"Those who could recite a verse or two were spared. The others were tortured.”
At the Gulshan restaurant attack, where hostages were held for more than 11 hours.
ADDED: How many people read that and think I should memorize a couple verses from the Quran? It's way easier than trying to carry a gun everywhere.
AND: I would have said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God."
Thatsounds like the perfect example of how Obama's secret Tsunami of Muslim men called refugees are planning to reverse assimilate in America. If you do not go Muslim when ordered to, then they will feel so insulted that filthy infidels will get tortured and killed.
What is now the number of attacks in Muslim countries vs. non-Muslim?
We need to go back to the WW2 process of ferreting out the enemy. GI's would ask questions about baseball. Don't know Mickey Mantle? DIE INFIDEL!!
"No, there's nothing wrong with Islam. Why do you ask?"
"How many people read that and think I should memorize a couple verses from the Quran? It's way easier than trying to carry a gun everywhere."
Not me, kind of reverse assimilation it seems to me.
They need to know who is comfortable with sharia law.
So do we.
"How many people read that and think I should memorize a couple verses from the Quran? It's way easier than trying to carry a gun everywhere."
I'm not sure I'd want to be spared because I knew how to put myself lower on the attackers' torture/kill priority list. I think the only way I could forgive myself for that is if by reciting those verses convincingly, I bought myself enough time, and caused them to misdirect their attention enough, to allow me to kill them.
So, memorize the verses and be armed, I'd say.
"We need to go back to the WW2 process of ferreting out the enemy. GI's would ask questions about baseball. Don't know Mickey Mantle? DIE INFIDEL!!"
Oh cripes, I'm screwed if we ask about baseball.
I recall reading that General Bradley had a tense moment passing through a road checkpoint after German infiltrators had wrought their havoc in preparation for the Battle of the Bulge. Asked the capital of Illinois, he answered Springfield, and the sentry lowered his rifle and snarled, Wrong, Kraut, it's Chicago!
Actions like these are a result of that long-awaited "Reformation" within Islam. This is what our gallant Saudi allies fund with their oil income.
Just learned that Allah gives double credit for killings done during Ramadam. That makes perfect sense.
"The others were tortured." The article doesn't specify the form of torture. I certainly hope it wasn't water boarding. That would be fiendish and horrible.
Sounds to me like they were profiling...how outrageous!
Wait, so Muslims can actually figure out who is Muslim and who is not? I thought Barry told us that's not possible.
After 27 days of Ramadam, 1458 killed per The Religon of Peace website.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God."
Is this a slander? Our President says "The future must not belong to those who would slander the Prophet Mohammad" I'm pretty sure Our President would not be pleased, and the future would not belong to you if you said what you said you would say.
Klavan says that you don't want 73 virgins, if you've ever been with a virgin. You want one virgin and 72 party girls.
I would have said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God."
..and the Muslim terrorists would have treated you like Cersei treated the nun in GoT......
"You can get more with a Quranic verse and a gun than with a Quranic verse alone." - Al Qapone
And you could respond this way.
"Attorney General Loretta Lynch said that love and compassion are the best responses to terrorism during remarks to the media in Orlando, Florida on Tuesday."
It's not that hard to carry.
It's a habit you develop.
May you never find yourself in a situation where you need it, but if you do, it won't be there if you haven't purposefully developed that habit.
But please, don't say this heinous violence has anything to do with ISLAM.
Leftists forbid it as mind-crime against the narrative.
I would say "how about shrubbery??"
I would say "The future does not belong to those who would slander the Prophet of Islam"
Derbyshire this week on Loretta Lynch's love is the answer
To a progressive airhead of Ms Lynch's stripe, there is hate, and there is love, and there is nothing in between. She lives in a world that does not contain mild disapproval, grudging acceptance, resigned acquiescence, cool indifference, an open willingness to be persuaded, nor any other intermediate shade of opinion. Opinionwise, hers is a binary world.
Derbyshire in 2013 on homosexuality and the left
There is love, and there is hate. All those attitudes that dwell in between the extremes, attitudes like mild dislike, grudging acceptance, amused tolerance, or plain old indifference, are seriously out of favor. If anyone wants my opinion, I think those attitudes are essential to civilized social life; but that's a very unpopular opinion nowadays.
"How many people read that and think I should memorize a couple verses from the Quran? It's way easier than trying to carry a gun everywhere."
I'm pretty sure that's what Obama would like all Americans to do.
... and I guess John Kerry is still wondering about the motivation of the killers....
If you were about to be tortured, if you could think of a Quran verse, you'd say it! I'd scramble to remember that one about how if any one killed a person, it would be as if he killed the whole of mankind; and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole of mankind.
Shouldn't we all know that anyway?
They surely can't have the whole thing memorized. You could just come up with something on the fly that sounded Quran-ish. I have a feeling, though, that my blonde hair would not convince them of my muslim-ness.
"How many people read that and think I should memorize a couple verses from the Quran? It's way easier than trying to carry a gun everywhere."
They'll probably be teaching our kindergarten children something like that as part of their safety drills after they've got all of them scared.
David Begley said...
After 27 days of Ramadam, 1458 killed per The Religon of Peace website.
Hate Facts.
Pretty sure this makes you a bigot, but maybe we should check the rule book. It keeps changing.
I wonder what would have happened if I quoted Jesus' words.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."
Matthew 5:43-44(NIV)
They surely can't have the whole thing memorized.
Actually many of them do. it is consider a sign of piety in their culture.
You have to recite the verse in Arabic, btw.
That they shall be called the sons of God pretty much tells you that they are not.
I just say that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will surely cast them into Hell for eternity, then say "Are you feeling lucky, punk?"
I admire your suggested alternatives.
"Shouldn't we all know that anyway?"
I only knew it in Hebrew, so I'm probably especially screwed.
I thought the Qu'ran was recited in Arabic. Harder to memorize that way.
BTW, I think I've got it narrowed down to "Tam O'Shanter" or "To A Louse." I'm not crazy about either, and Tam is kind of long, but it might not be so bad an idea to have something of use next time I'm at a Robert Burns Supper.
I've already got "To A Mouse" well-memorized, but I see nothing wrong with having a backup.
Though I seriously doubt that the Islamist nut jobs would ever go for recitation of poetry by drunks, for drunks.
When I heard about the situation in Bangldesh I immediately thought, "Are those crazy Mennonites at it again?"
For me, it was probably easier to learn to adequately shoot a gun than it would be to learn some Qaranic verses in Arabic. And a lot more fun. But the reality is that even though I can legally carry a concealed handgun, I rarely do. Esp up here in NW MT, where you tend to carry openly, or not at all.
"When I heard about the situation in Bangldesh I immediately thought, "Are those crazy Mennonites at it again?""
Yes, but it is a given that far right Christians are the most intolerant people liberals know.
Ann Althouse said: If you were about to be tortured, if you could think of a Quran verse, you'd say it!
Some might. No one knows how they'll react until the test comes. Back in October of last year, a bunch of people were tested, not in Wogland, but right here in the US, and died bravely as martyrs, confessing their faith to the last:
A gunman singled out Christians, telling them they would see God in “one second,” during a rampage at an Oregon college Thursday that left at least nine innocent people dead and several more wounded, survivors and authorities said.
“[He started] asking people one by one what their religion was. ‘Are you a Christian?’ he would ask them, and if you’re a Christian, stand up. And they would stand up and he said, ‘Good, because you’re a Christian, you are going to see God in just about one second.’ And then he shot and killed them,” Stacy Boylen, whose daughter was wounded at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., told CNN.
A Twitter user named @bodhilooney, who said her grandmother was at the scene of the carnage, tweeted that if victims said they were Christian, “then they were shot in the head. If they said no, or didn’t answer, they were shot in the legs.”
Story here.
Ideally I hope that were I in that situation I'd die with my teeth in the throat of the muslim goatfucker killing me, but were I denied that end, reciting the Creed while being hacked to pieces would suffice:
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord...
I don't know how I would act in a terrorist situation but I would hope that I measured up.
Whatever you do, do NOT start singing Hava Nagila.
I'm so glad that Islam couldn't be part of this. Had to be conservative Christian Republicans. Somehow.
What is now the number of attacks in Muslim countries vs. non-Muslim?
If you were about to be tortured, if you could think of a Quran verse, you'd say it! I'd scramble to remember that one about how if any one killed a person, it would be as if he killed the whole of mankind; and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole of mankind.
Ironically, nobody has to consider knowing Christian verses to avoid torture or a massacre. Given that Christians are totally violent and all...
Feminists really should be speaking out against Islam. Odds are, they will never do so.
"Five myths about sharia."
The myths are:
1. Sharia is “Islamic law"...
2. In Muslim countries, sharia is the law of the land....
3. Sharia is anti-woman....
4. Islam demands brutal punishments....
5. Sharia is about conquest....
Why is it when attacks happen in other countries, we can see clearly what they are. But when they happen here, no matter what the shooter says about ISIS or Islam, we still have to go through the whole exercise of:
Maybe he was stressed over financial trouble: Times Square Bomber
Maybe they were tax day protesters: Boston Bombers
He had secondary PTSD: Ft Hood
The people at work were mean at a party: San Bernadino
He was just a college kid: UC Merced
He hated gays because of Christians: Orlando
It's the NRA's fault: All of them (except the Merced guy, because he was a stabber)
6. Believe what a Muslim says.
@Eric: I've already got "To A Mouse" well-memorized, but I see nothing wrong with having a backup.
Burns is the best. Love the old Scottish dialect.
"O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us! "
Jeez the tentacles of the NRA reach all the way to Bangladesh? They're even more dastardly than I thought!
"It's way easier than trying to carry a gun everywhere."
But far more satisfying to shoot the fucker in the head.
I have travelled some questionable areas, was taught how to properly pronounce “La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah.”
Say that 3 times and you are good ;-)
Living until tomorrow is worth 5 minutes of time learning 7 words.
I am Pro-choice. I come in peace and you will leave in pieces.
Always carry a scalpel for the unexpected abortion.
"O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us! "
I've always thought that would not be a gift, but a curse.
JPS@8:39 "I'm not sure I'd want to be spared because I knew how to put myself lower on the attackers' torture/kill priority list. I think the only way I could forgive myself for that is if by reciting those verses convincingly, I bought myself enough time, and caused them to misdirect their attention enough, to allow me to kill them."
Years ago while working for law profs, I had a similar plan. The second floor office section I was in had me in the middle, out in the open, surrounded by seven prof offices, and only a long, narrow hallway leading into the section, no other way out, with me directly in the sight line. All seven were progs, with one being a particularly nasty, angry, controversial, ugly hard-core prog. I intensely disliked her, but the others were all good people. I figured if someone had gone over the edge and was out for someone, it would be her. So, being a cop's daughter, I had a plan. If someone were to come in armed (knife or gun) I would act as if I was on their side, and since my rage towards this person would come out genuine, I would convince them to please let me do it (or at least help) hoping I could buy time or best case, get them to give me the weapon, and as I headed for her office, I could turn it around on them. Bottom line, (in theory) I wouldn't go down nor let others be killed without a fight. So I guess it would be worth learning one or two for JPS's reasons.
Damn Lutherans. Or Buddhists. Or something like that. Who really knows?
You can memorize verses, Professor. I think I'd prefer my friends Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson, in .357 mag using hollow points filled with bacon grease.
How many people read that and think I should memorize a couple verses from the Quran? It's way easier than trying to carry a gun everywhere.
Not if one has a sense of personal honor. Instead of learning some barbarian "holy writ" one should invest in some firearms training and a reliable bang-bang. In Israel regular folks carry weapons without embarrassment.
There's no one an ISIS holy warrior hates more than a Jew,
particularly an Israeli Jew.
But they don't fuck with them.
I was telling the Colonel (my wife) about the cartoon I'd seem recently. It seems to apply here. Those few of you who have done blue collar jobs will instantly recognize the theme.
picture an image of the post bomb Istanbul airport. superimpose a four digit digital display 0000
caption: Days since the last Muslim Terrorist Attack
sort of like
The blue collar version is all about facility accident safety BTW
The "it's not Muslim terrorism, it's xxxx" crowd are having a string of nad days hehe?
Hint: You can't conceal carry internationally.
Maybe some of you never plan to leave the country, but if you want to go to Europe you need an alternative for the gun you won't have unless you prefer the other option, death.
Kind of hard to get revenge on the scumbags when you are dead. Saying a few words is worth being able to have a chance to take them out.
Has Imam Obama opined on the nature of Islam today? Oops, forgot, this is High Holy Sacred Golf Day! Maybe we will jear from him on The Lord's Day!
If you were about to be tortured, if you could think of a Quran verse, you'd say it!
Those Christians in the Middle East who had lived peacefully with their Muslim neighbors for hundreds of years before being forced to flee no doubt know a bunch of verses from the Koran. And when ISIS put knives to their throats -- literally -- they chose to profess their Christian faith instead. So, no, not everyone would say it -- even when they know, as these Christians have, that the result would be getting their heads cut off or being crucified or burned to death.
Meanwhile, I see that the "other Mark" is all too eager to speak the Islam profession of faith -- three times! -- to save himself. Of course, having said it even once ipso facto makes him Muslim. And should he then deny being so, as he apparently is, then in the eyes of Islam, that makes him an apostate. And they don't like apostates anymore than they like infidels.
"They surely can't have the whole thing memorized."
That is what passes for "education" in Muslim countries like Pakistan. I don't know about Bangladesh except it used to be called "East Pakistan."
AG Lynch is still trying to figure out what the motive might have been.
How dare you people risk disappointing Obama by being on your high horses! Shame on you!
Ann Althouse said: If you were about to be tortured, if you could think of a Quran verse, you'd say it!"
Who in Bangladesh doesn't know a few verses of the Quran?
It was a cafe frequented by foreigners. And maybe you had to recite in Arabic. Three of the victims were female American students, about 20 years old. You can see their beautiful smiling faces in photographs at the top of The Daily Mail.
AprilApple says: But please, don't say this heinous violence has anything to do with ISLAM.
I heard a CBS radio report on the attack last night. They said the attack was being blamed on "so-called Islamic State militants".
So sad.
Back in the 30-40's there would have been fewer Jews killed if they just learned to quote a few paragraphs from Mein Kampf.
It's a trick question. They themselves are probably illiterate.
The way to answer those kinds of questions is to say:
"I had sex with your mother, and you may be my bastard son"
In any case dying is easy. A martyr bypasses purgatory, and becomes one with God.
My only concern would be if they killed me before my meal, or after. After would be a better time for me.
Ann Althouse said...
It was a cafe frequented by foreigners. And maybe you had to recite in Arabic. Three of the victims were female American students, about 20 years old. You can see their beautiful smiling faces in photographs at the top of The Daily Mail.
7/2/16, 12:29 PM"
I stand corrected. Did not read the murders took place at a location that had lots of foreigners present. Perhaps non Islamic people should stop touring Islamic countries and non Islamic countries be a lot more careful of which Islamics are allowed visas to enter them.
Wikipedia - Shahada
Religion of peace, ya'll.
Meanwhile, where is the LGBT community, GLAD and Human Rights Campaign and others, expressing their sadness, compassion and solidarity with the victims of Istanbul, Dhaka, and wherever else the Islamists will be striking today, tomorrow, and so on? The whole country voiced their sympathies after the attack in Orlando, standing in solidarity with the victims -- only to have those sentiments spit back in our faces -- so where is the equal concern from the LGBT crowd for others who have also been the targets of Islamic terror?
Ann Althouse could show them her new pen.
"Stop. Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see." -- The Bridgekeeper.
You can't put the apostate back in the tube.
Blogger Mark said...
Meanwhile, where is the LGBT community, GLAD and Human Rights Campaign and others, expressing their sadness, compassion and solidarity with the victims of Istanbul, Dhaka, and wherever else the Islamists will be striking today, tomorrow, and so on? The whole country voiced their sympathies after the attack in Orlando, standing in solidarity with the victims -- only to have those sentiments spit back in our faces -- so where is the equal concern from the LGBT crowd for others who have also been the targets of Islamic terror?
7/2/16, 1:23 PM
I'm still in awe of the insanity and stupidity of a movement called Queers For Palestine. But for the horror that would ensue, I would love to see Queers For Palestine organize a gay rights parade in Gaza.
Blue? No, Green!
I would have said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God."
You obviously don't understand the symbolism, Professor, the blessing applies to all producers and purveyors of dairy products.
...if any one killed a person, it would be as if he killed the whole of mankind; and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole of mankind.
That's Talmudic, not Quranic.
Better start packin', Althouse.
> That's Talmudic, not Quranic.
No, it's Quranic alright. But also quoted badly out of context:
5:32 Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors.
5:33 Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment...
PS: "I'm not a robot" was really snotty today for some reason.
Talmud Sanhedrin 37a and Mishnah 4:9 are both to the effect of “Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world. And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world.”
When we come to the Koran or the Hadith, it should be noted that any proscription against killing concerns killing other Muslims. Non-Muslims are not considered real persons and, indeed, the command is to smite them.
Three of the victims were female American students, about 20 years old
Two of them were from close by Emory University. (and where I was born back when they were birthing babies)
Just last March, the students were terrified when they discovered "Vote For Trump" chalked on steps.
Guess they now know what true terror is.
PS: "I'm not a robot" was really snotty today for some reason.
Ignore it, most of us do
Submit to Islam or die. Nice slogan you got there.
re: Michael McClain
There can not be a reformation of Islam. The Prophet is the FINAL messenger of God, and his word is FINAL. Any attempt at reinterpretation is apostasy and punishable by Death.
ADDED: How many people read that and think I should memorize a couple verses from the Quran? It's way easier than trying to carry a gun everywhere.
tell that to the syrians.
Just find the simplest and shortest. Come on!
Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.
There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower.
But as someone else said, keep it even simpler:
la ilaha illa'llah (there is no god but God), and Muhammadun rasul Allah (Muhammad is the messenger of God). Bam - there's two.
I should hope I would refuse to quote the Qur'an even in the face of terror.
In fact, I'd like to think I would say, 'I piss on your Qur'an!'.
Oh that's easy, Althouse:
Shema Yisroel
Adonai Elohenu
Adonai Echod!
Then, I hope, I would have the opportunity to spit in your face before they started hacking.
In the words of Leonidas to the traitor, Ephialtes:
May you live forever!
"I would have said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God."
If I'd like to think I'd say something cool, like "Fuck You, dirtbag," but I probably title go with something like that.
I suspect it was a gun-free zone.
It is times like this that I am glad that John Kerry is Secretary of State. He will defeat ISIS, no matter how many concessions it takes. There is no American principle he will not abandon if that's what it takes to get these guys to the bargaining table.
Every one of Heinz's 57 varieties is halal, you know: http://www.muslimconsumergroup.com/category_search_result.php?t=K&p=1
"VI faccio vedere come muore un italiano"
Ya know. if you're in a restaurant and a bunch of gunmen barge in yelling "Allah Akbar" you're as good as dead anyway. Might as well make your last minutes as entertaining as you can. Force the issue if you have to.
Ann Althouse said...
"If you were about to be tortured, if you could think of a Quran verse, you'd say it!"
It seems our hostess is beginning to realize that being in a restaurant where Muslims are torturing and killing people is one of the things you need to start planning for in Obama's America. Or maybe being in a law school classroom where Muslims are torturing and killing your students. Maybe she should start teaching sharia. If it saves just one innocent law professor from being tortured with a machete...
" And maybe you had to recite in Arabic"
Take the "maybe" out of there. Of all the different Islamic groups out there, Isis is the very least likely to consider a translation to be legitimate.
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