July 13, 2016

The reason George Bush swayed and smiled during "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" is that he actually believes his religion.

That's my opinion.

Elsewhere on the internet:
Reports of Bush’s impassioned swaying [at the memorial service in Dallas], which many called “dancing,” began to circulate Twitter, Instagram and Facebook in videos, gifs and written accounts.... Some considered the impassioned and sometimes awkward swaying to be inappropriate, unpresidential and disrespectful.

One user called Bush’s reaction “absolutely bizarre.” Another tweeted simply, “good grief.” More than one user questioned whether Bush had been drinking alcohol. Some accused him of using cocaine. Several people even suggested — lacking any evidence and just after he had given a clear, concise and moving speech — that the former president might be suffering from the beginning stages of dementia....
These remarks all sound like they come from people whose eyes have never seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.


Pawtampa said...

Don't knock it before you try it!

Pete said...

I agree. "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord." What's not to sway about that?

Sebastian said...

Or people suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome. Same difference. H8ers gonna h8, as the cool Prog kids say.

Ann Althouse said...

To say there shouldn't be smiling at funerals is evidence that you don't go to funerals. Certainly, when that song is played at a funeral, you are supposed to feel massively uplifted, not somber and sad.

I think at Christian funerals there is a strong effort to convey a very real sense that the person who died has gone to Heaven. If you receive that preaching with a grim face, you must not believe it.

Anonymous said...

How would it have been recieved if President Obama were to have swayed and smiled?

Michael K said...

"The Battle Hymn of the Republic" is on the ipod I listen to driving.

john mosby said...

Did anyone note that they were singing a Yankee triumphalist hymn in the middle of one of the Texas republic's darkest days? Isn't that kind of like singing "Deutschland uber alles" at a bar mitzvah? Whose needlessly divisive idea was that!?


J Severs said...

I would be swaying too. Beautiful music and powerful lyrics.

mockturtle said...

My eyes HAVE seen the Glory and, while I may not sway, my heart and soul do.

Pawtampa said...

I agree Joseph.

Levi Starks said...

Ha Ha, the remarks sound like 99% of the comments I see posted on NPRs face book page anytime the name of any prominent conservative is mentioned.

Anonymous said...

How was President Obama's singing of "Amazing Grace" at the Charleston shooting victims funeral recieved by the right?

bleh said...

I'm not a very religious person, but that song always gives me chills (in a good way). Even just humming it in my head does the trick. I totally get why Dubya was swaying and smiling. It's a great, uplifting song.

KJohnson said...

Looks like he's marching to a song that lends itself to that musically.

Anonymous said...

The same folks with BDS would think nothing of watching the parishioners of the Joy Tabernacle AME Church of Dallas, swaying to the same tune.

Folks need to get out more.

It's a Hymn after all...

Titus said...

Dear god make them stop. social republicN conservatives must be destroyed and gwb was all into a costituitional amendment about fags. And u dumb fucks wonder why queers hate republicans

How would u fucking feel when a political party hates u and uses u as a wedge issue?

Oh I know libs do the same thing with dumb uneducated flyovers. But when when u on a ballet getting voted on

Thanks ugly and divorced Karl rove

Anonymous said...

The reason ...is that he actually believes his religion.

unlike Michelle and Barrack

Etienne said...
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Jon Ericson said...

I'm never going to be on a ballet. Rham has that distinction.
And "u" will be the first off the roof.
I feel that a political party hates me.
Fat Ass.

rcocean said...

Wow, that was weird. Love how Obama and Michelle looked at him like "WTH"?

I'm just glad he didn't start tap dancing.

rcocean said...

Battle Hymn of the Republic IS NOT a Religious song.

Its a song glorifying the war on the South - and assumes God was on the North's side, cheering the Yankees along.

I don't think God wore a blue uniform, although I would have.

Humperdink said...
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rcocean said...

That said, the "Battle Hymn of the repub" is one hell of tune. The Morman tabernacle has the best version.

Its often given me chills, but no desire to get up and break dance.

Humperdink said...

The uninitiated need to attend an evangelical funeral. There is as much smiling and laughter as there are tears.

Bush believes in his "religion"? It is my understanding Bush is a believer in Jesus.

rcocean said...

I've left instructions - that upon my death - they're to play "Nearer my God to Thee", shed a discrete tear, and then stand me next to the garbage can with my hat on.

Michael K said...

The Battle Hymn was written by Julia Ward Howe after she heard some bawdy marching ballads sung by soldiers.

Hagar said...

My late sister wanted it played at her funeral (in England) and sung with the text, "John Brown's baby had a pimple on his nose" and so on. She thought it a light and cheerful tune and had absolutely no idea what it was about.

rcocean said...

the first Marine jumped over the ditch

parley voo

the second Marine jumped over the ditch

parly voo

the third Marine fell into the ditch

got shot in his ass the poor sonafabitch

inky dinky parlay voo"

Birches said...

Rcocean is right on the best version. I always thought their lyric change was appropriate: As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free.

I didn't think GWB was being inappropriate. I'm sure it felt exhilarating there I front of the choir.

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I find it amazing how so many people don't understand their slamming of others often says way more about them than anything else. Zero self-awareness.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Looks like Titus has been drinking again.

Will Cate said...

I'm reminded of a little ditty that I (and maybe some of you) used to sing back in grade-school:

Glory, glory hallelujah,
Teacher hit me with a ruler,

... well, you probably remember the rest.

Paul Snively said...

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me.
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
While God is marching on.

I'm sorry, but if you call yourself Christian and that doesn't move you, you may want to check your pulse.

And if there is one thing I'm sure of regarding George W. Bush, it's that he believes he is in need of redemption, believes that he is so redeemed, and wants that redemption for everyone.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The Battle Hymn is good, but as a Warrior's Lament (or Policeman's), I prefer:

Mansions of the Lord

Minstrel Boy

Sgt MacKenzie

Men of Harlech

MathMom said...

They make nasty comments about Bush's response to the hymn, but don't mind being called racists by Obama?

Heads up their butts.

machine said...

can a war criminal ever really be redeemed?

Humperdink said...

"Then it happened as the ark of the Lord came into the city of David that Michal the daughter of Saul looked out of the window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord; and she despised him in her heart."

Apparently Michal did not appreciate David dancing before the Lord. Thought it was inappropriate. It did not end well for her.

glenn said...

Well folks, what you need to remember is that the Bush bashers and the Repub bashers are alert 24/7 for opportunities to bash. Get out first, Play their game, or lose your country.

Paul Snively said...

Oh, and yes, it is a military march. Shocking, I know! Isn't that alarming for what's supposed to be an expression of Christianity?

Now please excuse me while I go sing all of the hymns at my church in the Church Militant section.

There's one that's pretty badly miscategorized, however: "Thy Strong Word" is also a march, and when I request for it to be played at my funeral, I'll provide a note to the organist and choir that it is a march, not a dirge. It needs to be significantly uptempo from this, for example.

MD Greene said...

It's very simple: If George W. Bush does something -- anything -- it is evil. Everything the man says or does is unmitigated evil.

Got it now?

Ponder that as you consider the presidential candidates we are being offered this November.

Freeman Hunt said...

"These remarks all sound like they come from people whose eyes have never seen the glory of the coming of the Lord."

Heh. Indeed.

Michael K said...

Blogger machine said...
can a war criminal ever really be redeemed?

Can Hillary ? I doubt it.

mockturtle said...

Bush believes in his "religion"? It is my understanding Bush is a believer in Jesus.

Yes, there IS a difference.

Lydia said...

Whitney Houston did a great job with the song. You can watch her here, starting at the 1:25 point. It was at a concert in Virginia with lots of military folk in the audience. Everyone was standing, swaying, really getting into the song, sort of like at a religious camp meeting.

mockturtle said...

The Battle Hymn was written by Julia Ward Howe after she heard some bawdy marching ballads sung by soldiers.

So? Was our national anthem not adapted from a British drinking song?

rcocean said...

"Looks like Titus has been drinking again."

How can you tell?

rcocean said...

Whenever I think well of George and Laura Bush, I realize they'd prefer Obama and Hillary to me.

I don't want to invade the world or invite the world. So, I'm a fascist/racist/homophobe.

Bush probably showed up at the funeral to provide cover for his friend Barack. Probably worried some "crazy" white people might retaliate for the BLM assassinations. Need to keep a lid on things. The natives are restless.

David said...

Bush shows his emotions. That seems to piss people off.

Laslo Spatula said...

I am not going to be the one that connects "the coming of the Lord" with Bukkake.

But God DID make Japanese High-School Girls in Knee-High Socks.

I took that as a Sign.

I am Laslo.

Paco Wové said...

What Paul Snively said at 8:46.

As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free

I sense this mockery is coming from people who wouldn't die for anything, including their own posterity.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"Machine wrote:
can a war criminal ever really be redeemed?"
Yes. It is not possible for a man to do more evil than God can forgive.

victoria said...


If Obama had been doing the swaying, he would have been attacked as being a "muslim activist" and not able to identify with "Christians". He would have been attacked by Donald Trump and people of his political persuasion as not American. Thank god he didn't. And this is coming from someone who doesn't even like Obama that much.

Vicki from Pasadena

MathMom said...

Obama was swaying. Not as much as Bush, though. A woman down the row a bit was feelin' the music, too.

David said...

For my funeral I want "Another One Bites The Dust." And dance all you want.

Paco Wové said...

"And this is coming from someone who doesn't even like Obama that much."

You just hate Republicans and conservatives more.

Bill said...

I can't imagine anything less amenable to simple Christian joy than the grim clusterfuck that is social media.

Lewis Wetzel said...

In Vicki's made-up world:
"If Obama had been doing the swaying, he would have been attacked as being a "muslim activist" and not able to identify with "Christians"."

He would've been dancing with Bush.

Wince said...

I'm imagining Hillary Clinton's reaction to this lyric:

His truth is marching on.

She'd be crouched uncomfortably shading her eyes through gnarled fingers.

Sebastian said...

"And if there is one thing I'm sure of regarding George W. Bush, it's that he believes he is in need of redemption, believes that he is so redeemed, and wants that redemption for everyone" And, as a non-Christian, I can't think of a single white or half-white Dem who believes that. As much as I admire him as a person, it also made W a bad politician. At his core, he was the very opposite of a war monger, and therefore did not fight in Iraq to win for real, and did not fight against the Dems out to kill him politically.

Anonymous said...

The Bush's are probably in closer harmony with tthe Obamas than the Trumps.

Anonymous said...

Melania probably would've looked at W and thought "Stupid American what is he doing?"

LYNNDH said...

Drill Sgt, thanks. I listened all of them and have to agree they are very moving.

Paco Wové said...

I mean, criminy. I'm an agnostic bordering on atheist and even I am moved by the Battle Hymn, beyond all other "patriotic songs". Because it unapologetically means what it says. Because it puts force - to the extent that mere words can have force - behind what are otherwise maudlin sentiments. "We want people to be free!" Yeah, sure. But what are you willing to do about it? Besides putting little teary-eyed sadface emoticons on Facebook? Or singing "Imagine" (barf!) in some public estrogen ceremony? Or send a little money to some conscience-salving charity? Are you willing to DIE TO MAKE MEN FREE, motherfucker? Well, ARE YOU? If not, GTFO of my face. What are you willing to die for? Anything at all?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Or maybe he has taken up drinking again. I love it. Keep GWB weird!

narciso said...

It happened in his chosen hometown, he has strong ties to the police, he knows full well about sin, and the power of redemption,

traditionalguy said...

Julia Ward Howe was a strict Calvinist writer of Christian Hymns from Rhode Island. Her Battle Hymn was big on glory hallelujahs. So singing it as praise music is doing it right.

Many say the reason the North won was they had the better song. Dixie is a silly sentiment when compared to the strength of Calvinist faith

mockturtle said...

TG, as a Calvinist myself, I would have to agree. ;-)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftists hate Christians. Nothing new.

traditionalguy said...

Howe was not for the North against the South. She was for abolition of slavery. And she had been for it long before King Cotton wealthy Secessionists screwed up the Southern politics and made those States attack the United States and its Army. That was a really Dumb move that Julia Ward Howe did not make them take.

narciso said...

they certainly don't understand it, what 50 + years of absence from public life has wrought,

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"If Obama had been doing the swaying, he would have been attacked as being a "muslim activist" and not able to identify with "Christians"."

Muslim activists sway when they hear "The Battle Hymn of the Republic?"

The things you learn here.

gadfly said...

From "John Brown's Body" to George W. Bush's body, the Battle Hymn is a marching song. As the Atlantic Monthly (which first published the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" in February 1862) opines: In short, it’s a song made for movement, not stiffness ... leave Dubya alone.

Greg Toombs said...

Maybe we'd be better off if we stop listening to other people, especially leftists. Isn't that how they got their start?

Michael said...

Have no lefty commenters been to a black church service?

Freeman Hunt said...

So if a Muslim drops down to pray around these people, do they tweet, "omg what is up with this? so weird. drugs?"

Doesn't sound like a very cosmopolitan set.

jr565 said...

"One user called Bush’s reaction “absolutely bizarre.” Another tweeted simply, “good grief.” More than one user questioned whether Bush had been drinking alcohol. "

This is the same sort of reaction that these same lefties had when they met a priest dressed in white and thought he was a KKK member. They have no concept of religion and yet think their snark represents erudite thinking. When really it just shows they have no idea what they're talking about.

Amadeus 48 said...

Twitter is like a conversation dominated by the stupidest people in the world.

Anonymous said...

JSM is right. "Battle Hymn of the Republic" is just about the same sentiment as "Gott mit Uns". Neither is appropriate as you march off to invade and kill other people regardless of what you think their sins are.

rcocean said...

"Howe was not for the North against the South"

Yeah, she thought God was an abolitionist.Despite the fact that there's not one anti-slavery comment in the Bible.

To quote Lincoln:

Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came.

One-eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the southern part of it..Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces, but let us judge not, that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered. That of neither has been answered fully.

The Almighty has His own purposes.

bagoh20 said...

"The reason George Bush swayed and smiled during "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"..."

Because it's music, glorious music. What a strange response for a human.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Your affection for the former Theologian in Chief is noted.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What Bags said.

Anonymous said...

I suspect Bush was watching people in the audience swinging and swaying to the music and reacting to them (he even points to one of them). I just watched Whitney Houston on You Tube singing The Battle Hymn to an audience which included black military men in dress uniform, swinging and swaying like champs, as were the whites.

Shootist said...
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Anonymous said...

I suspect Bush was watching people in the audience swinging and swaying to the music and reacting to them (he even points to one of them). I just watched Whitney Houston on You Tube singing The Battle Hymn to an audience which included black military men in dress uniform, swinging and swaying like champs, as were the whites.

Shootist said...

Locomotive Breath. In a war the enemy must be demonized and the home front must be convinced that their cause is just. This is the nature of war.

Would you have that the American Civil War, where this anthem had its genesis, not have been fought because of an inability to rouse sufficient public ire against the Johnny Reb? If so, you sir are a fool of the first rank.

bagoh20 said...

Paco Wove @ 9:52.

Right on! That was the message that should have been understood. These men died for something, something very valuable to us, yet taken for granted daily.

deepelemblues said...

In a time where decency has been stabbed seven times and left to die in prostitute alley, decent men are the ones looked at as deviants.

SukieTawdry said...
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SukieTawdry said...

I have tried in vain to find a video, but the memory is etched in my mind. It was the memorial service at the Pentagon following 9-11. The military band and chorus concluded the program with the Battle Hymn. As it played, the people in the audience began to stand to sing along and wave the small American flags they carried. On the stage were Dubya, Donald Rumsfeld and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Myers and their wives. Rumsfeld and Myers began to tear up (I thought they might actually bust out crying), their wives discreetly passing them handkerchiefs. Bush, you could tell, was fairly bursting with emotion but he cowboyed up remaining collected and composed. It was clear that as they stood there watching each felt the full measure of the task before him, his duty, his great responsibility, his burden. It was, as they say, a moment.

Anonymous said...


"Ahead of GOP Convention, Cleveland Officials Affirm Protesters May Carry Guns

Speaking to reporters in advance of the Republican National Convention next week, both Cleveland Mayor Frank G. Jackson and police Chief Calvin Williams they were bound by the state’s laws allowing people to carry guns even if they disagreed with them.

“Our intent is to follow the law. And if the law says you can have open carry, that’s what it says. Whether I agree with it or not is another issue,” said Mayor Jackson in a press conference.

That was a sentiment also echoed by the city’s police chief. Asked if he would prefer that people be prevented from carrying weapons at the Republican National convention, Chief Williams said, “Of course.”

“It’s the law in this state. As police chief, I’m bound to uphold the law in this state,” he added."

Mine eyes have seen the glory and it won't end well.

Just days after five Dallas police officers were shot dead by a gunman with a high-powered rifle at a protest against the police killings of two black men earlier last week, several groups of demonstrators have suggested that they may bring weapons to the protests at or around the convention.

The group Oath Keepers said this week that they would appear at the RNC armed, while the chairman of the New Black Panther Party also said that his group may carry weapons at an event designed to protest police brutality in advance of the RNC. Event organizers of the police brutality event later said that no armed demonstrators were expected."

Freeman Hunt said...

I'm not a crier, but hymns, especially that one and certain others, can get me. My dad was the same.

eric said...

They are laughing at Christians all the time. We are used to it.

Some of the foolish on your website have said many of us like to live in a bubble. What they don't realize is that many of us are Christian and we are surrounded by non believers. Mocked, laughed at, bullied, all of our lives by the self righteous evolutionists and non-believers who hate to see any practice of Christianity in public.

And I'm just fine with that.

Until they start turning their hatred into murderous rage.

Which is why we need to maintain our second amendment rights.

Tony Zafiropoulos said...

I suggest that you listen and read the song on youtube and then post your comments:
Glory Glory Hallelujah
His truth is marching on
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea with a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me.

Personally I think he likes it bottom line.

Cargosquid said...

If you don't remember it.... that hymn was played after the memorial service for 9/11. Bush was on camera. There is a reason it is called the BATTLE hymn. When it started playing as it was walking out, I had chills and KNEW we were going to war.

furious_a said...

I like how W got First Lady Michelle to look and then to smile. That was a nice moment.

Both First Ladies looked great.

furious_a said...

Did anyone note that they were singing a Yankee triumphalist hymn

"DIXIE" is a loser's song.

PhaseMargin said...
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TBlakely said...

Didn't a prominent Democrat leader say that one of the most beautiful things he's ever heard was the Muslim call to prayer. Did lefties explode over that statement?

Dịch Vụ Seo Rồng Đại Dương said...

Nghe nói Can ho centrosa garden quan 10 có giá mềm quá, có ai mua chưa?
Với 1 tỷ sở hữu ngay Can ho summer square quan 6 có tin được ko
Ban nha quan binh tan có nên mua để ở k

BlueHen said...

One of the most moving renditions -- Andy Williams singing the hymn at the funeral service for Bobby Kennedy in St. Patrick's Cathedral. The opening tempo is slow and almost a dirge, and then it builds to a triumphal conclusion.

Aarradin said...

Liberals that profess to be Christians themselves, attend Churches that pretend to be Christian - like the Episcopalian, are the most offensive. They openly HATE anyone that actually seems to believe the same religion that they themselves profess. Denounce them in the most condescending, and often violent, terms they can conjure.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"DIXIE" is a loser's song.
So is the Internationale. Sucker.

lgv said...

"How would it have been recieved if President Obama were to have swayed and smiled?"

The same people that criticized Bush would not criticize Obama. Those that criticized Obama would be labeled racists.

What I didn't hear was the Bush haters picking on the words of his speech. It was a fine speech. I thought Bush as president wasn't very good at his job for the most part. Bush, the man, is rock solid. He is a man of character and compassion.

Micha Elyi said...

"Did anyone note that they were singing a Yankee triumphalist hymn in the middle of one of the Texas republic's darkest days?"--john mosby (7:32 PM)

Yeah. Kind'a demonstrates that Texas Republicans aren't Dixiecrat and Jim Crow Democrat conversos, contrary to what the Left would have you believe.

"Isn't that kind of like singing 'Deutschland uber alles' at a bar mitzvah?"


Jon Ericson said...

Trolls are everywhere, these days (election days).
Some are merely young and would like to shout down those of us with a little bit of "life experience".
Some are paid.
Some have Adult Onset Tourette Syndrome.
Some have Schizophrenia.
Some have Bipolar Disorder.
Most need to be kicked firmly in the head.
God bless the Trolls.

Jaq said...

I am an atheist and I think that is a great song.

Jaq said...

Has Hillary gotten a handle on that head bobbing yet?

machine said...

mission accomplished...

Kyle's Practice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lonetown said...

Not being an expert in leftist drivel I'm confused.

Isn't it a micro-aggression to make fun of a retard?

Pookie Number 2 said...

Not being an expert in leftist drivel I'm confused. Isn't it a micro-aggression to make fun of a retard?

The only consistency in leftist drivel is that it justifies their need to hate others. Used to be blacks, now it's Christians. But they'll sacrifice all other principles in the service of justifying their hatred.

Tom said...


Darcy said...

Amen, Paul Snively!

caplight45 said...

The uniqueness of the professor's insights among the elites of the Academy is astounding.

Anonymous said...

"Music is a good thing; and after all that soul-butter and hogwash, I never see it freshen up things so, and sound so honest and bully." --Huck Finn

Anonymous said...

DrillSGT, actually Michelle and Barack DO believe their religion, all too well. Their religion is what is preached every Sunday at Jeremiah the Jew-hater's church. Their religion includes, "God damn America!" and the "United States of AmeriKKKa."

JAORE said...

How sad to not even have a clue about the power and emotion of that song. So many burnt out, joyless souls.

MadisonMan said...

How Great Thou Art is also one that I find very uplifting. It was sung at my best friend's Mom's funeral -- absolutely perfect.

The problem with The Battle Hymn of the Republic is that I always change the lyrics when I'm singing it to Glory Glory Hallelujah, teacher hit me with a ruler, met her in the attic with a loaded automatic, its truth is marching on.

MathMom said...

GWB is starting to look like GHWB. There was always a family resemblance, but now he looks like a photograph of his dad at times.

Hair is thinning all of a sudden, too. That surprised me.

Listening to his speech made me realize again how far we have fallen during the Obama years.

Humperdink said...

Listen to the hymn "It Is Well With My Soul" and then read the background of the songwriter.

MathMom said...


Thanks for the suggestion. Story is here, at Wiki.

That was the hymn that my husband had going through his mind when they told him he would receive the donor's heart, and a chance at life. I'll show him the story - because that perfect heart is still perfect, 11 years later. I know because he had a heart cath two days ago, and the doctor said it was still perfect.

Darcy said...

@Humperdink and MathMom: My favorite hymn! Grateful for the Perfect Heart who died for my sin.

Unknown said...

Ann said I think at Christian funerals there is a strong effort to convey a very real sense that the person who died has gone to Heaven. If you receive that preaching with a grim face, you must not believe it.

As a Christian pastor, I offer this slight correction: we do not rejoice because a person has died and gone to heaven, rather we rejoice because those who die in Christ will live again.

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?" (Joh 11:25-26 ESV)

Roughcoat said...

The Morman Tabernacle Choir also crushes "Onward Christian Soldiers":


Play "Battle Hymn" and "Onward" back-to-back, and I'm a useless for the rest of the day. In a good way.

Make a joyful noise, people.

Roughcoat said...

As a Christian pastor, I offer this slight correction: we do not rejoice because a person has died and gone to heaven, rather we rejoice because those who die in Christ will live again.

Excellent, pastor.

Humperdink said...

@eric. My sentiments to a "T".

bflat879 said...

Once again, Ann, you hit it out of the ballpark.

Humperdink said...

Roughcoat: "As a Christian pastor, I offer this slight correction: we do not rejoice because a person has died and gone to heaven, rather we rejoice because those who die in Christ will live again.

Excellent, pastor."

Yep that's the choice: Born once, die twice or born twice, die once.

MathMom said...

Darcy -

Beautifully stated. (*sniff!*)

Fernandinande said...

These remarks all sound like they come from people whose eyes have never seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.

Nobody has seen it.

Humperdink said...

Moses did.

Humperdink said...

I continually scratch my head at those who have no eternal hope - mocking those who do.

narciso said...

they though they were wise, but were but foolish, (Romans 1)

Bruce Hayden said...

I don't get what was so weird abut George W Bush there. Many of us sway when it plays, and, for me, when I can sign along. I usually do. But when they sign it at my church, they have way too many sopranos, and too few men in the choir. When we are talking a marching song, we are talking marching men. Women didn't march off to war back then. And yes, it is partially my age, as my hearing continues to decline. I don't like sopranos, and am thankful that the women in my life have nice alto voices.

I know that the Civil War was not that simple. But I have always seen it through the eyes of my mother and her ancestors, who had worked through the 1850s to free the slaves on religious grounds, were Republicans from 1860 onward, and went to war for that reason. My great-great grandfather fought and was partially disabled in the GAR. For them, it was always about slavery, and always the most righteous cause. And nothing exemplifies this as much as this hymn. Wouldn't be the least surprised if the Bushes, being of Yankee stock, felt the same.

effinayright said...

BDNYC said...
I'm not a very religious person, but that song always gives me chills (in a good way). Even just humming it in my head does the trick. I totally get why Dubya was swaying and smiling. It's a great, uplifting song.


YES!!! As opposed to the lifeless and wheezy hymns you hear in most other old-line white Christian services, especially Episcopal!

Step into a Hindu temple some time. In a single hour you'll get more joyous religiosity than in a month of Sundays at many Christian churches.

Anonymous said...

Sukie Tawdry and Cargosquid,

Here at 51 minutes in


Roughcoat said...

Moses did.

No, not even Moses was not allowed to gaze directly upon His glory. See Exodus 33:

And [Moses] said, I beseech thee, shew me Thy glory. And He said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy. 20And He said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see Me, and live. 21And the LORD said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock: 22And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by: 23And I will take away Mine hand, and thou shalt see My back parts: but My face shall not be seen.

Roughcoat said...

Moses saw only the trail (or the train) of the Lord's glory. But that was enough. More than enough, I should think.

Birches said...

Another theologian in the Althouse commentariat. Interesting.

I do miss the Father though...

Known Unknown said...

Mine eyes have seen the terror of the driving of the Lord
He has smashed up two new Chevys and he's totalled his old Ford.
he has burnt his Dodge to ashes, and he's wrecked a few more four doors
And the Lord is driving on ...
Glory Glory Halleluah
The Lord bought a car with a computer
It guides him near and far
And tells him when his door's a jar
and the Lord is driving on!

Roughcoat said...


If you're referring to me ... I'm no theologian. Not by a long shot. Just a loyal Catholic and a believing Christian.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I was ready to agree with Althouse, but having seen the video, it looked strange and undignified. Maybe Bush swayed because he actually believed in his religion, but it was off, and off-putting. Obama was embarrassed for him, as were Michelle, Laura and the Bidens. As much as I disagree with Obama on some things, I felt the same.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

The Drill SGT said...

"The reason ...is that he actually believes his religion."

unlike Michelle and Barrack

I have no doubt that Barack believes his religion. He just knows that he needs to keep it hidden until The Great Satan is defeated.

Yancey Ward said...

Twitter is like a conversation dominated by the stupidest people in the world.

Wrong! The word "like" should be omitted.

Unknown said...

Anonymous said..."How was President Obama's singing of "Amazing Grace" at the Charleston shooting victims funeral received by the right? 7/13/16, 7:50 PM"

I don't know the answer to your question, but when I searched YouTube for Obama's performance I got no negative videos, while a YouTube search for Bush was a pile of criticism. Personally -- unless one is promoting a political viewpoint, explaining why the country sucks, or is demonstrably drunk I think any behavior at a funeral should not be subject to standards of normality. And self references should only be used to express personal sorrow or memories of the deceased.

Anonymous said...

I have sung that number from the choir loft more than once. For me, it is a levitating experience.

Bilwick said...

"These remarks all sound like they come from people whose eyes have never seen the glory of the coming of the Lord."

They come from people who thrill to the glory of the coming of an omnipotent State.

If Obama, reacting from his Red Diaper Baby training, began swaying and smiling during the playing of the Internationale--as he no doubt did many a time with his Uncle Frank--none of these people would think twice about it.

richardsson said...

Well, to me, this is merely Sore Loserman strikes again. Sore Loserman suffers from Bush Derangement Syndrome. Bush Derangement Syndrome is an intellectually and emotionally crippling disease. The sufferer must spend the rest of his life denying humanity and flinging turds at W every chance he gets. Never let an opportunity go to waste. Only Sore Loserman doesn't see that those turds he flings are like magic boomerangs that come flying back splatting all over him. It's like Buddhist teaching about spitting in the face of the Buddha: he who spits in the face of the Buddha finds the spit falling back in his face. There is also a lesson for those who hate Obama, when he's gone, let him go.

Martin said...

That song is not just about the glory of God in a general sense, but specifically about acting in God's name to free the slaves so that all men can be free. It is a call to advance the job, to the extent we poor, flawed humans are capable, and was incredibly appropriate,

Tess said...

I am so tired of headlines left and right talking about this. I watched it and O and Michelle were as well they all were talking or singing holding hands and all the news can talk about is Bush and i dont even like him since i got my eyes open on the Admin. But for pets sake let it go i say.

Thorley Winston said...

The uninitiated need to attend an evangelical funeral. There is as much smiling and laughter as there are tears.

I attended an evangelical funeral for a boy who died in college. His father had them play “September” by Earth, Wind Rain and Fire (one of his son’s favorite songs) and he stood up and clapped his hands while dancing in place. At that point the entire church rose up and joined in and there were as much laughter as there was tears as people remember the wonderful young man who left them too soon.

Thorley Winston said...

I don’t see anything inappropriate at all with President Bush’s actions at the memorial service. The whole point was to acknowledge the loss that the people of Dallas suffered and the way that these things are structured, there is usually some message of hope or way of trying to uplift the audience. I have no doubt that the reason The Battle Hymn of the Republic was chosen is because it is an uplifting song and I’d be willing to bet that if we saw camera footage of the audience instead of just a few people in stage, there were more people showing that they were as moved by the song as President Bush than standing around like they had a selfie stick shoved up their rears like certain other people on the stage.

Mary said...

The people who were shocked by Bush's behavior didn't see anything wrong with Obama taking selfies during the memorial service for Nelson Mandela.

JamesB.BKK said...

Titus: What of the somewhat well-to-do taxpayer? Not a wedge target of one of the political parties, for more looting of his or her property? Join the crowd.

walter said...

Titus said...Thanks ugly and divorced Karl rove
Tits, man of substance.

walter said...

(butt healing one "muzzie" at a time..on a slow night)

Humperdink said...

@Roughcoat. You are equating the Glory of the Lord with actually seeing God.

I define seeing God's Glory by the evidence of his Being. When I said "Moses did", I was referring to when he held his staff and the Red Sea parted.

One could argue that seeing God is seeing the Glory of the Lord, which no person has done. I see it differently. God's Glory surrounds us.

Robert Cook said...

"Or people suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome."

Heh! That's really rich, referring snarkily to "Bush Derangement Syndrome" after nearly eight years of "Obama Hysteria," symptoms of which include shuddering, spasmodic verbal ejaculations of "Heeza Muzleem!, Heeza sociablamist!, Heeza 'merka hader!, Heeza Affrycan!, Heeza lefty!" (which is true, he is, indeed a southpaw), and other such indications of terminal Tourette's Syndrome.

By all means, deplore Obama's presidency--I do!--but do so for his abject servility to the prerogatives of the wealthy elites, to Wall Street and the big banks, to the police-intelligence state, to the military/corporate/media complex, to his successful efforts to transform America further into an authoritarian spy/police state, (a process begun by his predecessors). Not for imaginary hobgolins of one's own mind! That would be like hating Bush because one imagines him as a simple-minded, mumble-mouthed idiot, rather than because he, (also!) was servile to the prerogatives of the wealthy elites. to Wall Street, etc., etc., and more important, because he is a war criminal (as is Obama) who launched the illegal war in Iraq (and commenced a ground war in Afghanistan even after our alleged goal for invading--to capture bin Laden--was swiftly defeated)...all of which lit the fuse that erupted with the ongoing cataclysm in the middle east...a cataclysm of which we are the principle authors.

Paul Snively said...

wholelottasplainin': Step into a Hindu temple some time. In a single hour you'll get more joyous religiosity than in a month of Sundays at many Christian churches.

Not to mention that so much of the Vishnu/Shakti iconography is really hot. Hinduism doesn't suffer from the anti-sexual-expression of much of Protestant Christianity, and representations of Shakti are often exaggeratedly feminine, reflecting femininity as an archetypal ideal. Kind of like American pin-up culture of the 40s and 50s...

Bad Lieutenant said...

You know, Mr. Cook, for all practical purposes, if everybody is a war criminal, nobody is a war criminal. You need to be a little more discriminating in your criticisms.

Robert Cook said...


ALL war is a crime. However, occasionally--very rarely--it is necessary to go to war. (This is not the case in any of the wars we're now waging, all of which we started, or in any of the wars we've fought post-WWII.) Once a nation goes to war, there is no stopping the crimes that will come with it. This is why a nation should only go to war as a last-resort, in self-defense against an offense by another nation, an offense either already initiated or that is imminent. In fact these principles are written into the United Nations Charter. (The whole purpose of the UN was to try--in the wake of the catastrophe of WWII, which followed not long after the catastrophe of WWI--to foster diplomacy between nations united by treaty, to prevent war.)

The Charter laid out the requirements and restrictions on warmaking. To initiate war against another member nation is forbidden; even to threaten war against another member nation is forbidden. The only acceptable instances for a nation entering war is to defend itself--or an ally--when another nation has attacked or is about to attack; or, where, given other exigent circumstances, where the UN Security Council has voted in favor of war.

Neither of these conditions were met in our attacking Afghanistan or Iraq, or any of the other nations we're now warring in. As a signatory to the UN Charter, it becomes, per the Constitution on our treaty obligations, the law of the land.
As neither Afghanistan nor Iraq (nor any other countries) have attacked us, or posed imminent threats to us, and as the UN Security Council did not vote to authorize our initiating war against the whole Middle East, essentially, we committed war crimes in our invasions, and continue to do so in our continued and expanding military activities in these countries.

The crimes that occur in war, (deaths of innocents, rape, destruction of societies, etc., as opposed to the crime of starting a war,) may not be avoided when one is forced into war, and they are war crimes that could not have been avoided, but when war is a choice, every consequence that results in deaths of innocents, destruction of societies, etc., is a war crime that could have been avoided, that needn't have ever been.

The last decade and a half of death, destruction, and cataclysm has resulted from our choice--an unnecessary choice--to go to war.

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