July 25, 2016

Amid great disunity, the new DNC chair calls for the "Unity Report."

The newcomer chair, Marsha Fudge, struggles with the disorder at the Democratic National Convention:


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YoungHegelian said...


Putin's Puppet.

Keep saying that, Unknown. Maybe somewhere in the galaxy, someone will believe it.

Well, at least until some more emails come out. Or, Trump starts talking about Hillary & the uranium sale, at which point the subject will get changed faster you'd drop a hot brick.

Anonymous said...

Pms, you dumbass, I was mocking you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Surprise, pms, Clinton is going to stay to the left. Agreements were hammered out between Bernie, the DNC and Hillary, in order to gain Bernie's support which she desperately needs.

These can be revoked at any time - especially once in office. She will only abide by them to the extent that she sees her "legacy" (or whatever she'd be incentivized by at that point) requiring that she do so.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

We don't need more progressive politics or politicians.

Let's hear it for regression! Yeay. And its twin companion: Decline!

Anonymous said...

Young H,
It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. There are enough people investigating it now. They won't give a damn if you or any other Trumpkins believe it.

walter said...

I sure hope Berno brokered a healthy commission from Clinton, Inc. He did as well as you could expect.

pm317 said...

Lol, the TV people think there is a movement.

pm317 said...

Walter, it is all about pay to play. We only have to ask his incompetent wife.

Captain Drano said...

I wonder what Hillary is paying her combox trolls. Bet it isn't $15.00 an hr.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I sure hope Berno brokered a healthy commission from Clinton, Inc. He did as well as you could expect.


And just remember, whomever he "brought to her side," won't take betrayal lightly. She will now have half her supporters on the left as tepid, at best (including all those in the middle, independent, Republicans who never liked her anyway but remain repulsed by Trump). If she makes one stray move it's impeachment time and a totally credible all-balls-out challenge mounted from the left until the Clintons are out for good. Can't wait for 2020! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Putin is paying Trump.

pm317 said...

Oh his incompetent and corrupt wife. DNC was generous in not making that story public. All these progressives are idealistic and gullible and they are fololed by the Grumpy now.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I wonder what Hillary is paying her combox trolls. Bet it isn't $15.00 an hr.

I don't know, Meeeeea. What are you earning and can afford to pay us for making the case that you apparently so ardently believe in? We're open to options, here. The country's not in very good shape. Let us be your conduit. Trump can only bloviate and tweet so much.

Anonymous said...

At some point you have to get over the butt hurt and see the bigger picture. Are you willing to help launch Trump into the White House? Are you really that angry?

walter said...

Ah..PBS commentator..just reiterated the characterization of RNC convention as "dark".
One more punch on the card. Anyone know how many for a first premium?

Anonymous said...

Pms, what is your problem? What do you have against Bernie and his wife? You think Trump is more ethical? Or do you hate Bernie because he ran against Clinton no almost won? I bet you hate Obama too for running against Clinton. I bet you're one of those PUMAs. Amiright?

YoungHegelian said...


They won't give a damn if you or any other Trumpkins believe it.

I'm in that business, Unknown. You can't trace a hack back without any doubts. You just can't. It isn't possible. All we know is that the hack came from Russia. But, where did the hacker who was on that server in Russia come from? Impossible to know. Even if the "tools" are favored by Russian Cyber Intelligence, all those tools are freely available on the dark web for any hacker.

And, trust me, Unknown --- Russian or Chinese Cyber Intelligence does not leave fingerprints. If there are fingerprints, they are most likely misdirections.

Anonymous said...

Hey Balls, if you don't get over the butt hurt you end up like pms here. Now you don't wan to be like pms, do you?

Paddy O said...

"She's also pretty old and will have accumulated a lot of difficult votes in the Senate in four or eight years time."

This could have been her year. You're right about her being too old. Though if Dems stay in the majority

"I wonder what Putin is paying Trump"

We know what Putin paid Hillary. Whatever accusation is made against Trump is even more devastating against Hillary. Also, it's clear distraction bringing up Putin. Putin didn't write the emails. So, you're trying to put the blame on Putin for bringing transparency to the election process? The transparency that Dems actually ran on but clearly despise? Just like they run on helping the poor and also despise.

People already loathe Trump. The key is to get people to like Hillary. But that is impossible because, again, everything bad about Trump is worse with Hillary.

Now if it was proven that Putin wrote and planted all those emails to help Trump, that might be something. But, we're asked to somehow support Hillary because of how we learned what her side really things? That's a stretch.

Paddy O said...

*thinks* not things.

Bad Lieutenant said...

7/25/16, 10:24 PM
Rhythm and Balls said...
I would value Professor Althouse's observations.


Oh, Just because she made the post on how Sanders was being scurrilously attacked for being an atheist, and of course Althouse herself is an atheist and so she likes atheists and so she got all excited about it, but now that Bernie as denied this, I just wondered what her reaction was. I mean it's not important but superficially it might be interesting.

Jon Ericson said...

She's high, mellow and she got the notes.

Anonymous said...

Trust you YH? Hmm that's what Trump always says. I'll withhold my trust, I want to see the results of a investigation. I thought you rightie's loved investigations.

walter said...

To Putin:
"After my election I have more flexibility"

Bad Lieutenant said...

Unknown, you realize this is going nowhere without proof, and no one's going to pay any attention without proof. And I feel safe in saying that there will be no proof. In fact the likely scenarios will point right back at the Ds and so it will quietly disappear like so much of the poo they've been slinging.

So as usual, we're going to ignore you now and save time.

Jon Ericson said...

Not a Pee-Wee Herman, just Amanda, Ann's student "methinks".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

At some point you have to get over the butt hurt and see the bigger picture. Are you willing to help launch Trump into the White House? Are you really that angry?

Condescension. Always a great vote-getting strategy! The best way to convince people that you actually care about their interests.

Anyway, I don't know who I'm voting for. But I'm not going to be scare-mongered. I live in a purple state. I prefer to vote my conscience and go third party. Is Trump the devil? He's inexperienced as hell, narcissistic and undisciplined. How much worse would he be than Hillary? I don't know.

But I do know one thing. And I say it all the time: Trump is not the disease. Trump is a symptom.

What's the disease: Duopolistic economy crashing, elitist anti-populism and sneering down at the working man. The party that should have been most vigilant against those things is the Democrats. For them to have fallen asleep at the wheel, especially int he wake of another almost-Depression, is I think unforgiveable. And then you have this email scandal and all of Hillary's completely reckless shenanigans on top of that.

I think the Democratic party needs a wake-up call. It needs to be punished. Have the Republicans been punished enough? I don't know. But I do know that as of this moment they have to stare stark reality in the face and come to terms with the people. They have no other choice. So you could convince me to vote Hillary - as long as she's not going to just stick another fishing hook in the waters of democracy and snare our cheeks open with more bullshit promises of how helping Wall Street some more is just what we need.

Nope. It's no more business as usual at the elitist, and now revealed to be bigoted, DNC. They need to clean house top to bottom yesterday. And as of this week, the lady at the top is the lone wolf left to answer for what she's going to do about that. Otherwise, it's bye-bye DNC. She can go to any one of our many enemies to whom she's left unsecured electronic classified info for help or other CGI foreign donors to get her out of that pickle. Lord knows she hates the American people too much to rely on us.

But that's up to her. As is so much else. And why couldn't the DNC have made their own emails more secure? Just look at the irony in that, after all is said and done.

The Clinton-DNC axis is a downright embarrassment. I have no love for a party and candidate who can't even earn my vote, but simply grovels about how the sky is falling if the other side wins. We already put up with nearly a decade of the Republicans doing that shit to us. Nope. Earn the vote, or just admit your miraculous luck in opponents.

But don't point a gun to my head and say, "It's NOT-TRUMP or your future gets it!"

Fuck that.

YoungHegelian said...


I want to see the results of a investigation. I thought you rightie's loved investigations.

Well, you know what else you could do? You could actually educated yourself on matters of hacking & computer security, so that before the election (since the FBI will not be done before then), you would understand for yourself that there's is absolutely no way that the charge that Russia was behind the leak can be made to stick. And then, you'd have to ask yourself why your Fearless Leaderess & her team of thugs lied to you & the American people like that.

And then you can clear your conscience & palate & vote the Green Party.

Jon Ericson said...

I think she'll get an A- for this effort besides the ability to not call names, amd swear much. and repeatedly bring the talking points up, in face of ridicule. *golf clap*

Anonymous said...

Sorry YH, I don't think you are more knowledgeable than the people who are now investigating this which includes the FBI. No offense.

Birkel said...

Who was it that promised Putin flexibility after an election, again?

The Left starts lies just to cover their own folly.

YoungHegelian said...


Sorry YH, I don't think you are more knowledgeable than the people who are now investigating this which includes the FBI. No offense.

I'm not saying I am. They are definitely better than I. But the computing is computing & networks are networks, and they follow the same rules not matter what. It's like saying "well, just because Dr. Johnson doesn't know how to do brain surgery by going up the rectum doesn't mean that Dr. Smith can't do it". Human anatomy isn't like that. networks aren't like that.

I repeat my challenge to you --- stop being a drone & look into this for yourself. They are lying through their teeth.

Bad Lieutenant said...

By the way, pm317, note the consideration from your fellow Democratic voters. How kind of them to make the effort to understand and address your concerns in an appropriate way. I only hope you feel worthy of their attention. What fine Company You Keep! /sarc

Bad Lieutenant said...

And FYI unknown the FBI is notoriously incompetent with respect to information technology. Their own internal systems are medieval. This is well-known.

Anonymous said...


By all means vote your conscience. My conscience and every instinct I have tells me I must do whatever I can to help keep Trump from being President. I consider him as he greater danger, far and above Clinton.

Anonymous said...

Pms is most likely a bitter PUMA who absolutely hates anyone that went up against her Queen Hillary.

Birkel said...

Who was it that promised Putin flexibility after an election, again?

Jon Ericson said...

Well, that does it!

My conscience and every instinct I have tells me I must do whatever I can to help keep Trump from being President. I consider him as he greater danger, far and above Clinton.

effinayright said...

Blogger AReasonableMan said...
Reasonably effective speech from Sarah Silverman. She looked better than usual as well. Has she had some work done?


Well, after all her well-publicized and exhaustive fucking of Matt Damon, she may have had a stitches to tighten herself up a bit...

I bet they had to use 20-pound test line.

chickelit said...

My conscience and every instinct I have tells me I must do whatever I can to help keep Trump from being President. I consider him as he greater danger, far and above Clinton.

I'm not in this struggle here to help Trump nor to hurt Hillary -- but rather to push back against inane bullshit like that.

Birkel said...

Who was it that promised Putin flexibility after an election, again?

chickelit said...

Very worst thing that Sanders did tonight was to agree to appointing Justices to overturn a SCOTUS decision upholding criticism of Hillary Clinton. That is truly shameful. Apparently, Sanders doesn't believe in separation of powers. There is a nasty foreign word for that: Gleichschaltung.

Guildofcannonballs said...

If Trump has anything to do with this that alone would be a great display of forward-thinking, planned competence at true revenge (for Carter's grandson and the 47% remark which Trump has rendered Mitt panicked to the point of hysteria about) and the Obama leaks that destroyed Ryan's run against him.

I wonder what Sarah Palin thinks about emails made public?

Hillbilly Barbie would certainly self-immolate, right, unable to prevent herself from doing so?

She so stupid, ya know.

How's that hope and change workin' for ya?

Kyzer SoSay said...

I really wish that the "Reasonable Unknown" and the "Snarky Bitter Commie Unknown" would pick some goddamn usernames. Having one Unknown hit another Unknown and calling them out by their (Unknown) handle is too much for me to follow after four strong IPA's and a joint.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Hugh Hewitt was championing Cruz after his speech, repeating "Reagan '76" and "revenge is a dish best served cold."

Hugh was correct in his analysis, just the names of who is doing what were reversed.

Rusty said...

Unknown said...

By all means vote your conscience. My conscience and every instinct I have tells me I must do whatever I can to help keep Trump from being President. I consider him as he greater danger, far and above Clinton.

Based on nothing at all. You must have the conscience of a criminal.

damikesc said...

Fudge is an unfortunate surname for a Sister.

Had a female boss once named Massengil. I had to assume it was a joke, but it was dead serious.

90% of Bernie supporters will vote for Clinton

That is why nobody, literally nobody, takes Democrat complaints about Hillary seriously.

Are you suggesting that because she is a black woman she will "lie, cheat, steal"?

It's not her being black. It's her being a Democrat. Given that the "media" runs their pieces by the DNC, she has little fear of exposure.

Hint for Dems: A "unified" party doesn't require numerous people discussing how unified they are.

Has Michelle explained yet how her Princeton and Harvard degrees made her an expert in public school lunch menus? Does anyone even know what she did for a living before she became FLOTUS?

I'd rather her explain how she felt when her best buddy Han Solo was killed by his son.

I trusted Warren and I still do. There is something greater than our hurt that Bernie got shafted.

"You should put some ice on that" is useful in so many cases, eh?

He's a liar, he's not disappointed. He knew the game from jump.

Said so from day one.

Brando said...

Stray thoughts--

1) I noticed when some speakers spoke about how well Hillary would help businesses (make that, "small" businesses--clearly the only businesses worth helping) the audience was pretty subdued. They really don't think a healthy business environment would solve a lot of the problems they care about.

2) Like the GOP convention, there was a lot of "our nominee will fix this" and "our nominee is great" but nothing really to back it up to convince skeptics or fence sitters. I don't expect a finely detailed breakdown, but how about something more than "trust me, they're awesome"? They're expecting voters to take them on faith.

3) The illegal immigrant stuff was pretty unconvincing, even as a moderate on that issue. Clearly, they aren't willing to address the questions "should we have any limit on immigration at all?" or "does anyone deserve to be deported under any circumstances?" They're as simplistic as the "deport all of them, stat" side. No nuance this year--either a free for all or a fabulous wall, apparently. But whoever takes office is going to have to deal with a more complicated reality and piss off all the true believers.

4) Not much of an argument to convince Clinton skeptics, short of "grow up!" Clearly these people are in the cocoon and willing to talk just to feel pleased with themselves, rather than to convince. This is the key weak for Team Clinton to win over the Sanders people and the moderate skeptics. So far, they don't seem to be doing it.

Bruce Hayden said...

I said:

Just what the Dems needed - a chairblack woman named "Fudge". As if we didn't know already that they would lie, cheat, and steal to keep a Dem in the White House, controlling the Justice Dept, and controlling the skimming off the national budget

Crooked Hillary shill Unknown said:

Are you suggesting that because she is a black woman she will "lie, cheat, steal"? Do you have a clue how racist and sexist that sounds? I suppose you don't care."

I see why you misunderstood my point, having been raised, apparently, as a race obsessed leftist. Cracker Emcee got it. I will do this slowly for you. Fudge got the job because she is a black woman, and Crooked Hillary desperately needs every black female vote she can get. I said "chairblack" instead of "chairwoman" because the color of her skin was most likely more important than her sex getting the position. The reason though that I expect her to be willing to lie cheat, and steal is that she was appointed ultimately
by Crooked Hillary to run a criminal syndicate, the Dem party. Nothing to do what her race, which is why I intuit that you are a race obsessed white leftist. And finally, when you "fudge" the truth, you are essentially lying. Thus, to recap, it is funny to appoint someone (because she represents an important demographic) as chair who is most likely going to do far more than "fudge" the truth (because she works for Crooked Hillary, etc), named "Fudge".

JAORE said...

"Unknown, you realize this is going nowhere without proof, and no one's going to pay any attention without proof. And I feel safe in saying that there will be no proof."

Were that this were true. Enough mentions on air and it BECOMES truth. There is even an effort to say the Russians CHANGED the e-mails.

Perhaps more importantly the unknowns will chuckle because the story will no longer be the evil poison revealed to have been flowing through the DNC, but the Ruskies, Ruskies, RUSKIES!

McCarthy would be proud.

Bruce Hayden said...

I also find it hilarious that Crooked Hillary shill Unknown seems to state that the Russians were hacking the DNC to help Trump, and that Trump apparently had been bought by them, all as absolute fact, when, in fact it is based on nothing more than wishful thinking and a rumor that the hacking tools used used the same alphabet that the Russians do. Maybe the Russians did it. Or maybe they were originally Russian hacking tools. We don't know that. Or, maybe it was an inside job by disgruntled Berniebots. But the stating that Trump is involved somehow is the hilarious part. We always thought that a lot of what they come up with on the left is the result of too much of the high grade pot going around these days on the Millennials involved. I think that this is just another example. The funny thing to me is that this Unknown states this nonsense as if it were gospel truth, instead of fevered imagination.

damikesc said...

3) The illegal immigrant stuff was pretty unconvincing, even as a moderate on that issue. Clearly, they aren't willing to address the questions "should we have any limit on immigration at all?" or "does anyone deserve to be deported under any circumstances?" They're as simplistic as the "deport all of them, stat" side. No nuance this year--either a free for all or a fabulous wall, apparently. But whoever takes office is going to have to deal with a more complicated reality and piss off all the true believers.

I'd argue Trump's "proposal" is more plausible than Hillary. Place a large surtax on monies coming from Mexicans in the US back home and you're severely damaging their largest source of revenue currently. Mexico will happily pay money to keep the spigot open ---- or we'll use the surtax to pay for the wall thing.

And when you watch Europe falling apart due to immigrants causing havoc and her position becomes really untenable.

Perhaps more importantly the unknowns will chuckle because the story will no longer be the evil poison revealed to have been flowing through the DNC, but the Ruskies, Ruskies, RUSKIES!

That's regular. Remember, the Dems blocked Estrada's nomination to an appellate court because he was Hispanic was changed from "Democrats blocking a Hispanic SOLELY because he's Hispanic" to "Republicans stole this info that Democrats placed in an open area of the Congressional network".

You can tell if a leak hurts Democrats, with no parties mentioned, if the biggest part of the story addresses "Who leaked?"

Balfegor said...

It is, in a way, a great relief to see these hate-filled progressive activists embarrass Hillary Clinton. She is not a woman who forgets. For her:

the unconquerable Will,
And study of revenge, immortal hate,
And courage never to submit or yield

Their names are all going down in her little black book, and she will not be kind to them when she has retaken power.

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