July 27, 2016

Meade texts from the front yard.

Open thread... talk about anything.


jaydub said...

Many muslims in Europe are desperately afraid of the potential for backlash against muslim immigrants from tomorrow's additional priest beheadings. WH spokesman Josh Ernst will state at tomorrow's press briefing that President Obama intends to vehemently condemn Christians for continuing to lose their heads over these isolated incidents of workplace violence. Ernst will also point out that there are many fewer priests in Europe than muslim immigrants; hence, most muslim immigrants will never become priest killers. He will also make the point that if all priests would take the initiative to leave the church, the proportion of muslim immigrants who will behead priests would certainly drop to zero. Ernst will say that the President believes the Pope shares some responsibilty for the impending attrocities, and the President will ask the Pope to cancel all masses until the priesthood can be eliminated or cloisterd so as to avoid inciting muslims. In essence, Ernst will say the President believes that the Catholic Church already had the means to prevent tomorrow's atocities, but lacked the will to use it. He also expects the President to appoligize to one or two imams and bow to the caliph on the way to the golf course where he will shoot six under par.

traditionalguy said...

Alert. Alert. There is a giant beanstalk growing up the side of Meadehouse. Somebody planted magic DNC beans last night while BJ was putting the audience into hypnotic trance.

Wilbur said...

The biggest falsehood in jaydub's post is that Obama will shoot 6 under.

SteveR said...

I'm glad we've cut the cable, this year the media has a predetermined role and making HRC look good is beyond ridiculous. Yet they will try and too many people are locked in so I wqill watch baseball and read the recaps.

I thought Paul Simon was retired.

Ipso Fatso said...

Hillary is God!!! We are her servants!!!! Althouse will vote her station in life and vote Hillary!!! Her fellow law professors will applaud. All is Right with the World!!!!

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Etienne said...

On the subject of Howard Stern, I just wanted to say I thought he was/is a pervert with hair like a girl.

But to end on a positive note, did you know Dr. Ruth was a combat veteran. It says she was a sniper in 1948, where she also lost her virginity at age 17. I don't know if she killed Moslems or British, or both. In any event, she moved to France in 1950 for six years and got her degree.

You have to wonder where she got the money to live in Paris and go to college?? But let's not go there, as we don't have to let it all hang out. Let's just say she knows a lot about urology. Maybe from a snipers perspective...

MadisonMan said...

8 years ago, I had Clinton fatigue. Bush, Clinton, Bush. The Obama interregnum, so to speak, has not mitigated that fatigue.

Ipso Fatso said...

I just read that the IRS is beginning an investigation of The Clinton Foundation. Something tells me that this investigation will be as honest and fruitful as the FBI's investigation of Hillary's emails. I Love the US Government.

Heartless Aztec said...

It's the Dawg Daze of Summer here in coastal North Florida. Beyond Hades. All of September then in Nova Scotia ensconced at Gull Cottage on LaHave island sailing my little English sloop, surfing the swells as the hurricanes blow past on their way to Europe and painting sailboats, harbours and seascapes with the distaff side of my equation. Then a slow following of the leaf change south through the Appalachians.

Lucien said...

The NBA decided to move its all-star game away from Charlotte, NC because North Carolina passed a law about who can use which bathrooms, and, of course, as a professional sports league, the NBA must have a position on such pressing issues.

But do you suppose the NBA took this action because it wanted to create thousands of new Trump voters in North Carolina, or shall we just chalk it up to unintended consequences?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wisconsin is lovely in the summer.

Bob Ellison said...

Trump gave a pretty brief statement at a press conference that started, I think, at about 10:45. Now he is about 25 minutes or so into taking questions, and still at it, talking very bluntly, as usual. Such a contrast with Hillary.

Tank said...

Mosby drops remaining charges against police officers in Freddie Gray case while spreading further piles of BS. The problem in these cases was that the State had NO EVIDENCE that the police did anything wrong, contrary to Mosby's statement.

Tank said...

And, being a cynic, what's with the timing of this announcement?

eric said...

Trump now has an RCP average lead of 1.1% points. His average is the highest it's been since this whole thing started at 45.7%

I suspect we will know with the next round of polls if Hillary gets a similar bounce and retakes the lead. A week or two after the Dem convention, we should start getting more stable polling and whoever leads then, if it's not more back and forth, should be our next president.

JackWayne said...

Ann, why no comments about Ryan's battle in the primary? That's a pretty good grist for the mill.

rhhardin said...

The reason for the idiocy of election commentary is that it's tuned for the audience, and only the dumb part of the curve watches the TV.

Unfortunately the TV also produces an inclination to vote, and here we are.

Dumb goes with PC.

rhhardin said...

And what's this about Michelle Obama being in any way likeable?

Is cheap grace kicking in?

eric said...

Another thought on polling.

I've figured if the never Trump movement, especially the influential talking head members, doesn't Peter out quickly after the convention, Trump won't win. I've felt sure that his polling has been supressed by a large group holding out for a miracle at the convention. Now that is over and it's Trump or Hillary.

Will never Trump continue? Or will they focus now on keeping Hillary from the white house?

If my Twitter is any indication, never Trump is worse now than they were before the convention. It's Dem convention week and what are they criticizing? Trump.

Hagar said...

So far, what sticks most in my craw from the Democrat convention is "The Mothers of the Movement."
I did not check up on the list, but the mothers of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown (with the same lawyer) are making money off their sons' deaths. It takes some nerve to put them up on the stage as grieving mothers while everybody knows it ain't so.

Hagar said...

We now have several "terrorist" attacks around the world that are just copycat outrages committed by young people not even very clear on what the cause is supposed to be.

Our fearless leaders need to pull their heads out of their rears.
(The leaders', that is.)

Hagar said...

Madeleine Albright says it is important to “make sure” that Donald Trump “never happens,” because he “has already done damage, just by running for president.”

This from the party that just nominated Hillary! Rodham Clinton to be their candidate for the Presidency.

grackle said...

Trump now has an RCP average lead of 1.1% points.

Actually it’s more than 1.1%. From Drudge and RCP: The latest poll has Trump +7 lead over Hillary. Read’em and weep, NeverTrumpers. Your candidate, Hillary, is going to lose by a landslide. And one of the best things about it? The NeverTrumpers will be revealed to many as irrelevant as they really are, a fate they richly deserve.


And their favorability ratings are now even:


Meanwhile, forget the hack supposedly by the Russians and Putin. ISIS is giving Trump a better advantage than the hypocritical DNC emails – terror attacks in Europe almost daily.


Meanwhile, it seems that Merkel is loving her some Trump Muslim immigration policy. I predict that some Democrat politicians in the USA will soon be following her lead. They’ll be forced to – the same way the DNC and Hillary have been forced to adopt Bernie and Trump’s trade policies.

And France’s PM, Hollande, better get a grip and display some balls or he’ll be in trouble too.


If this terror keeps up Merkel is toast and Le Pen is sitting pretty.

eric said...

That +7 is included in the RCP average, actually.

In other news the media is going nuts that Trump has called for Russia to find and release Hillary's 33,000 emails.

Media: Hillary's Emails aren't classified. Nothing to see here. Move along.

Trump: Russia should release Hillary's 33,000 emails for us to see.

Media: Trump calls for Russia to obtain classified US information!

Quaestor said...

...did you know Dr. Ruth was a combat veteran. It says she was a sniper in 1948.

Did you know the Haganah used a lot of former German weapons? That the last time the Bf-109 fighter went to war it was in the service of Israel? That Ruth probably fired a 'scoped KAR98, the ubiquitous arm of the German soldier in WWII? ... "Good sects," she said as she chambered another handmade 8mm cartridge, "from Doctor Root."

Hagar said...

Top oxymoron?
"Natural caesarean childbirth."

mockturtle said...

Good one, jaydub! Not sure Obama can shoot six under, though...

mockturtle said...

Oops, I see Wilbur beat me by a mile.

pm317 said...

Nice pic, Meade. Love window boxes.

Sydney said...

I've been unfollowing anyone within my facebook circle who posts political crap. My facebook feed is actually enjoyable to look at now. Fun keeping up with friends and family without being exposed to political trolling.

mockturtle said...

Trump should know by now that he can't make a joke without the media taking it [or at least portraying it] literally. They end up looking like the fools they are.

Anonymous said...

Are you ready for some football, Monday Night party, with Al, Frank, etc.

This is how I used to remember some great nights.

Now, get ready for:

Are you ready for Madame President, Clinton White House, with Hillary, Bill, Chelsea, Michael, and kids

America: We are just getting started.

What do all think?

Jon Ericson said...

Barf, is what I think if that happens. (many other words would follow)

Curious George said...

Heye, you can honor Hilary! with your own custom avatar. Make it here: http://www.hillaryavatar.com/

Here's mine: http://i64.tinypic.com/2q9dsex.jpg

The app says "Wow... that looks mighty fine.

Feel free to download it and upload it to all of your favorite social networks to support Hillary!"

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Trump should know by now that he can't make a joke without the media taking it [or at least portraying it] literally"

I think he does know that. He's deliberately driving them into self-parody.

Fernandinande said...

coupe said...
I don't know if [Dr. Ruth] killed Moslems or British, or both.

"She served as a lookout and trained as a sniper, but she avers that she never killed (or presumably shot) anyone."

Jon Ericson said...


mockturtle said...

I think he does know that. He's deliberately driving them into self-parody.

Yes, he does/is. Always several steps ahead of the clueless media.

rhhardin said...

Dowd notices women's reasoning differs from men's

Bill Clinton Pours On the Estrogen

Curious George said...

John Hinckley set free.

The DNC will probably invite him to the convention.

rehajm said...

Nate's 'now-cast' gives Trump a 55% chance of winning if the election were held today:


It bugs me he has three different models now. I went and tracked down what's happening with the now-cast:

Differences between polls-only and now-cast

The now-cast is basically the polls-only model, except that we lie to our computer and tell it the election is today.
As a result, the now-cast is very aggressive. It’s much more confident than polls-plus or polls-only; it weights recent polls more heavily and is more aggressive in calculating a trend line.
There could be some big differences around the conventions. The polls-only and polls-plus models discount polls taken just after the conventions, whereas the now-cast will work to quickly capture the convention bounce.

buwaya said...

Talking about politics as an art form -

A political campaign is of course a song of seduction.

Old Bill knows this extremely well. His little (OK, long) love song last night made this pretty explicit, a romantic ballad to ladies of a certain age, with the spice of danger of such from a well known roue, and also the tale of making love to another woman. That seems to work especially well on women that aren't quite sold yet, I don't know why. I'm an engineer, I am empirical.

What Bill does well is the old "la ci darem la mano" - the famous Don Giovanni duet, where the villain makes the sale to a lady who, fully knowing the danger of this very dubious fellow, is not trying too hard to resist his instant seduction. Because, of course, he can tell who is susceptible.

The Da Ponte libretto is nearly as brilliant as Mozart's music, to those who want to listen. Its a wonderfully complex mess of hypocrisies packed into remarkably few words - unlike Bill, who needs a lot more words to work his shtick, but I suppose his own style works for him. An opera with Bill Clinton would be an interesting challenge for a librettist. Maybe Laslo can have a go.

This thing started a whole genre of seduction duets.

Not too well known is that Bizet's Habanera in "Carmen" is based on a tune from an actual Habanera, Iradier's "El Arreglito" (the little arrangement). Whats even less well known is "El Arreglito" itself, rarely played, is a seduction duet. A good number of Habaneras are duets. Another interesting bit of "El Arreglito" is the start - the man calls to the girl with remarkable rudeness - a "Hey you". Iradier seems to have had something of a reputation, and I guess this worked even in the 1850's.

In any case, "El Arreglito" has a lot going for it, standing alone, and does not deserve to be forgotten. One of the very few available performances, as originally conceived -


rhhardin said...

I have a new 60 ft pole for a new antenna, some assembly required.

Jon Ericson said...

ol' '55 has relinquished her time.

Hagar said...

Dowd notices women's reasoning differs from men's.

Which is fortunate for the survival of the species. If you could at a stroke magically alter the mental processes of all the women on earth to resemble the men's, there would not be any more children born.

Kate said...

I became curious about the phrase/meme/hashtag "stay woke". It didn't feel recent to me.

Google led me to an article claiming that Erykah Badu invented the phrase in '08. And I can believe she was the first to give it that grammatically uncomfortable mashup.

But I swear that the Beat poets were doing this earlier. So I ended up reading "Howl" this morning. Ginsberg may not have directly created the phrase "stay woke", but doesn't he deserve some credit?

Well, the thought process passed the time while the coffee brewed...

William said...

It's been nearly twenty four hours since the last Islamic atrocity. If this sterling record keeps up for the next three or four days, then we will see how our tolerance is paying big dividends and how extreme Trump's rhetoric is. It's unrealistic to expect the streak to last more than a week, but we see definite signs of progress......I'd like to see young Ahmad and his genius clock come up to the podium during Hillary's acceptance speech. She could give him a big maternal hug. This would serve both to humanize her and to dramatize the beauty of her soul.

Jon Ericson said...

A farewell salute to ol' '55:
freeway cars and trucks

mockturtle said...

Buwaya, I'm waiting for the 'mad scene' from Lucia di Lammermoor

DanTheMan said...

>> I think he does know that. He's deliberately driving them into self-parody.

Is it a deliberate, conscious act, or is it an instinct developed by a lifetime of negotiations?

Jon Ericson said...

Lotsa guy wires?

Rusty said...

rhhardin said...
I have a new 60 ft pole for a new antenna, some assembly required.


Etienne said...

rhhardin said...I have a new 60 ft pole...

They always say that before the fire department arrives to pull the man off the electricity.

They usually perform CPR. Not to save the life, but to keep the blood flowing so the organs can be harvested.

Jon Ericson said...

Bob Dole approves.

Jaq said...

Wandered through the flower garden last night with a flashlight, I was looking for something, but what I saw were moths everywhere feeding at the flowers, a couple the size of hummingbirds. I don't think they were hummingbird moths, but they looked like hummingbirds in shape and behavior.

Fernandinande said...

Gallery o' Billary Pics

eric said...

Reuters now has Trump leading.

This is the same Reuters that hasn't had a lead for Trump yet. And had Hillary as far ahead as +13.

Jon Ericson said...


Amexpat said...

Trump just said: "Russia, if you're listening I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press,"

I think Trump has committed a major unforced error here. But, I've thought that before, and been wrong every time.

buwaya said...

Re Trump and Russia - Listen to Limbaugh on this.
His subversive little implication - that the US is reduced to begging Russia for help, because the US government, and press, (under the Democrat clique) is too corrupt to be trusted.
It is withering sarcasm.

LCpl Predator said...

That looks like Morning Glories. I grew the heirloom, Grandpa Ott, about 10 years ago. I'm still (this a.m.!) pulling out seedlings. Those seeds have an eternal life, but should have figured that out by the heirloom part. They were great that first year, and bloomed gloriously - even on the roof. The reseeding was the problem. If I turned my back, the seedlings were wrapping themselves around everything. They were too much maintenance, and I gave up on them.

I love window boxes, and have three of them. Your suit your house nicely. Did you build them? Curious about the selection of nasturtiums in the window box. Did you pick them for their size/color?

mockturtle said...

Yes, it is sarcasm, as has been duly noted. The press, being clueless beyond belief, will play it straight.

Jon Ericson said...

It's way past time Unknown#2 interrupted this thread!
Good help? Where do you find them?
-G. Soros

Hagar said...

Nah, Trump is just being sarcastic (and hogging the news cycle).

And the former heads of the CIA and NSA have long time since been out there stating they assume "all competent intelligence agencies" monitored Hillary!'s server and have copies in storage.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Amexpat said...
I think Trump has committed a major unforced error here. But, I've thought that before, and been wrong every time.

I doubt it will have much effect on his supporters. As with much of Trump's shtick it is both humorous and vaguely threatening. He is a master at this particular art form.

Jon Ericson said...

ARM is an acceptable substitute.
G. Soros

rhhardin said...

Lotsa guy wires?

Probably 3 sets of 3. Tuned radials extended with paracord 30 feet up, and two levels of paracord above that. I hope nothing lower is needed, part of the point being to get the radials out of the backyard sight line.

It's a fiberglass pole and the only power line in reach is 110v and insulated, so electricity isn't a hazard.

Spiderbeam 60' pole.

eric said...

Blogger buwaya said...
Re Trump and Russia - Listen to Limbaugh on this.
His subversive little implication - that the US is reduced to begging Russia for help, because the US government, and press, (under the Democrat clique) is too corrupt to be trusted.
It is withering sarcasm.

Perfect, isn't it?

He continues to expose our corrupt media. The same media that insisted Hillary's Emails were of yoga and weddings, now wants us to believe they are classified information.

The same media that insisted we have no evidence Russia hacked her emails, now says Russia shouldn't interfere in our elections.

The same media that laughed at romney for saying Russia was our greatest geopolitical for,now says Russia is our greatest geopolitical for.

Could they be any more obvious?

They are floundering and they don't realize it.

If Trump wins the presidency, a lot of reporters who started within the past 8 years are suddenly going to learn what it means to be a real reporter.

Jon Ericson said...

I need to erect one on the top of my ridge,
but with the emphasis on a wind generator.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Jon Ericson said...
ARM is an acceptable substitute.

Drago, is that you?

Amexpat said...

I doubt it will have much effect on his supporters. As with much of Trump's shtick it is both humorous and vaguely threatening. He is a master at this particular art form.

Agree that it will have no effect with his supporters.

I'm thinking about those who normally would vote against HRC but have reservations about Trump. The Dems already have a line of attack against Trump for being too pro Putin. His recent statements about NATO and Manafort's ties with pro-Russian Ukrainians feed into this. Now they have a good sound bite to add to this line of attack.

Trump may have been sarcastic but I doubt he'll walk back from the statement using that as an excuse. Could be he wants to shift the discussion to HRC's missing emails and feels that it's worth the flak he'll get for his initial statement.

bagoh20 said...

I don't know what Meade did, but c'mon open the damned door and let him in.

buwaya said...

"but I doubt he'll walk back from the statement using that as an excuse."

Of course he won't. He will amplify if anything.
I think you misunderstand the state of the public mind. The level of distrust of government and the press is so extreme that this will be interpreted as Limbaugh has it.

The other side can thrash around, but they have little material.

Oh, btw, Paul Ryan is falling into the press trap, begging Russia not to intervene in the US election. This reveals why he and his have lost so consistently. They lack confidence and boldness and cannot imagine actually fighting the other side. This is why intellectual musings are not the same thing as politics - and why the National Review gang are ineffectual.

Jon Ericson said...

What an honor!
To be mistaken for Drago!
*drys tear*

rhhardin said...

I need to erect one on the top of my ridge,
but with the emphasis on a wind generator.

The Spiderbeam poles are easy to put up by yourself, but won't support much weight at the tip.

The hose clamp and rubber sleeve system works beautifully. Just push another segment up and tighten its hose clamp a little. Let out the top guy wires a little from time to time.

I use it for a 5 watt radio on my computer desk, which replaces a cup of coffee. I now drink coffee with my left hand. So I can surf the internet or 40m without leaving my work position.

Jon Ericson said...

My dad built many shortwave receivers after
he got out of the war in about '50.
Guess even then he wanted to know what was really going on.

Sebastian said...

"His subversive little implication - that the US is reduced to begging Russia for help, because the US government, and press, (under the Democrat clique) is too corrupt to be trusted." Who needs the MSM or the FBI when we have the FSB?

OK, so let's assume the Russians did it. Why would anyone want to vote for a candidate and a party so easily humiliated by them, so utterly clueless they leave themselves completely exposed, with tens of thousands of SoS items yet to come, not to mention email traffic involving the "foundation"?

Hagar said...

I don't quite understand the fuss about Trump asking the Russians if they have Hillary!'s e-mails, please let us in on them too.
It would be a lot faster than getting them from the U.S. Government through FOIA requests.

Sort of like back in the Cold War days when local agencies that could not get satellite survey photos from the USGS asked the Soviet Embassy, who were delighted to be of service.

Jon Ericson said...

It's like the SJWs don't know what the political hacks are doing!

Amexpat said...

don't quite understand the fuss about Trump asking the Russians if they have Hillary!'s e-mails, please let us in on them too.

Because the Russians are going to act in their interests. Releasing the emails would harm HRC and imply that they are interfering in a US election to try to get Trump elected.

grackle said...

If Trump wins the presidency, a lot of reporters who started within the past 8 years are suddenly going to learn what it means to be a real reporter.

I think not. They’ll keep doing what they do now: Lying, hiding facts, inventing bogus narratives, being the lapdogs of the Democrats, etc.

The Dems already have a line of attack against Trump for being too pro Putin. His recent statements about NATO and Manafort's ties with pro-Russian Ukrainians feed into this. Now they have a good sound bite to add to this line of attack.

The Democrat/MSM/NeverTrumpers’ basic problem is this: They cannot play this Russian narrative up without reminding viewers of the content of the emails. Or about Hillary’s mishandled classified emails. If they were smart they would lay off the subject of emails altogether for the rest of the campaign. Hillary + emails = advantage Trump. This is why Trump is cracking wise. But they’re not smart. It’ll be a few days before they realize.

Furthermore, this Russian hacker silliness cuts into the convention messaging. The Democrats cannot have another convention – they better get all the bump they can from it while the getting is good.

eric said...

What if the Russians didn't have Hillary's Emails?

What if the same group that hacked Sarah Palin's Emails and then released them had Hillary's? Would it be OK to release them then?

Hagar said...

Because the Russians are going to act in their interests. Releasing the emails would harm HRC and imply that they are interfering in a US election to try to get Trump elected.

So, what else is new?

buwaya said...

But they wouldn't harm HRC if there weren't things in them that would harm HRC.
So it is the press, the Democrats and the HRC campaign admitting that there are major HRC skeletons in the closet.
And of course, everyone but HRC admits to corruption or incompetence in covering it all up.
Jiu jitsu, on the lot of them.

mockturtle said...

Cheeseheads: Does Nehlen have any kind of a chance against Ryan in the primary?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Jon Ericson said...
What an honor! To be mistaken for Drago!

The Drago = Jon Ericson equivalence appears to have been confirmed.

Jon Ericson said...

Another honor, so gracious!

Amexpat said...

A daydream scenario I have as a Never Trump/HRC person is this: Damaging emails are leaked after the nomination that are so bad that HRC has to drop out. Kaine then takes over at the top of the ticket and defeats Trump.

Meade said...

God bless Ronald Reagan for having the wherewithal to not let us lose the Cold War

gerry said...

Speaking of e-mails: hilarious.

buwaya said...

" Kaine then takes over at the top of the ticket and defeats Trump.'

This will solve nothing in US politics and public affairs.
Ultimately this isn't about one person or one campaign controversy, but a corrupt, decadent system. Kaine is a man of the system. HRC, Kaine, none of this matters much as to specific persons. We are talking of an election that will devolve powers on thousands of people, of which the President is just the most important position.
The entire system needs to be purged. Kaine won't, Trump might.

Jon Ericson said...

Damn straight!

Jon Ericson said...

Freder up next...

DanTheMan said...

The CNN crawl now says "Trump asks Russians to hack Hillary's email"

Clinton News Network, indeed.

Amexpat said...

Ultimately this isn't about one person or one campaign controversy, but a corrupt, decadent system. Kaine is a man of the system. HRC, Kaine, none of this matters much as to specific persons. We are talking of an election that will devolve powers on thousands of people, of which the President is just the most important position. The entire system needs to be purged. Kaine won't, Trump might

All systems/governments have some degree of corruption and decadence. What's Trump's record of fighting either of those?

As for revolutions/purges, nine times out of the ten they end up being; meet the new boss, even worse than the old boss.

Jon Ericson said...

You can't make a profit without being efficient.
(unless you're associated with organized crime)

buwaya said...

"All systems/governments have some degree of corruption and decadence."

Yes, but yours is long term and accelerating, and not survivable.
Ask, for instance, Peter Thiel. Or look for yourself, at data freely available at the Feds, BLS, Census, etc. People can be so lazy.
Reform now or revolution later, or worse.
The same choice given to Louis XVI.
Like you, he was inclined to dither.

grackle said...

Releasing the emails would harm HRC and imply that they are interfering in a US election to try to get Trump elected.

Every time the Democrats/MSM/NeverTrumpers vent about Trump asking the Russians for Hillary’s emails they necessarily remind the viewers and give credence to the probability that Hillary’s home server was hacked by every government with a cyber warfare department. Advantage Trump. Trump will draw this out as long as he can.

The only thing that could make this Trump supporter happier is if Hillary decided to make gun control a major theme of her campaign. But that’s not going to happen. This Clinton-generated Russian hacker narrative will have to do. For now.

Clyde said...

Does anyone else question the timing of the release of John Hinckley? I hope that Donald Trump's Secret Service detail is attentive.

Kate said...

Maybe Russia would like a diplomatically secure relationship with the US going forward. Maybe they started a secret communication, realized everyone could hack Hillary, and kept their thoughts to themselves. Exposing failure by our SoS *is in their interest.

FullMoon said...

Ya know, I certainly hope no nefarious individuals will sink so low as create a vid comparing Ivanka and Chelsea speeches side by side in some pathetic attempt at juvenile humor.

Chelsea gonna draw more quick views than Bill or Micky O. Maybe more than Barry H. O.

walter said...

bagoh20 said...
I don't know what Meade did, but c'mon open the damned door and let him in.

And yes..the media are looking like fools regarding Trump's Russia ask. The problem is, Hil's fans are foolish enough to swallow the press' narrative.
Imagine 4-8 yrs with that humorless scold, her entourage...and an enabled/energized SJW complex running rampant.

walter said...

(Hil's fans and the berners who are looking to validate voting Dem this time.)

FullMoon said...

Amexpat said... [hush]​[hide comment]

don't quite understand the fuss about Trump asking the Russians if they have Hillary!'s e-mails, please let us in on them too.

Because the Russians are going to act in their interests. Releasing the emails would harm HRC and imply that they are interfering in a US election to try to get Trump elected.

Apparently the Russians would rather deal with a sensible President than a war-monger?
The same people telling us to fear Russia are the same people who taught us poorly educated boomers that all Russian women were toothless peasants with raggedy-ass scarves on scraggly heads, frumpy long shirts down to their laceless combat boots,
hoeing the fields for potatoes to feed their obese selves.
I thank Laslo for pointing me towards Russian Porn and opening my eyes to Russian feminine beauty

rehajm said...

So Dems are claiming Trump is calling for Russians to hack emails Dems have already claimed Russia hacked and Dems claim that this call for the Russians to hack her emails is a threat to national security- the emails the Dems said did not contain classified information...

So just how are Hillary's emails about yoga and wedding planing a threat to national security?

rehajm said...

From CNN: The Kremlin has rejected allegations its behind the hacking, calling suggestions it ordered the release of the emails to influence US politics the "usual fun and games" of the US election campaigns.
"This is not really good for bilateral relations," Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, added.

So the Dems are damaging US/Russian relations...again.

walter said...

"So just how are Hillary's emails about yoga and wedding planing a threat to national security?"

Hey..no press job/access for you!

buwaya said...

Limbaugh -
Press is going mad re Trump and not bothering with the Dem Con.

Jon Ericson said...

Yeah, well, Soap Opera Women.

walter said...

Butt you know..if the emails contain yoga pics, there's no telling what she might do to suppress them.

Jon Ericson said...

I can just picture ARM bitching about me to Meadhouse!

n.n said...

The problem for Muslims, as for Christians, as for Jews, etc., is the anti-native policies carried out during progressive wars and social justice-inspired humanitarian disasters that have destroyed their homes, promoted refugee crises, and fomented [class] diversity (i.e. denial of individual dignity on principle including racism, sexism, etc.). The debasement of human life through trans-human religious doctrines (e.g. Pro-Choice) only serves to exacerbate the conflict.

n.n said...

Dr. Ruth ... You have to wonder where she got the money to live in Paris

Easy. Jewish community. Her service probably helped earn her favorable position.

wildswan said...

I hear the air-conditioning at the DNC is super max. Kerry has told us that air conditioning is worse than ISIS - OK. Tonight, climate change night, would be good night to turn it off. Or at least set it at 80. Save the planet. from a fate worse than ISIS. And issue toilet paper - one sheet per person. Ban iced drinks - making ice kills trees. Serve only water and brown rice.

Phil 314 said...

I'm a NeverTrumper and the parts of he presser I heard was very good. Short, succinct answers. Clearly tongue in cheek with request for Russians to send us Hillary's emails.

I usually don't like the content of his answers but I like the style.

mockturtle said...

LOL, wildswan! I love it! Maybe Bernie supporters could enforce it.

buwaya said...

Limbaugh re Bill Clinton - cites music also!
Sade - Smooth Operator
I admit, thats one that works. Very fine song.

n.n said...

but a corrupt, decadent system. Kaine is a man of the system

Exactly. This is why both sides have developed an extraordinary phobia of Trump that was distinctly lacking when Obama promised "redistributive change", and his heiress, Clinton, when she has demonstrated her corruption. Trump is a whistleblower, who as president will have an opportunity to address the bureaucracy, the press, and foreign intrigue. A lot of people who have profited from anti-American policies will lose.

mockturtle said...

@Clyde Does anyone else question the timing of the release of John Hinckley?

Not to worry! John will be under the care and watchful eye of his 90-year-old mother.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"The Drago = Jon Ericson equivalence appears to have been confirmed."

No disrespect, Jon, but Drago is wittier. And he has all ARM's pressure points memorized.

mockturtle said...

One of the things I like most about Trump is his lack of fear of the media. They had always had candidates by the short hairs. This is new for them and refreshing for us.

walter said...

mockturtle said...
LOL, wildswan! I love it! Maybe Bernie supporters could enforce it.
They could use it as a test to decide which deodorant to boycott. Because..too much consumer choice=excess.

buwaya said...


More fun with the emails - there are so many still to investigate - this is like the Climategate business, always some twist.

"...show that DNC officials hoped to reward top donors and insiders with appointments to federal boards and commissions in coordination with the White House."

Note - the CURRENT White House.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Jon Ericson said...
I can just picture ARM bitching about me to Meadhouse!

I can picture you picturing this. Free Drago. Bring back Drago. We want Drago. Give us the real thing.

Hell no, say it ain't so.
Just say no to the new Drago.

Jon Ericson said...

@The Cracker Emcee.
Absolutely true about the wittiness,
just questioning ARM's ... awareness.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The Cracker Emcee said...
No disrespect, Jon, but Drago is wittier.

Classic example of a false memory. Fight the power Jon. Fight the power.

Jon Ericson said...

Sure Ari, Are you nuts or just drunk?

Hagar said...

Technically, the Russians did not have to hack Hillary!'s server, since all they had to do was swipe her password when she used her Blackberry while in their territory, so all they had to do was log in and read to their hearts' content at leisure, and this does not qualify as "hacking," so they can quite honestly claim that they did not "hack" her e-mails; they just read them.
Is this so?

(and don't try to diagram that sentence.)

Hagar said...

And that would of course also be true for any other country where she used an unprotected Blackberry or iPhone.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The Cracker Emcee said...
No disrespect, Jon, but Drago is wittier.

I could not disagree more. They are equally witty. Exactly as witty as one another. Literally indistinguishable.

Jon Ericson said...

Bring back Drago!
Let's have a wit-off!
Suggested topic: ARM

Fabi said...

Ann -- a year or so ago you posted a few pictures of an architecturally interesting house being built in your proximity. Any new photos? Not asking you to be a creeper or anything! LOL

walter said...

Is Meade getting sunburned out there?

Bill said...

Meade must be gauzy with spiderwebs by now.

Captain Drano said...

"Clinton Running Mate Kaine Endorses Repeal of Hyde Amendment on Abortion"

C. C. Pecknold‏ @ccpecknold:
"May he experience the graced discipline of being denied the Eucharist until he repents"

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Jon Ericson said...
Let's have a wit-off!

Former members of the Algonquin round table were unavailable for comment.

Jaq said...

So it's begun.

Captain Drano said...

I wonder if this is true:

"Tony‏ @tonyinnebraska
@politico @BernieSanders Hearing that Kaine's speech tonight is scrapped because of "fear of booing". The VP nominee won't speak - amazing."

I know the Bernbots are planning a big protest tonight. It'd be interesting if he declines to speak.

Jaq said...

BTW, ARM, you called me a liar a while back. I don't intentionally lie, so I must have been mistaken on some point. Would you mind giving me a pointer to the "fantastic castles in the air" (paraphrase) I have been building so I can correct any factual errors I have been promulgating. I would appreciate it greatly.

shiloh said...

104 days till the presidential election. Please, pace yourselves for the long haul.

Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be bumpy ...

Jaq said...

Please be specific.

Jaq said...

Bumpy for you skippy. You are the one worshiping your leader. We all know our guy is a tool. But not the same kind of idiot that dragged the US into Syria and Libya and kicked off a huge refugee crisis in Europe that has lead to a summer of terror there.

David said...

NYT has collected all of its recent columns regarding the Democratic Convention and the etcetera surrounding it in one place. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/07/26/opinion/campaign-stops/Hillary-Clinton-Convention-Day-2.html?_r=0

There does not seem to be a paywall. If you want to see high-minded groupthink of the liberal variety, it's The Place To Go.

"All the news that fits our think."

Jaq said...

Hillary Clinton’s campaign will position her Wednesday night as prepared to be the nation’s commander-in-chief, contrasting her with what it’s calling a “temperamentally unfit” Donald Trump.

What is he so secretive that he would rather put national security at risk than tip his hand to his domestic enemies.

Jaq said...

"All the news we see fit to print" is grammatically identical to "All the news that's fit to print." Just sayin;

Original Mike said...

Wow, Dems/media really are freaking out over Trump's "call" for the Russian's to provide Hillary's deleted emails. Debbie Dingle just called it "treasonous"! Ridiculous. Her yoga lessons and wedding pictures are not a security threat.

buwaya said...

Trump on Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything)


buwaya said...

Re Reddit - Yiannopoulos is participating, a lot.
Don't know if he is "moderating"

Lewis Wetzel said...

Unlike her opponent, Hillary stands ready, willing, and able to stomp out our current plague of right wing Christian terrorism at its roots!

buwaya said...

12865 comments - no way I can follow that

buwaya said...

the-realDonaldTrump isn't on yet, or not answering yet. Supposed to have started 7:00pmET. This is historic, or maybe hysteric, I don't know.

buwaya said...

OK, starting to answer -

buwaya said...

Trumps answers will be here -

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

tim in vermont said...
you called me a liar ... "fantastic castles in the air"

I would like to point out that saying someone is building fantastic castles in the air is not quite the same thing as calling someone a liar. Not even close. I could have said prevaricator, bearer of false witness, fabulist, equivocator or even gone all the way to deceiver, but I abjured those words. Instead, I said what I meant. You and April Apple.

buwaya said...

Well, up to 20,000 comments but Trump hasn't done much answering.
I react rather like the kid in "Christmas Story" figuring out the secret message.

I have put forward a detailed plan for H-1B reform to protect American workers which can viewed on the immigration paper on my website. My plan is the exact opposite of Crooked Hillary Clinton.

Keeping Crooked Hillary Clinton out of the White House!

I have been very concerned about media bias and the total dishonesty of the press. I think new media is a great way to get out the truth.

1 - Voter fraud is always a serious concern and authorities must be vigilant from keeping those from voting that are not authorized to do so.
2 - Honestly I think NASA is wonderful! America has always led the world in space exploration.

Marc in Eugene said...

Buwaya, I agree that the Clinton romance would make an interesting opera; Boesman, maybe. But all of them these days, alas-- working composers, I mean; but perhaps I'm mistaken-- can be confidently relied upon to vote Remain, declaim against the horror of DT, and boycott Israel.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Rebeaut rebut.

Jaq said...

but I abjured those words. Instead, I said what I meant. You and April Apple.

So you got nothing then. What I have been saying is essentially true, but you wish I wouldn't point that kind of stuff out about our former first lady and dowager Democrat candidate. Is that it?

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