You missed the only excitement over the Rules. Preibus threatened states with loss of funding if they didn't pull their name from roll call request. Now we are into non-stop speeches for next four days
Watching on public television, with commentary from National Proletariat Radio and Proletariat Broadcasting System hosts Mara Liasson, Judy Woodruff, Gwen Ifill, David Brooks, Mark Shields, and Amy Walter from Cook Political Report.
Good God, could the Republican Party sink any lower? Politicizing the grief of Mrs.Smith, the mother of the contractor that was killed in Benghazi. Disgusting use of this poor woman. Shameful. Someone should've led that woman off stage much sooner. Very sad to see such a spectacle.
On Fox, Donald Trump called in to Bill O'Reilly and did an interview live over the phone. Naturally, a seemingly surprised O'Reilly put Trump on on-air. For the usual nothingburger interview.
Then a very interesting thing happened. After the Trump interview concluded, O'Reilly went to Brit Hume in Cleveland. And Hume had a great observation; while Trump and O'Reilly were gabbing, they missed the live coverage of the mother of one of the Benghazi contractors (the lady who was lied to and lied about by Hillary Clinton in the "videotape" aftermath-story). Hume, as he has done before (and who gets a kick out of it, I think) totally flummoxed O'Reilly. And as a result, after the next break, O'Reilly's producers put on that part of her speech, that they had missed for the Trump phone interview.
It is really quite interesting to see how FNC walks the line between news organization, Trump promotion, and a kind of Drudge channel.
AT&T Uverse has an RNC channel that shows the whole thing with better camera angles and sound. Meanwhile the Cable TV guys are all, FOX included, censoring most of the speakers and films the GOP is running by substituting burned out morons pretending to be explaining things, that are wrong anyway.
These network pundits think their 'analysis' is more interesting than the speeches. A lot like the golf commentators who think people tune in to a golf tournament to watch the guys in the booth bullshit rather than watching golf being played. THEY want to be the story. I'd like to drop them all off a cliff.
The NPR and the RNC streams are quite different. Not sure which is 'live'. On the NPR stream two parents of children killed by illegal immigrants spoke and were very effective.
Politicizing the grief of Mrs.Smith, the mother of the contractor that was killed in Benghazi. Disgusting use of this poor woman. ... Very sad to see such a spectacle.
She's not grief-stricken; she's furious with Hillary and the Dumbocrats and her rage is what keeps her going. Very sad that there had to be such a spectacle -- that Hillary would ignore requests for more security in Benghazi and that she lie to the woman's face. But lying is not merely natural for Hillary Clinton; mendacity is her default mode. She lies even when she doesn't have to, and she lies when everyone knows she's lying. All politicians lie; Hillary raises lying to an art form.
That depends. If you want to watch the talking heads talk over the convention speakers then the alphabet channels are a better bet, otherwise, ya..c-span.
And yes, let's talk about the dead bodies due to Obama's "Fast and Furious" guns for Mexican drug cartels!
My God, the Democrats can fuck up a wet dream! Too inebriated with the idea of eliminating the 2nd amendment to care about the harm they've caused letting guns walk across the border.
I've noticed this recently at concerts and am seeing this again tonight. People shouting out and becoming part of the show. I didn't pay good money to hear someone interrupt Bonnie Riatt's singing.
Trump, trump, trump, the boys are marching, Cheer up comrades they will come, And beneath the starry flag We shall breathe the air again, Of the freeland in our own beloved home.
People react most strongly to change and crime rates are flat or falling and have been for decades. Not sure how effective 'make America safe again' will be in that context.
Georgiana said... Oh dear God capitalizing on the grief of yet another parent of child that was killed. Republican Party has truly bottomed out.
I'm sure Georgiana will be very upset when the Dems capitalize on the grief of parents of children who were killed when they parade the mothers of blacks shot by police (including the mom of the saintly Michael Brown) on TV.
Actually, no, I am sure Georgiana won't give a shit.
good god, chris stevens was her hand picked emissary to the rebels, they were alive to slaughter and mutilate because of the air strikes, that red queen and rice and power ordered, these are policy considerations, but on a signature night nearly four years ago, they were abandoned to the mobs, and the same libyan officers who were disdained saved geist, paranto and company,
Georgiana said... Good God, could the Republican Party sink any lower? Politicizing the grief of Mrs.Smith, the mother of the contractor that was killed in Benghazi. Disgusting use of this poor woman. Shameful. Someone should've led that woman off stage much sooner. Very sad to see such a spectacle.
You have to wonder where Georgiana was during the decade Democrats paraded Cindy Sheehan around. Probably the same place she is now, minimum wage staffer drawing blog duty.
I was in the car so I listened to some of it on the public radio station. It was pretty funny - people who've been implying that Trump is the next Hitler are accusing the Republicans of fear-mongering.
AReasonableMan said... People react most strongly to change and crime rates are flat or falling and have been for decades. Not sure how effective 'make America safe again' will be in that context"
Are people feeling safe these days? The Dems have long known that perception trumps (no pun intended) stats - which is why they are ignoring that more whites are killed by police than blacks.
I believe it will be very effective. People I talk to are afraid and I know more liberals than conservatives.
Big Mike said... "Politicizing the grief of Mrs.Smith, the mother of the contractor that was killed in Benghazi. Disgusting use of this poor woman. ... Very sad to see such a spectacle."
She's not grief-stricken; she's furious with Hillary and the Dumbocrats and her rage is what keeps her going. Very sad that there had to be such a spectacle -- that Hillary would ignore requests for more security in Benghazi and that she lie to the woman's face. But lying is not merely natural for Hillary Clinton; mendacity is her default mode. She lies even when she doesn't have to, and she lies when everyone knows she's lying. All politicians lie; Hillary raises lying to an art form.
And this woman is calling her on it.
Amen to that, Big Mike. And as someone else rightly noted; the DNC is putting on Michael Brown's mother in their convention. It is a thoroughly disgusting comparison for the Democrats in that regard.
In Germany a 17 year old migrant/asylum seeker from Afghanistan who shouted Allahu Akbar attacked people on a train with an axe. We may never know what caused the attack.
In Cleveland the racist Republicans continued to be nasty and stupid - Trump supporters beat back the never-Trumpers or something. We may never know why anybody is a Republican.
I am practicing for a job as a reporter - so far it seems pretty simple. You will never know when you see me on TV is disguise that it is Me. Or it is I, if you will. Though if you overhear a low murmur - we may never know, we may never know - ah, then, you WILL know. But don't blow my cover.
Good one, wildswan. The BBC reported that, while the perpetrator shouted 'Allahu Akbar' during the attack, 'the motive is not yet clear'. Clueless or disingenuous?
I keep thinking this is a dream sequence from an episode of "Green Acres" where Oliver (Eddie Albert) dreams of being nominated for president and Lisa (Eva Gabor) is doing a nominating speech where the speech was written by Mr. Haney.
Chuck said... I keep thinking this is a dream sequence from an episode of "Green Acres" where Oliver (Eddie Albert) dreams of being nominated for president and Lisa (Eva Gabor) is doing a nominating speech where the speech was written by Mr. Haney.
I have to admit that my first thought when she began speaking also went in this direction. I fought that impulse.
Will the first dude, Slick Willie, be able top this? Doubt it. He'll be talking about feeling our pain, and doing the people's work, not having sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinski, and all that BS.
Blogger Kathryn51 said... Georgiana, I'll be watching for your post next week when the Dems feature the mom of Michael Brown.
This is different. The RNC is using a woman who's son was a hero. He shouldn't have been killed. He should have received help instead of been abandoned by this administration.
The DNC is using a woman who's son was a thug. He might have been helped, but those who could help him are Democrats, and sadly, if they get him help and out of the ghetto, they lose his vote.
chuck doesn't have a point, he wanders aimlessly, it's an imperfect parallel with sarkozy's second wife carla bruni, and berlusconi's who was a flight attendant if memory serves,
Blogger Chuck said... On a more serious note with Melania, this speech is such a great tribute to American immigrants.
Did anybody think about that?
Isn't that the point? We want immigrants like Melania Trump. We want immigrants.
Trump wants immigrants and immigration.
The disagreement with the Democrats is, do we want rule of law where our immigration is concerned (And just about everything else these days) or do we want a wild wild west where those who make it in get to stay?
Could it be....? Why, yes. "Georgiana" has the exact same ID as good old "Amanda". Hi, Amanda! Trying out a new identity? But your old one was so popular!
In a couple of days they come and Take me away But the press let the story leak And when the radical priest Come to get me released We was all on the cover of Newsweek
Blogger eric said... Blogger Kathryn51 said... Georgiana, I'll be watching for your post next week when the Dems feature the mom of Michael Brown.
This is different. The RNC is using a woman who's son was a hero. He shouldn't have been killed. He should have received help instead of been abandoned by this administration.
The DNC is using a woman who's son was a thug. He might have been helped, but those who could help him are Democrats, and sadly, if they get him help and out of the ghetto, they lose his vote.
See? Totally different."
Exactly. The GOP parade the mother of fallen heroes, a woman who was betrayed by Hillary. The Dems will parade the mpthers of criminals.
Hey, America, I have an idea! Before we import a few hundred thousand or million refugees from Islamic nations, let's look at the experience of other non-Islamic nations that have done that, and publicly debate the pros and cons, and then have a vote? It's an idea so crazy it just might just work!
Chuck said... I keep thinking this is a dream sequence from an episode of "Green Acres" where Oliver (Eddie Albert) dreams of being nominated for president and Lisa (Eva Gabor) is doing a nominating speech where the speech was written by Mr. Haney. 7/18/16, 9:35 PM
LOL! The speech would have been written by Arnold Ziffle...
Trump doesn't want ANY immigrants if they are going to undercut American wages. Like, uh, Slovenian models working for $10k a year on H1B visas.
No, eric; standard-issue Republicans are for immigration to help fill U.S. jobs that aren't being filled by Americans, and for immigrants with special talents and skills, and special motivations as entrepreneurs to enter the country legally. To work. But not with motivations for wholesale grants of U.S. citizenship.
The Trump-Teabag crowd accuses Republicans of being for "open borders" in all of that.
And yes, eric you've got it right that Democrats have pretty much gone for lawlessness (combined with the old "pathway to citizenship" for all of their Undocumented Democrats). No argument there.
The standard congessional Republican position on immigration -- you know, Mike Pence's position -- has been right all along. The pro-citizenship Democrats are full of shit but so are the wall-building Trumpkins.
Paco Wové said... Could it be....? Why, yes. "Georgiana" has the exact same ID as good old "Amanda". Hi, Amanda! Trying out a new identity? But your old one was so popular!
7/18/16, 9:56 PM
And just as charming and logical! Not a hypocrite at all!
NPR just had a reporter outside the convention showing a group of West Ohio guys, roaming around openly carrying arms. Culture clash! The NPR guy seemed kinda nervous.
Speaking of historical conventions, do you remember Chicago in '68 when liberal Dems rioted outside their own Dem convention, causing mayhem, televised to the public, who were so repulsed they gave Nixon a 1 point victory over Humphrey?
So. after Trump wins, he should tell Michelle Obama to name a country she is more proud of then the US, and to go there. She has to pick a country, and she has to go. It would be lawless, but very popular, and Trump is a populist.
Speaking of historical conventions, do you remember Chicago in '68 when liberal Dems rioted outside their own Dem convention, causing mayhem, televised to the public, who were so repulsed they gave Nixon a 1 point victory over Humphrey?
Thanks, Dems!
7/18/16, 10:20 PM
Camille Paglia has noted that Dems do not seem to remember their own history. Why would they? If they remembered history they wouldn't be leftists.
Julio? Seriously? Was Juan taken? Fernando is a little less common, plus you'll get the attention of all the ABBA fans on the blog. Pedro is a personal favorite of mine 'cause I watch Napoleon Dynamite, like, three times a year. Love that movie. Adios amigos!
exiledonmainstreet: Camille Paglia has noted that Dems do not seem to remember their own history. Why would they? If they remembered history they wouldn't be leftists.
You're welcome. Mentioned previously most "experts" agree as discombobulated as the Dems were in '68, ***if*** the campaign had lasted one more week, Humphrey would have won. One of the not so dirty little secrets is many RFK supporters voted for Wallace.
Wallace running 3rd party basically gave the election to Nixon and it was still very close 43.4 ~ 42.7.
Didn't start following elections "closely" until '72. Interesting Nixon got 49.55 in '60 and lost. 43.4 in '68 and won.
Original Mike said... Yeah, "teabag", Chuck? What Tea Party principles do you disagree with? Smaller government? Less federal borrowing? Opposition to ObamaCare?'
Can you imagine the horror that Trump must feel when he gets into bed next to that immigrant wife of his at night? Must make his skin crawl. I mean, the rest of us dogs could shack up with a Mexican hooker until the feeling passed (like Rip Torn in The Larry Sanders Show), but Dee--Jay can't even do that. It would be against his principles. Trump is going to win big in November, Democrats. So big.
So, considering the highlight of day one, should a nominee's choice of spouse affect one's judgment of his/her character? If so, methinks Trump beats Hill handily.
Of course, I have said a few unkind things about T on this very blog. But I don't understand why the #NeverTrump people prefer to see the woman-abusing grifter and his serially law-breaking wife back in the WH.
And, presumably America would be safe if HRC goes to jail because she sent three emails that had subsections that were marked the lowest level of Classified (w/ the letter "C" written in the margin), but State says two of these weren't actually Classified.
Hillary set up her private server so you couldn't read her work product while she was the top foreign policy official of your government, PBJ. You don't have a problem with that?
The concern should be that she was so stupid in her attempts to avoid scrutiny. But, in the end she ended up w/ tons more scrutiny. Why not just skip email, like so many other pols. And, why is it that the most secrecy-paraniod pols (e.g. HRC and RMN), who are not actually dumb, are such total failures in the pursuit of their secrecy?
Anywho, at least HRC did show unusual wisdom (for a pol) by not trying to do the cover up thing, which is what always seems to be the downfall for pols who think they're so smart.
Trolls here are phony confirmation-biased haters. We couldn't care less about you or your 'insights'. Trump's showmanship is off the charts. Great convention. Yes, Cruz, Romney, Ryan, and Bush(es) can't really be trusted to *truly* support him. So what? Good people do.
My answer is strongly "No." The one email correctly marked the lowest level of "Classified" (in the margin of the body of an email) that HRC sent is a total BS story.
You can get your panties in a bunch, if you think that works for you.
PBandJ_LeDouanier said... And, presumably America would be safe if HRC goes to jail because she sent three emails that had subsections that were marked the lowest level of Classified (w/ the letter "C" written in the margin), but State says two of these weren't actually Classified.
7/18/16, 10:54 PM"
So you are voting for the FBI certified liar, the grossly negligent incompetent and the grifter, criminal and traitor? Funny even the corrupted FBI laid out a rather compelling recital of her crimes- hardly the nonsense you delude yourself with and yes America would be much safer if she and her corrupt gang did go to jail as an example to the others or do you think the law only applies to the little people?
"My answer is strongly "No." The one email correctly marked the lowest level of "Classified" (in the margin of the body of an email) that HRC sent is a total BS story."
My question asked nothing about classified material, and I think you are smart enough to know that. Why the evasion?
exiledonmainstreet said... Original Mike said... Yeah, "teabag", Chuck? What Tea Party principles do you disagree with? Smaller government? Less federal borrowing? Opposition to ObamaCare?'
Life-long Republican Chuck.
In this context, my big gripe is with those who claim to be Republicans, but who have spent years bashing Republican leadership for being "open borders" and for "amnesty." Haley Barbour has commented on this; how much time and effort he has had to expend, answering complaints from the Nativist Right.
Rush Limbaugh has commented on the phenomenon; and the more Rush talks about it, the more I think Haley Barbour had it exactly right.
The Republican leaders who have been savaged by their isolationist right flank on the issue of immigration have done more fighting with pro-amnesty Democrats than anyone knows.
What the FBI laid almost totaly related to emails that were sent to HRC, when you separate what she sent v what she received. Which means that if cons want to continue to make this seem like a massive security breech, they must go after all the folks that sent all this info to an unclassified system. If you only go after HRC for one email that had the letter "C" (for the lowest level of classification) next to a particular section in the body of a single email, you've totally admitted that you're political hacks rather than genuinely concerned about who was sending secret info to unsafe email accounts.
Anywho, at least HRC did show unusual wisdom (for a pol) by not trying to do the cover up thing, which is what always seems to be the downfall for pols who think they're so smart.
Hillary had the whole State Dept. to delay, and otherwise ignore FOIA with J Kerry's support so why did she need to cover up herself?
I focused on the classified stuff, because that actually matters to our country.
Other than the classified stuff, to me the only thing that is concerning about her email server is that this proves she's not very good at knowing how to hide stuff. Like RMN and his tapes.
OTOH, I suppose we should more be more worried about the pols who do know how to cover their tracks. The hubris of HRC and RMN seem to allow the public to figure out what they're up to. Simpler pols just don't use email or tapes: which is trickier to crack.
That is why a ed Judge is deciding if she needs to be deposed under oath. I think that the "Justice" will decide that our betters don't need to testify, so it goes.
right of course if it wasn't for one romanian taxi driver, with a sniffer set, we wouldn't even know she had operating an insecure private server for half a decade,
"My biggest issue is avoidance of FOIA. Completely unacceptable, not to mention criminal."
If this is an issue you follow I'm sure you see the irony. FOIA fans always say the gov uses the claim of classification to hide info that should be available to the public. And, in this situation the FBI says that HRC sent three emails that had subsections that had the letter "C" next to them (for the lowest level of classification). But, the State Dept says that two of these shouldn't have been identified as "C".
So, FOIA advocates can use the HRC email situation to prove that the gov is inappropriately using classification to hide non-secret information. OTOH, from the R POV, this does shine a light on the very minimal amount (one time) of actually classified (at the lowest level) info that HRC sent w/ her private email.
"So, I guess her speech writers, who plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech did a good job, in your opinion."
Can you prove that? Or is that something you just heard someone on MSNBC or NPR say?
"In this context, my big gripe is with those who claim to be Republicans, but who have spent years bashing Republican leadership for being "open borders" and for "amnesty."
Horseshit. The Tea Party was always primarily about smaller government and less government spending. I never formally joined them, but I went to a few early rallies out of curiosity and that is what the speakers talked about - not borders or amnesty or social issues for that matter. And they were dubbed teabaggers by the left early on because of that.
Your use of a leftist slur that didn't have one damn thing to do with amnesty or borders betrays you. Don't double down on your lie. You've revealed just how "Republican" and "conservative" you are. The writers at NRO don't like Trump, but would never use the term "teabaggers."
So anyone who wants the law to be upheld is now a member of the "Natavist Right". You have completely outed yourself as a Moby. It was a good try. Certainly better than Julio's or Georgiana's.
"PBandJ_LeDouanier said,..." Did your statement address the fact that there was/were a number greater than one of e-mails that HRC treated with non-compliance with legal requirements? She is the smartest person in the Democrat world. So, was she lying to us or was she just stupid? BTW I love Montreal and love life at the Cabane de Sucre my pals have, so I hope you are not a Qubecer.
I read the "plagiarized" paragraphs. Pretty standard political biography stuff. I find it a big stretch. If that's plagiarism, every political speech that discusses American values is plagiarized.
"BTW I love Montreal and love life at the Cabane de Sucre my pals have, so I hope you are not a Quebecer."
I've only been to Montreal for the F1 race. And, between the two French speaking F1 races I've been to, I like Monaco better. (Though that area is suffering now.)
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1 – 200 of 242 Newer› Newest»Mrs. Smith hit a home run.
We already know Martha Nussbaum won't be in the nude holding a mirror. What's left?
You missed the only excitement over the Rules. Preibus threatened states with loss of funding if they didn't pull their name from roll call request. Now we are into non-stop speeches for next four days
I think Eisenhower will win by acclamation. It's really no contest.
I find older people dancing to rock music vaguely disturbing. Not sure what the issue is.
Watching on public television, with commentary from National Proletariat Radio and Proletariat Broadcasting System hosts Mara Liasson, Judy Woodruff, Gwen Ifill,
David Brooks, Mark Shields, and Amy Walter from Cook Political Report.
And they broke to report on the axe-wielding Afghani in Germany!
C-SPAN coverage is superior.
@ AReasonableMan:
See your local health department for a recommendation for a mental health consultation.
You must be young.
"And they broke to report on the axe-wielding Afghani in Germany!"
What was Mohammed's last name this time?
Milo is FABULOUS. Down on his knees indeed. Too funny.
Good God, could the Republican Party sink any lower? Politicizing the grief of Mrs.Smith, the mother of the contractor that was killed in Benghazi. Disgusting use of this poor woman. Shameful. Someone should've led that woman off stage much sooner. Very sad to see such a spectacle.
Ah! Must add Georgiana to my No Profile file.
*typity type type type*
ARM I find older people dancing to rock music vaguely disturbing. Not sure what the issue is.
We grew up with rock music, ARM. What would expect? A waltz?
I thought you were going to watch the damn thing and give us the highlights?
I'd watch it myself, except i have to rearrange my sock drawer.
Fox News broke away from Mrs.Smith's speech to put on Donald Trump who called into the show right at the moment this poor woman was speaking.
Wake me up when Trump speaks. Or when they hang Bill Kristol.
In effigy, of course.
" I find older people dancing to rock music vaguely disturbing. Not sure what the issue is."
Get back to us in 20 years. We'll talk.
On Fox, Donald Trump called in to Bill O'Reilly and did an interview live over the phone. Naturally, a seemingly surprised O'Reilly put Trump on on-air. For the usual nothingburger interview.
Then a very interesting thing happened. After the Trump interview concluded, O'Reilly went to Brit Hume in Cleveland. And Hume had a great observation; while Trump and O'Reilly were gabbing, they missed the live coverage of the mother of one of the Benghazi contractors (the lady who was lied to and lied about by Hillary Clinton in the "videotape" aftermath-story). Hume, as he has done before (and who gets a kick out of it, I think) totally flummoxed O'Reilly. And as a result, after the next break, O'Reilly's producers put on that part of her speech, that they had missed for the Trump phone interview.
It is really quite interesting to see how FNC walks the line between news organization, Trump promotion, and a kind of Drudge channel.
AT&T Uverse has an RNC channel that shows the whole thing with better camera angles and sound. Meanwhile the Cable TV guys are all, FOX included, censoring most of the speakers and films the GOP is running by substituting burned out morons pretending to be explaining things, that are wrong anyway.
Oh dear God capitalizing on the grief of yet another parent of child that was killed. Republican Party has truly bottomed out.
Good God, could the Democrat Party sink any lower? Leaving four brave men to die in Benghazi and then lying to their survivors!
Jamiel Shaw very, very powerful speaking about the murder of his son by an illegal alien gang banger who never should have been in this country.
These network pundits think their 'analysis' is more interesting than the speeches. A lot like the golf commentators who think people tune in to a golf tournament to watch the guys in the booth bullshit rather than watching golf being played. THEY want to be the story. I'd like to drop them all off a cliff.
They should have held the convention last week during the MLB all star break.
The NPR and the RNC streams are quite different. Not sure which is 'live'. On the NPR stream two parents of children killed by illegal immigrants spoke and were very effective.
Politicizing the grief of Mrs.Smith, the mother of the contractor that was killed in Benghazi. Disgusting use of this poor woman. ... Very sad to see such a spectacle.
She's not grief-stricken; she's furious with Hillary and the Dumbocrats and her rage is what keeps her going. Very sad that there had to be such a spectacle -- that Hillary would ignore requests for more security in Benghazi and that she lie to the woman's face. But lying is not merely natural for Hillary Clinton; mendacity is her default mode. She lies even when she doesn't have to, and she lies when everyone knows she's lying. All politicians lie; Hillary raises lying to an art form.
And this woman is calling her on it.
CNN's Axelrod just called it a 'hate fest'.
These guys have no connection to reality and truth.
More importantly why did Trump preempt Mrs Smith?
"C-SPAN coverage is superior."
That depends. If you want to watch the talking heads talk over the convention speakers then the alphabet channels are a better bet, otherwise, ya..c-span.
Georgiana, I'll be watching for your post next week when the Dems feature the mom of Michael Brown.
Thanks for the C-SPAN headsup. The commentator-talk is ridiculous.
Four dead in O-hi-o?
How about four dead in Ben-gha-zi!
One hundred and twenty eight dead in Paris!
Fourteen dead in San Bernardino
Eighty four dead in Nice!
Fifty dead in Or-land-o!
Three dead in Batton Rouge!
Baltimore on fire!
Ferguson on fire!
Three dead in Boston!
Two police assasinated in New York City!
Axelrod needs a new line. Has any hate been expressed tonight? Liar.
And yes, let's talk about the dead bodies due to Obama's "Fast and Furious" guns for Mexican drug cartels!
My God, the Democrats can fuck up a wet dream! Too inebriated with the idea of eliminating the 2nd amendment to care about the harm they've caused letting guns walk across the border.
"What was Mohammed's last name this time?"
Like NPR/PBS would tell you. He was a "17 year old from Afghanistan."
They did also report on Gavin Long's shooting of three Baton Rouche officers.
I've noticed this recently at concerts and am seeing this again tonight. People shouting out and becoming part of the show. I didn't pay good money to hear someone interrupt Bonnie Riatt's singing.
Question: Given that the RNC has given NPR/PBS a booth from which to report, what are the odds that the DNC will do the same for Fox News?
I believe MSNBC has a booth.
I will criticize them equally if they use these parents' grief in a political way. I find it disgusting.
AReasonableMan said...
I find older people dancing to rock music vaguely disturbing.
I agree.
WAsn't middle-aged white woman Vicki saying something about the lameness of dancing middle-aged white women?
Trump, trump, trump, the boys are marching,
Cheer up comrades they will come,
And beneath the starry flag
We shall breathe the air again,
Of the freeland in our own beloved home.
People react most strongly to change and crime rates are flat or falling and have been for decades. Not sure how effective 'make America safe again' will be in that context.
Georgiana, do you trolls get paid by the post, or by the hour?
I find older people dancing to rock music vaguely disturbing.
Gee rock has been around, what, 60 years now? And that's from when whites discovered it.
"CNN's Axelrod just called it a 'hate fest'.
These guys have no connection to reality and truth."
Indeed, the only reality Axelrod is familiar with is winning presidential elections.
Georgiana said...
Oh dear God capitalizing on the grief of yet another parent of child that was killed. Republican Party has truly bottomed out.
I'm sure Georgiana will be very upset when the Dems capitalize on the grief of parents of children who were killed when they parade the mothers of blacks shot by police (including the mom of the saintly Michael Brown) on TV.
Actually, no, I am sure Georgiana won't give a shit.
good god, chris stevens was her hand picked emissary to the rebels, they were alive to slaughter and mutilate because of the air strikes, that red queen and rice and power ordered, these are policy considerations, but on a signature night nearly four years ago, they were abandoned to the mobs, and the same libyan officers who were disdained saved geist, paranto and company,
Not sure how effective 'make America safe again' will be in that context.
The Media and the Internet has made America seem very very unsafe what with all the gun wackos running around, regardless of actual crime rates.
It's also difficult to think America is safe when terrorist attacks are occurring in Europe with such frequency.
Sheriff David Clarke's speech was awesome.
Georgiana said...
Good God, could the Republican Party sink any lower? Politicizing the grief of Mrs.Smith, the mother of the contractor that was killed in Benghazi. Disgusting use of this poor woman. Shameful. Someone should've led that woman off stage much sooner. Very sad to see such a spectacle.
You have to wonder where Georgiana was during the decade Democrats paraded Cindy Sheehan around. Probably the same place she is now, minimum wage staffer drawing blog duty.
I was in the car so I listened to some of it on the public radio station. It was pretty funny - people who've been implying that Trump is the next Hitler are accusing the Republicans of fear-mongering.
AReasonableMan said...
People react most strongly to change and crime rates are flat or falling and have been for decades. Not sure how effective 'make America safe again' will be in that context"
Are people feeling safe these days? The Dems have long known that perception trumps (no pun intended) stats - which is why they are ignoring that more whites are killed by police than blacks.
I believe it will be very effective. People I talk to are afraid and I know more liberals than conservatives.
"and crime rates are flat or falling and have been for decades. Not sure how effective 'make America safe again' will be in that context."
Fill in the blanks:
Al_ah_ A_kb_r
Probably the same place she is now, minimum wage staffer drawing blog duty.
7/18/16, 8:50 PM
Perhaps she was still in grade school.
Big Mike said...
"Politicizing the grief of Mrs.Smith, the mother of the contractor that was killed in Benghazi. Disgusting use of this poor woman. ... Very sad to see such a spectacle."
She's not grief-stricken; she's furious with Hillary and the Dumbocrats and her rage is what keeps her going. Very sad that there had to be such a spectacle -- that Hillary would ignore requests for more security in Benghazi and that she lie to the woman's face. But lying is not merely natural for Hillary Clinton; mendacity is her default mode. She lies even when she doesn't have to, and she lies when everyone knows she's lying. All politicians lie; Hillary raises lying to an art form.
And this woman is calling her on it.
Amen to that, Big Mike. And as someone else rightly noted; the DNC is putting on Michael Brown's mother in their convention. It is a thoroughly disgusting comparison for the Democrats in that regard.
In Germany a 17 year old migrant/asylum seeker from Afghanistan who shouted Allahu Akbar attacked people on a train with an axe. We may never know what caused the attack.
In Cleveland the racist Republicans continued to be nasty and stupid - Trump supporters beat back the never-Trumpers or something. We may never know why anybody is a Republican.
I am practicing for a job as a reporter - so far it seems pretty simple. You will never know when you see me on TV is disguise that it is Me. Or it is I, if you will. Though if you overhear a low murmur - we may never know, we may never know - ah, then, you WILL know. But don't blow my cover.
We may never know
Sessions intro quite clearly had AG from "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" superimposed on Sessions himself as the AG.
Rest well all, we got this thing in the bag.
I am streaming the RNC on YouTube.
Just stopped....
Disappointed in the trolling effort tonight. Just one extremely lame ignoid with some tepid faux indignation?
Dude doesn't know why...
I missed Sessions...
Used to drink Sessions beer...
He's back on!
Good one, wildswan. The BBC reported that, while the perpetrator shouted 'Allahu Akbar' during the attack, 'the motive is not yet clear'. Clueless or disingenuous?
Code Pnk?
They ought be scared.
Ought bE willing to risk moRe than what they have and are.
They can't.
Giuliani is screaming at the audience. Rudy!
Rudy on fire.
Rudy doesn't ain't not never reverse-styled-credulity done nuttin'.
Ergo, why listen to him?
What's he ever done?
Rudy on fire.
Wow, he certainly is speaking passionately!
Never saw Rudy like this. It's actually working.
Rudy calling Donald "A good man", is nicely put subtle, but strong praise.
... and the Sonabitch was born in Kenya!!!!
The DNC will also have Trayvon Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton.
Why don't they also show the "stepdads"?
Especially Michael Brown's "Let's burn this mother down!" Louis Head.
The NPR commentators are not jivin' with Rudy's boisterous orations.
You go Rudy..just damn! He's certainly bringing it.
Georgiana is hilarious.
Although, do you feel a sense of gratification that your blog warrants paid commenters? I'd be proud.
If Hildabeast is watching Rudy she's also screaching at Human for another vodka martini.
Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
The NPR commentators are not jivin' with Rudy's boisterous orations
Oh, now, that's a surprise.
Bob Dole is 91! And his trousers are pulled way up to his chest, like my Grandpa.
Rudy ran out of puff about half way through his speech. Either the speech had to be shorter or he had to be in better shape.
"we're gonna win, we're gonna win so big"
Human=Huma ..damn autocorrect.
And the Donald appears. I thought conventions were like weddings, where it is bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.
Trump introducing Melania to "We are the Champions" by Queen.
Melania: This is like an SNL sketch.
On a more serious note with Melania, this speech is such a great tribute to American immigrants.
Did anybody think about that?
My Donald, he treats de peoples vid respect! I vorked so hard to catch rich American man.
The first lady in waiting is quite poised, passionate, patriotic and PRETTY.
"He will never ever let you down."
Never going to run around and desert you.
My husband, he is so rich because he doesn't pay de people's who vork for him. Now he vill vork for you! I love my Donald's money.
"Did anybody think about that?"
Legal immigration has been a recurring theme tonight. So ya..pretty much everybody except "Never Trump" dipshits.
My Donald, he has beeg heart and small hands, oh I mean beeg hands.
So you work for Kim Kardashian, or just grow potatoes?
Bob Dole got up.
Joe Biden though....
Stand up Chuck, let 'em see ya.
Stand up:;
God bless ya Chuck.
God bless ya.
My hasband, he loves de Muslims!
I keep thinking this is a dream sequence from an episode of "Green Acres" where Oliver (Eddie Albert) dreams of being nominated for president and Lisa (Eva Gabor) is doing a nominating speech where the speech was written by Mr. Haney.
I am thankful for the simple mind God gave to my hasband.
Fanniefarmer..welcome!! You've doubled the evenings troll count.
Before you Americans get on your High Horse, remember, Attca.
Melania is doing a very good job.
Naw, It's Georgiana.
Hey there Georgie girl!
Chuck said...
I keep thinking this is a dream sequence from an episode of "Green Acres" where Oliver (Eddie Albert) dreams of being nominated for president and Lisa (Eva Gabor) is doing a nominating speech where the speech was written by Mr. Haney.
I have to admit that my first thought when she began speaking also went in this direction. I fought that impulse.
My hasband believes in showing kindness for de Muslims and de Mexicans.
From back in March; from the National Review. "Deport Melania Trump."
Will the first dude, Slick Willie, be able top this? Doubt it. He'll be talking about feeling our pain, and doing the people's work, not having sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinski, and all that BS.
"And the Donald appears. I thought conventions were like weddings, where it is bad luck to see the bride before the wedding."
Trump is not uh, keen, on acting like the run-of-the-mill candidate, if you hadn't noticed.
Melania has a thick foreign accent (Czech?), but she is saying good things.
It wasn't a train wreck, what are the odds that we will be able to say the same thing about Bill Clinton's speech in a weeks time?
actually it's yugoslav, the part of the country least touched by the civil war,
Not since Jackie.
Blogger Chuck said...
On a more serious note with Melania, this speech is such a great tribute to American immigrants.
Did anybody think about that?
7/18/16, 9:28 PM
She was a legal immigrant, was she not?
And admit it, after 8 years of looking at Michele Sourpuss...
This Flynn person has turned into a Trump sycophant.
This is like a drinking game with me; mention The Donald, Melania, Bill and Hillary in the same thread, and you get this:
@Chuck: On a more serious note with Melania, this speech is such a great tribute to American immigrants. Did anybody think about that?
What is your point, Chuck? Trump has never been against LEGAL immigration. His parents and wife are all LEGAL immigrants.
Fanniefarmer said...
My Donald, he treats de peoples vid respect! I vorked so hard to catch rich American man.
7/18/16, 9:28 PM
Hillary: My Bill, he treats the women with respect! Well, OK ,maybe not! But I put up with it because I had my ambition, damnit!
You know, troll, it's easy to be cynical about the Trumps - until you consider the Clinton marriage.
Mrs. Trump was proud of this country from day one on these shores.
"It wasn't a train wreck, what are the odds that we will be able to say the same thing about Bill Clinton's speech in a weeks time?"
Bill will most likely be good, unless he harbors a resentment toward Hillary trying to be President, in which he may throw the speech.
"actually it's yugoslav"
Actually its Slovenia, right next to Czechoslovakia. An areas that lived under the boots of fascists for decades.
Melania's speech was excellent and she seems like a truly lovely person in every respect. I'm looking forward to her tenure as First Lady.
We must crush the Mexicans!
Blogger Kathryn51 said...
Georgiana, I'll be watching for your post next week when the Dems feature the mom of Michael Brown.
This is different. The RNC is using a woman who's son was a hero. He shouldn't have been killed. He should have received help instead of been abandoned by this administration.
The DNC is using a woman who's son was a thug. He might have been helped, but those who could help him are Democrats, and sadly, if they get him help and out of the ghetto, they lose his vote.
See? Totally different.
Our troops are distracted by which bathroom to use, oh the confusion!
We survived 8 years of Bush. We survived 8 years of Obama. We will survive 4 years of either of these two.
chuck doesn't have a point, he wanders aimlessly, it's an imperfect parallel with sarkozy's second wife carla bruni, and berlusconi's who was a flight attendant if memory serves,
Blogger Chuck said...
On a more serious note with Melania, this speech is such a great tribute to American immigrants.
Did anybody think about that?
Isn't that the point? We want immigrants like Melania Trump. We want immigrants.
Trump wants immigrants and immigration.
The disagreement with the Democrats is, do we want rule of law where our immigration is concerned (And just about everything else these days) or do we want a wild wild west where those who make it in get to stay?
Think about what you're arguing for here, Chuck.
Could it be....? Why, yes. "Georgiana" has the exact same ID as good old "Amanda". Hi, Amanda! Trying out a new identity? But your old one was so popular!
In a couple of days they come and
Take me away
But the press let the story leak
And when the radical priest
Come to get me released
We was all on the cover of Newsweek
"Rudy ran out of puff about half way through his speech."
Rudy's disingenuous passion er bs worked well in 2008/2012. Oh wait! Tonight he went for the hat-trick. Best wishes on his quest!
Blogger eric said...
Blogger Kathryn51 said...
Georgiana, I'll be watching for your post next week when the Dems feature the mom of Michael Brown.
This is different. The RNC is using a woman who's son was a hero. He shouldn't have been killed. He should have received help instead of been abandoned by this administration.
The DNC is using a woman who's son was a thug. He might have been helped, but those who could help him are Democrats, and sadly, if they get him help and out of the ghetto, they lose his vote.
See? Totally different."
Exactly. The GOP parade the mother of fallen heroes, a woman who was betrayed by Hillary. The Dems will parade the mpthers of criminals.
Chachi?? A B-rank TV actor from 35 years ago? Isn't Clint Eastwood still alive?
Hey, America, I have an idea!
Before we import a few hundred thousand or million refugees from Islamic nations, let's look at the experience of other non-Islamic nations that have done that, and publicly debate the pros and cons, and then have a vote?
It's an idea so crazy it just might just work!
Blogger Steve Uhr said...
Chachi?? A B-rank TV actor from 35 years ago?
7/18/16, 9:59 PM
Hey, the GOP has Melania.
Those wimminz love Chachi.
Isn't Clint Eastwood still alive?
Chuck said...
I keep thinking this is a dream sequence from an episode of "Green Acres" where Oliver (Eddie Albert) dreams of being nominated for president and Lisa (Eva Gabor) is doing a nominating speech where the speech was written by Mr. Haney.
7/18/16, 9:35 PM
LOL! The speech would have been written by Arnold Ziffle...
Blogger pm317 said...
We survived 8 years of Bush. We survived 8 years of Obama. We will survive 4 years of either of these two.
7/18/16, 9:52 PM
No, the Republic will not survive 4 years of Hillary.
Oh no eric; don't try to run that one by me.
Trump doesn't want ANY immigrants if they are going to undercut American wages. Like, uh, Slovenian models working for $10k a year on H1B visas.
No, eric; standard-issue Republicans are for immigration to help fill U.S. jobs that aren't being filled by Americans, and for immigrants with special talents and skills, and special motivations as entrepreneurs to enter the country legally. To work. But not with motivations for wholesale grants of U.S. citizenship.
The Trump-Teabag crowd accuses Republicans of being for "open borders" in all of that.
And yes, eric you've got it right that Democrats have pretty much gone for lawlessness (combined with the old "pathway to citizenship" for all of their Undocumented Democrats). No argument there.
The standard congessional Republican position on immigration -- you know, Mike Pence's position -- has been right all along. The pro-citizenship Democrats are full of shit but so are the wall-building Trumpkins.
When Bill Clinton comes on the stage, everyone of those people will be applauding a rapist.
oh wait - wrong convention.
Paco Wové said...
Could it be....? Why, yes. "Georgiana" has the exact same ID as good old "Amanda". Hi, Amanda! Trying out a new identity? But your old one was so popular!
7/18/16, 9:56 PM
And just as charming and logical! Not a hypocrite at all!
David Begley said...
Mrs. Trump was proud of this country from day one on these shores.
7/18/16, 9:48 PM
Hear! Hear!
What else could I be?
All apologies.
I wish I was like you,
Easily Amused.
In the Sun,
In the Sun....
Oh, yeah, Althouses' student, Amanda.
Hillary is a liar. She lies about everything. The list is so long. All the people who applaud her are applauding a liar.
Apologies: Nirvana gets the credit here.
You're actually using the leftist term "teabag?"
You phony. You asshole. Code Pink loons are better than you. They're honest.
Moar lithium, dude.
Melania is beautiful.
And if you had to listen to me you'd laugh at my accent too.
NPR just had a reporter outside the convention showing a group of West Ohio guys, roaming around openly carrying arms. Culture clash! The NPR guy seemed kinda nervous.
So what time does the troll get drunk? I can't wait all night!
This is only the first night kids ~ please try to pace yourselves for the long haul.
Interesting 2008/2012 convention(s) were over a month later ie both conventions this year will be longgg forgotten by election day.
But both Cleveland/Philadelphia appreciate the extra influx of income.
btw, the last time Reps held a convention in Cleveland FDR defeated Landon 61/37.
Speaking of historical conventions, do you remember Chicago in '68 when liberal Dems rioted outside their own Dem convention, causing mayhem, televised to the public, who were so repulsed they gave Nixon a 1 point victory over Humphrey?
Thanks, Dems!
So. after Trump wins, he should tell Michelle Obama to name a country she is more proud of then the US, and to go there. She has to pick a country, and she has to go. It would be lawless, but very popular, and Trump is a populist.
Speaking of historical conventions, do you remember Chicago in '68 when liberal Dems rioted outside their own Dem convention, causing mayhem, televised to the public, who were so repulsed they gave Nixon a 1 point victory over Humphrey?
Thanks, Dems!
7/18/16, 10:20 PM
Camille Paglia has noted that Dems do not seem to remember their own history. Why would they? If they remembered history they wouldn't be leftists.
Chuck@8:57 -- That's twice in as many days that we are in absolute agreement.
"Julio said...
We must crush the Mexicans!"
Julio? Seriously? Was Juan taken? Fernando is a little less common, plus you'll get the attention of all the ABBA fans on the blog. Pedro is a personal favorite of mine 'cause I watch Napoleon Dynamite, like, three times a year. Love that movie. Adios amigos!
exiledonmainstreet: Camille Paglia has noted that Dems do not seem to remember their own history. Why would they? If they remembered history they wouldn't be leftists.
Yeah, "teabag", Chuck? What Tea Party principles do you disagree with? Smaller government? Less federal borrowing? Opposition to ObamaCare?
Just curious.
"Thanks, Dems!"
You're welcome. Mentioned previously most "experts" agree as discombobulated as the Dems were in '68, ***if*** the campaign had lasted one more week, Humphrey would have won. One of the not so dirty little secrets is many RFK supporters voted for Wallace.
Wallace running 3rd party basically gave the election to Nixon and it was still very close 43.4 ~ 42.7.
Didn't start following elections "closely" until '72. Interesting Nixon got 49.55 in '60 and lost. 43.4 in '68 and won.
As always, the yin and yang of politics ...
Original Mike said...
Yeah, "teabag", Chuck? What Tea Party principles do you disagree with? Smaller government? Less federal borrowing? Opposition to ObamaCare?'
Life-long Republican Chuck.
Georgiana / Erika / Miriam / Amanda / Inga / Annie? My fingers hurt.
Can you imagine the horror that Trump must feel when he gets into bed next to that immigrant wife of his at night?
Must make his skin crawl.
I mean, the rest of us dogs could shack up with a Mexican hooker until the feeling passed (like Rip Torn in The Larry Sanders Show), but Dee--Jay can't even do that. It would be against his principles.
Trump is going to win big in November, Democrats. So big.
I missed the big show, but I'll assume that the cons told us that BHO is a secret Muslim who hates America, cops and whites.
So, considering the highlight of day one, should a nominee's choice of spouse affect one's judgment of his/her character? If so, methinks Trump beats Hill handily.
Of course, I have said a few unkind things about T on this very blog. But I don't understand why the #NeverTrump people prefer to see the woman-abusing grifter and his serially law-breaking wife back in the WH.
And, presumably America would be safe if HRC goes to jail because she sent three emails that had subsections that were marked the lowest level of Classified (w/ the letter "C" written in the margin), but State says two of these weren't actually Classified.
"LeDouanier", huh? That's a funny name . . . for AN AMERICAN!
Go back to Quebec, you frozen frog. The chef says your poutine is ready.
Hillary set up her private server so you couldn't read her work product while she was the top foreign policy official of your government, PBJ. You don't have a problem with that?
And thank you to all our No Profile trolls:
Troll Roll Call!
The concern should be that she was so stupid in her attempts to avoid scrutiny. But, in the end she ended up w/ tons more scrutiny. Why not just skip email, like so many other pols. And, why is it that the most secrecy-paraniod pols (e.g. HRC and RMN), who are not actually dumb, are such total failures in the pursuit of their secrecy?
Anywho, at least HRC did show unusual wisdom (for a pol) by not trying to do the cover up thing, which is what always seems to be the downfall for pols who think they're so smart.
Melania was the star of the night. Nothing else really matters. The others did a good job but it went on way too long.
But Melania was the star ... did I mention that?
Trolls here are phony confirmation-biased haters. We couldn't care less about you or your 'insights'. Trump's showmanship is off the charts. Great convention. Yes, Cruz, Romney, Ryan, and Bush(es) can't really be trusted to *truly* support him. So what? Good people do.
"Anywho, at least HRC did show unusual wisdom (for a pol) by not trying to do the cover up thing,"
Are you for real?
And as to my question, your answer is apparently "No".
"Melania was the star of the night. Nothing else really matters. The others did a good job but it went on way too long.
But Melania was the star ... did I mention that?"
So, I guess her speech writers, who plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech did a good job, in your opinion.
My answer is strongly "No." The one email correctly marked the lowest level of "Classified" (in the margin of the body of an email) that HRC sent is a total BS story.
You can get your panties in a bunch, if you think that works for you.
PBandJ_LeDouanier said...
And, presumably America would be safe if HRC goes to jail because she sent three emails that had subsections that were marked the lowest level of Classified (w/ the letter "C" written in the margin), but State says two of these weren't actually Classified.
7/18/16, 10:54 PM"
So you are voting for the FBI certified liar, the grossly negligent incompetent and the grifter, criminal and traitor? Funny even the corrupted FBI laid out a rather compelling recital of her crimes- hardly the nonsense you delude yourself with and yes America would be much safer if she and her corrupt gang did go to jail as an example to the others or do you think the law only applies to the little people?
"My answer is strongly "No." The one email correctly marked the lowest level of "Classified" (in the margin of the body of an email) that HRC sent is a total BS story."
My question asked nothing about classified material, and I think you are smart enough to know that. Why the evasion?
"So, I guess her speech writers, who plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech did a good job, in your opinion."
Did I they plagiarize the part about her becoming a U. S. citizen and it being the greatest thing in the world?
I'm guessing no.
exiledonmainstreet said...
Original Mike said...
Yeah, "teabag", Chuck? What Tea Party principles do you disagree with? Smaller government? Less federal borrowing? Opposition to ObamaCare?'
Life-long Republican Chuck.
In this context, my big gripe is with those who claim to be Republicans, but who have spent years bashing Republican leadership for being "open borders" and for "amnesty." Haley Barbour has commented on this; how much time and effort he has had to expend, answering complaints from the Nativist Right.
Rush Limbaugh has commented on the phenomenon; and the more Rush talks about it, the more I think Haley Barbour had it exactly right.
The Republican leaders who have been savaged by their isolationist right flank on the issue of immigration have done more fighting with pro-amnesty Democrats than anyone knows.
What the FBI laid almost totaly related to emails that were sent to HRC, when you separate what she sent v what she received. Which means that if cons want to continue to make this seem like a massive security breech, they must go after all the folks that sent all this info to an unclassified system. If you only go after HRC for one email that had the letter "C" (for the lowest level of classification) next to a particular section in the body of a single email, you've totally admitted that you're political hacks rather than genuinely concerned about who was sending secret info to unsafe email accounts.
What's with the teabag slur?
Anywho, at least HRC did show unusual wisdom (for a pol) by not trying to do the cover up thing, which is what always seems to be the downfall for pols who think they're so smart.
Hillary had the whole State Dept. to delay, and otherwise ignore FOIA with J Kerry's support so why did she need to cover up herself?
See Chuck @ 7/18/16, 10:05 PM for teabag slur. :-D
I focused on the classified stuff, because that actually matters to our country.
Other than the classified stuff, to me the only thing that is concerning about her email server is that this proves she's not very good at knowing how to hide stuff. Like RMN and his tapes.
OTOH, I suppose we should more be more worried about the pols who do know how to cover their tracks. The hubris of HRC and RMN seem to allow the public to figure out what they're up to. Simpler pols just don't use email or tapes: which is trickier to crack.
That is why a ed Judge is deciding if she needs to be deposed under oath. I think that the "Justice" will decide that our betters don't need to testify, so it goes.
right of course if it wasn't for one romanian taxi driver, with a sniffer set, we wouldn't even know she had operating an insecure private server for half a decade,
My biggest issue is avoidance of FOIA. Completely unacceptable, not to mention criminal.
"knowing how to hise stuff" is the main goal of the State Dept. should she have been declared incompetent vs a vs the job requirements?
Georgiana said...
Good God, could the Republican Party sink any lower? Politicizing the grief of Mrs.Smith
Hil and Obama did that long ago.
"Knowing how to hide" correction.
"My biggest issue is avoidance of FOIA. Completely unacceptable, not to mention criminal."
If this is an issue you follow I'm sure you see the irony. FOIA fans always say the gov uses the claim of classification to hide info that should be available to the public. And, in this situation the FBI says that HRC sent three emails that had subsections that had the letter "C" next to them (for the lowest level of classification). But, the State Dept says that two of these shouldn't have been identified as "C".
So, FOIA advocates can use the HRC email situation to prove that the gov is inappropriately using classification to hide non-secret information. OTOH, from the R POV, this does shine a light on the very minimal amount (one time) of actually classified (at the lowest level) info that HRC sent w/ her private email.
"So, I guess her speech writers, who plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech did a good job, in your opinion."
Can you prove that? Or is that something you just heard someone on MSNBC or NPR say?
"In this context, my big gripe is with those who claim to be Republicans, but who have spent years bashing Republican leadership for being "open borders" and for "amnesty."
Horseshit. The Tea Party was always primarily about smaller government and less government spending. I never formally joined them, but I went to a few early rallies out of curiosity and that is what the speakers talked about - not borders or amnesty or social issues for that matter. And they were dubbed teabaggers by the left early on because of that.
Your use of a leftist slur that didn't have one damn thing to do with amnesty or borders betrays you. Don't double down on your lie. You've revealed just how "Republican" and "conservative" you are. The writers at NRO don't like Trump, but would never use the term "teabaggers."
""So, I guess her speech writers, who plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech did a good job, in your opinion."
Can you prove that?"
The accent was different. I guess you can stick w/ that.
So anyone who wants the law to be upheld is now a member of the "Natavist Right". You have completely outed yourself as a Moby. It was a good try. Certainly better than Julio's or Georgiana's.
"PBandJ_LeDouanier said,..." Did your statement address the fact that there was/were a number greater than one of e-mails that HRC treated with non-compliance with legal requirements? She is the smartest person in the Democrat world. So, was she lying to us or was she just stupid? BTW I love Montreal and love life at the Cabane de Sucre my pals have, so I hope you are not a Qubecer.
I read the "plagiarized" paragraphs. Pretty standard political biography stuff. I find it a big stretch. If that's plagiarism, every political speech that discusses American values is plagiarized.
"BTW I love Montreal and love life at the Cabane de Sucre my pals have, so I hope you are not a Quebecer."
I've only been to Montreal for the F1 race. And, between the two French speaking F1 races I've been to, I like Monaco better. (Though that area is suffering now.)
"If this is an issue you follow I'm sure you see the irony."
What I see is a Presidential candidate who has betrayed our trust.
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