July 27, 2016

"What stops us from looking at ourselves and seeing ourselves is that we’re kind of ugly, if we really, if we look really hard."

"We’re not who we think we are. We’re not, uh we’re not as wonderful as we think we are."

Said Bill Murray, back in 2014, in an interview with Howard Stern, quoted in a new NYT article — by David Segal —  titled "Confessor. Feminist. Adult. What the Hell Happened to Howard Stern?/Scattered among the gleefully vulgar mainstays are now intimate exchanges that have made Mr. Stern one of the most deft interviewers in the business."

That's one of the articles I read on my iPhone this morning before getting out of bed. I've had it in the back of my mind as something I might blog, and I thought of it just now as I was having a conversation with Meade about Bill and Hillary Clinton. The theory under discussion was that Bill and Hillary are not really of our generation but our parents' generation, even though they are only about half a decade older than us. What puts them in that earlier generation is that they don't believe in telling it straight and revealing their true selves. They think things need to be kept hidden and that what you say publicly needs to be a cover story. They never believed the 1960s credo Tell it like it is.

Why not tell it like it is? Let it all hang out — that's another 60s saying. I thought of what Bill Murray said: "What stops us from looking at ourselves and seeing ourselves is that we’re kind of ugly...." Not everyone thinks like that. "We’re not, uh we’re not as wonderful as we think we are." Not everyone thinks like that, but it is a way of thinking. You could also believe that everybody's beautiful. (Here's the song that plays in my head when writing that sentence.) You could take a flier on the belief that whatever you are is what you should be and it's perfectly good. What else are you going to do? You're you, and you're never going to be anyone else. Another 60s expression: Do your own thing. 

Did that make you think of Donald Trump? It seems that all roads lead to Donald Trump these days. And wouldn't you expect an article in the NYT about the greatness of Howard Stern as an interviewer would have something important about the Howard Stern interviews with Donald Trump, something as profound as the place where Howard took Bill Murray? Your NYT-mistrusting mind might be yelling at the computer screen: Not if it's anything that makes Donald Trump look good. Bill Murray was highlighted as the celebrity Stern opened up. If he opened up Trump in a similar way, we don't learn about from the NYT. Trump appears in the article, but only like this:
Mr. Stern...  is the same guy who, for years, traded misogynistic quips with anyone who was game, including, Donald J. Trump. In a 2005 phone interview, the two rated the looks of the cast of “Desperate Housewives.”

“Would you go out with Marcia Cross,” Mr. Trump asked, “or would you turn gay, Howard?”

“She’s got a good body,” he answered. “Just put a bag over her head.”
It's like one of those video  from the Democratic National Convention — those little videos displaying Trump saying something like "A woman who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10" so you can sit there staring and hating....


Kate said...

Murray wears his religion so well that people don't notice it, but this quote is very Trad Catholic.

YoungHegelian said...



I read the quote & thought, that for many, many generations of Catholics, this called Examination of Conscience.

YoungHegelian said...


this ^^was^^ called.

User error. as we say in the biz.

Sebastian said...

"What puts them in that earlier generation is that they don't believe in telling it straight and revealing their true selves." Umm, no. That's outrageous slander of the "earlier generation." The Clintons "don't believe in telling it straight" not as a matter of an old-fashioned sense of privacy and virtue but because they calculated that telling anything approaching the truth about their philandering and fraud might have destroyed their political career. Of course, they also got MSM help in "not covering" their true lives, as they still do.

"They never believed the 1960s credo "Tell it like it is." Nor did the 60s generation. The most short-sighted, self-deluding, self-congratulating, Dunning/Kruger-suffering cohort in American history.

"I thought of what Bill Murray said: "What stops us from looking at ourselves and seeing ourselves is that we’re kind of ugly...." Love Murray. But this is a new and deep insight? For Christians and former Christians? For anyone who has read or looked at a major work of art -- Rembrandt's late self-portraits, say? And the 60s people thought they wrought a revolution in "telling it like it is."

mikee said...

Murray recognizes the problem of knowing your own guilty secrets, and facing up to their ugly existence, something neither Clinton has ever done, will ever do, is even capable of doing.

Trump keeps saying things that people decry as horrible or wrong, then later, after review of the facts involved, appear to be rather more correct than his opposition will accept.

damikesc said...

They think things need to be kept hidden and that what you say publicly needs to be a cover story. They never believed the 1960s credo Tell it like it is.

The 60's never believed that, either. That is why the college "free speech movement" easily morphed into speech codes and the most oppressive regime in terms of free thought outside of a Communist state.

Liking to mouth platitudes is not the same as believing those platitudes.

traditionalguy said...

We are social animals. The group we are in is what we adapt to and seek to please by Darwinian instinct.

The Donald has used so many people as his social mirrors over the years that nothing surprises him anymore. As a result of trying to get along with different people over 50 years, he knows more about people than they know about themselves, he says. Watching life has made Howard Stern and Trump close buddies because they are in the same league of observing people.

What Trump focuses on in practice is whether you are a friend or an enemy. Friends are always treated well, even new friends that were once enemies. For example Rick Perry has gone all the way from worst enemy to best friend.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

definition of misogyny
: a hatred of women
misogynic play \ˌmi-sə-ˈji-nik, -ˈgī-\ adjective
misogynist play \mə-ˈsä-jə-nist\ noun or adjective
misogynistic play \mə-ˌsä-jə-ˈnis-tik\ adjective

Publicly stating that you think a woman is unattractive is both rude and crass, however it isn't misogyny.

rhhardin said...

Trump is a skilled Don Rickles, Imus reports, having spending years as a social pal.

That's an anti-PC skill these days, which Trump uses slightly.

Anti-PC, in particular anti-PC media, is the greatest need of the country.

Once you can talk about the problems, you can get to solving them.

Letting it all hang out isn't ugly. It's a higher calling.

rhhardin said...

There's a breasts tag which is not self-explanatory. I feel I've missed an important point.

bagoh20 said...

Letting it all hang out only matters if you have something to hide. Nobody wants to know what Bernie is hiding.

Etienne said...

Hillary is obsessed with privacy. Normally this is never a problem. But she chose a political career.

Everything bad about her originates from this mania.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Letting it all hang out.

When you are doing something for others, you make yourself look better.

Anonymous said...

Trump could start "letting it all hang out" by releasing his taxes. Just what ugly secret is he hiding in those taxes? Could it be.......Russian investments, Russian debts?

Howard said...

It's not just Christinsanity. Murry is just identifying vanity (pride) as the primary human driver. All philosophy recognizes this.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Oh, please. What the hell is Murray talking about? Something stops us from looking at ourselves? We're kind of ugly? We have to look really hard?

What a freaking narcissist!

I'm hideous, both inside and out, and I'm fully cognizant of it, and I'd pay good money to anyone who could give me a moment's peace from it.

Anonymous said...

What is the "bombshell"in Trump's taxes that Romney alluded to?

Horseball said...

Every presidential candidate should be required to sit for an interview with Howard Stern. Most of these fucks wouldn't last five minutes.

Anonymous said...

As for airing dirty laundry, I'd suggest that those who long to hear the dirty dirty secrets of the Clinton marriage, air their own dirty secrets first. How did the divorces happen? Did anyone cheat on anyone else?

Etienne said...

Unknown said... ...releasing his taxes

Changing the subject are we? Bored of Clinton already?

Fred Drinkwater said...

Oh please. Both Clinton's are just used car salesmen, not introspective philosophers of their "selves".

Anonymous said...

I'd love to know about Trump's dirty dirty marital secrets. Of course he made all his former spouses sign gag contracts. Who'da thunk it?

Peter said...

"How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog ..."

narciso said...

well perry took dr. evil's (steve schmidt) and chip barbour's advice, and flushed down a promising effort,

Chuck said...

Bill Murray is actually one of the easiest interviews around. Why credit Howard Stern? I don't think I've ever heard a bad Bill Murray interview. Murray can be a bit annoying; golf makes him a little too crazy for his own good (Carl Spackler the notable exception); but Bill Murray is a routinely wonderful conversationalist.

Fernandinande said...

Despite using the royal "we", Bill Murray's right about his being kind of ugly.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Unk, do think that whatever you're doing is working?

R&B? Do you find these tactics effective? (Effective at what?) I'd value your opinion as somebody who obviously doesn't favor Trump, but can see the nose on your face.

Also, speaking of ugly, has anyone heard today's bit of news that if you go to Google and search for presidential candidates, you will see pictures of Clinton, Sanders, and Stein, but not of Trump? Nor Johnson, but Trump is going to get 50 million votes, and Sanders is out. This is don't be evil? Really?

Anonymous said...

Ah, Trump being asked about his dirty dirty Russian secrets at his press conference, lol.

Anonymous said...

Trump asks Russia to "find 30,000 missing Clinton emails"! LOL! Ok Putin, Trump is asking you for another favor. Trump just asked Putin to interfere with our elections, live on TV.

Will Cate said...

Missing from this post:


shiloh said...

"What the hell happened to Howard Stern?

He was always a great interviewer. You can't keep a consistent audience for 3/4 hrs if you're not compelling. Used to listen to him in the AM driving home from work.

It's just the sexual questions to women and asking babes to undress which was an added bonus that rubbed polite/waspy/conservative society the wrong way. Go figure!

I hear he's toned it down some, but you could always count on him asking a female celebrity if she did anal. Indeed, much like the hard hitting questions you hear on MTP. What's not to like.

Friendo said...

Just stop. Your are a buffoon, moron, twit, and troll. Good lord, don't you get bored with these antics?

Jupiter said...

Mr. Stern... is the same guy who, for years, traded misogynistic quips with anyone who was game, including, Donald J. Trump. In a 2005 phone interview, the two rated the looks of the cast of “Desperate Housewives.”

“Would you go out with Marcia Cross,” Mr. Trump asked, “or would you turn gay, Howard?”

“She’s got a good body,” he answered. “Just put a bag over her head.”

Is that misogynistic? Or homophobic?

Anonymous said...


I know you wish I would stop. No, I won't. Someone has to ask the hard questions around here. Clinton's marital secrets just aren't that important to our national security, nor are they really very interesting.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Yeah Trump you left out the chapters in your own marital story. Hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

And Fiendo,
Your comment reveals your discomfort with someone bringing up issues that run contrary to the echo chamber's narrative of irrational Clinton hate. Yes it's gotten to the point of irrationality. You have Trump who has true, real, scary even, negatives, yet people here ask no questions. See nothing, hear nothing, say nothing monkeys. Do you want to appear as pathetic sycophants...rhetorical question.

Anonymous said...

Trump tells a reporter to "Be quiet". Amazing. This man wants to be president? Now he lies about John Kasich.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump has a treasure trove of stupid. I wonder if Americans care anymore? The democrats are such liars - perhaps Trump's silly stupid weirdness will not matter?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A comment about flat chests V. A private server in a basement used to stuff Family Foundation coffers - and a Clintonopolis press who sweeps it all under the rug.

Anonymous said...

Trump thinks "a lot of Bernie supporters will come to him because of trade"? The man is delusional.

Anonymous said...

"People are sick and tired of incompetance"... Oh my god. How unselfaware this this bufoon? Also, he needs to blow his nose, all that hard breathing through his nose is gross.

effinayright said...

Unknown said...
What is the "bombshell"in Trump's taxes that Romney alluded to?


What's really remarkable is that a person's relationship with the government--- regarding just how much of his own money he has been forced to give to it--- is somehow germane to his character.

Where did THAT come from???

Anonymous said...

"The world revolves around the sun.... Because of me"- Trump.

Ficta said...

The invasion of the paid trolls, pasting their boilerplate approved Talking Points into the comments is weird. Instructive at some level, since you can see what the press will be talking about tomorrow once they download the memos from their "sources" in the Hillary campaign. But it's still pretty weird.

YoungHegelian said...


Clinton's marital secrets just aren't that important to our national security,

Well, that's pretty fucking rich coming from someone who supports a candidate who kept classified information on an open server in her house.

Not to mention a party that got its internal network repeatedly hacked. That's what network security is about, you know: keeping people who want to do you harm out of your network. If you get penetrated, you failed at your job.

Keeping pushing that dildo in, Unknown.

Anonymous said...

Please do not let this man, Trump, get National Security briefings until he proves he has no ties to Russia. He suspects Clinton because Huma is Clinton's aide? Unbelievable. Trump unfit for the presidency.

Anonymous said...

YH, Trump's dildo is up yours as far as your brain, causing damage.

Bill R said...

An excerpt from a Stern interview with Gwyneth Paltrow. I'm paraphrasing the question but not the answer.

Stern: It must be difficult for you to form romantic relationships. I mean in wealth, status, and beauty you are at the peak of society. It's almost impossible to find someone at your level and someone below your level would, deep down, resent the difference and be angry and insecure.

Paltrow: It depends on how many blowjobs you give him.

The man is a genius.

effinayright said...

"Please do not let this man, Trump, get National Security briefings until he proves he has no ties to Russia. He suspects Clinton because Huma is Clinton's aide? Unbelievable. Trump unfit for the presidency."

And how would Trump "prove" that? And what "ties" would be forbidden by the appropriately-named Unknown?

And what about Hillary Clinton's "ties" with Russia, that crooked Uranium deal being a perfect example?

Troll, get thee gone!!!

YoungHegelian said...


That little uranium deal? Remember? Millions to the Clinton Foundation? Remember?

Both candidates have ties to Russia!

Stop lying.

readering said...

Never a talk radio guy. Would be interested to read instances where Trump comes across favorably in a Stern interview.

Anonymous said...

Trump calling on Putin to do him another favor and "find" Clinton's missing emails. He's going to have to do some explaining, hopefully to the FBI. He asked Putin to STEAL some more emails.

YoungHegelian said...


YH, Trump's dildo is up yours as far as your brain, causing damage.

Oh, yeah, like I'm some big Trump supporter. You don't read other peoples' stuff here, do you? You just post your crap & move on. Tell us, Unknown, how many conservative blogs got assigned to you by your bosses to spam? I guess too many for you to actually pay attention to their content, huh?

Anonymous said...

This request to Putin by Trump today, to hack and find Clinton's missing emails should disqualify him from the presidency. Encouraging a foreign leader to steal emails from a presidential candidate is a bridge too far. Do not give this man national security briefings.

Anonymous said...

Trump is Nixon on steroids. Watergate wasn't nearly this illegal or dangerous.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Pence now trying to smooth over what Trump asked Putin to do live on TV. Damage control will be difficult on this one. RNC's heads exploding all over the place, lol.

Anonymous said...

Yup, "tell it like it is".... Indeed.

YoungHegelian said...


So, unknown, did the Hillary people tell you if you volunteered to do this unpleasant job of spamming conservative web sites that they just might be able to find a position for you in a Clinton administration? Not a big appointment position, mind you, but a position none the less.

You see, unknown, I live among politicos here in DC. I did computer support for the Reagan / Bush I transition team. Eight years at the Executive Office. I know how the game is played with campaign volunteers. "Do this scut work for us for long hours & for free, and maybe, it'll pay off. Maybe, no promises."

So, do you have a mentor with some moxie in the Clinton machine? if so, there's a good chance a peon like you may get something. If not, don't expect any crumbs to fall from the table.

Anonymous said...

Spamming? No. Nice try. I'm done here.

Jaq said...

Spamming? No. Nice try. I'm done here - Unkown

Where else besides everywhere on the internet or network news or Hollywood movies, or celebrity interviews, or... are we going to get your recitation of DNC talking points?

If you really believe the stuff you are spouting, I would suggest you find a shrink, and not one of those shrinks who treats fear or Trump, but a real one, who can prescribe chemicals to bring some order back to your brain.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Clinton fatigue is real.

Qwinn said...

I think Unknown desperately trying to tie Trump to Russia, knowing what we know about the clinton uranium deal, pretty much proves the 3 laws of the SJW:

1) SJW's always lie
2) SJW's always double down
3) SJW's always project

Achilles said...

When a good Christian or conservative says we are kind of ugly we mean ourselves.

When a progressive says we are kinda ugly they mean everyone else.

damikesc said...

Clinton is Nixon on steroids. Watergate wasn't nearly this illegal or dangerous.


Jon Ericson said...

My quota for the day is done!
I know!
Shoe shopping at Kohls' !

damikesc said...

It's just the sexual questions to women and asking babes to undress which was an added bonus that rubbed polite/waspy/conservative society the wrong way. Go figure!

And today, it'd be the Left all up in arms over it.

Funny, huh?

Trump asks Russia to "find 30,000 missing Clinton emails"! LOL! Ok Putin, Trump is asking you for another favor. Trump just asked Putin to interfere with our elections, live on TV.

It's funny because they already have them. Because she set up her own private server. What a card she is, no?

How did the divorces happen? Did anyone cheat on anyone else?

So, as long as the wife is a doormat, then it's OK? Got it.

Clinton's marital secrets just aren't that important to our national security

To you, her email scandal isn't either. Not sure what makes you a good judge on the issue.

Please do not let this man, Trump, get National Security briefings until he proves he has no ties to Russia.

Did he facilitate the sale of our uranium to them?


I know ONE of the candidates did that.

Who was it?

Encouraging a foreign leader to steal emails from a presidential candidate is a bridge too far.

Nah. It's funny.

Bill said...

"What stops us from looking at ourselves and seeing ourselves is that we’re kind of ugly...."

Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner . . ."

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Damn, if today's Unknown is any indication, the Donks are frantic.

bagoh20 said...

"This request to Putin by Trump today, to hack and find Clinton's missing emails should disqualify him from the presidency."

That's hilarious. The myopia, it burns.

Brando said...

Supporting neither nominee makes this e-mail hacking scandal all the sweeter because on the one hand it reveals the crookedness of the Hillary-controlled DNC and on the other hand the hackers' ties to Putin just adds a sinister stink to it, which if it turns out Trump has some hidden tie to the dictator it'll be just too perfect. The best part is both Trump and Hillary are corrupt fools that Putin seems to be playing for suckers as he puts his hand in our election.

I mean, none of this is good for the US, of course. But nothing about this election has been good for the US.

effinayright said...

Unknown said...
Spamming? No. Nice try. I'm done here.


LOLZ! After having your microcephalic head handed to you again and again, yes, you ARE done!!!!

(Now go ask that nice Mr. Soros to give you your daily cupful of gruel.)

LakeLevel said...

"This request to Putin by Trump today, to hack and find Clinton's missing emails should disqualify him from the presidency."

Proof positive that Democrats have zero sense of humor about themselves and are in a blind panic. This is really starting to get entertaining! I'll have the large bucket with extra butter.

Mary Beth said...

Eric the Fruit Bat said...
I'm hideous, both inside and out....
7/27/16, 9:38 AM

I don't know, fruit bats are kind of cute.

TA said...

The word "bag" appears also in the previous post Is there a connection here? Feel free to comment.

Brando said...

I should add that it doesn't matter if Putin wants Trump elected, as foreign leaders usually prefer one of our candidates over another, just as we do with their elections (though normally it's a bad idea to make that plain, not only so it doesn't look like they're trying to influence an election but also to preserve a working relationship if the preferred candidate loses). It's worth asking WHY Putin would prefer one to the other--if he prefers Trump because he thinks Trump will cooperate more in fighting international terror, or work on joint ventures that benefit both countries, that's fine and even a plus. If he prefers Trump because he thinks Trump will give him a free hand in menacing his neighbors or bungle into arrangements that benefit Russia at our expense, that's obviously not a plus.

But the real question here is whether Trump is working with Putin to skew the election. It'd be outrageous for a candidate to work with foreign powers to win an election, particularly because of the debt they'd be in with that foreign power. If evidence emerges to that effect, it may not affect True Trump Fans, but the middle will be pushed towards Hillary.

At this point, Trump would be well served by offering up his tax returns if they in fact disprove any Russia connection. If he does not, there's got to be something in there bad enough that he can live with the inference.

Nichevo said...

Brando, why do you always marry a real criticism of Hillary Clinton with a BS criticism of Donald Trump?

Fernandinande said...

I'm getting confused - is Trump a Nazi or is he a Ruski commie?

Jaq said...

on the other hand the hackers' ties to Putin just adds a sinister stink to it,

You seem like a level headed guy Brando, where is the evidence? This is like the whole "hands up, don't shoot" thing, a lie that they plan to repeat over and over and over.

Nichevo said...

As for Trump and Putin collaborating, look for deaths.

Crickets, unless maybe all the terrorist attacks are Russki false flags.

How deep does that rabbit hole go, Brando?

Big Mike said...

Trump wasn't asking the Russians to hack Hillary's Emails; he was asserting, probably correctly, that they were already in the Russians' possession.

n.n said...

Why not tell it like it is? Let it all hang out

Because people strive to improve, not wallow in the muck.

BN said...

"The theory under discussion was that Bill and Hillary are not really of our generation but our parents' generation..."

They were born in 1946 and 1947, ergo baby boomers, ergo yes, really of "our generation." However, demographers do break up the baby boom into two separate sections (the latter cohort usually referred to as the "Jones Generation") who faced different socioeconomic circumstances, both growing up and in early adulthood (which also significantly impacted later adulthood, obviously, in terms of lifetime earnings, etc.). However (again), you and the Meadster are of the same section of baby boomers as the Clintons, so... you're wrong and merely wishfully remembering a moral superiority to differentiate yourselves from them others over there. Besides all that, the quoted hippy platitudes were always just teenage naiveté ala Holden Caulfield. Very few ever actually believed in them, or followed them, and when they did, it very rarely turned out well. But there were a few, i'll grant you that, and a fraction of them were truly beautiful human beings.

Sebastian said...

So suppose the Russians did it. It doesn't follow they prefer Trump.

They know Hill is a clueless patsy who will be beholden to the left. They know and liked her stupid "reset." They know what they got away with under O and expect more of the same. They have the SoS goods on her and would want to exploit it when she becomes Prez. Trump has made some noises they like, but he is a wild card--for example, the NATO comments could mean he will insist on higher defense spending by allies. "America First" is not a recipe for partnership a la O cozying up to Medvedev or letting the Russians get into Syria in a big way.

Brando said...

"Brando, why do you always marry a real criticism of Hillary Clinton with a BS criticism of Donald Trump?"

First, I don't always "marry" a criticism of Hillary with a "BS" (and to you I suppose any criticism of Trump is BS--if you ever criticized Trump for anything I must have missed it) and only pair them when it's relevant. I often criticize only one of them where the other is not relevant to the issue. Here, the "Russian hack" could affect both, but I think I've been pretty fair in making clear that there's no evidence yet that Trump has anything to do with it.

Second, as for Trump's tax records, he can go on holding them back, but he faces the same problem Hillary does with the Goldman transcripts--people will assume the worst of what you're hiding. Team Hillary and other anti-Trump elements are obviously going to continue the drumbeat of assuming the worst about those tax returns, and some wavering Trump supporters (not you, I assume) will give pause as long as that question has legs. Maybe you can't picture Trump having anything to hide, but that's the fact.

Jaq said...

ere, the "Russian hack" could affect both, but I think I've been pretty fair in making clear that there's no evidence yet that Trump has anything to do with it. - Brando

There is no evidence the RUSSIANS had anything to do with it. Why the stolen base on this?

Susan said...

I don't know how much the various Unknowns are getting to rep for Hillary but am certainly getting my money's worth of entertainment. I generally don't look at the names on top of a post when I start reading, but a mere line or two in and I can spot an Unknown.

Their increased desperation as the days go by is quite delightful.

Brando said...

"There is no evidence the RUSSIANS had anything to do with it. Why the stolen base on this? "

I'm not assuming that yet either.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. This is your candidate for president.


1. To Russian hackers: “It would be interesting to see, I will tell you this, Russia, if you're listening I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

2. On Vladimir Putin: “I don’t know who Putin is. He said one nice thing about me. … I never met Putin.”

3. On Hillary Clinton receiving classified briefings and Anthony Weiner: “Her No. 1 person, Huma Abedin, is married to Anthony Weiner, who’s a sleazeball and pervert. I'm not saying that, that's recorded history. I don't like Huma going home at night and telling Anthony Weiner all of these secrets."

4. On Tim Kaine: “Her running mate Tim Kaine, who by the way did a terrible job in New Jersey — first act he did in New Jersey was ask for a $4 billion tax increase and he was not very popular in New Jersey and he still isn't. ... What? I mean Virginia.”

5. On President Barack Obama: "I think President Obama has been the most ignorant president in our history. His views of the world, as he says, ‘don't jive’ and the world is a mess.”

6. On Hillary Clinton’s lack of news conferences: “The reason is because there is no way she can answer questions because the job she has done is so bad."

7. To NBC News correspondent Katy Tur: “Be quiet, I know you want to, you know, save her.”

8. On Bill Clinton’s speech: “The story told by her husband last night, he left out the most interesting chapter, I won't get into that. The chapter that I really waited for because it was pretty boring, the chapter that I waited for, I never heard and he left it out.”

9. On Putin and the N-word: “Putin has said things over the last year that are really bad things, OK? He mentioned the N-word one time, I was shocked to hear him mention the N-word. You know what the N-word is, right? He mentioned it, I was shocked.”

Anonymous said...

Susan, you have no idea how Democrats delight in Trump stepping on his own dick every single day.

harrogate said...

Dems have some video clips reminding people of Trump's words, and those are "little hate nuggets."

RNC has speech after speech of screamers and literal identification of Clinton with Lucifer. But that's "master persuasion."

Got it.

Jon Ericson said...

@Unknown#2 (profile#11)
Yeah, yeah, just get it over with.
Double bonus!
Ross is having a Mega shoe sale!

Fritz said...

Fred Drinkwater said...
Oh please. Both Clinton's are just used car salesmen, not introspective philosophers of their "selves".

But Bill is kind of grateful and glad you bought it, while Hillary just thinks you owed to her.

Bilwick said...

Emanuel Goldstein is no doubt supporting Trump.

Bilwick said...

Don't worry, Harrogate. Dems will never descend into hate. Everyone who's read "liberals" (and by that I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping government sniffers and Styate fellators") bemoaning "hate" speech knows that "hate" comes only from those who oppose the "liberal" Hive. Because statism=love.

gbarto said...

Another form of the quotation:
All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.
-Blaise Pascal

I don't think Trump asked Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails. He just assumed they already had and said they should share anything they have with the FBI. He's not calling on Russia to get involved in our politics. He's pointing out that probably already have and that his opponent is compromised. Bernie may have honeymooned in the Soviet Union, but between her server(s) and the uranium deal, Hillary looks much more likely to be compromised by Putin.

Anonymous said...

Where do you see the words "FBI" in his comment from the news conference today?

"I don't think Trump asked Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails. He just assumed they already had and said they should share anything they have with the FBI."

"It would be interesting to see, I will tell you this, Russia, if you're listening I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Jon Ericson said...

WoW! T****s are ignoring T**** T****s
Not like we're going to.

Big Mike said...

I've already agreed with gbarto upthread, but I want to go further. It's easy to know whether the Russians hacked Hillary's Email server from her stint as Secretary of State. Where is the person who was head of the SVR (Слу́жба вне́шней разве́дки, the successor agency to the KGB)? If he still has an office in Moscow and a nice dacha out in the countryside, then the SVR has every byte of her Email traffic. If he's in Siberia or received a 9 mm headache, then they don't.

(I'll spare everyone the online search. His name is Mikhail Fradkov. He is a former Prime Minister of Russia who assumed leadership of the SVR in 2007 and he still holds that position.)

effinayright said...

Unknown#2 said...
Susan, you have no idea how Democrats delight in Trump stepping on his own dick every single day.

LOLZ! I am sure Bill Clinton just LUVVED having Big Foot Trump step on Der Shlick's dick right after his speech of last night!!

Valentine Smith said...

Nothing absolutely nothing negative will stick to Trump. Attempts to slam the barn door on the ship that sailed is all for nought. The demos opened the Box deades ago, let loose the agents that have festered at the heart of public morality. The body politic, the overall culture itself has been degraded to the point where all standards are relative. So each individual now only identifies with the those who share his or her "identity." Now it's the chickens coming home to put the shoe on the other foot and the demos are saying what the fuck happened, the reps have always been so cooperative in our efforts to annihilate their way of life. The demos are now left rooting around the Box looking for some kind of hope.

And when Trump destroys The Godmother in the election subsequent events should be fascinating and very entertaining.

David said...

That is a stunning and frightening clip. The most disturbing aspect is that we are inching closer and closer to something just like it in our politics.

David said...

Unknown#2 said...
Susan, you have no idea how Democrats delight in Trump stepping on his own dick every single day.

The amazing thing is that each time Trump steps on his dick, Hillary stumbles and nearly falls.

Qwinn said...

Unknown: According to Hillary, those 30,000 missing emails were purely personal, you know, wedding plans and yoga routines. So, when you claim that Trump is endangering national security by asking the Russians to release them, doesn't that require that Hillary lied about what was deleted?

traditionalguy said...

The Dulles brothers loved to threaten nuclear war with the old USSR. They called it brinksmamship. The men who had seen real war, such as Eisenhpwer and Kennedy wanted to do the opposite. That got JFK shot down.

Of the two running today? Hillary is the war hawk with a non communist Russia whose leader Putin says that he is not going to put up with brinksmanship much longer. Trump wants peace through strength like Reagan did.

What benefit is a nuclear war anyway except population control?

Anonymous said...

Trump Tweet from 2014.

Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

Attention all hackers: You are hacking everything else so please hack Obama's college records (destroyed?) and check "place of birth"
Sep 6, 2014, 5:06 AM

Scott said...

Actually, regarding the e-mails our Unknowns are missing several key points.

#1: Right now the server and associated computer hardware is locked up in a FBI evidence locker somewhere. "Hacking' it at this point would involve James Bondski and Tom Cruzski breaking into FBi Headquarters along with while this plays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAYhNHhxN0A

Since this isn't a Hollywood spy thriller, there's no call for the Russians (or the Chinese, or anyone else) to actually break US law. The call is 'release what you got back in 2012'.

#2: If in fact Russia has the emails, the national security damage has been done. In fact, releasing them now will do more good than harm, since by FBI Director Comey's own admission we know that some of the deleted emails were work related and others were unrecoverable. Knowing what was in them will let the FBI and others know more about what they dont; know, and also let the American people have a look into what she was trying to hide from them.

#3: That said, and this is very important, it's very possible that any e-mail dump may include material that either was edited to make the scandal worse, or might be made up from whole cloth. Since the general opinion of Hillary is a corrupt liar, adding an e-mail where she's asking for a quid pro quo "Give Bill a million dollar 'charitable donation' and I'll make you an ambassador" would be believed by the voters even if it was false. Furthermore, how is she supposed to prove that it was false, since the emails were deleted (kind of tough to prove a negative).

TL;DR Don't expect that everything in the e-mail dumps is true and treat them with some skepticism. It may be the truth, but it's not the 'whole truth' and certainly may not be 'nothing but the truth'.

#4: If Putin does release emails from her server, it proves that her actions did endanger national security (since they would have been hacked during her tenure or as a direct result of the actions she took in her tenure). Just because she's not been indicted *now* does not mean that she can't be indicted *later*, especially if new information comes out. Doubly so if Trump is elected (and in fact there's a strong case for a Trump AG to make a point of publicly crucifying Hillary to restore public trust in the law and also send a message to other elements of the Clinton Machine that they too are vulnerable for their actions). Therefore, this election is very likely a fight for her political life not to mention reputation. "First US presidential candidate to go to jail for multiple felonies' is not the 'historic' she wants, after all.

Anonymous said...

Tweet from 2013

Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?
Jun 18, 2013, 10:17 PM

Joe said...

I'm genuinely mystified that nobody has hacked Obama's college transcripts. (I think it will show he was a shitty student who was given special favors. In other words, a big yawn.)

Jon Ericson said...

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that fee-ee-lin'

Humperdink said...

Why in the world would the Vladiator want Trump as president? The Vlad walked all over Hildabeast as Sec'y of State. Kinda like Bill's behavior throughout their marriage. She's a veritable doormat for strong personalities. OTOH she is rich, so there's that.

Jaq said...

I think that Unknown#2 is a parody account, but Unknown is now beyond parody, so I am not sure.

Howard said...

Trump tax form will likely show relatively lower wealth and scrooge charity.

Jaq said...

One wonders what the Clinton Foundation tax forms would show.... We will likely never know.

walter said...

Was Unk concerned about Obama's many sealed records? An academic with that walled off?

"A woman who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10"
True..but not impossible.
C'mon Unk2,3, few more posts for some more kibble down the tube.

Anonymous said...


"After Mr. Putin called the New York businessman “colorful and talented” last week, Mr. Trump said he was “honored.” On Sunday, Mr. Trump defended his response. “He’s a strong leader. And I’m not going to be politically correct,” he said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “I think it would be a positive thing if Russia and the United States actually got along.”

Mr. Trump also disputed that journalists who challenge Mr. Putin have been murdered. The Committee to Protect Journalists, which tracks and researches deaths of reporters worldwide, said 36 journalists have been murdered in Russia since 1992.

“Do you know the names of the reporters that he’s killed?” Mr. Trump asked ABC’s George Stephanopolous. “Nobody has proved that he’s killed anybody.”"

walter said...

They clearly made provocative videos!
We're all with you in terms of Trump needing reigning in and guidance.
The problem being HRC and what she brings all.the.way.down.

But you win kibble!

walter said...

Now if you can't manage to concede the many flaws of your employer, give it up.

Anonymous said...

I think Unkown #2 was sending the kibble down the chute to you cute little lemmings.

walter said...

Didn't pass the smell test.

Anonymous said...

Trump could have just committed a felony.

It’s probably the most egregiously stupid thing I’ve ever heard a party nominee say ever,” said Bradley Moss, a lawyer specializing in national security law.

Moss believes that there’s a legal case to charge Trump for his comments, because he was calling for Russia to take “imminent lawless action,” which is speech not covered by the First Amendment.

Moss added that Trump could theoretically be charged as a conspirator under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

“You could argue what Trump was urging Russia to do was hack Hillary’s server and release the contents to the media—conspiring with them to hack into a private server and release confidential information to the public,” Moss explained.

From the Daily Beast.

walter said...

Tongue in cheek is now treason? Bring it.
Next up: "fuck you!"=rape

effinayright said...

"Moss believes that there’s a legal case to charge Trump for his comments, because he was calling for Russia to take “imminent lawless action,” which is speech not covered by the First Amendment.

Moss added that Trump could theoretically be charged as a conspirator under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

“You could argue what Trump was urging Russia to do was hack Hillary’s server and release the contents to the media—conspiring with them to hack into a private server and release confidential information to the public,” Moss explained."



(end of spittle flying rant over utter idiocy)

Anonymous said...

Tell it to the FBI, CIA, NSA, whatever alphabet agency who will now be investigating this. Trump may have stepped of the line.

YoungHegelian said...


Trump could have just committed a felony.

I've commented on this forum for a long time, & seen a lot of stupid fucks post stuff.

But, you may take the prize for the stupidest fuckiest.

No, what Trump was saying was that if the Russians had Hillary's email, which they hacked in the past, to release them. Neither Trump nor Russian Intelligence can travel back in time.

Hillary is not in the government right now. She has no email of concern to the taxpayer. Her email while in Federal employ is quite a different matter.

You know, Unknown, you're trying to be a good Hillary clone, but it ain't working. What you do is set up arguments like bowling pins for us to knock down, which we always do. The world of lurkers reads the arguments put out the Hillary camp in the papers & goes "Hhhhmmmm, this might be serious.". Then, they come here, see the same argument that Camp Hillary has spread through out the media, & we tear tear them apart. What you are doing is counter-productive. Don't go posting the talking posts where they can get shredded, because they will get shredded.

Anonymous said...

So funny all these attempts to interpret Trumps comments. Pathetic sycophancy.

Anonymous said...

Don't flatter yourself, you knock nothing down but your own principles, defending Trump's actions. You do have some, don't you?

Anonymous said...

He could be charged with committing a felony punishable by imprisonment for ten to twenty years under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (18 U.S.C. § 1030 (“CFAA”), which states:

“[w]hoever…knowingly and with intent to defraud, accesses a protected computer without authorization, or exceeds authorized access, and by means of such conduct furthers the intended fraud and obtains anything of value…shall be punished.”

(c) The punishment for an offense under subsection (a) or (b) of this section is—
(A) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than ten years, or both, in the case of an offense under subsection (a)(1) of this section which does not occur after a conviction for another offense under this section, or an attempt to commit an offense punishable under this subparagraph; and
(B) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than twenty years, or both, in the case of an offense under subsection (a)(1) of this section which occurs after a conviction for another offense under this section, or an attempt to commit an offense punishable under this subparagraph....

https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1030 and

Let’s all yell--All together now, Republicans you go first:


walter said...

well..you can repeat the charge without addreessing the counter.
But it's not exactly persuasive.

Anonymous said...

We shall see.

effinayright said...

Unknown#1 mindlessly copied stuff he didn't in the least understand....

“[w]hoever…knowingly and with intent to defraud, accesses a protected computer without authorization, or exceeds authorized access, and by means of such conduct furthers the intended fraud and obtains anything of value…shall be punished.”

What a low-grade troll you are.

Hillary's computer(s) are not "protected". She's no longer in government. The FBI has her server and it is not on-line. Its innards have been dis-assembled. It can't be "hacked".

Then, there's the problem of that troublesome phrase, "knowingly and with intent to defraud..."

What the hell does that have to do with anything here?

Anonymous said...

Famed reporter Carl Bernstein says Donald Trump’s controversial comments Wednesday on Russia should end his presidential run.

“Today, we have reached a tipping point in this election,” Bernstein said Wednesday on CNN. "This is a disqualifying event for a president of the United States.”

Bernstein, who famously helped uncover the Watergate scandal, said Democrats should capitalize on Trump’s remarks and keep the billionaire from reaching the White House.

“It ought to be apparent to all, and the Democrats should be able to make the case, that he is manifestly unsuited to be the president of the United States because of his recklessness with the national security,” Bernstein said.

YoungHegelian said...


Don't flatter yourself, you knock nothing down but your own principles, defending Trump's actions. You do have some, don't you?

Do you see any support for what you're doing here? Any? Do you think you're changing any minds? Do you see lurkers coming in saying "Yes, yes! Unknown has opened my eyes to the political truth of it all!" (Now watch trolls appear saying just that....).

It ain't me who's flattering himself/herself, DildoStuffer.

Joe said...

"This is a disqualifying event for a president of the United States.”

Where was that in the US Constitution again? Can't find it.

Joe said...

"Trump just committed a felony."

And you are the crowd claiming he's a fascist?

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger Unknown#1 said...
He could be charged with committing a felony

Like Rick Perry? Like McDonnell from Virginia? Like those people in Texas who exposed Planned Parenthood?

Yeah, Trump is the fascist. Shurrrr! You betcha!

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