July 3, 2016

Cory Booker wants CNN's Brianna Keller to think that she's "frustrating" voters by "parsing" the Hillary email story over distinctions "with barely a difference."

Booker is there with his talking points, but Keller is dogged. She says: "Back in 2003, Attorney General John Ashcroft recused himself from the Valerie Plame case, this was because of his longstanding relationship with Karl Rove, and he wanted to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest. Why doesn't the same standard apply here?"

Booker's answer: "You're going far back into history with a case that I'm not truly familiar with. I can't make a distinction there."

So Booker pushes Keller back for making distinctions without a difference, and then he shows a woeful inability to make distinctions: 2003 is "far back into history." 2003!


Michael K said...

He is proving his qualifications to be Hillary's VP. I still see her choosing him and now he has proved he can lie without breaking a sweat. In Hillary's world, that is a necessary feature.

Saint Croix said...

So much for that Baby Veep slot

You make us feel old, Cory, you damn millennial bastard.

"hey, I was in junior high!"

Patrick said...

Like the Congressional sit-in. They are very rare, having only been done three times... since 1973.

Saint Croix said...

He is proving his qualifications to be Hillary's VP.

he can't remember 2003!

he's like, "DVD, what's that?"

Gahrie said...

Move On already.....

Saint Croix said...

"Cory, I need some help with my blackberry."

"Blackberry? What's that?"

Saint Croix said...

Nefarious Grandma and the Bald Millennial

eric said...

The one great thing about being a Democrat is, you can be completely ignorant and not worry about it. The media will be sure to call your Republican opponent the dumb one.

If we had an honest media the Democrat party would be such a laughingstock it would have ceased to exist awhile ago.

Ambrose said...

2003 is old history - remember that the next time the talking points come around again to the claim that Colin Powell once used his personal email for official business.

n.n said...

The Gate(s) opens ever wider. Surely there is a limit to the principle of infallibility under the doctrines of the Pro-choice Church.

Saint Croix said...

"Cory, what do you think of the Clinton administration?"

"You're going far back into history...I can't really make a distinction there...something about brownies...and I think the beta version of Obamacare, and the bimbos were erupting, but the economy was doing really well. I don't really remember the 1900s. Oh wait. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air! That show was great."

Saint Croix said...

"And I want to make clear that my memory loss is due to my youthful inexperience and not the inhalation of marijuana."

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

Cory Booker drove his car to Hawaii. Just google the video; it's hilarious. He's dumb as a brick.

Meade said...

"What distinction -- at this point, what distinction does it make?"

Gahrie said...

He's dumb as a brick.

They all are. Look at DWS.

Because the Left lives in an echo chamber, they never learn to think critically, or make an argument. Because of Affirmative Action, they end up getting responsibilities far beyond their capabilities. Because they're Democrats, the MSM covers this up.

However, the chickens are coming home to roost...there is a reason why both Democratic candidates were past retirement age, and all of the Democratic heroes except Obama are past retirement age...this generation of Democratic politicians held on to power so tightly and for so long that they have strangled any emerging leadership.

Laslo Spatula said...


I know Our Hostess used to Blog "American Idol".

Add Ten Years:

Can you name the 'American Idol' winner of 2013? 2012? 2011?

Scotty McCreery (2011)

Phillip Phillips (2012)

Candice Glover (2013)


2003: Ruben Studdard, for those wondering.

The Past is measured in People Magazine.

I am Laslo.

Saint Croix said...

Cory Booker drove his car to Hawaii. Just google the video; it's hilarious.

hey, it's hard to remember shit that happened in 2003!

"the only trip I've ever taken"

Meade said...

In 2003 Cory Booker was running for mayor of Newark. He was six and a half years-old.

ddh said...

Dude, it was, like, 13 years ago.

YoungHegelian said...

Waddya want Booker to do?

Bill Clinton & Loretta Lynch meeting on that tarmac was just in-fucking-credibly stupid. Can't be parsed any other way. The fact that Bill & Hillary also have nothing public to say about that incredible act of stupidity leaves the Attorney General of the USA swinging in the breeze all by her lonesome.

The esoteric & gnostic secret of this year's election is that, while Trump is very publicly & vocally off the reservation, the Democrats desperately want us to believe that Bill & Hillary are sane & functional. The secret that the Democratic higher-ups know is that they are not. That's why HRC never talks to the press. If she did in an unscripted environment, the jig would be up: "Holy Shit! She's as whacked as the Donald!". Slick Willy's ad hoc meeting with the AG on that plane is just one more piece of evidence to the electorate that the Clintons are either incredibly corrupt, insane, or both.

narciso said...

no it's not stupid it's brazen, if they had something to fear,they would have been arrested when the interview ended,

chickelit said...

For Cory Booker, history only began in 2008.

mockturtle said...

I saw the interview. Pathetic!

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, I thought you understood -- history started in November of 2008. Before that all was darkness.

David Begley said...

Corey Booker, Rhodes Scholar and Yale Law School.


Jimmy said...

2003?? what do you people expect. Are we all History Professors at Harvard or something?

Etienne said...

Salon called him a Political Cipher.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

but we can travel back 1000 years to invoke the dreadful crusades.

traditionalguy said...

Booker's confidence radiated as he declared there to be no unethicalness when a highly esteemed Black lady has a chance social encounter with an old friend. And that for CNN to differ with this set of facts would be a dangerous violation of the Fix.

robother said...

Keller's more likely to lose her job over that exchange than Booker is to be passed over for VP. Booker is demonstrating his capacity for shameless lying and misdirection, the key trait Clintons are looking for in a VP. Keller, on the other hand, is showing entirely too much integrity for a talking head on the Clinton New Network.

Etienne said...

Friends of distinction

I can dig it, he can dig it
She can dig it, we can dig it
They can dig it, you can dig it
Oh, let's dig it
Can you dig it, baby
I can dig it, he can dig it
She can dig it, we can dig it
They can dig it, you can dig it
Oh, let's dig it
Can you dig it, baby
I can dig it, he can dig it
She can dig it, we can dig it
They can dig it, you can dig it
Oh, let's dig it
Can you dig it, baby
I can dig it, he can dig it
Grazin' in the grass is a gas, baby,

can you dig it?

YoungHegelian said...

Why, isn't just a pretty as you please co-incidence that right after Bill meets with the Attorney General in a highly dubious private meeting, "rumors" start flying from multiple sources within minutes of HRC's FBI interrogation that there will be no indictment?

It's like Bill made Loretta an offer she just couldn't refuse or sumthin'.

jacksonjay said...

Is it just me or is the target of a criminal investigation usually questioned early in the process? Hills goes in for some "voluntary" questioning and before she's done, word leaks that no indictment will result. Huh? Is that SOP?

Of course, Obama, Hills and Bob Woodward have been saying all along that she would skate, so I'm not at all surprised!

damikesc said...

Corey is one of the more mediocre intellects in Congress. No wonder Hillary is considering him for VP. She wants her assassination insurance as well.

Corey Booker, Rhodes Scholar and Yale Law School.

No more concrete example of the uselessness of Ivy education exists than the reality that Corey is a graduate of an Ivy.

Chuck said...

Cory Booker has always been the guy who I thought she'd pick. Not because I like him; he's pretty much at the top of my list of odious and even dangerous Democrat Veep candidates. Rather, because the Dems know that they need that black voter turnout. Everything else in Democrat politics pales by comparison. Black voter turnout is now the game. It is what wins for them. A group of people where you get 90-97% supporting your side; all you got to do is get them to the polls. It made Obama unbeatable.

Many of my Dem friends say it will be Tim Kaine. Kaine is the Hillary-style choice. Quiet, competent; the safe pick. And my grad-degree Dem friends don't think much of Booker.

Rachel Maddow insists that Booker is not gay:
For whatever reason, she insisted on that, "for the record."

All the short-listers are terrible. Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, Julian Castro. That's a list to send shivers through the American electorate.

But no matter what, we'll get Trump's choice first. Trump will make a choice, then we will find out about Clinton's pick.

Michael K said...

"he can't remember 2003! "

Who cares ! He's the right color and, if you haven't figured that out, you must be a Trump voter, or some other kind of fascist.

Michael K said...

"Trump will make a choice"

I think the best possibilities are Mike Pence and Corker.

Gingrich is too old and knows it.

Tom Cotton might be another but he seems to be edging away from Trump today. First term Senator anyway,

Anonymous said...

Just a few more years of historical memory and he could have called it "a third-rate burglary".

Jon Ericson said...

Chuck, the Life-long-Republican, appears non-drooling and completely in control, when in his comfortable area of expertise.

JAORE said...

Nice audition. The words are irrelevant. Avoiding flop sweat and not blurting something honest were the key.

rcocean said...

"Many of my Dem friends say it will be Tim Kaine."

I doubt you have many Republican friends, unless they're liberal ones who think Kasich is "right-wing".

Big Mike said...

@Chuck, "quiet" and "competent" are not "Hillary-style" traits. Especially not competent. Kaine used to be an okay guy, but then he crossed the Potomac to go to work on Capitol Hill and today he's not worth a bucket of urine. If offered the Hillary VP position he needs to take it because right now I don't think he's going to be reelected in 2018.

mockturtle said...

"Trump will make a choice"

I'm thinking Kasich. Main reason: Ohio. Secondary reason: Congressional experience. Tertiary reason: Perceived as 'nice'.

MayBee said...

Comey was involved in both cases.

CatherineM said...

Weird. I was thinking today that if there was a "Valerie Plame," accusation during the Obama administration, no reporter would care. I remember when Plame accusation broke, reporter friend of a friend with famous reporter dad got in my face at the beginning of a pleasure sail to let me know, "We are bringing down Bush!" Of course it was Richard Armitage, and saint Colin Powell knew it, but let an innocent man be convicted because he was mad...good people.

All that matters is party affiliation.

Surprisingly this CNN reporter did her job. She may not have one tomorrow if she keeps this up.

mockturtle said...

I agree, Catherine. She did an admirable job and seemed visibly frustrated with Booker's complete and asinine denials.

Michael S. Kochin said...

In 2003 America still had equal justice under law, and a Justice Department worthy of the name. So Senator Booker is right to say that it really is "far back in history."

Jaq said...

Democrat nullification is all she needs. You need look no further than Shiloh and Unknown to see the kinds of delusion she is banking on.

Jaq said...

All the short-listers are terrible. Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, Julian Castro. That's a list to send shivers through the American electorate. - Chuck

You notice how internal Democrat politics he hears about on NPR are what really move Chuck?

Jaq said...

A convicted Somalian rapist who overturned a deportation order went on to rape two more women in Birmingham, with his lawyer arguing "he had a lack of understanding of what is acceptable in the UK".

Hillary should hire his lawyer! Traditionally, jail is used for slow learners like Hillary and the "Somalian rapist."

virgil xenophon said...

Booker is one of those "glib" but not "smart" types. Just the sort to "fool enough of the people enough of the time" in EXACTLY the same way his glib charlatan stablemate Obama has..

Jaq said...

Hillary Clinton’s closest aide revealed in a deposition last week that her boss destroyed at least some of her schedules as secretary of state — a revelation that could complicate matters for the presumptive Democratic nominee who, along with the State Department she ran, is facing numerous lawsuits seeking those very public records.

Now let's read the law...

b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.

Looks like Unknown has a lot of waters muddying to do on this one. Lynch has a lot of law ignoring to do, as well.

Anonymous said...

Two marginal points for consideration.
1. I read in the scroll below the talking head that the PM of Bangladesh insists that 'Islam is a religion of peace'. It's being spoiled by a 'handful' of bad actors. That never gets old.
2. There are repeated statements that Lynch is the 'decider'. Don't I recollect G.W. Bush being mocked for saying that he was the 'decider'? What happened?

Phil 314 said...

You all are in a lather.

MikeR said...

I liked the reporter's persistence, but even she didn't say the obvious: "Yesterday, Lynch said she _will not_ decide. Today, she says she _will_ decide. Will...will not. And you are standing here trying to tell us that that is a distinction without a difference?"
"You must have joined the Clinton campaign!"
Amazing how stupid they think the American people are.

Jaq said...

You all are in a lather

Because laws are for the little people.

Anybody who doesn't understand that is just a "hick lawyer" who will "never get it." Isn't that what Hillary called Vince Foster in a staff meeting a week before he killed himself? Why yes it is.

Maybe Phil could explain to me how Hillary did not break the quoted law?

Greg Toombs said...

Beware the articulate incompetent, the most destructive force in any organization.

mikee said...

Greg, you are forgetting the simply loud-mouthed incompetent, who is much more common than articulatus incompetus, and also very destructive.

When lacking quality, overwhelming quantity will oft suffice.

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