary, if not only, interest is their own self.

HT said...

So how is it that if Trump wins this time, a Republican can win again, but if Hillary wins, a Republican or conservative will never win again?

n.n said...

Obama is the Commander in Chief, Clinton was the head diplomat, but the signature -- footprint, really -- of overlapping and convergent interests of the left-right-center nexus must be noted.

Brando said...

"Maybe but the sure didn't stop President 3-putt from getting 8 years. Not only is it possible to get elected with zero real experience but also re-elected after 4 years of failure. So the bar has been set pretty low for holders of the WH these last few elections."

Maybe, but Obama at least made some effort to get elected and re-elected. Trump seems more to be interested in something unrelated to the election.

"So how is it that if Trump wins this time, a Republican can win again, but if Hillary wins, a Republican or conservative will never win again? "

I guess the Trump folks assume that if Trump wins, he'll deport all the people Hillary would have turned into citizens, while if Hillary wins she'll open the floodgates and turn millions of Mexicans into Democrats.

Though Trump is about as likely to stop illegal immigration (or get rid of our existing illegal aliens) as he is to sprout wings and fly, so a lot of this is just denial.

traditionalguy said...

Amazing stuff. We know Trump has put 60 million of his own money into this campaign and worked on it non-stop for 15 months, but that proves that he is trying to lose it because he wants the Trump Brand to start being seen as a loser?

We must have CNN Moby commenters today. That kind of half assed nonsense makes CNN look fair, respectable and balanced .

tcrosse said...

If Trump decided to throw the election to Hillary, what would he do differently?

Unknown said...

HT: It's simple. Hillary will immediately legalize 20 to 30 million illegal immigrants and give them the right to vote. She has promised to import millions more Muslims; also giving them the right to vote.

How is any Republican ever going to win with 40-50 million more Democrat voters?

Next, Hillary will immediately appoint people to the US Supreme Court who will gut the 1st Amendment, 2nd amendment, and amendments 4-6. She will make it illegal to criticize her (Overturning Citizens United, which was about the government trying to jail people who criticized Hillary Clinton).

She will appoint people who will crush any non DNC approved media left; like they always want to do. You know, jail the "Koch brothers" and "shut down Fox News!". So all we have left is Pravda media. Her cronies on the Supreme Court will rubber stamp it.

So: 50 million new Democrat voters and it's illegal to say anything bad about her. Those are what she has explicitly promised to do!

How do you propose to get a Republican elected in those circumstances?


Hagar said...

Don't forget general hayden and his curiosity "to see what would happen if the Moslem Brotherhood was obliged to collect the garbage."

Hagar said...

For Trump, being a "good" president might be a wonderful cap on his career.
For Hillary!, it has never been about anything but Clinton money and power.

eric said...

This sort of plain speaking is what endears me to Trump and makes me like him more.

I find it odd the number of people who are asking for less clear speaking.

eric said...

Blogger tcrosse said...
If Trump decided to throw the election to Hillary, what would he do differently?

Take the advice of #Nevertrump and start acting like Romney, Dole or McCain.

Hagar said...

The gloom and doom is heavy this afternoon.

But, as Scarlett said, "Tomorrow is another day!"

mccullough said...

Trump will enjoy his nice long vacation. Not being president is better than being president.

Todd said...

mccullough said...
Trump will enjoy his nice long vacation. Not being president is better than being president.

8/11/16, 2:19 PM

I don't know about that. Look at all the great vacations that Obamas have been on as well as President 3-putt getting all of the prime tee times...

Brando said...

"Take the advice of #Nevertrump and start acting like Romney, Dole or McCain."

Yes, stupid things like raise money, advertise, build a ground game, and try to appeal to the entire conservative coalition plus enough moderates to win.

I love the thinking that just because three previous GOP candidates lost races against much better Democratic candidates than the one Trump is facing, in economic circumstances far less favorable to the GOP, somehow Trump is wise to not bother with basic campaign activities and run this thing like a Kanye West self-love-a-thon. Usually when a party loses a few straight presidential elections, they recalibrate and figure out how to become pragmatic enough to win. Apparently the GOP decided this time to vomit on itself.

Unknown said...

Let Trump be Trump!

Unknown said...

If Hillary self immolates, we always have Sanders, and Warren as his VP. The election would probably need to be postponed which would mean Obama would be President for a little while longer. It's all good.

Clayton Hennesey said...

The funniest thing about Trump's claim about Obama founding ISIS is, in the same spirit of declaring Second Amendment supporters assassins-in-waiting, main stream voices are now falling over one another trying to frame the comment as a literal claim of fact.

Male drone: "Trump said Obama founded ISIS."

Female drone: "Quite so, MD. Drone Central is not yet ready to report that Trump is saying he has an original ISIS charter signed by Obama, our fact checkers are still debating whether such a claim will fly, but stay tuned for breaking developments on the Trump said Obama founded ISIS front."

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

I find it odd the number of people who are asking for less clear speaking.

The Pro-Choice Church, including semantic games, religious/moral philosophy from the twilight zone, plausible legalese, offers absolution to selective exclusion ("="), anti-native policies, progressive wars, progressive debt (i.e. devaluation of capital and labor), reproductive prostitution (i.e. normalization of transgender classes, compensation for the female chauvinist revolution), transgender spectrum disorder, replacement immigration reform, [class] diversity (i.e. denial of individual dignity), green blight (i.e. low-density, low-availability, large-scale disruption, destruction of the environment) -- save Bambi!, welfare industry (i.e. indebtedness), health penalty tax (i.e. Obamacare), sacrificing women and girls for the greater god... I mean, Clinton, etc.

The votes for abortion rites are in. The consensus is that babies will be disarmed and harvested for the greater good and revenue. The baby trials will progress.

campy said...

"Our country will be transformed in such a way that no conservative or even moderate will ever win the Presidency again."

That transformation has already happened. When Hillary! wins reelection in 2020, she will probably get the electoral votes of Texas.

If not, the 2024 or 2028 dem certainly will.

Tommy Duncan said...

Don't go changing to try and please me
You never let me down before
Don't imagine you're too familiar
And I don't see you anymore

I wouldn't leave you in times of trouble
We never could have come this far
I took the good times; I'll take the bad times
I'll take you just the way you are

Don't go trying some new fashion
Don't change the color of your hair
You always have my unspoken passion
Although I might not seem to care

I don't want clever conversation
I never want to work that hard
I just want someone that I can talk to
I want you just the way you are

I need to know that you will always be
The same old someone that I knew
What will it take till you believe in me
The way that I believe in you?

I said I love you and that's forever
And this I promise from the heart
I could not love you any better
I love you just the way you are

Billy Joel - Just The Way You Are

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump knows he is losing. It's all part of the deal he made with Bill.

He is letting his supporters know it. Not that they are listening.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


But nominating a guy with no real interest in winning means that that ship sailed last spring. The GOP might have picked someone who wanted to win, or at least was savvy enough to take a vacation and let Hillary self-immolate, and win by default. Instead we have a guy actively helping her across the finish line.

It did sail last spring. Trump is a democrat, and his supporters don't care. If tradguy is any indication of the thought process behind his support- we really are screwed.

Clayton Hennesey said...

This cycle has two elements I don't remember seeing before. First, it's X-raying the woodwork to the point of it smoking; we know the true colors of more players than we ever have before, I think. Second, it contains a billionaire not shy about taking revenge on those he feels betrayed him.

Todd said...

Clayton Hennesey said...

This cycle has two elements I don't remember seeing before. First, it's X-raying the woodwork to the point of it smoking; we know the true colors of more players than we ever have before, I think. Second, it contains a billionaire not shy about taking revenge on those he feels betrayed him.

8/11/16, 2:49 PM

Sorry, do you mean Hillary or Trump?

Just kidding, Hillary isn't a billionaire yet. Giver her another couple years...

Unknown said...

I love the Dem talking point here; that Trump's claim is that Obutthole literally founded Isis. No matter who wins the Times el al are digging their hole deeper but just can't stop.

Achilles said...

Trumps problem is he is forcing republican neoconservatives to take responsibility for their part in the ISIS fiasco. They would rather Hillary won. Brando is a great example.

Brando said...

"It did sail last spring. Trump is a democrat, and his supporters don't care. If tradguy is any indication of the thought process behind his support- we really are screwed."

My guess is that it's less about wanting a conservative, and more about wanting the person who they think pisses off leftists the most. The problem is some things that piss off leftists also shouldn't be any good for conservatives either.

The only constant with Trump is that he's a con artist, and apparently very good at it. Very much like his con artist friends the Clintons. He's played the Republicans very well, and now has everyone going at each other's throats.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

HT - (1:58)

The courts & demographics. Hillary will amnesty millions and let in millions more.

Sigivald said...

I can only interpret "founded ISIS" as "made decisions that led to its founding", without a claim of personal involvement or intent.

Which is not indefensible.

Remember, for 15 years now I've been hearing from idiots on the Left that "Reagan and America made the Taliban and Al Quaeda" because we funded the Muj [though not bin Laden, since he had his own money] in Afghanistan.

Not "Reagan and America inadvertently led, years later and indirectly, to Al Quaeda existing", but "they made them"; the former claim is simply true - but not a good stick for beating either interventionists or the Right, so it's not made.

The lesson evidently being "never fund indigenous fights against a foreign invader, if the invader is Leftist".

Brando said...

"Trumps problem is he is forcing republican neoconservatives to take responsibility for their part in the ISIS fiasco. They would rather Hillary won. Brando is a great example."

Yup, there's the Trumpkin reality. No evidence whatsoever, but hey, why stop the fantasy? I'm no neocon, I've made plain my problems with your con artist nominee, and unlike said con artist I've never said a kind word about the Clintons let alone donated to their campaigns for decades, and here you are believing that I'm a neocon who wants Hillary to win.

Because you have to believe this. Much easier than facing facts.

Mick said...

Non Larry J said...
"Obama didn't found ISIS. He and Hillary just created the conditions that caused ISIS to flourish, such as the premature withdrawal from Iraq, taking out Qaddafi in Libya leaving chaos in the wake, and contributing to the mess in Syria".

Nonsense, of course he created ISIS. He and HRC and the fellow travelers have destabilized every secular Muslim country in order to hand it to the Muslim Bros. Except the Muslim Bros. were thrown out in Egypt, and Assad is hanging on w/ the help of the Russians in Syria (which is why the Pulitzer Peace winner wants war with, and demonizes Russia). Obama is a Muslim, and supports the return of the Caliphate. He is a practitioner of Taquiya-- lying for the benefit of Islam ("submission" not "peace") that is required by the Koran. Obama and HRC both practice the Marxist methodology of creating a problem in order to solve it, and they have used the destabilization of the ME as a means to import Islam to the rest of the world via "refugee invasion".

US weaponry was being funneled by the US through Libya and into Syria to arm "anti Assad" factions who became ISIS. Ambassador Stevens knew too much, and that's why HRC and Obama allowed him to be killed. It is a known fact that US weaponry was funneled to what is now ISIS.

Among others

You think all those brand new Toyota Tundras and US weaponry just sprang up out of the desert?

David Begley said...

Trump is using rope-a-dope on the media. Literally not true but in substance true. And way more true than Dan Rather's story that GWB dodged his Texas Air National Guard duties. The genius of the rope-a-dope is that the stupid media runs that idiotic story, Trump gets a second bite of the apple and most voters "get it." Only a dope would think Obama signed the bylaws of ISIS.

Lyle said...

ISIS didn't exist until Obama left Iraq! Go Trump!!!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

As Drudge does his very best to do the work the DNC-MSM won't - Trump continues to stagnate below Hillary in the polls. It takes a special genius to lose to someone so awful.

Lyle said...

And if Trump's words were a call to assassinate Hillary, than it can be said that President Barack Obama is the founder of ISIS!

Suck it bigots!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Yup, there's the Trumpkin reality. No evidence whatsoever, but hey, why stop the fantasy? I'm no neocon, I've made plain my problems with your con artist nominee, and unlike said con artist I've never said a kind word about the Clintons let alone donated to their campaigns for decades, and here you are believing that I'm a neocon who wants Hillary to win.

Because you have to believe this. Much easier than facing facts.

Thank you!

Hagar said...

Billary! indeed is a billionaire if you count the "non-profits" they control.

Bay Area Guy said...

I want Trump to win for the simple reason that I think he'd be better for the country than Hillary.

But, that doesn't mean Trump is beyond criticism. I believe Brando offers good, fair critiques of Trump, when Trump deserves it.

Beyond Guiliani, there's not quite enough high-level GOP types speaking out on behalf of Trump, and defending him when he needs it. This is a concern. Hillary can stay silent for a lifetime, just miss getting indicted, have her pards in the DOJ quash an investigation into the Clinton Initiative/SecState scam, but nobody seems to care.

At the beginning of the race, I thought Rubio would do best against Hillary. I still think that, but it's moot. Marco tanked - with a hand from Christie and Trump. That's life.

The RCP average says Hillary is favored 79 - 21. This is too darn high for me. We need Trump to hammer HIllary in the debates, and get some traction over the next 2.5 months.

The thought of 4 years of Hillary, possibly 8 is highly disturbing.

David said...

Or, if you are Obama, you can both win and have a nice long vacation.

(I don't fully believe that, but it's too easy to pass up.)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I seem to recall a counter argument to Bush's "fighting them over there, so we don't have to fight them over here" policy.

Something akin to Baltimore's mayor 'space to destroy'. Except it wasn't couched in those terms.

I tweeted it in response to an Instapundit tweet and he Re-tweeted it, meaning, I was onto something.

Unknown said...

Trump may be taking that nice long vacation sooner than he thinks.

More than 70 Republicans have signed an open letter to Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus urging him to stop spending any money to help Donald Trump win in November and shift those contributions to Senate and House races.

The letter comes as a number of Republican senators and high-profile GOP national security officials have come forward saying they cannot vote for Trump.

“We believe that Donald Trump’s divisiveness, recklessness, incompetence, and record-breaking unpopularity risk turning this election into a Democratic landslide, and only the immediate shift of all available RNC resources to vulnerable Senate and House races will prevent the GOP from drowning with a Trump-emblazoned anchor around its neck,” states a draft of the letter obtained by POLITICO. “This should not be a difficult decision, as Donald Trump’s chances of being elected president are evaporating by the day.”

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gadfly said...

Mr. Trump pledged on CNBC to “just keep doing the same thing I’m doing right now,” adding that he was the only presidential candidate who tells things “straight” and is “a truth-teller.”

So what he was doing at that moment was lying yet again, this time about not lying. From the Fishwrap of Record, we are told:

Psychiatrists see lying as pathological when it is so persistent as to be destructive to the liar's life, or to those to whom he lies.

The most blatant lying is found in the condition called "pseudologia fantastica," in which a person concocts a stream of fictitious tales about his past, many with a small kernel of truth, all self-aggrandizing.

So Donald's "The Art of the Deal" book should have been called "My Psuedologia Fantatica Deals by Donald Trump.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

Why did Obama want to see the middle east back into chaos. The Petraeus offensive had finally killed off all Alquaeda in Iraq and Iran was deep under sanctions. The Saudis were protected. Israel was good. Obama had nothing to do unless it all reverted to war.

Under Obama the region was turned suddenly into a upside down mess, starting with Arab Spring rebellion start ups everywhere that he could sneak in and support them.

The key was eliminating our ally Egypt and Syria. Those had been the Israel nemesis duo that came within 12 hours of wiping Israel off the maps in 1972 until Nixon sent ammunition airlifts that saved them. Then after the Jimmy Carter deal,they became peaceful.

Maybe Obama wants a redo of that 1972 sneak attack, but this time with no resupply for the Jews.

But over it all has lurked the creation of a new Iran. Obama's main effort has been that re-creation as a co-founder of an Iranian Nuclear State with more oil wealth than Saudi Arabia, once Iraq is included. And that is why ISIS came into being as the Saudis' counter to Iran.

The Saudis are on to him. They are the secret Islamic State supporters in Syria and in Egypt openly.

But now ISIS is winning and the EU is being taken over by Syrians, etc. Oops.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I'm sort of curious to know how many people out there think that he or she would be better for the country as President than either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

Sebastian said...

Nice long vacation for him, nice long nightmare for us. Thanks, Donald!

Art of the Trump deal, as his supporters will soon rediscover.

Jaq said...

He had a lot more to do with the founding of ISIS than Gore did with creating the Internet.

Achilles said...

@ Brando and April:

Here is your chance.

Tell me exactly what is wrong with these positions. Prove you actually give a shit. You don't like the style fine. But right now those are the positions we are fighting for.

Right now I see a couple of jerks who watch CNN and say "fuck it" and look for any chance they get to tell themselves how much better they are than the people who actually fight.

Unknown said...

Is Trump losing it? No I'm serious, is this normal thinking?

Donald Trump called on evangelical pastors to help him win the presidency this November, which he said is “maybe the only way I'm going to get to heaven.”

“For evangelicals, for the Christians, for the everybody, for everybody of religion, this will be, may be, the most important election that our country has ever had,” Trump told a “Pastors in the Pews” meeting of evangelical leaders in Orlando. “And once I get in, I will do my thing that I do very well. And I figure it is probably, maybe the only way I'm going to get to heaven. So I better do a good job.”

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gadfly said...

@AprilApple said...
Trump could say it in a way that helped him.

Instead - he says it like a 6 year old.

"I used to use the word incompetent. Now I just call them stupid. I went to an Ivy League school. I’m very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words … but there is no better word than stupid. Right?"

“I had a father who was successful and, you know, I have a certain gene. I’m a gene believer. Hey, when you connect two race horses, you usually end up with a fast horse.”

Dr. John Trump at M.I.T.; good genes, very good genes, O.K., very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart.”

“My father’s brother was a brilliant man . . . We have very good genetics.”

“I mean it’s a good gene pool right there" (he pointed to his head) “I have to do what I have to do.”

Like his fortune and his tax return, we will never find out his IQ score.

Roughcoat said...


Fernandinande said...

Eric the Fruit Bat said...
I'm sort of curious to know how many people out there think that he or she would be better for the country as President than either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

Not me, I'd be a terrible President. I have brain injuries and spaz attacks, I lie all the time, I have secret uranium agreements with hostile furriners, and, worstest of all, I make offhand dumb jokes that half of everybody freaks-out over because I can't stick to the teleprompter.

StephenFearby said...

Reuters/Ipsos poll reported Wednesday:
One-in-five U.S. Republicans want Trump to drop out

"...Some 19 percent think the New York real estate magnate should drop out, 70 percent think he should stay in and 10 percent say they "don't know," according to the Aug. 5-8 poll of 396 registered Republicans. The poll has a confidence interval of six percentage points.

Among all registered voters [which would also include the all-important Independents], some 44 percent want Trump to drop out..."

"...That is 9 points higher than his support for the presidency in the latest Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll...."

Very tough numbers to overcome.

Let's say maybe 10% of the registered voters sample are Democrats who put on their thinking caps. Since Trump is the Hildabeast's ticket to winning, they checked the "Of course he should stay in box" in the poll.

That would mean a majority of registered voters would like Trump to drop out except those Democrats who would vote against him anyway.

If Trump is capable of understanding these tea leaves, or listens attentively to someone who will interpret them for him, he might get the drift that he can win personally by dropping out in the next few weeks in favor of a serviceable replacement without his baggage.

He would be lionized by the anti-Hildabeast voters for finally doing the right thing.

And everybody would live happily ever after.

Mick said...

StephenFearby said...

"If Trump is capable of understanding these tea leaves, or listens attentively to someone who will interpret them for him, he might get the drift that he can win personally by dropping out in the next few weeks in favor of a serviceable replacement without his baggage".

HAHAHAHAHA the desperation of the political class on both sides is palpable. All they can fall back on are lies. That is their stock and trade. It's all they can do. It's already over.
We the people hate them and hate the media.

Jaq said...

Trump is the only way Hillary could have won. I hope it was worth it.

Browndog said...

I've been hearing Trump can't win, Trump is a democrat, Trump doesn't want to be President, Trump is going to drop out-

...for a year and a half. From the same people.

Mick said...

"I've been hearing Trump can't win, Trump is a democrat, Trump doesn't want to be President, Trump is going to drop out-

...for a year and a half. From the same people?."


Fabi said...

Good thing the bed wetters weren't around in '88, or they'd have declared GHWB dead in the water at this point in the cycle. Anybody remember President Dukakis?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Heard a snip of Trump on the Hugh Hewitt interview. (HH is replayed later here)

Hugh asked Trump if he would be insisting on fresh blood for the debate moderators.

Trump said - "yeah well maybe, sure."

I might be reading it wrong, but it made me conclude that Trump wants the worst biased moderators so that he can use them as an excuse when he does poorly.

le Douanier said...

"Good thing the bed wetters weren't around in '88, or they'd have declared GHWB dead in the water at this point in the cycle. Anybody remember President Dukakis?"

Ok. But, do DJTers really think GHWB back then has a lot in common w/ DJT today?

If someone asked me to pick a POTUS election situation and person who could be as different as possible from now and DJT, 88 and GHWB would, maybe, crack the top ten (and that includes assessing folks not from DJT's current party).

Browndog said...

Scheduling 2 of the 3 debates during NFL games is no accident. That demographic is ripe for Trump, and the Clinton campaign knows it.

He had better not fall for it.

Thing is, republican pollsters know it too. If they try to force Trump into agreeing, you'll know who's side they are on.

walter said...

Bay Area Guy said...
I want Trump to win for the simple reason that I think he'd be better for the country than Hillary.
Oh..but here many will not be satisfied until you admit to being either a blind Trumpster devious Moby...or.."Troll!"

le Douanier said...

"Scheduling 2 of the 3 debates during NFL games is no accident. That demographic is ripe for Trump, and the Clinton campaign knows it.

He had better not fall for it.

Thing is, republican pollsters know it too. If they try to force Trump into agreeing, you'll know who's side they are on."

If the folks who miss the debate are guaranteed, dedicated DJT people, how is that bad for DJT?

a) Strategically this is a great advantage for DJT because he doesn't need to worry about not satisfying the expectations for his supporters. And, DJT doesn't need to worry about his supporters hearing HRC shoot holes into his BS in ways that don't penetrate their normal media consumption, be that Sports Center or Rush.


b) Folks who say this situation is bad for DJT don't believe that the NFLers are actually dedicated DJT votes. I.E., w/o seeing it themselves they could somehow hear something post debate and then they'll turn into HRC voters. Or, they're not really that dedicated to DJT and they need him to work some mojo on stage so that they'll show up and vote.

FullMoon said...

gadfly said... [hush]​[hide comment]

The most blatant lying is found in the condition called "pseudologia fantastica," in which a person concocts a stream of fictitious tales about his past, many with a small kernel of truth, all self-aggrandizing.

Perfectly explains Brian Williams' adventures while being shot at in an airplane. Or was it a helicopter? Or, was it Brian Williams, or his female counterpart?

Lewis Wetzel said...

PB&J wrote:

a) Strategically this is a great advantage for DJT because he doesn't need to worry about not satisfying the expectations for his supporters. And, DJT doesn't need to worry about his supporters hearing HRC shoot holes into his BS in ways that don't penetrate their normal media consumption, be that Sports Center or Rush.


b) Folks who say this situation is bad for DJT don't believe that the NFLers are actually dedicated DJT votes. I.E., w/o seeing it themselves they could somehow hear something post debate and then they'll turn into HRC voters. Or, they're not really that dedicated to DJT and they need him to work some mojo on stage so that they'll show up and vote.

This is BS. Trump doesn't like the scheduling because fewer of his base voters (working class) will get to see him. They do seem to like him when they see him. Or are you suggesting, PB&J, that Hillary's working class appeal will demolish Trump's appeal to the rich?

machine said...

“First, I’d get out of Iraq right now,” Trump said to British GQ in a 2008 interview.

Later, Trump said he wished Arizona Sen. John McCain, whom he was backing in the election, had supported pulling troops out of Iraq faster.

“I wish he would promise to get us out of Iraq faster,” said Trump. “I am not in love with that aspect of what he represents.”

man of conviction...worse than the quitta from wasilla?

le Douanier said...

"Trump doesn't like the scheduling because fewer of his base voters (working class) will get to see him. They do seem to like him when they see him."

So, if I'm reading this correctly, Terry is choosing my option B. We are to believe that there are a bunch of working class, would-be-debate-watchers who don't currently support DJT, but would come to support him because, if not for the NFL, they'd be watching the debate where they'd learn about the awesomeness that is DJT when he's debating HRC.

"Or are you suggesting, PB&J, that Hillary's working class appeal will demolish Trump's appeal to the rich?"

Not sure what this means or how it relates to people watching the NFL instead of the debate. If polling is correct Trump is doing much worse with educated folks than Rs normally do. Likewise, HRC has problems w/ white working class folks.

Btw, did folks who are echoing DJT regarding the debate schedule also support his story about blood-spewing-Kelly pulling dirt tricks on him in an earlier debate? I'm curious because it's interesting to me that some folks can't pickup on the possibility that DJT may be involved in manipulation rather than genuine concern about fairness. It's interesting to me that this possibility wouldn't occur to people even after they know DJT lied by claiming the HRC campaign set this schedule and he lied about receiving a letter from the NFL. It's interesting that some folks make assessments that are not based on data and the facts on the ground. Presumably this sort of gullibility has something to do w/ Scott Adams' theory where, for many people, manipulation is more influential than data and facts. This gets back to my B option.

Jaq said...

Dukakis was a lot like Hillary. He only spoke to invited crowds. The press always liked him more that the people did.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Achilles - I like the web-site. I wish he'd read it.

I'm hoping to get excited. So far, I cannot escape my initial thoughts about the man - that he is not for real.

Unknown said...

Emergency meeting between the RNC and Trump tommorow.

Donald Trump’s campaign and top Republican Party officials plan what one person called a “come to Jesus” meeting on Friday in Orlando to discuss the Republican nominee’s struggling campaign, according to multiple sources familiar with the scheduled sit-down.

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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Perhaps Trump should keep his promises. (He won't - the real promises are to Bill Clinton)

Why isn't Trump running ANY ads?
Trump promised to tap into his own fortune to run a brilliant campaign.

Why does he make so many gaffes and say so many odd things? Timed perfectly to get they bad news about Hillary off the radar?

It's great that he has a solid web-site - but who is looking at it? His fans?

walter said...

Picturing Hil' sticking her head out of a tank...

walter said...


Chuck said...

Trump now claims that his "founder of ISIS" claim merely "sarcasm."

All the Trump Toadies at MSNBC now suggesting that Trump is exhausted; sleep-deprived over the course of the campaign and "losing it." Campaigning in Connecticut where he is down by 7, and insulting Utah, which is now in play, and which the last Republican to lose was in 1964.

Jaq said...

So you thought that Trump meant that Obama filed the articles of incorporation, recruited leaders, secured funding, appointed Hillary a senior executive? Is that what you thought, Chuck? You didn't think it was sarcasm all along?

Once you shared with us that you have sometimes had difficulty reading other people's emotions. Maybe that should be a clue to you that you probably don't truly have a handle on Trump's words, since he speaks figuratively the vast majority of the time.

Of course you seem to prefer a person who speaks in flat out lies except when ordering meals or drinks.

Jaq said...

“Anger is all the way around in this cycle — much more so than in the past,” political psychologist Bart Rossi told CBS2’s Tony Aiello.

Rossie said we’ve seen that anger manifest in the theft of Trump signs, and the recent arson attack on a pro-Trump ‘T’ on Staten Island.

“People sometimes feel a rage — an anger against someone or something — and they act impulsively. In this case, Trump really kind of ‘gets’ you. Really agitates some people to act out impulsively and that retained anger shows up,” Rossi said.

The passions have run high in support of the candidate as well, like when a Pennsylvania woman painted her farmhouse to support Trump.

Drudge runs a picture of a man in a Trump T-Shirt in a hospital bed with bandages on his head. Anti Trumpers feel a 'rage', pro-Trumpers? The best they could find was a lady who painted her own barn in support of Trump.

As the saying goes, "Fascism is always predicted to break out among Trump supporters, but always seems to end up breaking out among the Anti Trumpers, After all. "Stronger Together" would be a fine slogan for any fascist.

Chuck said...

Fuck you, tim.

I don't "prefer" Mrs. Clinton. I think she's a mess. Her crappiness as a candidate makes me weep, that the Republicans missed a winnable presidential election.

AND WHO THE FUCK KNOWS WHAT TRUMP THINKS ANYMORE? The guy was given multiple chances to say clearly what he meant. Hugh Hewitt spoon-fed a better wording to Trump. And Trump refused all of it. Trump only decided it was "sarcasm" after his handlers told him what a disaster it all had become.

Now, I'll assume that everything with Trump is sarcasm. Bad, bungled, confused sarcasm. What a complete fuckhead. (Just being sarcastic.)

And I have no idea where you got that "you have sometimes had difficulty reading other people's emotions."

Jaq said...

"Stronger Together" is a dogwhistle to punish dissenters as weakening the state.

Chuck said...

Remember this one, Tim?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chuck -

His blind faith supporters are keeping the faith. Reality and facts do not matter.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tim - you are a smart and funny clever guy. I like reading your posts. (I wish we could transplant your brain into Trump) Come on - You have to admit Trump is driving his own campaign into the ditch.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary is now calling her tax code "patriotic".

LOL - yeah - a punitive tax code that will screw everyone is totally patriotic.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'll say it again - Considering how horrible and corrupt Hillary is - ANY candidate should beat her, easily.

We were promised Trump would be so amazing, so great, so amazing and great, so fantastic and great and amazing... Where is it?

SayAahh said...

Uhmmm, who promised Trump would be so amazing, so great, so fantastic......?

Only the deluded know.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

His adoring fans.

EsoxLucius said...

When he looks at a glass, he is mesmerized by its reflection. - Bill Buckley, 16 years ago

walter said...

Wow..missed it this morning. Chuck STILL on a tirade about how Hewitt gave Trump a lifeline and refused it...and thinks Trump saying his remark was sarcasm is a deviation.
Sarcasm is "a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter gibe or taunt."
Now..if you don't think you can frame the essence of your belief in sarcasm, you're an idiot.

walter said...

By teh way, Chuck..I also feel Trump has many questionable characteristics and behaviors.
But to be honest, the pissing and moaning from MSM and some sphincter clenching Republicans about crap like this concerns me equally.
I am refreshed to see Altparse's take that she is also tired of people pretending or actually being too dumb to get past/see beyond stuff like this.

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