July 16, 2016

"I'm here today to introduce my partner in this campaign and the White House to fix our rigged system — we are in a rigged, rigged system..."

"... and to make America safe again, and to make America great again," Trump said.
"Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is my first choice. I also admire the fact that he fights for the people and he also is going to fight for you. He is a solid, solid person," Trump said, praising Pence for leading his state well despite what he said was obstruction from the Obama administration.

"What a difference between crooked Hillary Clinton and Mike Pence," Trump said, saying that the Indiana governor would never be afraid to say the words, "radical Islamic terrorism."
ADDED: "So if Clinton and Pence are both experienced, and you prefer Trump over Pence, you somewhat automatically extend that thinking to Clinton – with all of her boring experience – and imagine her to be a weak version of Trump as well."


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 337 of 337
Anonymous said...


From my observations there are two trolls on this thread, one is exile and one is Jon. Every liberal commenter here was expressing an opinion and unless Althouse prohibits it, which I'm quite sure she won't, they will hopefully continue to do so.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Interesting to watch all the trolls descend on Althouse. Clearly, the Left believes that the MSM can no longer effectively carry their water, which in itself is historically significant. The problem is that, except for garage and Shiloh and occasional drop-ins like Amanda, there just aren't many knuckleheads in the Althouse commentariat. Indeed, rather than sway any undecided lurkers, the hired trolls provide opportunities for Lefty talking points to be visibly shredded by the thoughtful commenters here.

The whole hire-a-troll idea seems deeply flawed. Most blogs and political websites are frequented by people whose ideologies are pretty well established and the LIV's don't come to Althouse, or even downmarket echo chambers like Democratic Underground and Red State. I can just picture some newly hired 23-year old Assistant Campaign Under-Director for Social Media selling the idea of hired trolls to some pickled 60-year old Campaign Manager. Great Idea! Cutting edge! Meet me after work and we'll discuss it!

YoungHegelian said...

To our Newfound Hilllary-ites:

The issue here among the commenteriat chez Althouse is not what's wrong with Trump/Pence. Indeed, Trump enthusiasts, while present, are a distinct minority. There is nothing you can tell us about what's wrong with Trump that we don't already know.

If you'd like us to consider Hillary, you must be able to make a positive case for your candidate. Major issues you must be able to deal with constructively are (but not limited to these):

1) Name and describe a major US foreign policy success on Clinton's watch, & how her presence at State made a difference. Go look through her email at Wikileaks & find an example of her having a brilliant flash of insight, or standing up for a policy she really believed in against outside pressure, or acting decisively when decision was needed. You have the source materials. Go to work.

2) Give us a coherent explanation of how, after her lambasting by Comey, that the email server episode didn't show her as being either so-self absorbed as to be imbecilic or simply as someone who thought the rules didn't apply to her. Give us an explanation of Clinton's meeting with the AG on the tarmac that doesn't make it tampering with the wheels of justice.

3) How can a woman married to a known sexual predator be a champion of women's issues?

4) Tell us an honest way that the Clinton's accumulated 120 million dollars in 15 years. Do you really expect us to believe that industries paid them tens of thousands of dollars for brief talks on, well, nothing, & expected no quid pro quo? How is this not the rankest sort of influence peddling?

Step up to the plate here for your gal, Hillary-ites. Here are her major problems as many on this board see them. Defend her.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Solid gold, YH. None of the trolls, or our Lefty regulars, could even begin to address the questions you pose.

Chuck said...

M Jordan said...
Pence is nailing it on day one. A brilliant move, IMHO, on Trump's part. I'm wondering if Trump is thinking of a one-term presidency then handing the ball off to Pence. He's got four months to strut his stuff. American will love him.

(Yes, that was some pro-Pence trolling on my behalf. Got to balance the paid trolls from Hillary who are ruining every comment section.)

Who are "the paid trolls from Hillary"? I'd honestly like to know the answer to that. It would be interesting to me, and probably many others. I'd have some questions for them too, such as how much do they get paid, who writes the checks and how they got the job.

I'll say again to all of the pro-Trump people who have, at various times, commented on these pages that they'd like to blow up the entire GOP establishment; that they spiritually left the GOP some time ago and are quite happy with someone like Trump who is going around the GOP leadership altogether...

Just what the hell do you think Mike Pence is? He is as pure "establishment" GOP as I can think of, in any state house in the nation. I think Mike Pence is probably more "GOPe" than John Kasich. Much more "GOPe" than Greg Abbott. Waaay more GOPe than Rick Snyder. Mike Pence is more "Washington GOP" than Nikki Haley or Susana Martinez.

Trump just picked the most "GOP establishment" governor in America as his running mate.

I suppose that you can say that it is intentional; that Trump was deliberately reaching out to the GOP establishment. Or even that Trump cut a deal with GOP leadership to go this route. (Would Trump admit to that?) Okay; so where does that leave the "anti-GOPe" types? Are you still confident that Trump will end the GOP establishment as we have known it?

Big Mike said...

@shiloh, I live in the Shenandoah Valley and I can assure you that south and west of The close-in counties of Fairfax and Arlington it's Trump in a walkover. I don't care what the polls say, don't count Virgina as a Democrat win. (It doesn't help that Hillary ally Gov. Terry McAweful has run up a quarter billion dollar budget shortfall, showing us what we can expect from a Hillsry administration.)

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Just what the hell do you think Mike Pence is? He is as pure "establishment" GOP as I can think of."

And Joe Biden is a half-mad buffoon. So what? They're Vice-Presidential non-entities. Trump very wisely decided to avoid a Palinesque pick, knowing that who ever he chose would be savaged by the media. Let the media snipe at Pence about the RFRA hoo-ha. Vote-wise, it's a wash.

Jon Ericson said...

I am very proud to be called out as a troll by "Eric No Profile".

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jon Ericson said...

It is very simple:

Anonymous said...

I'd like some conservative to explain how they support Trump and Pence at the same time, when they have so many opposite views. Some of those diametrically opposite views were highlighted upthread. What about Social Security, should it be privatized as Pence wants, or should it remain the way it is as Trump wants? How about the TPP, Pence is for it Trump is against it, which one is right? Chuck is correct that Trump picked a true blue Republican elite. So how do you people reconcile yourselves to the glaring dichotomy of a Trump/ Pence ticket? Either Trump didn't mean a word of what he's been saying, or Pence didn't mean a word of what he's been saying since the 90's

Big Mike said...

@MNichols, how can a conservative support Trump and Pence at the same time? Two words: Hillary Clinton.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Blogger MNichols said...
I'd like some conservative to explain how they support Trump and Pence at the same time, when they have so many opposite views.

The Cracker Unknown answered your question at 6:20. I agree with him. Let's face it, anybody Trump picked would be savaged, just like any GOP nominee would be. After Mitt Romney, of all people, was smeared as a mean dog-torturer who kept women in binders and enjoyed giving his employees cancer, why do you think your hysterics about Trump and Pence matter now? Anything Trump is pales in comparison to the sins of Hillary.

Care to address Young Hegelian's questions above?

Bruce Hayden said...

Missing 200+ comments...

The discussion early on here was about temperament. My view is that anyone who believes that Crooked Hillary has the temperament for much of anything besides serving a prison term is either intentionally ignorant, or venally dishonest (or both). Probably, the most likely people for shooting her would be in her Secret Service detail. That is because her bad treatment of the little people serving her is legendary. Why did Vince Foster (probably) kill himself? Right before he died, she directed one of her infamous rants at Foster. And that was apparently because he was failing in his job of protecting her, and the Feds were closing in on the three former Rose law firm partners for legally facilitating the collapsed Madison Federal pyramid scheme. This was after she had moved to the White House. She was the billing partner and the billing records that her people most likely obtained in their illegal emergency late night search of Foster's office would have put all three of them in prison. Obama is known to be vendictive, but he doesn't hold a candle to there. She is famously vendictive, petty, paranoid, and violent. Recently her people have been claiming that Trump would use the IRS to hound his enemies (hello, Lois Lerner and Dem party operatives). But it was her people who within weeks of moving into the White House had illegally pulled better than 100 FBI files on prominent Republicans.

Please explain why her temperament is better than Trump's for the Presidency. Document your work.

Michael K said...

"Are you still confident that Trump will end the GOP establishment as we have known it?

I think you misunderstand. I have been quite skeptical of Trump but he has gone on and seems to be learning pretty quickly. He began with a lot of media savvy which seems to be more important every year.

The GOP base, including me, were very disappointed with the GOP majorities in Congress. We didn;t expect impeachment of OBama or some sort of power play which was unrealistic.

However, Ryan could have established "Regular Order" with 12 appropriations bills that would force Obama to issue 12 vetoes.

A lot of us are willing to see what Trump can do. I have no assurance that he will do a good job.

I know that Hillary would be a disaster.

Anonymous said...

No dude/lady,

Cracker didn't even begin to answer the question. The question remains, who meant what he's been saying, Trump or Pence? Or are they both lacking the principles that the right so prides themselves on having. Don't you right wingers ever ask yourselves hard questions?

Chuck said...

Wait just a minute.

A few posts above, I was responding to a Trump fan who thought the Trump selection of Pence was "brilliant" and possibly a prelude to Trump handing off the Presidency after one term.

That's a plan, not an afterthought. That's not part of a grand long-term "wrecking" of the GOP.

And Mike Pence is not just one of the poor GOP saps who would be savaged by a left-leaning media no matter what. I mean, if (as has been suggested) every single GOP Veep pick gets savaged by the MSM, then why make a safe pick in Pence? Why not one of the more radical outsider names as Trump-supporter Ann Coulter suggested? In that same column where she pondered that a Mike Pence selection would be Trump's First Big Mistake? Where she called Mike Pence a "combo-platter of disaster"?

If ALL Republicans get beat up by the press, why pick the one that the Trump True Believers liked the least? Did Trump think that he'd get Republican loyalists like me to soften my personal hatred of The Donald?

Anonymous said...

Trump thinks all conservatives are stupid. He's wrong.

Anonymous said...

Only about 30% of them are stupid.

Jon Ericson said...

"No dude/lady, "

Chuck said...

You make a fair point, Michael K. The asshole/nincompoop/laughingstock Trump is preferable to a Democrat ticket. I am indeed sorry about it, but you are right.

If Mrs. Clinton wins in November, I fully understand that we won't be deporting 11 million illegal aliens. Maybe, as a compromise, President Hillary would be willing to deport all of the Republican primary voters who cast ballots for Trump.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Cracker didn't even begin to answer the question. The question remains, who meant what he's been saying, Trump or Pence? Or are they both lacking the principles that the right so prides themselves on having. Don't you right wingers ever ask yourselves hard questions?"

The fact that you are so blinded by your worldview that you can't even begin to apply the same standard to the ever-evolving Hillary answers your question. Why do Lefties believe that their grotesque hypocrisy will go unnoticed? Because Lefties in the media won't call them on it?

Jon Ericson said...

Careful Chuck, you might get "Rhythm and Balls"'d with that sort of language.

Achilles said...

MNichols said...

"The question remains, who meant what he's been saying, Trump or Pence? Or are they both lacking the principles that the right so prides themselves on having. Don't you right wingers ever ask yourselves hard questions?"

This is not a normal election. Normally the candidate thinks the VP will lock up some minority group or an ideological faction. Sometimes they are trying to win a specific swing state. Politicians constantly think in terms of constituency.

Trump is not thinking like a politician. Trump is putting together a management team. I have done this on a smaller scale. Pence is his #2. Shorthand Trump is going to provide the direction while Pence makes sure it gets done. Being VP in a Trump administration is going to be a shit job. Trump didn't pick Pence because he agrees with him. Early on Trump said his VP would be a person that can help him with legislative savvy.

Trump picked Pence because he actually wants to accomplish the things he says and thinks Pence is the person who can most help him do that.

eric said...

Blogger YoungHegelian said...
To our Newfound Hilllary-ites:

The issue here among the commenteriat chez Althouse is not what's wrong with Trump/Pence. Indeed, Trump enthusiasts, while present, are a distinct minority. There is nothing you can tell us about what's wrong with Trump that we don't already know.

If you'd like us to consider Hillary, you must be able to make a positive case for your candidate. Major issues you must be able to deal with constructively are (but not limited to these):

1) Name and describe a major US foreign policy success on Clinton's watch, & how her presence at State made a difference. Go look through her email at Wikileaks & find an example of her having a brilliant flash of insight, or standing up for a policy she really believed in against outside pressure, or acting decisively when decision was needed. You have the source materials. Go to work.

"Pls Print"

eric said...

Blogger MNichols said...
I'd like some conservative to explain how they support Trump and Pence at the same time, when they have so many opposite views

This is a non-sequitur. Having opposite views doesn't have any effect on how I can support the ticket.

The also have a lot of the same views. On balance, they agree more than they disagree.

Where they disagree, Pence will just have to suck it up or try and convince Trump that he's right and Trump is wrong.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The Democrats are hoping to win by getting a large turnout of Blacks and Hispanics on election day.
From 1995 to 2015, the percentage of 25- to 29-year-olds who had attained a bachelor’s or higher degree increased for those who were White (from 29 to 43 percent), Black (from 15 to 21 percent), Hispanic (from 9 to 16 percent), and Asian/Pacific Islander (from 43 to 63 percent).

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

"If Mrs. Clinton wins in November, I fully understand that we won't be deporting 11 million illegal aliens. Maybe, as a compromise, President Hillary would be willing to deport all of the Republican primary voters who cast ballots for Trump."

It is a small pathetic group of parasites, lobbyists, and journalists that pretend to be "conservative" that are not behind Trump. The utter failure of the #nevertrumpers at the rules committee demonstrated how few of you there actually are. If you weren't helping Hillary so much nobody would know you are there.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I would like some liberal to explain to me why Obama picked Biden to be his VP.

Chuck said...

Achilles said...

It is a small pathetic group of parasites, lobbyists, and journalists that pretend to be "conservative" that are not behind Trump.

Well in that case, you've got nothin' to worry about. You should be happy and confident and planning the Trump cabinet. I sure hope you've got a Republican majority in the Senate to go along with your big presidential victory.

I say here and now; that result is far preferable to me, than another term of Democrats.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Blogger Terry said...
I would like some liberal to explain to me why Obama picked Biden to be his VP.

7/16/16, 7:03 PM

While I am not a liberal, I believe it was because Biden has "gravitas."

Stop laughing.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Kennedy and LBJ in 1960 were, of course, perfectly compatible.

DanTheMan said...

>>How is this not the rankest sort of influence peddling?

There's nothing at all HRC can tell the senior leaders at Goldman Sachs that will improve their operation. So clearly they weren't buying any financial expertise.

Giving the future President of the United States more than half a million dollars, and being able to get access when you want it, that's very valuable.

So, they were buying access, to get favorable treatment. That's not "influence peddling".
We call that "bribery".

If you don't believe me, just hand the traffic cop $50 next time you get stopped, and tell him you're just trying to peddle influence.

Big Mike said...

@MNichols, in 2008 "anybody but Hillary" was named Barack Obama. Eight years later ABH is named Donald Trump. Same principle.

DanTheMan said...

>>I believe it was because Biden has "gravitas."

Darn autocorrect. I'm sure you typed "grab ass".

Short people look tall next to dwarves. Obama looks smart next to Biden.

Anonymous said...

Biden and Obama are both liberals, both agree on the basics, the platform. They didn't sacrifice principle to be on the same ticket.

shiloh said...

"I don't care what the polls say, don't count Virgina as a Democrat win."

And now Althouse cons are trying to put words in my mouth. As always, reading comprehension is the key to a good internet debate ie:

"Queen Fatasses poll numbers are going down."


CO = Clinton +8
VA = Clinton +9
NC = Clinton +6
FL = Clinton +7

Keep hope alive!

I yield back the balance of my time ...

Polling accuracy notwithstanding, it would be foolish for anyone to count any state for any candidate 3 1/2 mos. out.

ok, NY/CA are solid blue along with WA/OR/CO/NM/MN/WI/IL/MI/HI Go ahead and add VT/ME/MA/RI/CT/DE/NJ/MD/DC ~ And Hillary is currently ahead in ***AZ*** IA/OH/PA/FL/NC/VA

= 353

Reps problem in a nutshell ie systemic Dem electoral advantage.

ok, for the sake of argument let's slide FL/OH/VA/NC over to the red side.

= 278

ok, let's be generous and give AZ back, but let's take NH as a fair trade.

= 271

Did I mention Reps have to run the table ie Dems can lose FL/OH/VA/NC and still win!


Interesting RCP's final 2012 polling had Obama leading by 0.7 but he won by 3.9 so RCP er the polls they used had a ***3.2*** Rep bias.

Pew Research and ABC News/Wash Post were the most accurate.

Obama won 51.1 to 47.2 nationwide and interestingly won VA 51.1 to 47.3 so VA best reflected the country as a whole.

Final thought ~ PA is fool's gold for Reps.

Lewis Wetzel said...

MNichols, that explains why Obama chose a liberal to be VP, not why he chose Biden.

Anonymous said...

No Big Mike, how can you possibly so misread a situation? Is it a conservative thing to always be so wrong? Obama didn't win because he wasn't Hillary. Hillary had a huge number of supporters in her own right.

Big Mike said...

@exiledonmainstreet, that was the official reason. The REAL reason is that the enjoyed seeing how much he could perv on the underage daughters of people being honored by Obama without the press calling him out on it.

Anonymous said...

Oh I see Big Mike is just another rightist troll.

khesanh0802 said...

@Gadfly Very interesting about Trump but nothing compared to Hillary's endangering national security. I imagine The Atlantic will have a similar article next month about Hillary. Let's see: It would start with the Nixon Hearings, go on from there to cattle futures, perhaps explore abetting the rape of N number of women; Whitewater tax cheating; Travel Office firings; Vince Foster's "suicide", the failed Health Care project; renting the Lincoln bedroom; her husband's activities while in the WH ( you know perjury, etc) her Iraq votes; the Russian "reset" and its results; Benghazi lies; the Libya fiasco and for the piece de resistance her "private" servers and Comey's and the IG's thoughts on that. I am sure there is something I have missed, but someone else will think of it.

Jon Ericson said...

I do not think you know what that word means.

Michael K said...

" Did Trump think that he'd get Republican loyalists like me to soften my personal hatred of The Donald?"

Nobody expected you to "soften" your personal hatred but you seem to be determined to deafen us all with your trumpeting of it.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

MNichols said...
Oh I see Big Mike is just another rightist troll.

7/16/16, 7:25 PM

MNichols defines troll as someone says something embarrassing and true about a politician. Are you saying Biden doesn't get grabby with the underage daughters of people honored by Obama? Links are pretty easy to find.

And no lefty troll can answer Young Hegelian's 4 questions at 6:00. Well, we knew it.

Paco Wové said...

I'm sure the Trump campaign has a special war room with a team of staff devoted solely to the problem, "How do we win back Chuck?" DT is updated hourly on their progress.

Jon Ericson said...

"Republican loyalists like me"

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Biden also enjoys swimming in the nude in front of female Secret Service personnel, who can't do anything about it, not even call 911 if their eyes start bleeding.

That's the sort of thing certain Dem pols really seem to love - humiliating their staff and the little people who work for them. You know, to drive home who the boss is, who holds the power.

'Cause you liberals, you're all about equality and fairness.

Michael K said...

"You know, to drive home who the boss is, who holds the power. "

Yes, I've been struck by the comment reported in the book "Riding with Reagan," one of the best SS books about presidents, how Rosalyn Carter was shocked that Nancy Reagan knew the Secret Service guys first name at the inauguration,

Lower class Democrats revel in the perks of power and wealth. You know who I mean.

Unknown said...

It's a tough choice.

A buffoon who has worked the system from the outside and promises that he knows what's wrong vs. a corrupt liar that has worked the system from the inside and has no intention of changing a thing. One will be held accountable by the media, the other owns it.

Gotta go with the buffoon here.

Chuck said...

Paco Wové said...
I'm sure the Trump campaign has a special war room with a team of staff devoted solely to the problem, "How do we win back Chuck?" DT is updated hourly on their progress.

God, I hope that there actually exists a Trump war room, somewhere, doing something, to try to win the votes of a majority in the fall.

Sebastian said...

@YH (with thanks).

"The issue here among the commenteriat chez Althouse is not what's wrong with Trump/Pence. Indeed, Trump enthusiasts, while present, are a distinct minority. There is nothing you can tell us about what's wrong with Trump that we don't already know." True. Trolls beware.

"If you'd like us to consider Hillary, you must be able to make a positive case for your candidate. Major issues you must be able to deal with constructively are (but not limited to these):" Fair enough. But do Progs ever try to deal with issues "constructively"? Is a positive case needed when Republican Hate Kills?

"1) Name and describe a major US foreign policy success on Clinton's watch, & how her presence at State made a difference. Go look through her email at Wikileaks & find an example of her having a brilliant flash of insight, or standing up for a policy she really believed in against outside pressure, or acting decisively when decision was needed. You have the source materials. Go to work." Slight problem: O installed her to freeze her out. Now the woman treated as an irrelevant flunky is going to continue the blessings of the O era?

"2) Give us a coherent explanation of how, after her lambasting by Comey, that the email server episode didn't show her as being either so-self absorbed as to be imbecilic or simply as someone who thought the rules didn't apply to her. Give us an explanation of Clinton's meeting with the AG on the tarmac that doesn't make it tampering with the wheels of justice." Any "coherent" explanation that makes sense of the server set-up and the content of the emails shows both clueless stupidity and calculated law-breaking. But so what? She's home free, and Progs don't give a damn.

"3) How can a woman married to a known sexual predator be a champion of women's issues?" He's their sexual predator, that's why. They'd get on their knees to give him a BJ, as one so eloquently put it.

"4) Tell us an honest way that the Clinton's accumulated 120 million dollars in 15 years. Do you really expect us to believe that industries paid them tens of thousands of dollars for brief talks on, well, nothing, & expected no quid pro quo? How is this not the rankest sort of influence peddling?" Yeah, sure, and Bernie was upset about it for a few minutes. But he came around, and so will the left. When you think about it, she is a great speaker, and deserves every penny.

"Step up to the plate here for your gal, Hillary-ites. Here are her major problems as many on this board see them. Defend her." All fair challenges, of course, but also beside the point. It's not about defending her so much as about gaining power for the cause. She's the tool they got and she's the tool they'll use.

Jon Ericson said...

You just wait until the next shift gets here. \sarc

Jon Ericson said...

*drums fingers*

Lewis Wetzel said...

There are two reasons not to want Trump for a GOP presidential candidate: first, he can't win against Hillary, and second, he does not represent Republican governing philosophy.
Unfortunately we have 24 years of experience with non-Trump GOP candidates. They have lost the popular vote, lost the electoral vote, and weren't very conservative.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Go back to your crooked money-grubbing witch - and tell her we don't need HER corruption.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So what's going on, Althouse? You're here to report Trump's every move because the billions in free media coverage he's already gotten so far just wasn't enough?

Bay Area Guy said...

Since none of the trolls will even try to make a positive case for their gal Hillary, I will swallow hard (no joking allowed) and give it a shot:

1. On social issues, Hillary is pro-choice, pro gay rights, pro-women's rights, and against all forms of discrimination. She doesn't think Mexican immigrants are rapists. Trump is all over the map on these issues, but will have to cater to the rightist, Southern elements of the GOP to get votes.

2. On foreign policy, she is more of a hawk than Obama, is a strong supporter of Israel, but isn't s crazy warmonger like Bush & Cheney, who invaded Iraq under false pretenses.

3. On domestic policy, she will support the middle class with student loan forgiveness for college grads, and increase the minimum wage. She is against TPP. She will fight income inequality. She will have the support of all major Unions and their members, which will reject the billionaire Trump, his multiple bankruptcies, and his greedy corporate raiding.

4. Most of all, Hilary has experience. She served as a senator, and as Secretary of State. Trump is a rookie in the political game. He talks first, and thinks second. His loud mouth antics will upset our European and Asian allies. He is too unstable to have his finger on the switch. He will start a trade war with his bombastic attacks. Hillary is the seasoned pro, with the steady hand, not Trump the Apprentice.

How's that? I think I need a shower.

cubanbob said...

MNichols said...
No dude/lady,

Cracker didn't even begin to answer the question. The question remains, who meant what he's been saying, Trump or Pence? Or are they both lacking the principles that the right so prides themselves on having. Don't you right wingers ever ask yourselves hard questions?

7/16/16, 6:41 PM"

Son its not a lack of principles. On the contrary, Conservatives believe in first past-the-post: a liar, grifter, criminal and traitor do not pass go in consideration for any consideration for any public office. So tell us why you are such an ardent supporter of a liar, grifter, criminal, traitor and would be fascist for president?

Chuck said...

Bay Area Guy:

If that is a defense of Hillary Clinton, I'd hate to see what an attack looks like. Actually, I know what an attack -- a really good attack -- on Hillary Clinton looks like. I've seen them in the National Review, the Weekly Standard and the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal. Places where Trump supporters now find it too perilous to venture.

Bay Area Guy said...


National Review and Weekly Standard have been simply awful with respect to Trump. They botched it early by not uniting behind one conservative alternative to Trump. Indeed, I would argue that they helped create Trump, by splintering their vote, and waiting on the sidelines too long. Those journals squandered a lot of their credibility this political season.

That was my best affirmative case for Hillary because her paid trolls wouldn't accept the challenge to make the case.

Hillary is awful. Just awful. Nurse Ratched goes to law school.

Big Mike said...

No Big Mike, how can you possibly so misread a situation?

@MNichols, I cannot believe that a sentient human posted your thoroughly ahistorical comment at 7:21. The "ABH" phenomenon was well-documented in 2008; links are easy to find. Do I have to explain how to use Google? Your remark about Bill Clinton's wife having "lots of supporters" in 2008 is an utter non sequitur -- Obama would have been nowhere in 2008 without anti-Hillary voters in the primary.

As to Biden, please carefully follow these instructions.

1) Enter the character string http://www.youtube.com/ into your browser

2) The YouTube logo is at the top left of your window. The word "You" is black on a white background and the word "Tube" is white on a red background

3) There is a search box immediately to the right of the YouTube logo. Put your cursor into that search box and type the phrase "Creepy Biden", then position over the magnifying glass icon and click again.

4) Gaze in wonderment at all the hits that come up. There are duplicates in the list, but it does go on for multiple pages

Hope this helps.

mockturtle said...

Gotta go with the buffoon here.

Yep. Trump may be a buffoon but he's OUR buffoon.

Dr Weevil said...

Since no one has replied to Sami's complaint on the previous page (3:45pm) that Pence supported a law that "would have required all fetal tissue to be cremated or buried", I'll try to explain it to her. What's the alternative? There have been many cases where a bum looking in a dumpster for stuff to eat or recycle found hundreds of aborted fetuses left out for the rats and flies. I don't think that's right. Does Sami? It doesn't even matter if you don't believe a fetus is a human being: it's certainly recognizable human tissue, and that ought to be enough to require that it be shown some basic respect. If I ever have an arm or a leg amputated or a kidney or lung removed, I sure hope the hospital doesn't just toss it in a dumpster for the rats to gnaw on. So again: what's the alternative? Offhand, I can't think of an appropriate and efficient way to dispose of arms, legs, and whole fetuses other than cremation or burial. Can Sami? If not, she needs to revise her criticism of Pence.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wow Bay Area Guy -

How much of a social pariah do you have to be on the Northern California coast to hate Mexicans, youth, women, gays, the underpaid, etc.? You must be a real treat at parties. I bet no one there can wait for the turd you add to show up in everyone else's punch bowl.

Jon Ericson said...

Check the mirror, turd.

Lewis Wetzel said...

And R&B steps into Hillary's corner!

Lewis Wetzel said...

I can understand why conservatives won't vote for Trump. I am a conservative, and I won't vote for Trump.
I am not a Republican. I do not belong to the party, I have never given them money. I am registered as an independent. Normally, if I really can't stand the GOP candidate, I will vote Libertarian. I did this in '96. Gary Johnson and his running mate are not really Libertarians, so I won't be doing that this year. I'll probably vote Constitution Party.
Registered Republicans who are Nevertrumpers are silly and childish. If you are a party guy, you are a party guy. The people have spoken, and they want Trump. Not Bush, not Kasich, not Cruz. Not Rubio.
They want Trump.
Support your candidate or join another party, nevertrumpers. Republican voters have rejected your candidates. Are you seriously hoping to wrest control of the party away from Republican voters?
The same reasoning should apply to the people who are holding their noses to vote for Hillary. It's a shitty party that will never let a Sanders be its presidential candidate. The Democrats are in the pocket of Wall Street. You can't keep your integrity and vote for Hillary. You can't get Hillary without the corruption anymore than you can get Trump without the loud-mouth bombast.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The internet is everywhere, turd dumpling.

You really have been bitching and moaning the entire thread, I see.

What's it like having nothing original to say? Just complaints.

Whine whine whine.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Yes, R&B, "I know you are but what am I?" is a cliche, and is not humorous, unless spoken by Peewee Herman.
That man was a comic genius.

Jon Ericson said...

Adjust your mirror, turd dumpling.

Bay Area Guy said...

" How much of a social pariah do you have to be on the Northern California coast to hate Mexicans, youths, gays, the underpaid, etc.? You must be a real treat at parties. I bet no one there can wait for the turd you add to show up in everyone else's punch bowl."

Wow Rhythm & Balls - not to psychoanalyse, but your response is not coherent.

I talk about Hillary and her issues, you ignore issues, and talk about me.

For the record: (1) love Mexicans, but not a big fan of illegal immigration. (2) love young people, but not a big fan of clueless millenials, particularly college utopian thinkers. (3) have no problem with gays, but not a big fan of the gay rights political movement and dishonest legal strategies (although I acknowledge they won the political battle.) (4) the underpaid? Haven't heard that one before. Heck, I'm still underpaid!

You extrapolate all this from my moniker?

Here's a clue though - Northern Californians vote liberal, true. But they are mostly rich rentiers, who have greatly curtailed the housing market, made their fortunes and bought their houses in the 70s and 80s, priced all young people out of the market, and wrecked the future dreams of young folks, who never will be able to buy a home. The ante for a home in SF is a cool $1 Million now. With so much college debt and so few jobs, home ownership (and hence middle class stability) is out of reach for the vast majority of the youngest generation.

Can't blame me or Donald Trump for that, my friend.

Jon Ericson said...

synthetic marijuana k2

narciso said...

maybe reality has something to render about this,


walter said...

Blogger Terry said...
And R&B steps into Hillary's corner!
To everyone's surprise!!

buwaya said...

Ditto re California.
Yes, we are San Francisco homeowners, and therefore among the very lucky. One of these days I will retire, and join those also lucky rentiers.
Most here aren't so lucky, and so many have left.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yes, R&B, "I know you are but what am I?"

is exactly the game that Jon-Boy Ericson plays. He doesn't even know how to come up with anything else.

Wow Rhythm & Balls - not to psychoanalyse, but your response is not coherent.

I talk about Hillary and her issues, you ignore issues, and talk about me.

Most people here know about Hillary and her issues. They aren't some big secret. The hard-core Hillary fans generally aren't posting here and there's really only one defender. (Shiloh).

But you're trying to convince yourself that Trump is some kind of last best hope for humanity. Me, I'm convinced they're both terrible - and have the honesty to go third party or stay home to prove that point. I'm not here to convince you that Trump is just as insane if not moreso than Hillary, because you're a hard-core team (R) member, like the rest of the crowd here. At the end of the day, you'll fall into line - as is evidenced by your Monday morning need to convince anyone here that Hillary is somehow any more terrible than 25 years experience nationally has shown her to be. There's no more convincing to be had, other than if I were to convince you and some of the other foot soldiers that Trump is probably just as bad, or could be worse. There are a few commenters here who are honest and clear-sighted enough to admit that, on their best days, so that's what interests me. The Democrats already had a mud-fight fist brawl (or the closest they come to it), and their insurgent didn't win. Yours did. You don't have to convince the 40% of us who passionately hated Hillary of how bad she is. We already knew. It's our side that doesn't necessarily feel a need to just "fall in line" at this point. But since your side is already doing that (or pretending to do that - it's hard to believe that Trump can get much momentum out of a convention that no Republican will attend, and most actual celebrities are boycotting), let's get some honest out of your side on the train wreck that is Drumpf.

For the record: (1) love Mexicans, but not a big fan of illegal immigration. (2) love young people, but not a big fan of clueless millenials, particularly college utopian thinkers. (3) have no problem with gays, but not a big fan of the gay rights political movement and dishonest legal strategies (although I acknowledge they won the political battle.) (4) the underpaid? Haven't heard that one before. Heck, I'm still underpaid!

Yeah, ok. So you're not as hard-core a foot soldier as the others, and a bit atypical for one of them. But those caveats. Oh, those caveats! I'm sure they're not always as reasonable as you'd like to believe, but at least you're civilized about how you advertise them. The others on Team (R)? Not so much.

You extrapolate all this from my moniker?

Here's a clue though - Northern Californians vote liberal, true. But they are mostly rich rentiers,..

So what? It's also at least one half of one of the most productive economies in America, if not the world. You'd like to believe that the tech nerds are the 100% "makers" (as I suppose Mittens Romney would call them)? I'm not so sure about that. Apple wouldn't have taken off if Steve Jobs hadn't been free-thinking enough of a hippie (rich SF rentiers!) to inject some actual creativity into the tech business, for a change. So culture matters. If it didn't, then China would be kicking everyone's ass in tech. The reason they don't is because they lack not only the free-thinking hippiedom of S.F., but basically any freedom at all.

Chew on that one the next time you deride the majority of Northern California. Apparently the fabric they're creating and partaking of can't be all that bad - at least if you want to measure it in terms of economic output, which conservatives usually take as the only yardstick for human value these days, unfortunately.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Your reading skills are not very impressive, walter. Try again.

Jon Ericson said...

Wow R&B, did someone wash your mouth out with soap?
You sound lucid too!
I'm impressed!
Did you write that all by yourself?
Good for you.
Love these lines:
"the honesty to go third party or stay home"
"and most actual celebrities are boycotting"

Skeptical Voter said...

No Mafia jokes here. But isn't it appropriate that Luigi is such an enthusiastic defender of the Clinton Crime Family. He is just a soldier now but he is bucking for a promotion.

Jon Ericson said...

What? A promotion from twelve bucks an hour to fifteen?

Unknown said...

I'm not happy with what other commenters said. I'm telling mommy! Althouse!

Lewis Wetzel said...

Come on, R&B. Say you won't vote for Hillary. Dignity is one of the few things you can give yourself. Free will is what makes us humans and not machines. Imagine a universe where everything that is deterministic -- even the formation of stars and galaxies -- is black. There is nothing happening. All of that star and galaxy formation is just an emergent property of matter, like dominoes falling.
Then imagine the bright sparks of humanity, not bound by the laws of physical determinism. Choose to pick up a stone. Work is the basis of physics. Work is literally force times displacement. Freely choosing to pick up stone is no more or less super natural than God becoming incarnate on Earth.

Jon Ericson said...

Up late Ritmo?

Unknown said...

Oh wait. Is this the right photo now?

As long as it's up to mommy Althouse's standards.

Jon Ericson said...

I take that back Ritmo, sounds more like Inga.

Jon Ericson said...

So, how are you doing Sugartits?

Unknown said...

As long as you're setting the right example!

Why shouldn't people try to be like you... even Inga? I mean, you're such an original.

I hope to one day come up with as much new and interesting material as you do.

Jon Ericson is my daddy!

Jon Ericson said...

Have another glass of wine, baby!

Unknown said...

I'll have what you're having!

This is probably the first time in your life that anyone followed you into anything, am I right?

Unknown said...

Cat got your tongue, daddy?

Jon Ericson said...

Sure, whatever you say, Sugartits.

Unknown said...

Isn't "tits" a bad word, and grounds for screaming bloody murder to mommy Althouse?


Jon Ericson said...

Oh my, what a command of the language.

Unknown said...

Takes one to know one.

Any other influence you take from a drunken Mel Gibson, out on the highway late at night?

Why can't my daddy, Jon Ericson, have better influences? I want my daddy to be an original.

Jon Ericson said...

Ok, but first you will blow me.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Given the way I look, that might seem like an image of you blowing yourself.

Which probably describes most of your fantasies and sex life anyway, I'd bet.

Jon Ericson said...

Come, Come now, Unknown, Inga, you know you want me.

Jon Ericson said...

Where's your tag team buddies?

Unknown said...

Apparently you're him, sugarweenie.

Unknown said...

...you know you want me.

Looks like it's you, who wants yourself.

Why not? Nobody else does.

Jon Ericson said...

Drunk and immature is no way to go through life.

Unknown said...

Isn't that a beer you're holding, as you argue with yourself?

You taught me well.

Jon Ericson said...

Are you a 38 long?

Jon Ericson said...

Have some more wine.

Jon Ericson said...

Nodding off?

Unknown said...

Good night, troll-mate.

Jon Ericson said...

But first you will blow me.

Unknown said...

You're pretty gender flexible for a right-wing guy.

A right-wing guy that tattles to the blog administrator, anyway.

Unknown said...

Try to be less of a bitch, jon.

Jon Ericson said...

A left-wing loon that imagines things. Make that 42 extra long.

Jon Ericson said...

A bitch calling me a bitch?
It is to laugh.

Jon Ericson said...

Have another bottle of wine.

Jon Ericson said...

Still wrestling with the box wine perforations?
I'll wait.

Jon Ericson said...

You're from Canada, correct?

Rusty said...

But you're trying to convince yourself that Trump is some kind of last best hope for humanity.

More like least worst hope.

shiloh said...

"Yep. Trump may be a buffoon but he's OUR buffoon."

Althouse con buffoons unite!

"The hard-core Hillary fans generally aren't posting here and there's really only one defender. (Shiloh)."

Again, can't remember ever defending Hillary here or anywhere. Have mentioned several times she's not as big of a train wreck as Trump.

R&B was upset previously when I mentioned the truth re: Sander's life ie he's lived off the govt his entire life and never really had a real job, but that was just about him never being vetted and how Reps would destroy him if he ever became the nominee. So maybe he thought since I was anti-Bernie that I was pro all-in re: Hillary.

Mentioned previously said some really nasty things about Hillary in 2008 when I was pro Obama.


Elections, as always, come down to choices and you have to pick someone or stay home.

iowan2 said...

Shilo posted;
And his childish 'crooked Hillary' is wearing extremely thin. I know, Althouse cons love it, but he already has "most" of your votes.

I am finishing up spending four days with 30 somethings. All have careers, Degrees, a couple of Masters. They are all dismayed that Clinton's wife is sooo crooked. They are scared that Trump is unprepared, but also know that he has a talent for surrounding himself with good people and holding them to performance standards. They are voting for Trump, they dont know it yet, but they have already eliminated Clinton's wife. They refuse to install a crime family in the White House and intuitively know that Clinton's wife is only going to feather her own nest and the direction of the nation is of no consequence to her.

So that's where things are at. Millions of people that wont admitt they are Voting for Trump, lots may not even know until after its over, But the young college educated only can't see Clinton's wife in their vision of the future.

Bay Area Guy said...

Damn Ritmo - you've regained a semblance of coherence:) What happened?;)

Last 2 points:

1. Never said and don't believe that Trump is a savior. He's got many flaws - as is well documented on these threads. But he's simply better, on the issues, than Hillary. And, personally, I think voting 3rd Party or staying home are not viable options, because they help the front-runner, whoever it is. So, yeah, I'm voting Trump.

2. You use Jobs and Wozniak as a representative example of the hippies? Those two are (were) creative Capitalists, as are most of Silicon Valley and the Techies in SF. They invested time and money to make products that made profits (dirty word to Leftists). They risked Capital to create jobs. They are absolute outliers from the hippie, non-work, non-responsibility, (non-bath) arm-chair revolutionaries who have caused so much rot to our society. Bill Ayers and the Weatherman are more representative than Steve Jobs and Apple.

Laslo Spatula said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laslo Spatula said...

From the Fauxhause Blog:

I posted this in a previous item, but actually could have posted it in this post: Man jailed after Facebook comments to ‘kill all white cops’

"Derrick “De De” Hudson, of a Roosevelt Avenue address, is accused of typing “Just kill all white cracker cops LLH” (laughing like hell) on a post by WGXA-TV about 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, according to an arrest warrant."

What struck me most about this story is the usage of "LLH" (laughing like hell): can this be construed as a wink to the reader that -- while outrageous -- this is, indeed, satire, a case of poking the bear? Perhaps Hudson is showing how easy it is to use our Social Media in ways that we may say were never intended.

Ah, intentions. We know how something SHOULD be used, and also understand how it WILL be used. Does that mean a writer must expect how something WILL be understood, as opposed to how he INTENDS it to be understood?

And "poking the bear"?

Wiki has this to say:

"Be careful not to imply that a specific individual is a bear. In Russia "bear" may be a compliment, but elsewhere(OED) it can mean a rough or bad-mannered person and "like a bear with a sore head" means very irritable. Using "don't poke the bear" to hint that an editor is over-sensitive on a subject might not be true, and could be construed as a personal attack. You might also offend fellow editors if they think you are accusing them of "bear-baiting" – a bloodsport which involved setting dogs to attack a captive bear.(OED) "Bear" is also a slang term for a big, hairy gay man."

Was my intention in using this phrase to invoke the image of "big, hairy gay men"?

LLH. Perhaps.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

While we wait for Althouse I provide you an approximation.


I am Laslo.

shiloh said...

Psychological gobbledygook notwithsatnding, Repeating to Althouse cons who think that many "undecideds" have already made up their minds "subconsciously" to vote for Trump.

Trump may have the right message, but he is absolutely the worst messenger on the planet to spew/preach, bring forth said message. ie he's totally unlikable. Indeed, more unlikable than Hillary.

btw, the perfect Rep convention for Trump would be one where he didn't say a word and let surrogates er subservient lap dogs do all the talking/worshiping for him.

Interesting Althouse cons really, really, really don't like Trump, but they soooo want him to win. And it would be that way no matter who the Dems nominated, not just Hillary. Like Capt Kirk in Star Trek II, they don't like to lose!

Keep hope alive!

Bay Area Guy said...

Shiloh says: "Interesting Althouse cons really, really, really don't like Trump, but they soooo want him to win."

No, as usual, you just don't get it right.

Speaking for myself,

(1) I don't "really, really" dislike Trump. Au contraire - I find his political incorrectness and alpha male persona to be a refreshing contrast to most weasel politicians. However, I don't ignore some of his flaws. For example, I didn't like some of his personal attacks in the primaries or on that Judge in civil court.

(2) I do want him to win. I think, on the whole, he'd be better for the country than Hillary.

That simple.

shiloh said...


Generalizing and you're one of the few exceptions, if you're talking truthfully.

Having been here (6) years it's very apparent re: the 95/5 con majority that most Althouse cons are hard core cons period, regardless of who or what. Of course that didn't take 6 years to figure out, more like less than a week.

In general most folk, including myself, who frequent er waste their time at political blogs are hard core partisans.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

(1) I don't "really, really" dislike Trump. Au contraire - I find his political incorrectness and alpha male persona to be a refreshing contrast to most weasel politicians. However, I don't ignore some of his flaws. For example, I didn't like some of his personal attacks in the primaries or on that Judge in civil court.

(2) I do want him to win. I think, on the whole, he'd be better for the country than Hillary.

I completely agree with Bay Area Guy. And no, he is "not one of the few exceptions" on this blog. Shiloh, you just doesn't read very carefully.

Grackle, trad guy and achilles are the three commenters here who were Trump supporters throughout the primaries and have shown enthusiasm for him. If I'm missing someone, let me know.

Dr Weevil said...

Anything at all complex that takes "less than a week" to figure out has almost certainly been figured out wrong. You have to be pretty far left to think most of the gang here qualifies as "hard core cons". Alternatively, you don't think that at all, but are paid to express such things by a floundering campaign.

mockturtle said...

If I'm missing someone, let me know.

I have also supported Trump throughout the primaries, to the horror of friends and family.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

R&B was upset previously when I mentioned the truth re: Sander's life ie he's lived off the govt his entire life and never really had a real job, but that was just about him never being vetted and how Reps would destroy him if he ever became the nominee. So maybe he thought since I was anti-Bernie that I was pro all-in re: Hillary.

Nice right-wing talking point? Did you come up with it all on your own?

Anyway, the left doesn't have the same anti-public servant psychosis that the right does when it comes to bashing all things governmental so as to destroy the entire concept. They're actually more against getting private interests to control the government, as Hillary does and as even many on the right are starting to criticize. But it's good to know that Shiloh's so much of a Hillary shill that he will appropriate ideologies and talking points that not even people on the right do, let alone a good majority of the electorate, independents, moderates, etc.

As for the right "destroying" people, Bernie's one of the few people on the left that they can respect, for actually being honest, actually getting decent proposals through, and actually taking on the things that bother them a lot more (or so they say): corruption. If you think Republicans hate Bernie anywhere near as much as they hate Hillary, you are an absolute idiot. It's the height of asininity to hear you go on with this crap about about Bernie's success and passion as a dedicated public servant was anywhere near something they could destroy (and get the public to agree with) as they could Hillary's blatant corruption. Corruption hurts people; most people feel that government doesn't - or at least that it shouldn't. But this is what happens when you have no values of your own: You go full-bore right-wing without even understanding what your base wants, let alone what a majority of the voting public want. A majority of the voting public want everything that Bernie's for: less war, less over leveraging of Wall Street, less corruption, less environmental and social destruction (things that anti-government talk has no role in), less corporatized, anti-American trade deals. Even Trump gets huge leverage off of Bernie's own positions on these. And even Hillary's appropriating them. I wonder why. And I wonder who has more credibility selling them: A dedicated public servant or a corrupt Wall Street and foreign government plant? Hmmmm.

But Shiloh gets none of this. See, this just shows exactly how stupid Hillary supporters are. They're in as much of a bubble as the worst of the right wing. No wonder Hillary makes error after error on the campaign trail. Republicans say they worry about her. But I think her own worst enemy is herself. A woman who can't even figure out what to do with thousands of state secrets - she thought her own server was more secure. (Because she confuses her own privacy with that of the state). Yep, I really wonder who's more out of touch.

It's simply amazing to see how stupid you are in action. You're the kind of guy who makes me glad at the idea of seeing Hillary losing. And there are many, many more of us - not just on the right or in the middle, but on the left. Good going. You can't even unite your own damn party but you sure know which of the stupidest and least effective talking points on the right to sell out to.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

In general most folk, including myself, who frequent er waste their time at political blogs are hard core partisans.

What you are is a hard-core sellout with no values of your own, other than trying to get the tattered, discredited, and rightly untrusted (Democrat) brand to win (one time) over an equally corrupt and meaningless (Republican) brand.

You are fighting party against party because you have no idea what you stand for on your own or how to judge the character of a politician rare and strong and decent enough to lead to country toward something better.

You don't seem to even know a thing about your country, or what it faces.

So you elevate a meaningless, completely partisan win over everything else in November... and then call other people "hard core partisans?"

You are completely detached from reality.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You use Jobs and Wozniak as a representative example of the hippies? Those two are (were) creative Capitalists, as are most of Silicon Valley and the Techies in SF. They invested time and money to make products that made profits (dirty word to Leftists). They risked Capital to create jobs. They are absolute outliers from the hippie, non-work, non-responsibility, (non-bath) arm-chair revolutionaries who have caused so much rot to our society. Bill Ayers and the Weatherman are more representative than Steve Jobs and Apple.

I think we have different definitions. To me, anyone willing to do (let alone having done and praised doing) acid, I think is strongly in the running for something hippie.

And to have kept his hair long, gone in to work barefoot (while interviewing people), launched a marketing campaign modeled on the motto of "think different", while maintaining emphasis on allowing The Beatles to guide many of his artistic instincts throughout his business career - that guy's a damn hippie, man.

This is the same guy who famously told Bill Gates, "Being the richest guy in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me - ” that guy's hippie enough to most of America. Most of America was on the Bill Gates side of the divide of not knowing how to value success in any terms other than wealth.

If you don't know that then I would say it just shows how much more Bay Area than the rest of America you actually are - all protests against the left notwithstanding.

I mean, look at SHILOH! He's supposedly a left-wing, McGovern-supporting Democrat through-and-through, from between his toes to the inside of his butt crack, and even he thinks Hillary's a great candidate due to her "private sector"/"anti-socialism" credentials.


I rest my case.

shiloh said...

Ritmo, hopefully you feel better. But you should take comfort knowing MK really likes you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No, only the stupid take comfort in their ignorance. I sure hope the big words and all those lines of text didn't give your tiny Hillary brain a headache, little guy.

shiloh said...

Ritmo, you always give me a smile big guy.

And please, watch your blood pressure ...

take care, blessings

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Having a brain doesn't mean being ill or stressed. Morality shouldn't come at the expense of one's health.

It just means that when I listen to you I have to realize that you're not much more worthy of attention than the birds outside, fluttering about, fighting momentarily over a breadcrumb, plumping up their feathers.

And BTW, how's Hillary's brain blood clot coming along? If only she had the energy of this, so much older guy. Maybe lying to oneself and so many others actually isn't so great for one's health.

Keep going to war against your party, Tough Guy. The day's of the Hillaryites, Clintonites and their zombies are coming to an end. The future belongs to the young. They are correct, decent kids and their energy is a bit more invigorating than all you old shyster shits with daddy issues pretending to be pisspoor imitations of Republicans.

Rusty said...

And to have kept his hair long, gone in to work barefoot (while interviewing people), launched a marketing campaign modeled on the motto of "think different", while maintaining emphasis on allowing The Beatles to guide many of his artistic instincts throughout his business career - that guy's a damn hippie, man.

This is the same guy who famously told Bill Gates, "Being the richest guy in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me - ” that guy's hippie enough to most of America. Most of America was on the Bill Gates side of the divide of not knowing how to value success in any terms other than wealth.

He's a capitalist. His personal philosophy notwithstanding. He was in it for the money.

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