July 14, 2016

"Mrs. Clinton’s six-percentage-point lead over the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump, in a CBS News poll last month has evaporated."

"The two candidates are now tied in a general election matchup, the new poll indicates, with each receiving the support of 40 percent of voters," the NYT reports.


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Bay Area Guy said...

Heh - it must kill the editors of the NYT to write these stories. You can almost hear the teeth clenching:)

Gusty Winds said...

Remember a month ago when Trump was accused of not running a real campaign because he wasn't spending millions on TV ads?

Maybe he's just has a rope-a-dope strategy.

Jaq said...

Keep hope alive! Oh wait...

Jaq said...

Well, he is dealing with a dope

MisterBuddwing said...

Heh - it must kill the editors of the NYT to write these stories. You can almost hear the teeth clenching:)

But at least they write them. And publish them. (Giving them some back-handed credit, are we?)

rehajm said...


Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Well, I have to admit I'm not all that excited. It took the FBI basically saying she's a felon for him to lock the race in a dead heat. It's really kind of depressing when you think about it.

traditionalguy said...

Hillary bitterly accuses Trump of leading the Party of Trump. The Dems want their Washington Generals GOP back again and losing to them on command. She sees Trump as a sparring partner suddenly trying to knock out the champ. That is so wrong.

Hillary needs to explain again why TPP and NAFTA are the backbone of Global prosperity.

Mick said...

Trump will win by a landslide (if the deep state does not kill him first). It is not that close, and the "polls" are a propaganda lie.
Have you seen Clinton speaking in stadiums everywhere she goes?

rehajm said...

Is Hillary running a comic book version of a campaign?

Michael K said...

It is way too early to pay much attention to polls, especially this year. Next week in Cleveland will tell us a lot.

If the riots are really bad it will produce a huge push for him as Law and Order candidate.

I wonder if the agitators understand this?

David Begley said...

Michael K

Supposedly one night of the RNC will be devoted to Bill Clinton's infidelities.

Jaq said...

At least when GOP billionaires tried to shove Bush down our throats, we told them to pound salt. Hillary is a disaster for Democrats.

Phil 314 said...

Would you like a shit sandwich or a shit sandwich with cheese?

CJ said...

This is a NYT/CBS poll, so the obvious question is what agenda are they trying to push with this poll? To have Clinton feel like an underdog/outsider going into the convention would be my guess.

JayneI said...

First, these polls make it seem as if our country is divided! Heh

But second, don't trust these baloney polls. Please. Recall the Obama v Romney election polls.

Thanks to Republican disunity, any hope of political neophyte Trump defeating Mrs Clinton is vanishing.

Still. I've got to not stop believing. To have hope in change ....

Go Trump beat Mrs Clinton!

Tommy Duncan said...

Remember a month ago when Trump was accused of not running a real campaign because he wasn't spending millions on TV ads?

Trump has to be understood as a negotiator and a business man. He's concerned only about the decision on the bid due date (November 8). He knows the polls today matter only in the sense that he needs to keep it close. The election will be won in October, when the public starts paying attention. Trump will hold back and attempt to finish smart and strong.

Hillary is poll driven, the polar opposite of Trump. Her team is in panic mode because she is falling sharply in the polls and lacks the political instincts to recover. Thus the recent shrill attacks on Trump by her surrogates.

"Rope-dope" is a good term. Hillary has no real achievements, so its hard to run a positive campaign. She is left to attack Trump, who will spend the next few months turning the criticisms against at Hillary. Then he'll finish strong with a positive message and a list of her lies and negative attacks. He'll ask the question "Is that all she's got?"

sane_voter said...

Drudge headline now is "Shock poll: Trump 44%, Clinton 37%"

Jaq said...

We know that voter suppression is a big part of Democrat strategy, by constantly pushing the line that the Republican can't win, so expect the paid trolls to post accordingly.

campy said...

Just setting up the "Hillary! The Comeback Queen!" narrative.

Martha said...

Morning Joe was shocked about this turn of events yesterday morning. Trump is leading in swing states despite being outspent 40 to 1 by Hillary!.

rhhardin said...

It's time for the Hillary sex tape. Suggested by election strategist Rob Bartlett.

rhhardin said...

Hillary's so put off that she's forgotten her voice lesson and has started screeching again.

rhhardin said...

Wherever Hillary's staying for the convention, they should count the towels.

rhhardin said...

Putting Trump towels in her room would be a nice touch.

Curious George said...

It's idiocy like this that helps:

Rachel Maddow: TV Host Says She's Reading About Adolf Hitler to Understand Donald Trump's Candidacy
“What is amazing is the Republican Party that picked him," she told Rolling Stone about Trump. “Over the past year I've been reading a lot about what it was like when Hitler first became chancellor."

Rush is right. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

David Begley said...

Curious George

A sure sign of a Trump victory if Maddow is already going to the Hitler card.

Big Mike said...

The more one sees of Hillary Clinton the lower she polls.

MikeR said...

"The towels were so thick there I could hardly close my suitcase." - Yogi Berra

Hagar said...

Both national parties are in melt-down mode and are going to need a whole new set of leading characters and platforms by 2020.

Bob Ellison said...

Big Mike said, "The more one sees of Hillary Clinton the lower she polls."

That's important. It's why she doesn't do pressers and doesn't push her own self and voice on videos. She looks and sounds terrible, and her campaign people know it.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gospace said...

Michael K said...
"It is way too early to pay much attention to polls, especially this year. Next week in Cleveland will tell us a lot.

If the riots are really bad it will produce a huge push for him as Law and Order candidate.

I wonder if the agitators understand this."

No. Not in the least. Democrat brainiacs just yesterday were writing how violence at the Republican convention would hurt Trump. Just the opposite. Every demonstration of Democrat constituency lawlessness, along with every terror Attwood, no matter where in the world, adds to Trump's numbers.

MadisonMan said...

Would you like a shit sandwich or a shit sandwich with cheese?

Dairy Stater here. Of course I want the cheese.

The more one sees of Hillary Clinton the lower she polls

So will she get the traditional bump after the Convention? Or will her unsavoriness quash that?

Gospace said...

That was terror attack. Stupid tablet autocorrect.

Curious George said...

"Big Mike said...
The more one sees of Hillary Clinton the lower she polls."

If I'm the GOP the "star" of the convention would be Hillary. No shortage of video with her lying, and shrieking, and cackling.

Dave P. said...

It's time for the Hillary sex tape. Suggested by election strategist Rob Bartlett.

I normally don't drink alcohol in the morning, but after reading this...reaches for the tequila bottle...

Sebastian said...

Trump's one advantage is that Hill can't pivot to the center as much as Dems usually pretend. She has to assuage the left and blacks for GOTV. That will give Trump an opening in the middle.

Curious George said...

"Dave P. said...
It's time for the Hillary sex tape. Suggested by election strategist Rob Bartlett.

I normally don't drink alcohol in the morning, but after reading this...reaches for the tequila bottle..."

Dude, there's not enough booze in the world...just get some duct tape and your garden hose.

trumpetdaddy said...

The take-away is that after the single worst week of the campaign for Hillary, she still leads or is tied. Wow. That inspires confidence that The Orange Clown will win. He hasn't gone up. She's gone down. Again, after the single worst week of the campaign for her.

But, but, but, he hasn't been spending any money. Yeah, because he doesn't have any. It isn't some 12th dimensional chess new way of campaigning. It's what you do when the donors have snapped their checkbooks shut because they don't want to throw their money away.

Not coincidentally, all this "good polling news" comes just when the last opportunity to get rid of him and put in a candidate that can actually win is upon us. After next week, the Rs are stuck with him. Don't think that doesn't play into how the MSM reports these polls. A little false competitiveness does wonders to stop the delegates from revolting and dumping his ass.

Talk radio and political websites love two things - controversy on the Right and the Left in actual office. Why? Because it draws listeners and clicks. And that means money for those who can insulate themselves from the practical consequences of Leftist government.

Do please tell me again the one about how Sean Hannity and his ilk all want Trump because he's "best for America." "America" is not a synonym for Hannity's bank account.


Laslo Spatula said...

Trump and Hillary have been relatively quiet the last few weeks: you would think the polls would stay stable during that time.

Gee, what has happened in this period?


"Black Lives Matter" is Hillary's Tar Baby*.

Back in the day, a crafty politician could have a 'a Sister Souljah moment' to try to stem the damage.

Today, though, many of Hillary's supporters ARE Sister Souljah, at least in spirit.

Poor Hillary: her best skill is throwing people under the bus, but that person now would need to be black, and she knows that is unacceptable to her base.

*from Wiki:

"An article in The New Republic argued that people are "unaware that some consider it to have a second meaning as a slur" and it "is an obscure slur, not even known to be so by a substantial proportion of the population." It continued that, "those who feel that tar baby's status as a slur is patently obvious are judging from the fact that it sounds like a racial slur".

That last sentence is appropriate to to the various cries of racism that get louder the less it is actually there....

I am Laslo.

MD Greene said...

The only wild card here is the wait to see whether one of the parties can convince its "presumptive" candidate to drop out. Trump's having fun now, but does he really want to spend four years in DC fighting with Congress? Really? If Clinton had a shred of decency (I know, but bear with me here) she would have stopped her campaign months ago or at least after Comey's testimony. If one of them quits, his or her party will nominate somebody normal and win in a landslide.

gerry said...

Rachel Maddow: TV Host Says She's Reading About Adolf Hitler to Understand Donald Trump's Candidacy

“What is amazing is the Republican Party that picked him," she told Rolling Stone

Does anyone outside of New Yawk still read Rolling Stone?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump is going to round up all the Jews and put them in ovens? Thank you Rachel - I feel so informed now.

Laslo Spatula said...

An addendum to my previous 8:58 post.

The other event that occurred was the end of Hillary's email travails. Most people didn't care, and now think she has been cleared.

I would've expected a bump upwards, but...

I am Laslo.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the invisible "shame" margin in the polls of people who will vote for Trump but are too embarrassed to admit it.

viator said...

Is the general election a reprise of the GOP primary where the GOP establishment spent $100s of millions to stop Trump?

swing state campaign spending

M Jordan said...

There will be, as there has already been, much sturm and drang over the next four months. Millions of words will be written. Millions of dollars spent. Debates will be had, pundits will furrow brows and make idiotic points. Television will become a campaign ad wasteland. Polls will reign supreme. People addicted to them will spend hours scanning the Internet for new ones, fresh ones, that tell a tale they like. Billions of dollars will change hands in the getting markets. The names "Trump" and "Hillary" will become seared in our subconscious. And then on a chilly Tuesday in November, it will end.

And despite all the sound and fury of the coming four months, the outcome will be the same one it would've been all along: that is, to change the White House from a Democratic occupant to a Republican one.

traditionalguy said...

The way the polls are going in Trump's favor now, indicates to me that Trump has been out shooting people on Madison Avenue again. That is how he whistles for his dog loyal supporters. That is how we know he needs us.

Even Ginsberg who wandered out on Madison Avenue recently is regretting slandering Trump after he shot her by saying he plans to Swamp the SCOTUS with real Justices who will give real opinions, rather than her cozy style based on ideological liberal hogwash.

Nonapod said...

My cynicism and bitter experience won't allow me fully believe that Trump will ultimately win yet. But if these past 12 months have taught be anything, it's that you can't really assume much either.

This whole election has been darkly fascinating. Since we have two terrible candidates, it's always much easier than to attack the one you're against than to defend the one you're for. I can easily go on and on all day talking about how truly awful Hillary Clinton is, but trying to either defend Trump and talk about his virtues is much more difficult. And I'm sure the other side feels similar when trying and defend Hillary.

Hillary's biggest weakness is that the longer she appears in daylight, the weaker she becomes, like some sort of half-vampire. And surprisingly James Comey may have shed a perhaps fatal dose of sunlight on Hillary last week.

Trump's biggest weakness is his impulsive outbursts and inability to let things go. Although he seems to have reigned in some of that recently, I have know idea how long he can keep that up. Sooner or later I fully expect some inappropriate Tweet or comment on some cable news show to ignite a fresh firestorm.

shiloh said...

Donald Trump Finally Releases List Of Speakers At GOP Convention

It does not contain many celebrities or members of Congress.

Pastor Mark Burns
Phil Ruffin
Rep. Ryan Zinke (Mont.)
Pat Smith
Mark Geist
John Tiegen
Rep. Michael McCaul (Texas)
Sheriff David Clarke
Rep. Sean Duffy (Wis.)
Darryl Glenn
Sen. Tom Cotton (Ark.)
Karen Vaughn
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani
Melania Trump
Sen. Joni Ernst (Iowa)
Kathryn Gates-Skipper
Marcus Luttrell
Dana White
Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson
Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge
Michael Mukasey
Andy Wist
Sen. Jeff Sessions (Ala.)
Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn
Alex Smith
House Speaker Paul Ryan (Wis.)
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (Calif.)
Kerry Woolard
Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.)
Dr. Ben Carson
Republican National Committee Co-Chair Sharon Day
Natalie Gulbis
Kimberlin Brown
Antonio Sabato Jr.
Peter Thiel
Eileen Collins
Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas)
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (Ga.)
Michelle Van Etten
Lynne Patton
Eric Trump
Harold Hamm
Rep. Chris Collins (N.Y.)
Brock Mealer
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.)
Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin
Darrell Scott
Lisa Shin
Florida Gov. Rick Scott
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus
Tom Barrack
Ivanka Trump
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi
Jerry Falwell Jr.
Rabbi Haskel Lookstein
Chris Cox
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
Tiffany Trump
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Donald J. Trump Jr.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker

Honestly, have no clue who (35) of these speakers are ...

I'd go to the Rock 'n' Roll Museum and call it a day!

William said...

More appearances with Lena Dunham, Elizabeth Warren and BLM organizers is a sure fire way to help the undecided to make up their minds.........Remember when everyone said that Obama's 2008 victory over Hillary was a demonstration of his tactical skills and organizational ability. He came out of nowhere and won the nomination. This was testament to his genius.......The same can be said of Donald Trump, but, more generally, the view expressed is that Trump's victory is a testament to the stupidity and racism of the Republican electorate. When can we elect a new media?

traditionalguy said...

Where is Bobby Knight's name? He will be there for an introduction.

dreams said...

I think Trump will win big like Ronald Reagan did in 1980. Only the liberals and born losers will vote for Crooked Hillary, not to mention dead people and illegal aliens of course.

Amadeus 48 said...

I think we can count on HRC being there on election day.

Greg Hlatky said...

Rachel Maddow: always wrong, never in doubt.

“What is amazing is the Republican Party that picked him," she told Rolling Stone

The Republican Party tried everything short of tactical nuclear weapons to kill Trump off. Hillary! is every bit a creature of Big Democrats. Without superdelegates her nomination would be still be in doubt.

eric said...

These polls right now have no bearing on accuracy at all. They tell us nothing about what will happen in November.

They exist to create stories and sell newspapers (or generate clicks in this day and age).

Reuters has Hillary going from +8, to +9, to +10 to +11 and now at +13. No noise at all. Just a steady uptick. Whereas Rasmussen has the race going back and forth. NBC has Hillary losing her six point lead. Yesterday's poll had her going from +9 to +2.

None of that is logical if you assume polls are legit. You cant be both +13 (Reuters) and -7 (Rasmussen).

dreams said...

When people vote via the secret ballot, they won't feel the need to be politically correct. The polls should be disregarded.

mccullough said...

Looks like Trump isn't doing better but Hillary is doing worse. How low is her floor?

M Jordan said...

@eric: You cant be both +13 (Reuters) and -7 (Rasmussen).

Yes, in fact, you can. First, the voter screen matters. Reuters is registered voters, Ras Likely voters. Big factor. Then margin of error matters. A +-4 moe means a potential 8 point difference. Then polling mythology matters. Landlines? Robo-calls? Internet?

And so on. Trends lines help even out some of the apparent contradictions. Hillary's trends in all the polls, even Reuters, is down. You're right that today's polls aren't Nov. results, but they do whisper in the pines.

SteveR said...

Hillary is a lousy retail politician, the more she's out front and speaking the worse it gets. She will obviously rely on the media and surrogates along with whatever the Clinton Machine can dig up. But she has no record beyond being "inevitable". Had she done or said anything inspirational since 2000 she'd be finishing her second term.

M Jordan said...

"Looks like Trump isn't doing better but Hillary is doing worse. How low is her floor"

Ask Monica Lewinsky. She should have a pretty fair grasp of how low the Clinton floor can be.

campy said...

"The polls should be disregarded."

Polls can't account for the ballot boxes in the trunks of democrats' cars.

MadisonMan said...

@Shiloh, that's an interesting list, and I'm glad to see the lack of US Reps/Senators. They are too entrenched in DC IMO and should all be voted out.

Jaq said...

Shilo is a funny guy. I think he not so secretly hates Hillary, as do all decent Americans (Yeah, I went 'No True Scotsman'). But he can't accept that he is having these thoughts about Hillary so he transfers his feelings to Althouse. To us they look like non sequiturs, but if you realize he is just stuck with feeling like he has to defend Hillary for some reason, you can kind of understand his Althouse bashing.

Bruce Hayden said...

I think that Dr K has a good point. The Dems are getting ready to try to disrupt the Republican Convention. Riots on the streets, etc. This is extremely bad form. You can screw up your own convention, as they did in 1968, but fair play means leaving the other side alone during their week in the sun. Americans believe in fair play. This is cheating, and the only people who will be rooting for it are the Dems' most partisan zealots. Middle of the road are going to react badly. Oh, and it will justify Trump criticizing the Dems during their convention, which would otherwise have been in bad taste. And, then there is the Law and Order side of it. Do you want the candidate who supports the rioters, or the one who will put them in jail? Crooked Hillary is really boxed in there - she can't pivot and criticize her party's militants. She doesn't have the wherewithal, or probably even inclination, for a Sister Soulja moment.

PB said...

Hillary is doing what pretty much any main stream Democrat would do, but it's a reflection of just how bad a candidate she is and just how much baggage she carries.

Achilles said...

"None of that is logical if you assume polls are legit. You cant be both +13 (Reuters) and -7 (Rasmussen)."

You have to read the sub panels to the extent they are released. Most of the polls posted this month had absurd democrat over representation. The trick of polling is adjusting the numbers to represent the actual electorate. Turnout is the key.

The key I pulled was 20% of Hillary supporters think she should have been indicted. Her turnout, like the primaries, is going to be historically low.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I think Rachel Maddow is fairly good-looking. I see nothing wrong with grooming one's self to indicate that you're a lesbian.

The other day I saw a lesbian couple, married apparently, who could have been twins. Both were equally short, fat and dumpy, dressed all in black, and showing off way, way too much of their doughy flesh. Shaved heads. Tattoos. Piercings all over themselves. They looked like a ghastly version of Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

"One needs to expend considerable effort to be that ugly," I thought to myself.

I think Rachel Maddow is fairly good-looking.

eric said...

M Jordan said...
@eric: You cant be both +13 (Reuters) and -7 (Rasmussen).

Yes, in fact, you can. First, the voter screen matters. Reuters is registered voters, Ras Likely voters. Big factor. Then margin of error matters. A +-4 moe means a potential 8 point difference. Then polling mythology matters. Landlines? Robo-calls? Internet?

I guess I should rephrase.

Sure. You could have +30 Clinton in one poll and +30 Trump in another poll. It all depends on the details, is what your response boils down to.

My point was, it's not telling us anything about who will be elected. You can't say the polls are an accurate predictor of who will win and then give me such widely varying polls.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Come on hack press - you gotta drag your corrupt queen across the finish line..

Clinton News Network doing all they can.

Laslo Spatula said...

Bruce Hayden said...
"Crooked Hillary is really boxed in there - she can't pivot and criticize her party's militants. She doesn't have the wherewithal, or probably even inclination, for a Sister Soulja moment."

See my 8:58 comment.

You are in the Laslo Zone.

I am Laslo.

eric said...

Heres how I think the Democrat disruption of the Republican convention could go seriously wrong.

Imagine a mass shooting during the convention. Convention is postponed out of respect for the dead. As ghoulish as it seems, if Republicans are respectful and non political toward the dead, this helps Trump.

Then the Democrats have their convention.

Then Republicans have their second attempt at a convention.

That would really cause serious trouble for Hillary.

MikeR said...

Trump just has to keep the pressure on. He should have a posterboard every time he speaks: 228 days since Clinton's last press conference (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/07/07/heres-how-long-it-has-been-since-hillary-clinton-held-a-press-conference/). And counting. She's hiding from you.

And Glenn Loury is absolutely right: he should be spending a _big_ chunk of his time speaking to black audiences. You've been had, folks. We want to do what works, not more of what the Democratic Party has been doing to you for fifty years. That's what their election strategy is with me, has been with every Republican: say I'm a racist. Let's do what works.

Known Unknown said...

Antonio Sabato Jr.

Say it isn't so!!!!!!

grackle said...

Hey, I just had an idea for a new game app! It’s like Pokemon Go except instead of physical locations it’ll be based on comment threads. I offer this concept freely to any ambitious programmer out there. It’s also similar to a game some of us like to play, called "guess the party.”

I call the game, “Guess The Moby.”

Game tip: Look for comments that start off sounding sort of rightwing in a fringe-groupy sort of way but finish up with comparisons or equivalencies that are unflattering to conservative political figures, causes or concepts.

The Dems are getting ready to try to disrupt the Republican Convention. Riots on the streets, etc. This is extremely bad form.

For sure, riots would be “bad form.” But if they happen riots will only give Trump more votes.

I am guessing that riots will happen, if for no other reason than Cleveland, being governed by Democrats for generations, will have a corrupt, incompetent city administration and a police department unsure of itself and thus prone to either too little too late or overreaction.

Gahrie said...

I think Rachel Maddow is fairly good-looking.

She's a female version of Pajamas Boy.

Balfegor said...

Re: trumpetdaddy:

It's what you do when the donors have snapped their checkbooks shut because they don't want to throw their money away.

I think it's more that the people who tend to donate lots of money to campaigns tend to be fairly well off, which means they have the most to lose if Trump wins and implements his signature policy (build a wall to suppress illegal immigration). Why should they donate money to a campaign pushing for a tight labour market? Why would they??

cubanbob said...

M Jordan said...
@eric: You cant be both +13 (Reuters) and -7 (Rasmussen).

Yes, in fact, you can. First, the voter screen matters. Reuters is registered voters, Ras Likely voters. Big factor. Then margin of error matters. A +-4 moe means a potential 8 point difference. Then polling mythology matters. Landlines? Robo-calls? Internet?

And so on. Trends lines help even out some of the apparent contradictions. Hillary's trends in all the polls, even Reuters, is down. You're right that today's polls aren't Nov. results, but they do whisper in the pines.

7/14/16, 10:13 AM"

Very good summation but there appears to me one potentially huge unknown that isn't measured:who this year is the real likely voter? It appears that Trump seems to have attracted people who often don't vote. Will they actually show up and vote this year? And in large enough numbers if they do show up and vote? And if they do show up and vote for Trump in large enough numbers how will they affect downstream candidates? And the #nevertrumpers, will they stay home or hold their nose and show up to vote against Hillary? I also suspect there is a measure of inaccuracies in the polls simply because the pollsters aren't asking the right questions.

Scott M said...

First, Ghostbusters is going to crater this weekend. Next week, Cleveland will take the rest of what's left of any shine.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Gahrie said...
I think Rachel Maddow is fairly good-looking.

She's a female version of Pajamas Boy.

7/14/16, 10:59 AM

The personification of androgyny.

mockturtle said...

@Nonapod:And surprisingly James Comey may have shed a perhaps fatal dose of sunlight on Hillary last week.

And knew very well he was doing just that. He presented boldly what he realized was damning evidence, knew he could not recommend prosecution but laid the groundwork for her subsequent demise. Some of the emails were to and from the oval office and would obviously implicate Obama. Comey knew he could not go there.

trumpetdaddy said...

"Why should they donate money to a campaign pushing for a tight labour market? Why would they??"

For the same reason all political donations are made, regardless of party. To have a seat at the table and to get one's phone calls returned. No donor agrees with every candidate's specific positions on every issue. What is important is that the candidate can win and that you can be reasonably assured that they will listen when you come to them in the future on the issues you do care about.

The first part of that, the "can win" part, is pretty critical. The donation numbers indicate that they have taken his measure on that critical component and found him decidedly lacking.

They are not incorrect in that assessment.

PackerBronco said...

Where is "Stick my head in an oven" scoring in the polls these days?

mockturtle said...

@grackle: I call the game, “Guess The Moby.”

Might be fun but not very challenging. ;-)

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"If the riots are really bad it will produce a huge push for him as Law and Order candidate.

I wonder if the agitators understand this"

I'm not so sure that this helps Trump, but if BLM suddenly goes dark we'll know if the Democrats think it helps him.

mockturtle said...

but if BLM suddenly goes dark


The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"The first part of that, the "can win" part, is pretty critical. The donation numbers indicate that they have taken his measure on that critical component and found him decidedly lacking"

So if he wins he doesn't owe anybody?

Talk about a transformational candidate. It would make him almost unique in modern American history.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...


Oh, yeah.

narciso said...

maybe if they could have gotten rose byrne, for one of the roles, she was in bridesmaid and that other comedy neighbors,

Captain Drano said...

What's really amazing is that it happened despite the continual push for HRC by the MSM.

Shouldn't have been, but was shocked last night as the local ABC news at 11:00pm did a short clip on Trump and his potential VP picks, then the split second it ended, the reporter said "meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is less focused on a running mate, and more focused on race issues..." Blatant bias!

cubanbob said...

trumpetdaddy said...
"Why should they donate money to a campaign pushing for a tight labour market? Why would they??"

For the same reason all political donations are made, regardless of party. To have a seat at the table and to get one's phone calls returned. No donor agrees with every candidate's specific positions on every issue. What is important is that the candidate can win and that you can be reasonably assured that they will listen when you come to them in the future on the issues you do care about.

The first part of that, the "can win" part, is pretty critical. The donation numbers indicate that they have taken his measure on that critical component and found him decidedly lacking.

They are not incorrect in that assessment.

7/14/16, 11:38 AM"

You have a time machine and traveled to the day after the election? Because if you didn't then you are risking making a fool of yourself. Smart bettors usually hedge their bets. Trump's chances of winning aren't an absolutely certainty of zero. Those who would have otherwise donated to the Republican candidate but not for Trump are risking having no juice in a Trump Administration.

shiloh said...

t in vt

What you call bashing I call critical analysis er a keen grasp of the obvious! Does Althouse cater/kowtow to her 95/5 con majority. Rhetorical as she'd be a fool not to. Mentioned several times Althouse is a die hard liberal at her core. But she knows where her bread is buttered.

Cons, like yourself, agreeing with her ad nauseam must bore her to death. And cons agreeing with each ad nauseam at any blog would/should bore everyone to death.

You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me at this blog, you need me at this blog.

Plus Althouse likes me ...

Again, all I ask for is consistency and this blog never disappoints!

Re: Hillary 80/90% of Althouse cons despise/hate her hence, therefore, ergo she must have many redeeming qualities! A+B=C.

I yield back the balance of my time.

trumpetdaddy said...

"Those who would have otherwise donated to the Republican candidate but not for Trump are risking having no juice in a Trump Administration."


The fact that they are betting the way that they are indicates their assessment of how likely there is to be a Trump Administration. Not very likely is their bet.

We'll see.

Dan Hossley said...

Trump is tied with Hillary without the support of the Jeb, Cruz, and the rest of the candidates that pledged to support the Republican nominee. Not to mention the Mitt Romney's and Bill Krystol's of the world that are painting themselves into a corner in the "irrelevancy room" with their bizarre attempts to dump Trump at the convention.

shiloh said...

Donald Trump Reportedly Taps Mike Pence As His Vice Presidential Running Mate

hmm, Gingrich/Christie/Pence ???

And Gingrich/Christie haves negatives higher than Trump so who should I pick.

Slim pickins' eh ...

Simon said...

Keep telling yourself that. He's going to be wiped out.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Keep telling yourself that. He's going to be wiped out."

Well, probably. Because of Free Stuff and the Donk's GOTV machine. But not because anyone thinks Hillary is worth a shit. Which isn't good news for the future of the Democrat Party.

campy said...

Why risk throwing money down the Trump rat hole when you can get a sure payoff by waiting and donating to the Clinton Slush Fund ... er, Charitable Foundation.

shiloh said...

Repeating, presidential campaigns don't start until after Labor Day.

btw, Happy Bastille Day! Had shore patrol duty ~ St. Raphael 1980 on July 14. Hey it got me off the ship! I digress as I'm trying to be like MK ie irrelevant anecdotes.

Vive la France!

DimeStoreDave said...

"The fact that they are betting the way that they are indicates their assessment of how likely there is to be a Trump Administration. Not very likely is their bet."

...or, on the other hand, Trump isn't taking their money.

Anonymous said...

Will Trump even get the nomination? Intrigue underfoot.


"The Republican Party on Thursday will begin sorting out exactly how they will nominate Donald Trump, but first might have to quell an insurrection among delegates still upset that the businessman is on the verge of leading them.

Members of various anti-Trump groups with names including "Free the Delegates," "Delegates Unbound" and "Save Our Party" are planning to introduce a series of changes that could spark genuine drama on the floor of the convention next week."

trumpetdaddy said...

"...or, on the other hand, Trump isn't taking their money."

40 years of very public history shows that Trump endeavors at every turn to take other people's money, so we know that isn't the case.

The similar difficulties the RNC has run into once it became clear that Priebus was going to do everything possible to stifle any dissent shows donors are giving up this year and sitting on their wallets. Trump has poisoned the well for the national party, not just his own campaign.

We'll see if the Pence selection and a reasonable convention turn this around. Donors have been begging Trump to act normal to give themselves some cover for writing the checks. If he can manage to do that it might change things.

Experience tells us that is a long shot, however.

shiloh said...

Two last second deletions from speaker's list at GOP convention.

Ivana Zelníčková Trump

Marla Maples Trump

Trivia: One of the 1,000 guests when Trump married Maples ~ Rosie O'Donnell.

Darrell said...

Imagine there's no shiloh.
It isn't hard to do.

Drago said...

campy: "Polls can't account for the ballot boxes in the trunks of democrats' cars."

One would be wise to factor in the 900% turnouts (100% for Hillary) that will emerge from the Philadelphia precincts.

Darrell said...

Rosie O'Donnell. Yeah, because she hadn't beclowned herself at that time.
Sort of like you, shiloh, a decade ago.

Drago said...

shiloh: "Trivia: One of the 1,000 guests when Trump married Maples ~ Rosie O'Donnell."

That explains the doubling of the food budget for the wedding.

Fernandinande said...

PackerBronco said...
Where is "Stick my head in an oven" scoring in the polls these days?

Electric 43%, natural gas 37%, "taste the meat, not the heat" propane 20%.

Simon said...

The Cracker Unknown said...
"Well, probably. Because of Free Stuff and the Donk's GOTV machine. But not because anyone thinks Hillary is worth a shit. Which isn't good news for the future of the Democrat Party."

Who doubts that Hillary's a terrible candidate? A competent Democrat would be thrashing Trump even more soundly. If Hillary destroys Trump at the cost of immolating the Democratic party, I see no downside in that.

Jaq said...

Hillary is shitting herself with worry that Trump won't get the nomination, right after she shits herself with worry that he will.

Fernandinande said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Open carry is legal in Ohio and there are opposing groups, Oath Keepers and the Black Panthers who have said they will be outside with their big bad guns. Hospitals have already been alerted to casualties, I fear for the cops who have to work the crowd outside the convention. Then here are the lone crazies with a grudge and gun/ guns, bombs? This is what the politics of division and the gun culture has come to in America.

Jaq said...

Meanwhile, her handlers are desperately hoping that they can keep her off TV and nothing happens in the news beyond maybe a lynching by a mob of sheet wearing KKK on horseback that gets tweeted live. That might help her campaign. If only Dylan roof had some friends, I mean how many Jihadi terror attacks is she and the press going to be able to shift the blame on?

Nonapod said...

Rumor has it that Mike Pence will be Trump's Veep.

Anonymous said...

If the bullets start flying, how easy will it be for the cops to tell the good guys with the guns from the bad guys with the guns? I hope cops are fully prepared and fully equipped.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Darrell said...
Imagine there's no shiloh.

I wish to extend a welcoming hand to shiloh and anonymi. As a moderate I like to hear all sides of a issue before voting. Since the votes of moderates are the only ones that actually count I think this is important.

Alexander said...

I wish to extend a welcoming hand to shiloh and anonymi. [As a moderate] [I like to hear all sides of a issue] before voting. Since [the votes of moderates are the only ones that actually count] I think this is important.

Three false-hoods in a single comment. That's quite an accomplishment, even for ARM.

Jaq said...

As a moderate I like to hear all sides of a issue before voting. Since the votes of moderates are the only ones that actually count I think this is important.

Now you are just trolling us with that much nonsense.

Anonymous said...

"Rumor has it that Mike Pence will be Trump's Veep."

Mike Pense of the Religious Freedom Law fiasco, lol. I bet Trump's many gay friends will be miffed.

Jaq said...

Maybe ARM can get Shiloh to open up on Hillary's good qualities.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

How are those talking points working for you Unknown, keeping her out of the 30s? Good job!

shiloh said...

"Since the votes of moderates are the only ones that actually count I think this is important."

All votes count of course, but I would rephrase ~ moderates in swing states ie moderate independents er open-minded Reps/Dems as opposed to closed-minded, zombie-like Althouse cons.

If it looks like a Hillary landslide just before the election, many cons stay home = trouble down ballot for Reps.

Anonymous said...

So Trump has now insulted gay people, Black people, Muslim people, female people, Hispanic people, disabled people and people who are veterans who have been captured. Anyone else I missed? Oh the Pope and the Judicial branch! Also didn't Trump recently say that there were groups of people that were calling for a moment of silence for the Dallas shooter, no news reports of such a thing actually happening not found. Reminiscent of those thousands of Muslims celebrating 9/11 on the roofs. All Clinton has to do is repeat these types of things in well made political videos and speeches.

dreams said...

"If it looks like a Hillary landslide just before the election, many cons stay home = trouble down ballot for Reps."

Projection, just projection.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm insulted by the Clintons lies and corruption.

Nonapod said...

Wikipedia says In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion,[3] often for their own amusement.

Shiloh certainly fits this definition. Although at times he's struck me as a bit to obvious with his absurd posts (even to the point where I've considered he could be some kind of weird reverse Moby).

I generally believe that a few trolls can benefit an online community in certain ways. Certainly by aggressively pointing out inconsistencies in arguments trolls can encourage people to think more critically about their positions. Of course, that's not their actual goal, just an unintended side effect.

Anonymous said...

Not only the Never Trumpers causing havoc, but now the Log Cabin Republicans.

A recent press release from Gregory T. Angelo, president of LCR reads:

Date: July 12, 2016

Dear Friend,

There’s no way to sugar-coat this: I’m mad as hell — and I know you are, too.

Moments ago, the Republican Party passed the most anti-LGBT Platform in the Party’s 162-year history.

Opposition to marriage equality, nonsense about bathrooms, an endorsement of the debunked psychological practice of “pray the gay away” — it’s all in there.

This isn’t my GOP, and I know it’s not yours either. Heck, it’s not even Donald Trump’s! When given a chance to follow the lead of our presumptive presidential nominee and reach out to the LGBT community in the wake of the awful terrorist massacre in Orlando on the gay nightclub Pulse, the Platform Committee said NO.

BUT…now is not the time to sit around feeling sorry for ourselves. Log Cabin Republicans has been officially credentialed for the Republican National Convention, and when it convenes in Cleveland in a mere 6 days’ time I want to be able to take a stand, but we’re going to need your support to do it.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

shiloh said...
I would rephrase ~ moderates in swing states

Yes, an important omission.

John henry said...

I actually worry about polls like this at this point. Suppose Crooked Hilary is sliding really bad in the polls by convention time? there is still time to replace her as the nominee. I don't know how or with who but I am sure the demmies could find a way and a patsy.

Once she is officially nominated, it will be that much harder.

Trump needs to carry her for another round or two just til she gets over the finish line.

Then KaPOW! To the moon, Alice!

Metaphorically speaking, of course. I do not want anyone being violent to any woman, even Crooked Hilary.

John Henry

Anonymous said...

In the meantime Christie is crying in his chocolate cream pie.

Jaq said...

"If it looks like a Hillary landslide just before the election, many cons stay home = trouble down ballot for Reps."

That's Shiloh's goal, that is the whole point of his posts. It's a proven strategy since they projected Gore the winner before the polls closed in the Republican panhandle of Florida, and suppressed Bush's vote by thousands in that state, and set them up to almost steal the presidency.

It would be better for him if he had a candidate who wasn't an obvious felon, sort of a moron, a war monger, too of Goldman Sachs, and a favor dealer for cash.

John henry said...

"But, but, but, he hasn't been spending any money. Yeah, because he doesn't have any. It isn't some 12th dimensional chess new way of campaigning. It's what you do when the donors have snapped their checkbooks shut because they don't want to throw their money away."

Except that he has pledged to spend as much of his own money as he needs to. One of his selling points is that he doesn't need the donors to open their purses.

He may or may not have officially forgiven his $50mm loan. We won't know for sure until he files his report for June.

John Henry

John henry said...

I was thinking about Crokked Hilary's campaign the other day and Peggy Lee came to mind. Is that all there is to her campaign?


And if we absolutely positively must have a woman president Peggy Lee would be a wonderful choice. I say that even though she has been dead for 14 years now. She is a w-o-m-a-n

She can rub & scrub this old house til it's shinin like a dime
Feed the baby, grease the car, & powder her face at the same time
Get all dressed up, go out and swing til 4 a.m. and then
Lay down at 5, jump up at 6, and start all over again


She'll give us all such a fever that even Obamacare won't cure it!


John Henry

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John henry said...

For some reason my fingers keep wanting to type Crokked Hilary instead of Crooked Hilary.

I noticed it above but didn't correct. Given her reported drinking problems Crokked may be appropriate.

Anonymous said...

From Ann Coulter's Facebook page:
Ann Coulter
1 hr ·
Report: Trump about to make first mistake in VP pick, as predicted by Ann Coulter, July 6, 2016: MY VP PREDICTION: TRUMP'S FIRST MISTAKE.
I won't believe it, until I hear it from the Trump's mouth. Pence is the combo-platter of disaster. He’s all in for corporate America bringing in as many guest workers as they please to replace American workers, tried to sell the monster amnesty as a "compromise bill." (How about this compromise: We start with a wall...) He also somehow managed to tick off both sides in gay marriage debate. After his state passed a law passed protecting Christians from having to participate in gay marriages, all hell broke loose. Pence thought to himself: 'I have semi heading for me. Should I just stand here? Yes, I think I’ll just stand here!' First, he allowed himself to be portrayed as a right-wing homophobic nut and then -- just days later -- he sold out to the left-wing activists, anyway.

John henry said...

Blogger shiloh said...

Donald Trump Finally Releases List Of Speakers At GOP Convention

It does not contain many celebrities or members of Congress.

I see that as a positive.

John Henry

I Callahan said...

Open carry is legal in Ohio and there are opposing groups, Oath Keepers and the Black Panthers who have said they will be outside with their big bad guns. Hospitals have already been alerted to casualties, I fear for the cops who have to work the crowd outside the convention. Then here are the lone crazies with a grudge and gun/ guns, bombs? This is what the politics of division and the gun culture has come to in America.

It's always interesting to see what the fascist left (but I repeat myself) thinks about its own fellow citizens.

John henry said...

Then in November all the sore crokked Hilary losers can just Cry me a river.


John Henry

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Suppose Crooked Hilary is sliding really bad in the polls by convention time? there is still time to replace her as the nominee.

That was worth a chuckle. The DNC is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Clintons. I think there is literally nothing they could do to keep the ring from Gollum's finger.

If committing felonies wasn't enough. What would be?

Anonymous said...

"It's always interesting to see what the fascist left (but I repeat myself) thinks about its own fellow citizens."

It was one of our fellow citizens ( a military veteran to boot) with a gun, a rifle and loads of ammo that shot those 5 Dallas cops, wasn't it?

mockturtle said...

Then KaPOW! To the moon, Alice!

Metaphorically speaking, of course. I do not want anyone being violent to any woman, even Crooked Hilary.

Sadly, The Honeymooners would never pass through the filters today.

I Callahan said...

Yes, Unknown, one guy. Out of millions. In your comment, you implied that because two groups of legal gun owners will be near each other, it should be cause for major concern. It's as if you fully expect to see a bloodbath.

Both sides really want the other side to start something. But I expect neither side really wants to. But then, I guess I have a bit more confidence in my fellow Americans.

John henry said...

Yeah, Bushman, I see little chance of Crooked Hilary being replaced no matter what.

However, there is a non-zero chance of it. Trump only has to carry her another round or two til August. Why risk upsetting the apple cart now?

John Henry

Anonymous said...

Pense threw gays under the bus by signing the Religious Freedom Bill into law and then he threw Christians under the bus by capitulating to big business and the so called gaystapo. I hear there is no final decision yet. Who knows, maybe it will be Christie afterall, which means Trump would be throwing his son in law under the bus.

Anonymous said...


I would love to believe that with all the guns and angry opposing groups, not even speaking of the crazies, that no gunfire would ensue, but I live in the real world.

mockturtle said...

Moments ago, the Republican Party passed the most anti-LGBT Platform in the Party’s 162-year history.

Has any elected candidate ever followed his/her party's platform? Ever? When we vote for platform issues at our county caucuses, we are very well aware that they mean nothing.

n.n said...

The Second Amendment does not recognize the right of intimidation and harassment. Any anti-self-defense groups that disrupt peaceful assembly of the People should be restrained and possibly arrested.

That said...

Economic revitalization rather than welfare industry, progressive debt, and other "reforms".

Environmental conservation rather than "green" industry and environmentalists shifting environmental destruction to China and obfuscating domestic disruption.

Human rights rather than abortion rites, and rejection of the scientific mysticism of spontaneous conception. Never again, right?

Pro-native policies in America, Europe, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, Russia, Mexico, etc. The mass exodus of men, women, and children from second and third-world nations, and nations wrecked by illegal progressive wars and opportunistic regime changes, needs to stop.

A proper reconciliation of moral and natural imperatives. Not a pro-choice religious/moral philosophy that selectively denies human life, individual dignity, and equal treatment, and expands the scientific domain to fantasy and beyond.

Nonapod said...

It might not be "official", but enough different sources are now saying it's Pence that I'd be surprised if it didn't end up being him. Personally I'm just glad it's not Christie.

Anonymous said...

Interesting, Pense is pro TPP. I wonder if Pense will have an epiphany soon.

shiloh said...

One of Trump's speakers, Natalie Gulbis appeared in SI in her birthday suit er body paint.

Indeed as these are conservative family values one can get excited about!

ok, Trump isn't a conservative. Nevermind!

Anonymous said...

Interesting that neither Sarah Palin nor Ann Coulter will speak at the convention.

John henry said...

drudge headline just now says that trump has announced Pence

John Henry

John henry said...

I would have preferred Peggy Lee

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Clinton are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. What to they do? What do they provide? did they build something? do they offer anything ? (other than paid access to power and more money at our expense...)

Anonymous said...

Ann Coulter has the mads.

shiloh said...

Trump/Pence ~ rolls off the tongue ...

I'm Full of Soup said...


Natalie Gulbis is a gorgeous golfer- you have a problem with that or do you prefer the lumpy, lesbian type?

shiloh said...

"Natalie Gulbis is a gorgeous golfer"

And a con who likes Trump. Free speech ~ you go girl!

shiloh said...

Props to the Trump campaign as they are really good at ...


Wait for it ...


Keeping a secret!

Jaq said...

You know what rolls off the tongue? Crooked Hillary.

Jaq said...

Kind of like you and Hillary's good points, they are top secret!

shiloh said...

"Crooked Hillary"

hmm, like FDR, JFK, LBJ ...

dreams said...

"The Clinton are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. What to they do? What do they provide? did they build something? do they offer anything ? (other than paid access to power and more money at our expense...)"

Yeah, I'm not seeing any value added either.

dreams said...

""Crooked Hillary"

hmm, like FDR, JFK, LBJ ..."

Mostly like LBJ though supersized.

shiloh said...

"Mostly like LBJ though supersized."

So we're talkin' '64 = Hillary 61% ~ Trump 39%

Somewhat disagree as would give Trump at least 41% ie his ceiling. Hillary's ceiling is probably around 55%.

Anonymous said...

If anyone is surprised Gov. Mike Pence signed the anti-gay license to discriminate bill known as the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and refuses to sign an LGBT nondiscrimination bill, they have only to look at his deep anti-LGBT history.

To get there, Pence had no trouble making sure voters knew who he was targeting.

Thanks to the Internet Archive, which stores many versions of websites, Pence's 2000 campaign website has been preserved

Some excerpts:

"Congress should support the return of voluntary school prayer to the classrooms of our public schools."

"Congress should develop new programs to strengthen marriage and reduce out of wedlock births."

"The traditional two parent family is the nucleus of our civilization."

"The unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed. Roe vs.. [sic] Wade was legally poorly conceived and morally wrong and should be overturned."

"Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal legal status with heterosexual marriage."

"Congress should oppose any effort to recognize homosexual’s [sic] as a 'discreet and insular minority' entitled to the protection of anti-discrimination laws similar to those extended to women and ethnic minorities."

"Congress should support the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only after completion of an audit to ensure that federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus. Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior."

It's unclear if that was an attempt to offer support for harmful "ex-gay" or "reparative" therapy practices.

Pence also called for "an end to gender mixed basic training and gender mixed housing on military bases," "an end to assigning women to combat support units," and, "an end to the 'don’t ask/don’t tell' policy of permitting homosexuals to serve in the armed forces. Homosexuality is incompatible with military service because the presence of homosexuals in the ranks weakens unit cohesion."

Whoosh, under the bus go the gays!

Megthered said...

They are less than 3% of the population and they will vote dem no matter what, if they vote at all. Leave them to the dems.

Anonymous said...

Leave the gays to the Dems, yes good idea. Picking an anti gay VP will turn off the moderates, like Althouse. There are plenty of them out there.

Anonymous said...

Anyone recall the big corporations that were boycotting Indiana over RFRA? Here are some of them.

Bob Loblaw said...

Gee, what has happened in this period?



Hillary has a big problem here. Obama is not going to throw BLM under the bus, Hillary can't win without good black turnout so she needs Obama, but she can no longer afford to be associated with BLM. The puzzle pieces don't fit together any more.

My guess is the same thing will happen to BLM that happened to Occupy when they started hurting the Democrats: the press will start to ignore them, and all the nonpartisan-but-not-really groups will stop giving them money.

Will said...

Did Hillary think she could sell political influence on a massive scale, enrich herself personally, break laws as if none applied to her, and flat-out lie to America when caught?

No surprise...

Bob Loblaw said...

Leave the gays to the Dems, yes good idea. Picking an anti gay VP will turn off the moderates, like Althouse. There are plenty of them out there.

For Trump the election hinges on how much he can make it about immigration. The "social justice" stuff is really, really important to a small segment of the population that will never vote Republican anyway, and for every person the Democrats pick up they're going to lose someone else who's tired of SJWs trying to bully him into pretending there are 60 genders.

Althouse isn't going to vote for Trump no matter what happens. Her official quadrennial flirting with a Republican vote notwithstanding, she always ends up voting for the Democrat. If that's your idea of a moderate your political compass needs maintenance.

Jaq said...

Hillary has a ceiling of 55%? Whatever you are smoking cannot be good for your brain.

Gospace said...

"Moments ago, the Republican Party passed the most anti-LGBT Platform in the Party’s 162-year history.

Opposition to marriage equality, nonsense about bathrooms, an endorsement of the debunked psychological practice of “pray the gay away” — it’s all in there"

Just curious about history. From 1864 to 1920, what was in ANY parties platform about LGBT issues? I'm betting a whole lot of nothing.

Meanwhile, the Democrats want to bring in more muslims who debate whether the proper way to execute a gay is to throw them off a building or topple a wall upon them. Where do the Log Cabin Republicans stand on that important theological question? Thrown or toppled? Which is correct?4

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Roughly 150 tech executives and investors including Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman and media mogul Barry Diller slammed Donald Trump today for campaigning on “anger, bigotry, fear of new ideas and new people” — an approach, they said, that would be a “disaster” for Silicon Valley.

Others signing the letter include Stacy Brown-Philpot, the CEO of TaskRabbit; Vint Cerf, one of the founders of the internet; Reed Hundt, a former chairman of the FCC; David Karp, the founder of Tumblr; Vinod Khosla, the founder of Khosla Ventures; and Ron Klain, the executive vice president of Revolution.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/technology-executives-trump-silicon-valley-225534#ixzz4EQ9s1qBq
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

Jaq said...

What will be a "disaster" for Silicon Valley will be cutting off the supply of foreign programmers willing to work cheap.

Simon said...

Bob Loblaw said...
"Althouse isn't going to vote for Trump no matter what happens. Her official quadrennial flirting with a Republican vote notwithstanding, she always ends up voting for the Democrat."

That's funny, I would have said that she's clearly in the bag for Trump (whether she knows it or not) and has visibly been setting up the justification for voting for him for months.

Jaq said...

On the day her campaign released an ad that makes a brutal and effective case against a Trump presidency—“Our children are watching”

Umm, I think the fact that "the children were watching" is why you are having a shit ton of trouble with Millennials, Hillary!

Naah! The woman has zero self awareness, but she has an unshakable faith that all of the money she gets selling out American coal miners, American factories that supply pipeline equipment, etc, etc, can be used to silence those same victims of her greed. Romney was a piker compared to Hillary for putting people out of work. He gives one lady cancer! Hillary can build a bridge of drowned bodied from Libya to Greece and nobody bats an eye!

Jaq said...

Google is all in for the Democrats because they simply would rather bathe in obscene wealth than pay the going rate for American programmers.

Jaq said...

"Our children are watching" Let me write the Tweet Trump!

Simon said...

There really are only two kinds of people in the world right now: People who know that Donald Trump is grotesque (~70% of the population) and Trump supporters. Nothing Trump can say is going to change anyone's mind. If you doubt that, just look at Coulter's reaction to the Pence pick. You can see how much it pains her, but what's she going to do, say "I got it wrong"? That isn't happening. People who bought into Trump—it's too late for them. They're locked in. There's not going to be any new information, there's not going to be any pretext, so they can't bail out now without admitting that they were wrong all along, and people don't do that. I'm sorry, but they just don't.

John Henry said...

Shioh is right about Trump being good at keeping a secret. We've had a month or so of speculation about various people. Fox even suspended Gingrich because of speculation about him.

Yet Pence was not even mentioned as a possibility until a few days ago. Kind of a long shot at that.

Those NDAs and a willingness to enforce them seem to pay off.

Crooked Hilary's campaign is a leaky sieve. Can't even secure their server.

Any speculation on who her VP might be? Warren and Sanders are the only 2 I have heard mentioned and I don't think either has much of a chance. Warren because she is a woman and a double vagina ticket would be hard to sell. Sanders, Really? I thought he had more of a shot at being Trump's VP than Crooked Hilarys.

YoungHegelian said...


Roughly 150 tech executives and investors including Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman and media mogul Barry Diller slammed Donald Trump today for campaigning on “anger, bigotry, fear of new ideas and new people” — an approach, they said, that would be a “disaster” for Silicon Valley.

Of course, they said that. The bastards can't live without their H1-B bondsmen.

The other thing: under Obama these folks had unfettered access to the WH & sympathetic ears among the Democrats to do basically whatever the hell they wanted to do. You remember the fucked-up roll out of the Obamacare website? Well, these guys got together & sent an away team of sooper-dooper IT help to bail out the feds at teh last minute. You think they did it for free? Right..... Do you think that according to federal contracting regulations this was legal? Well, it wasn't, but it involved arcane federal regs & the press didn't want us to worry our pretty little heads about, especially since it made the Magic Negro look dumb as a post.

Trump is real estate. Real Estate is an "old industry", and Silicon Valley is "new industry". The two worlds have very different concerns, & SV knows that if Trump wins they will no longer have a sympathetic ear at the WH.

Jaq said...

I had no idea how Althouse was going to vote until I saw her call Trump racist. She is drowning in Kool-Aide at that campus. It seeps in.

Simon said...

tim in vermont said...
"The woman has zero self awareness, but she has an unshakable faith that all of the money she gets selling out American coal miners, American factories that supply pipeline equipment, etc, etc, can be used to silence those same victims of her greed"

And she's right (stipulating the framing for sake of argument). At last filing, she had something like an 8:1 advantage over Trump in terms of actual money, plus the media will bend over backwards to support her, plus as you mention, all those companies at the heart of most people's everyday information life like Google, Twitter, and Facebook are going to go all in to destroy Trump. If he's very lucky, he may get out of this election cycle alive, but she's going to fillet him. As I said months ago, I hate the pigfrakker, but I don't envy him the fate that awaits him. Hillary Clinton is many things, but if you come between her and what she wants, I mean, you'd rather be thrown in a bag with a bear. Her and her organization will destroy him.

Jaq said...

There really are only two kinds of people in the world right now: People who know that Donald Trump is grotesque (~70% of the population) and Trump supporters. Nothing Trump can say is going to change anyone's mind.

Is there something here that doesn't apply to Hillary as well? Except that both of them are at 40%, not 30%, or are you one of those special snowflakes who gets their own facts?

Jaq said...

"Our children are watching" LO FUCKING L.

Sorry Hillary, but Millennials were watching when you were beating up on your husband's victims, adding insult("nuts and sluts") to their injury (sexual assault and rape)

The children were indeed watching.

Simon said...

John Henry said...
"Pence was not even mentioned as a possibility until a few days ago. Kind of a long shot at that."

I would have sworn that we'd heard about him for weeks. Mind you, I live in Indiana so maybe we just watch him more closely.

"Warren because she is a woman and a double vagina ticket would be hard to sell."

Nonsense. Setting aside the intrinsic merits of vagina, which are substantial, it's very easy: You just have the entire media sell it as "a historic first." That's the usual schtick. There's a certain kind of mindset that seems to need constant novelty, that laps up "the first x," and it's ascendant in America today.

eric said...

Blogger Simon said...
There really are only two kinds of people in the world right now: People who know that Donald Trump is grotesque (~70% of the population) and Trump supporters. Nothing Trump can say is going to change anyone's mind. If you doubt that, just look at Coulter's reaction to the Pence pick. You can see how much it pains her, but what's she going to do, say "I got it wrong"? That isn't happening. People who bought into Trump—it's too late for them. They're locked in. There's not going to be any new information, there's not going to be any pretext, so they can't bail out now without admitting that they were wrong all along, and people don't do that. I'm sorry, but they just don't.

Next thing you'll tell us is the wise latina will rule against SSM.

Ann Coulter has disagreed with Trump before. If you paid attention you'd see that. You've bought into the stupid premise that those of us who support Trump do so blindly and worshipfully.

The truth is more complex. We like Trump, most of it anyway. And when we disagree we are loud about it. Always. This is how the Republican party works. Has always worked. Hell, don't Google Republican civil war you'll probably break the internet.

Adults realize you're not going to agree with someone 100% of the time. Coulter can disagree with Trump and still support him. Most of us will do that many times. Hell, we did it with Romney and McCain and Dole. We can do it with Trump.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
eric said...

Does unknown still get paid for all the work he has done today if Pence isn't the VP nominee?

Will he have to do all that hard work again tomorrow if it's someone else? Poor guy. Maybe they pay him overtime, but I doubt it.

Simon said...

eric said...
"Adults realize you're not going to agree with someone 100% of the time. Coulter can disagree with Trump and still support him. Most of us will do that many times. Hell, we did it with Romney and McCain and Dole. We can do it with Trump."

The problem is that you think that there is anything with which to agree or disagree. Shadows and smoke—the ad hoc nonsense and convenient lies of the day. He will say anything that crosses his mind and feel no obligation to think about it or be bound by it. That his supporters don't understand that is, frankly, sad.

Birkel said...



Trump's poll numbers in the face of a staggering Islamist invasion of Europe... Will Hillary be blamed for Islamist invasion due to insecurity of Egypt, Libya, Syria...


buwaya said...

" I wonder what they plan for an encore. We live in interesting times."

There is no encore. The end state is no children, a lonely and bitter old age for all, and extermination.

John Henry said...

I just searched Drudge using his search feature.

there was an article in April from Politico headlined The week Mike Pence's 2016 hopes crumbled.

Then not another mention until July 7 "Pence rings the most bells" from the Indy Star.

Not much about it in the NY Times until a few days ago other than a vague article about Trump meeting with Pence back around the beginning of the month.

John Henry

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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