Said Paul Ryan, just now, before slamming down the gavel.
And then he appoints the Escort Committee and lists 5 names — Donald Trump's 5 children.
UPDATE, about 10 minutes later: The nominating of Mike Pence for VP is also accomplished.
UPDATE, 7:31: "And as First Lady, you viciously attacked the character of women who were sexually abused at the hands of your husband!" — Republican National Committee Co-Chair Sharon Day.
Update, 8:22: "Students of trivia will recall" that Paul Ryan was VP nominee 4 years ago, Paul Ryan says.
Update, 8:41: Christie invites the conventioneers to judge Hillary and they chant "Lock her up."
Update, 8:46: Christie just made me say out loud: "He would have been so much better as the VP. He's got so much more going on." That prosecutor vibe!
9:00: Tiffany, the outsider child, has her say. She's got a classic young woman style, like Miley Cyrus. She's followed by a Trump wine business lady, pushing the theory that Trump pushes women forward.
9:14: Donald Trump Jr. is doing a great job. Meade says "Like Bobby Kennedy" and that's what I was thinking.
9:45: Dr. Ben Carson was on fire, totally committed. Nice performance. A little weird, when he tied Hillary to Satan.... but other than that, nice job.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 357 of 357AReasonableMan said...The clowns over at the Corner are loving them some Trump Jr.
NRO painted themselves into a "corner." It will be interesting to see how they step away from it.
poor Arm - gonna support and vote for your corrupt queen?
chickelit: "NRO painted themselves into a "corner." It will be interesting to see how they step away from it."
Time heals all wounds...except for the wounds that will be caused by islamist jihadists that Hillary and obambi want to let into the US.
Titus is once again proving Fen's Law.
ADHD? No, I think what you have is called Schizophrenia.
Not ADHD, maybe just slow.
Fabi: "Titus is once again proving Fen's Law."
Ironic since Titus can't spell "Fen's Law".
Unknown: "Not ADHD, maybe just slow."
Well, make up your mind.
The only way that the Dems can counter the huge, really tremendous, poll-bump that Trump will get from this convention is to play their own convention right.
From day one, they should showcase the people the Republicans want to keep from voting -- the mentally ill, convicted felons, and illegal aliens. Put them on stage. Let America hear their story. If they want to vent a little about the cops and stupid Christians, they should go for it!
But they shouldn't be allowed say anything disrespectful about the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH).
Do that, and bust the heads of some Bernie Bros, and the presidency is back in the hands of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Now is the perfect time for Althouse to interject whether Carson writes his own words.
"You have a reasonable point here, but Trump clearly has a rapport with working people, which is the way he wins, if he wins."
He does. But, that doesn't mean that his kid does too. Mini-Trump may not have big-Trumps ear for what sells w/ working people.
chickelit: "Now is the perfect time for Althouse to interject whether Carson writes his own words."
As noted rural white guy middle school football hero and standard-issue lefty garage mahal informed us: Ben Carson is the dumbest brain surgeon in the world.
Jonny, you promised you would go away. Why are you still here? Just like Michael K always flouncing off just to come back five minutes later, lol.
PB&J: " But, that doesn't mean that his kid does too."
It also doesn't mean that he doesn't.
#logicfail #idiotboss
Unknown: "Just like Michael K always flouncing off just to come back five minutes later, lol."
I prefer traipsing. Perhaps galavanting. A saunter is sometimes nice. Shimmying is right out.
"PB&J: " But, that doesn't mean that his kid does too."
It also doesn't mean that he doesn't."
Is this a physics thing? If so, I'm pretty sure that the wave function will collapse and his kid will be located in prick-land.
PB&J: "Is this a physics thing?"
No, this is not a "physics thing".
"Donald Trump Jr. is doing a great job. Meade says "Like Bobby Kennedy" and that's what I was thinking."
Donald Trump Jr. is a real man whereas Bobby was just a liberal opportunist. Bobby didn't even have the courage to run against LBJ until Sen. Eugene McCarthy entered the race and showed that LBJ was beatable. Also, Bobby wasn't going to win the 1968 Democratic nomination contrary to the revisionist liberal spin.
Trump has redefined winning.
It is a great honor to have a man of his stature as an example of how to act, through strife and in penultimate Victory.
God bless America!
And they leave the violent misogynist (@freedarko) that tweeted "I'd don't care how many kids she has I'd like to strangle her to death" re the Mom that spoke out about her son being murdered at Benghazi?
I didn't say I was going away, I just turned it over to Drago, because I was having my faith in my fellow man lessened by your caterwauling.
Ben Carson - I like.
You're such a pussy Jonny.
Unknown: "Lucifer!!"
It seems like only yesterday the lefties were loving Chavez calling Bush the devil!
Fen's Law.
All the way down. Or maybe it's turtles. Either way.
Unknown: "You're such a pussy Jonny."
#patriarchy! #Misogyny!
@Drago: I was referring to the time --years ago now -- when she implied that Carson was too stupid to write his own words.
Oh, and Fen's Law.
Guildofcannonballs tries to break int the realm of politics vs. Thorazine.
Lucifer lives in her evil selfish liar money-grubbing soul.
chickelit: "@Drago: I was referring to the time --years ago now -- when she implied that Carson was too stupid to write his own words."
I recall that.
Ripping on Saul Alinsky?
Count me in! That SOB was worse than Lucifer. Commie scumbag - but brilliant and sinister.
Inga wrote: Just like Michael K always flouncing off just to come back five minutes later, lol.
Did he in fact come back this time?
I'll bet Hillary is waiting for a big, big, big donation from the Marc Rich family.
No doubt Carson wrote his own speech.
No, Unknown; Junior made the claim that his father funded his own primary campaign. I heard him; I admired that sort of careful language. His father is the sort of guy who would blunder into the (even worse) falsehood that his campaign was entirely "self-funded."
So props to Junior for some careful language. It's not really true, of course. Trump has loaned a lot of money to his campaign; and I expect he'd like to get a lot of it back if he can. I know; Trump issued a statement about forgiving the loans. I'll believe it when I have seen Trump's tax returns.
The profoundly weird thing with Junior is that his clarity of language leaves me knowing even less about his own politics, than his father's opaque "policies." What the heck are Junior's politics? Anybody have any idea?
Are you addressing me chewing gum person? You are in need,of my attention too?
And the -Committee In Wait For A Powerful Criticism Of Hillary by "Lifelong Republican" Chuck- once again watches in anticipation for any deep, sustained and passionate criticism of Hillary by the "lifelong republican" Chuck.
"Unknown no profile" WTF?
Moar Wine!
chickelit said...
Our Titus, titular head of BlackHogsMatter
7/19/16, 9:20 PM
Hey, Titus let us know that he found the Boston bomber, like, super dreamy.
Brownie terrorist murderers make him hot. He's like those weird chicks who wrote love letters to Ted Bundy.
He probably fantasizes about being a ISIS sex slave. Although I imagine the fantasy probably ends before the terrorists toss him off a roof and he ends up on the sidewalk -splat! - and not cute at all.
AReasonableMan said...
A lot of people at home will only see men standing and shouting, "Burn the witch, burn the witch, burn the witch".
Great new Radiohead song. This is a low-flying panic attack.
I am Laslo.
Chuck my 9:46 comment was directed at Chicklet. Just in case you thought it was meant for you.
I think that all of the Dem keynote speakers at their convention should wear "America Was Never Great" t shirts and hats. Maybe put a big banner behind Hillary when she gives her acceptance speech: "AMERICA WAS NEVER GREAT."
Jelly retorted: He does. But, that doesn't mean that his kid does too. Mini-Trump may not have big-Trumps ear for what sells w/ working people.
Guess what Jelly? Trump, Jr. Isn't running.
I like Don, Jr. speaking style better than his Dad's.
I saw Chelsea Clinton speak in Omaha. She was horrible. Tiffany Trump was way better. No lie.
"Dr. Ben Carson was on fire, totally committed. Nice performance. A little weird, when he tied Hillary to Satan...."
I think the good doctor owes Satan an apology.
"thorazine shuffle
The slow, slow, shuffling forward, usually while wearing slippers and a hospital gown, of a mental patient who has been rendered nearly catatonic by the tranquilizer thorazine
Willie did the thorazine shuffle down the hallway to his room
#asylum #sanitarium #nut house #malcolm bliss #arsenal street"
The slogan at the Democratic Convention will be "Better Together" or "Stronger Together". I like Better Together. We were briefed today here at the DNC headquarters. Shhhhhh, big secret.
Titus thinks this is way cool!
I'm going to post this every time a leftist brings up old white people. 'Cause you can't have enough of Hillary and a bunch of Harridans for Hillary shakin' it in their pants suits.
Who the hell would tell you anything important?
It's a wrap! See you all tomorrow!
"A little weird, when he tied Hillary to Satan.... "
Hillary's not Satan. Hillary's the girl who goes into the drug store to buy Satan a pack of cigarettes.
My shift is over. Ciao per adesso!
OK, you heard the troll. Let the grownups talk.
Well, you've never seen Hillary and Satan in the same room at the same time, have you?
Troll Jonny is a grownup? Could've fooled me. I'm the night shift guy. 2nd shift Unknown told me about the boring whiny troll named Jonny.
I hope Unknown is not off to put glass shards in some cops sandwich, like was done in a self-described "progressive" restaurant in Ohio today.
You liberals - such kind and moral people!
I think one reason leftists want gun control is because they know damn well they would murder if they owned a gun and can't imagine anybody else restraining themselves from doing so.
Dunno, Hilliary and Soros?
We were briefed today here at the DNC headquarters. Shhhhhh, big secret.
7/19/16, 9:58 PM
Nah, nobody thinks you are that important. Just another useful idiot and moral zero spouting the usual boring cliches.
Hi second shift troll! you sound the same as first shift troll. Twins?
Carson's Lucifer reference was probably aimed specifically at evangelicals, but I'm with the rest of us that thought "WTF?"
So far, Trump's family has hit the bleachers. Melania's speech was very well delivered albiet tainted by controversy probably not of her doing, Tiffany did well enough saying what a young daughter should say, and Donald Jr. blasted it right out of the park.
For the Unknowns questioning the silver spoonness of Donald Jr's message, I hope that you hold Chelsea to the same standard.
"My shift is over. Ciao per adesso"
Dang, y'all work short hours and speak Spanish, too. Very cool!
Hi second shift troll! you sound the same as first shift troll. Twins?
Just working from the same script.
exiledonmainstreet: "Hey, Titus let us know that he found the Boston bomber, like, super dreamy."
Titus also said that Lena Dunham "loves science" and that he, as an HR guy for some company, helped set up European operations for a multi-national company!
Pretty impressive for an old white guy stuck in some Wisconsin basement.
Gahrie: "t working from the same script."
In Soviet Russia, only 1 script is needed.....
To win this election, Democrats need to be bold! And simple! And to re-emphasize their long-held beliefs.
I suggest that they add Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger's proposed "Baby Code" of 1934 to their platform:
Article 1. The purpose of the American Baby Code shall be to provide for a better distribution of babies, to assist couples who wish to prevent overproduction of offspring and thus to reduce the burdens of charity and taxation for public relief, and to protect society against the propagation and increase of the unfit.
Article 2. Birth control clinics shall be permitted to function as services of city, county, or state health departments, or under the support of charity, or as non-profit self-sustaining agencies, subject to inspection and control by public authorities.
Article 3. A marriage license shall in itself give husband and wife only the right to a common household and not the right to parenthood.
Article 4. No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child, and no man shall have the right to become a father, without a permit for parenthood.
Article 5. Permits for parenthood shall be issued upon application by city, county, or state authorities to married couples, providing they are financially able to support the expected child, have the qualifications needed for proper rearing of the child, have no transmissible diseases, and, on the woman’s part, no medical indication that maternity is likely to result in death or permanent injury to health.
Article 6. No permit for parenthood shall be valid for more than one birth.
Article 7. Every county shall be assisted administratively by the state in the effort to maintain a direct ratio between the county birth rate and its index of child welfare. Whenever the county records for any given year show an unfavorable variation from this ratio the county concerned shall be taxed by the state according to the degree of the variation. The revenues thus obtained shall be expended by the state within the given county either in giving financial support to birth control clinics or in other ways calculated to improve the situation involved.
Article 8. Feeble-minded persons, habitual congenital criminals, those afflicted with inheritable disease, and others found biologically unfit by authorities qualified judge should be sterilized or, in cases of doubt, should be so isolated as to prevent the perpetuation of their afflictions by breeding.
Second shift troll drinks MD 20-20.
Let's get her riled up!
No Troll Jonny, 2nd shift Unknown just left, first shift unknown left this afternoon. This is the third shift. Do try to keep up, ok?
Even better! Third shift troll drinks box wine! Seems bottomless. Salut!
No drinking on duty, DNC rules. Very strict.
Sanger's doctrine was more draconian than the birth policy in China.
Sure thing.
Jonny did your mother breast feed you too long? Is that your problem?
But first you will blow me.
This really is the third shift of Unknowns. We're getting played here, people.
This new Unknown has a different Google profile number, which is impossible to hide (just role your mouse over the username & you'll see the profile number at the bottom of your browser window).
I don't know if Prof Althouse can see IP addresses in her logs to see if where these guy(s) are coming from. If you can, Professor, please post the IP addresses at the next cafe posting.
COMMENTS ARE MODERATED some but not all of the time. This is for the purpose of excluding/removing a small handful of commenters who, I believe, intend to ruin this forum.
I think we're past the point where some moderation is called for. If it were me, if the Unknowns care to join us on a permanent basis, they can pick usernames. If not, snuff 'em.
Ew, no thanks. Are you gay Jonny? I'm not into guys, I like chicks. Sorry. But hey whatever floats your boat, no judgment. Live and let live.
Ah! Trigglypuff.
I guess you don't read each other's notes. (Too high?)
See Gibson, Mel.
dullards coming here to shade trump: what a waste. we don't care. you're basic.
AA says
COMMENTS ARE MODERATED some but not all of the time. This is for the purpose of excluding/removing a small handful of commenters who, I believe, intend to ruin this forum. They already know who they are. For everyone else, try to be responsive to the post, don't make personal attacks on other commenters, bring some substance or humor to the conversation, and don't do that thing of putting in a lot of extra line breaks.......
If you guys gonna piss on each other, at least put some effort into trying to be interesting or clever. Embarrassingly boring.
Maybe Chuck can show up and threaten to kick someone's ass. or something.
Hey, how about Trump Sr. gives up his spot to Trump Jr.?
As the faithful here know, I think Sr. is a clown and an unfortunate choice. But if we judge people by the company they keep, Melania, Jr., and Tiffany make him look a whole lot better than Hill with Bill and Chelsea. Methinks the #NeverTrumpers who made so much of his character defects, real and supposed, need to reconsider.
Yeah, please leave us alone Trigglypuff!
Go munch some carpet or whatever you do.
I think we're past the point where some moderation is called for. If it were me, if the Unknowns care to join us on a permanent basis, they can pick usernames. If not, snuff 'em.
Don't respond. How hard can it be? "Unknowns" are laughing at you guys, and rightfully so.
Titus also said that Lena Dunham "loves science"
Especially astromony, since she's got several small moons in obit around her hips.
How hard can it be? "Unknowns" are laughing at you guys, and rightfully so.
Because we can't stop them from filling up the forum with stupidities, FM, & it'll break up the flow.
Is there some reason why don't see that the Althouse forum is being targeted? Althouse makes the "Best of the Web" & all of all sudden all these lefty trolls show up. The "Unknowns" really are picking up where the others leave off, in shifts, except that they can't hide their profile numbers. You think this is a coincidence?
Well, FullMoon, it's easy to ignore you since you don't insult, inflame or really make much of a point.
Trolls, well, troll. You should start trolling, that would be fun.
Go munch some carpet or whatever you do.
7/19/16, 10:36 PM
Trigglypuff munches on many many things. All day, every day.
Seriously, I once worked with a woman who was that big. She said she didn't know why she was so fat, she skipped breakfast and ate salad for lunch every day. And a few Snickers. One day she was working in a conference room and every single time I went in there, she was eating a Snickers bar - and I was in and out of that room all day. After she left, I took a look at the waste paper basket by her chair. Those baskets were emptied nightly and I knew she had been the only one working in there, so all the trash was hers. I counted 26 Snickers wrappers - 26 candy bars eaten in a 8 and a half hour day. I don't know how that is possible.
That was 25 years ago. I wonder if she is still alive.
FullMoon said...
AA says
COMMENTS ARE MODERATED some but not all of the time. This is for the purpose of excluding/removing a small handful of commenters who, I believe, intend to ruin this forum. They already know who they are. For everyone else, try to be responsive to the post, don't make personal attacks on other commenters, bring some substance or humor to the conversation, and don't do that thing of putting in a lot of extra line breaks.......
If you guys gonna piss on each other, at least put some effort into trying to be interesting or clever. Embarrassingly boring.
Maybe Chuck can show up and threaten to kick someone's ass. or something.
Don't you dare lay that on me. As most readers of this blog know, I do not make a habit of threatening anybody.
Commenter Michael K is notorious for a long history of personal attacks on people with who he disagrees, suggesting that they go back to psychological counseling, increasing their medications, etc. I've warned him about it repeatedly. He persisted. I told him that I'd be happy to rearrange his dental work if he kept it up. He seems now to have given up on that tactic. Good for everybody.
Gender is fluid
Chuck said... etc.
MK taking the night off apparantly. And, what about bruisin'up Greta? Still on your list?
I don't know how bright Sanger was. She talks about "habitual congenital criminals" in her article 8. 'Congenital' means 'from birth' or 'at or before birth'. The word 'habitual' contradicts this.
The racism of the late 19th and early 20th century was worse than the racism of the ante-bellum South in some ways. The racists of the late 19th and early 20th century believed in science. People had inbred characteristics just like dogs or horses. Gypsies were born thieves, Blacks were born stupid and lazy, etc. Compare the Black characters in Robert Howard's stories with the Black characters in Mark Twain. Twain's Blacks were victims of their upbringing in a racist society. Howard's Blacks are born wicked and cruel. In Howard's imagination, there could never be anything but conflict and competition between white men and the other races, and the outcome of that conflict and competition would tell you who was superior. Nature was the closest thing to God in a godless world.
I wonder which side Sanger favored in the Scopes 'monkey" trial?
Oh, Hell, I know she was on the side of Clarence Darrow and the evolutionists.
facts are very sharp,
Jon Ericson said...
Well, FullMoon, it's easy to ignore you since you don't insult, inflame or really make much of a point.
Trolls, well, troll. You should start trolling, that would be fun.
Your right, I should, but I won't.
Psyco Chuck says:
Commenter Michael K is notorious for a long history of personal attacks on people with who he disagrees, suggesting that they go back to psychological counseling, increasing their medications, etc. I've warned him about it repeatedly. He persisted. I told him that I'd be happy to rearrange his dental work if he kept it up. He seems now to have given up on that tactic. Good for everybody.
Bears repeating:
Commenter Michael K is notorious for a long history of personal attacks on people with who he disagrees, suggesting that they go back to psychological counseling, increasing their medications, etc. I've warned him about it repeatedly. He persisted. I told him that I'd be happy to rearrange his dental work if he kept it up. He seems now to have given up on that tactic. Good for everybody.
We weren't talking about you Chuckie, Life Long Republican.
But if the shoe fits, wear it tough guy.
Jonny, you moron, I'm a guy.
Sez you.
I actually enjoy the Unknowns. Look, it's not like they have anything substantive to say or that they're going to influence anyone's opinion. You don't need to engage them in some earnest dialectic struggle. They're not even neener-neener level raconteurs. Think of them as unskilled sparring partners and have fun with the soft targets. They get paid and you get to riff on some Lefties. Everybody wins!
OK teabagging, that's more "up your alley' so to speak
FullMoon said...
Chuck said... etc.
MK taking the night off apparantly. And, what about bruisin'up Greta? Still on your list?
And of course that too is a despicable misquote of me too. You are one very special fuckhead; alleging that I threatened to bruise or otherwise harm Greta van Susteren.
Again, to correct your mendaciously mixed up record, what I proposed to do was to grab Greta in precisely the same way that Corey Lewandowski grabbed Michelle Fields. Greta thought it was trivial and laughable when it was done to Fields; I proposed to test it on her own sensibilities. Not much of a threat; at least not according to Greta van Susteren.
Wow, Chuck! You threatened a 75-year old stranger on the Internet? You are one hard, hard lifelong Republican.
Crack, I try to keep it to one line.
Jonny, you're one pathetic little troll. Weird, dumb, boring. What a way to go through life. Never comments about the blogpost subject matter, just snipes at those he thinks are liberals. Sounds like a bargain basement Trump Troll.
Well, Trolly Mc Trollface, STFU then.
huck said...
FullMoon said...
Chuck said... etc.
MK taking the night off apparantly. And, what about bruisin'up Greta? Still on your list?
And of course that too is a despicable misquote of me too. You are one very special fuckhead; alleging that I threatened to bruise or otherwise harm Greta van Susteren.
Again, to correct your mendaciously mixed up record, what I proposed to do was to grab Greta in precisely the same way that Corey Lewandowski grabbed Michelle Fields. Greta thought it was trivial and laughable when it was done to Fields; I proposed to test it on her own sensibilities. Not much of a threat; at least not according to Greta van Susteren.
So, pussylick, now you acknowledge that grabbing Greta in the same fashion would cause no bruising. Fields was lying?
Eh Chick, don't sweat it. That's what these pathetic Trump Trolls do. They twist around what a commenter they disagree with says and then they put their own sick twisted spin on it. Who else would be a follower of Trump but these sorts of people with low scruples and precious little intellect.
Chuck, not Chick, sorry.
Jonny, take your own advice. Go fuck yourself too, you weirdo Troll.
Liberals, I can deal with, but a good percentage of the excellent posters, early in the day, have already said it better than I could, so I don't weakly reiterate their points.
Little shits like you, however, are trolls. and are throwing condoms full of piss at random, and I wish you would just quit it.
What the fuck do you call this troll:
Blogger Unknown said...
Eh Chick, don't sweat it. That's what these pathetic Trump Trolls do. They twist around what a commenter they disagree with says and then they put their own sick twisted spin on it. Who else would be a follower of Trump but these sorts of people with low scruples and precious little intellect.
7/19/16, 11:21 PM
Blogger Unknown said...
Jonny, take your own advice. Go fuck yourself too, you weirdo Troll.
7/19/16, 11:23 PM
Like I said TROLL.
Take a hike.
Or have another couple snickers.
Jonny doesn't know the meaning of dialectic, Cracker Unknown. Why do you bother? He may be a right winger, but he is the true troll here.
Delusional troll, go away.
I'm sorry, but I gave up swearing so I could stay on this Blog.
You, not so much.
Like MC Hammer on the word prorogative, he doesn't understand thesis and antithesis either,
You tell me to blow you, but you pride yourself in not swearing? What a dumb shit you are. Pathetic bargain basement Trump Troll.
@narcisso: get a spell check.
uruk hai's have all the snap crackle of soggy cornflakes,
Pop culture my dear, pop culture.
@narciso : I'll have what you're having!
I don't believe I ever got a word in edgewise about The Donald, I was just trying to highlight your pre-school taunts.
I've dubbed them uruk hai's because they are worse than mere troll, the worst of them are the nazguls, the wraithlike dragon riders,
I understand, but if you carefully wrap a troll in piano wire, you can drop kick them quite far.
Under bridge trolls that is, about the size of a garden gnome but much biting and snarling.
Best to gig 'em with say, a gill hook, then smash em on the deck till they stop screaming, THEN wrap the piano wire (or in a pinch, 25# test monofilament).
See, no troll, no excitement.
Say, Sugartits, have you managed to get that box wine open yet?
You could always stab it with an icepick.
(but wear a bib in that case)
OK, back to our regularly scheduled programme.
Jon isn't a troll. He just gets a little squirrely this time of night. :-)
None of this jive matters, unless Donald can flip Pennsylvania coal miners to his camp, and, hopefully, make nice-nice with petulant John Kasich to win Ohio. Hooray for Youngstown!
Thanks mockturtle, When the troll turns on me, and the thread is dead, I can't help myself.
I am working on it though,
Tell me, am I a Trump troll, or am I an anti "Unknown No Profile" troll?
Don't forget Newcastle and environs, My Granddaddy was a coal miner from there!
Lets hold Christie accountable for Bridgegate!
Sure, just as soon as the government decides to hold all the BLM protesters accountable for Hernando-DeSoto Bridgegate, I-94gate, I-75/85gate...
So it seems ALL of the trolls from yesterday and the day before turned into ONE troll today since someone ran a list of their fake names earlier.
And this ONE troll is some sort of middle school girl. Sheesh! What will happen next? Tune in tomorrow for the next exciting episode of :
"That's what these pathetic Trump Trolls do. They twist around what a commenter they disagree with says and then they put their own sick twisted spin on it. Who else would be a follower of Trump but these sorts of people with low scruples and precious little intellect."
You tell 'em Sugartits.
I was downtown today. I saw a bunch of Muslim women, wearing burqas, handing out Hillary for prez literature. I made like I was grabbing a pamphlet, and when the nice Muslim lady handed me one, I flipped up her burqa up.
It was Jonah Goldberg under there. He seemed embarrassed. I pretended that I did not recognize him. I high-fived him and said 'Alahu Ahkbar!' (I think that is a common way for Muslims to greet one another). The other Muslim lady with a burqa handing out Hilary for prez pamphlets had no neck. I assume it was Kevin Williamson.
It is a sick world. A sick, sick world.
Blogger Jon Ericson said...
Guildofcannonballs tries to break int the realm of politics vs. Thorazine.
Shhh. Stick around. It eventually makes sense in a kind of existential free verse kind of way. Not like 'Twin Peaks' but more like.......................'Lost".
He's the anti-Lazlo.
It also helps if you're a little bit high.
Stray thoughts:
1) Christie's speech did that "call and response" thing that I hate, but moreover it got way into the weeds (at a convention where usually speakers had the opposite problem of not providing explanation beyond "Trump will fix everything") when he should have focused on one solid example of Clinton's corruption (e.g., her setting up a private server for reasons she could never explain--and what conclusion any sane person must draw from that). If you want to take down Clinton, get at that one thing everyone already doesn't trust her on, and that she cannot shake. Blaming her for Procol Harum made no sense--no one is going to go for that.
2) Tiffany Trump would have been better served telling some anecdotes that make Trump look like a nice, caring father, rather than just saying "he's nice and caring". A good story that would make people who think he's a jerk (which is a majority in this country) consider that he has another side.
3) Paul Ryan gave what I think is the most effective speech of the convention so far, and the RNC should have had many more like it to drive home the point. Ryan argued why Trump skeptics should come around to him and unite, and he did it point by point, and had credibility (because he is a Trump skeptic). When they're not striking Clinton (which they also need to do, continuously) they should be doing what Ryan is doing if they want to win this thing.
NRO painted themselves into a "corner." It will be interesting to see how they step away from it.
The concern I have that #NeverTrump don't seem willing to address is that you ALWAYS have to compromise on a candidate. There's ALWAYS problems with whomever the candidate is.
What will keep the Trump supporters in the tent in 2020, should Trump lose, to support the #NeverTrump candidate? They've seen that outright opposition if you do not like the candidate is the expressed preference of the "elites". Good luck getting a guy like, say, Jeb Bush ever nominated. The people who don't like him will just tell you to fuck off and when they claim that this will elect a Democrat, all they have to do is point to now.
And they leave the violent misogynist (@freedarko) that tweeted "I'd don't care how many kids she has I'd like to strangle her to death" re the Mom that spoke out about her son being murdered at Benghazi?
Twitter is a dying platform. Now they have a guy who is really good at drawing attention ready to obliterate the Orwellian shithole that is Twitter.
The profoundly weird thing with Junior is that his clarity of language leaves me knowing even less about his own politics, than his father's opaque "policies." What the heck are Junior's politics? Anybody have any idea?
His ideas are as relevant as Chelsea's...another candidate's child not running.
For all of his faults, Trump's kids seem markedly less corrupt and far more willing to work than Hillary's daughter.
The slogan at the Democratic Convention will be "Better Together" or "Stronger Together".
Ironic since the candidate is proud that her enemies are her fellow Americans.
3) Paul Ryan gave what I think is the most effective speech of the convention so far, and the RNC should have had many more like it to drive home the point. Ryan argued why Trump skeptics should come around to him and unite, and he did it point by point, and had credibility (because he is a Trump skeptic). When they're not striking Clinton (which they also need to do, continuously) they should be doing what Ryan is doing if they want to win this thing.
Agreed. Clinton is a spectacularly terrible candidate and she should be the target of all. Even if one dislikes Trump, Clinton is the bigger threat.
"Shhh. Stick around. It eventually makes sense in a kind of existential free verse kind of way. Not like 'Twin Peaks' but more like.......................'Lost".
He's the anti-Lazlo.
It also helps if you're a little bit high."
Not anti-Laslo though; never.
Lazlo is just a lil jerk.
I have seriously never seen a room full of ol fat white uglies like this crew in cleaveland.
Readers, speaking of “fat white uglies,” take a look at this YouTube video in light of the above statement. It’s the California delegation at last night’s roll call:
Here's a tip for Trump, damikesc; BEG for our (GOPe) votes and support. Listen to us. Start to do the things we want. You know, like political actors routinely have to do.
God love ya Chuck.
"Here's a tip for Trump, damikesc; BEG for our (GOPe) votes and support. Listen to us. Start to do the things we want. You know, like political actors routinely have to do."
I don't know if I'd put it as "beg"--but hell, make the case. There's a large reservoir of voters who can't stand the idea of Hillary becoming president, but so far have thrown up their hands at the idea of Trump as well. Trump--and his admirers--say he's great at deals, and winning people over. And Trump critics can acknowledge the man has talents in showmanship and sparkle. It should have been done months ago, but at the very least now he's got to sell himself to those skeptics to get over the top.
I highly doubt there's a large number of people who consistently tell various pollsters using different info gathering methods that they support Hillary but are secretly planning to pull the lever for Trump. I also doubt hidden reservoirs of blue collar white males are going to swamp the voting booths beyond their regular numbers (at least enough to make up for the Hispanics the Dems are rapidly registering). But there are maybe 10% of the electorate or more that is rejecting both of them now, and where they land is going to determine if Hillary's seedy backers get their money's worth over the next four years (and it still rankles that Trump himself was one of those seedy backers!).
Naturally, I agree with all of that. And for a slightly different angle, check out Holman Jenkins' column in today's Journal editorial section. I think Jenkins is the best and most interesting newspaper columnist in America.
I can't watch any of this. It is too, too disheartening. Nothing I was promised has been realized.
Where are the promised riots, the fires, the dead in the street outside the convention, the massive civil unrest, the nationwide apocalypse, following the nomination of a mere businessman as a presidential candidate?
When Hillary is nominated, if the heavens don't open to the sound of blaring trumpets, I shall be equally dismayed.
If you can't live up to your promises, don't disappoint me by making them.
"Where are the promised riots, the fires, the dead in the street outside the convention, the massive civil unrest, the nationwide apocalypse, following the nomination of a mere businessman as a presidential candidate?"
It seems whenever the police are expecting trouble, they're able to nip it in the bud or show enough force to keep it from actually happening. The real unrest only happens when they didn't expect it.
There might be some disruption over the next two days, but this won't be Chicago 1968.
Here's a tip for Trump, damikesc; BEG for our (GOPe) votes and support. Listen to us. Start to do the things we want. You know, like political actors routinely have to do.
Can you explain why they should? If you get a nominee you love and they hate --- why shouldn't they do what you're doing?
I have voted for some loser-ass Republicans in my life. I won't any more, though. If I don't like the candidate, I'll just site the establishment and attack the candidate.
Chuck, you need to realize that, for a large swath of their base, the GOPe has attacked them for years.
When the Tea Party wanted to shrink government, the establishment went after them. McCain and company absolutely attacked them. OK, fine.
The base then got the GOP elected on a promise to oppose Obama's agenda. They lied on their plans to do so thoroughly and completely. They caved on EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE ISSUE THEY COULD.
Why would I trust the GOP on any major issue? If they won't do shit about Obama's illegal immigration policy, then why in the hell would I ever vote for them? I can vote for Democrats and get similar results.
We do not NEED the GOP. We certainly do not NEED your vote. We won't be in the White House either way. So, why should WE "suck it up" and vote for your preferred loser candidate when you refuse to do the same when you do not win?
"other than that" HA!!!
I can't believe CNN 'analysts' watched the same convention I did. Clinton News Network.
Noted, damikesc.
I don't have time today to refute all of your misstatements about the record of Congessional Republicans.
All that I need to say is that I acknowledge your declaration that you have no need for, and mostly contempt for, the GOP establishment. Got it. I'll mark it down. Good luck in November. Do not ever come back and bitch about any lack of support for Trump from the GOPe later on.
All that I need to say is that I acknowledge your declaration that you have no need for, and mostly contempt for, the GOP establishment. Got it. I'll mark it down. Good luck in November. Do not ever come back and bitch about any lack of support for Trump from the GOPe later on.
I don't support Trump either. I was a Cruz guy. But I'll vote for him to avoid a Hillary Presidency. But the odds of me voting Republican for much has gone from 80% to maybe 25% in most races. The party is useless. You've had your chance and you fucked it up. Only you seem to see competency in the GOP establishment.
Did the GOP establishment BEG the Tea Party people for their support?
I don't remember that happening--I remember people like David Brooks (filth be upon him) joining with the Left to denounce the sensible, peaceful, polite Tea Party supporters as vicious, dangerous racists who should have no voice in politics.
When you drive off all the reasonable people who could have been your allies you might just be left with unreasonable people who think of you as kind of enemies. But yeah, I get it, Chuck-it was all someone else's fault and the GOP establishment types aren't in any way to blame for the break up of their party.
"Did the GOP establishment BEG the Tea Party people for their support?
I don't remember that happening--I remember people like David Brooks (filth be upon him) joining with the Left to denounce the sensible, peaceful, polite Tea Party supporters as vicious, dangerous racists who should have no voice in politics."
Let's not elevate David Brooks for a spokesman for anyone--actual GOP officeholders like Ryan and McConnell may not have been the Tea Party's ideal, but they did play ball with the shutdown (even when they thought it would fail, which of course it did) and have been far more accommodating of the Tea Party than vice versa.
Any party that's going to wield power is going to need to cobble its coalition together. That'll mean joining up with people who may not be your cup of tea but will at least be a lot closer to where you stand than the opposition (you'd find a lot more common ground with Ryan than Pelosi). Rather than gleefully mock these people as "cucks" or "establishmentarians" it might make more sense to try and bring them into the fold. Same goes for them when they're the ones with the nominee.
It's amazing how even today, with McConnell booed on stage by Trump supporters (even as he was explaining to "establishment" types why they should come together for Trump!), the Trump side seems to think two opposing thoughts--they don't need these "cucks" and why the hell won't the "cucks" get on board with them?
Brando - fair enough, but I don't think you can ignore the history involved--you can't skip over how we got here. I'm not a Trump-eter and I think the Trump people are too hard on Ryan, but their feelings that the GOP establishment has treated them badly (in the past) are not unreasonable. The Party cares about keeping power, and that's as it should be. When the Party decides to treat people who push for reform/a new direction (like the Tea Partiers) as threats to be opposed (instead of as potential allies to be won over, bargained with, etc) it makes sense for those people to BECOME enemies.
Look, politics is compromise, we all get that. Tea Party types wanted change and wanted to influence the GOP...and the GOP establishment reacted to that, largely, by siding with the Left and the Media against the Tea Party. Honestly a lot of that was the tone and the lack of support--that kind of thing counts almost as much as actual legislative action some times.
So former Tea Party types abandoned the GOP establishment. I don't think Trumpkins are all former Tea Partiers, but by losing the Tea Party the GOPe lost the ability to form an internal coalition large enough to oppose a fringe/extreme character like Trump.
I don't begrudge Tea Party people their feeling of "serves 'em right" seeing the GOP establishment squirm, now.
Is it good for conservatism, or the GOP, or the Right, or the nation? No, probably not. But, again, the GOP establishment bears most of the blame for that, too.
Chuck said...
"I don't have time today to refute all of your misstatements about the record of Congessional Republicans.
All that I need to say is that I acknowledge your declaration that you have no need for, and mostly contempt for, the GOP establishment. Got it. I'll mark it down. Good luck in November. Do not ever come back and bitch about any lack of support for Trump from the GOPe later on."
Remember this is Chuck who called us teabaggers.
The party is being reformed. Republican voters were content in the last few decades. But starting in 1988 Things started going downhill. GHWB was the last president elected from the same party 3 terms in a row because Reagan actually worked for this country. But ever since then the GOPe turned traitor.
The last thing the republicans have ever done in congress was to pass a major new entitlement, Medicaid part B. GHW Bush lost his re-election bid because he passed democrat tax hikes and lied to everyone. Republicans bring up amnesty whenever they get a chance. Notice that democrats never try to pass it when they have a majority. The GOPe has never been on the side of the voters in their party. They have been trying to help the democrats push a progressive agenda on a country that wants to remain free.
No we do not want your "help." There are not enough of you to make any electoral difference. You are parasites that work for the donor class. The voters of the party are kicking you out. We have had enough. We will welcome with open arms the working class voters who are getting screwed by dem's and are far more numerous than the lawyers and "journalists" in the GOPe who all live in DC anyways.
Get the fuck out and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
Brando said...
"Any party that's going to wield power is going to need to cobble its coalition together. That'll mean joining up with people who may not be your cup of tea but will at least be a lot closer to where you stand than the opposition (you'd find a lot more common ground with Ryan than Pelosi). Rather than gleefully mock these people as "cucks" or "establishmentarians" it might make more sense to try and bring them into the fold. Same goes for them when they're the ones with the nominee."
The republican party is going to serve the people of this country and it's voters. We are going to vote out the people that subsidize Boeing's private Import/Export bank with our tax dollars. We are not going to let Honeywell and GE have special trade rights with other countries under the guise of free trade and avoid all of the taxes we have to pay.
We are going to have strong, secure borders. Period.
Let all of the oligarch pets go to the democrats. Notice the 500 delegate walkout never happened. There are maybe a dozen delegates that want Hillary elected and get inordinate press attention. The jig is up. It is time for the Chuck's to GTFO.
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