July 20, 2016

This is the convention post.

Watch along with me!


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Jon Ericson said...

"Unknown No Profile" Fame and fortune await you if you can effectively hose this thread.
G. Soros

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

It is remarkable the amount of power that right wing talk radio stars perceive themselves to have. Laura Ingraham just told Cruz, Rubio and Walker to 'man up' and stop being such pussies for not endorsing Trump. She then called out the entire press corp and told them to 'do your jobs'. She then said 'let's send the consultants, lobbyists and pollsters packing'. As though any of these people give a shit what she thinks.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

She's Speaking Truth to Power, ARM. Why do you have a problem with that?

pm317 said...

Laura Ingraham was great...

David Begley said...

Laura gave a good a speech as I have ever seen.

Jon Ericson said...

Get-along-go-along socialists hardest hit!

pm317 said...

They may not give a shit what LAura I thinks but sure are hurting because of Trump and more when he wins.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

exiledonmainstreet said...
She's Speaking Truth to Power

Or, she's building her brand.

pm317 said...

Fuck Cruz. Trump does not need his endorsement.

Birkel said...


Which of the groups of political power players are you defending? What value do they add to society? (Note: wealth transfers do not great value.)

Or are you just upset that somebody might upset your particular rice bowl?

eric said...

Why do I have a feeling that during the GOP convention, we're going to talk a lot about Trump and during the DNC convention, we're going to talk a lot about Trump?

pm317 said...

Byron York is my favorite journalist.

Jon Ericson said...

Aristotle boy vs. Reality; Who will come out on top?

pm317 said...

Astronaut Collins on Obama's legacy - lack of leadership in exploration, scrapping space programs...what was he thinking?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I wonder if Michelle Van Etten and her house husband really know what Common Core is?

pm317 said...

She looks fully capable of knowing what she wants.

pm317 said...

Liberals know what is good for everybody.they are that smart.

Big Mike said...

Wife was watching PBS . She told me that Gwen Ifel and the other talking heads made it a practice to talk over the GOP speakers, particularly when said speakers were attacking Hillary. We're watching a movie now instead.

mockturtle said...

I was enjoying Laura Ingraham's speech before the pundits cut into it. After all, what THEY have to say is SO much more important than the convention, itself.

narciso said...

it's actually based on soviet educational templates, why it's call mind arson,

Laura helped topple eric cantor with the david brat endorsement, forcing amnesty supporters underground till judge haney slammed the door on them permanently,

Guildofcannonballs said...

I am watching the RNC live feed on YouTube on my TV.

Works damn fine.

No bullshit neither.

narciso said...

cspan has a clean feed, so does uverse, provide a channel for the convention,

Birkel said...

Everybody knows what Common Core is. It is the latest in a string of failures in federal education central planning. By my understanding of such things, it has a 5 year window before the new failure is introduced.

David Begley said...

CSPAN is the solution. No comments. Just a camera on the podium.

I imagine Laura's speech is on video there.

Jon Ericson said...

@Comment by Guildofcannonballs
Most excellent advice.

Guildofcannonballs said...

We're takin' over this town!

Guildofcannonballs said...

That's G.E.Smith.

Used to work for G.E.

A little show you might have heard of....


sane_voter said...

Uverse channel 1212 for the RNC, next week for the DNC channel 1213

narciso said...

yes, that's the one, but it's a failure by design, the magic beans the gulf investors sold neil, who planted them in the nclb bill, it leaves students less able to read and count then the year before,

D. said...

>Wife was watching PBS . She told me that Gwen Ifel and the other talking heads made it a practice to talk over the GOP speakers,<

yea tried watching pbs ota broadcast. tired old peeps, snarking libtards(david brooks!). switched to you tube live feed

pm317 said...

Why is Megyn Kelly wearing a camisole?

David Begley said...

Pastor raised an issue. Can Hillary be believed if she takes the oath of office? She is a known liar.

le Douanier said...

Are folks making predictions re a Cruz endorsement?

I don't think Cruz can honestly say that he endorses Trump for POTUS. Cruz probably doesn't think the guy is suited for the job. And, he'd like a clearer lane in 20 w/o an R in the White House. Ironically, as Trump would note, this means that Lyin Ted will endorse Trump.

David Begley said...

I like Harold Hamm. I only wish a better speaker covered this issue. We are paying terrorists to attack us. ISIS sells it oil to Turkey and Obama refuses to bomb the oil assets of ISIS.

David Begley said...

Neighbor of Meade + Althouse up.

Anonymous said...

America doesn't deserve Trump? Why. because I pander, pander pander!

Anonymous said...

Yes America deserves better.

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Literally, just a few years ago, I was on the phone with the Koch Brothers. I gave them inside info on the protest plans to plant trouble makers in the crowd.

Birkel said...

Has Unknown become Anonymous? The mind boggles.

Chuck said...

Is tonight the night when it dawns on everyone that Mike Pence was probably a third round draft pick for Veep? Any ideas as to how many people turned Trump down?

By all of the markers that make Pence an okay selection, Scott Walker, John Kasich and Greg Abbott all would have been better picks.

And remember, when Ted Cruz suspended his campaign, how many people -- Cruz supporters -- were talking about unification via a Trump-Cruz dream team? How much of a better campaigner and a better media presence would be Marco Rubio?

Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

It is really stark tonight, given the Walker/Cruz/Pence lineup.

le Douanier said...

Walker's state is a total disaster. And, the dude loves common core.

mockturtle said...

Currently, I get neither C-Span nor Fox News. :-(

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Not sure repeatedly yelling 'America deserves better' is entirely in the Donald's best interests.

Anonymous said...

Wisconsin is better than ever! I don't know why people are streaming over the border to Minnesota..

David Begley said...

Walker and Althouse better deliver Wisconsin for Trump.

Okay speech by ?Scott.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

PBS is all democrat operatives.

Anonymous said...

Why? Because Wisconsin doesn't deserve a Koch pet for a Governor.

eric said...

I'm going to be very disappointed if Althouse doesn't have a thread specific to Scott Walkers speech with her thoughts.

Beach Brutus said...

Speech teleprompter must display in ALL CAPS.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Black woman is speaking and her mic doesn't work.

D. said...

>Why? Because Wisconsin doesn't deserve a Koch pet for a Governor.<

amerikka doesn't deserve soros' pets for president!!11!!

Francisco D said...

America deserves better than the media and ruling class we have.

I am not a Trump fan, but neither I nor the nation could not tolerate four years of Hillary! and her media minions making her out to be the best POTUS of all time, except maybe for Obama. The absurdity ...the utter absurdity.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The Senior Assistant to Eric Trump has been the best speaker of the night so far.

Anonymous said...

Rubio says Trump's hands are very very small.

traditionalguy said...

Where is Kasich tonight? Probably getting drunk with the Bush Family and planning how they can get Trump before he gets them.

The Cable TV guys talked over him , but the RNC Network had Phil Ruffin's speech in full. It was sincere and powerful performance. Once again the politicians all seem to be reciting focus group tested cliches, while the business people and military guys all seem sincere and very interesting truth tellers.

The standard of authenticity is extremely high these days.

Birkel said...

Is somebody still sad because Scott Walker is governor? When people make goofy comments about streaming into Minnesota, an angel gets its sarcasm.

D. said...

ted ted ted

Anonymous said...

We are so honored to be here, I want to congratulate Donald Trump, I forgive him for saying my father was involved in the assassination of JFK.

I don't know why my daughter doesn't like me.

David said...

" pm317 said...
Why is Megyn Kelly wearing a camisole?"

Hey, why not? Use your assets while you can.

Paco Wové said...

"Has Unknown become Anonymous? The mind boggles."

In this case, Unknown = Anonymous = SandyColdfax = Sami. Can't keep the trolls straight without a program!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to pander to who ever I can even if it means dragging out the poor dead Benghazi victims out of their graves. Maybe we can bring Mrs.Smith up in the stage again.

YoungHegelian said...


Ya ever notice how lefties are addicted to snark like cheap whores are to crack?

I guess it saves both of them having to have a rational conversation, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

I want to be President.

Anonymous said...

But everyone hates me.

chickelit said...

Ted hitting all the right notes!

mockturtle said...

Darrell Scott's speech was powerful.

le Douanier said...

I don't want to quibble w/ Ted, but isn't it possible that there have been other times where the phrase "I want to be free" has been more relevant than now. Isn't it possible that there has been a time w/ even less freedom for some Americans?

Just sayin?

Anonymous said...

Enough is enough, but can I bring up Benghazi one last time?

D. said...

>Anonymous said...

I want to be President.<

stop being an idiot

Anonymous said...

Freedom means the right to take my AR15 to Walmart with me.

D. said...

> Anonymous said...

Enough is enough, but can I bring up Benghazi one last time?<

email server?

Birkel said...


Yes. Are we now to discuss Democrats long tradition of enslavement? Or did you mean to implicate collectivists generally?

D. said...

>Freedom means the right to take my AR15 to Walmart with me.<

yes it does

Titus said...

I saw one black guy in the crowd.

theribbonguy said...

"stop being an idiot"

Sadly, 7th grade locker room banter is all he/she/other has to add.

Mutaman said...

Every time I try to figure out how Trump got nominated, i come here and read the comments. Then i understand. Brains are so overrated.

le Douanier said...


I'm only noting that that statement by Ted reveals an odd blind spot. He could have reformulated and made the same point w/o claiming that Americans have never been less free than now.

Anonymous said...

Build that wall! Even if it's only a virtual wall!

Titus said...

Sandwiched between two fat grannies

Anonymous said...

Freedom will lift people out of their Depends!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I hope someone speaks about Citizens United - and all the leftwing CNN prog-lies in its orbit.

Anonymous said...

Bring back Jim Crow laws!

Lou Pebner said...

Cruz is the man.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

OK tits- you can swing like all the other massholes and vote for the money grubbing whore. She lies a lot. but that's always cool with the progs.

Anonymous said...

See, one more reference to Benghazi and dead heroes. Where's the mom?

Anonymous said...

Tepid clapping for the victims of the Charleston shootings.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Anony-coward-prog-hole - can you go piss up a rope?

Democrats want Jim Crow laws, you moron.

Anonymous said...

Vote your conscience, NeverTrumpers!

pm317 said...

Goddamit, Cruz will show what the delegates missed by not picking him... good riddance now get lost.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"I saw one black guy in the crowd."

Was he clean and well-spoken?

Anonymous said...

My dad did not help kill JFK!

Anonymous said...

I was part of something beautiful, vote your conscience NeverTrumpers!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

a fat Cruz hater or a fat ugly prog-hole was yelling something from the balcony.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Thank God Hillary's going to get the money out of politics. Or lots of money out of politics...I'm confused.

pm317 said...

They cut to Trump before Cruz finished lol.

Anonymous said...

Ted Cruz was booed, now that wasn't nice.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cruz is a good man. Cruz haters should f off.

Drago said...

The lefties seem to be quite bitter tonight. There must have been too few cops killed today.

Bay Area Guy said...

Disappointed that Cruz couldn't just throw a few bones to Trump. Seems petty.

But I do understand how ugly the primaries were, so something has to give, and I guess this was it.

No for Cruz in 2020.

le Douanier said...

It looks like Cruz decided to not be Lyin Ted. He didn't fib and say he endorses Trump.

Drago said...

Hang in there lefties. Tomorrow is a brand new day.

D. said...

>Bring back Jim Crow laws<

go for it demonrats you know how to do it!!11!!

Anonymous said...

Bad New Yorkers, booing at Cruz.

mockturtle said...

Ted Cruz is such a turd.

Anonymous said...

Voter supression laws, just bringing back the bad old days of Jim Crow.

le Douanier said...

"Ted Cruz is such a turd."

He's always seemed creepy. Even before that little white blob he ate in the debate.

David Begley said...

Cruz gets an F. Terrible speech. I thought he was smarter and a better speech maker. Too long.

Drago said...

Anonymous: "Voter supression laws, just bringing back the bad old days of Jim Crow."

You simply can't get Jim Crow laws off the minds of democrats. Perhaps it's genetic and/or politically hereditary.

pm317 said...

Cruz was rude and classless. Trump did the right thing cutting him out.

theribbonguy said...

Damn..Cruz slipped it in a little..too bad.

Jon Ericson said...

Voter suppression = voter integrity.
Just words.

le Douanier said...

In addition to "lock her up" signs, they should have printed some "lyin' Ted"s too.

Drago said...

"Voter suppression" = not letting illegals vote...multiple times.

That right is reserved for dead democrats.

chickelit said...

Trump is more popular than the The Beatles now

wildswan said...

In a a heavily symbolic gesture a Democratic protester outside RNC who was trying to burn the flag set his pants on fire instead.
The fire spread to others in the crowd and then the protesters beat up some police who were putting the fires out.

Just a little vignette of life among "progressives."

le Douanier said...

Little-Trump had help writing his speech, but Eric claims to have written every word w/ zero help from anyone.

That earns a lot of points from the start.

Drago said...

PBandJ_LeDouanier: "Little-Trump had help writing his speech,.."

Easy there #idiotboss.

Kathryn51 said...

As someone who is sitting up in the nosebleed section at the convention, once again I am reminded why I don't like Trump-- his followers. What an ugly bunch -- including hundreds sitting in the Trump Guest section .

Anonymous said...

"Vote your conscience" dog whistle for "Don't vote for Trump". Cruz got his revenge on Trump for insulting Daddy Cruz. And no endorsement.

That was awesome.

chickelit said...

Trump will break rice bowls!

Drago said...

Kathryn51: "As someone who is sitting up in the nosebleed section at the convention,..."


of course you are honey

Jon Ericson said...

Sore loser?

eric said...

Gotta say, I now regret having voted for Ted Cruz during the Primaries.

I refused to believe all the crap people spewed about him being self serving. Thought he meant the things he said.

But this takes the cake. I was hoping he'd be the bigger man tonight. What a disappointment.

le Douanier said...

"set his pants on fire "

At least that pants on fire liar stayed outside. Lyin Ted brought his mischief to the main stage

Jon Ericson said...

I admit I was fooled too.

le Douanier said...

"I refused to believe all the crap people spewed about him being self serving. Thought he meant the things he said."

Have you considered questioning some of your other beliefs and assumptions?

Jon Ericson said...

Another sore loser.

le Douanier said...

"I admit I was fooled too."

Maybe you'll consider that you've been fooled in other ways too.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Cruz was by far the most effective of the three unsuccessful contenders for the nomination. Walker's constant yelling was unmodulated and wearing and Rubio's speech looked a bit like a hostage video, short and slightly out of focus. Yet, I can't see Ted ever being a successful at the national level. He is probably no more arrogant than Trump, or many other politicians, but he appears so smarmily self-satisfied with himself, so anxious piss off everyone he views as less 'pure' than himself that his achievements will never match his ambitions.

cacimbo said...

I did not believe that Cruz had the personality to win a national election, but he really cemented that tonight. If he did not want to endorse Trump, he should not have accepted the speaking engagement.

Drago said...

Remember, if you like your health care, you can keep your health care. Period.

Plus, there are no long waiting lists at the VA. None at all.

Red line? What red line? I didn't draw any red lines!

Jon Ericson said...

Yeah I was a democrat for 50 years.

Anonymous said...

I love Lyin' Ted now, he used to creep me out.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Drago said...
The lefties seem to be quite bitter tonight. There must have been too few cops killed today.

7/20/16, 8:59 PM

Blacks were shot, but by other blacks in the hood, so those lives don't matter. They can't be used for the Dems political purposes. If blacks can't be used by the Left to gain power, leftists don't notice or care if they live or die. People exist only to be used.

chickelit said...

Rubio's prerecorded remarks were much more humble as is the man himself.

madAsHell said...

I'm watching Trump's son on the tube. He is rockin' the conference hall. He may have his eyes on the white house.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Paid hillary troll or just a troll? she does need to pay people to like her.

Hillary’s First Priority If She Wins? To Shut Up Her Critics

Citizens United:

Citizens United was all about the following:
The federal government could not constitutionally ban the showing of a movie that was critical of Hillary Clinton. (You didn’t know that? Go ahead, read the decision for yourself.) It is perhaps understandable that Hillary would want the power to ban criticism of her in movies, magazines, web sites and books.

Barack Obama’s [Deputy] Solicitor General specifically stated in oral argument that the administration’s position was that it can constitutionally ban books if they criticize politicians who are running for office–but it is rather shocking that repealing the First Amendment would be one of Hillary’s key objectives as president.

pm317 said...

@eric big of you to admit that. Cruz should not have come.. Kasich looks better compared to Cruz.

Jon Ericson said...

Sorry, Anonymous, maybe next time
G. Soros

wildswan said...

Trump lets Ted appear though Ted won't endorse him. Working for unity. Go Trump. The.Greatest.Ever.

Birkel said...

Has any Leftist on this thread said one thing of substance that deserved any legitimate consideration?

We need better trolls.

David Begley said...

Eric really needed a speech writer. I give him a C.

Anonymous said...

Be true to yourself and write in Cruz!

Drago said...

exiledonmainstreet: "Blacks were shot, but by other blacks in the hood, so those lives don't matter."

One of Hillary's delegates was arrested for attempted murder today. She shot her husband twice.

Even better, another typical lefty accidently lit himself on fire instead of burning the American flag.

"You're on fire! You're on fire, stupid!" a Cleveland officer shouted at a lefty protester.

le Douanier said...

"she does need to pay people to like her."

Let's not forget that Trump hired actors to attend his escalator dissention, aka the announcement of his campaign.

$50 per head.

Drago said...

Birkel: "Has any Leftist on this thread said one thing of substance that deserved any legitimate consideration?"

ARM is ok.

Jon Ericson said...

Yeah, and make America snarky for once!

chickelit said...

The interrupters are the NY debates. New York values.


Anonymous said...

Kasich is too smart to get involved in that mess.

Drago said...

PB&J, hey buddy, just get back within the rope corral you peon you.

And whatever you do, WHAT-EVER-YOU-DO, do not make eye contact with Hillary.

Jon Ericson said...

Lotsa money to be sprinkled around in NY

pm317 said...

"Vote for the candidate who doesn't need this job" perfect. Eric Trump was great. His refrain was great.

chickelit said...

The lefty trolls are terrible because they are fake trolls.

Captain Drano said...

Eric Trump was great!
Buzzkill when Mrs. G took the stage though.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Eric Trump (paraphrasing): it will be good to have a President who's used to signing the front of a check, instead of the back.

This may be old, it's obviously close to "I am someone who has met a payroll," etc. But I like it.

Jon Ericson said...

Like I said, wrap 'em in piano wire and drop kick 'em!

wildswan said...

"Has any Leftist on this thread said one thing of substance that deserved any legitimate consideration?

We need better trolls."

You are right, Birkel. They are a sad lot. But maybe they are all in Cleveland and they are the ones who set their pants on fire and now they are bravely trolling through pain. They should each get one of those attendance trophies - or each should get five trophies since I gather each has several personas.

le Douanier said...

Anyone who writes their own speech is a winner in my book. If speakers don't write their own words, we can only grade that person's acting ability. WTF is that?

pm317 said...

Newt helping save Cruz's behind.

Jon Ericson said...

Well, you write your own comments... Q.E.D.

Anonymous said...

Haha, too late Newt.

buwaya said...

"If speakers don't write their own words, we can only grade that person's acting ability. WTF is that?"

Quite a lot it seems. It does make and break many politicians. Not all of them of course.

Drago said...

PBandJ_LeDouanier: "Anyone who writes their own speech is a winner in my book"

Well, just about any British politician certainly can.

Plus, Ronald Reagan.



Of course, Reagan spent decades having to formulate and deliver his own thoughts from the 50's thru to the 70's so he had lots of practice.

le Douanier said...

"Newt helping save Cruz's behind."

Are you kidding? Is Newt's total BS spinning supposed to be influential to Rs? How can you think Rs are so stupid? OTOH.

Guildofcannonballs said...

This is a better party than in Katy Perry's "Last Friday Night" in which it is declaimed as the "best party evar!!!!"

Cleveland Party don't stop yo.

Drago said...

Regardless of which side of the aisle you find yourself on, is there anything more entertaining than watching Prime Ministers Questions?

le Douanier said...


I'm sure you'll admit that having Peggy around wasn't bad either.

Chuck said...

pm317 said...
Fuck Cruz. Trump does not need his endorsement.

Noted! I am so glad to read that. Because I really do not want to hear from the likes of you, that Trump needed more endorsements from establishment GOP types. And that Trump's excuse for losing, was some sort of failure on the part of the GOP establishment. You don't care about that support from the establishment. Donald Trump has said so, and so has Eric Trump.

I'm more contented with that, than you can possibly imagine. I'd like to be able to vote for Trump with a clear conscience. There are lots of Republicans like me. Just maybe, the difference between winning and losing in November.

Trump needs to win our votes. That's what you'd say, if Jeb Bush was the nominee. That he has to sell you; convince you that he's the right guy for the job. That he has earned your trust and your support and ultimately your vote.

Trump's got a lot of work to do.

Jon Ericson said...

Get this party started (again). -Pink

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Gingrich is a sharp debater and politician. He ad libbed and deftly turned Cruz's attack back on itself at the start of his speech before returning to his prepared remarks. Eric Trump lacked the flexibility to respond when it would have been even more effective, immediately after Cruz's speech. To be fair, Gingrich also had more time to prepare, but being a politician is a skilled trade and you don't pick up those skills in a few months.

pm317 said...

Next to Bill Clinton, Newt is perhaps the next guy I love to listen to.

Jon Ericson said...

Awww, poor Chuckie. He's not in love (yet)

le Douanier said...

"Newt is perhaps the next guy I love to listen to."

He sounds high pitched and feminine to me. Not that there's anything wrong with that, for a woman.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Drago said...
ARM is ok.

As a moderate, it had not occurred to me that I might require a character witness.

Jon Ericson said...

ARM, always with the obvious.

pm317 said...

ARM, correct. It would not have looked right even if Eric Trump could have done it.

Drago said...

PBandJ_LeDouanier: "Drago, I'm sure you'll admit that having Peggy around wasn't bad either"

Peggy showed up in the 80's.

That doesn't explain the extraordinary volume of Reagans writings, notes, musings all captured from the 50's on.

I am not minimizing Peggy's contribution, but it's not like things were "dullsville" before she showed up.

Drago said...

AReasonableMan: "As a moderate, it had not occurred to me that I might require a character witness."

You never know when you will find yourself facing Twelve Angry Men.

wildswan said...

Ted Cruz is a quick-witted thrust and parry kind of guy - that's when you see him at his best. Next attorney general, I hope.

Jon Ericson said...

Anonymous taking a potty break.

Drago said...

Jon Ericson: "Anonymous taking a potty break."

Diaper change.

pm317 said...

ARM, Cruz may be cursing at Newt for stealing his thunder.

pm317 said...

You will not find Cruz in Trump administration. That bridge was burned tonight.

Jon Ericson said...

G. Soros message broke her widdle heart.

Paul said...

Jesus that band reaffirms every awkward republican stereotype.

le Douanier said...

CNN claims Cruz was screamed at and someone had to be restrained from going after him in one of the big donor boxes. And, His wife was screamed at and had to be hurried out of some other area.

But, Newt tells Rs that Cruz was telling them to vote for Trump.

How dump are y'all?

Birkel said...

"AReasonableMan" has declared himself a moderate. Of all the statist, collectivists I know "AReasonableMan" is the most moderate.

Jon Ericson said...

It's Cleveland Mannnn.

Jon Ericson said...

Not in the at all.

Birkel said...

"How dump [sic] are y'all?"

Perfect in every respect, that comment is.

Anonymous said...

"CNN claims Cruz was screamed at and someone had to be restrained from going after him in one of the big donor boxes. And, His wife was screamed at and had to be hurried out of some other area."

Nah, Trump people aren't a bit violent.

le Douanier said...

If the Ds truly cared about the downtrodden and unfortunate wouldn't they through some wrenches in their convention to make the Rs feel better?

le Douanier said...


Don't assume everything that seems like an error is. Are you new to these threads?

Drago said...

PB&J: "...big donor boxes..."

What's all this I'm hearing about big donut boxes? Why do we need such large boxes for donuts? Did the donuts get larger or are they simply wasting space and cardboard? I don't think it's wise to be this wasteful of sp.......er, what's that?

Never mind.

Jon Ericson said...

How was the potty break Anonymous, Everything come out O.K.?

Jon Ericson said...

I denounce myself.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Millions of new voters y'all.

Don't be forgettin' now: I know you won't.


Birkel said...

"...wouldn't they through [sic] some wrenches..."

Comedy gold.

wildswan said...

Wouldn't you say that Trump is trying to win your support? Look at his Supreme Court list? look at his VP choice?

Look how he let his enemies from the primaries (who have many supporters still) speak.

Then, look outside the RNC convention. The ten of thousands of protesters who were going to mobilize and show Trump have melted away like snowflakes in the sun. That does mean something.

Look at how he has reduced the media to driveling Pajama Boys, spending their time attacking a attractive woman.

Isn't he right when he says it's time to spend time on America, not on the globalizers?

I don't mean this nastily - but what is it that you want Trump to do?

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