August 14, 2016

"And I think it is insane to elect 70-year-olds to a job that requires so much energy and mental agility."

"You wouldn’t hire a 70-year-old for any other type of job that they had never held."


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I predict Trump will crash and burn in the first debate.

His blind faith followers will not see it, but everyone else will.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Don't get me wrong... I'd love to see Trump clean the floor with her.

But there's all this evidence.

Joe said...

From the screed, "Anecdotally, many Trump supporters know other Trump supporters who won’t admit their Trump support, even to loved ones, much less to pollsters calling their homes."

Even more interesting are the people I know who are virulently anti-Trump, yet when you try to pin them down on who they support instead, they get very squishy and often simply change the discussion. Had that just happen five hours ago (I even suggested Gary Johnson, to no avail.)

Unknown said...

My BS detector always goes off when I see the name Scott Adams. So now he's just another Trumpist trying to keep hope alive.

Anonymous said...

Joe, that's because many of us who are "virulently anti-Trump" have not yet figured out who we can support instead I've always voted for the Republican candidate for president, every single such election in my adult life. this time, I simply cannot and will not do that. However, I am not a Hillary Clinton supporter and do not want to vote for her. If Weld were at the top of the Libertarian ticket instead of Johnson, I would feel better voting for them. There's no one else in the running at present that I would seriously want as my next president. So I'm truly stuck. The Republican party I have supported and that has largely reflected my views through the years has been lost, at least for now, to the Trump insanity. I am focusing my energy and interest on down-ticket races, contributing to individual Republicans running for Senate, house, and governor races. I will not give a penny or volunteer for one minute this time around for either Trump OR the Republican National Committee, who under Mr. Priebus drove the party bus over a cliff because of Trump

Ron Snyder said...

Reagan was 69 when he was elected.

Dr Weevil said...

That's odd. My BS detector goes off when I see the name Unknown. That's unfair to some of the Unknowns, but it's not my fault they're all too lazy to pick distinctive pseudonyms.

Dude1394 said...

Republicans who do not vote for the republican candidate are helping Hillary Clinton get elected. End of story.

Hagar said...

But he was in better health than these people and he could speak English and run something like a conventional campaign.
The polls and experts may not "all be rigged" against Trump, but they could all be "fighting the last war(s)."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump is not a bigot. He is all sorts of bad candidate - even perhaps a fraud who is taking a dive for his old pall Bill Clinton. But Trump is hardly a bigot.

Chuck said...

So now Scott Adams is positing the assassination of Hillary Clinton as one way that Trump might fulfill Adams' longstanding predictions that Trump would win in a landslide.

"If nothing changes, Clinton will win in November. But things rarely stay the same. Here are several ways Trump could still win from behind.

1. Voters discover that Clinton has been hiding a major health issue.

2. Wikileaks releases something damaging.

8. Someone assassinates Clinton because of Trump’s 2nd Amendment joke.

Very respectfully, Professor Althouse, I think it is time for responsible people in public life to pull the plug on links to Scott Adams.

Fabi said...

You just linked him, Chuck! Lulz

gspencer said...

Well, at least Hillary is Depends-able.

For Kimberly-Clark's bottom line.

Ann Althouse said...

"Very respectfully, Professor Althouse, I think it is time for responsible people in public life to pull the plug on links to Scott Adams."

That's the same kind of statement Hillary herself made about Obama in 2008. Acknowledging the possibility. Adams is also being sarcastic about the meaning the press made much of ascribing to Trump. I myself would prefer no discussion of the subject as I have said repeatedly. But I can't control that and I will not make Adams the scapegoat.

eric said...

Blogger AprilApple said...
I predict Trump will crash and burn in the first debate.

I predict no matter how well Trump does in any of the three debates, #NeverTrump will declare he has crashed and burned.

Writ Small said...

Scott Adams said. . .

The so-called Shy Trump Supporter is real, but we have no accurate way to measure them.

Actually we do. It is simply a matter of seeing whether a guy outperforms his polls or not. Trump has tended to under perform or match his.

But I think there are more potential shocks on the Clinton side because any bad news about Trump’s character or business dealings are already baked into the cake. He is virtually shock-proof. Clinton is not.

I don't know how widespread are the stories of Trump permanently putting small contractors out of business by initially refusing to pay them, ultimately losing in court, but still failing to pay by having the his LLC file bankruptcy.

Clinton put State Department approvals for sale to the highest bidder including massive "bribe-y" direct payments to Bill in the form of millions for a few hours of speeches. That level of corruption was made known over a year ago. It's hard to imagine the new scandal that is going to shock the public more.

The only thing I am looking forward to in November is the guarantee that an unsuited, corrupt, and lying candidate will deservingly lose. We just don't yet know which one it will be.

gadfly said...

"Strangely, this is the best you can really say of Trump: Thank goodness he’s a compulsive liar, because otherwise he’d just be nuts." — Kevin D. Williamson

"But it just may be a lunatic your looking for." -- Billy Joel, "You May Be Right"

Chuck said...

Blogger Fabi said...
You just linked him, Chuck! Lulz

Right. As proof of what I had just quoted. My Scott Adams quote came from an Adams blog post that Althouse skipped over in the past few days. She may not have wanted to call attention to the Hillary-assassination idea. Since it was a different Adams page from the one that was linked in Althouse's blog post, I supplied the link.

narciso said...

well there are plenty of stories of how they enabled the looting of nigeria, that brought the boko to prominence, it make zaphod's line about 'bad governance' all too ironic, but world magazine has mostly focused on that,

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Somebody is watching Scott Addams broadcast.

le Douanier said...

Folks don't take Adams too seriously, do you?

Look at number #7.

And consider that Adams announced that he's supporting HRC, and he also announced that he's doing this because if he didn't he'd be in danger?

You folks do get it. Right? How can you not?

Anywho, it's a good thing that Althouse isn't posting Adams's quotes about folks who are fooling themselves when they think their judgements are based on wisdom related to economic policy or some other specifics. There'd be a lot of hurt feelings around here. OTOH, presumably many/most/all would assume that they couldn't be the folks w/o all the answers: their beliefs are unassailable.

Fabi said...

I'm sure your excuse made perfect sense, Chuck -- to you. Lulz

gadfly said...

@AprilApple said...
Trump is not a bigot. He is all sorts of bad candidate - even perhaps a fraud who is taking a dive for his old pall Bill Clinton. But Trump is hardly a bigot.

AA - A bigot is "a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions."

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

It's ok, we're not going to elect 70-year-olds to be president, just one 7-year-old.

narciso said...

when the chinese have entirely taken over the net, and the electrical grid fails because of the war on coal, the phrase, "I told you so, will be redundant,

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

What a typo! Oh well, it stands.

n.n said...

A bigot is a sanctimonious hypocrite.

John henry said...

Blogger AprilApple said...

Trump is not a bigot. He is all sorts of bad candidate - even perhaps a fraud who is taking a dive for his old pall Bill Clinton. But Trump is hardly a bigot.

You keep saying that but never tells us why.

I'll ask again, what would be in it for Trump to do so?

In another thread someone said that he would have bragging rights about having been a presidential candidate. really? That would be worth $50mm (so far), a year of his life and permanent and eternal destruction of his reputation?

Who the Hell cares who the losing presidential candidate was? Who will even know who it was without looking it up?

Is there anything in Trump's background that might suggest he would be satisfied with being number 2 at anything?



John Henry

Joe said...


Way to be a weasel. How about dropping your anti-Trump bullshit and spend some time to figure out who to support? Until then, you are just a useless whiner.

mockturtle said...

AA - A bigot is "a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions."

If that were the case, liberals would qualify as the most bigoted of all. And maybe they are. They are certainly the most intolerant.

John henry said...

I don't know how widespread are the stories of Trump permanently putting small contractors out of business by initially refusing to pay them, ultimately losing in court, but still failing to pay by having the his LLC file bankruptcy.

Why do we never hear from these people?

Why do we never hear from all these people who get hurt in his bankruptcies.

Assuming that they exist. They've had a year to be found and/or come forward and yet they do not.

So far the only one I've seen was a NJ contractor who claims trump refused to accept his work and thus didn't pay him (In one of the casinos, IIRC and back in the 80s or 90s.) If a contractor or a plumber fails to do what they were supposed to in your house, do you pay them?

le Douanier said...

"But I can't control that and I will not make Adams the scapegoat."

How is Adams a scapegoat for something he himself said/wrote? Isn't a scapegoat situation when someone puts something they said or did on someone else?

I remember a sermon where the pastor talked about folks (Jews?) putting their sins on a goat and releasing it, or something like that.

Anywho, it seems like Adams decided to abandon the use of this murder scenario in his newest post even though Althouse still wants to give him the DJT copy written sarcasm-pass. At least I know that Adams is into comedy, I'm not sure what DJT is trying to do.

readering said...

Adams is correct here. Always said Reagan was the ceiling in terms of age. Turned 70 shortly after inauguration. Hillary turns 69 this fall. Trump is too old to be running (as are Sanders, Biden, Kerry).
And at least all these others were experienced politicians. Trump knows nothing about government.

Anonymous said...

We elected about 10 guys over the age of 60 at the time they took office.

A fit, non-obese fellow like Ronald Reagan was in pretty good shape for his first term. Neither Hillary nor Donald look that fit nor healthy. I'd guess there's about a 2-3% change that either would die of natural causes in office just eyeballing them. Hillary has had a very bad health track record, the Donald not, but being a guy and a big one at that, his risks are up there as well. His Dad made it past age 90, but he looked better than his son does now.

readering said...

From a Wall Street Journal Editorial:

The latest stories comport with what we also hear from sources close to the Trump campaign. Mr. Trump’s advisers and his family want the candidate to deliver a consistent message making the case for change. They’d like him to be disciplined. They want him to focus on growing the economy and raising incomes and fighting terrorism.

They think he should make the election a referendum on Hillary Clinton, not on himself. And they’d like him to spend a little time each day—a half hour even—studying the issues he’ll need to understand if he becomes President.

Is that so hard? Apparently so. Mr. Trump prefers to watch the cable shows rather than read a briefing paper.

narciso said...

any sources at all, a name it doesn't have to be a real one, I thought so, whereas with rosie the robot, brain freeze must be a common occurence,

Unknown said...

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign woes have gotten bigger as his campaign manager Paul Manafort’s name has turned up in a ledger of illegal payments that were made by a network in Putin’s sphere of influence in Ukraine.

The New York Times reported:
Handwritten ledgers show $12.7 million in undisclosed cash payments designated for Mr. Manafort from Mr. Yanukovych’s pro-Russian political party from 2007 to 2012, according to Ukraine’s newly formed National Anti-Corruption Bureau. Investigators assert that the disbursements were part of an illegal off-the-books system whose recipients also included election officials.

Trump’s campaign manager’s name appeared in an illegal off the books ledger that came from a system where Russia strongman Putin exerts an overwhelming influence. Donald Trump’s campaign was already reeling, but this news is another step towards confirmation that despite his tough talk, Donald Trump is a chosen puppet of Putin.

Suspicion was already growing that Putin was attempting to manipulate the US presidential campaign through Trump, and this report, which is rumored to be the tip of the iceberg as a series of upcoming stories are going to shed a great deal of light on the ties between Trump’s presidential campaign and Putin.

The Republican Party has a whole new set of problems thanks to Donald Trump. The man that the Republicans handed their presidential nomination to is this close to being outed as a puppet for an adversarial foreign country. The election was already going badly for the GOP, but this story is about to make things a whole lot worse.

narciso said...

nice squirrel, and we're leaving out the skulkovo military complex,

Unknown said...

Corey Lewandowski Just Threw Donald Trump’s Campaign Chairman Right Under the Bus. "Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump’s Campaign Chief
7:58 PM - 14 Aug 2016".

Oh my, what is happening in the Trump campaign?

boycat said...

The NeverTrumpers are the right's version of virtue signallers, in their case showing off how supposedly much more truly conservative they are than everybody else. It all goes pfff-tt when you remember these are the same nimrods who were just fine with the "conservative" likes of Bush I, Dole, Bush II, McCain, and Romney.

le Douanier said...


Claiming the Russians are rooting for HRC is probably going to be a stretch. Unless you're suggesting that they strategically leaked info to politically harm the Ds because they knew that the leaks would be traced back to them, and then Americans would respond by supporting the Ds. In this conspiracy the money for Manafort and DJT saying it's cool for Russia to take over part of Ukraine is all part of the fake out that is supposed to make us think that Russia prefers DJT.

Sounds good to me. Go w/ that.

narciso said...

this was actually before the georgian invasion,

wild chicken said...

Mid 50s is best.

It's a mental thing. Reagan was non compos mentis most the time.

Good crew, though.

narciso said...

on their watch, poland was deprived of missile defense under treaty, the rapprochement with russia, led in part to the impasse over syria, and encouraged moves in crimea, so cui bono,

mtrobertslaw said...

I see it like this. The substance of Hillary domestic policies, combined with her untrustworthy character traits, means that there is virtually no chance they will work, and a very good chance that they will do great harm. Her open border policy dramatically increases the odds of serious terrorist attacks on the homeland. As for her foreign policy, her romance with neo-conservative foreign policy experts does not instill confidence. We have already seen the results of this ideology-more than 20 years of constant warfare.

As for Trump, his domestic and foreign policies may possibly work out. And even if that outcome is a long shot, it is more reasonable to bet on Trump than on Hillary.

On the other hand, if his policies fail, they will cause much less harm than Hillary's failed policies.

le Douanier said...

I wonder if the NYT checked w/ Manafort for comment before publishing.

If so, the DJT gang would know this story was coming. It may be that DJT's recent NYT fussing was partly a way of softening the ground by preemptively taking on the NYT.

traditionalguy said...

I want to see the 10 names Hillary will appoint Supreme Court Justices from. That LaRaza Judge from Indiana would do a fair job because he is not really Bigoted against Gringos who have been occupying California since James K Polk stole it.

le Douanier said...


Ok, now you're on my bad list. Somehow your Huffpo link resulted in me hearing Tiffany Trump's single called "Like a Bird."

Nobody deserves that.

le Douanier said...

Unknown said...

Yes, it sounds like Trump might be preemptively trying to discredit the NYT's because of this Manafort investigation. This is going to be very interesting, I suspect. I think the Trump/Putin connection is much closer than anyone far.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Do you think ProWrestling is real?

I answered you yesterday. Here it is again:
He really hasn't invested that much of his own money. Trump relied on the DNC press for free positive spin during the primary - and free negative spin now that the primary is over. He will manage just fine if he breaks even. Hillary is all over the place with ads. I have no idea if her ads are effective, but she is leading in the polls. No Trump ads. Nothing.
What's in it for him? He gets his gal in. She's a major crony-player and he can use that later on, after all is forgiven. Up until recently, Trump really liked Hillary and said so often. I think he and Bill made a deal. There was a phone call between the two just before he jumped in the race.
Now- perhaps I'm wrong - but I see evidence as he crashes and burns his own campaign.

Why isn't Trump talking about the issues? Trump is on the right side of the issues.
All the Issues Favor Trump
Of course, he doesn't like to talk issues.

le Douanier said...

Btw, the RNCers rocking out to Tiffany in my link may not look like America, but they probably look like the cons who post here. Not that there's anything wrong w/ that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


I'm not a never Trumper. I'm a #Trump is a probably a fraud who wants Hillary to win but I'll vote for him anyway-er.

The obsession with NeverTrumpers is beyond stale at this point.

le Douanier said...

And, it's striking how many gals in that video have an Althouse vibe.

narciso said...

I thought the scribbling of Arianna Humble's scratchpad would give more credibility, yes her 'speaking truth to power' gig was staked from a settlement garnered from development of indonesian crude, a recent willing for hillary adept, vin weber was also feeding from the ukrainian borsch bowl,

narciso said...

shockingly this is common to the willing for red queen contingent, they don't recall the real smell of betrayal, reaking from maverick in 2008, for reasons probably outlined in the link

le Douanier said...

Some in the Tiffany video have a Scott Adams vibe, too.

Presumably it's hard for folks in the golden years to grasp that, as wise and brilliant as they know they are, it's possible that their glory years are in the rear view mirror. Just sayin.

Unknown said...

This level corruption makes the allegations against Clinton look tame in comparison.

The New York Times dropped a bombshell Sunday night revealing an expose on Donald Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort’s ties to Ukraine.

According to the story, Manafort’s work was consulting for Ukraine’s political party in power. Investigators say the network Manafort is associated with was once used to steal assets and control elections in the country. The ties to Russia and Ukraine came under attack when the FBI found that Russian government hackers were responsible for the hacking of the Democratic National Committee.

Their expose “offers new details of how he mixed politics and business out of public view and benefited from powerful interests now under scrutiny by the new government in Kiev.”

“He understood what was happening in Ukraine,” the Times quotes Vitaliy Kasko, a former senior official with the general prosecutor’s office in Kiev. “It would have to be clear to any reasonable person that the Yanukovych clan, when it came to power, was engaged in corruption.

narciso said...

hey the vice president's doting daughter was doing blow, and other offspring was kicked out of the navy for similar nasal issues, and got himself a job with a ukrainian energy outfit, right before the crimean incursion,

Jon Ericson said...

Thank you for all the very funny comments.

le Douanier said...

Who likes math?

Here's some addition:

1) What if DJT was fussing about the NYT because he wanted to preempt the Manaford bombshell that was ready to drop.


2) What if Adams is correct that folks who are not into reality and policies are easily manipulated by DJT.

Does this mean that anyone who fell for 1) is the type of person described in 2). Even if it does, I'm sure Althouse was being ironic when she appeared to fall for DJT's shtick. OTOH, she is in the golden years, and you know what Adams says about those folks.

narciso said...

my mistake that appeared after the incursion,

the job of a contract advisor, this goes back to Il Macchia, who was more about poison pens, than run of the mill skill with a dagger, is a disreputable one, ask lanny davis

narciso said...

Carlos Slim's charity project is about furthering his interests, hence they have dialed up to eleventy on amnesty, inconveniences like the khaki curtain, that Mexico puts forward on it's Southern border, they way it regularly expels emigres from liberty deprived lands is just that.

Unknown said...

This is all very entertaining. If anyone here would bother to read more than one of Scott Adams blog posts you would see how he is really looking at the whole psychology of this election specifically the persuasion techniques used.

It's fascinating to look at it from that perspective.

How many times has there been the prediction of this is the end for DJT? I've lost count.

This election is going to be entirely different from what we have ever experienced. Our current president started this whole ball rolling with his slick slogans, social media, and "all-powerful" database.

The mass electorate doesn't really give a damn about policy specifics or ethics or integrity anymore. Many are "mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore" voters. Anecdotally they seem to be the most motivated and we all know that turnout (dead or alive) wins elections not fundraising, polling or who had the best policies.

I've been stocking up on popcorn. This is going to be lots of fun to watch.

Keep screaming. Scott Adams and I are smiling and shaking our heads at all of you. Don't worry you cant hurt our feelings.

narciso said...

well there have been very pointed specifics on terrorism, immigration, and trade, with ancillary issues like gun rights, and the defense of christianity against assault by islamists,

Unknown said...

Most people have already decided who they are going to vote for and so what Scott Adams has to say is moot.

People will vote for Trump but the sane Democrat, Republican and Independent will not vote Trump. Therein lies the problem for Trump and explains his recent actions. Trump continues to talk to and pump-up the converted which he will need to turn up in November.

The rest of the electorate are tuning out Trump because he has become predictable. If you think ratcheting up his incendiary comments makes him more electable to the non-Trumpkins then you're insane. People do not want a President who is insane. Country before Party will win over.

Most Trumpkins have real grievances but Trump is not your savior but a con man.

Unknown said...


I can just see every Democrat-hater, Obama-hater and Clinton-hater's neck veins bulging with rage until their faces turn tomato-red ready to burst.

Just gotta love it.

The first half-white half-black American President has the highest approval rating of any other President at this stage of their presidency.

Ok haters, breathe out and take the chill pills.

Unknown said...

Btw, Trump still has not released his tax returns.

Funny that.

Real funny is 15m Trumpkins don't want to know either. That is some scary worship at the alter of the con man.

Brando said...

Most of the post is quite reasonable, but I disagree with his notion that Trump's negatives are already "baked in" and Hillary's can still surface. What is there about Hillary that could come out that we already don't suspect? We already know she was running a cash for influence scam, doesn't have any fixed beliefs, and has poor temperament and she lies constantly. What other news could come out about her? That she strangled a kitten?

Trump fans hoping for some deus ex machine to bring down Clinton's campaign are engaged in wishful thinking. Both candidates are knowns. The only thing that can help either of them is to keep a low profile and let the campaign be about the other one. The more voters are thinking about your opponent--who they know they don't like--the better your chances.

Brando said...

"The obsession with NeverTrumpers is beyond stale at this point."

It's just something for the Trumpites to blame when their candidate self-destructs. It's easier to assume backstabbers caused his loss than to accept that they forced the nomination of a complete fraud.

No one likes to admit they've been conned. And it's that unwillingness to admit they were conned that gives the con man his power.

Jaq said...

The presidency should require wisdom, not great energy. Wisdom is something so many younger, more energetic people lack. We can only hope that Hillary has learned from her mistakes, mistakes which she has not admitted.

Bay Area Guy said...

I'm think it's premature to go into horse-race mode.

The objective is to defeat Hillary, plain and simple. If that means supporting Trump, qualms and all, so be it.

Hillary's America is not a good one. If unresisted, it will mimic the Northern California experience; a small, rich, culturally liberal elite operating the levers of power (San Francisco), supported by a rabble of racial-grievance shock troops, like BLM and Occupy Wall Street (Oakland), serving as the political vanguard.

Public schools will get worse, taxes will go up, crime will go up, regulations on business will double, the Supreme Court will go hard left.

Time to put aside pride and get on the Trump train, flaws and all. Simply put, Hillary and her supporters and her scheming ways are worse.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary will remove sop much wealth from the private sector she will cripple it.
She is also promising to make Obama's executive orders look like a small glass of juice.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bay Area Guy - I agree but how do you stop Trump from crashing and burning his own campaign?

If Trump doesn't figure it out and change - he needs to step down.

MadisonMan said...

"None of the Above"

In my dreams, there is a voting machine that includes this lever.

If invoked, all Political Parties are taxed $2bn each, and they try again -- but are given only 4 weeks to select a candidate and run a campaign and have an election. The flurry of activity between 15 November and Christmas would be great.

Each citizen of the USA gets a check for $10-$20 from the tax mentioned above as compensation.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Trump is not your savior but a con man.
Ok haters, breathe out and take the chill pills.
That is some scary worship at the alter of the con man.

Bad Unknown's solo greek "chorus" just keeps grinding it out. The interesting thing is how many straw men it takes for ze to whip up some kind of anti-Trump argument. Unlike the Obamabots of 2008 literally NO ONE is saying Trump is any kind of savior. Destructor, yes. Not a savior, Inga.

Then the "haters" tag, a favorite of small minds and angry idiots everywhere. Another sports metaphor gone rogue, used by poor writers as a substitute for actual thought. Some people just don't like arrogant power hungry progressives. It is a calm and rational response to their style of governance, and especially apt in the case of the Grifter Extraordinaire, HRC. Yes we calmly and firmly reject her and all she stands for. Got no room for hate in my daily mien. Once again Inga-known's straw man dies a hapless death. But ze's reliance on hate so often does make one wonder about ze's stability.

Then we have worship and con man make their intermittent appearances in ze's chorus. Worship, of course, is what the MSM and progs ladled onto Obama, replete with halos inserted into photographs and rapturous like fake fainting spells (remember all the fainters in 2008? This is a hotter year and yet fewer falling. Wonder why...) and the whole "we are the ones we've been waiting for" crap. Don't tell me, an unenthusiastic Trump supporter, about worship, Unknown. I've seen it's ugly face and it's always always always on the Left. (We righties elect leaders not saviors on purpose: the country needs leadership not false gods to praise be damned by.) That you continue to sing the con man chorus when you have an actual 100% policy-of-personal-enrichment grifter candidate on your ticket is almost too funny. That's the Burning Man of straw men there, Inga. Not big enough to hide that criminal at the top of your ticket, but it is nonetheless.

Straw men and projection. C'mon. Up your game Bad Unknown. You're not going to shame anyone into voting for your corpse.

Brando said...

"If Trump doesn't figure it out and change - he needs to step down."

If Trump were the sort of man who could change or step down for the good of the country, then he wouldn't be Trump. This car is going off the cliff and we can either be in denial, or just brace for the impact.

"Each citizen of the USA gets a check for $10-$20 from the tax mentioned above as compensation."

A nice idea, but the parties aren't solely to blame for these candidates. It's their primary voters who picked them. Even in Hillary's case where the DNC clearly wanted her to win, ultimately it came down to solid majorities of Dem voters choosing her.

But forcing a rapid do-over would be nice. It'd say to the people who made these choices in the primaries "you chose poorly--the country gets a re-do".

Bruce Hayden said...

What can come out about Crooked Hillary that hasn't already? My guess, at the top of the list, is her health. Sure, if you follow Drudge, you know about the big Black guy often next to her who appears to be carrying an injector of anti-seizure drug, ready to use on her, and that he was one of the guys carrying her up the stairs of that house a couple of months ago. But most Americans don't. Her health appears to have been bad to start with, and appears to have declined since then. At this rate, I think it unlikely that she would be mentally competent to serve as President even to the mid term elections. We shall see. Another might be some negative results about the FBI investigation(s) of the Clinton Foundation, and how it coordinated with the State Dept when she was Secretary there. Except that the public probably is pretty numb to her crookedness and dishonesty.

But that does remind me of a joke I thought up. Next time someone asks if we should give crazy Trump our nuclear codes, ask if we should give them to Hillary, who is more likely to sell them to our enemies than fumble them. If she can sell 1/5 of our uranium reserves to the Russians, and the lives of hundreds of thousands in Syria, Lybia, and Egypt, then why not the nuclear codes?

Rusty said...

readering said...
Adams is correct here. Always said Reagan was the ceiling in terms of age. Turned 70 shortly after inauguration. Hillary turns 69 this fall. Trump is too old to be running (as are Sanders, Biden, Kerry).
And at least all these others were experienced politicians. Trump knows nothing about government.
You haven't heard? 70 is the new 50.

Obama didn't know anything about government either and look how well he's doing. Or to put it another way. We're in the shit we're in because of professional elite politicians. Lets give WASP guy a shot at it.

Bad Lieutenant said...

The last three presidents have been youngish and I'm not impressed.

Bad Lieutenant said...

And AprilA, and others,

You keep saying "He really hasn't invested that much of his own money."

He's officially $50mm in the hole of his own dough, so far. Pretty sure that's a record. Pretty sure that can't and won't be recouped through corruption on the part of HRC. (Pretty sure the time and energy can't be recouped, too.)

Pretty sure that amount would be missed by anyone. Especially if you take the line that he's bankrupt or secretly poor or not as rich as he says.

There are several stories. Pick one, won't you?

What he is doing, and has said he would do, is being thrifty. Holding fire till he sees the whites of her eyes, perhaps.

You need to consider alternatives to your preconceptions.

John henry said...

Blogger AprilApple said...


Do you think ProWrestling is real?

In what sense? It is not "wrestling" in the classical sense, it is scripted and has been for 150 years or more. It is "real" in the sense that huge guys are leaping around and banging each other up and that many people find it entertaining. It is a show and is as real as any other show, including most pro sports.

As an athletic endeavour it is much like Football, hockey, Bball, etc with the exception that the outcomes are known in advance. To the players if not the audience.

So yeah, real. And your point is?

John Henry

John henry said...

Blogger AprilApple said...

I answered you yesterday. Here it is again:

No, you gave me a non-answer. repeating it does not turn it into an answer. It does not tell me what you think Trump has to gain from losing and/or putting Crooked Hilary in the WH.

Does he expect a cabinet post? Sec Commerce? Postmaster General? Ambassador to Mexico?

That Crooked Hilary will somehow help his business empire?

The press decides to love him??

Something else?

How would any of that be worth the $50mm, 1+ years of his life and the hit to his reputation? Both the hit he has suffered thus far and the additional hit he would suffer if he was seen throwing the election?

If he gets elected and is a relatively successful president, 100 years from now he is just another name on the list that nobody can name. If he is seen as throwing the election, he will be remembered, unfavorably, for all time. Entire college curricula will be built around the scumminess of his actions.

He is a smart man and has a huge ego. You think he won't realize that? You think he would let it happen.

John Henry

Bad Lieutenant said...

If he is seen as throwing the election, he will be murdered.


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