July 9, 2016

"Trump... is strangely handsome, well proportioned, puts you in mind of a sea captain..."

"... Alan Hale from 'Gilligan’s Island,' say, had Hale been slimmer, richer, more self-confident.... His trademark double-eye squint evokes that group of beanie-hatted street-tough Munchkin kids; you expect him to kick gruffly at an imaginary stone. In person, his autocratic streak is presentationally complicated by a Ralph Kramdenesque vulnerability. He’s a man who has just dropped a can opener into his wife’s freshly baked pie. He’s not about to start grovelling about it, and yet he’s sorry—but, come on, it was an accident. He’s sorry, he’s sorry, O.K., but do you expect him to say it? He’s a good guy. Anyway, he didn’t do it. Once, Jack Benny, whose character was known for frugality and selfishness, got a huge laugh by glancing down at the baseball he was supposed to be first-pitching, pocketing it, and walking off the field. Trump, similarly, knows how well we know him from TV. He is who he is. So sue me, O.K.?"

Writes George Saunders in a New Yorker piece titled "Who are all these Trump supporters?"


Sal said...

In the world of the New Yorker, the guy with the big mouth and orange face is now "strangely handsome."

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Funny, I just finished reading this, or at least as much of it as I could take. As a moderate, I have a high tolerance for biased media coverage, but this was too much to take, even for me. There was a long section complaining about the treatment of protestors at Trump rallies without ever once asking why the protestors needed to be inside the hall and disrupting the meeting.

Paul said...

i forced myself to read a bit of this steaming pile but all I could think of is how much money this George Saunders fellow probably wastes on therapy.

Sal said...

As a moderate

Yeah, you might be a 'moderate' in a Grievance Studies department somewhere, but that's about it.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

The nuance is nearly imperceptible.

Matt said...

"Who are all these Trump supporters?"
Wait - I thought we had this figured out. Trump supporters are all the obese, uneducated, rural, xeno/homo/transphobic mouth-breathing racists infesting our fair Nation. We've been told that on a daily basis for over a year. Are some people still not getting the message?

They must not be too bright.

Saint Croix said...

"Trump... is strangely handsome

He's not handsome at all. Double chins, horrible hair, spray tan, squinty eyes. And I hate to break it to you but Skipper is not handsome, either.

I don't think we've ever elected a handsome president. When women talk about Bill Clinton being sexy, I'm like what the fuck? John Kennedy had a weird face, too. Obama has weird lips and chicken legs.

Woman are responding to power, not physical attractiveness.

Bobby Kennedy was handsome, John Edwards was handsome. I think many of us distrust good-looking people. Look what happened to Sarah Palin!

Elected officials are butt ugly. Maybe that's a good thing. It keeps normal people from writing romantic shit about them.

Unknown said...

Gilligan for VP! Oh wait, never mind...

madAsHell said...

Yeah....I didn't read much, but Alan Hale has been dead for years. I guess we need to appeal to the dead vote!!

Michael K said...

"A female Trump supporter “in a pink-peachy-color T-shirt” attacked a protester, kicking and punching him."

I got through about half and saw no mention of the setup of Trump supporters by the San Jose PD. They rearranged the barriers to force people to walk the gauntlet to get back to their cars, which were in a garage next door.

He really doesn't like Trump or his supporters.

JackWayne said...

At least he waited until the end to show how completely clueless he is. He is now worried about the imminent failure of the USA if Trump gets elected. Ignoring nearly 100 years of increasing big government under everybody except Coolidge. Plus, I had to wonder if he has ever been to any kind of political rally. He was so breathless with his descriptions that it made me laugh out loud. What a hysteric!

Ambrose said...

Sometimes I think New Yorker writers must be from another land. Other times I think they must be from another universe.

David said...

"Sometimes I think New Yorker writers must be from another land."

Pretty much so. But they know their audience.

David said...

"autocratic streak"

Thank God Hilary does not have that.

Bay Area Guy said...

Headline: "Beta Male Writer at New Yorker Confesses a Man-Crush on First Alpha-Male He's Seen in Years"'

M Jordan said...

I can help this guy. I am a Trump supporter. I'm white, Christian, and angry. I'm a bit overweight, a bit old, a bit ... well, that's where the stereotype ends with me. I have a Master's degree, I've taught in the U.S. and in Eastern Europe. I have published over a hundred articles in national publications. I program computers as a hobby. I favor legal immigration and oppose building a wall (on aesthetics grounds).

I've been to a Trump rally. I talked with a lot of people here. I can tell this writer, it is not a monolith.

Kate said...

Dang. I wanted an article written by George *Sanders*. Or in the style of the great sardonic characters he played when he was alive.

rcocean said...

Is this New Yorker humor or a serious article?

Wait, its serious.

Judas Priest.

Kathryn51 said...

The author acknowledges that about 40% of the electorate will vote for Trump but then makes the crucial error of believing that the folks who show up at Trump rallies are somehow representative of that 40%. I would never attend a Trump rally, don't respect or admire the man, can't stand to listen to his speeches. But in the end, I might cast a big F*** U vote for him because there is nothing that could compel me to vote for the Hildebeast. Saunders needs to interview a few folks like me in order to understand the complete trump phenomenon.

Sebastian said...

"strangely handsome" MSM must be worried if they start sucking up now.

mockturtle said...

He didn't ask me, either. I am an educated female Trump supporter. Why? Because only Trump has the courage to ignore the shibboleths of our hypersensitive culture and offer to lead the nation into some common sense solutions.

traditionalguy said...

OK, I get the Jackie Gleason Honeymooners comparison.

One of these days, Mexico. Pow, a wall up to the moon.

But Newt is going to have his work cut out at being Ed Norton working in the Congressional sewers, where the wet cards are wild.

Bruce Hayden said...

What the author doesn't seem to question is why they almost assuredly are going to vote for Crooked Hillary. They probably think that Director Comey and his agency not recommending her prosecution exonerated her. For many of us, it just showed that we have a two tiered justice system. Last time she got that close to indictment she was living in the White House and managed to hide her billing records in the personal quarters there until the statute of limitations had run (after her people had illegally ransacked Vince Foster's office to beat the police to them after he died). This is the woman who with her husband probably mad a half a billion dollars selling influence and American foreign policy, resulting in turning Lybia into a failed state and helped cause the chaos in Syria that resulted in the refugee problem that is causing major problems throughout Europe. Hard to believe that John Kerry could be a better Secretary of State than anyone, but has, compared to her. What a lot of people are doing is supporting Trump because he is our one hope of avoiding four more years of Obama, only worse.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wouldn't it be great if now was the time you went back into that "anti-politics" mode?

These snippets of every paean to Trump become more nauseating than you can imagine. It's like reading posts by a stamp collector whose hobby is douchebags.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"Captain Trump, here, to take command of the bridge of the USS America!" (salutes)
"Aye-aye, sir! And long may she sail!"

Unknown said...

Looking at you Laslo...

Skipper: Donald Trump
Gilligan: Barack Obama
Mr. Howe: George Soros
Mrs Howe: Nancy Pelosi
The Professor: Newt Gingrich
Mary Anne: Sarah Palin
Ginger: Barbara Streisand

Jon Ericson said...


What a wit!
A National treasure!

traditionalguy said...

Pure New Yorker. That was one long, continuous Luis Vuitton ad with lots writing down the left hand side interspersed by several great cartoons to keep you reading.

Gist of the article is Trump has bitten off a huge movement from the boondocks of America that may be more than he can chew.

Lewis Wetzel said...

7/9/16, 9:22 PM
Blogger Saint Croix said...
. . .

I don't think we've ever elected a handsome president.
. . .

US Grant wasn't a bad looking man.

Susan said...

Barbara Streisand? Seriously?

rcocean said...

"Ginger: Barbara Streisand"

Huh? Ginger was a glamorous movie star. Babs was just an ugly chick who could sing.

M Jordan said...

@ Rt1 Rebel:

Nope. Here's the cast:

Skipper: Donald Trump
Gilligan: Paul Ryan
Mr. Howe: Roger Ailes
Mrs Howe: Gretchen Carlson
The Professor: Bill Nye, Science Guy
Mary Anne: Caitlyn Jenner
Ginger: Ivanka Trump

EPISODE 1: Mr. Howe/Roger Ailes tries to lure Mrs. Howe/Gretchen Carlson into hut. She refuses and files a sexual harassment charge against him. It is pending. Gilligan/Paul Ryan tries to lure Mary Anne/Caitlyn Jenner into a different hut. This doesn't end well. The Professor/Bill Nye observes the sea level rising and blames global warming but later we discover it was just Gilligan moving the stick. Ginger/Ivanka's only role is to walk across the screen at various points looking sexy. Episode ends with Skipper/Donald Trump hitting Gilligan with MAGA hat.

Anonymous said...

"Trump supporter.....and offer to lead the nation into some common sense solutions."

What insanity.

Jon Ericson said...

Blogger Unknown said...
"Trump supporter.....and offer to lead the nation into some common sense solutions."

What insanity.

7/9/16, 11:06 PM

Could say the same for your comment.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jon Ericson's what happens when the abortion gets botched. Kids, these days, get so sensitive about the language. Maybe he was "triggered".

Tell your parents that's not a reliable form of birth control, Jon.

Also tell them that their refund for your community college courses is on its way!

Jon Ericson said...

Yuk, Yuk.
Truly, right up there with Jack Benny!
Ritmo: The gift that keeps on giving!
What a trooper!

Anonymous said...

Jon, yer mama is calling you, she needs her underwear back.

Unknown said...


Barbara had at least 14 major movie actress roles. I'm doing my best to balance the politics of the island, and I needed an entitled outspoken self-absorbed liberal actress. I could sub Sharon Stone if you like, but it's really Laslo's call.

@ M Jordan

Second sentence above.

Jon Ericson said...

Yup, I am seeing a pattern here.

Anonymous said...


Take that fat lady bra off and give it back to yer mama. Be a good boy.

Jon Ericson said...

A Laslo, you're not.

FullMoon said...

Jon Ericson said... [hush]​[hide comment]

A Laslo, you're not.

YOUR on a roll, Jon !

Jon Ericson said...

Yes I am,

OK we got:

Unknown On Blogger since March 2012,
Unknown Profile Not Available
Unknown On Blogger since October 2011
Unknown On Blogger since November 2011

Any more?

Anonymous said...

We are legion.

Susan said...

@ Rebel

Well if Laslo is picking, I'm betting Scarlett Johansson. She's even a "ginger". :)

FullMoon said...

Jon Ericson said...

Yes I am,

OK we got:

Unknown On Blogger since March 2012,
Unknown Profile Not Available
Unknown On Blogger since October 2011
Unknown On Blogger since November 2011

Any more?

Well, ya got your known unknowns, and you have your unknown unknowns, never the twain shall meet.

Jon Ericson said...

Now see, that's a civil comment.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jon, a kid your age should be out enjoying himself. Not playing schoolmarm to people who actually care about the issues of the world.

Were you a hall monitor? A teacher's assistant? A teacher's pet?

That blonde buzzcut and Buddy Holly glasses. Wow. Open up to us.

How many lockers were you stuffed into? We're here to help you in your quest for bringing balance to the force.

Unburden yourself, son.

Jon Ericson said...

No references to genitalia.
Upped your game.
This is a good sign!

Anonymous said...

Jon saves gum wrappers and decorates his room with them. Jon carries his lunch in a Roy Rogers lunch box. Jon sneaks his daddies dirty magazines. He's too young to buy his own, but soon he will have his 14th birthday, oh look peach fuzz.

Jon Ericson said...

C'mon, you can do worse!

Valentine Smith said...

They wanted identity politics they got identity politics.

The Left wants the dominant culture to go quietly to the gas chambers. They can't understand why so many resist their attempts at assisted suicide. Be reasonable a guy like Saunders says, who cares if the paid consultants of Soros are waving Mexican flags and spitting and slapping you in your face [especially if you're a woman]. Hey I was a budding Republican in college so I got bona fides. Why can't you be more like me? a spineless conformist, a footsoldier in the vanguard of the new oligarchy sucking up the crumbs in the hopes of maintaining some status in the coming Age of Neofeudalism.

Jon Ericson said...

Old people.
'Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Oh pardon me, that should be "his daddy's, or maybe it is his daddies'. Big mama has many gentleman callers while Jonny is busy in his room on the 'puter, for that she is grateful. I envision a blond little Jonny sitting on the swing outside on a hot summer night making the same sounds that emanate from mama's room where she is entertaining her gentleman caller, kinda like Forrest Gump.

Jon Ericson said...

What are you eleven, twelve, maybe thirteen?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Upped your game.

It's not surprising that you didn't "up" yours.

What is your problem? Do you think any of us aren't old and wise enough to see through you? What could possibly propel a little pipsqueak to play grammar and semantics Nazi with people who actually have an understanding and interest in the world that you could never know, and at this rate WILL never know?

What did the big adults do to you that left you feeling so helpless and so in need of "correcting" other adults in matters too trivial for them (or anyone else) to actually care about?

Do you think anyone finds your complete inability to contribute in the least interesting? Do you not realize how stupid it makes you look to crash the grown-ups' party?

What is it about your life that you hate so much? (Other than the obvious, of course). And the more important question: Why aren't you doing anything about it? What does distracting yourself here serve to avoid it?

You are being a punk, son. But you can be punked back, just as hard. And much harder. Screwing with us will not cure you of all the disorderliness (or whatever it is) that vexed you as a child. Whatever you're missing, you're not going to find it here. What you need is a psychiatrist, or an age-appropriate playmate who isn't more interested in their "smartphone" than they are you (I know, who could blame them in this case). But again, abusing commenters here is not going to accomplish that.

Jon Ericson said...

Calm down Grampa.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

C'mon, you can do worse!

Jon, now come on. Your penis is not evil - even if that one girl you showed it to made you think that it was.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm very calm.

What's your problem? For serious.

You don't think it's obvious how used you are to being ignored?

Jon Ericson said...


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


What's the matter? You don't have one?

Jon Ericson said...

You don't think it's obvious how used you are to being ignored?
Look in the mirror Gramps.

Anonymous said...

Jonny just wants us to spank him. His mama refuses to, she's getting creeped out by his endless begging for a spanking. So Jonny stalks the blogs after mama has fallen asleep looking to be spanked by strangers. Jonny has become increasingly odd now that he started puberty.

Jon Ericson said...

Jeeze, c'mon.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

His problem is that we're living in the era of social media, and he is as anti-social a little creep as they come. He suspects that when they look at their phones they're doing it to ignore him. But in his case, that's actually the truth.

Jon Ericson said...

"he is as anti-social a little creep as they come."
Mirror, Gramps.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jeeze, c'mon.

So, you're anti-penis. You use the word "jeez" (I thought it was "geez").

You have a buzzcut and Buddy Holly glasses.

Isn't there a white shirt and black tie you should be wearing and a Mormon mission that you should be on?

Anonymous said...

Jon Ericson said...

Don't be frightened Jonny, every growing boy's penis has a mind of its own.

Jon Ericson said...

Jeez as in Jesus H. Christ.
Tsk. Tsk.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The real question is why does he think he's an original. Didn't Jerry O'Connell play him in Stand by Me?

Anonymous said...

No I won't spank you! Just don't take the Lord's name in vain again.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Mirror, Gramps.

Is this how the kids say, "I know you are but what am I," these days?

Jon Ericson said...

You two don't get it.
And I'm not letting you in on it either.

Jon Ericson said...

It's called "projection"

Anonymous said...

Jonny, be a good boy and go to sleep, your penis will still be there when you wake up.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So you won't tell us what this problem of yours is, that you won't even admit to yourself.

Ooooh. Sounds very secretive! Do the Illuminati know?

Jon Ericson said...


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You two don't get it.
And I'm not letting you in on it either.

That's it! He's Meade's long-lost bastard stepchild!

I knew it.

cubanbob said...

Saunders is the famous New Yorker cartoon of a Manhattanite view of the country. If Trump were to win he would be completely dumbfounded. He should try travelling across the country formally known as The United States Of America.

Saunders here is a clue: D J Trump is running unabashedly for the Presidency Of The United States unlike some other candidate who is running apart from staying out of prison also is running for President Of The United Mexican States in addition to running for World President.

Anonymous said...

Ooooo, Jonny has a secret! I wonder what it could be? We know that you buried your pet hamster under the lilac bush before it was fully dead.

Jon Ericson said...

ballboy, you are making me laugh too much, Stop it!

Jon Ericson said...

Unknown, I don't know what to say...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Johnny, even when they throw you out of the Mormon mission, you can still wear the white shirt and black tie, you know.

I mean, you're still sticking to the rest of the regulation appearance guidelines so there's there's no reason to change the attire.

Do you still carry the briefcase around?

Anonymous said...

Blogger Jon Ericson said...

Jonny, mama told you if you yank on your penis too hard it would get sore, now give it a rest.

Darrell said...

George Saunders missed the mark by over three miles. If I were his editor, I would have rejected the entire piece.

Jon Ericson said...


Anonymous said...

Oh Jonny is laughing, that's good. I was so worried about your obsession with your penis.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jon, you look like a juvenile sex offender. Honestly.

It's creepy. Change the look. Pronto.

Jon Ericson said...

"Old men wish they were young"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, that would explain his fear of his own, you know. Whatever the word is.

The naughty word.

Basic anatomy is evil for the young juvie fiend.

Anonymous said...

On second thought, it's ok Jonny, yank on your own penis all you want, just leave the little neighborhood boys penises alone.

Jon Ericson said...

young juvie fiend.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I think that it would be super-awesome if, after he takes office, when Trump addresses the nation on TV he would wear one of those cute commodore hats, like Ted Knight did in Caddy Shack. That way we would know who was in charge and that all was well.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Professor's been reading a lot of NYT and New Yorker, lately.

Here was an interesting article I found on kids like Jon Ericson.

Anonymous said...

His mama calls it his winky willy.

Jon Ericson said...

little neighborhood boys penises
More like nine or ten I think.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Yeah. The joke's on you, asshole.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

More like nine or ten I think.

This sounds like an admission.

Go away.

Jon Ericson said...

Such ill manners for oldsters,
And such language!

Jon Ericson said...

ASSHOLE! (he said)

Lewis Wetzel said...

"That's it! He's Meade's long-lost bastard stepchild!"
How can you have a bastard stepchild? Wouldn't that be against science?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Such ill manners for oldsters,
And such language!

Hey. You're the one diddling kids.

Seriously. Just go away.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Jon Ericson said...
"little neighborhood boys penises
More like nine or ten I think."

He molested nine or ten neighborhood kids?! Damn.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I dunno, Terry. It just seemed to fit.

Jon Ericson said...

After you, Alphonse.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He molested nine or ten...

I think he meant it.

Jon Ericson said...

Act your age.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jon, no one knows what you're talking about.

You're not proving anything here other than how deranged you are.

Stop incriminating yourself. Go elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Jon Ericson said...

Now Jonny ya know mama said you mustn't keep bothering yourself there.

Jon Ericson said...

Just quoting ballboy

Anonymous said...

Jonny, are we having fun yet?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Just quoting...

Like a parrot. No original thoughts.

Jon Ericson said...


Anonymous said...

Oh now Jonny don't be mad.

Jon Ericson said...

Like a parrot. No original thoughts.
Ha. Juvenile insults.

Anonymous said...


We are only trying to connect with you.

Jon Ericson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jon Ericson said...

We are only trying to connect with you.
I'll call the cops.

Anonymous said...

Call yer mama.

Jon Ericson said...

Call yer mama.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'll call the cops.


Anonymous said...

Jonny boy, time to put on your jammies now and go to beddy bye. I can't in good conscience keep abusing you, I'm starting to feel bad.

Jon Ericson said...

You think you're clever eh?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jon, you're squinting in the photo.

Stray cumshot?

Anonymous said...


Jon Ericson said...

You must watch too much porn.

Jon Ericson said...

Oh, come on now, you two can stoop lower now, can't you?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Me? Stoop?

Hey you're the one shooting cum in your eye.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You must watch too much porn.

How much would you say is enough (i.e. not "too much") for you, Jonny?

Did you honestly require porn to learn about cum?

Jon Ericson said...

I Knew you could stoop lower, I knew it!

Anonymous said...

Jonny, just watch the damn porn instead and leave the neighborhood kids alone, ok?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I Knew you could stoop lower, I knew it!

Ah. So it's the "shooting" part that, er, intensified everything for you now?

And what verb would you use to describe how it comes out of your penis?

Jon Ericson said...

Stale, stupid Gramma and Granpa.
Alzheimers is no laughing matter.

Anonymous said...

Jonny "old folks" just kicked your ass tonight.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And gave him a swirly, too.

Anonymous said...

Unknown, $0.06 has been deposited into your account by Correct The Record. Thanks for shillin' for Hill!

Jon Ericson said...

Greetings, normal commenters, I'm so sorry I had to make you scroll past ballboy and Unknown#3's puerile insults, but I needed to see if there was any substance behind them. As you can see, if you read through them, there is no substance. Unmasking blowhards is just a passing fancy, and I hope I won't be bothering you anymore.
Good night, and good luck.

Jon Ericson said...

Oh, by the way, I was born in 1950.
Same year as Althouse.
To the mathematically disinclined, that means I am 65.
Molon Labe.
Kids today, sheesh.

Jaq said...

No "Men in Shorts" tag? That cartoon was pretty funny.

Bob Ellison said...

"Boy. That escalated quickly."

Rusty said...

Christ in a sidecar!
What happened?
Did the gin bus hit the Good Humor truck?
A festival of mouthbreathers!
some skeet.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...


Unknown said...

I'm so glad to know that I can contribute nothing substantive, aiming instead to just shut down others' free speech!

Anonymous said...

Ann, you doddering old lady!! Senility is setting in, time to give up the car keys, only Meade can drive now. It's over, how can YOU of all people have missed it?

As a proud fellow member of the I Hate Shorts on adult men coalition I could not have possibly missed this cartoon on the New Yorker page about Trump!

***** “I feel like bad guys aren’t as scared of me in the summer.” *****

Sad. Cruel senility.

Saint Croix said...

"Trump... is strangely handsome

He's not handsome at all.

I don't think we've ever elected a handsome president. When women talk about Bill Clinton being sexy, I'm like what the fuck? John Kennedy had a weird face, too. Obama has weird lips and chicken legs.

Woman are responding to power, not physical attractiveness.

Bobby Kennedy was handsome, John Edwards was handsome. I think many of us distrust good-looking people. Look what happened to Sarah Palin!

Trump likes to be around good looking people. Which is why he will select ex Senator Scott Brown as his VP. Forget talk about Newt the Grotesque.

David said...

"Sometimes I think New Yorker writers must be from another land."

Pretty much so. But they know their audience.

That's true of every media outlet with New York in the title with the slight exception of the New York Post and the New York Observer, I assume for personal reasons.

Anonymous said...

COMMENTS ARE MODERATED much, but not all of the time.

Maybe now is the time on this article.

I'm scrolling through a swarm of unwanted obscene comments.

Jaq said...

I don't mind arguments, as long as there is some level of wit involved. This vomit of a thread does not qualify.

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