Unity Report Is this some kind of double-secret probation?
I'm not keeping a scorecard, but yesterday DWS resigned, and I thought the job went to Donna Brazile. So, who is this Fudge woman?? I'll guess she is the only Democrat that hasn't been compromised by the wiki-leaks email hack.
The ClintonKaine '16 task is basically this; to replicate the turnout of African-American voters that Obama saw in '08 and '12. That sort of turnout is almost invincible.
In my state of Michigan, we just saw an African-American U.S. District Judge in Detroit (Obama nominee, confirmed on a nearly pure party-line vote) overturn a recent state law doing away with straight-party ticket voting. The stats that became an issue in the decision are staggering. Detroit (about 78% black) voted about 97% for Obama, and in all of Detroit something well above 70% cast a straight-party ballot. What happens is that lots of statewide Dems in down-ballot contests (state college boards, education boards, etc.) get votes in far greater numbers than top-ballot races. So despite the fact that we elect a Republican governor and attorney general, we get university boards that are 7/9ths Democrat.
But ignoring those intrastate problems in Michigan, the African-American turnout machine is of incalculable importance.
Watch how that demographic is sold in this week's telecasts.
I saw on another thread that the Democrats also have an official named Felon.
Donna Brazile was supposed to sit in for Blabbermouth Schultz at the convention and then this one was to take over next week. Something must have happened to change it. Brazile said she had to clean out her fridge or something?
Did anyone in the media think to actually mean the decibel levels of those aye's and nay's, since he no's seemed stronger? ...I thought not. The fix is in and the Berniebots know they've being railroaded once again.
I am just shaking my head. Hillary had more delegates and more wins in 2008 and to top it she was a winnable candidate. Yet she and her supporters were gracious enough to let go. Contrast that with the old grumpy bastard Bernie and his petulant childish supporters. And remember most of Bernie's wins came from caucuses which are not kosher to begin with. He could not win a primary in a big state. But he and his supporters want the big prize and nothing less. The party should have said FU to him from the start. I don't know when these emails were exchanged but if they were exchanged toward the end, they are totally justified because the old grump would not go away.
90% of Bernie supporters will vote for Clinton 7/25/16, 5:10 PM
Hey Unk, so 10% won't? That's half the Dem electorate! Yeah, why would Hildabeast sweat losing 5% of the vote? She can't count anything but money. Pls print!
Keynote speaker tonight (Warren), plus FLOTUS, plus fan favorite Cory Booker plus Bernie himself will all speak heartily for Hillary. By the time the gavel comes down tonight there will be unity against Trump-Pence. (Whether it comes down on time is another matter.)
"Keynote speaker tonight (Warren), plus FLOTUS, plus fan favorite Cory Booker plus Bernie himself "
Boring. They need a better script. They should ask us. Act 1 should end in a climactic moment (the first of several), with, given the circumstances, a big choral part.
One day some Wagnerian genius will script a convention so well that people will erect a permanent establishment to restage productions of it. Bayreuth is taken. I suggest Detroit.
According to the DNC, Fudge is an esteemed token of [class] diversity, and Sanders may be a Jew if he attaches the yellow star and returns to the fold. The Twilighters may called to abort and plan a selective child to save their good reputation. Their progressive wars didn't do it. Their violent, opportunistic regimes changes didn't do it. Their refugee crises have not yet realized critical democratic leverage. Their effort to reset the cold war with Russia didn't do it. Even liberal doses of opiates are having a progressive effect with repeated trials.
Hampered by the heat, but they certainly have protesting talent deployed. And at least one pretty girl. The old formula had it that the pretty girls were on the winning side.
Marsha Fudge? Speakers Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren, and Queen Bee Hillary Clinton. Jesus Christ, that party is a hen house. For the life of me I can't figure out why someone with a Y chromosome would vote Dem.
I have a lot of leftwing friends, most of whom were Bernie supporters. For months they have been posting attacks on Clinton as corrupt, lying etc. About six months ago I began writing on their posts..."but you'll vote for her anyway".
Surprise surprise, they all turned into Hillary voters. I asked several why...I told them they were intelligent, educated people, they knew Clinton was an evil liar, but now they are going to vote for her anyways?
The consistent answer was tribalism...yeah she's an evil liar, but she's our evil liar.
Possibly they may be picked off, one by one, with kindness and patience. Easier with the young, Who often merely wish to be told what to think/believe, which is how they got to Sanders.
Best opening line:
'Sorry about Bernie, [Name]' [sympathetic smile]. Then watch their faces.
Follow with:
'You know, he tried so hard' and other such gems, I don't have to draw you a diagram. OK, 'he wanted change', 'we need change', 'Trump is change, Hillary is more of the same.' Like that, always respectful. They know.
(On this one kid, though, I had warned him in advance that Bernie wouldn't win, with color. Since I was consistently in the 10-ring before about how they would do him, the path was already prepared)
Possibly they may be picked off, one by one, with kindness and patience. Easier with the young, Who often merely wish to be told what to think/believe, which is how they got to Sanders.
You fit right in with the Hillary-ites with your smugness & condescension, Unknown.
We're so glad you've figured all this complicated political matters out for us, & have deigned to take time from your busy day to dispense your wisdom to us.
Sssssshhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiitttt, Mothafuckah! We ain't yo' bitches!
I'm really starting to understand why the Occupy folks want to burn (or shall I say bern) you guys to the ground. You guys make Ted Cruz look morally humble .
Odd transition at the DNC convention, Demi Lovato fist tells us that she has a mental illness (unspecified) and then she breaks out into song (terrible).
Just what the Dems needed - a chairblack woman named "Fudge". As if we didn't know already that they would lie, cheat, and steal to keep a Dem in the White House, controlling the Justice Dept, and controlling the skimming off the national budget b
Bruce Hayden, Are you suggesting that because she is a black woman she will "lie, cheat, steal"? Do you have a clue how racist and sexist that sounds? I suppose you don't care.
....Hillary had more delegates and more wins in 2008 and to top it she was a winnable candidate. Yet she and her supporters were gracious enough to let go. Contrast that with the old grumpy bastard Bernie and his petulant childish supporters. And remember most of Bernie's wins came from caucuses which are not kosher to begin with. He could not win a primary in a big state.
But the Bernie/Hillary Demo divide isn't just about "petulance".
Let us be really, really blunt about what drove Bernie's vs Hillary's wins:
Bernie = White People, as in white lefties Hillary = Non-white Democrats
The Lefties are in it to change government according to their principles. Their principles destroy economies & reduce freedoms IMHO, but these guys are doing this for what they believe deep in their hearts are altruistic reasons(indeed, it is the foundation of their moral world view, since for them the moral can only be political).
The Democratic minorities see the government in a different way. They see the government as a machine that has for some 300 years of American history (colonial, too) filled up the feed trough for all the white piggies. Now, they want to make sure that the black & brown piggies are assured a way to get their snouts in the trough. It's not the most moral way of seeing the world, but in light of their histories, it sure is an understandable one.
These are fundamentally different ways of seeing government. The Lefties want to fuck with everybody's lives & change the social mores to their liking. The minorities want a piece of the action & then want to be left alone to work it among themselves. What they don't want is a bunch of holier-than-thou honkies coming in and telling them how to work it, or that they've got to make nice with all the other minorities, who mostly mutually loath each other.
The Democrats, by long experience, have jury-rigged a balancing act. Sometimes, in American history, the contraption falls over. Like now.
This Democrat convention is a train wreck! A train wreck! The only way it can be salvaged is to get Ted Cruz to close the convention with a speech urging Democrats to "vote their conscious." I hear that he is available.
"The Democrats, by long experience, have jury-rigged a balancing act." Yes, fair enough. But the two sides aren't that out of whack. Both believe in BLM. Both want less "inequality." Both want to stay out of foreign wars. Both want "fair trade." Both want the public option. Both would like "free college." Sure, the BernieBots would go all in for alternative energy and SSM while the black & brown folks want trickle down spending, and the BBs are mostly GAIA-worshipping atheists vs. the residually Christian b&bs. But it's a bridgeable divide. Of course, Hill looks unable to execute the required gymnastic split.
Looking forward to reading the e-mails among DNC people about today when the Voice of Moscow publishes them. Yeah, and then the VOM probably has phone conversations. That would step up the VOM game and be quite interesting. Bernie will be out stumping for the Hildebeast and out will come ghastly recordings of what Mookie really thinks of him. October surprise?
If you think the moral arrogance of the Left rubs us the wrong way, how do you think blacks take having some white clown come in & tell them that to be down with the struggle they've got to reach out to the "faggots"? That the gay struggle is just like slavery & Jim Crow? The blacks bite their tongues, because blacks who didn't learn how to bite their tongues around self-righteous white people got taken out of the gene pool long ago, but they do it because that's how their bread gets buttered.
White Lefties also want transparent & mostly clean government. The minorities bluntly, don't, because their power depends on community patronage, and they aren't too morally squeamish about how they dispense it, either.
I've seen this dynamic up close & personal in the DC metro area's politics.
"Bruce Hayden, Are you suggesting that because she is a black woman she will "lie, cheat, steal"? Do you have a clue how racist and sexist that sounds? I suppose you don't care."
Nah, he's suggesting that since she's a Democrat she'll lie, cheat, and steal. Not a very controversial assertion these days.
I like Kirsten Gillibrand, it's a shame she isn't running for president. She got stuck with the women's issues speech today, it would have been good to hear her on a broader range of issues.
Al Franken is not that funny or that effective and he went on too long. Nonetheless, he gets the cheers for Hillary. It appears that any dissent has been quarantined to outside of prime time.
My opinion is that so far as Putin thinks anything he thinks he doesn't want the US to go under leaving him to face China alone. The world isn't Russia vs. US anymore - China is in the equation. So who will keep the US going - Trump or Clinton? The one he thinks will do that is the one he supports. But I don't really think Putin is running a vast conspiracy to get the truth out. The truth always will get out in a country like this.
What I think is that the people running campaigns have begun to focus exclusively on a few factors like controlling the media or the news cycle or presenting a smooth facade of unity. It's as if the campaign boys were the military as the military was in 1914. As a group the military in 1914-1918 only considered military factors like railway timetables or whether a battle like the Somme caused more attrition to England or to Germany. The suffering caused by sending men to charge entrenched machine-guns and the loss of faith following upon such stupidity meant nothing to the military. But it was a catastrophe worse than the loss of life for all the countries involved. Similarly the campaign boys are running the election and they have lost sight of the real problems of the country and only consider how to present their candidate smoothly. And so now the problems, which are smooth, have burst into both conventions. And all the campaign boys can think of is how to pretend it isn't happening.
ARM - Franken was pretty brilliant. I say that as someone who thinks that the only reason that Franken is a senator at all is due to Minnesota vote fraud.
Juxtaposition of video of Trump mocking disabled reporter with disabled speaker seemed clumsy to me. Why not just say what you want to say in plain terms? Why not have someone come out and make a list of all the obnoxious things Trump has said and done and really hammer it home? Too cautious and consultantified to be effective.
ARM - The only thing that empowered me to mock Trump in that context was Trump's own sociopathic lack of control. No, not control. "Decency," I think was the word I was reaching for.
Poor choice of song by Paul Simon, he couldn't sing it adequately even when he was young. What ever happened to that nice young man with the frizzy hair who used to sing it for him?
So far the Dems have booed Marcia Fudge and the Rev Cynthia Hale, and shouted Hillary (our nation's historical third or fourth ever female Secretary of State) should be locked up. Apparently the War on Women is over, and women lost.
Oh, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz was nearly run out of town. I'd play "imagine if the RNC booed every black or Jewish woman who approached the stage", but I'd rather play "imagine every Democrat hack 'journalist' exposed in those leaked emails got trapped in a tire fire".
The Democratic National Committee issued "a deep and sincere apology to Senator Sanders, his supporters, and the entire Democratic Party for the inexcusable remarks made over email" and said it would take action to ensure it never happens again.
I was going to say that Corey Booker's speech was a complete dud but, oddly, when he got onto the topic of Hillary he really pulled things together for a while, only to lose the plot again when he moved on to other topics.
Given Progressives dislike for everything fly-over country/southern/white, is it somewhat odd they are nominating a white, southern couple named Hill & Billy?
Unknown said... Booker is a young man, probably younger than you PMS - "PMS" was talking about Bernie. But don't worry..your post still counts towards your quota.
I like Michelle Obama. Not sure why she is so hated here. I also liked Laura Bush. Not an especially effective public speaker but a strong and apparently heartfelt endorsement of Clinton. The speakers tonight are not running away from the candidate.
"Cheryl Lankford effectively put a human face on some of Trump's business practices." Waddya think of Hillary's business practices re: Whitewater, ARM?
Just making comments as I find worthy, Chuck -- that's what happens in these comboxes. Nice try at deflection -- you seem rather defensive about your love of this convention. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
I think Michelle Obama -- and this is a high bar -- is far more insufferable than her husband. I actually sort of like Barack, compared to Michelle.
Is there anyone in public life, whose credentials are thinner, and whose chip on her shoulder is deeper? Anyone whose sense of grievance and entitlement is stronger? Every word is a whine.
I like Michelle Obama. Not sure why she is so hated here.
She dared to point out that the black American experience was different than the white American experience - and yet still somehow worth taking pride in. They hate that.
The Democrats are going to miss the Obamas when they are gone. There is a big drop off in political talent from them to the rest of their talent pool. Speaking of which, now we get the obligatory Kennedy.
Has Chelsea been on yet? She is a great example of far you can go in America with no perceivable talent of you have the right parents. She exemplifies everything the Dems say s bad about America. Has Michelle explained yet how her Princeton and Harvard degrees made her an expert in public school lunch menus? Does anyone even know what she did for a living before she became FLOTUS?
So a criminal White Woman has another White Woman cheat and lie for her, BIG SHIT cheating and lies, right in Front of all America, and yet you don't believe that White Cops could maybe Lie a bit about 'apprehending' a Black Man with too much Force? Really? You White People all got a God-Damn Debbie who'll take the Hit for you, and if you're Debbie they gonna make sure you are all OK...
So the White People and THEIR White People fuck up, fuck up where even the simplest Lie don't work no more, and what do they do? They send out a Black Woman named "Fudge." Are you kidding me? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME...?"
And yeah, Yeah: you White People are just gonna laugh at the Black Woman's name. Motherfuckers, all of you...
So you send out the Black Woman 'cause you too afraid to answer your own Shit? Let her shuck and jive for you? A little Bojangles action to cover your white ass? Do you not understand how I can want to beat the Fuck out of a White Person right now? Do you really don't get it..?
I would like to comment on Elizabeth Warren, but to do so I'd have to listen to her. And I have my limits. I can't take that much dumb. Gives me a headache.
I like Kirsten Gillibrand, it's a shame she isn't running for president. She got stuck with the women's issues speech today, it would have been good to hear her on a broader range of issues.
This year's identity politics menu has two choices: Glorifying wimmin or bashing atheists and the Jews not fanatical or pious enough to prove they're not one of them. Take your pick.
Evidently the convention is now boring. Our own special trolls are out there sycophanting. Great Speech. Fantastic. The less dedicated are whining: How many MORE do we have to listen too?
The conservatives are watching the fireflies outdoors. Drinking beer in the summer dark. The morning was popcorn time - Debbie booed, Pelosi booed, even poor Bernie booed when he said: "Hillary." Checking now and then in case Debbie tries to speak or something. Thinking that the way Trump handled Ted Cruz looks better and better. He let him speak, let him refuse to endorse, had him booed. The Democrats have broken Bernie. He is cravenly supporting Hillary.
I trusted Warren and I still do. There is something greater than our hurt that Bernie got shafted. We cannot let Trump become our new president. This is the presidency, not some reality TV show. The welfare of this nation is at risk. Clinton is the only one that can win against Hillary at this point. That is why I'll vote for her.
Not a big fan of Warren, not sure why since I agree with her on several issues. I don't think she really understands that the big problem with Wall Street is the financialization of the economy, which is undermining the genuinely productive parts of our economy. She focuses on income equality and the fact that they are running a government guaranteed gambling house, but these are less of an issue than the fact that they are sucking the life out of the real economy. We can survive a Wall Street collapse, a collapse of the real economy not so much.
I trusted Warren and I still do. There is something greater than our hurt that Bernie got shafted. We cannot let Trump become our new president. This is the presidency, not some reality TV show. The welfare of this nation is at risk. Clinton is the only one that can win against Hillary at this point. That is why I'll vote for her.
What does it feel like to take a strap-on that far up your ass?
I tend not to take Vermonters very seriously. A friend's daughter went to the Univ of Vermont where she got straight A's in her freshman year. I told her that's not hard to come top of the class when everyone else is stoned. She could see the sense in this and transferred to Georgia Tech.
Young Hegelian, What will it feel like when Trump has put his big fat strap on and shoved if up the ass of America? If won't feel good, idiot. I'm not willing to risk my country.
He just fears Trump's jumpy Twittering hands on the button more than he does Hillary.
No, it's the servility of the true believer. I live in the DC area, & I see lots of these party loyalists on both sides because they come to town with every new administration. They're scary. The secular equivalent of "THE BIBLE SEZ...." snake handlers, except that they dress way better.
I just take care of their computers & keep my goddamn mouth shut.
Trump is Putin's puppet. I won't sit it out or vote third party, because that would allow a Trump victory. The man man is a menace. He must not be president. Bernie seems to get it.
Meeeea said... WTF? 125k yr and free college? Did I hear that correctly? -- Yep. But..no worries..it's not "real" money. Ann..will there be high fivin' in the faculty lounge over that commenurate increase in tuition and money pot?
They're both bad. But there's no reason to deny the obvious fact that she's more disciplined than he is. It's the difference between the career criminal and the rookie criminal - the former can be hired usefully out to your side, albeit in the most machiavellian of situations. The latter will run through it like a bull in a china shop. Hillary's occasionally recklessly pursued her own political ambitions. Trump's downright undisciplined. Slight difference, but meaningful.
Bernie is a bit too old to take advantage of this passionate support in four or eight years time. Hard to see any other Democrat pol inheriting this movement. If Hillary loses maybe the Dems can remake themselves as more of a populist party but if she wins they will remain stuck on stupid.
1 thing I saw was the video clip where Bernie Sanders said directly to the camera that he was not an atheist. I didn't see the rest of the clip but I would value Professor Althouse's observations.
1 thing I saw was the video clip where Bernie Sanders said directly to the camera that he was not an atheist. I didn't see the rest of the clip but I would value Professor Althouse's observations.
She's not a theologian. She's not a political analyst. She's not even a psychologist.
No need to indulge the obvious smear-mongerers. That bone was a political tactic on the part of his enemies. Nothing more.
I think Elizabeth Warren strongly appeals to Bernie supporters. My progressive friends definitely are equally drawn to her. Indeed more so. She didn't run and they turned to Bernie.
Another reason why I think Clinton is so dangerous is because she not only is corrupt her machine prevented other much more qualified and appealing Democrats from running. I think there are a lot of women and men able to take up the mantle of progressive politics, but it won't happen until the Clinton machine comes to an end.
PMS317, Hillary is a "narcissist fucker"? OK then. And Young Hegelian upstream, said I took it up the ass for Hillary? Bernie made Hillary palatable enough to vote for. He dragged her ass to the left. Without Bernoe Hillary would lose to Trump.
I think there are a lot of women and men able to take up the mantle of progressive politics, but it won't happen until the Clinton machine comes to an end.
Well, we tried to do what we could. Now it's up to her and her goons to see if they can muck it up enough over four years to limit how long that beast's dying breath is drawn out.
Another reason why I think Clinton is so dangerous is because she not only is corrupt her machine prevented other much more qualified and appealing Democrats from running.
Elizabeth Warren is probably one of the most ethical people in the Senate, she too dragged Hillary to the left. Without Bernie or Warren Hillary would lose to Putin's Puppet.
More like "rendering unto seizure things that are Caesar's." She took them from him. He didn't "give" her anything.
Oh, and look who's talking! Aren't you sympathetic to the guys who say that government requires theft in order to function anyway?
It's ok. The emails have fatally wounded the DNC in its current incarnation. At least two more firings should follow. The mantle is slipping, the torch is being passed on. This convention won't be soon forgotten as to which faction raised the roof. It took Reagan about a decade to take over from those wrestling control of the party away from the Goldwaters. Same issue here. Political history proceeds in footsteps, not strides. Although I admit it is incredibly embarrassing how long we have to wait for the door to slam on the Clintons' derrieres.
Surprise, pms, Clinton is going to stay to the left. Agreements were hammered out between Bernie, the DNC and Hillary, in order to gain Bernie's support which she desperately needs.
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1 – 200 of 253 Newer› Newest»Gentlemen, you can't fight here -- this is the War Room! (hat tip to Dr. Strangelove).
Hey Dems, Black Chairs Matter!
Fudge is an unfortunate surname for a Sister. Hopefully that's her married name and she didn't have to weather her childhood with it.
Somebody just came to my office and said she forgot to bring the actual gavel on stage.
Did she have to leave and wrestle is from Debbie's hands?
Unity Report Is this some kind of double-secret probation?
I'm not keeping a scorecard, but yesterday DWS resigned, and I thought the job went to Donna Brazile. So, who is this Fudge woman?? I'll guess she is the only Democrat that hasn't been compromised by the wiki-leaks email hack.
The ClintonKaine '16 task is basically this; to replicate the turnout of African-American voters that Obama saw in '08 and '12. That sort of turnout is almost invincible.
In my state of Michigan, we just saw an African-American U.S. District Judge in Detroit (Obama nominee, confirmed on a nearly pure party-line vote) overturn a recent state law doing away with straight-party ticket voting. The stats that became an issue in the decision are staggering. Detroit (about 78% black) voted about 97% for Obama, and in all of Detroit something well above 70% cast a straight-party ballot. What happens is that lots of statewide Dems in down-ballot contests (state college boards, education boards, etc.) get votes in far greater numbers than top-ballot races. So despite the fact that we elect a Republican governor and attorney general, we get university boards that are 7/9ths Democrat.
But ignoring those intrastate problems in Michigan, the African-American turnout machine is of incalculable importance.
Watch how that demographic is sold in this week's telecasts.
The Fudge Factor.
Oh, Fudge!
I saw on another thread that the Democrats also have an official named Felon.
Donna Brazile was supposed to sit in for Blabbermouth Schultz at the convention and then this one was to take over next week.
Something must have happened to change it. Brazile said she had to clean out her fridge or something?
Did anyone in the media think to actually mean the decibel levels of those aye's and nay's, since he no's seemed stronger? ...I thought not. The fix is in and the Berniebots know they've being railroaded once again.
This convention is going to be delicious.
I am just shaking my head. Hillary had more delegates and more wins in 2008 and to top it she was a winnable candidate. Yet she and her supporters were gracious enough to let go. Contrast that with the old grumpy bastard Bernie and his petulant childish supporters. And remember most of Bernie's wins came from caucuses which are not kosher to begin with. He could not win a primary in a big state. But he and his supporters want the big prize and nothing less. The party should have said FU to him from the start. I don't know when these emails were exchanged but if they were exchanged toward the end, they are totally justified because the old grump would not go away.
90% of Bernie supporters will vote for Clinton
Typo alert: Did anyone in the media think to actually mean the decibel
should read: Did anyone in the media think to actually measure the decibel
Wikileaks has demonstrated quite conclusively that WaPo is an arm of the DNC.
Take such stories with huge grains of salt.
Who doesn't like fudge!
Private Shyle - Getting yours packed a lot, Navy?
90% of Bernie supporters will vote for Clinton
7/25/16, 5:10 PM
Hey Unk, so 10% won't? That's half the Dem electorate! Yeah, why would Hildabeast sweat losing 5% of the vote? She can't count anything but money. Pls print!
Keynote speaker tonight (Warren), plus FLOTUS, plus fan favorite Cory Booker plus Bernie himself will all speak heartily for Hillary. By the time the gavel comes down tonight there will be unity against Trump-Pence. (Whether it comes down on time is another matter.)
They just booed the invocation!
"Keynote speaker tonight (Warren), plus FLOTUS, plus fan favorite Cory Booker plus Bernie himself "
Boring. They need a better script. They should ask us. Act 1 should end in a climactic moment (the first of several), with, given the circumstances, a big choral part.
DNC Unity Report, Executive Summary: "The beatings will continue until morale improves."
One day some Wagnerian genius will script a convention so well that people will erect a permanent establishment to restage productions of it. Bayreuth is taken. I suggest Detroit.
Marsha Fudge. Really? Who writes this stuff?
It is Marcia, not Marsha.
Marcia, Marcia, Marcia...
"Marsha Fudge. Really? Who writes this stuff?"
John Kennedy Toole
According to the DNC, Fudge is an esteemed token of [class] diversity, and Sanders may be a Jew if he attaches the yellow star and returns to the fold. The Twilighters may called to abort and plan a selective child to save their good reputation. Their progressive wars didn't do it. Their violent, opportunistic regimes changes didn't do it. Their refugee crises have not yet realized critical democratic leverage. Their effort to reset the cold war with Russia didn't do it. Even liberal doses of opiates are having a progressive effect with repeated trials.
The Unity Report. Orwell would've got a chuckle out of that one.
Hampered by the heat, but they certainly have protesting talent deployed. And at least one pretty girl. The old formula had it that the pretty girls were on the winning side.
We can hope.
"The Unity Report."
Didn't the Republicans have something similar?
Let me know if the nude mirror gals show up.
Unknown said... [hush][hide comment]
90% of Bernie supporters will vote for Clinton
BREAKING: 100% of Trump supporters will vote for Trump.
Marsha Fudge?
Speakers Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren, and Queen Bee Hillary Clinton.
Jesus Christ, that party is a hen house. For the life of me I can't figure out why someone with a Y chromosome would vote Dem.
I have a lot of leftwing friends, most of whom were Bernie supporters. For months they have been posting attacks on Clinton as corrupt, lying etc. About six months ago I began writing on their posts..."but you'll vote for her anyway".
Surprise surprise, they all turned into Hillary voters. I asked several why...I told them they were intelligent, educated people, they knew Clinton was an evil liar, but now they are going to vote for her anyways?
The consistent answer was tribalism...yeah she's an evil liar, but she's our evil liar.
from the dead thread:
When do the... um... strangers arrive?
Will they all have the same script?
I think the prepared script is kaput.
Possibly they may be picked off, one by one, with kindness and patience. Easier with the young, Who often merely wish to be told what to think/believe, which is how they got to Sanders.
Best opening line:
'Sorry about Bernie, [Name]' [sympathetic smile]. Then watch their faces.
Follow with:
'You know, he tried so hard' and other such gems, I don't have to draw you a diagram. OK, 'he wanted change', 'we need change', 'Trump is change, Hillary is more of the same.' Like that, always respectful. They know.
(On this one kid, though, I had warned him in advance that Bernie wouldn't win, with color. Since I was consistently in the 10-ring before about how they would do him, the path was already prepared)
"yeah she's an evil liar, but she's our evil liar."
Ditto Trump supporters.
Thanks, Pee-Wee
"Grandpa Hubbell and Other Things They Tell You at Fifteen"
by Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky
Possibly they may be picked off, one by one, with kindness and patience. Easier with the young, Who often merely wish to be told what to think/believe, which is how they got to Sanders.
You fit right in with the Hillary-ites with your smugness & condescension, Unknown.
We're so glad you've figured all this complicated political matters out for us, & have deigned to take time from your busy day to dispense your wisdom to us.
Sssssshhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiitttt, Mothafuckah! We ain't yo' bitches!
I'm really starting to understand why the Occupy folks want to burn (or shall I say bern) you guys to the ground. You guys make Ted Cruz look morally humble .
Marsha Fudge.
Gotta love the name. If she overcame that, she can overcome anything.
"Marsha Fudge, struggles with the disorder"
Well, even Santa Claus is booed in Philadelphia ...
I guess if she's gaveling a convention chamber full of Democrats, she's Fudge with nuts.
Pic from Drudge of DWS
Odd transition at the DNC convention, Demi Lovato fist tells us that she has a mental illness (unspecified) and then she breaks out into song (terrible).
Psssst! Unknow profile --------------------69. is one of us.
Very easy to be confused when Unknown Unknows pop up!
Especially when they use more subtle, ironic word-twists.
Just what the Dems needed - a chairblack woman named "Fudge". As if we didn't know already that they would lie, cheat, and steal to keep a Dem in the White House, controlling the Justice Dept, and controlling the skimming off the national budget b
Marsha Fudge would be the granddaughter of Minister of Magic Fudge, right?
And here she is starting a convention that will nominate Voldemort.
J.K. Rowling is amused.
Don't seem to any boos at the mention of Clinton's name, but the night is early.
Bruce Hayden,
Are you suggesting that because she is a black woman she will "lie, cheat, steal"? Do you have a clue how racist and sexist that sounds? I suppose you don't care.
Da Wimmens!
....Hillary had more delegates and more wins in 2008 and to top it she was a winnable candidate. Yet she and her supporters were gracious enough to let go. Contrast that with the old grumpy bastard Bernie and his petulant childish supporters. And remember most of Bernie's wins came from caucuses which are not kosher to begin with. He could not win a primary in a big state.
But the Bernie/Hillary Demo divide isn't just about "petulance".
Let us be really, really blunt about what drove Bernie's vs Hillary's wins:
Bernie = White People, as in white lefties
Hillary = Non-white Democrats
The Lefties are in it to change government according to their principles. Their principles destroy economies & reduce freedoms IMHO, but these guys are doing this for what they believe deep in their hearts are altruistic reasons(indeed, it is the foundation of their moral world view, since for them the moral can only be political).
The Democratic minorities see the government in a different way. They see the government as a machine that has for some 300 years of American history (colonial, too) filled up the feed trough for all the white piggies. Now, they want to make sure that the black & brown piggies are assured a way to get their snouts in the trough. It's not the most moral way of seeing the world, but in light of their histories, it sure is an understandable one.
These are fundamentally different ways of seeing government. The Lefties want to fuck with everybody's lives & change the social mores to their liking. The minorities want a piece of the action & then want to be left alone to work it among themselves. What they don't want is a bunch of holier-than-thou honkies coming in and telling them how to work it, or that they've got to make nice with all the other minorities, who mostly mutually loath each other.
The Democrats, by long experience, have jury-rigged a balancing act. Sometimes, in American history, the contraption falls over. Like now.
Democrats have talking chairs?
The pronoun "they" has you easily confused.
I saw on another thread that the Democrats also have an official named Felon.
You should find someway to identify your sarcasm !!
90% of Bernie supporters will vote for Clinton.
I wouldn't bet next month's mortgage payment on that. (Or anything else the Post opines.)
Here come da Fudge?
The MSM is going to have to work really hard to put lipstick on this pig.
United in the Saddle!
eh? what?
Is that like scissoring?
Hat tip: eleven @http://ace.mu.nu/
This Democrat convention is a train wreck! A train wreck!
The only way it can be salvaged is to get Ted Cruz to close the convention with a speech urging Democrats to "vote their conscious."
I hear that he is available.
"The Democrats, by long experience, have jury-rigged a balancing act." Yes, fair enough. But the two sides aren't that out of whack. Both believe in BLM. Both want less "inequality." Both want to stay out of foreign wars. Both want "fair trade." Both want the public option. Both would like "free college." Sure, the BernieBots would go all in for alternative energy and SSM while the black & brown folks want trickle down spending, and the BBs are mostly GAIA-worshipping atheists vs. the residually Christian b&bs. But it's a bridgeable divide. Of course, Hill looks unable to execute the required gymnastic split.
90% of Bernie supporters will vote for Clinton"
I've seen polls showing that it's 60%.
The cavalcade of Dem politicians emphasizes the unity within the party but they are very dull.
Looking forward to reading the e-mails among DNC people about today when the Voice of Moscow publishes them. Yeah, and then the VOM probably has phone conversations. That would step up the VOM game and be quite interesting. Bernie will be out stumping for the Hildebeast and out will come ghastly recordings of what Mookie really thinks of him. October surprise?
TimUnkemployedenholz @timunken
*Bernie implores supporters to rally behind Hillary*
Supporters: Fine but I'm not calling her mom
Marsha Fudge, neé Marsha Penuche.
But it's a bridgeable divide.
In theory, but often not in practice.
If you think the moral arrogance of the Left rubs us the wrong way, how do you think blacks take having some white clown come in & tell them that to be down with the struggle they've got to reach out to the "faggots"? That the gay struggle is just like slavery & Jim Crow? The blacks bite their tongues, because blacks who didn't learn how to bite their tongues around self-righteous white people got taken out of the gene pool long ago, but they do it because that's how their bread gets buttered.
White Lefties also want transparent & mostly clean government. The minorities bluntly, don't, because their power depends on community patronage, and they aren't too morally squeamish about how they dispense it, either.
I've seen this dynamic up close & personal in the DC metro area's politics.
"Bruce Hayden,
Are you suggesting that because she is a black woman she will "lie, cheat, steal"? Do you have a clue how racist and sexist that sounds? I suppose you don't care."
Nah, he's suggesting that since she's a Democrat she'll lie, cheat, and steal. Not a very controversial assertion these days.
I like Kirsten Gillibrand, it's a shame she isn't running for president. She got stuck with the women's issues speech today, it would have been good to hear her on a broader range of issues.
Like due process?
OMFG Al Franken is disembowling Trump right now, in a smart, SNL-quality speech.
Al Franken is not that funny or that effective and he went on too long. Nonetheless, he gets the cheers for Hillary. It appears that any dissent has been quarantined to outside of prime time.
ARM - Kirsten Gilibrand is a disgraceful political hack. The heiress to Claire McAskill's shithead legacy.
No fair bringing up issues, The Cracker Emcee.
When Democrats wish to abridge fundamental constitutional issues that are actually written into the document, everything remains copacetic.
You must be one of those Rethuglicans.
My opinion is that so far as Putin thinks anything he thinks he doesn't want the US to go under leaving him to face China alone. The world isn't Russia vs. US anymore - China is in the equation. So who will keep the US going - Trump or Clinton? The one he thinks will do that is the one he supports. But I don't really think Putin is running a vast conspiracy to get the truth out. The truth always will get out in a country like this.
What I think is that the people running campaigns have begun to focus exclusively on a few factors like controlling the media or the news cycle or presenting a smooth facade of unity. It's as if the campaign boys were the military as the military was in 1914. As a group the military in 1914-1918 only considered military factors like railway timetables or whether a battle like the Somme caused more attrition to England or to Germany. The suffering caused by sending men to charge entrenched machine-guns and the loss of faith following upon such stupidity meant nothing to the military. But it was a catastrophe worse than the loss of life for all the countries involved. Similarly the campaign boys are running the election and they have lost sight of the real problems of the country and only consider how to present their candidate smoothly. And so now the problems, which are smooth, have burst into both conventions. And all the campaign boys can think of is how to pretend it isn't happening.
"Life-long" "Republican" "Chuck" sure does enjoy Democrat speechifying.
ARM - Franken was pretty brilliant. I say that as someone who thinks that the only reason that Franken is a senator at all is due to Minnesota vote fraud.
problems, which are NOT smooth
Chuck said...
Kirsten Gilibrand is a disgraceful political hack.
Care to expand?
Has Trump done an imitation of this young lady with cerebral palsy? Trump is so good at that.
Juxtaposition of video of Trump mocking disabled reporter with disabled speaker seemed clumsy to me. Why not just say what you want to say in plain terms? Why not have someone come out and make a list of all the obnoxious things Trump has said and done and really hammer it home? Too cautious and consultantified to be effective.
This ridiculous, insulting trash from Sarah Silverman; I wonder how much Trump actually agrees with her lies about the meaning if Citizens United?
Sign of the Apocalypse:
Roseanne Barr: "Leaked emails reveal the real bigots are in the Democratic Party."
I think it's the first horseman.
Quick, everyone head out to buy freeze dried food and ammo. Stat!
Hat Tip: shibumi who now just wants to yell at stupid people @http://ace.mu.nu/
As Mayor Daley Sr. of Chicago might have said:
"The Democratic National Committee is not here to create disorder, they're here to preserve disorder."
Reasonably effective speech from Sarah Silverman. She looked better than usual as well. Has she had some work done?
ARM- I was just wondering that. Maybe a nose job?
ARM - The only thing that empowered me to mock Trump in that context was Trump's own sociopathic lack of control. No, not control. "Decency," I think was the word I was reaching for.
Poor choice of song by Paul Simon, he couldn't sing it adequately even when he was young. What ever happened to that nice young man with the frizzy hair who used to sing it for him?
So far the Dems have booed Marcia Fudge and the Rev Cynthia Hale, and shouted Hillary (our nation's historical third or fourth ever female Secretary of State) should be locked up.
Apparently the War on Women is over, and women lost.
Sounds like Paul was hitting that 50 ft joint the Bernie fans were carrying through the streets.
That was awful. Nice that they admit the Obama admin is "troubled waters"
Hattip: dagny @http://ace.mu.nu/
Oh, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz was nearly run out of town. I'd play "imagine if the RNC booed every black or Jewish woman who approached the stage", but I'd rather play "imagine every Democrat hack 'journalist' exposed in those leaked emails got trapped in a tire fire".
buwaya said...
"Marsha Fudge. Really? Who writes this stuff?"
Marsha Mellow Fudge - Deeee-licious!
why does everybody shout?
Donald Trump paid the monitor sound guys to turn down the volume to the podium :)
It's all Trump's fault!
bgates; remember there was a time when black activists were protesting Bernie for the excessive whiteness of his campaign.
Real Republican Chuck is loving the convention this evening! Happy for you, Chuckles!
Blogger Chuck said...
OMFG Al Franken is disembowling Trump right now, in a smart, SNL-quality speech.
As smart as "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot"?
Hard to top that. In the third grade.
Fabi am I going to be charged rent, for all the space I seem to occupy in your head?
"The consistent answer was tribalism...yeah she's an evil liar, but she's our evil liar. "
The same 'thinking' explains how conservatives can vote for a Democrat who secured the Republican nomination. "He's our evil liar now!"
The Democratic National Committee issued "a deep and sincere apology to Senator Sanders, his supporters, and the entire Democratic Party for the inexcusable remarks made over email" and said it would take action to ensure it never happens again.
Increased security.
Damn, Chuck. Just damn.
Booker is going on and on.. When is the grumpy old man speaking? They still have Warren and MO.
I was going to say that Corey Booker's speech was a complete dud but, oddly, when he got onto the topic of Hillary he really pulled things together for a while, only to lose the plot again when he moved on to other topics.
Megyn Kelly is fully clothed for those wondering.
I'd love to see that young lady in her wheelchair come out again and move him off the stage like a Zamboni cleaning a rink.
Hat Tip: Better-Than-Sex-Cake is not @http://ace.mu.nu/
Booker is a young man, probably younger than you PMS. EXCELLENT SPEECH.
It would be so nice if our Republican nominee could run on ideas, without having to defend a fraud case at the same time.
This was better. Cheryl Lankford effectively put a human face on some of Trump's business practices. Demos need a lot of more of this.
Donald Trump scam artist and crook. Trump U, ripping off wives of dead soldiers.
All right, Chewie's on.
Hat Tip: Ricardo Kill@http://ace.mu.nu/
Given Progressives dislike for everything fly-over country/southern/white, is it somewhat odd they are nominating a white, southern couple named Hill & Billy?
Unknown said...
Booker is a young man, probably younger than you PMS
"PMS" was talking about Bernie.
But don't worry..your post still counts towards your quota.
Please stop citing AoSHQ for trivia. You're bound to touch off Ace into another 'roid rage.
I like Michelle Obama. Not sure why she is so hated here. I also liked Laura Bush. Not an especially effective public speaker but a strong and apparently heartfelt endorsement of Clinton. The speakers tonight are not running away from the candidate.
@Chuck: didn't Hillary mock the disabled with her recent "head fake" seizure?
I'm watching it live too. Can't believe FLOTUS is comparative child rearing.
Trump U, ripping off wives of dead soldiers.
'Cause, ya know, Hillary has such a way with the families of dead soldiers.
You clowns really want to go there? Really?
Megyn Kelly is fully clothed for those wondering.
Well, okay, little Miss Killjoy.
Only time will tell if the Obama girls turn out as well as the Trump children. She's tempting fate!
"Cheryl Lankford effectively put a human face on some of Trump's business practices."
Waddya think of Hillary's business practices re: Whitewater, ARM?
Just making comments as I find worthy, Chuck -- that's what happens in these comboxes. Nice try at deflection -- you seem rather defensive about your love of this convention. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
"wake up in a house built by slaves" was so good it made it to Philly.
I think Michelle Obama -- and this is a high bar -- is far more insufferable than her husband. I actually sort of like Barack, compared to Michelle.
Is there anyone in public life, whose credentials are thinner, and whose chip on her shoulder is deeper? Anyone whose sense of grievance and entitlement is stronger? Every word is a whine.
I like Michelle Obama. Not sure why she is so hated here.
She dared to point out that the black American experience was different than the white American experience - and yet still somehow worth taking pride in. They hate that.
Amazing, hopeful, inspiring, that's our First Lady. Hope Melania doesn't rip this one off.
For them, equal rights, equivalent humanity = look and act the same.
The Democrats are going to miss the Obamas when they are gone. There is a big drop off in political talent from them to the rest of their talent pool. Speaking of which, now we get the obligatory Kennedy.
Has Chelsea been on yet? She is a great example of far you can go in America with no perceivable talent of you have the right parents. She exemplifies everything the Dems say s bad about America.
Has Michelle explained yet how her Princeton and Harvard degrees made her an expert in public school lunch menus? Does anyone even know what she did for a living before she became FLOTUS?
@ Adamsunderground:
Naw, pointers to his house of "Morons in good standing" will probably earn him a half a case of Val-U-Rite. plus a new hobo flenser.
Golden parachutes do uplift the spirit. Onward to the lecture circus!
It appears that any dissent has been quarantined to outside of prime time.
40 arrests/detentions by the time I was driving home tonight after 6:30. Welcome to Tiananmen lite.
Michelle is in da house
If Mrs. Obama is going to go with fake hair like tonight, I would have advised going full-Angela Davis:
Lamar Gonna Set You Straight....
So a criminal White Woman has another White Woman cheat and lie for her, BIG SHIT cheating and lies, right in Front of all America, and yet you don't believe that White Cops could maybe Lie a bit about 'apprehending' a Black Man with too much Force? Really? You White People all got a God-Damn Debbie who'll take the Hit for you, and if you're Debbie they gonna make sure you are all OK...
So the White People and THEIR White People fuck up, fuck up where even the simplest Lie don't work no more, and what do they do? They send out a Black Woman named "Fudge." Are you kidding me? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME...?"
And yeah, Yeah: you White People are just gonna laugh at the Black Woman's name. Motherfuckers, all of you...
So you send out the Black Woman 'cause you too afraid to answer your own Shit? Let her shuck and jive for you? A little Bojangles action to cover your white ass? Do you not understand how I can want to beat the Fuck out of a White Person right now? Do you really don't get it..?
You think you got Problems? Fuck You.
I am Laslo.
How is the fart-ins Dutch oven attack going?
The Democrats are going to miss the Obamas when they are gone.
There is a big drop off in political talent from them to the rest of their talent pool.
They will go progressive or they will go home and rightly drop off the map. The country doesn't need two out of two rich people only parties.
Lol "We trusted you!" at Warren. Did I miss any other jeering earlier?
"We Want The Truth" chant during Warren quelled.
I would like to comment on Elizabeth Warren, but to do so I'd have to listen to her. And I have my limits. I can't take that much dumb. Gives me a headache.
I like Kirsten Gillibrand, it's a shame she isn't running for president. She got stuck with the women's issues speech today, it would have been good to hear her on a broader range of issues.
This year's identity politics menu has two choices: Glorifying wimmin or bashing atheists and the Jews not fanatical or pious enough to prove they're not one of them. Take your pick.
You know..the protesters plagiarized "Lock her up".
But they'll never "Trump that bitch!"
Warren talking about student loan.. I heard couple of days ago on CSPAN, Ferrao talking about student loan in her acceptance speech in 1984!!!
warren just said "rigged system"? Lol
Conned and defrauded are two of the six charges faced by Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Worst U.S. Top Gear host decision after missing out on that Corolla guy.
Evidently the convention is now boring. Our own special trolls are out there sycophanting. Great Speech. Fantastic. The less dedicated are whining: How many MORE do we have to listen too?
The conservatives are watching the fireflies outdoors. Drinking beer in the summer dark. The morning was popcorn time - Debbie booed, Pelosi booed, even poor Bernie booed when he said: "Hillary." Checking now and then in case Debbie tries to speak or something. Thinking that the way Trump handled Ted Cruz looks better and better. He let him speak, let him refuse to endorse, had him booed. The Democrats have broken Bernie. He is cravenly supporting Hillary.
"We're with her."
Because the DNC wouldn't have it any other way.
I trusted Warren and I still do. There is something greater than our hurt that Bernie got shafted. We cannot let Trump become our new president. This is the presidency, not some reality TV show. The welfare of this nation is at risk. Clinton is the only one that can win against Hillary at this point. That is why I'll vote for her.
Not a big fan of Warren, not sure why since I agree with her on several issues. I don't think she really understands that the big problem with Wall Street is the financialization of the economy, which is undermining the genuinely productive parts of our economy. She focuses on income equality and the fact that they are running a government guaranteed gambling house, but these are less of an issue than the fact that they are sucking the life out of the real economy. We can survive a Wall Street collapse, a collapse of the real economy not so much.
Nice intro video for Bernie. They are doing their best to paper over the cracks.
Nintendo came out with a new video game, "Super Bernie Bros." It's a revolution in game play as a pushed-aside scroller.
I trusted Warren and I still do. There is something greater than our hurt that Bernie got shafted. We cannot let Trump become our new president. This is the presidency, not some reality TV show. The welfare of this nation is at risk. Clinton is the only one that can win against Hillary at this point. That is why I'll vote for her.
What does it feel like to take a strap-on that far up your ass?
Bernie's awesome. He will totally overshadow Hillary.
$27 x 8 million is a great basis for a class action lawsuit against Hillary Inc
That's a very graphic sort of a fear you're harboring there, YH.
Those folks were #berned
He's a liar, he's not disappointed. He knew the game from jump.
Old man is grumpier and thirsty..
How will they get people to cheer longer and louder for Hillary?
what did your wifey do with the donor money's, grumpy?
That's it Sarah! You set those Bernie people straight! That's speaking truth to power! Comforting the afflicted & afflicting the comfortable!
I swear to God, if Lenny Bruce was alive, he'd strangle her with her own intestines.
So he wants a miracle during roll call.. Dream on Grumy..
I tend not to take Vermonters very seriously. A friend's daughter went to the Univ of Vermont where she got straight A's in her freshman year. I told her that's not hard to come top of the class when everyone else is stoned. She could see the sense in this and transferred to Georgia Tech.
Young Hegelian,
What will it feel like when Trump has put his big fat strap on and shoved if up the ass of America? If won't feel good, idiot. I'm not willing to risk my country.
That's a very graphic sort of a fear you're harboring there, YH
Hey, if boats are floated by such means, I'm not one to judge. I just want to know what drives that sort of pod-person masochism, that's all.
Strictly scientific, ya understand?
He just fears Trump's jumpy Twittering hands on the button more than he does Hillary. It's perfectly understandable.
"Starvation" wage? Oh for Chrissakes, I'd take $7.00 an hr right now. I'm rationing food, and it's frightening.
He just fears Trump's jumpy Twittering hands on the button more than he does Hillary.
No, it's the servility of the true believer. I live in the DC area, & I see lots of these party loyalists on both sides because they come to town with every new administration. They're scary. The secular equivalent of "THE BIBLE SEZ...." snake handlers, except that they dress way better.
I just take care of their computers & keep my goddamn mouth shut.
Trump is Putin's puppet. I won't sit it out or vote third party, because that would allow a Trump victory. The man man is a menace. He must not be president. Bernie seems to get it.
WTF? 125k yr and free college? Did I hear that correctly?
Student loans! Where was this grumpy old man in 1984?.. Late bloomer does not even begin to described R it.
Meeeea said...
WTF? 125k yr and free college? Did I hear that correctly?
Yep. But..no worries..it's not "real" money.
Ann..will there be high fivin' in the faculty lounge over that commenurate increase in tuition and money pot?
No, it's the servility of the true believer.
They're both bad. But there's no reason to deny the obvious fact that she's more disciplined than he is. It's the difference between the career criminal and the rookie criminal - the former can be hired usefully out to your side, albeit in the most machiavellian of situations. The latter will run through it like a bull in a china shop. Hillary's occasionally recklessly pursued her own political ambitions. Trump's downright undisciplined. Slight difference, but meaningful.
Bernie is a bit too old to take advantage of this passionate support in four or eight years time. Hard to see any other Democrat pol inheriting this movement. If Hillary loses maybe the Dems can remake themselves as more of a populist party but if she wins they will remain stuck on stupid.
Don't worry about it Meeea. You're not making enough for your taxes to fund it.
1 thing I saw was the video clip where Bernie Sanders said directly to the camera that he was not an atheist. I didn't see the rest of the clip but I would value Professor Althouse's observations.
Yes Bernie, she really did redefine the role of first lady....
Bernie is rendering unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's.
What I think Meeea is saying, R&B, is that the effective minimum wage is, and will always be, zero.
(and so would Bill)
Hillary became what she will be because of Bernie.. Narcissist fucker..
1 thing I saw was the video clip where Bernie Sanders said directly to the camera that he was not an atheist. I didn't see the rest of the clip but I would value Professor Althouse's observations.
She's not a theologian. She's not a political analyst. She's not even a psychologist.
No need to indulge the obvious smear-mongerers. That bone was a political tactic on the part of his enemies. Nothing more.
What I think Meeea is saying, R&B, is that the effective minimum wage is, and will always be, zero.
Then let Meeea vote for people who will abolish it.
Platform who cares who remembers..
I think Elizabeth Warren strongly appeals to Bernie supporters. My progressive friends definitely are equally drawn to her. Indeed more so. She didn't run and they turned to Bernie.
Another reason why I think Clinton is so dangerous is because she not only is corrupt her machine prevented other much more qualified and appealing Democrats from running. I think there are a lot of women and men able to take up the mantle of progressive politics, but it won't happen until the Clinton machine comes to an end.
Rhythm and Balls said...Bernie is rendering unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's.
More like "rendering unto seizure things that are Caesar's." She took them from him. He didn't "give" her anything.
Hillary is a "narcissist fucker"? OK then. And Young Hegelian upstream, said I took it up the ass for Hillary? Bernie made Hillary palatable enough to vote for. He dragged her ass to the left. Without Bernoe Hillary would lose to Trump.
I think there are a lot of women and men able to take up the mantle of progressive politics, but it won't happen until the Clinton machine comes to an end.
Well, we tried to do what we could. Now it's up to her and her goons to see if they can muck it up enough over four years to limit how long that beast's dying breath is drawn out.
Another reason why I think Clinton is so dangerous is because she not only is corrupt her machine prevented other much more qualified and appealing Democrats from running.
Hear, hear.
We don't need more progressive politics or politicians.
Elizabeth Warren is probably one of the most ethical people in the Senate, she too dragged Hillary to the left. Without Bernie or Warren Hillary would lose to Putin's Puppet.
pm317 said...
Platform who cares who remembers..
Yep..hear bout every election and then reality of governing puts it back in the box.
Unknown, you idiot, keep up with me. Grumpy old man is the narcissist fucker.
Paddy O said...
I think Elizabeth Warren strongly appeals to Bernie supporters.
She's also pretty old and will have accumulated a lot of difficult votes in the Senate in four or eight years time.
More like "rendering unto seizure things that are Caesar's." She took them from him. He didn't "give" her anything.
Oh, and look who's talking! Aren't you sympathetic to the guys who say that government requires theft in order to function anyway?
It's ok. The emails have fatally wounded the DNC in its current incarnation. At least two more firings should follow. The mantle is slipping, the torch is being passed on. This convention won't be soon forgotten as to which faction raised the roof. It took Reagan about a decade to take over from those wrestling control of the party away from the Goldwaters. Same issue here. Political history proceeds in footsteps, not strides. Although I admit it is incredibly embarrassing how long we have to wait for the door to slam on the Clintons' derrieres.
Debbie and Huma are handing the sequestered vodka back and forth.
Surprise, pms, Clinton is going to stay to the left. Agreements were hammered out between Bernie, the DNC and Hillary, in order to gain Bernie's support which she desperately needs.
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