Althouse should have waited so she could cut and paste Scott Adams' interesting POV.
Don't feel bad Althouse, it's not just you who needs to be spoon fed, Adams is way smarter than most people when it comes to sussing out the interesting.
Boring to you maybe, but Tim Kaine is a solid person with integrity. He should have been at the top of the ticket. He's a nice nice man - it's a good pick.
Who? Strictly nonpartisan. I said the same thing about Pence. In a way, Biden is the most interesting vice-presidential pick of the post-war era in that he brought nothing positive, or even neutral, to the deal. I'd love to know what the thinking was there.
Trump could win simply because he's not so damned boring. I really mean it. I think that alone is worth at least a few million votes. Hillary is a giant snoozefest, and she thinks that's her secret weapon. America has become addicted to easy stupid entertainment, and they really don't want much else. Even the issues - no matter how serious are only as important as they are entertaining, as in emotion feeding.
Kaine thinks America has an 'old blood' problem that needs to be 'revitalized' with immigrants. Nice to be told the government thinks that I need to be replaced with a more 'vital' foreigner. I thought that thinking of citizens as units of economic production went out in the 1960s.
"Even the issues - no matter how serious are only as important as they are entertaining, as in emotion feeding."
NO!!!! Say it ain't so. I was so drawn to Trump's issues, as laid out yesterday. He had me when he declared that he would end all violence and crime in America. HRC never suggested that she had a plan to end all violence and crime in America. She's not an issues candidate.
“I have a message for all of you: The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20, 2017, safety will be restored”
Kaine like Hillary is full throated supporter of Globalism, Open Borders, and Free trade.
Harvard law, makes his speeches in Spanish, Former head of the DNC, love foreign aid. According to Wiki:
"On June 11, 2013, Kaine delivered a speech on the Senate floor in support of the bipartisan "Gang of Eight" immigration bill. The speech was entirely in Spanish, marking the first time a Senator had ever made a speech on the Senate floor in a language other than English."
“I have a message for all of you: The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20, 2017, safety will be restored”
So it shall be written, so it shall be done. ~ 2 Corinthians
I love Kaine's earlier Shaolin-Catholic synthesis:
Master Po: What do you hear? Kaine: I hear the grasshopper.
Kaine: I seek not to know the answers, but to understand the questions.
Master Po: [after easily defeating the boy in combat] Ha, ha, never assume because a man has no eyes he cannot see. Close your eyes. What do you hear? Young Kaine: I hear the water, I hear the birds. Master Po: Do you hear your own heartbeat? Young Kaine: No. Master Po: Do you hear the grasshopper that is at your feet? Young Kaine: [looking down and seeing the insect] Old man, how is it that you hear these things?
Master Po: Young man, how is it that you do not?
Master Kan: Quickly as you can, snatch the pebble from my hand. [Young Kaine tries to do so and fails]
Master Kan: When you can take the pebble from my hand, it will be time for you to leave.
I'm glad to have Kaine in place of some of the other choices, like Secretary of Labor coming from the Justice Dept. Thomas Perez. Perez went into politics from the county I live in, then into MD government, & then into the Obama administration. Perez is really about as far left as one finds in state or federal government. Perez lived (lives?) in Takoma Park, MD, a small suburban town locally famous for its left-wing ways (e.g. they declared themselves a "nuclear free zone" & the mayor for many years was Sam Abbott, a self admitted communist, CPUSA or CWP, I don't remember).
Perez had his fingerprints all over turning the Obama DoJ into a lefty snake-pit. Sadly, too many of those guys are going to try & "burrow in", i.e. move over from appointed positions to civil service, & it's going to be difficult to weed them out.
What in blazes are people talking about "because of his views on abortion?" Is this slinging hash the world on Trump?
Don't weaken or subvert the basic holding of Roe v. Wade "I strongly support the right of women to make their own health and reproductive decisions and, for that reason, will oppose efforts to weaken or subvert the basic holding of Roe v. Wade. We all share the goal of reducing unwanted pregnancies and abortions. The right way to do this is through education and access to health care and contraception rather than criminalizing women's reproductive decisions." Source: 2012 Senate campaign website, , Oct 9, 2012
"Don't deny privacy to women making health care decisions [As governor], we worked with Democrats, Republicans and independents to get results. Over the last four years, the GOP pushed ideology and wedge issues. Last week, they passed a platform demanding privacy for Super PACs and denying privacy to women making health care decisions. Meanwhile, Democrats fought for the middle class." Source: 2012 Democratic National Convention speech , Sep 4, 2012
If life begins at conception, we must outlaw contraception Kaine explained that the common birth control pill works by a dual mechanism--both preventing fertilization, and preventing successful implantation when fertilization does occur. Also, he added, intra-uterine devices work singly by preventing implantation. Allen had a fumble on some basic science. The candidates were asked about conservative proposals to declare that life begins at conception. Allen said that defining life as beginning at conception would not outlaw contraception, as "contraception" means stopping conception--that is, preventing fertilization from taking place:
Moderator: Could you tell us, how do you think birth control pills and intra-uterine devices work?
Allen: I don't profess to be a doctor. I'm just using maybe a little Source: Eric Kleefeld reporting on 2012 Virginia Senate debate , Dec 7, 2011
Personally opposed to abortion, but it shouldn't be outlawed Kaine, a Roman Catholic who worked as a missionary in Honduras reiterated his personal opposition to abortion, but maintained the practice should not be outlawed.
He then attended Harvard Law School, taking a break during law school to work with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps in Honduras. Kaine worked in Honduras for nine months from 1980 to 1981, helping Jesuit missionaries who ran a Catholic school in El Progreso. Kaine is fluent in Spanish as a result of his year in Honduras.
Pope Francis is a Jesuit.
So we're talking divine intervention ie Trump is toast!
Then why did you vote for Obama in 2008? The only rationale for voting for him was the excitement he caused. Surely John McCain was the more boring candidate and promised the more boring administration?
"America has become addicted to easy stupid entertainment, and they really don't want much else. Even the issues - no matter how serious are only as important as they are entertaining, as in emotion feeding."
Because Kaine is the closest thing the Democrats have to a conservative these days.
Kaine is definitely the kind of Democrat who has absolutely no cachet with the BernieBros, that's for sure. At the very least, it does give the appearance that the left-wing has been "iced out", an appearance that HRC will have to work to undo at the convention if she wants to keep the Bernie-ites on board.
Remember, the Bernie-ites are expecting her to stab them in the back, & so that's what they'll be looking to see. She'll have to do something "in a big way" to prove that expectation wrong.
"Not sure why everyone's saying it's a slap in the face to progressives"
"Because Kaine is the closest thing the Democrats have to a conservative these days."
And he is white like Hillary but hey the blacks and other minorities are going to vote for her anyway so she can pick a less liberal white guy so as to appeal to the white voters, she hopes.
I know people are supposedly interested all of a sudden in what Progressives want. Here's what Progressives are saying:
"Watching the Republican National Convention unfold this week was chilling.
In an often-ridiculous horror show, Republicans officially nominated a climate-denying racist for President and a puppet of the Koch brothers as his VP. They also introduced the most regressive, bigoted party platform this country has seen in decades, attacking most of what the climate movement has been working so hard to achieve.
This election is undeniably ugly, offering hard choices for climate activists who want to see fossil fuels kept underground. But it’s also undeniable that the Republican platform put in action would set this country back decades -- decades that we can’t afford.
The Republican platform ratified this week in Cleveland looks like a Christmas wish-list for the fossil fuel industry. In a lot ways it is, since many of the delegates who wrote it have taken thousands of dollars from the worst polluters in the world, including Exxon.2 In the hottest year ever, the Republicans call for:
Constructing the Keystone XL pipeline Abandoning the Paris Climate Agreement Scrapping the Clean Power Plan Fracking and drilling on our public lands Mining as much coal as possible
And that’s not to mention the long list of policies that would set back racial, economic, and social justice for thousands of Americans."
Pence is a reliable liberal base on his past record. When they call him a "centrist" that means he's in the center of the Democratic Party political spectrum, which has moved strongly leftward over the past decade. He's not in the center of the broader political spectrum by any measure.
Hillary had to look long and hard to find someone who might make her look better by comparison.
Constructing the Keystone XL pipeline Abandoning the Paris Climate Agreement Scrapping the Clean Power Plan Fracking and drilling on our public lands Mining as much coal as possible
From bottom to top a compendium of myths, monsters, and gods.
Mining as much coal as possible West Virginia has trended blue for awhile. That tide has turned.
Fracking and drilling on our public lands They're MY public lands, too.
Scrapping the Clean Power Plan While we're at it we can scrap the Perpetual Motion Plan as well. Both are equally plausible.
Abandoning the Paris Climate Agreement Like everybody else who can add has already done.
Constructing the Keystone XL pipeline Oh, please, not THAT! Think of Warren Buffett's bank account!
"The mainstream media likes to portray Kaine as a “centrist” and a “bridge builder.” The reality is quite different.
In the Senate, Kaine almost always votes the liberal line. The American Conservative Union consistently gives him a zero rating. Same with the Eagle Forum. With Americans for Prosperity and Heritage Action, he’s in single digits.
Kaine is a practicing Catholic, but a reliable pro-abortion vote. He gets a zero from the Family Research Council and 100 percent from NARAL and Planned Parenthood.
Though at times he talked a good game on the problems with the Iran nuclear deal, in the end he voted for it, to no one’s surprise.
Ann, you don't like excitement because you are A-OK with everything exactly the way it is.
I was laid off from my 33 year career 5 months ago, and I'll be lucky if I ever make half as much salary again in my life, if I can get hired at all. Nobody wants to hire a washed-up 54 year old white guy specialist.
I'll take the excitement, all I have to do all day is housework, apply for jobs I won't get, read the blogs, and watch the news.
The liberal media and the Dems spent the whole day spinning Trump's speech as too dark and before the day was over another terrorist attack with at least nine dead.
A new world of disorder is our fundamental transformation by Obama and Hillary. Trump might be our only chance.
I think Hillary's choice of Kaine suggests that she's more worried about hanging onto moderate voters than hanging onto Bernie voters. She could be right (there's a first time for everything).
I was laid off from my 33 year career 5 months ago, and I'll be lucky if I ever make half as much salary again in my life, if I can get hired at all. Nobody wants to hire a washed-up 54 year old white guy specialist.
Depending on your field and temperament, you might consider teaching. Most school districts are constantly hiring, and it is often possible to get a job before you have finished the degree/credentialing process. At the very least you can substitute, which is more than unemployment, and is basically babysitting.
Kaine is "against abortion" but a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood
He's not the only one.....there are actually quite a few of those types in the Democratic Party today...even if you know that abortion is murder there is no way you can get elected as a Democrat if you vote against abortion.
It amazes that we could elect a man who had never had a real job in his life and who told us that he was going to fundamentally transform our country. We are reaping the consequences for our feel good pat ourselves on the back gullibility. It doesn't matter who Hillary's running mate is because enough voters have realized that Trump might be our last chance to save our country and the world.
It's Bill Clinton clever. There are lots of Republicans dissatisfied with their candidate. Picking Kaine is Hillary's move to the middle to appeal to them. Expect more of that. She will morphed into the second coming of Bill by November.
From the NYT: "In the past four years, many Americans have turned to less traditional means to watch televised events, including YouTube, Facebook and livestreams widely available around the web." These are not included in the Nielson ratings. Most sensible people who have other options reject the heavily edited versions served up by the networks.
Another boring white guy (and this one's odd looking). Another Ivy League-trained lawyer. Another Roman Catholic who's "personally opposed" to abortion but would never interfere with a woman's right to choose. I don't get it. What is it, exactly, that he brings to the party?
I read that Kaine describes himself as a traditional Catholic who is also fine with abortion. You’re already a hypocrite if you identify as both Catholic and pro-abortion, which is what a lot of Democrats do. But when you label yourself as a “traditional” Catholic you’re saying you take your faith seriously. Which means Kaine is an extra shameless hypocrite.
A "traditional Catholic" is not one that believes in abortion, no matter what the reasons. He is a Pelosi Catholic, a Kennedy Catholic, one that can pick and choose what they believe in. That is not a traditional Catholic. My mother from Ireland was a traditional Catholic, and she would never have even thought of picking the parts of the religion that she thought she could live with. It was, and still is, all or nothing. You cannot choose what part of the religion you will agree with.
Kaine is neither here nor there. He is for what he is against. He offends no one, unless barely being there offends you.
But he is a perfect pairing with Hillary Tyranny. He will never oppose her, unlike Warren.
If Hillary could stand another powerful women, she and Warren could have had a good chance riding the First Women Ticket Magic to a win. Thank God Hillary is so mean.
I think Hillary would have had a shot if she had picked Warren, but two diva's on the ticket would not have even made it to November. They would have cancelled each other out.
"Where is the lie? It was huuuuuge regardless of McCain's numbers."
ok, huge in the context that McCain is obviously more popular than Trump. Especially since McCain wasn't a very good pilot/sailor/serviceman since he got captured!
Oh the irony!
What did 2008 have that 2016 didn't ~ mama grizzly, whereas 2016 had plagarizing Melania & Pence.
They kept talking about the guy as if he was some kind of ticket-balancing wunderkind. And now I look at this chinless almost-eunuch and realize it was all about Hillary picking a guy whom she could easily overshadow.
Her ego will be well-prepared. May the coronation be a celebration for the ages!
Inspiring message for young boys: "If you're boring and inoffensive and ineffectual enough, then you too can one day be Hillary Clinton's running-mate!"
Ann, you don't like excitement because you are A-OK with everything exactly the way it is.
I was laid off from my 33 year career 5 months ago...
Hey. Ann, along with every other pundit, lives in a comfortable bubble so that others don't have to! It's important to tell everyone how the news looks from Xanadu.
How 'bout "Candy" Kaine? It sounds good, but I can't connect Candy to anything this boring, straight, even-tempered, moderate-sounding, liberal politician has ever done.
Ritmo, since you mentioned my name as per usual, the main reason Hillary picked Kaine was a Dem governor will pick his replacement ie Dems won't a senate seat. Plus he has the credentials to be president if necessary.
ok, she also wanted to piss you off!
ok, her very existence pisses you off!
ok, life in general pisses you off!
Ritmo, when was the last time you were happy? Rhetorical.
Ritmo, since you mentioned my name as per usual, the main reason Hillary picked Kaine was a Dem governor will pick his replacement ie Dems won't a senate seat.
It's important for Democrats to keep picking crumbs like that. I got another call to donate to WI former-senator Russ Feingold's campaign. They said his ten-point lead is shrinking to five points. I live more than a thousand miles away from Wisconsin, but less than 200 from NYC.
I asked them if they couldn't call up Wall Street. It's not too late for more "progressives" to go corporatist.
ok, she also wanted to piss you off!
That's not hard. The only people that like her are menopausal women who never "showed a guy up" and the nutless wonders who love them.
ok, her very existence pisses you off!
What exactly is it about "her existence" that I'm supposed to like?
ok, life in general pisses you off!
Non-sequitur. And nonsensical. Some of us like life enough to not want to promote dishonesty, greed and corruption in our national life. I guess you wouldn't know what it's like to have any values worth living for, Shiloh.
Ritmo, when was the last time you were happy? Rhetorical.
Of course it's rhetorical. Just like your Barbietician, you don't care about the truth, or about other people, or about what's real or not. So you just make up a stupid snorting retort and run away. It's like when 5-year olds kick one another in the bum and then run away. Real clever, Shiloh. Really clever. You really got me.
Ritmo, this is a smallish con blog on the net. What's the big deal? And you didn't call me any really nasty names in your reply, just the usual generic go fuck yourself. Are you under the weather, tired or just don't care that much anymore ...
although you did answer every "point" in my comment. I applaud your effort.
As someone from Virginia, I can confirm that Tim Kaine has always been a feeble-minded dullard.
This news is a welcome confirmation of what I can see with my own two eyes and conclude just from what I have and haven't heard of him yet. Just a quick glance at the photo in the post was all it took. A win for Hillary requires basically that she just look better than some guy. Any guy. And this guy will do.
You know how they portray fathers in American sitcoms. All the cuckolds who identify with that will now be on board with the new First American Political Marriage. And they are legion. They will ratify this without any hesitation whatsoever. Feeling submissive is what they need.
Oh brother. What a horrible state of affairs for America.
Ritmo, this is a smallish con blog on the net. What's the big deal? And you didn't call me any really nasty names in your reply, just the usual generic go fuck yourself. Are you under the weather, tired or just don't care that much anymore ...
although you did answer every "point" in my comment. I applaud your effort.
Does anyone else notice how remarkably unresponsive this is?
I made at least a half dozen concise points. Shiloh misses them all.
It's like he lives in a bubble where the only thing that exists are drones with the logo "DNC" stamped on their rumps.
Your bubble is just as boring as the cons', Shiloh. Actually much worse. At least the cons value being interesting.
As for Kaine's Senate record, it is not that he has been liberal, it is that he has been a total non-entity in the Senate since he got there. Like Mark Warner, he has been nothing but a puppet, with Harry Reid pulling the strings.
When Kaine was governor, since Virginia pretty much runs on auto-pilot, all he needed to do is just sit there. Again, there were no great accomplishments.
Bullshit! Your pedestrian ad hominems were neither concise or new, just a rehash of your usual juvenile insults.
You're not even trying anymore ie your ad nauseam kindetgarten back and forth with Althouse newest infantile con troll JE two nights ago. Just exactly what did you accomplish with that highbrow shit slinging!
You Gents should consider voting for Jill Stein. Heck, she's a heluva lot smarter and more principled than Hillary.
Thanks BAG. And your advice does have some merit. I love Jill Stein, but find her a teensy bit kookier and much less articulate than Sanders. I'll probably vote for her... but this ticket is enough to make me want to punish the DNC badly enough to possibly even vote Trump.
As for Shiloh, you've got him all wrong. He and I are at opposite ends of the libertarian-authoritarian spectrum in the DNC - i.e. he's all in for Hillary and I was all in against her. Reading his comments is instructive; you'll find that he actually doesn't have any principles at all. My guys and gals OTOH, clearly do have some principles. We're at least 45% of "Shiloh's" party. All he cares about is being Republicans in one specific office, POTUS. My people, OTOH, are about much more than that - and we'll gladly make allies on the right, center or wherever as long as we get the Clinton types and their ilk out of the business of screwing the country for good.
About a year ago I woke up to the reality that the Democrats have been this way for a LONG time. At least for a 125 years if not longer. I'd always presumed the party was defined by FDR. Why the hell not? 2nd greatest president, won the greatest war and a truly American century, inspired us out of the Great Depression and more American power than ever before. But we never realized how ingrained the Shilovian cockroaches are in this party. They jumped on the mule's back with hubby Bill, and refuse to be shaken off. They are a cancer and a disgrace, but they represent the unfortunate and truly ugly "other face" of the party. The machine. The Boss Tweed Tammany Hall creeps. And unfortunately, this is natural and there is nothing we can do about it but defeat them and empower the progressives.
The RNC has had this problem, also. An uneasy alliance between social conservatives, nationalists and libertarians. For now, it looks like the nationalists have taken over. I wish them the best of luck. At least they're the faction of their party that actually cares about the country. For those of us on the left, we truly are standing in the cold with the worst elements of the party running the show - and it's a collection of elements that thinks America can go to hell.
I've developed and implemented industrial training programs, teaching hadn't occurred to me. I have applied for several USPS positions. Either way, it's time I work for the Government, since it was the Government that phased out my industry.
Bullshit! Your pedestrian ad hominems were neither concise or new, just a rehash of your usual juvenile insults.
You're not even trying anymore ie your ad nauseam kindetgarten back and forth with Althouse newest infantile con troll JE two nights ago. Just exactly what did you accomplish with that highbrow shit slinging!
take care, blessings
Saying "blessings" doesn't cover up the fact that you clearly don't give a shit about what half the country is going through. Remember that half? The half that lost Romney the 2012 election after he accused them of being leeches.
You think you can buy them off by simply hating Republicans and playing a stale identity politics game. Sorry, it won't work any more. Economics trumps everything. You may win in November, but your faction has been well on its way to irrelevance since 2008 or 2010 at least.
You are a hypocrite. Every time I ask you what you stand for you can't name or identify a single thing. You are the reason that even if Hillary wins - simply by virtue of getting lucky in her opponents, she will probably be the first presidential win to completely fuck up the whole downticket races. All the way down the board. Trump may be controversial, but Democrats are TOTALLY HATED. And for good reason.
People see you and they feel that hypocritical quacks like you typify the Democrat party. And unfortunately, they're right. All you do is cheerlead, cheerlead and demean the other side's prospects. No one cares about that. Wasn't George W. Bush a cheerleader? Look at how well that worked out.
blessings is my term of endearment for go fuck yourself asshole!
There's your Clintonian fork-tongue at work.
Don't worry. Once you've run the country into worse fumes and flames than the First Clinton did (although some of his errors had a nice 8-year delay), we'll be there to pick up the pieces and set things straight again. Just like we were in 1932.
Never forget: Trump is not the disease. He is a symptom. A symptom of many things gone wrong on the right but of just as many things gone wrong on the faux-left. The limousine liberal left. The champagne and caviar wanna-be Wall Street types like Shiloh. People who only hate the opposition but stand for nothing on their own.
We will overcome you. Be nice to me or I will beat your ass to a pulp on the day when that happens. I know that if you know anything it's how to kiss the ass of whomever it is that butters your bread. That's all your basic nature amounts to. Sad, but true.
Never forget: Trump is not the disease. He is a symptom. A symptom of many things gone wrong on the right but of just as many things gone wrong on the faux-left. The limousine liberal left. The champagne and caviar wanna-be Wall Street types like Shiloh. People who only hate the opposition but stand for nothing on their own.
"Does anyone else notice how remarkably unresponsive this is?"
What does that matter?
Do you know it, or are you looking to form a judgement based on others (who respond) reactions thereby potentially trying to build a coalition on this point?
Frankly, I noticed "unresponsive" and figured you were trying to assassinate the blog perception here Shiloh has with clinical language intimating death.
That is the darkest word anyone could ever choose, Ritno.
No problem, mockturtle. If nothing else at least this election will be a clarifying one. A testing one. One to bring out the best and worst in everybody and to show the country where each of us stand when our backs are up to the wall. It is more raw than any one before and probably than anyone since. I feel like we're going into the high g-force speed like in Interstellar. It's all about who remembers what they're about and who spins out into unconsciousness and who will be there for the rest of the crew.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say, Guildofcannonballs, and am frankly not familiar enough with your comments to discern where they're coming from. Whatever issues Shiloh may or may not have, I do not know. I just know that his comments obsess with the political horse race - and only from the (D) side. I keep asking him why he thinks I should vote for Hillary. What she stands for? What does he stand for? All I get is crickets. It confirms my suspicions. Power politics at its worst and with an emptier-than-Trump's narcissism-core at the center. I don't get it. What's wrong with trying to figure out what values are motivating someone? I know where I stand. Does Shiloh? I don't care whom he stands with; I want to know what he stands for and why. How is that antagonistic? He argues all this through a political lens. I know, I am too. I am just trying to understand how he got to a brand of politics so rotten and senseless, let alone why he presumes I'm supposed to share it with him. If he wants to stop making it about him then he can start making sense of his own damn politics. I can't figure them out for the fricking life of me.
ok, that's funny as Ritmo is whoever you want him to be depending on time of day, political situation and alcohol.
btw, I've been in a limo once and never had caviar as it always looked god awful to taste.
I'm actually not too complicated so when Ritmo gets my description 100% wrong it's somewhat amusing.
Indeed, Ritmo is quite the chameleon and totally unsure of himself which is why he childishly keeps changing his name ie please look at me. If you don't like who I used to be I can easily change. But please pay attention to me regardless.
Rt1 Rebel, Lots of crossover in industries if you go a bit broader. You will likely have to move, unless you are OK with being a "road warrior". Done that, its a hard life. Industrial training is a career in itself. Heck, a popular one is just mostly generic things like safety training. If you have much experience with industrial equipment and systems, consider applying to the manufacturers. There is always a need for sales engineers, installation and service techs, trainers, etc. Thats a "road warrior" job though. Details of your case may be useful, there are lots of people here with some experience and maybe specific advice. As for the economy, yes its crap. Its actually much worse for the kids (all those 21-25-year-olds that cant start a career) than it is for the likes of us though. Those kids are starting behind the 8-ball, and being stuck in unemployment and nothing jobs now is going to cost them terribly later.
as for kaine, he is a placeholder in much the same way biden was, you would think doc brown's followers would have a clue how deeply they've been spit upon,
No Shiloh - my comments actually make sense. As do my politics.
Yours are apparently just about picking the strongest authority figure in the room. And for you, that's Hillary. Just like for half the right it's Trump.
But you have lost half your party, and even more of the country. You are being the arrogant one by refusing to acknowledge us and why we stand where we do. So we reach out to you and ask you what you stand for? Where are you asking us to follow you to and why? And you slam the door like a whiny bitch and get pissed about it.
This is why you will fail to have any legacy - save for a meaningless one about the first this or the first that or the first female baloney sandwich.
No one cares about Hillary, Shiloh. She's an empty security blanket for the "scaredier-of-Trump" crowd.
Define yourself before you piss and moan about the hypnotizing optical illusions you see in my unchangeable spots. You say you are simple. Too simple to even know why you support whomever support, apparently.
You got some deep observations and insights there, well played.
I was a Democrat by osmosis because growing up in the SF Bay Area, I literally did not meet a Republican til I was 17. It was simply assumed and expected that I'd be a Dem. The conformity of thinking I found to be stifling.
The one good thing about growing up Left is that I did meet and befriend Jews, Blacks, and, Yes, even a few gays in the 70s, so I did retain the "tolerance" gene that the Left so prides. I wish they would express a little more tolerance for religious folks and those who think it's wrong to kill unborn babies, but that's a separate issue.
Hillary and her ilk, in deed, speech and thought, are truly corporatist Republicans, trying to amass personal power and wealth, cloaked in a liberal facade to confuse folks like Shiloh.
I can't stand her. At least Bernie is honest and authentic. He (and Trump) may be right too on the important issue of trade.
Let the record show Ritmo didn't actually disagree w/anything I said about him.
What is it that you said about me, exactly? Anything that couldn't be said for yourself?
Which is wise.
There you go with your strategery.
Rather he continued to obsessively, without a clue, talk about me.
I'm reaching out, making friends, building alliances. We will rip you clowns to worse shreds than the Republicans have done to Romney. Mark my words. You know you don't have your party. You have lost it. 55% of a party is not leadership, as Republicans have found out. You're in the exact same boat, and it's sinking. Like I said, and you've not rebutted, your country is not with you. You can get one office in 2016 and that's not enough to do anything decent or meaningful. Enjoy your party, because it won't last - you big fucking phony spacesuit-wearing twerp.
You are quoting the Lebowski character that lives in the big house with the trophy wife and the numerous rugs laying about.
Please understand, that character was just trying to understand, but in a way that people distrust.
I had to change my web name from NotquiteunBuckley to Guildofcannonballs because I have too much respect for William Frank Buckley Junior to speak in any way associated with the great man's name.
At least here. I use the old name if the computer wants me to (i.e. Disqus) and rationalize it by telling myself I am not letting Buckley's name be quieted. NotquiteunBuckley.
After your attacks on the Catholic Church and its devotees I thought you were an ugly troll with only discord wherever you are as an aspiration. Laslo can tell ya, takes one to know one.
there is an irony, which ritmo gets, the party that say 'money in politics' is bad, nonetheless beat a popular movement through money in politics, and we're not even broaching all the gifts kaine, got which unlike mcdonnell occasioned actual favors,
After your attacks on the Catholic Church and its devotees I thought you were an ugly troll with only discord wherever you are as an aspiration.
I'm not a fan of slaves or their masters. Whether their masters go by the name Hillary or Papa.
But it's nice that the rest of your post is as convoluted as can be expected of someone who fears "offense!" as much as you do. Mustn't offend the ruling order! Let's couch all our muted half-points in meaningless niceties!
Go tell it to someone who cares, clown man. Life is too short for some of us.
And thanks for the pecking. It's nice to know who my enemies are. Although at one time I did manage to collect some much braver than you two turkeys.
I'm still standing after them and I'll still be standing after you. In fact, to earn the ire of such obstructionist, anti-progressive cowards as you and Shiloh gives me hope. The Democratic facade will come crumbling down much sooner than I expected. No one can follow such cowards for as long as this. I suppose that's why your bubble is as thick as it is. The entitlement of a milquetoast movement that's gone on way past it's prime. Comical, to say the least. Never before has so much pretentious privilege pushed around so much of its unearned authority with so little to show for it. Your castle walls will come crumbling down sooner than you think.
@narciso , I have about a half-mile of rusted barbed wire, ready to be dispensed as required, Pineapples, however would be a waste of good food. Aloha Snackbar!
The best of the right and left, together with the same enemy: Shiloh and Jon Ericson!
Jon, a devoted Hillaryite shares your deep conviction of how much the two of you should hate me.
Never before have so many worthless enemies of mine, representing so many diverse forms of evil, stupidity and proud incompetence, arrayed themselves against me so intently.
I could flick the two of you down with my finger. Begone!
300 Million souls in this country and this is what we have to chose between? We must have pissed off God. As for Kaine, I'm actually surprised Hillary picked him. So far from what I have seen of him he is not impeachment insurance.
R & B I'm not on the left so I can't really feel your pain so to speak but Stein might be enough of a wake up call for the Democrat Party. I don't mean a one or 2 percent of the vote just enough to tip it over to the Republicans. I mean a 20 percent vote of the Democrat base to Stein. That would be unmistakable. If purging the party of the Clintons is the goal what difference does it make to lose by one or two percent versus twenty percent, a loss is still a loss for practical purposes but the message to the party would be loud and clear. Narcissistic, bombastic, incoherent as he is, Trump is the Republican's FU nominee to the same old corrupt permanent party. Sanders was supposed to be that guy for the Democrats but he threw in the towel when he had the opportunity to eviscerate Hillary with her corruption and took a dive. Stein is now the FU candidate for those on the left. 300 million souls in this country and this is what it comes down to. What have we done to deserve this?
Tim is right where he wants to be. Hillary is old, sick and tired. What do we really know about her health? And we can never believe accounts from her campaign.
It's an oversimplification to say it's competition for status but that's close enough for my purposes.
The nice thing about sports is you can wear a team jersey to the stadium and . . . BAM! . . . you're one of the in crowd.
It's a big world out there. There must be at least a few people who put on a business suit to watch the Sunday morning political pundits on TV. Maybe they even go so far as to set up a cardboard cutout of William F. Buckley, Jr. or somebody like that next to the TV as if he were Joe Paterno or some other athletics department deity.
It's one of those storytelling tropes that some form of magic makes someone fall in love with the next thing he or she sees. The necessity/chance aspect is what resonates. Keeps it timeless.
I woke up with this thought in my mind: I would have voted for the Tim Kaine who went off to Washington, DC, in 2012 over Donald Trump. But Kaine regularly (and foolishly) sends me constituent Emails all the time, and I can see that he's "evolved" since getting on the other side of the Potomac. Today he supports the War on Coal and he's become a hard core gun-grabber. Like the once-sane Joe Manchin, Kaine regards due process with respect to being forbidden to legally purchase guns as a utterly dispensable.
I notice most talking heads call Kaine a moderate and devout Catholic. One even called him a Blue Dog Dem [I thought they were extinct]. Yet his voting score gets 100% from far left groups like Planned Parenthood and he likely gets a ZERO from the NRA. You are so right, the Dems who go to DC to serve in the Senate or the Congress quickly vote in lockstep with the Dem Leaders.
I view Kaine as just another sucker and phony Catholic like Joe Biden and little Bobby Casey. They never stand up for pro-life ideals and they embrace abortion rights 247.
Kaine, a Roman Catholic who worked as a missionary in Honduras reiterated his personal opposition to abortion, but maintained the practice should not be outlawed.
Let that logic sink in for a while. Kaine, as a Catholic, has a personal opposition to abortion. But he votes in the Senate to preserve it and fund it (Planned Parenthood).
From Wiki: In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas, or values, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.
The last time I checked being a Catholic was a free choice in America. Similarly, running for elected office is a free choice. Senator Kaine needs to choose between being a Catholic and being a Democrat. Otherwise, he is simply an opportunist who places his career ahead of his principles.
I notice most talking heads call Kaine a moderate and devout Catholic. One even called him a Blue Dog Dem [I thought they were extinct].
@AJ Lynch, Blue Dog Democrats really are extinct. Passing Obamacare was a two-fer. On the one hand, they got Obamacare. On the other hand, Blue Dogs whose arms were twisted into voting for Obamacare lost their reelection campaigns and are no longer in Congress. As far as Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are concerned, that's two wins for one act of Congress.
I urge everyone to go look at Kaine's pictures on his official web site. Have you ever seen a more smarmy individual? (Well, except when shiloh looks in the mirror.)
I found the choice interesting. I think that it gives away what Crooked Hillary's campaign is most worried about. She could have picked a rabid leftist Hispanic or a good looking Black, but picked a white weak Catholic from Virginia. That means to me that they see their route to winning is keeping some of the traditional Dem working class from defecting to Trump, and not driving up the Black and Hispanic vote. Also, they aren't really worried about the left, but rather the center (they could end up ruling that decision - we shall see, esp with Jill Stein and the Sandersbots). The other thing it says I'd that they know that they cannot lose VA and still win. Florida was supposed to be their firewall. It appearantly isn't safe, so it is now VA, which should be easy for the Dems, but likely won't be this time around, which is part of why he was picked.
As for ethics, they probably did as best as they could, given the pool that they had to select from. Kaine apparently traded official favors for clothing and trips, which for Dem politicians is bush league corruption. A couple of freebies on the side versus the industrial level corruption engaged in by Crooked Hillary herself, or by some of his Dem Senate colleagues like Reid and Feinstein. Or even Biden and MBNA. (Funny thing is that, for a Democrat, Obama is looking clean by comparison).
The thing that should be worrying the Dems here is that the Kaine choice looks fairly defensive. Of course, the last really non-defensive choice that won the election (Darth Cheney) almost lost it for his team. Still, Perez, Castro, or even Fauxhauntis Warren, would have been bold. But Crooked Hillary doesn't do bold. Which is why this choice surprised almost no one.
Actually, R&B, I have to give you some credit for being a human being, well crusted over with various ideology, but somewhere under there is a human being. Shiloh is some kind of robot. Or better yet an apparatchik, which puts a robot to shame.
Obviously I am speaking in my own interest, but the longest knife you can stab Hillary the deepest with is a Trump vote. Stein is a flesh wound.
Unknown said... Jon, I respect your decision but you are missing out on some sweet red-on-red action between R&B and Shiloh. Iran-Iraq or Hitler-Stalin ain't in it.
Bruce, re Kaine ethics, the GOP governor of VA was imprisoned for less. Funny that.
--Arch Stanton
7/23/16, 12:00 PM
And considering who the current governor of Virginia is the former governor's crimes are misdemeanors in comparison.
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Yet one more slap in the face to Bernie and his supporters...but they'll vote for the wicked witch anyway.........
It's always good not to overthink the process.
Althouse should have waited so she could cut and paste Scott Adams' interesting POV.
Don't feel bad Althouse, it's not just you who needs to be spoon fed, Adams is way smarter than most people when it comes to sussing out the interesting.
Indeed, much like his former winning predecessors ...
'52/'56 Nixon
'60 LBJ
'64 Humphrey
'68/'72 Agnew
'76 Mondale
'80/'84 Bush41
'88 Quayle
'92/'96 Gore
'00/'04 Cheney
'08/'12 Biden
A bit paunchy. How does he look in a pantsuit?
Boring to you maybe, but Tim Kaine is a solid person with integrity. He should have been at the top of the ticket. He's a nice nice man - it's a good pick.
Not sure why everyone's saying it's a slap in the face to progressives.
Who? Strictly nonpartisan. I said the same thing about Pence. In a way, Biden is the most interesting vice-presidential pick of the post-war era in that he brought nothing positive, or even neutral, to the deal. I'd love to know what the thinking was there.
Not sure why everyone's saying it's a slap in the face to progressives.
Because of his views on abortion.
Fox keeps referring to "Clinton Kaine," but I thought that HRC has always
used "Hillary."
Presumably HRC's 1000 (or so) person staff is hard at work figuring out the new campaign signs.
"Solid person with integrity"
Why, him and Hillary must be like two peas in a pod.
The Left rebels. Kaine Mutiny.
"Not sure why everyone's saying it's a slap in the face to progressives."
Because Althouse cons are really, really, really hoping Sanders supporters either vote for Jill Stein or stay home.
Trump could win simply because he's not so damned boring. I really mean it. I think that alone is worth at least a few million votes. Hillary is a giant snoozefest, and she thinks that's her secret weapon. America has become addicted to easy stupid entertainment, and they really don't want much else. Even the issues - no matter how serious are only as important as they are entertaining, as in emotion feeding.
Kaine is "against abortion" but a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood.
"Because Althouse cons are really, really, really hoping Sanders supporters either vote for Jill Stein or stay home."
I think some cons are also hopeful that this will drive Berners to Trump.
Delusion is as delusion does.
Kaine thinks America has an 'old blood' problem that needs to be 'revitalized' with immigrants.
Nice to be told the government thinks that I need to be replaced with a more 'vital' foreigner. I thought that thinking of citizens as units of economic production went out in the 1960s.
"Even the issues - no matter how serious are only as important as they are entertaining, as in emotion feeding."
NO!!!! Say it ain't so. I was so drawn to Trump's issues, as laid out yesterday. He had me when he declared that he would end all violence and crime in America. HRC never suggested that she had a plan to end all violence and crime in America. She's not an issues candidate.
"Trump could win simply because he's not so damned boring."
Bush41 was boring, but he was running against a train wreck. Much like Hillary and train wreck Trump!
Bush41 was a serious candidate, yes Virginia the exact opposite of Trump.
“I have a message for all of you: The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20, 2017, safety will be restored”
Kaine like Hillary is full throated supporter of Globalism, Open Borders, and Free trade.
Harvard law, makes his speeches in Spanish, Former head of the DNC, love foreign aid. According to Wiki:
"On June 11, 2013, Kaine delivered a speech on the Senate floor in support of the bipartisan "Gang of Eight" immigration bill. The speech was entirely in Spanish, marking the first time a Senator had ever made a speech on the Senate floor in a language other than English."
"personally" against Abortion but...
Supports TPP
“I have a message for all of you: The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20, 2017, safety will be restored”
So it shall be written, so it shall be done. ~ 2 Corinthians
I love Kaine's earlier Shaolin-Catholic synthesis:
Master Po: What do you hear?
Kaine: I hear the grasshopper.
Kaine: I seek not to know the answers, but to understand the questions.
Master Po: [after easily defeating the boy in combat] Ha, ha, never assume because a man has no eyes he cannot see. Close your eyes. What do you hear?
Young Kaine: I hear the water, I hear the birds.
Master Po: Do you hear your own heartbeat?
Young Kaine: No.
Master Po: Do you hear the grasshopper that is at your feet?
Young Kaine: [looking down and seeing the insect] Old man, how is it that you hear these things?
Master Po: Young man, how is it that you do not?
Master Kan: Quickly as you can, snatch the pebble from my hand.
[Young Kaine tries to do so and fails]
Master Kan: When you can take the pebble from my hand, it will be time for you to leave.
The real question is: what nick name will Trump develop for Kaine?
Kaine's wife isn't hot, so maybe Trump will think of a name that picks up on that.
>>"Solid person with integrity"
Either she has more than I think, or he has less than you think.
Generally, people with integrity don't team up with grifters.
Yeah...great!! Tie two rocks together, and see if they float!!
It doesn't matter, Trump is going to win.
How is this about Trump? Everything is about Trump.
Because of his views on abortion.
In practice, Kaine is a straight, party line liberal.
PS: he does admit to owning a gun
Trump will ignore Kaine, like the rest of us.
Hillary needed to pick someone not more exciting then her. But still have a pulse.
I don't want my excitement from government.
I'm glad to have Kaine in place of some of the other choices, like Secretary of Labor coming from the Justice Dept. Thomas Perez. Perez went into politics from the county I live in, then into MD government, & then into the Obama administration. Perez is really about as far left as one finds in state or federal government. Perez lived (lives?) in Takoma Park, MD, a small suburban town locally famous for its left-wing ways (e.g. they declared themselves a "nuclear free zone" & the mayor for many years was Sam Abbott, a self admitted communist, CPUSA or CWP, I don't remember).
Perez had his fingerprints all over turning the Obama DoJ into a lefty snake-pit. Sadly, too many of those guys are going to try & "burrow in", i.e. move over from appointed positions to civil service, & it's going to be difficult to weed them out.
Ok, I have a submission for Trump nicknames:
Plain Kaine
"I like boring" Ah, yes. From someone who voted for "pragmatic" Obama.
Althouse said: I like boring.
Meade is humiliated.
But, hence the vote for no drama Obama.
Hillary is similarly boring in a secretive, criminal, dishonest and abortive way. She is the progressive de jour in that regard. Easy choice, no?
Ok, I have a submission for Trump nicknames:
Or, since we're trying to keep him Citizen Kaine & not VP Kaine, we can call him "Rosebud".
Citizen Kaine ~ Trump's fav movie and his persona to a tee.
The lazy/predictable press will surely tie the two together ie Kaine vs. Kane.
"Or, since we're trying to keep him Citizen Kaine & not VP Kaine, we can call him "Rosebud"."
Maybe "RoseSpud" That sounds meaner, I think Trump would like that.
If W was still around he may call him TurdBud.
My doofus detector went off when I saw him years ago. JAPBBS.
I don't want my excitement from government.
Is that because you're from Delaware?
Whatsa- whosa Kaine. Is it like related to Aibele?
Re: Trump's kindergarten/childish name calling ~ referencing back to my first reply.
It's always good not to overthink the process.
After all, "we" are talking about juvenile Trump!
What in blazes are people talking about "because of his views on abortion?" Is this slinging hash the world on Trump?
Don't weaken or subvert the basic holding of Roe v. Wade
"I strongly support the right of women to make their own health and reproductive decisions and, for that reason, will oppose efforts to weaken or subvert the basic holding of Roe v. Wade. We all share the goal of reducing unwanted pregnancies and abortions. The right way to do this is through education and access to health care and contraception rather than criminalizing women's reproductive decisions."
Source: 2012 Senate campaign website, , Oct 9, 2012
"Don't deny privacy to women making health care decisions
[As governor], we worked with Democrats, Republicans and independents to get results. Over the last four years, the GOP pushed ideology and wedge issues. Last week, they passed a platform demanding privacy for Super PACs and denying privacy to women making health care decisions. Meanwhile, Democrats fought for the middle class."
Source: 2012 Democratic National Convention speech , Sep 4, 2012
If life begins at conception, we must outlaw contraception
Kaine explained that the common birth control pill works by a dual mechanism--both preventing fertilization, and preventing successful implantation when fertilization does occur. Also, he added, intra-uterine devices work singly by preventing implantation. Allen had a fumble on some basic science. The candidates were asked about conservative proposals to declare that life begins at conception. Allen said that defining life as beginning at conception would not outlaw contraception, as "contraception" means stopping conception--that is, preventing fertilization from taking place:
Moderator: Could you tell us, how do you think birth control pills and intra-uterine devices work?
Allen: I don't profess to be a doctor. I'm just using maybe a little
Source: Eric Kleefeld reporting on 2012 Virginia Senate debate , Dec 7, 2011
Personally opposed to abortion, but it shouldn't be outlawed
Kaine, a Roman Catholic who worked as a missionary in Honduras reiterated his personal opposition to abortion, but maintained the practice should not be outlawed.
After all, "we" are talking about juvenile Trump!
A "juvenile" Trump is vastly superior to a venial Clinton any day of the week.
"My doofus detector went off when I saw him years ago. JAPBBS. "
Shows just how much you know.
Venial, btw, is the best spin on Hillary possible. Too bad she's w-a-a-a-y beyond the age of venality.
"Generally, people with integrity don't team up with grifters."
I sorta hear you on that one, still, he's a decent man. He just is.
"Roman Catholics"
He then attended Harvard Law School, taking a break during law school to work with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps in Honduras. Kaine worked in Honduras for nine months from 1980 to 1981, helping Jesuit missionaries who ran a Catholic school in El Progreso. Kaine is fluent in Spanish as a result of his year in Honduras.
Pope Francis is a Jesuit.
So we're talking divine intervention ie Trump is toast!
"Supports TPP"
Ah, ok, now you're talking when you say progressives oppose him. Yes, they definitely oppose TPP.
Don't get me wrong. I like boring.
Then why did you vote for Obama in 2008? The only rationale for voting for him was the excitement he caused. Surely John McCain was the more boring candidate and promised the more boring administration?
""Generally, people with integrity don't team up with grifters."
"I sorta hear you on that one, still, he's a decent man. He just is.""
And because, yeah.
"America has become addicted to easy stupid entertainment, and they really don't want much else. Even the issues - no matter how serious are only as important as they are entertaining, as in emotion feeding."
Agreed. Sadly.
"And because, yeah."
Yeah, you make sense.
Not sure why everyone's saying it's a slap in the face to progressives
Because Kaine is the closest thing the Democrats have to a conservative these days.
Interesting factoid. Both Pence and Kaine have a child in the US Marines. Pence's is in flight training, Kaine's is an infantry officer.
Because Kaine is the closest thing the Democrats have to a conservative these days.
Kaine is definitely the kind of Democrat who has absolutely no cachet with the BernieBros, that's for sure. At the very least, it does give the appearance that the left-wing has been "iced out", an appearance that HRC will have to work to undo at the convention if she wants to keep the Bernie-ites on board.
Remember, the Bernie-ites are expecting her to stab them in the back, & so that's what they'll be looking to see. She'll have to do something "in a big way" to prove that expectation wrong.
"Not sure why everyone's saying it's a slap in the face to progressives"
"Because Kaine is the closest thing the Democrats have to a conservative these days."
And he is white like Hillary but hey the blacks and other minorities are going to vote for her anyway so she can pick a less liberal white guy so as to appeal to the white voters, she hopes.
"Interesting factoid. Both Pence and Kaine have a child in the US Marines. Pence's is in flight training, Kaine's is an infantry officer."
I'll give him credit for that, though he is still a sorry Dem.
As to Kaine, I really don't know much about him except that I've read that he is less liberal than most Dems.
I know people are supposedly interested all of a sudden in what Progressives want. Here's what Progressives are saying:
"Watching the Republican National Convention unfold this week was chilling.
In an often-ridiculous horror show, Republicans officially nominated a climate-denying racist for President and a puppet of the Koch brothers as his VP. They also introduced the most regressive, bigoted party platform this country has seen in decades, attacking most of what the climate movement has been working so hard to achieve.
This election is undeniably ugly, offering hard choices for climate activists who want to see fossil fuels kept underground. But it’s also undeniable that the Republican platform put in action would set this country back decades -- decades that we can’t afford.
The Republican platform ratified this week in Cleveland looks like a Christmas wish-list for the fossil fuel industry. In a lot ways it is, since many of the delegates who wrote it have taken thousands of dollars from the worst polluters in the world, including Exxon.2 In the hottest year ever, the Republicans call for:
Constructing the Keystone XL pipeline
Abandoning the Paris Climate Agreement
Scrapping the Clean Power Plan
Fracking and drilling on our public lands
Mining as much coal as possible
And that’s not to mention the long list of policies that would set back racial, economic, and social justice for thousands of Americans."
I doubt Trump bothers too much with Kaine. He's got to use all of his ammo on Hillary.
A Pence/Kaine debate will sure to be the most exciting event of the year!!!!
Pence is a reliable liberal base on his past record. When they call him a "centrist" that means he's in the center of the Democratic Party political spectrum, which has moved strongly leftward over the past decade. He's not in the center of the broader political spectrum by any measure.
Hillary had to look long and hard to find someone who might make her look better by comparison.
I think you mean Kaine.
"Hillary had to look long and hard to find someone who might make her look better by comparison."
Ha. He should've been at the top of the ticket.
Constructing the Keystone XL pipeline
Abandoning the Paris Climate Agreement
Scrapping the Clean Power Plan
Fracking and drilling on our public lands
Mining as much coal as possible
From bottom to top a compendium of myths, monsters, and gods.
Mining as much coal as possible
West Virginia has trended blue for awhile. That tide has turned.
Fracking and drilling on our public lands
They're MY public lands, too.
Scrapping the Clean Power Plan
While we're at it we can scrap the Perpetual Motion Plan as well. Both are equally plausible.
Abandoning the Paris Climate Agreement
Like everybody else who can add has already done.
Constructing the Keystone XL pipeline
Oh, please, not THAT! Think of Warren Buffett's bank account!
Trump decided to go w/ "Corrupt Kaine"
I guess Kaine is more liberal than I thought.
"The mainstream media likes to portray Kaine as a “centrist” and a “bridge builder.” The reality is quite different.
In the Senate, Kaine almost always votes the liberal line. The American Conservative Union consistently gives him a zero rating. Same with the Eagle Forum. With Americans for Prosperity and Heritage Action, he’s in single digits.
Kaine is a practicing Catholic, but a reliable pro-abortion vote. He gets a zero from the Family Research Council and 100 percent from NARAL and Planned Parenthood.
Though at times he talked a good game on the problems with the Iran nuclear deal, in the end he voted for it, to no one’s surprise.
This is the New York Times’ idea of a moderate."
The woman who voted for Obama in 2008 doesn't want excitement?
Too late.
How has the promised fundamental transformation looked as a proposition in boring?
I personally think that Hillary needs a Kaine... Too bad Walker wasn't a Dem, then we could have Hillary choosing between her Kaine and her Walker.
Hillary AND Kaine?
There isn't a knife big enough to cut that Sexual Tension.
I am Laslo.
Ann, you don't like excitement because you are A-OK with everything exactly the way it is.
I was laid off from my 33 year career 5 months ago, and I'll be lucky if I ever make half as much salary again in my life, if I can get hired at all. Nobody wants to hire a washed-up 54 year old white guy specialist.
I'll take the excitement, all I have to do all day is housework, apply for jobs I won't get, read the blogs, and watch the news.
The liberal media and the Dems spent the whole day spinning Trump's speech as too dark and before the day was over another terrorist attack with at least nine dead.
A new world of disorder is our fundamental transformation by Obama and Hillary. Trump might be our only chance.
The most humiliating part for Kaine?
No, not being Hillary's bitch.
No, not sitting in the back seat while Bill Clinton rides in the front.
No, not being Hillary's bitch.
Okay, I said that last one twice.
The most humiliating part for Kaine?
The Huma Approval Process.
Like he would get the nod without Huma's approval.
And we know how Huma handles a Weiner.
Kaine: the Surrogate Weiner.
Trump: call me.
I am Laslo.
I think Hillary's choice of Kaine suggests that she's more worried about hanging onto moderate voters than hanging onto Bernie voters. She could be right (there's a first time for everything).
"Kaine is "against abortion" but a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood"
So a stone fetal death-freak. He'll be referred to as a "moderate" on the tube every single chance they get.
I get it, Laslo! Kaine is Hillary's Weiner! :-)
I was laid off from my 33 year career 5 months ago, and I'll be lucky if I ever make half as much salary again in my life, if I can get hired at all. Nobody wants to hire a washed-up 54 year old white guy specialist.
Depending on your field and temperament, you might consider teaching. Most school districts are constantly hiring, and it is often possible to get a job before you have finished the degree/credentialing process. At the very least you can substitute, which is more than unemployment, and is basically babysitting.
Conservative twitter is going with #KaineandUnable.
And the twitter Progs find Hillary's choice of a white dude completely insulting.
Kaine is "against abortion" but a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood
He's not the only one.....there are actually quite a few of those types in the Democratic Party today...even if you know that abortion is murder there is no way you can get elected as a Democrat if you vote against abortion.
mockturtle said...
I get it, Laslo! Kaine is Hillary's Weiner! :-)
Thank you!
I am Laslo.
"Interesting factoid"
Trump said Rep convention ratings last night were huuuuuge!
McCain's acceptance speech 2008 = 40 million.
Trump's acceptance speech 2016 = 32 million.
Once again Trump is a pathological liar!
And I applaud his consistency.
It amazes that we could elect a man who had never had a real job in his life and who told us that he was going to fundamentally transform our country. We are reaping the consequences for our feel good pat ourselves on the back gullibility. It doesn't matter who Hillary's running mate is because enough voters have realized that Trump might be our last chance to save our country and the world.
It's Bill Clinton clever. There are lots of Republicans dissatisfied with their candidate. Picking Kaine is Hillary's move to the middle to appeal to them. Expect more of that. She will morphed into the second coming of Bill by November.
"Trump said Rep convention ratings last night were huuuuuge!
McCain's acceptance speech 2008 = 40 million.
Trump's acceptance speech 2016 = 32 million.
Once again Trump is a pathological liar!
And I applaud his consistency."
Where is the lie? It was huuuuuge regardless of McCain's numbers.
Shiloh, another factoid:
From the NYT: "In the past four years, many Americans have turned to less traditional means to watch televised events, including YouTube, Facebook and livestreams widely available around the web." These are not included in the Nielson ratings. Most sensible people who have other options reject the heavily edited versions served up by the networks.
The second-most humiliating part for Kaine?
No, not being olfactory-aware that Hillary is wearing diapers.
It is being visually aware that Hillary NEEDED to wear diapers.
I am Laslo.
Another boring white guy (and this one's odd looking). Another Ivy League-trained lawyer. Another Roman Catholic who's "personally opposed" to abortion but would never interfere with a woman's right to choose. I don't get it. What is it, exactly, that he brings to the party?
I read that Kaine describes himself as a traditional Catholic who is also fine with abortion. You’re already a hypocrite if you identify as both Catholic and pro-abortion, which is what a lot of Democrats do. But when you label yourself as a “traditional” Catholic you’re saying you take your faith seriously. Which means Kaine is an extra shameless hypocrite.
The real question is: what nick name will Trump develop for Kaine?
Sugar Kaine.
Kandy Kaine.
Supposedly the two ex-presidents were pushing Kaine. So that would make him a governing choice, someone to work with for up to 8 years.
A "traditional Catholic" is not one that believes in abortion, no matter what the reasons. He is a Pelosi Catholic, a Kennedy Catholic, one that can pick and choose what they believe in. That is not a traditional Catholic. My mother from Ireland was a traditional Catholic, and she would never have even thought of picking the parts of the religion that she thought she could live with. It was, and still is, all or nothing. You cannot choose what part of the religion you will agree with.
Make that ex and soon-to-be ex.
Kaine is also personally against the death penalty, in line with church teachings, but did not interfere with death sentences as governor.
What is it, exactly, that he brings to the party?
He can pose as a conservative when needed for party purposes.
Kaine is neither here nor there. He is for what he is against. He offends no one, unless barely being there offends you.
But he is a perfect pairing with Hillary Tyranny. He will never oppose her, unlike Warren.
If Hillary could stand another powerful women, she and Warren could have had a good chance riding the First Women Ticket Magic to a win. Thank God Hillary is so mean.
"Kaine is also personally against the death penalty, in line with church teachings, but did not interfere with death sentences as governor."
Separation of church and state ~ a difficult concept for cons.
I think Hillary would have had a shot if she had picked Warren, but two diva's on the ticket would not have even made it to November. They would have cancelled each other out.
I don't want my excitement from government.
Is that why you spend more than half your day blogging about it?
I never realized you were so sedate, Ms Althouse.
"Where is the lie? It was huuuuuge regardless of McCain's numbers."
ok, huge in the context that McCain is obviously more popular than Trump. Especially since McCain wasn't a very good pilot/sailor/serviceman since he got captured!
Oh the irony!
What did 2008 have that 2016 didn't ~ mama grizzly, whereas 2016 had plagarizing Melania & Pence.
This ticket is about as inspiring as a baloney sandwich.
They kept talking about the guy as if he was some kind of ticket-balancing wunderkind. And now I look at this chinless almost-eunuch and realize it was all about Hillary picking a guy whom she could easily overshadow.
Her ego will be well-prepared. May the coronation be a celebration for the ages!
I don't get it. What is it, exactly, that he brings to the party?
A whole lot of nothing.
Which, from what I can gather, is exactly how Clintonistas (like Shiloh, for instance) like it.
Well, apparently everyone here is obsessed with his abortion stance. Which of course bodes well for the Democratic ticket.
Inspiring message for young boys: "If you're boring and inoffensive and ineffectual enough, then you too can one day be Hillary Clinton's running-mate!"
Ann, you don't like excitement because you are A-OK with everything exactly the way it is.
I was laid off from my 33 year career 5 months ago...
Hey. Ann, along with every other pundit, lives in a comfortable bubble so that others don't have to! It's important to tell everyone how the news looks from Xanadu.
How 'bout "Candy" Kaine? It sounds good, but I can't connect Candy to anything this boring, straight, even-tempered, moderate-sounding, liberal politician has ever done.
I'll keep working on it.
Vote Trump!
Ritmo, since you mentioned my name as per usual, the main reason Hillary picked Kaine was a Dem governor will pick his replacement ie Dems won't a senate seat. Plus he has the credentials to be president if necessary.
ok, she also wanted to piss you off!
ok, her very existence pisses you off!
ok, life in general pisses you off!
Ritmo, when was the last time you were happy? Rhetorical.
Hillary had to look long and hard to find someone who might make her look better by comparison.
Gosnell. All Trump needs to do is ask Hillary what she thinks about Gosnell. Hey Hillary - you for late term abortion?
Ritmo, since you mentioned my name as per usual, the main reason Hillary picked Kaine was a Dem governor will pick his replacement ie Dems won't a senate seat.
It's important for Democrats to keep picking crumbs like that. I got another call to donate to WI former-senator Russ Feingold's campaign. They said his ten-point lead is shrinking to five points. I live more than a thousand miles away from Wisconsin, but less than 200 from NYC.
I asked them if they couldn't call up Wall Street. It's not too late for more "progressives" to go corporatist.
ok, she also wanted to piss you off!
That's not hard. The only people that like her are menopausal women who never "showed a guy up" and the nutless wonders who love them.
ok, her very existence pisses you off!
What exactly is it about "her existence" that I'm supposed to like?
ok, life in general pisses you off!
Non-sequitur. And nonsensical. Some of us like life enough to not want to promote dishonesty, greed and corruption in our national life. I guess you wouldn't know what it's like to have any values worth living for, Shiloh.
Ritmo, when was the last time you were happy? Rhetorical.
Of course it's rhetorical. Just like your Barbietician, you don't care about the truth, or about other people, or about what's real or not. So you just make up a stupid snorting retort and run away. It's like when 5-year olds kick one another in the bum and then run away. Real clever, Shiloh. Really clever. You really got me.
The corrupt pro-democrat hack media are slobbering and salivating over him?
No way!
As someone from Virginia, I can confirm that Tim Kaine has always been a feeble-minded dullard.
Kaine is a low energy Jeb
Ritmo, this is a smallish con blog on the net. What's the big deal? And you didn't call me any really nasty names in your reply, just the usual generic go fuck yourself. Are you under the weather, tired or just don't care that much anymore ...
although you did answer every "point" in my comment. I applaud your effort.
Barbietician = pts. for creativity ?!?
As someone from Virginia, I can confirm that Tim Kaine has always been a feeble-minded dullard.
This news is a welcome confirmation of what I can see with my own two eyes and conclude just from what I have and haven't heard of him yet. Just a quick glance at the photo in the post was all it took. A win for Hillary requires basically that she just look better than some guy. Any guy. And this guy will do.
You know how they portray fathers in American sitcoms. All the cuckolds who identify with that will now be on board with the new First American Political Marriage. And they are legion. They will ratify this without any hesitation whatsoever. Feeling submissive is what they need.
Oh brother. What a horrible state of affairs for America.
Ritmo, this is a smallish con blog on the net. What's the big deal? And you didn't call me any really nasty names in your reply, just the usual generic go fuck yourself. Are you under the weather, tired or just don't care that much anymore ...
although you did answer every "point" in my comment. I applaud your effort.
Does anyone else notice how remarkably unresponsive this is?
I made at least a half dozen concise points. Shiloh misses them all.
It's like he lives in a bubble where the only thing that exists are drones with the logo "DNC" stamped on their rumps.
Your bubble is just as boring as the cons', Shiloh. Actually much worse. At least the cons value being interesting.
You Gents should consider voting for Jill Stein. Heck, she's a heluva lot smarter and more principled than Hillary.
Because Althouse cons are really, really, really hoping Sanders supporters either vote for Jill Stein or stay home.
This ticket is enough for me to actually go for Trump.
You don't live in a purple state, do you Shiloh?
As for Kaine's Senate record, it is not that he has been liberal, it is that he has been a total non-entity in the Senate since he got there. Like Mark Warner, he has been nothing but a puppet, with Harry Reid pulling the strings.
When Kaine was governor, since Virginia pretty much runs on auto-pilot, all he needed to do is just sit there. Again, there were no great accomplishments.
I made at least a half dozen concise points. Shiloh misses them all.
That's what Shiloh does best.
R&B wrote: A win for Hillary requires basically that she just look better than some guy. Any guy. And this guy will do.
"I made at least a half dozen concise points."
Bullshit! Your pedestrian ad hominems were neither concise or new, just a rehash of your usual juvenile insults.
You're not even trying anymore ie your ad nauseam kindetgarten back and forth with Althouse newest infantile con troll JE two nights ago. Just exactly what did you accomplish with that highbrow shit slinging!
take care, blessings
You Gents should consider voting for Jill Stein. Heck, she's a heluva lot smarter and more principled than Hillary.
Thanks BAG. And your advice does have some merit. I love Jill Stein, but find her a teensy bit kookier and much less articulate than Sanders. I'll probably vote for her... but this ticket is enough to make me want to punish the DNC badly enough to possibly even vote Trump.
As for Shiloh, you've got him all wrong. He and I are at opposite ends of the libertarian-authoritarian spectrum in the DNC - i.e. he's all in for Hillary and I was all in against her. Reading his comments is instructive; you'll find that he actually doesn't have any principles at all. My guys and gals OTOH, clearly do have some principles. We're at least 45% of "Shiloh's" party. All he cares about is being Republicans in one specific office, POTUS. My people, OTOH, are about much more than that - and we'll gladly make allies on the right, center or wherever as long as we get the Clinton types and their ilk out of the business of screwing the country for good.
About a year ago I woke up to the reality that the Democrats have been this way for a LONG time. At least for a 125 years if not longer. I'd always presumed the party was defined by FDR. Why the hell not? 2nd greatest president, won the greatest war and a truly American century, inspired us out of the Great Depression and more American power than ever before. But we never realized how ingrained the Shilovian cockroaches are in this party. They jumped on the mule's back with hubby Bill, and refuse to be shaken off. They are a cancer and a disgrace, but they represent the unfortunate and truly ugly "other face" of the party. The machine. The Boss Tweed Tammany Hall creeps. And unfortunately, this is natural and there is nothing we can do about it but defeat them and empower the progressives.
The RNC has had this problem, also. An uneasy alliance between social conservatives, nationalists and libertarians. For now, it looks like the nationalists have taken over. I wish them the best of luck. At least they're the faction of their party that actually cares about the country. For those of us on the left, we truly are standing in the cold with the worst elements of the party running the show - and it's a collection of elements that thinks America can go to hell.
I envy you guys. Good luck.
Bern looked way better than her. He at least had a soul, of course.
"beating Republicans in one specific office -" not "being". Typo.
Uh-Oh Shillary bots, seems that cracks are starting form...
Damn Ritmo you are totally obsessed w/me. Pathetic and sad!
Get a grip after you vote for Trump, you clueless clown.
@ Gahrie 9:32 PM
I've developed and implemented industrial training programs, teaching hadn't occurred to me. I have applied for several USPS positions. Either way, it's time I work for the Government, since it was the Government that phased out my industry.
Bullshit! Your pedestrian ad hominems were neither concise or new, just a rehash of your usual juvenile insults.
You're not even trying anymore ie your ad nauseam kindetgarten back and forth with Althouse newest infantile con troll JE two nights ago. Just exactly what did you accomplish with that highbrow shit slinging!
take care, blessings
Saying "blessings" doesn't cover up the fact that you clearly don't give a shit about what half the country is going through. Remember that half? The half that lost Romney the 2012 election after he accused them of being leeches.
You think you can buy them off by simply hating Republicans and playing a stale identity politics game. Sorry, it won't work any more. Economics trumps everything. You may win in November, but your faction has been well on its way to irrelevance since 2008 or 2010 at least.
You are a hypocrite. Every time I ask you what you stand for you can't name or identify a single thing. You are the reason that even if Hillary wins - simply by virtue of getting lucky in her opponents, she will probably be the first presidential win to completely fuck up the whole downticket races. All the way down the board. Trump may be controversial, but Democrats are TOTALLY HATED. And for good reason.
People see you and they feel that hypocritical quacks like you typify the Democrat party. And unfortunately, they're right. All you do is cheerlead, cheerlead and demean the other side's prospects. No one cares about that. Wasn't George W. Bush a cheerleader? Look at how well that worked out.
Damn Ritmo you are totally obsessed w/me. Pathetic and sad!
Damn Shiloh you totally don't care about half your party - let alone the country. And yet you think you deserve to win.
Pathetic and sad.
take care, blessings is my term of endearment for go fuck yourself asshole!
So there's no misunderstanding.
A rare election when the VP candidates are more qualified for the presidency than their ticket mates.
Fluent in Spanish is a plus. Cannot understand why every candidate has not learned Spanish.
among kaine's early lapses in judgement,
blessings is my term of endearment for go fuck yourself asshole!
There's your Clintonian fork-tongue at work.
Don't worry. Once you've run the country into worse fumes and flames than the First Clinton did (although some of his errors had a nice 8-year delay), we'll be there to pick up the pieces and set things straight again. Just like we were in 1932.
Never forget: Trump is not the disease. He is a symptom. A symptom of many things gone wrong on the right but of just as many things gone wrong on the faux-left. The limousine liberal left. The champagne and caviar wanna-be Wall Street types like Shiloh. People who only hate the opposition but stand for nothing on their own.
We will overcome you. Be nice to me or I will beat your ass to a pulp on the day when that happens. I know that if you know anything it's how to kiss the ass of whomever it is that butters your bread. That's all your basic nature amounts to. Sad, but true.
and four years later,
Never forget: Trump is not the disease. He is a symptom. A symptom of many things gone wrong on the right but of just as many things gone wrong on the faux-left. The limousine liberal left. The champagne and caviar wanna-be Wall Street types like Shiloh. People who only hate the opposition but stand for nothing on their own.
R&B, I confess I had underestimated you.
"Does anyone else notice how remarkably unresponsive this is?"
What does that matter?
Do you know it, or are you looking to form a judgement based on others (who respond) reactions thereby potentially trying to build a coalition on this point?
Frankly, I noticed "unresponsive" and figured you were trying to assassinate the blog perception here Shiloh has with clinical language intimating death.
That is the darkest word anyone could ever choose, Ritno.
You are a Trump voter By God.
Uh-oh! Where's Jon-Jon tonight?
Poor Bernie!
The Hill: Leaked DNC Emails Reveal Secret Plans To Take On Sanders
No problem, mockturtle. If nothing else at least this election will be a clarifying one. A testing one. One to bring out the best and worst in everybody and to show the country where each of us stand when our backs are up to the wall. It is more raw than any one before and probably than anyone since. I feel like we're going into the high g-force speed like in Interstellar. It's all about who remembers what they're about and who spins out into unconsciousness and who will be there for the rest of the crew.
Kaine, a nothing burger. I'll either sit it out or vote for Jill Stein. Clinton handed it to Trump.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say, Guildofcannonballs, and am frankly not familiar enough with your comments to discern where they're coming from. Whatever issues Shiloh may or may not have, I do not know. I just know that his comments obsess with the political horse race - and only from the (D) side. I keep asking him why he thinks I should vote for Hillary. What she stands for? What does he stand for? All I get is crickets. It confirms my suspicions. Power politics at its worst and with an emptier-than-Trump's narcissism-core at the center. I don't get it. What's wrong with trying to figure out what values are motivating someone? I know where I stand. Does Shiloh? I don't care whom he stands with; I want to know what he stands for and why. How is that antagonistic? He argues all this through a political lens. I know, I am too. I am just trying to understand how he got to a brand of politics so rotten and senseless, let alone why he presumes I'm supposed to share it with him. If he wants to stop making it about him then he can start making sense of his own damn politics. I can't figure them out for the fricking life of me.
"R&B, I confess I had underestimated you."
ok, that's funny as Ritmo is whoever you want him to be depending on time of day, political situation and alcohol.
btw, I've been in a limo once and never had caviar as it always looked god awful to taste.
I'm actually not too complicated so when Ritmo gets my description 100% wrong it's somewhat amusing.
Indeed, Ritmo is quite the chameleon and totally unsure of himself which is why he childishly keeps changing his name ie please look at me. If you don't like who I used to be I can easily change. But please pay attention to me regardless.
Rt1 Rebel,
Lots of crossover in industries if you go a bit broader. You will likely have to move, unless you are OK with being a "road warrior". Done that, its a hard life.
Industrial training is a career in itself. Heck, a popular one is just mostly generic things like safety training.
If you have much experience with industrial equipment and systems, consider applying to the manufacturers. There is always a need for sales engineers, installation and service techs, trainers, etc. Thats a "road warrior" job though.
Details of your case may be useful, there are lots of people here with some experience and maybe specific advice.
As for the economy, yes its crap. Its actually much worse for the kids (all those 21-25-year-olds that cant start a career) than it is for the likes of us though. Those kids are starting behind the 8-ball, and being stuck in unemployment and nothing jobs now is going to cost them terribly later.
well you're both jackalopes, one more profane than the other, although compared to laslo, who goes tasmanian devils at inopportune times,
as for kaine, he is a placeholder in much the same way biden was, you would think doc brown's followers would have a clue how deeply they've been spit upon,
No Shiloh - my comments actually make sense. As do my politics.
Yours are apparently just about picking the strongest authority figure in the room. And for you, that's Hillary. Just like for half the right it's Trump.
But you have lost half your party, and even more of the country. You are being the arrogant one by refusing to acknowledge us and why we stand where we do. So we reach out to you and ask you what you stand for? Where are you asking us to follow you to and why? And you slam the door like a whiny bitch and get pissed about it.
This is why you will fail to have any legacy - save for a meaningless one about the first this or the first that or the first female baloney sandwich.
No one cares about Hillary, Shiloh. She's an empty security blanket for the "scaredier-of-Trump" crowd.
Define yourself before you piss and moan about the hypnotizing optical illusions you see in my unchangeable spots. You say you are simple. Too simple to even know why you support whomever support, apparently.
ok, that's funny as Ritmo is whoever you want him to be depending on time of day, political situation and alcohol.
Shiloh is whomever Hillary wants him to be.
Prove that you are not a drone, Shiloh.
What would you do or think that Hillary wouldn't approve of.
Go on. Do it.
You got some deep observations and insights there, well played.
I was a Democrat by osmosis because growing up in the SF Bay Area, I literally did not meet a Republican til I was 17. It was simply assumed and expected that I'd be a Dem. The conformity of thinking I found to be stifling.
The one good thing about growing up Left is that I did meet and befriend Jews, Blacks, and, Yes, even a few gays in the 70s, so I did retain the "tolerance" gene that the Left so prides. I wish they would express a little more tolerance for religious folks and those who think it's wrong to kill unborn babies, but that's a separate issue.
Hillary and her ilk, in deed, speech and thought, are truly corporatist Republicans, trying to amass personal power and wealth, cloaked in a liberal facade to confuse folks like Shiloh.
I can't stand her. At least Bernie is honest and authentic. He (and Trump) may be right too on the important issue of trade.
Exciting political season.
Let the record show Ritmo didn't actually disagree w/anything I said about him. Which is wise.
Rather he continued to obsessively, without a clue, talk about me.
voting for red queen is much like The Blight 2016, or perhaps SMOD.
Let the record show Ritmo didn't actually disagree w/anything I said about him.
What is it that you said about me, exactly? Anything that couldn't be said for yourself?
Which is wise.
There you go with your strategery.
Rather he continued to obsessively, without a clue, talk about me.
I'm reaching out, making friends, building alliances. We will rip you clowns to worse shreds than the Republicans have done to Romney. Mark my words. You know you don't have your party. You have lost it. 55% of a party is not leadership, as Republicans have found out. You're in the exact same boat, and it's sinking. Like I said, and you've not rebutted, your country is not with you. You can get one office in 2016 and that's not enough to do anything decent or meaningful. Enjoy your party, because it won't last - you big fucking phony spacesuit-wearing twerp.
"I am just trying to understand..."
You are quoting the Lebowski character that lives in the big house with the trophy wife and the numerous rugs laying about.
Please understand, that character was just trying to understand, but in a way that people distrust.
I had to change my web name from NotquiteunBuckley to Guildofcannonballs because I have too much respect for William Frank Buckley Junior to speak in any way associated with the great man's name.
At least here. I use the old name if the computer wants me to (i.e. Disqus) and rationalize it by telling myself I am not letting Buckley's name be quieted. NotquiteunBuckley.
After your attacks on the Catholic Church and its devotees I thought you were an ugly troll with only discord wherever you are as an aspiration. Laslo can tell ya, takes one to know one.
I wonder what would really need a post from our host?
Existential items are out as too important to post on, is my working theory.
You got spider monkeys in the house, you exit and post later.
Backed up sewer main though....
there is an irony, which ritmo gets, the party that say 'money in politics' is bad, nonetheless beat a popular movement through money in politics, and we're not even broaching all the gifts kaine, got which unlike mcdonnell occasioned actual favors,
Comment by Rhythm and Balls blocked.
7/22/16, 10:35 PM
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Comment by Rhythm and Balls blocked.
7/22/16, 10:49 PM
I was at my friendly local firearms dealer, mockturtle.
I thought you were gathering barbed wire for the trolls,
After your attacks on the Catholic Church and its devotees I thought you were an ugly troll with only discord wherever you are as an aspiration.
I'm not a fan of slaves or their masters. Whether their masters go by the name Hillary or Papa.
But it's nice that the rest of your post is as convoluted as can be expected of someone who fears "offense!" as much as you do. Mustn't offend the ruling order! Let's couch all our muted half-points in meaningless niceties!
Go tell it to someone who cares, clown man. Life is too short for some of us.
And thanks for the pecking. It's nice to know who my enemies are. Although at one time I did manage to collect some much braver than you two turkeys.
I'm still standing after them and I'll still be standing after you. In fact, to earn the ire of such obstructionist, anti-progressive cowards as you and Shiloh gives me hope. The Democratic facade will come crumbling down much sooner than I expected. No one can follow such cowards for as long as this. I suppose that's why your bubble is as thick as it is. The entitlement of a milquetoast movement that's gone on way past it's prime. Comical, to say the least. Never before has so much pretentious privilege pushed around so much of its unearned authority with so little to show for it. Your castle walls will come crumbling down sooner than you think.
@narciso ,
I have about a half-mile of rusted barbed wire, ready to be dispensed as required,
Pineapples, however would be a waste of good food.
Aloha Snackbar!
I would prefer Mr. Balls to go directly to hell and not pass go and collect $200.00
Strike the "prefer" and substitute "direct".
Mr. Balls must be furious at my affront to its big brain,
The best of the right and left, together with the same enemy: Shiloh and Jon Ericson!
Jon, a devoted Hillaryite shares your deep conviction of how much the two of you should hate me.
Never before have so many worthless enemies of mine, representing so many diverse forms of evil, stupidity and proud incompetence, arrayed themselves against me so intently.
I could flick the two of you down with my finger. Begone!
It seems Mr. Balls has responded.
It is a pity that my blocking software won't allow me to see Mr. Ball's communications. I am sure they are very civil and erudite.
I hope my comments cause a few veins in his cranium to rupture.
Arteries too.
Can you imagine a world filled with lots of Mr. Balls?
Has Mr. Balls left the field of discourse?
It seems so. Goodnight Mr. Balls wherever you are.
Strike "wherever" and substitute "whatever".
I suggest an ointment for that burn.
300 Million souls in this country and this is what we have to chose between? We must have pissed off God.
As for Kaine, I'm actually surprised Hillary picked him. So far from what I have seen of him he is not impeachment insurance.
R & B I'm not on the left so I can't really feel your pain so to speak but Stein might be enough of a wake up call for the Democrat Party. I don't mean a one or 2 percent of the vote just enough to tip it over to the Republicans. I mean a 20 percent vote of the Democrat base to Stein. That would be unmistakable. If purging the party of the Clintons is the goal what difference does it make to lose by one or two percent versus twenty percent, a loss is still a loss for practical purposes but the message to the party would be loud and clear. Narcissistic, bombastic, incoherent as he is, Trump is the Republican's FU nominee to the same old corrupt permanent party. Sanders was supposed to be that guy for the Democrats but he threw in the towel when he had the opportunity to eviscerate Hillary with her corruption and took a dive. Stein is now the FU candidate for those on the left. 300 million souls in this country and this is what it comes down to. What have we done to deserve this?
And Althouse is never boring.
Tim is right where he wants to be. Hillary is old, sick and tired. What do we really know about her health? And we can never believe accounts from her campaign.
Just as long as all the kids on the short bus are behaving themselves.
Good Morning, early risers.
It's an oversimplification to say it's competition for status but that's close enough for my purposes.
The nice thing about sports is you can wear a team jersey to the stadium and . . . BAM! . . . you're one of the in crowd.
It's a big world out there. There must be at least a few people who put on a business suit to watch the Sunday morning political pundits on TV. Maybe they even go so far as to set up a cardboard cutout of William F. Buckley, Jr. or somebody like that next to the TV as if he were Joe Paterno or some other athletics department deity.
It's one of those storytelling tropes that some form of magic makes someone fall in love with the next thing he or she sees. The necessity/chance aspect is what resonates. Keeps it timeless.
The path of least resistance.
And good morning to you, Jon.
I woke up with this thought in my mind: I would have voted for the Tim Kaine who went off to Washington, DC, in 2012 over Donald Trump. But Kaine regularly (and foolishly) sends me constituent Emails all the time, and I can see that he's "evolved" since getting on the other side of the Potomac. Today he supports the War on Coal and he's become a hard core gun-grabber. Like the once-sane Joe Manchin, Kaine regards due process with respect to being forbidden to legally purchase guns as a utterly dispensable.
I don't expect to see him win reelection in 2018.
Big Mike:
I notice most talking heads call Kaine a moderate and devout Catholic. One even called him a Blue Dog Dem [I thought they were extinct]. Yet his voting score gets 100% from far left groups like Planned Parenthood and he likely gets a ZERO from the NRA. You are so right, the Dems who go to DC to serve in the Senate or the Congress quickly vote in lockstep with the Dem Leaders.
I view Kaine as just another sucker and phony Catholic like Joe Biden and little Bobby Casey. They never stand up for pro-life ideals and they embrace abortion rights 247.
Kaine, a Roman Catholic who worked as a missionary in Honduras reiterated his personal opposition to abortion, but maintained the practice should not be outlawed.
Let that logic sink in for a while. Kaine, as a Catholic, has a personal opposition to abortion. But he votes in the Senate to preserve it and fund it (Planned Parenthood).
From Wiki: In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas, or values, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.
The last time I checked being a Catholic was a free choice in America. Similarly, running for elected office is a free choice. Senator Kaine needs to choose between being a Catholic and being a Democrat. Otherwise, he is simply an opportunist who places his career ahead of his principles.
"Trump's acceptance speech 2016 = 32 million."
I watched on YouTube. Streaming services are not captured in those numbers. Traditional TV is dying.
I notice most talking heads call Kaine a moderate and devout Catholic. One even called him a Blue Dog Dem [I thought they were extinct].
@AJ Lynch, Blue Dog Democrats really are extinct. Passing Obamacare was a two-fer. On the one hand, they got Obamacare. On the other hand, Blue Dogs whose arms were twisted into voting for Obamacare lost their reelection campaigns and are no longer in Congress. As far as Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are concerned, that's two wins for one act of Congress.
I urge everyone to go look at Kaine's pictures on his official web site. Have you ever seen a more smarmy individual? (Well, except when shiloh looks in the mirror.)
I found the choice interesting. I think that it gives away what Crooked Hillary's campaign is most worried about. She could have picked a rabid leftist Hispanic or a good looking Black, but picked a white weak Catholic from Virginia. That means to me that they see their route to winning is keeping some of the traditional Dem working class from defecting to Trump, and not driving up the Black and Hispanic vote. Also, they aren't really worried about the left, but rather the center (they could end up ruling that decision - we shall see, esp with Jill Stein and the Sandersbots). The other thing it says I'd that they know that they cannot lose VA and still win. Florida was supposed to be their firewall. It appearantly isn't safe, so it is now VA, which should be easy for the Dems, but likely won't be this time around, which is part of why he was picked.
As for ethics, they probably did as best as they could, given the pool that they had to select from. Kaine apparently traded official favors for clothing and trips, which for Dem politicians is bush league corruption. A couple of freebies on the side versus the industrial level corruption engaged in by Crooked Hillary herself, or by some of his Dem Senate colleagues like Reid and Feinstein. Or even Biden and MBNA. (Funny thing is that, for a Democrat, Obama is looking clean by comparison).
The thing that should be worrying the Dems here is that the Kaine choice looks fairly defensive. Of course, the last really non-defensive choice that won the election (Darth Cheney) almost lost it for his team. Still, Perez, Castro, or even Fauxhauntis Warren, would have been bold. But Crooked Hillary doesn't do bold. Which is why this choice surprised almost no one.
Jon, I respect your decision but you are missing out on some sweet red-on-red action between R&B and Shiloh. Iran-Iraq or Hitler-Stalin ain't in it.
Bruce, re Kaine ethics, the GOP governor of VA was imprisoned for less. Funny that.
--Arch Stanton
Actually, R&B, I have to give you some credit for being a human being, well crusted over with various ideology, but somewhere under there is a human being. Shiloh is some kind of robot. Or better yet an apparatchik, which puts a robot to shame.
Obviously I am speaking in my own interest, but the longest knife you can stab Hillary the deepest with is a Trump vote. Stein is a flesh wound.
Unknown said...
Jon, I respect your decision but you are missing out on some sweet red-on-red action between R&B and Shiloh. Iran-Iraq or Hitler-Stalin ain't in it.
Bruce, re Kaine ethics, the GOP governor of VA was imprisoned for less. Funny that.
--Arch Stanton
7/23/16, 12:00 PM
And considering who the current governor of Virginia is the former governor's crimes are misdemeanors in comparison.
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