Criticized, he replaced that tweet with the "Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!" in a circle instead of a star.
Could it have been a mere failure to perceive a Star of David? It is missing the internal lines showing intersecting triangles. It is stupid to fail to perceive even the unintentional image, and a candidate's operation should not be that stupid. And I'm the one who held Hillary Clinton responsible — back in the '08 campaign — for the letters "NIG" on the pajamas of a black/possibly black child in her 3-a.m.-in-the-White-House ad:
Is the campaign responsible for sending out a subliminal message to stimulate racist thoughts in the unsuspecting viewer? It is either deliberate or terribly incompetent. There is no other writing on screen until the very end of the commercial, and if letters appear in any place in a commercial, they should be carefully selected letters. Certainly, each image is artfully composed and shot and intended to deliver an emotional impact. Could this be a mere lapse?...
The intense scrutiny of [GWB's] "RATS" ad heightens the assumption that presidential candidates these days pay close attention to any incidental lettering that appears in their ads. "RATS" as part of the word "bureaucrats" in an ad criticizing Gore's prescription plan is nothing compared to "NIG" isolated on a sleeping child's shoulder in an ad intended to create doubts about a black man's ability to take an urgent phone call at 3 a.m., an ad authorized by a candidate who has already heard accusations that her campaign is slipping racial material into its attacks on her opponent.
This is either a revolting outrage or shocking incompetence.
1 – 200 of 215 Newer› Newest»How do we know it's not a Sheriff's badge? Perhaps the implication is that she's like Roscoe P. Coltrane...
Sometimes, a six-pointed star is just a six-pointed star.
Other times it's a hexagram.
Or a brilliant piece of marketing aimed at a demographic that reflexively vote against their own interests.
Ya know? Things ain't always either/or.
Trump is more of a friend to Israel than Hillary.
Hey Ann, to paraphrase Freud, sometimes a star is just a star.
I don't see it as a star of David. It looks like a random clip art star to me.
Maybe if it was yellow. But I dunno. I think people get too excited over random things.
Of course we should focus on the star instead of the message of the tweet. Hillary is the most corrupt politician and because of that would have no moral authority with which to govern.
It doesn't look like a star of david to me. It's a klunky way to fit text inside, is all.
So, Althouse, are you going to start peddling conspiracy theories about the immense secret cabal of sheriffs and their deputies all secretly controlled by the Joooooooooooooos?!?!?!
Let's talk about the star and its shape.
Let's not talk about the obvious truth written in plain English inside that shape.
What's going on with Hillary's ear lobe over there?
If you were to ask people at random on the street if there was a problem with this image I think most them would look at the questioner, puzzled, and reply, “Huh?”
In other words, I’m baffled. Is a star image supposed to be equivalent to the “n-word” now? I need to keep up to avoid being labeled a misogynist, facist, Nazi, racist, trade war enthusiast.
According to www.attachedearlobes.net
"attached earlobes indicate the owner of those ears has a criminal mind"
Althouse, your link to your 2008 “NIG” post is wrong. It seems you accidentally re-used the “Star of David” link.
But As for the Star of David, I agree with the apparent consensus here, that it was probably not intentional; a hexagram is a common enough shape, and is often used for purposes besides a Judaic symbol. But I also agree with Althouse, that Trump -- or whatever hireling does Trump’s tweets -- should have not been so careless in this hypersensitive environment.
They should have used a blue ribbon.
You must remember this
A kiss is just a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by
According to the astronomy lectures I'm listening to, the smallest star is about the size of Manhattan and the biggest star is the size of the orbit of Jupiter.
That's pretty big.
The State of Israel does not have copyright on a simple six-sided star image.
Some people need to get over themselves.
I go with "shocking incompetence," except why is it so shocking? Trump's incompetence has been on full display for months now.
As to the idea of it being anti-Semitic, I have to laugh at any in the media making this sort of case. Where were they a few weeks back, when Bernie Sanders chose Critical Race Theorist Cornel West for the Democratic Party's platform committee. West called Obama a "niggerized" president for not being at ease with "free black men," and instead, feeling "most comfortable with upper middle-class white and Jewish men who consider themselves very smart, very savvy and very effective in getting what they want."
Nevertheless, I am still probably going with Hillary, if she gets her get out of jail free card. I can't trust Trump's pandering to Jews any more than I can anything else he says, even when it makes minimal sense, which is not often. I am reasonably sure Hillary will not adopt the Obama, or worse Cornel West, blame Israel first mantras, but really who knows? It's a choice of awfuls, and I cannot fault anyone for making it either way or not at all. But this star - of David, or the Hindu Shatkona, or emblem of Chicago's Black Gangster Disciple Nation - who really cares?
Blogger Birkel said...
Let's talk about the star and its shape.
Let's not talk about the obvious truth written in plain English inside that shape.
This +1000
Sometimes a six pointed star is just a six pointed star.
Sometimes political correctness in the media is disturbing in its totality.
Probably shocking incompetence, but more than half of America already realized this months ago.
Or...since he is a conspiracy theory fan, maybe he thinks the Clintons belong to some Zionist world domination cabal.
Either one is a result of shocking stupidity. Unfit to be POTUS
The Shield of David, sometimes called a star, is not there without its drawing of seven internal spaces, six small and one large symbolizing six work days and one Sabath day.
That is a Sheriff's Badge, and everybody knows it. Now pass the Mogen David wine.
Somewhere there is a campaign employee in charge of microaggressions, or should be. This would be a perfect job for a Yale U "person of color" but I doubt one would work for Trump.
Who else would notice this stuff ?
wrong link fixed
THIS is a sheriff's badge shape
These stars are easily created with most every contemporary graphic arts software. You drag the edges to make the shape wider/longer, and the number of sides changes as you change the size. Designers typically just pull the graphic element until it is of a size comparable to the text they want to be included.
This six-sided shape is extremely common in the process.
A Game of Thrones seven-point star would have been more appropriate.
In the meantime, what kind of a stunt is this "interviewing" Hillary! on Saturday morning of the 4th of July weekend, and if I understand it correctly, with the whole cast of the Benghazi fiasco present, including her IT guy of the 125 5th Amendment pleadings?
What were they doing besides coordinating their stories?
I saw it as a sheriff's badge. You need the image of interlocking triangles to invoke a Jewish image. Even the Nazis knew that.
But I also agree with Althouse, that Trump -- or whatever hireling does Trump’s tweets -- should have not been so careless in this hypersensitive environment.
But could one not argue that these supposed 'gaffes' are geared specifically to arouse and expose this type of hypersensitivity? No one who knows anything about Trump would consider him antisemitic and the 'hypersensitive' media are being disingenuous to even give credence to such a claim.
"I meant to do that!"
Brilliant maneuver, Scott Adams will be blogging about it soon.
Our hostess is falling prey to the WaPo and their incessant attack on all things Trump. The WSJ and NYT have nothing of this on their front page. The WaPo generated kerfuffle is only an attempt to distract us from the truth.
Good point by Hagar.
How many six-sided stars with "Giant 4th of July Sale!" were there in the junk mail enclosed with this morning's paper?
Here's why you get when you google "star clip art".
Since I didn't do that link right:
Would anyone be interested in talking about the ad ifit had originally been a circle?
How many more people are now seeing this ad? How many of these pepople are thinking sheesh,get a life about the complainers?
I suspect someone smart did it on purpose
John henry
Yeah, six-point star on top of a pile of money. No wink-wink there.
It was being shopped around the uglier anti-Semitic alt-right precincts before Trump tweeted it. I don't think Trump is an anti-Semite, but I also don't think he minds getting votes from anyone. And Trump being Trump, shocking incompetence is also in the running.
Obama drank from the racist cup of Rev. Wright for what, a decade or two, so I have hard time getting worked up about it.
Oh, for God's sake, grow up people! Not everything is a dog whistle and not every image is an ethnic slur. Woody Allen used to make fun of these purveyors of paranoia, we should do so too.
It's a red star that is symbolic of "secular" communist (i.e. left-wing) jews.
This is the sort of thing a large campaign staff is supposed to do - put many eyes on the messages to catch possible problems that may not have been apparent to the author. This filtering reduces the risk of errors.
The Trump campaign is well known to have a minimal staff.
As we know, now, there are compensating advantages in the Trumpian system, in timeliness and impact. The cost of a large staff to filter messages is delay and blandness, besides the expense.
Hey Althouse why don't you put up a pic of an actual star of David so the claim can be analyzed properly.
It doesn't look like a star of David to me at all.
All of this is irrelevant, but I just I'm just as susceptible as everyone else to think about it.
Here's my take. This was handed off to an art school grad to design. They wanted a star. Grad puts in five-pointed star, finds it hard to make the text fit.
Why not a six-pointed star? That works. Done and done, ships it off. Gets sent into the system.
They'll go back to Grad and ask, "Didn't you know that some people will say it looks like a Star of David?"
And Grad will say, "Who's David?"
Because that's the state of our educational system in this country.
Did Trump mean to tweet a Star of David?
"Trump mean" - talk about subliminal.
I think Trump, what with being a Nazi and all, wanted to put a swastika on the ad, but Hope Hicks told him about how Jews might not like that, so he asked her "Well, what do Jews like besides money, negotiating and making movies?" and she told him "sheriff's badges".
@Bill Peschel yours is probably the most correct explanation. First these things happen when doing things on the cheap (an older more experienced crew would have spotted this) and second as you stated the education system is so bad the artist probably had no idea.
And right on cue come Unknown focusing on the trivial while ignoring the meat of the matter that Hillary Clinton is a crook, a grifter, a criminal and traitor. But what is that compared to some unintended symbolism?
Well, at least Trump didn't use Wagner as the soundtrack for the ad.
I'm sorta slow this morning, so I read a message saying "MOST CORRUPT CANDIDATE EVER" and find that it means "MOST CORRUPT CANDIDATE EVER."
And then I stop trying to interpret that.
It is a full time job keeping up with all of the dog whistles that lefties are constantly inventing. It doesn't bother me that Trump doesn't waste his time on this. Why not show the graphic text with a five pointed star and let's see how well it works?
This is either a revolting outrage or shocking incompetence.
Donnie once tried to put money in a communion plate.
Not a religious guy.
"I drink my little wine and eat my little cracker."
I'd say it is just cluelessness by someone in the campaign, but supposedly it came from 8chan, a notoriously racist site. What is Der Donald doing with his bargain basement campaign? We don't need no stinkin' professionals.
As n.n. points out, this is a red star. Trump is clearly red baiting Hillary. If Trump gets elected, you can expect to see pregnant women hauled before the HUAC and asked to explain their views on abortion. Binders of them have already been prepared..........How subliminal does an image have to become in order to be considered unintentional?......The tarmac meeting was an exchange of pleasantries, and this is subtle anti- Semitic propaganda. Semiotics is an art, not a science.
Six-pointed stars on badges are common in law enforcement, but perhap Trump intended a special appeal to Jewish voters who stupidly flock to the Cilintons in droves.
If it was intentional, what is really pissing off the Democrats is to have a Republican poaching their base.
Which party is more anti-Semitic?
Trump didn't create this image, he borrowed it from a trash online forum who just may have chosen that shape intentionally.
Trump is too cheap to design this stuff in house, instead he picks them off forums for free. Without paying attention to who frequents that forum.
Sure hopes he doesn't do the same in the Oval Office
So let's see. Hillary spends the day being grilled by the FBI over the overwhelming appearance of felony wrongdoing, and we are talking about where a guy who doesn't spend day and night fundraising and sucking up to the super wealthy like Hillary and Obama do gets his graphics.
And yet, grabbing things free from online forums and all sorts of maneuvers that seem like such cheap amateurism, he beat a horde of expensive professionals.
How could that have happened? Inconceivable!
this is the dog whistle argument. The only people who can hear (or see it, in this case) aren't the allegedly intended audience. The allegation says more about those screaming bigotry than it does about Trump or his fans.
How could that have happened? Inconceivable!
I suspect it is because he is much smarter than his opponents.
Jesus, according to the DNC members with bylines, every republican presidential candidate since WWII has been a crypto Nazi or Klan member.
"there have been multiple instances in which the candidate has retweeted images from accounts with white supremacist and alt-right leanings. A former staffer with the campaign suggested that in some instances memes are created internally prior to their distribution on Trump's account which has over 9 million followers.
"Trump has become somewhat of a mythic figure for 4chan users, the frequent subject of detailed and original internet art often depicting the candidate as a royal strongman capable of world domination. One user previously described him to The Daily Beast as "a sort of amalgamation of what 4chan would say if 4chan was a singular person.”
"Former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski defended the use of the image during an interview on Sunday saying that the star represented a sheriff's badge. To suggest that it bore any resemblance to anti-Semitic imagery, Lewandowski said is "political correctness run amok."
Daily Beast
So I saw the "Trump Sends Anti-Semitic Tweet" last night and I looked over it and I looked over it and I looked over it and finally gave up.
Someone had to explain it to me.
Holy Christ....how silly.
Yawn... Just another white supremacist shilling for Trump. Nothing to see here, move along.
Trump's Star of David Hillary Meme Was Made by Racist Twitter User
The earliest iteration of the questionable picture seems to have come from the Twitter account @FishBoneHead1, which tweeted the image on June 15
From there, the image found its way to 8chan, a gurgling cesspool on the Internet that is currently devoted to celebrating the death of Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel. As Mic.com reported on Sunday, the image was posted there on June 22, featuring the file name HillHistory.jpg which could be a reference to the Neo-Nazi code "HH," short for "Heil Hitler."
Trump's campaign quickly took down the meme after backlash but then put up a new image with a circle pasted over the star, whose points could still be faintly seen.
"HT" does not have a blogger profile. Imagine that !
Dunno about Wisconsin (I know a lot of California law-enforcement, e.g., uses a seven-pointed star), but out here in the East the sheriffs use six-sided stars. Law-enforcement v. law-breaking. How hard does it get...?
Many on here don't have profiles. So what?
The important thing is the graphic! Not the facts of the statement! We know that from the DNC leak.
The DNC's admitted strategy is to "Muddy the waters" around Hillary's ethical and legal problems. Mission accomplished!
You don't have to support Trump to despise Hillary as a ham-fisted war monger who thinks that the law should never apply to herself. Or to despise her for her constant toadying to the rich and powerful in non stop fundraising. Nor to despise her for getting so rich off of her husband's office, which she then parlayed into an office of her own!
Hillary has earned many enemies, and she has earned them dishonestly. But I am sure that when she releases her Goldman Sachs transcripts, we will all see that she gave them a good scolding for their past behaviors and put the fear of God in them for when a Hillary administration starts up.
Anti-semitic? Perhaps incidentally. The Jews that rejected Judaism and established Marxism, communism, and derivatives were atheists.
Trump has used 4chan stuff in the past.
Donald Trump Embraces His 4Chan Fans
Donald Trump’s 4chan fans were driven into a frenzy on Tuesday when Trump retweeted one of the site’s most popular memes: An image of an anthropomorphic frog decked out as the presidential contender. He posted the pic alongside “You Can’t Stump The Trump,” a video compilation of clips from the last Republican primary debate that highlighted some of his more outrageous moments from the evening.
In November, Trump retweeted a meme perpetuating the racist lie that black people committed more violent crimes against white people than any other race. That image was found to have originated from an alt-right internet account as well.
Mic has reached out to the Trump campaign for comment on how this meme traveled from the white supremacist internet to the campaign of the presumptive presidential nominee for a major political party. We will update when we hear back.
Former Arizona Gov. Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party’s presidential nominee, was asked about Trump in a CNN interview Sunday morning. After a discussion of Trump’s comments about ethnic and religious minorities over the course of the campaign, which he called “incendiary,” host Brianna Keilar asked Johnson directly if he believes Trump himself is a racist.
“Based on his statements, clearly,” Johnson replied.
This was Hillary's way of counter-attacking to distract attention from whether she's a crook or not.
Only Hillary didn't have to do it herself, the "objective" MSM did it for her.
People need to start mocking this shit, instead of engaging in conversations about whether its *REALLY* antisemtic or not.
This is no different than the attacks on Palin for using "bulleyes" or whatever in a post while the Democrats go around implicitly approving of physical attacks on Trump without any blowback.
Arizona Gov. Gary Johnson is a liberal running as a libertarian.
When you have whitebreads like Gary Johnson and Mitt attacking Trump for being racist - you know the word has no meaning.
The black crime vs whites is actually true, in terms of crime rates. And vs anyone else as well. Its only a "lie" if you narrow the meaning beyond absurdity, say to insist on absolute numbers.
Doing this misses the point about crime rates.
Which turns it not into a reasonable argument but a rhetorical talking point. Now, we dont want to be such shallow people, do we?
yes, after accidentally reading neo-nazi sites, the campaign accidentally lifted one of the memes and then accidentally used it in a campaign ad...
Unknown said... [hush][hide comment]
Yawn... Just another white supremacist shilling ,,,,,,,,,
Trump's Star of David Hillary Meme Was Made by Racist Twitter User
Unknown drives a Ford automobile, whose company was founded by notorious and well known anti-Semite Henry Ford. Unknown also has owned a Volkswagen (the people's car) as well as a Mercedes, both personal favorites of Adolph Hitler. Coincidence, or subconscious admiration and identification? You decide...
Remember: Five Stars good, Six stars bad.
BTW, that's a damn good picture of her. Does she really look that good?
A circle looks like an asshole, so you know what that means.
Unknown said...
Trump now deleted the entire tweet.
Hillary deleted 30,000 emails.
Everyone knows that Trump will take his support however he can get it, including from the same KKK Grand Wizard David Duke whose endorsement he had a lot of trouble disavowing. So why should that have been a surprise? Or a question as to how he intended it? He's backtracked on intentions before - as with the Megan Kelly comment. ("I didn't mean that!") If you poll the entire U.S. population of committed white supremacists and KKK activists and the like, you know who they're supporting. It's no secret, and way out in the open. The only people late to this party are the Republican head-scratchers who deny it or its relevance. The same Republican head-scratchers who think the Southern Strategy was a hoax, that they never race-baited with talk of "welfare queens," etc., who deny what brought all those Southern formerly Democratic racists into their party by 1968, and who thought that casting Obama as a Kenyan Muslim growing watermelons on the White House front lawn was a perfectly legitimate line of thinking.
And that's because to be a Republican is to be in denial about almost everything. Denial is the party's defining feature.
But denial is easier when it's all about dog whistles and whisper campaigns, as Republicans did in the past. Trump is only different in being a little more blatant and open about it.
(The other)Unknown said...
Yawn... Just another white supremacist shilling for Trump. Nothing to see here, move along.
Trump's Star of David Hillary Meme Was Made by Racist Twitter User
Did you think that if you quoted part of the article no one would bother reading it and seeing how flawed it is?
Love all the people saying this is a 'misstep', or he should be more 'careful', he's 'incompetent'. Haw, so clueless.
Don't you realize how he's gotten this far? It's by exposing you clowns as hypersensitive totalitarians without an ounce of integrity. Every time you sperg out over a star that nobody would recognize as Jewish, they trust you less, and less. And as the frequency of these tantrums increases, well, even an idiot can see the pattern. All the normal people now see who's on the same side, where only those paying attention saw before. He doesn't even have to do it on purpose. He just has to be a normal human being and the leftist goon squads will embarrass themselves.
What makes it a star of david and if it is, what makes it anti Semitic?
I'm assuming the star of david can be used in non anti Semitic ways?
I love the Jews! Trump Tower Grill makes the best matzoh ball soup!
Oh, sure like putting cash wallpaper in the background.
What makes it a star of david and if it is, what makes it anti Semitic?
I'm assuming the star of david can be used in non anti Semitic ways?
When it comes to Trump's credibility and giving him the benefit of the doubt on this stuff, all bets are off.
But sure, go ahead an be his lawyer for him - in the court of public opinion. There are only so many missteps before no one believes the guy any more. "I love the Mexicans! They're murderers, rapists and drug dealers!" He's like a fucking schizophrenic.
Blogger Rhythm and Balls said...
What makes it a star of david and if it is, what makes it anti Semitic?
I'm assuming the star of david can be used in non anti Semitic ways?
When it comes to Trump's credibility and giving him the benefit of the doubt on this stuff, all bets are off.
But sure, go ahead an be his lawyer for him - in the court of public opinion. There are only so many missteps before no one believes the guy any more. "I love the Mexicans! They're murderers, rapists and drug dealers!" He's like a fucking schizophrenic.
I noticed you didn't answer the questions.
Or maybe you did, it's a star of David and anti Semitic because Trump!
They shall have stars at elbow and foot.
A background of money with a Star of David on it, taken from a white supremacist group's Twitter feed. Nooooo, nothing anti Semitic at all about that tweet. Answer this, what are Trump or his staffers doing using graphics from white supremacist's sites. Not only using graphics but retweeting tweets from them. Is eric truly this dense?
Blogger Unknown said...
A background of money with a Star of David on it, taken from a white supremacist group's Twitter feed. Nooooo, nothing anti Semitic at all about that tweet. Answer this, what are Trump or his staffers doing using graphics from white supremacist's sites. Not only using graphics but retweeting tweets from them. Is eric truly this dense?
You're saying that a star, put against a background of money, is therefore a Star of David?
Doesn't that make you an Anti-Semite?
It doesn't make the picture Anti-Semitic, because there isn't anything about the picture that
A: Says it's a star of David.
B: Says anything bad about anyone who is Jewish.
Therefore, if you're seeing it as a star of David, I find that very interesting.
Eric, no, you aren't only dense, you are seriously unintelligent.
I noticed you didn't answer the questions.
Or maybe you did, it's a star of David and anti Semitic because Trump!
You can ask as many questions as you want, Grasshopper.
In the end, it's just one more reason not to trust Trump's intentions, it will be read that way, and the court of public opinion matters more than any of your stupid questions.
So keep asking questions, keep being Trump's attorney, keep hating democracy. You can hate the impressions this gives people as much as you want. In the end, they know what to conclude about Trump, and will keep doing it. Because his character (or lack thereof) shines through no matter how badly you want to obscure it and throw dirt over it. His reputation is what it is for a reason.
And Trump loves his unintelligent followers.
I'm a racist. He's a racist. Wouldn't ya like to be a racist too? Doodley, doodley, doodley, oodley, ooo!
Unknown, you're getting in the way of eric's practiced denialism about all things Trump.
That's not fair, leave him alone.
If he keeps asking unilluminating questions, maybe he will get other people to doubt Trump's demagoguery and willing to entertain any kind of bigotry that sells. Which would really let down his hard-core fanbase like David Duke and all those other Trump supporting "sheriff's badge" fans.
Answer this, what are Trump or his staffers doing using graphics from white supremacist's sites. Not only using graphics but retweeting tweets from them.
Very good question. I'd also ask why they're even visiting such places.
I'm a racist.
Well we knew that.
He's a racist.
The man can be judged by the company he keeps and the support he most strongly inspires.
Wouldn't ya like to be a racist too? Doodley, doodley, doodley, oodley, ooo!
Baby talk babble is the only resort available for some stupid enough to offer as his sole opinion on the topic and defense of Trump, "Bigotry just doesn't exist and can never be appealed to in an election!"
Fact: Trump kept a volume of Hitler's speeches on his nightstand. Compare.
Blogger tim in vermont said...
"If it was intentional, what is really pissing off the Democrats is to have a Republican poaching their base."
Oh. It was intentional. The left consistently underestimates Trump. Trump consistently makes them look like saps.
He's rather good at it.
Just look at how pissy our usual suspects are getting.
We finally get to see the democrats for what they really are. One Hillary rally away from pushing their enemies into box cars.
Rusty speaks about boxcars after his hero Trump tweets something that came directly from a white supremacist message board? Now that is dumb.
"Trump's Star of David Hillary Meme Was Made by Racist Twitter User
The earliest iteration of the questionable picture seems to have come from the Twitter account @FishBoneHead1, which tweeted the image on June 15
From there, the image found its way to 8chan, a gurgling cesspool on the Internet that is currently devoted to celebrating the death of Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel. As Mic.com reported on Sunday, the image was posted there on June 22, featuring the file name HillHistory.jpg which could be a reference to the Neo-Nazi code "HH," short for "Heil Hitler.""
The left consistently underestimates Trump. Trump consistently makes them look like saps.
He's rather good at it.
Similar to the kind of praise that was regularly heaped on Der Fuehrer, back in the day.
The Sock Puppet wrote: 'Baby talk babble is the only resort available for some stupid enough to offer as his sole opinion on the topic and defense of Trump, "Bigotry just doesn't exist and can never be appealed to in an election!"'
Funny, nobody offered that "sole opinion" but R&B. Apparently he is redefining sock puppetry to include parodies of himself.
I don't know about "baby talk babble," but how do you have an adult conversation with Clinton HillBillies who think all hexagrams are Stars of David and that use of a hexagram in a political ad is racist?
All you have to do to see the convergence between Trumpism and Hitlerism is to go onto YouTube and check out the number of comments by Trump fans who strangely also seem to be devoted fans of Germany's Greatest #1 Thousand-Year Rockstar. Holocaust deniers and Trump lovers regularly crop up in the personae of the same commenters.
I'm sure not all Trump fans are Hitler lovers. But if anyone can find me a Hitler lover who doesn't also love Trump, feel free to forward that person on. Oddities of that sort tend to interest me.
Ok, thanks for clearing that up.
It's a star of David and Anti-Semitic because of reasons.
Why not just say, "We got nothing"?
I don't know about "baby talk babble," but how do you have an adult conversation with Clinton HillBillies who think all hexagrams are Stars of David and that use of a hexagram in a political ad is racist?
Because reasons, Hombre. Reasons.
R&Bunk are getting his money's worth today.
No one reads what you write, "hombre." (And again, why did you remove the "el" from your sock puppet? Only after I said "elle"?)
In any event, show me an American Nazi-fan who doesn't also support Trump. Everyone else can draw their own conclusions.
As for your "sole opinion" on the matter of bigotry in American politics, I think that what I said is obvious. Feel free to prove me wrong with your enthralling dissertations on when bigotry is useful to an American political campaign and when it isn't.
In this case, it clearly is.
The guy kept volumes of HItler's speeches on his nightstand. Uncontested.
Trump skeptics (who can also be Clinton skeptics) are not the party obliged to prove Trump's anti-racist creds.
Heil hombre!
Actually, Herr hombre, some people actually believe in the things they do and say - regardless of what it gets them.
Unlike you and your Orange Supremacist hero.
Well, I see MacDonald's is out for the day.
show me an American Nazi-fan who doesn't also support Trump
Show me a commie who does not also support Sanders.
Commies often engage in guilt by association.
Well, I see MacDonald's is out for the day.
Well, they let your daughters out. So as required by the EEOC they had to let everyone else out also.
I heard that Obama sleeps in the same bedroom as that wicked racist Woodrow Wilson!
Sleeps like a baby, I bet.
Oh, Hitler sure hated commies also, Terry.
That's probably not the last thing you had in common with him though, now, is it?
Herr Hombre is his real name.
So if he used a five pointed star would we be discussing that Trump is a Satanist using that pentagram to call Hillary a demon????
Indeed it is.
Michael K's daughters are probably horrified by their father, lord knows he disses them publicly often enough for being liberals.
I don't think Michael K has anyone in his life who he loves or who loves him back.
Blogger Rhythm and Balls said...
Oh, Hitler sure hated commies also, Terry.
That's probably not the last thing you had in common with him though, now, is it?
Ever notice how much Groucho Marx's mustache looked like Hitler's mustache? Sure, it was just painted on, but, you know, draw your own conclusions.
I love Michael K. But not in a swishy way.
I always have a good chuckle when Chuck offeres to rearrainge Michael K's "grill" for him. Having said that, I don't advocate violence, even toward Michael K.
Two of the worst candidates, with the worst campaign staffs, in the history of the Republic. Just when you think Trump might actually be learning something about successfully running for president, he and his staff invent new ways to screw up. Thank God the Democrats put up someone with even less ability to learn from her mistakes.
R&B/Unknown begins talking to himself and insulting everyone within range. The beginning of the inevitable meltdown. Soon, his keepers will intervene.
Yeah, but you're not in his life, Terry.
Groucho had that mustache way before anyone knew who Adolf Shicklgruber was.
Terry, Groucho Marx's mustache was uuuuuuge.. It reached way past his nostrils, unlike Hitler's little schicklegruber.
Hey! I am not R&B, although I do admire his wit. I am also not that other Unkown, or that other Unknown, or even that other Unknown.
So what's your explanation of the high level of support for Trump among the KKK etc.?
Do you agree that it exists, deny it, or deny associating any significance to the finding?
Which denial/concession are you going with?
I am not the only person having this conversation, BTW. Many other people wonder the same thing, and in a much less charitable way than how I put it.
Mary Beth said...
The "Welcome Islamists" comic was purty good.
buwaya puti said...
"perpetuating the racist lie that black people committed more violent crimes against white people than any other race."
The black crime vs whites is actually true, in terms of crime rates. And vs anyone else as well. Its only a "lie" if you narrow the meaning beyond absurdity, say to insist on absolute numbers.
Trump had a pic with a caption that said something like "88% of white murder victims are killed by blacks", which is incorrect. About 85% of white victims are killed by other whites, and about 95% of black victims are killed by blacks.
But blacks are 10-15 times more likely to murder whites than vice-versa. (It varies a bit depending on the year because the number of interracial murders is rather low compared to other murders). Black murder rate is 6-7 times as high as white rate, similar for serial killers.
It's the way the recht-wing get their conspiracies going, Unknown. Attribute similar opinions to the same person/source. Deny the democratic nature of multiple people actually agreeing with each other. Minimize it, make majority views sound like those of a fringe, "evil" minority. And incite people to "take down" the things that most people actually support.
The usual crap.
“The evangelicals will listen to his pro-Israel statements, while we will listen to his signals,” wrote Andrew Anglin in the Daily Stormer. “By pushing this into the media, the Jews bring to the public the fact that yes, the majority of Hilary’s donors are filthy Jew terrorists.”
“We’ve been alarmed that Mr. Trump hasn’t spoken out vociferously against these anti-Semites and racists and misogynists who continue to support him,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League. “It’s been outrageous to see him retweeting and now sourcing material from the website and other online resources from this crowd.”
Wasn't Trump's daddy arrested at a KKK rally back in the 20's?
It looks like Hillary is racist too. Ah shucks!
Harpo's birth name was Adolph. Just to tie it all in.
I get the impression that HT is equating the The Daily Stormer with the ADL, at least in terms of credible sources.
Behold how information is processed in the right-wing mind!
Blogger Unknown said...
"Hey! I am not R&B, although ...."
Yeah, right. Neither am I.
Now a new Reuters/Ipsos poll of 16,000 Americans raises questions about how accurate the Democrat voters’ self-identity really is, as the findings reveal the deep thread of racism in Clinton supporters in surprising numbers.
When asked if whites are smarter than blacks, 20 percent of Clinton voters agreed, while one-quarter of them, 25 percent, agreed that blacks were “lazier” than whites.
Another poll number revealed that fully one-third of Clinton supporters describe blacks as “more violent” than whites, more than the 32 percent of all respondents who agreed with the statement.
The man can be known by the company he keeps ...
By that standard Hillary Clinton is a slime-eating maggot so repulsive that no self-respecting stone would deign to let it slither beneath. You see, it's not that Trump is an ideal presidential candidate, it's that the alternatives are vastly worse.
No you are Herr Hombre, we already covered that.
So Slate says that Hillary's supporters are about 1/3rd less bigoted/race-obsessed than Trump's, eric. (Bylines intended to shock, and all).
I guess what they say about the lesser of two evils making a big difference was right, after all.
I'm old enough to remember when Hillary called black people "Super predators".
You see, it's not that Trump is an ideal presidential candidate, it's that the alternatives are vastly worse.
Nah, they both suck. Just in vastly different ways.
Or really, in not so different ways.
They just tend to lie about very different things.
Trump is "your" Bill Clinton. You're ok with the things he lies to you about.
Not everyone else is, though. Not by a long shot.
Oh look! eric learned how to do the FOX News thing of only reporting HALF a story!
That's impressive, eric. Wonder how long it will take to keep suppressing the part that you didn't want to quote in your comment. I mean, it's not like everyone else can read and summarize a short article of only a few paragraphs, also.
“I just have to say thanks for the endorsement, Bill. Took you long enough,” Clinton said jokingly to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.
“Sorry, Hillary, I was running on C.P. time,” de Blasio responded to the deafening sound of gasps from the audience.
“Hamilton” star Leslie Odom Jr., who is black, responded to de Blasio by saying, “I don’t like jokes like that.”
“Cautious politician time,” Hillary said, going along with the joke.
Ooooh, eric. You really got her there!
Theme: "Yes, and Hillary is *worse*."
New York City, NY — In the aftermath of the Pennsylvania Democratic primary [won narrowly by Hillary Clinton] — a race in which Clinton had a 20-point lead only a few months ago — the racism and hypocrisy of the Clinton campaign were laid bare for all a nation to scorn.
Desperate and willing to do anything to win, the Clintons resorted to a naked form of racism aimed directly at white working-class voters in the rural portions of the state. Their message: Barack Obama cannot win because he’s black.
Blogger eric said...
I'm old enough to remember when Hillary called black people "Super predators".
Actually she sais it about Black children. They need to be 'brought to heel.' Woof! Woof! Way to speak truth to power, Hillary!
Ask yourself this eric, why do white supremacists gravitate toward Trump, but not Clinton?
Hillary Clinton is fighting a rearguard action to avoid further damage to her standing with the crucial Jewish vote in her campaign for a Senate seat after a claim that she once used an ethnic insult against one of Bill Clinton's aides.
A book out today claims that 26 years ago she called Paul Fray, her husband's campaign manager at the time, a "fucking Jew bastard".
Mrs Clinton denied the allegation and pressed the president into supporting her, but the author, Jerry Oppenheimer, said: "Three witnesses have now publicly acknowledged that she said it."
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton was being interviewed on CNN's "The Lead" with Jake Tapper when she used a blistering term rooted in racism against Native Americans to describe Donald Trump, the leading Republican presidential candidate.
"I have a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation in the way they behave and how they speak," Clinton told Tapper.
Within hours, Clinton's political director, Amanda Renteria, took to Twitter saying Clinton "meant no disrespect to Native Americans."
Surprise! Hillary supporters can be racist too. So, thanks for pointing out the obvious. How is her racism against blacks, coded or otherwise, used to target voters and which extremist groups and white supremacists are heartened by the racism?
Blogger Rhythm and Balls said...
"It's the way the recht-wing get their conspiracies going, Unknown.Attribute similar opinions to the same person/source. Deny the democratic nature of multiple people actually agreeing with each other."
It's the way sane people relate to reality, Sock Puppet. People agreeing with each other and spewing drivel does not reality make.
Try this for a conspiracy: The mediaswine and the HillBillies brand the Trumpkins' use of a hexagram "racist," assume that will attract racists to Trump, demand that he disavow them even if they haven't declared themselves, use his ignoring their demand as evidence of his racism.
They might even call in the head of the ADL, a reliable shill for the Democrats, to cluck a few times.
Then Democrat trolls squawk it up on the net, throw in some Nazi bait and, voila, a new reality in what passes for thinking on the left.
"Why Is the Anti-Defamation League Calling Out Donald Trump by Name?
In the latest incident, David Horowitz, a columnist for the right-wing news site Breitbart.com, denounced Bill Kristol, an anti-Donald Trump Jewish Republican, as a “renegade Jew.” A week earlier, Trump’s presidential campaign sought to appoint a white supremacist leader as a delegate to the Republican convention. Shortly before that, a Jewish journalist was bombarded with anti-Semitic attacks and threats on social media after she published an unflattering profile of Trump’s wife, Melania Trump.
In a way, it’s been ADL’s moment: What better group to take the bull by the horns than the organization set up to confront exactly the kind of perceived bigotry that Trump and his supporters are promoting?"
Obama's campaign manager, David Plouffe, described it as "the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we've seen from either party in this election". Obama has had to spend much of the campaign stressing he is a Christian not a Muslim and did not study at a madrassa.
I rest my case.
Eric, you haven't explained why white supremacists are flocking to Trump and not Clinton.
Anyway, what an ass backwards election. Hillary used to be a Republican and Trump used to be a Democrat.
Unknown said...
Hey! I am not R&B, although I do admire his wit. I am also not that other Unkown, or that other Unknown, or even that other Unknown.
7/3/16, 5:11 PM
In this thread you are actually the other other Unknown.
I'm curious why the first Unknown deleted the first comment I replied to at 3:25 about Trump deleting the tweet.
I'm also curious why the other Unknown thinks, "Donald Trump Embraces His 4Chan Fans" is negative.
I'm not curious yet about anything you've said, other other Unknown. I do understand why you wouldn't want to be confused with them (almost as much as I understand why they wouldn't want to be confused with you) but apparently you don't want that enough to actually create a name to post with.
It's the way sane people relate to reality, Sock Puppet. People agreeing with each other and spewing drivel does not reality make.
The reality is Trump's unfavorables are worse than Hillary's, his experience is horrible, he's on both sides of every position even before she has a chance to change hers back to what it was before.
THere's also the reality that your other right-wing commenters told you that changing from one pseudonym to a new one on a blog chat site is not "sock puppetry", just as your change from "el hombre" to the even weirder "hombre" wasn't an example of that, either. But you make up the reality you want to fit the things that no one agrees with you on. It's just something you can't stop doing.
Try this for a conspiracy...
I don't doubt that you are more practiced in the art of concocting conspiracy theories than most. But the fact is that Trump's core support was always KKK-types and the half the Republican party that's sympathetic to them... plus a few non-mega-super donors. (i.e. working class). He is not changing that and will always have trouble changing that when:
1. He didn't (and couldn't) deny his ex-wife's charge that he kept books of Hitler's speeches on his nightstand.
2. He has done everything to ensure that he will never get Latino or even much female voter support. (A much greater share of the electorate than his beloved "uneducated" supporters... + you, of course).
3. He has become too toxic for the Republican brand and RNC faithful, who are abandoning his convention in droves. (He is now left asking professional athletes to do the lion's share of the speeches. Lol!)
4. He has left shills like you in the completely disreputable position of attacking the ADL as an organization more devoted to partisanship than to calling out his (or anyone's) amply obvious bigotry plays (which you again deny with your typical, denialist "See no evil, hear no evil" ostrich head maneuver).
That's to be expected. He attacks war heroes, courts the KKK (ADL didn't make him hedge any disavowals of his David Duke support), muses about trashing NATO. The guy's a loon, more devoted to controversy than sanity. As most conspiracy theorists are.
So go ahead and tell a bigger and less plausible story about Hillary. The plain truth about the garbage that runs Trump's priorities is right there in plain view for everyone to see. But again, you wouldn't be who you are if it weren't for the strength of your ability to deny, deny and deny... and redirect and say that everyone else is worse!
No, it just makes you a whiny little bitch. Much like your race-baiting candidate.
Hitler hated commies the same way Macy's hated Gimbals. They were in close competition.
"Why Is the Anti-Defamation League Calling Out Donald Trump by Name?" Because the ADL pimps for the Democrats no.matter.what!
"Eric, you haven't explained why white supremacists are flocking to Trump and not Clinton." If they are, it is because they are peacemakers and the black and brown supremacists and the violent Antifa fascists are in the tank for Hillary. Everybody has to go somewhere.
Are you really so steeped in this shit that you think one supremacist is better than another or that your fascist is more righteous than their fascist. It's politics nimrod! Both candidates are assholes as are their rigorous supporters.
Decent people are weeping for their country - even the cynical ones.
Gosh, so many unknowns, so few answers.
@ the other Unknown, I too would like to hear Eric explain why Trump resonates with these anti Semitic racists. Anyone got the answer?
We all knew that R&B would fall in line behind the war monger.
Do you have any kids of military age serving R&B, any of your friends or their kids serving? Can you look them in the eye and tell them you are voting for a woman who voted for the Iraq war "with conviction" and to prove that "conviction," she started another war for the exact same reason, and inflamed a third war.
But whatever. Valerie Plame! Bush bad! Right? Why was Bush bad again and Hillary isn't?
My guess is that you don't know anybody serving in the military.
Don't forget that Trump also mocks disabled people. Didn't Hitler gas them?
Because the ADL pimps for the Democrats no.matter.what!
Oh, I really see this one going far.
Yep, it's those Jews who are controlled by the Democrats - just like you wanted blacks to vote Republican by telling them that they lived on a political "plantation".
Or maybe you really are down with the really sticking it to the "Global Zionist Conspiracy".
Either way, it just speaks to how inept you are at this whole game of insulting people into voting the way you want them to vote. At least Trump understands that he's insulting and telling off the majority of the voting public. It just so happens that he doesn't care, and seems to like it that way.
I'm sure he'll have picked someone else to blame it all on in the end.
At least his KKK member supporters know who they're blaming it all on.
Who will you blame it on, Herr Hombre?
We all knew that R&B would fall in line behind the war monger.
I've done no such thing. I've just called out idiotic Trump supporters.
I've called out plenty of idiotic Hillary supporters.
You think you'd know that from what you've seen of me on this site? I guess you overestimate the value of calling out people who aren't even throwing around the BS and kitchen sink in that forum.
What an extraordinarily long thread about nothing.
SPLC is probably also an organization devoted to shillery, as well.
You never know. Obviously organizing against racism and bigotry can only be a left-wing political industry. Because right-wingers (like Herr Hombre) do so much to disavow the bigotry that his own candidates rely on so desperately to win.
Again, why did Donald Trump refuse to disavow David Duke's support? Anyone else should realize that this is a pretty unprecedented move in modern presidential politics. A major party candidate going that far to avoid a disavowal of KKK support. And the answer is obvious.
But Herr Hombre "sees no evil, hears no evil, speaks no evil."
Rather, like Captain Shultz, he "sees NUSSING!"
Zose Jews were being carted away to beautiful Swiss mountaintops, like in Sound of Music!
Everyone's heard it before.
So, what about all that KKK support for Donald Trump?
Herr Hombre: I SEE NUSSING!
One is automatically suspected of being pro Hillary if one dares to criticize the Drumpfster. Didn't he recently say that those Republicans who don't endorse him should never be allowed to hold or run for public office ever again?
Maybe they gravitate toward him because of the pheromones he puts out?
"So, what about all that KKK support for Donald Trump?"
So, what about all that commie support for Sanders? How many people have the commies killed? 100 million? More? The KKK is a JV team compared to the Marxists.
I didn't know China endorsed Bernie Sanders. What American commies are you referring to Terry?
Ritmo threads are not interesting or worth contributing to.
R&B: "No, it just makes you a whiny little bitch. Much like your race-baiting candidate."
Here's the deal, you psychopathic turd. I have never declared for Trump. You just keep making that up like you make nearly everything up that you post here. Without straw men you have nothing to say.
Also, "race-baiting" doesn't mean what you think it means. It's actually what you are doing here. The racist bullshit is getting old and the ADL was pimping for Democrats when I was a Democrat. I support their non-partisan efforts.
I believe Trump is, and has been, a willing or unwilling shill for Hillary. I believe Bill and Hilliary are the epitome of unsavoriness in politics and are incorrigible grifters. Hillary lied about Bosnia, Benghazi and her emails and that has been proven. More importantly, her ineptitude or dishonesty has compromised our country and led to the death of its ambassador. She is on the take from Wall St and her Foundation donors. The evidence of her corruption is clear on so many counts that only dupes and amoral scumbags support her.
As for Trump, it's difficult to imagine he could be as bad a POTUS as Hillary on matters of substance. That's not saying much.
Ritmo threads are not interesting or worth contributing to.
Run along, sore loser!
I guess you could cry to your daughters about not having anything to contribute. But it doesn't appear that they like you anyway, given how much you complain about them.
Ok, so not declaring for Trump means all objections to his bigotry-baiting are partisan. Got it!
Thanks for that angry outburst in your preamble, too. It doesn't sound all that confident, but apparently you're just reflecting back the sorry mood of the current campaign season.
Hey, I'm with you on Hillary & Co. being unprecedentedly corrupt, and having close to no way of knowing, between her and Trump, which one will be worse than the other.
But I don't shill against attacks on her corruption, just like I don't shill against attacks on Trump's baiting.
So which one of us is more in denial?
I think that's what this campaign will come down to. Those of us who acknowledge the plain faults of both, and make a decision accordingly; and those of us who minimize the faults of one of them.
Being a Captain Shultz or Colonel Klink manifestly does not help the situation, though.
As for the ADL and Democrats, maybe if the Democrats had made great use of a strategist who said things like this, the ADL wouldn't have been as closely tied to them:
Atwater: You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968 you can't say "nigger"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger."
But since denialism is so in vogue in your partisan tribe, let me spell it out for you:
RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman: "By the '70s and into the '80s and '90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out," Mehlman says in his prepared text. "Some Republicans gave up on winning the African American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."
QED, Beeyotch.
Trump is merely the successor to that sordid and explicitly disavowed legacy, and just using it this time against Latinos. And whomever else is hated as a racial or ethnic group by his core supporters. Which incidentally include the KKK and Storm Front types.
Deal with it. It's not Hillary's problem. It's not the ADL's problem, either.
It's notable there is such a difference in character to the threads that R&B does not appear in. I am with Michael K in being puzzled why anyone interacts with him. I know it's difficult to resist his self-righteous BS, but try. The Crack Emcee could throw off a thread for a few minutes, but R&B can destroy a thread. Maybe that's his purpose. Who knows?
R&B: 'Yep, it's those Jews who are controlled by the Democrats - just like you wanted blacks to vote Republican by telling them that they lived on a political "plantation".'
I didn't say anything remotely supporting those statements It is estimated that Jews contribute between a third and two thirds of Democrat campaign funds. http://mondoweiss.net/2011/06/jta-reports-that-as-much-as-23-of-democratic-money-comes-from-jewish-donors/. I don't think the Democrats control them and never implied that. And nobody has used the "plantation" line more often than the goddess of your idolatry, Hillary Clinton.
Are you too stupid or too dishonest to play it straight? I suspect the votes here would be evenly split on that score. The lone dissent would be you and your sock puppet who thinks you are witty.
I am with Michael K in being puzzled why anyone interacts with him.
Because there's a very small part of them that wants the truth, as much as it pains them to hear it.
I know it's difficult to resist his self-righteous BS, but try.
I didn't think truth was self-righteous, but I guess I've never accommodated myself as comfortably as your ilk do with the narcotic of convenient lies.
Maybe if you rebelled against falsehood, denial and ignorance more regularly, you'd come across as self-righteous, too. But make no mistake: Lying, denying and perpetuating ignorance are no virtues.
The Crack Emcee could throw off a thread for a few minutes, but R&B can destroy a thread.
Lol. If it means destroying the lies you tell, then what a loss for you!
What you are grieving for is a bigoted strategy that Republicans relied upon for years and is now dying a very painful death under their current ringleader - simply because he utilities it more openly and unapologetically than any Republican who came before him in the last 50 years.
Not my problem, man. Not my problem.
And nobody has used the "plantation" line more often than the goddess of your idolatry, Hillary Clinton.
I beg to differ. I've never heard her say that. But I have heard Republicans use that line ad infinitum. Maybe you haven't, so if I'm attributing to you memes that are merely more common among Republicans, then mea culpa.
Are you too stupid or too dishonest to play it straight?
I'm trying to play it as straight as I can, and I think I'm winning. Again, since you play advocate more often than most here, it's hard to sift through what you actually think and what you're just defending on. So again, mea culpa - but you could really stand to do a much better job of distinguishing yourself from their own partisan games.
I suspect the votes here would be evenly split on that score.
Oh, so NOW democracy matters! I guess the democracy of whether more people object to Trump's implied or accidental or unusually common bigotry tropes, than those who support or defend them, is less consequential than popularity in this specific blog's comments section.
The lone dissent would be you and your sock puppet who thinks you are witty.
Again, you are misusing a word, Fuddy Duddy. And that makes you as far from witty as it gets.
Maybe if you weren't 170 years old and defining bigotry according to what would have made sense to Thomas Jefferson, then you wouldn't be so blatantly misappropriating a term grounded in the modern technology of 2016. Or maybe you're just being dishonest - like you accuse Hillary of. Hey, she was a lawyer just like you. You people defend what you defend to whatever extent it takes your career/professional reputation and right or wrong be damned!
R&B: You have no rhythm and, probably, no balls.
"I didn't think truth was self-righteous, but I guess I've never accommodated myself as comfortably as your ilk do with the narcotic of convenient lies."
He's absolutely right. You are a delusional moonbat who thinks disagreeing with you is lying and makes up shit to reinforce your pathology.
The floor is all yours.
Ohhhh so upsetting! R&B rippled the force, making you uncomfortable. But echo chambers are boring.
The floor is all yours.
It's certainly not only Trump's, yours, and whomever else puts himself in the sorry position of attempting to "speak no evil" of the guy.
You are a delusional moonbat who thinks disagreeing with you is lying...
I think you delude yourself.
To what lengths have you gone to deny/avoid addressing/coming to terms with Trump's KKK support?
That's self-delusion. The guy is not Hillary and not a Democrat so the racial grievance mongerers are just unfairly sticking it to him!
I take it that's your position? Am I wrong? Stop leaving everyone guessing and just state outright what it is that makes you too uncomfortable to criticize the indefensible things he does. There actually is a country and voting public out there beyond the confines of your comments section, dude.
Or just let everyone else come to their own conclusions, as they will. As I have. Self-delusional.
Michael K said...
Somewhere there is a campaign employee in charge of microaggressions, or should be. This would be a perfect job for a Yale U "person of color" but I doubt one would work for Trump.
Who else would notice this stuff ?
Pretty much suns it up. Much ado about nothing. Last retail I worked all appliance sale prices were on the appliances inside of cut-out 6 pointed stars to draw attention. Easier to cut an even 6 point then an odd five point star.
Geez, ballboy, did they include a pile of cocaine in addition to the $3k?
"Blogger Unknown said...
I didn't know China endorsed Bernie Sanders. What American commies are you referring to Terry?
7/3/16, 6:57 PM"
Jesus, learn to use google, Mr. (or Mrs.) Unknown:
The leader of America's most prominent communist party credits Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders with helping usher socialism into the political mainstream, but says it's essential to back Hillary Clinton if she defeats Sanders in the Democratic presidential primary.
John Bachtell, national chairman of the Communist Party USA, says he cast a ballot for Sanders in the Illinois primary in March, but that the self-styled democratic socialist's loyal backers should temper their criticism of Clinton as a warmongering Wall Street puppet.
"The most important thing is keeping our eye on this extreme right-wing danger and really hoping that all political organizations and democratic forces will unite together to try to defeat that," he says.
Hmmm, seems like ballboy is on a snort break.
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