July 30, 2016

Maureen Dowd's new column, "Thanks, Obama," is titled sarcastically.

It took me a moment to get past the photograph — Hillary encountering Obama and doing that awful gaping maw expression right into his face — and then I thought I was reading a column of genuine appreciation of the goodness of Barack Obama compared to Clinton and it took me a while to realize that the title — "Thanks, Obama" — was sarcastic.

Dowd goes back to 2008, when an Obama ad said: “Hillary Clinton. She’ll say anything and change nothing. It’s time to turn the page.” Dowd quips:
Evidently, President Obama folded the corner of that page over so he could go back to it later. Remarkably, he bought us our return ticket to the past, rolling out the red carpet for the restoration of the Clinton blurred-lines White House.

An army of idealistic young people had moved to Iowa in 2007 to help Obama beat seemingly impossible odds. But in this election, Bernie Sanders’s idealistic young people were cast as unrealistic dreamers who wanted free stuff or, according to Gloria Steinem, dates....

The president made his vote-for-Hillary-or-face-doom convention speech only 22 days after his F.B.I. director painted Hillary as reckless and untruthful.
He argued that there is no choice but to support Hillary against a “self-declared savior” like Donald Trump, perhaps forgetting that Obama was once hailed as such a messiah that Oprah introduced him in 2007 as “the one,” and it became his moniker.

In the end, Obama didn’t overthrow the Clinton machine. He enabled it.

It turns out, who we choose is not really about our souls. It’s just politics, man.
Aptly put. 


JackWayne said...
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JackWayne said...

Dowd will vote for Hillary. She is a reliable useful idiot.

David Begley said...


Dowd figured out that Obama is wildly inconsistent and said anything to get elected. Just like Hillary. She will flip back on TPP. Her donors own her.

Birkel said...

I thank Obama for massively increasing the size and scope of government, which will retard economic growth and require massive effort to remove.

I thank Obama for 93 million able-bodied adults who can enjoy funemployment.

Et cetera.

And I would like to thank the dupes who helped elect the collectivist, narcissistic jack ass, Obama.

Will said...

A savior with a Legacy so noxious and fleeting it depends on a completely and cynically corrupt retread to save it… Obama lives in terror that all his executive actions and Obamacare will be wiped away by reality...

Anonymous said...

Blogger Jack Wayne said...
Dowd will vote for Hillary. She is a reliable useful idiot.

7/30/16, 7:27 PM


We have to wait for Labor Day for her to return to the the fold.

Moneyrunner said...

This is the perfect time to remind people how Hillary got here. It all starts with Bill and Hillary in Arkansas, before she accepted the $100,000 bribe disguised as a series of winning cattle futures trades. Before Whitewater morphed from a failed S&L and was confused in the public mind with tawdry trysts underneath the Presidential desk, Whitewater was a piece of land. Here is James Taranto from April 21, 2015: http://www.wsj.com/articles/whitewaters-predatory-lending-1429640340

It involved an Arkansas land development known as Whitewater that was partly owned by Bill and Hillary Clinton and managed by Mrs. Clinton, then the state’s first lady. …
“Clyde Soapes was a grain-elevator operator from Texas who heard about the lots in early 1980 and jumped at the chance to invest. He put $3,000 down and began making payments of $244.69 per month. He made thirty-five payments in all—totaling $11,564.15, just short of the $14,000 price for the lot. Then he suddenly fell ill with diabetes and missed a payment, then two. The Clintons informed him that he had lost the land and all of his money. There was no court proceeding or compensation. Months later they resold his property to a couple from Nevada for $16,500. After they too missed a payment, the Clintons resold it yet again.

“Soapes and the couple from Nevada were not alone. More than half of the people who bought lots in Whitewater—teachers, farmers, laborers, and retirees—made payments, missed one or two, and then lost their land without getting a dime of their equity back. According to Whitewater records, at least sixteen different buyers paid more than $50,000 and never received a property deed.”

This was her beginning. Since then she has gone on to much bigger things. If the Clintons reoccupy public housing I am confident they will exit as billionaires.

TA said...

Obama doesn't look too good, either, in this picture. A lot of makeup? Vibes of a braying donkey.

rcocean said...

Hillary is without a doubt the worst candidate for POTUS in the last 40 years.

She can't make a speech, and lacked the common touch. If she wasn't Mrs. Bill Clinton no one would've ever heard of her.


She has (D) after her name, and that's all that matters. She's got 45% of the vote locked up, no matter what. She could kill man, or tell us she's the Devils spawn or would turn the country over to ISIS, and it wouldn't matter. She has (D) after her name - so she get 45%.

So, can she be stopped? That depends on the Dummies. The idiots. The morons who don't pay attention till Labor Day. Maybe, just maybe, if they don't like how Hillary talks in the debates, we might be spared.

But I doubt it.

Rob said...

Electing Hillary is like getting a colonoscopy. Everybody insists it's necessary, but you still have a visceral hatred of the idea of that cold hard mechanical object being shoved up your ass.

To be sure, a colon scope is flexible, capable even of reversing itself 180 degrees when necessary to get where it's going. But that doesn't mean we want it to be President.

Hagar said...

Well, he certainly has made us feel differently about each other.

Bill Crawford said...

I wonder if we will see Trump do re-runs of Obama's ads against Hillary. After all, the ads are even truer now.

Tommy Duncan said...

If America had even a moderately biased press Mrs. Bill Clinton would be at 15% in the polls. But alas, the American mainstream media is totally in the tank for Clinton. After all, aren't we surprised to see Maureen Dowd write a piece critical of Hillary and Obama? Even the smallest crack in the media wall catches our attention and we blog about it.

Equally ironic: American universities have convinced our youth that the Democrat Party represents "change". Somehow the thoroughly progressive establishment has brainwashed our children into thinking the establishment represents a new way forward. Revolution now means embracing the status quo.

Some day our youth will be huddled in the gulags. One of the brave ones will pilfer a pencil and a scrap of paper and write notes that will later become a book describing life under the establishment. Gladly, I will be dead by then...

commoncents said...

Pro-Trump super pac ad "It Takes Two":


Ipso Fatso said...

MODO needs to update her PHOTO!!!! She shouldn't talk about soul since she doesn't have one.

YoungHegelian said...

It turns out, who we choose is not really about our souls. It’s just politics, man.

Silly rabbit! Politics is never about about our souls. Hells-bells, it's hard enough to keep stuff that really is about our souls on the topic, much less politics.

Susan said...

This was her beginning. Since then she has gone on to much bigger things. If the Clintons reoccupy public housing I am confident they will exit as billionaires.

Are we sure they aren't now? How many billions went missing from the State Department again?

MD Greene said...

I'm one of the fools who still pays for daily delivery (usually late, sometimes not at all) of the NYTimes. By the time I read a column like this, the comments section has been closed. The comments tell you who reads the paper -- scornful left or far-left fanboys. Modo is sort of interesting as an outlier, but the fanboys are doing their best to vote her off the island. She used to be part of the team, but now is a heretic. The whole paper is all Hillary-wonderful, Donald-evil in every section every day. Maybe all the real reporters -- in foreign bureaus, covering sports or (a little tiny bit of )science -- are keeping their heads down and doing their work. I blame Pinch and Carlos Slim(e).

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I thought Dowd's statements about Biden were BS. Female Dems would never have put up with another man taking Clnton's place. Women are the Dems largest demographic. Obama had two options to stand apart or go all in for Clinton. To stand apart would have been almost unthinkable, resulting in a split in the party. I would have preferred if he had done that.

CWJ said...

ARM speaks well.

But where are the others? Well, the nights still young, and once they get their talking points I'm sure we will hear from them.

Paul said...

So Maureen Dowd, who for years has enabled Obama and Hillary NOW gives a sarcastic view of these two?

All Dowd is doing is covering her butt so when the house of cards falls, she will say she saw the light. Fricken liberal.

Unknown said...

For some reason Maureen Dowd has had some kind of a burr under her saddle from the very beginning of the Clintons. I don't know why, but she sure didn't like Bill. Maybe he spurned her at some time?

Will Cate said...

MoDowd is trying to be hip. It's what all the kids (i.e millennials) say whenever they are griping about something. My sons say it all the time.

rhhardin said...

It doesn't seem aptly put to me. It seems confused.

Once written, twice... said...

Prediction: Ann does not write post about Trump slandering the parents of the fallen American Hero.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Prediction: the aforementioned Muslims do not sue Trump for slander.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Have we ever had a president who was so unwilling to learn from his mistakes? Or even unwilling to admit to them?
During his presidency, the GOP has made huge advances in its control of state governorships, state houses, and the federal house and senate.
If Hillary fails in November, the Dems will be down to controlling the supposedly non-partisan media, judiciary, and the federal bureaucracies. This "leftward march" of our institutions seems to be confined to the least democratic of those institutions.

Guildofcannonballs said...

The 1989 Uncle John's Band.


Surely you can conclude?

traditionalguy said...

Money has its reasons.

And the Love of money can be a convenient reason behind all of the evils that men chose.

But Hillary doesn't need reasons. She embodies evil.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

And in other newspaper developments, Scott Adams writes his funniest Dilbert in a long time http://dilbert.com/strip/2016-07-30 and it's totally non-political.

sunsong said...

I don't think most people (maybe even Obama) want Hillary. It's simply that Trump is that bad!!! He's a child in an adult body.

Sebastian said...

"Dowd goes back to 2008, when an Obama ad said: “Hillary Clinton. She’ll say anything and change nothing. It’s time to turn the page.” Dowd quips: Evidently, President Obama folded the corner of that page over so he could go back to it later. Remarkably, he bought us our return ticket to the past, rolling out the red carpet for the restoration of the Clinton blurred-lines White House." Now, an enterprising reporter might have raised that as a question for O at one of his many presser conferences, or an MSM flunky might have brought it up in convention commentary ("here's the man who said x about Hill singing her praises! can you believe it?"). Still, it's a great line for Trump to use. (I didn't vote for Trump etc. etc. But I do have a question for #NeverTrumpers: why exactly is this woman "temperamentally" or in any other way qualified?)

"The president made his vote-for-Hillary-or-face-doom convention speech only 22 days after his F.B.I. director painted Hillary as reckless and untruthful. He argued that there is no choice but to support Hillary against a “self-declared savior” like Donald Trump, perhaps forgetting that Obama was once hailed as such a messiah that Oprah introduced him in 2007 as “the one,” and it became his moniker." Thanks, MoDo. But even your sarcasm appears to contemplate the possibility that morality or consistency could quite possibly have made O act differently.

"It turns out, who we choose is not really about our souls. It’s just politics, man." It is. But of course that is the ruin of souls. For those who have any left.

Paul said...

"If Hillary fails in November, the Dems will be down to controlling the supposedly non-partisan media, judiciary, and the federal bureaucracies. This "leftward march" of our institutions seems to be confined to the least democratic of those institutions."

No problem Terry. Trump will FIRE the federal bureaucrats, get congress to abolish all FEDERAL UNIONS (and if they strike, fire them all to and get non-union people to replace them.)

That will leave them with, the media and some judges. Then maybe Congress will push term limits on the judges! Won't that be a gas?

Sebastian said...

"In the end, Obama didn’t overthrow the Clinton machine. He enabled it." Correct. The reason is, he wants to build a bigger one himself. Watch for it: soon after the election, he'll start a foundation of his own. Something like, "The Michelle and Barack Obama Foundation for Social Progress." Mission: improving "community relations" and "combatting climate change," combining the race shakedown and climate shakedown for maximum profit potential. This will be PUSH to the nth degree, the community organizer organizing the country, what, the world. Pitch to companies: "You wouldn't want to be accused of not caring about race relations/climate change, would you? Support the foundation, and we got you covered!" This will be a protection racket that will outhustle the Clinton Foundation: they did $250 in 10, O can do $1B in 5. The key: just like Hill helped the shakedown by keeping her future options open, Michelle will have to start making some noises about running for office, whether she means it or not.

Earnest Prole said...

Don't miss the priceless outraged comments from priceless outraged Times readers. It burns! It burns!

Lewis Wetzel said...

I am going into the Wayback Machine here, but didn't Dowd create a watershed moment back in the 90's when she wrote a column calling Democrats out for their support of serial sex abuser Bill Clinton?
Then she recanted a while later because of that awful Newt Gingrich.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"He's a child in an adult body."
Like Bill Clinton?
The problem Democrats have with Trump is that Trump really hasn't done anything that the Democrats haven't already forgiven themselves, and especially, the Clintons, for doing.
FDR put legal immigrants in prison camps, fer God's sake. He deported hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants. Clinton seduced a White House intern young enough to be his daughter.
Your complaints about Trump are laughable, Sunsong.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


“Leadership is not yelling, and screaming and intimidating,” said Cuban, the owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks and a panelist on ABC’s Shark Tank. “People like that in Pittsburg are called a jagoff,” he added, using pejorative Pittsburgh slang. “Is there any bigger jagoff in the world than Donald Trump?”

Ah, poor Donald. He's being picked on by other billionaires. Bet he's missing his Mommy.

Unknown said...

Trumpkins, what is your preferred title for "I alone can fix it" Trump:

Emperor Trump of the United States of America
King Trump of America
His Royal Highness Trump of the USA
Duce Trump
Fuhrer Trump
Trump Supreme Leader of the United States of America.

Take your pick.

rcommal said...

Except, about that whole whom we choose is not about our souls thing:

I didn't vote for Barack Obama. Either time. Full stop.

I didn't vote for Bill Clinton. Either time. Full stop.


Perhaps it's the almost exact 10-year age gap, at a very particular point in time, Althouse, that made the difference: I never did conflate selecting a president with reflecting my soul as filtered through the zeitgeist of the time.

Comanche Voter said...

Politics and prostitution are the two oldest professions. And, like a good little whore, a politician like Obama or Hillary will assume any position you ask for--given sufficient money or other enticements. You are seeing that principle in action with the Obama love fest with Hillary.

Most sensible people of any persuasion would take a pass on that Hillary gaping maw position though.

Quaestor said...

Take your pick.

Donald J. Trump, defeater of Hillary Rodham Clinton has already been selected, which is why Unknown is sounding more desperate than usual.

rcommal said...

OTOH, I am both old enough and young enough to remember being taught a thing or two first-hand about conscience, from even people born well more than 100 years ago. I am grateful to them and for them for that.

I am "taking my pick." I'm choosing my brain AND my conscience.

Unknown said...

Mark Cuban says

“What you don’t do – you don’t ask Daddy for a small loan of a million dollars,” said Cuban, deriding Trump for taking, as he described it, a “small loan” from his father, a real estate developer in New York City’s outer boroughs.



rcommal said...

Neither candidate ought be the POTUS, and I will not vote for either so to be.


I will show up at the polls, come November. There's down-ticket stuff, some even local.


At this time, I am assuming that in November I will go to the polls as always I have done, vote in the normal way for me as always I have done, but leave the POTUS part blank entirely, the one thing I have never done since being eligible to vote.

Jaq said...

"I need this deal for Urianium One approved" - Putin

"Has the check cleared" - Hillary

"Da" - Putin

"What are you worried about then" - Hillary

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eric the Fruit Bat said...

See it all as entertainment and it makes much more sense.

Unknown said...


Pressed by Stephanopoulos to name the sacrifices he’d made for his country, Trump said: “I think I've made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard. I've created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I've had tremendous success. I think I've done a lot.”

Batshit crazy is Supreme Leader Trump. Actually, just like every other dictator and tyrant that has lived.

Jaq said...

Ah, poor Donald. He's being picked on by other billionaires. Bet he's missing his Mommy. - Unknown

As opposed to Hillary, who is their pet termagant. A "small" multi-million dollar gift to the Clinton Foundation is all it takes to change American foreign policy. No wonder the billionaires like her. She's for sale and they have lots of money. Sanders and Trump? Not for sale. Billionaires don't like that.

Jaq said...

Batshit crazy is Supreme Leader Trump. Actually, just like every other dictator and tyrant that has lived.

Look at my avatar and tell me who is running for "Supreme Leader."

MayBee said...

I don't think most people (maybe even Obama) want Hillary. It's simply that Trump is that bad!!! He's a child in an adult body.

Hillary was being coronated by the Democrats when Donald Trump was just 1 of 17 people running for the GOP nomination.

Quaestor said...

rcommal wrote: At this time, I am assuming that in November I will go to the polls as always I have done, vote in the normal way for me as always I have done, but leave the POTUS part blank entirely, the one thing I have never done since being eligible to vote.

Then you will have forfeited your moral right to complain about anything. Fence-sitters are the bane of republics, and in the end aren't welcome anywhere, even in Hell.

MayBee said...

Unknown said...
Trumpkins, what is your preferred title for "I alone can fix it" Trump:

"The One"
"The One We've Been Waiting For"

Humperdink said...

Pressed by Stephanopoulos to name the sacrifices she’d made for her country, Hillary said: Well, I gave up my self-respect so my husband could chase every loose woman in sight. It enabled me to let him break the glass ceiling so I could climb through. I never accomplishment anything of note, but I did sacrifice my integrity by selling my soul to large contributors to our foundation while at the state department. And don't forget George, I sacrificed the security of the United States so my emails could remain private.... until they didn't."

Bruce Hayden said...

I do find it humorous that Crooked Hillary shill Unknown is quoting an interview by Little Georgie Stephenopolis. There is a saying that much of the MSM are Dem operatives with bylines. None more so probably than Stephenopolis. He was Bill Clinton's spokesman, and recently personally contributed to the Clinton family foundation/slush fund - after Crooked Hillary's name was added to the slush fund's name. Contributing to a candidate personally like this, as opposed to merely to their campaign, is a definite step up in overt bias. A lot of Clintonistas in the MSM these days, but probably none more overt than Stephenopolis.

Jaq said...

As a Senator, Hillary did get a bill passed to name a Federal building. It is my understanding that she reached across the aisle to Republicans to get this bill passed. There is no record of her getting any other bills passed, of course.

Jaq said...

Bruce, we all know that without the Clintons' help, Stephie would never have gotten that lucrative gig. The Clintons know it too, and Stephie knows how the game is played. So he coughed up the vigorish, the vig for the gig.

Humperdink said...

"And don't forget George, I put you where you are now. Now get me a cup of coffee."

Humperdink said...

@tim in Vermont. You beat me to it. Ha.

rcommal said...

Hillary was being coronated by the Democrats when Donald Trump was just 1 of 17 people running for the GOP nomination.

The now-ascendant base on which whatever new party as against the Democrats is supposed to be built on the clay feet of Donald Trump got its start, in part, by outside-of-whatever-the-state peeps supporting the likes of Christine O'Donnell, for just one example, as the standard-bearers of local so-called like-minded activism in states in which they, themselves, had no stakes. That's the case, and that is true, flat-out.

MayBee: I can get why you are not surprised. What I do not get is how you can defend it.

MayBee said...

rcommal- I don't really feel like I'm defending anything. I think the country's political system (politicians and political media) has gone batshit crazy.
It's been slowly happening since people threw food at GWB's inauguration parade and the media covered it like it was ok. But it's reached a level I never would have imagined.

I actually find the whole thing pretty dire.

rcommal said...

Blogger Quaestor said...

rcommal wrote: At this time, I am assuming that in November I will go to the polls as always I have done, vote in the normal way for me as always I have done, but leave the POTUS part blank entirely, the one thing I have never done since being eligible to vote.

Then you will have forfeited your moral right to complain about anything. Fence-sitters are the bane of republics, and in the end aren't welcome anywhere, even in Hell.

7/31/16, 6:11 AM

Fortunately for me, and unfortunately for you, you aren't the ultimate arbiter, especially since you missed the news, a long time ago, that the likes of me--who had been raised with such notions! argued for them even!--were shut down and cast aside for even saying such things a number of years ago.

Buh-bye. You're not serious, and I don't care about what you have to say.

Humperdink said...

Not to sound like a broken record here, but conservatives and R's who stay at home will elect Hillary. And of course let her seat several Supreme Court justices.

Do you like Darth Vader Ginsberg as a justice? Expect more just like her.

Yeah I know, you stand on principle. Gag me.

Jaq said...

I think MoDo has a point. If I were a genuine liberal who was concerned for the poor, fraud in social welfare programs would greatly upset me, as I would be worried that it left less money for the actual poor, but if I were only interested in power, I would not worry, because, the more pigs at the trough, the more votes for the guy dishing out the slop!

If I were a genuine liberal, I would be hugely upset at government corruption. It harms the image of government and diverts resources from where they could most effectively do good. But if all I cared about was power, I would just see corruption as one more tool to hold on to power.

If I were a genuine liberal, I would be heartbroken at the news of thousands upon thousands of drowned refugees in the Mediterranean Sea, furious at Hillary for getting us on into at pointless war against the sovereign government of Libya, a country which just happens to have a lot of oil.

I could go on an on in this vein.

Maureen Dowd has a solid point, and even though I disagree with a lot of what she thinks, I have a respect for her honestly. Of course, since she is honest, the Clintons can't abide her and show it through their paid trolls who come on here first thing to post their propaganda.

Jaq said...

Surprise Surprise. Facebook is putting anti Trump stuff in their agitprop feed and deleting the stuff that embarrasses Hillary, which is pretty much all honest accounts of her career.

iowan2 said...

The biggest problem I have with the campaign is the left just assumes I am an idiot and have not read a paragraph of news in the last 9 years. Their convention was a total lie of the last 9 years of leftist dogma. Trying to paint Trump as a doom and gloomer and then trying to claim American Exceptionalism, when it is that Exceptionalism that Obama has actively argued does not exist, and if America is successful, it has nothing to with exceptionalism, more likely undue advantage because SLAVES!
Obama is right. Clinton's wife will say anything,(so will he).

MayBee said...

iowan2- it's true, but they often get away with pretending people have short memories.
One of the stark examples from the DNC was the way they turned on a dime about gun rhetoric as soon as Trump talked about high crime rates.
Suddenly, I heard democrats saying....no, violent crime is down! Most gun violence is actually suicide! As if we can't remember even a few weeks ago when guns were an existential threat to America.

shiloh said...

Thanks, Althouse ...


for ignoring all the anti-Trump material. Indeed, it has always been a target rich environment, especially lately, but you soldier on w/your 100% anti-Trump free blog.

Much like (4) years ago when you were smitten w/mittens and it was 100% anti-Obama and 100% positive for Willard.


And then of course, skewed polls notwithstanding, your 90/10 con majority were shocked, shocked I tell you when Obama won quite easily.

Funny how that works!

I yield back the balance of my time.

Jaq said...

Why would a hedge fund manager like James H. Simmons give millions to Hillary's campaign? Because he knows how the game is played, and if he needs something from her, he wants her to take his calls.

When Enron went under, it was ex Clinton hacks working for Enron who called the Bush White House begging for favors to try and keep it from going under. Favors that were denied, BTW.

Clintons corrupt everything they touch. They have even turned the Federation in Star Trek Fascist

"You can nae break a stick when it's in a bundle!" - Scotty from the new movie.

The whole movie was based on the theme of "Stronger together," Hillary's campaign slogan, which accounted for the lousy plot. Uhura going full SJW was pretty offputting too.

Jersey Fled said...

Mark Cuban says

“What you don’t do – you don’t ask Daddy for a small loan of a million dollars,” said Cuban, deriding Trump for taking, as he described it, a “small loan” from his father, a real estate developer in New York City’s outer boroughs.

And I guess you don't ask Mom and Dad for help getting a $600,000 TV gig with NBC.

MayBee said...

I wasn't shocked when Obama won, but I was sad.

Romney was a uniquely qualified man for the job at the time. The American voters turning him away was bad, but I never would have guessed it would have led to the ridiculous year 2016 has been.

shiloh said...

"I wasn't shocked when Obama won, but I was sad."

It was sarcasm ...

Jaq said...

The Koch network has previously said they will not back Republican candidate Donald Trump, but on Saturday officials told reporters that they would not run negative Clinton spots - CNN

Hillary doesn't give the Koch Bros heartburn, but Trump does.

MayBee said...

your 90/10 con majority were shocked, shocked I tell you when Obama won quite easily.

This was sarcasm?

Jaq said...

He's an idiot, MayBee.

Anonymous said...

iowan2: The biggest problem I have with the campaign is the left just assumes I am an idiot and have not read a paragraph of news in the last 9 years.

Campaigns, right or left, aren't aimed at intelligent, informed people. The purpose isn't to insult your intelligence, so don't take it personally. Nobody aims campaign ads or convention speeches at people like me, either, and there's a good reason for that.

donald said...

Maybe he raped her Scott Andrews. Let's be honest here, it's kinda his calling card with the ladies.

rcommal said...

In 2012, I did not stay away, I did not go third-party, I did not do a write-in, I did not leave a blank at the top of the ticket. I voted Romney. Shall I keep going back, keep listing all of the times I've sucked it up?

This time, the base primary voters went way, way too far. I'm done with 'em.

rcommal said...

On all sides.

All of 'em.

rcommal said...

You want aggrieved? I'll give you aggrieved. I'm going straight home and tend to my own damned business, and we'll be just fine, enough anyway.


I'm not kidding, by the way. Onward ho. Y'all deserves yourselves AND each other.

rcommal said...

The American voters turning him away was bad, but I never would have guessed it would have led to the ridiculous year 2016 has been.

I'm assuming this is sarcastic.

Bad Lieutenant said...


Ah, "I'm all right, Jack."

You'll be fine, until somehow in your hermitage, you come to the attention of the Hillary Administration. You'll be on a piece of land they want, you'll say the wrong thing to the wrong person, something. You will have, by sin of omission, contributed to her taking power and she will eat you just the same. Will you deserve sympathy then?

Bad Lieutenant said...

MayBee said...
I don't think most people (maybe even Obama) want Hillary. It's simply that Trump is that bad!!! He's a child in an adult body.

Hillary was being coronated by the Democrats when Donald Trump was just 1 of 17 people running for the GOP nomination.
7/31/16, 6:03 AM

The problem is not merely Hillary. It's the Democratic machine. The Democratic machine is superior to the Republican machine and is poised to overwhelm us for the foreseeable future-with frank promises to legalize millions of foreigners, the balance between the existing populations will be overwhelmed and America will become a one-party state. The Long March through the institutions has yielded this fruit, which is now ripe.

The Republican electorate wisely discerned that only Donald Trump, with his unorthodox tactics, sees how to overcome this power. Everyone else would be defeated in futile frontal assaults reminiscent of World War I trench warfare. Donald Trump is the vertical envelopment, the forward pass, the Enola Gay sailing overhead.

Incidentally, superficial references to his tone or especially his appearance evoke Ellsworth Toohey's japes at Howard Roark's orange hair in The Fountainhead. It marks the commenter as either hostile or unserious.

MayBee said...

I'm assuming this is sarcastic.

It's not sarcastic.
What about that statement indicates that it should be sarcastic? Did you not like Romney?

Bad Lieutenant said...

As for Romney, rcommal, voting Trump is a chance to jam it up his ass sideways.

Big Mike said...

Trumpkins, what is your preferred title for "I alone can fix it" Trump:

Umm. How about "President Trump."

Not that I'm a "Trumpkin," but one does have to look at the rest of the field, and then the only possible conclusion is that he's head and shoulders the best of a sorry, sorry lot. Gary Johnson is a fake and a phony. Jill Stein wants us all to freeze to death in the dark. Hillary Clinton is the single most personally corrupt individual to run for the presidency since James Blaine in 1884.

I'd be happier if Donald Trump would do more stopping and thinking before he spoke, and I especially would be happier if he had a thicker skin. But at least he loves the United States and people who work for a living, which differentiates him from the other three.

Big Mike said...

Did you not like Romney?

Actually yes I did. And I think that if the Dumbocrats really wanted Obamacare to succeed they would have elected him and not reelected a doofus who can't make anything in government work right.

shiloh said...

"But at least he loves the United States"

Trump loves Trump period, end of story!

Big Mike said...

Believe what you want, asshole. I've flushed used toilet paper than had more brains than you.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Meanwhile, Romney seems to be coming around on Trump.

Birkel said...

I am still waiting for a single, unalloyed positive reason to vote FOR Hillary Clinton.

Will one of the pro-Hillary commenters give it a try? What have you got to lose?

Paul said...

No, shiloh, I've watch Trump for a year. He, like Reagan, speaks strait from the heart. He really does love his country. He does say what he means. And yes, an open book.

Now you may not like what he says.... you may have issues with what he says. But he means it. He really does want his country to be great and prosperous.

Hillary, on the other hand, NEVER says what she means. She has a huge problem of hiding things and is a serial liar who has been caught many times (and the lies are documented.) She loves power and the power money can buy. $50,000 for cloths is no biggie to her. Jets to fly around the country on trivial matters is nothing to her. Quid Pro Quo, pay to play, scratch my back and I'll scratch yours, is the game she is an expert at. Just to many 'coincidences' in her work as Secretary of State/Senator and what the governments she gave favors did for her 'Clinton Foundation'.

Trump was right. Crooked Hillary she is.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trump loves Trump period, end of story!

Clinton loves power period, end of story!

As dangerous and unsettling as narcissists are, sociopaths are worse. Far more preferable to bait someone who will respond to the threat of loss of reputation than with the loss the power you've already given them.

Jim at said...

"Trump loves Russia too."

Did he give them a big, bright, shiny Reset Button?

shiloh said...

"Clinton loves power period, end of story!"

Kinda goes w/the job description:

FDR loved power.

Truman loved power.

Ike loved power.

JFK loved power.

LBJ loved power.

Nixon loved power.

Ford = N/A

Carter, not sure which may have been his downfall ie he was too nice.

Dutch loved power.

Bush41 loved power.

Clinton loved power.

Bush43, wanted to make daddy happy!

Obama, yes Virginia, gigantic ego just like his predecessors, shocking.

It's good to be king!


Now along w/lusting for power it helps if one has some empathy and tries to follow the constitution ie forming a more perfect union/common good.

This is where the idea of checks and balances kicks in.


Paul, we totally disagree re: Trump. Go figure.

that is all ...

Jaq said...

If love of power is one's defining characteristic, to the point that all other values are subservient, national security can be disregarded, anybody who stands in the way must be crushed, even victims of your own husband. Money must be amassed, even at the price of selling out the national interest to hostile powers. This is Hillary. The only justification her supporters seem to have is that they need to have the power she seeks.

She is either somewhat stupid, or supremely evil. I am thinking somewhat stupid.

Jaq said...

As the Obama administration’s top diplomat, Hillary Clinton was at the center of US efforts on the reset in general and Skolkovo in particular, Schweizer argues.

Yet, “Of the 28 US, European and Russian companies that participated in Skolkovo, 17 of them were Clinton Foundation donors” or sponsored speeches by former President Bill Clinton, Schweizer told The Post.

“It raises the question — do you need to pay money to sit at the table?”

In one example cited by Schweizer, Skolkovo Foundation member and then-Cisco CEO John Chambers donated between $1 million and $5 million in personal and corporate cash to the Clinton Foundation, the report says.

The hits just keep on coming. They left out the little slip that what the button really said was not "reset" but "overcharge." LO FUCKING L


Rusty said...

shiloh said...
"Clinton loves power period, end of story!"

Kinda goes w/the job description:

And yet when asked, "What is the greatest good that man can do?" St Boethius answered, " to serve my fellow man. Without hope of recognition or compensation."
The jury is still out as to whether he was a christian or just a deist.
When you have the power the money will follow. After all politics made Lyndon Johnson rich.

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