June 18, 2016

"With proof that #Bernie never even had a chance, I shall double down and vote #BernieOrBust in Nov. @TheDemocrats."

That's a tweet reacting to a memo in the hacked DNC files that — as the NY Post puts it — "appears to show the DNC coordinating with Hillary Clinton from the start of the presidential campaign — just as Bernie Sanders has claimed."
A document to the DNC dated May 26, 2015 — a month after Sanders kicked off his presidential bid — declared that “our goals & strategy” are to “provide a contrast between the GOP field and HRC.”...

The document, posted online by the hacker “Guccifer 2.0,” outlines ways to hit back at the GOP presidential field, such as “use specific hits to muddy the waters around ethics, transparency and campaign finance attacks on HRC.”
According to The Hill, the Post is doing the bidding of the RNC:
The Republican National Committee is promoting a report that accuses the Democratic Party of conspiring to nominate Hillary Clinton in the early days of the presidential primary. In an email, the RNC sent to reporters a story published by the New York Post about a document that purportedly shows the Democratic National Committee was strategizing to make Hillary Clinton president — and not a generic Democratic candidate — in the spring of 2015....

The RNC sent out the article in an email blast to reporters, highlighting a point in the report that the memo “appears to show the DNC working on behalf of Hillary Clinton from the start of the presidential campaign — just as Bernie Sanders has claimed.”...

The RNC push comes as Clinton and Sanders are in discussions after the end of the Democratic primary to unify the party.
I don't know if the DNC was promoting the report that the RNC is promoting the report that the DNC was promoting Hillary. So many layers, such loathsome, lazy media. I'm not sure who to hate the most. Oh, right: Donald Trump. 


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buwaya said...

I suggest that limiting legal arms to military weapons only would serve public policy best, as the truly dangerous weapons owned by the public are cheap handguns. The vast majority of deaths and injuries from firearms are inflicted by these, not any sort of long arm and certainly not by those that look like military weapons. The occasional massacre notwithstanding.

buwaya said...

The frustrating thing about these arguments is the lack of imagination.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"But stop pretending that the 2nd amendment is an unlimited right."

Knocking down straw men. Again.

If you actually read what he wrote, then maybe you might have standing to accuse it of being a straw man.

But you didn't.

Go tell me what you find in his words or your own where any actual evidence of the natural limits of the 2nd amendment are acknowledged. What are they?

Go ahead. Back up your implication.

Inga said...

Yes, let's imagine what would happen if Puti had his wish and all handguns would be confiscated.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The frustrating thing about these arguments is the lack of imagination.

Oh, go suck a dick. Who asked you?

When does anyone read anything you ever write..? Does even a single one of those rambling, incoherent run-on sentences and disjointed thoughts ever register on anyone's radar?

You are a reality evader. Go be creative with something other than life-or-death facts.

Inga said...

Handguns be replaced with mandatory military service and only then would the military style weapon be allowed. Yes, let's imagine how that might go over with the gun lovers who never served in the military. LOL.

buwaya said...

Sigh, imagination deficit and, sadly, limited minds. Emotion taking over as well.
I cant help there, other than to advise broadening your experience. Althouse doesnt like to travel, but it has its value, and in no case more than this one, as we see.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Emotion taking over as well.

Whatever you say, robotic spam man.

I travel plenty.

Not to India, though. At least not yet.

Should I? You've taken pride in your Christianity, in the past. Not the sort of religion that a nation of cow-worshippers is known for.

I had more fun in Greece, the birthplace of modern reason.

Jon Ericson said...

Ahh, yip-yip-yip-yip-yip-yip-yip-yip
Mum-mum-mum-mum-mum-mum, get a job
Sha-na-na-na, sha-na-na-na-na
Get a job.

Troubled Voter said...

"Oh right: Donald Trump"

You mean the racist ethnocentrist bigot? Yes, he is by any objective measure.

buwaya said...

Well, you see Miriam, there is another approach to this.
Why not take this tack? What does it matter if your opponents oppose? You have a program alternative that preserves the political purpose I think, why not support that?
Note that the implication of this plan is that military service (or really just training) is a right, not a duty, therefore voluntary, and thebearing of arms subsequently is also a right. This would not be at all appealing to the cultural left either, as nearly all those armed would be their opponents, for cultural reasons that should be obvious.
Or come up with your own way to square the circle.

Inga said...

Hear ye hear ye Achillis and al other sundry gun lovers, Puti wants the government to confiscate your handguns, draft you into the military and then and only then will you be allowed to own a military style weapon.

Puti, it's great you are a world traveler and so sophisticated and all, but this is America, not a European Country. American gun nuts would rather shoot you than allow you to take away their handguns.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sounds like a contribution to be proud of, Jon.

Print that comment out and show it to your mom.

Tell her how important your job is, in case she forgot.

Not that anyone could blame her.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hear ye hear ye Achillis and al other sundry gun lovers, Puti wants the government to confiscate your handguns, draft you into the military and then and only then will you be allowed to own a military style weapon.


At least it was a creative and imaginative idea.

Or so he might say.

Inga said...

Puti, the bottom line is America has a sick fascination with guns. They've conflated this sickness with the 2nd Amendment. Nothing you say or do will convince the gun nut he doesn't have the Constitutional, God given right to own as damn many guns as he pleases.

buwaya said...

No, I dont think you have much depth from travel, sadly. I do not detect flexibility or broad reach or any genuine ability to see through anothers eyes. You are also devoted to vituperation, which is a bad habit.
Argue with ideas, come up with a twist, with something new, some analysis or research into that which isnt obvious. You say you have been to Greece; say what the Greeks would think of X, Y or Z, or how they succeed or fail.

Michael K said...

"Or perform some other "unworthy" American activity, you violent, militant psychopath."

Yes, any action you disapprove of is "unworthy" you poor fool.

Michael said...

Annually maybe one homicide for every 9,000 guns. One traffic fatality for every 8,000 cars. Easier to get a drivers' license than to pass the "background check" necessary to buy a gun? Not really. You have to show you can drive, at least once. the background check is conducted over the telephone while you wait and mull over whether or not you really want what you are buying. I have passed this test a number of times buying shotguns. I have no need for a rifle of any kind but I do know that the AR in AR15 does not stand for assault rifle. I know that about rifles. And I also know that owning one does not compel the owner to go on a rampage. There are 100 million AR15s in the hands of Americans. Of the 20000 suicides each year I would expect that these "assault rifles" are used in zero.

We live in stupid times ruled by stupid people. At this point many more millions of words puked out sanctimoniously about guns this and guns that. Probably 50 to 1 against any thought of who and why even though the who is known and described the why.

We want to be careful of this no-fly business being the switch that can be turned on to let you buy a gun or not because the no-fly list is secret and controlled by stupid people who could become evil people easily enough. The government would never put you on the no-fly list any more than it would audit you for your beliefs. Now would it?

Inga said...

Puti, my dear man. You may think you understand Americans, you don't. You want to be de Tocqueville? Sorry.

Jon Ericson said...

Too bad the idiot-savant couldn't have turned out more savant less idiot.

buwaya said...

Miriam, as with R&B, you are devoted to vituperation. This is sterile. You do not see through the eyes of your interlocutors, nor detect whats in their minds. And, frankly, you are dealing here mostly with accomplished people of wide experience, sometimes frightening levels of education and deep experience. Do take the opportunity to learn, probe and understand. Construct arguments, have them criticized, and adjust them accordingly, and vice versa.

Jon Ericson said...

Miriam, my dear man....

Inga said...

Puti, now you're being arrogant again. While I agree that Switzerland ( or wherever) may have an interesting way of dealing with guns in their country, I'm telling you it would not work here with the current American gun culture being so firmly entrenched. Imagination is great, suggestions are wonderful, but you fail to understand that these cerebral gyrations you engage in fall flat with the American Gun Culture.

buwaya said...

Thirty years in-country. They pay people, Americans, to be "country specialists" for other countries with much less than that. Toqueville stayed less than a year in the US. Oh, I know you lot very very well indeed.
I dont think most of you understand each other half as well frankly, not having much experience outside your bubbles. I have been privileged to pierce bubbles, through the nature of my career.

Inga said...

Jonny boy,

Need more peanuts?

Inga said...

Well Puti, what would America do without you!?

Inga said...

Ah, Jonny.... Exile, the facial hair gave it away, yep. I knew it! Hahahahahahaaah!

buwaya said...

Miriam, I think you misunderstand your own.
The argument is simple - lay out the purpose of the second amendment explicitly, founded on distrust of the state. Take this tack, acknowledge it, and offer a way to provide the same value, an independent guarantee against tyrrany. Do that, and you have a powerful wedge.
Taking something you define as immovable ("gun culture") is useless. It is nothing but calling names. Nearly all of these people you consider irrational is a valuable and productive citizen, many of whom you depend on for life, literally. I know many who have the literal switches of your life in their hands.
Speak seriously and with goodwill.

narciso said...

note how this story plays it self out,


Jon Ericson said...

Did you buy too many sacks at Costco?

Inga said...

Puti, the argument has been made. You haven't discovered the Holy Grail. The argument failed, people want their guns for self defense and god knows what else against EACH OTHER. They won't be satisfied to own guns for pure 2nd Amendment purposes as you've stated. They want more.

buwaya said...

I know some things that are somewhat important to America would not have gone half as well without me, over the last 30 years, but even so. Everyone does his bit. When I retire, soon enough, I will get my gold watch (figuratively) with some satisfaction.
I have been worthy of my salt.

buwaya said...

I have been following this argument for the last thirty years, being deeply interested in public affairs my whole life. The left, the anti gun wing has never ever, in any argument, acknowledged WHY the second amendment exists. It is highly inconvenient to them, it attacks the entire justification of their politics. If you think the right would hate my solution, you havent thought through the reaction of the other side.
Note that this proposal would mean giving every person who wants it, after a short training course, a machine gun, and tells him the reason the state is giving it to him, to keep, is that the government is potentially evil.
That is subversive as all hell.
This is the sort of approach that gores oxen on both sides, into bloody ribbons.

Inga said...

And Puti, what is to keep the machine gun owners from using the machine guns on each other? Road rage, whip out the machine gun and cut down the freeway traffic going both north and south.... I can imagine it. Can you?

Michael said...


10 million AR15 weapons are owned by Americans. Very very few homicides are committed with these guns. There are 300 million guns of all sorts owned by civilians. We are not a bloodthirsty lot. Unless we need to be.

Michael K said...

"I can imagine it. Can you?"

God ! The idiots are taking over the asylum.

You fools know nothing and are full of bluster.

Good night.

Inga said...

Yes indeed, lets arm every willing adult American with a machine gun after a short bit of training. That is the height of sanity in Doc Michael's world. God help us.

Bruce Hayden said...


No - denying people on the no-fly list the right to keep and bear arms would not comport with Due Process. Ann, of course, is an expert here, but my memory from LS and multiple bars, is that procedural Due Process requires notice and an opportunity to be heard. This latter requires some sort of open hearing on the merits. And implied is a non-arbitrary decision making process. Neither, of course, would be supplied if the right to keep and bear arms were susceptible of being denied based on being on the no-fly list. If you end up on the list, you aren't told (which is the notice), and there is no way to get off it, unless you are politically connected (no ability to be heard) (and presumably political connections was how Teddy Kennedy got off it).

Those are the procedural Due Process requirements for non-fundamental rights, such as losing unemployment benefits, losing food stamps, etc. But the right to keep and bear arms is an enumerated, fundamental, right. Probably second only to free speech and freedom of religion (based on the order they were enumerated in the Bill of Rights). That means that the standard is far above mere lack of being arbitrary (I.e. Rational Basis). The Supreme Court made clear that increased scrutiny (which means at least higher scrutiny than rational basis scrutiny) is required for deprivation of the rights under the 2nd Amdt). (Note - Due Process is guaranteed by the 5th and 14th Amdts - which arguably makes it of less importance than the right to keep and bear arms). My takeaway from that is that before this rght could be suspended for someone on the no-fly list, you would have to be notified that you were on the list, be given the opportunity to contest it, and because of the increased scrutiny required, a higher proof than mere preponderance of the evidence would be required. Maybe clear and convincing, or maybe even beyond a reasonable doubt.

buwaya said...

No, not really.
It doesnt happen in Switzerland, and it doesnt happen very much in the US. There are many millions of guns in the class of this weapon, in the US, at least 10 million already, and they are very rarely misused. Having them fire full auto doesnt really change their danger if misused, they are arguably more efficient at murdering civilians as semi-auto. And look up bump-fire devices, entirely legal.
As a tradeoff vs cheap handguns it would massively reduce the casualty rate, assuming its at all feasible to confiscate the cheap handguns.

Jon Ericson said...

Miriam, how did you choose your troll name?

FullMoon said...

Miriam said...

The people on the Terrorist Watch are getting their due process during the investigation process and are allowed to petition the court to get themselves off the list if they are innocent.

Hmm, if they are not innocent, shouldn't they be incarcerated?

Bruce Hayden said...

@Miriam - interestingly, non-LEO owners of machine guns, as defined by the National Firearms Act (NFA) of 1934, tend to be quite law abiding. Last I knew, it had been decades since a legal owner of a machine gun had used it to commit a crime. Any crime, not just murder, etc. The reason for the non-LEO qualification is that the one known use of a legally possssed machine gun in recent years to commit a crime was by a LEO using his duty weapon.

Obviously though, the issue isn't issuing machine guns, like M-16s or M-4 Carbines to everyone, but rather to issue modern sporting rifles or carbines, such as AR-15s, to law abiding vets. Unless facing an invasion by a foreign power, automatic fire is not that useful. That is because it is quite hard to keep a hand held machine gun on target when utilizing automatic fire. Military uses it for covering fire when a unit is engaged in fire and maneuver in order to close with the enemy. It keeps the enemy's heads down as the rest of the unit maneuvers. That is not something that would be that useful for single people issued these firearms. And, not only is it hard to hit targets with very many rounds when utilizing automatic fire, it can also blows through magazines at a prodigious rate - roughly 3 seconds to exhaust a standard 30 round magazine.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael K said...
I think the mentally ill and Muslim radicals should not have access to guns. How do you do that?

Maybe they could self-deport?

FullMoon said...

Where can I see the Terrorist watch list? I would like to petition to get my name off, if it is on there.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Balls-

"And the president is more important than you."


Jon Ericson said...

Yuk yuk.

Jon Ericson said...

Beddy-Bye time for daytime trolls.
AC outlets in all cells off!

Michael K said...

Blogger AReasonableMan said...
Michael K said...
I think the mentally ill and Muslim radicals should not have access to guns. How do you do that?

Maybe they could self-deport?

I think the battle on mental illness was lost in the 1960s. Clayton Cramer has a pretty good account in his book, "My Brother Ron." Maybe you should read it.

Muslim radicals are tough because so many "self radicalize" like Mateen and the Irvine jihadi who left his wife and children to go to LAX and attack the El Al counter.

Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, a 41-year-old Egyptian national, was identified as the assailant. He emigrated to the United States in 1992, arriving on a tourist visa but claimed political asylum.[4] In Egypt he was arrested for being a member of Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya, an Islamist group. He denied the accusation to U.S. immigration authorities.

They all seem to be named Mohammed.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Don't let the door hit you in the ass, Jon Ericson.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jon Ericson said...

Hey ball-boy, how did YOU come up with YOUR troll name?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...



Do you have secret service protection?

Do you have access to the nuclear codes?

Do you have the authorization to use them?

Do you make decisions every day that affect the lives of millions of Americans?

Do you have the authority to request that Congress deploys troops and declare war?

Can you authorize federal funds to states for emergencies?

Do millions of Americans write you letters every year asking you how you can use your power to improve the way politics affects their lives?

Do we refer to ordinary Americans gunned down who are not the president as having been "assassinated?"

When you want to run for office and gain the support of tens of millions of Americans who took the time to go into a booth and register their support for you to run the highest office in the land, then we maybe we can say you're as good as the president.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey ball-boy, how did YOU come up with YOUR troll name?

What kind of bug spray works best on you? Does it have to contain DEET?

Have you ever flown into an ultraviolet zapper before?

Jon Ericson said...

Do I upset you?
Have you refused your meds?
Are you being paid overtime?
I am sure you need a new insult book.

Paul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul said...


The 2nd may not be 'unlimited' but, like all the others, it's very broad. And it was put in place to protect all the other amendments least some President, or Congress, or Supreme Court decides to ignore them. That alone should make it very broad since in order to keep a 'free state' one needs the basic or similar arms as used by the military.

Don't need nukes to take back our country. Just millions of citizens with the same basic arms the government has.

buwaya said...

If I recall correctly R&B was at one time Ritmo Brasileiro, or something like that, being a fan of Brasilian music I suppose.
For what its worth I am a bit of a fan of Gilberto Gil.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Gilberto Gil's good. So is Bebel Gilberto.

Jon Ericson said...


Jon Ericson said...

So, gonna make it to the Olympics, wax boy?

Jon Ericson said...

Fume much?

Jon Ericson said...

Looks like his institution locks down later than "Miriam's".

buwaya said...

Gil is interesting because he grabs things and makes them different, in a twist. If you care, compare "Tres Carabelas" with, say Trio los Panchos take on it (Mexicans doing a Cuban folksong, par for the course in Latin music, it all gets everywhere).
Either version would be great to play on Columbus day. In San Francisco that should make a good number of heads explode, should anyone understand it.

Paul said...

Well about our 2nd Amendment and what George Washington thought about it...

"A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent on others for essential, particularly for military, supplies." - Speech in the United States Congress, January 8, 1790

So I think the 2nd is not much 'limited'.

Jon Ericson said...

Probably a different time zone.

Jon Ericson said...

Tito Puente fan myself.

buwaya said...

My boy does a mean "Oye como va"

eric said...

Blogger Miriam said...
And Puti, what is to keep the machine gun owners from using the machine guns on each other?

What's to keep the vehicle owners from using the vehicles on each other?

What's to keep the knife owners from using the knives on each other?

What's to keep the people who can make fire from using fire to burn each other up?

The stupid. It hurts.

Jon Ericson said...

Brrrrr! I have the creepy feeling somebody is googling "Jon Ericson"
Pray for my soul!

Jon Ericson said...

Either that or downloading a new "Insults for Dummies"

Birkel said...

I enjoy watching Miriam-Inga devolve to name calling. Every name must be truncated as a sign of disrespect. It is fascinating to observe.

And then she pretends to have an understanding of Tocqueville beyond a quick Wiki search? That was precious.

Jon Ericson said...

Once that hate is drilled in or just comes about as a result of other things, it's tough to come back to reality.

Achilles said...

Rhythm and Balls said...
The presidents body guards have no right or need to be better armed than me.

"Yes, they do. Their job is more important than yours. And the president is more important than you and whichever hill there or here you'd like to fight and die on... pending that call to 9/11 and the arrival of the cops."

Garbage and you know it. It is strange watching a prog try to claim that one persons life is worth more than another persons life. That someone has more value, more right to self defense, and that the peons need to know their place.

Should we start kneeling to the oligarchs and their pets now? Will you kneel before Hillary?

Achilles said...

Miriam said...
"And Puti, what is to keep the machine gun owners from using the machine guns on each other? Road rage, whip out the machine gun and cut down the freeway traffic going both north and south.... I can imagine it. Can you?"

You are really, really stupid.

These weapons are out and about now and nobody is using them as you would like to in your idiotic fever dream.

What is to keep the idiots from posting really stupid things on the internet? Forum rage, whip out the keyboard and cut down the perception of intelligence out the left going both north and south.... I am witnessing it. Can you?

Anonymous said...

A great deal of stupidity from the righteous rights who are always wrong when it comes to gays and guns. No wonder there is a huge reckoning coming their way in November. Maybe the suicide rate will temporarily spike. Oh well.

Jon Ericson said...

Hey Unknown, nothing is stopping you from killing yourself.
I know I'd like to see a "temporary" spike.

Jon Ericson said...

Ahhh, night shift vermin.

Jon Ericson said...

Beady little eyes, fleas, disease, death.
Kill yourself.

Jon Ericson said...

Or, if you prefer, a big wooden platform with a bit of cheese and some big pieces of wire. Step right up,

james conrad said...

So many layers, such loathsome, lazy media. I'm not sure who to hate the most. Oh, right: Donald Trump.

LOL, dead funny!

Jaq said...

Maybe the suicide rate will temporarily spike. Oh well.

Funny how it's always "liberals" who want their opposition dead, Unknown.

I love the part about "muddying the waters" around ethics. They say right out that they don't want people to see the issues around Hillary clearly. Bernie fell for it too. Which you wouldn't think he would do.

Rusty said...

The usual suspects show up and idiocy ensues.
"Guns are bad, mkay."

Tell you mensa candidates what. Go out tomorrow and attempt to buy a gun. Any gun. From any source.
Get back to us with your new found expertise.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

Jon Ericson, encouraging suicide.

Let me guess, you are pro life?

Althouse's commentators have really gone downhill, and sadly, the regulars don't even call the trolls out.

Birkel said...

Mark has discovered the Libertarian position in which the individual can self-determine.

Mark is slow.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The presidents body guards have no right or need to be better armed than me.

"Yes, they do. Their job is more important than yours. And the president is more important than you and whichever hill there or here you'd like to fight and die on... pending that call to 9/11 and the arrival of the cops."

Garbage and you know it. It is strange watching a prog try to claim that one persons life is worth more than another persons life.

I claimed no such thing. You have some real issues with authority - as I'd expect a professional order-follower/order-giver to have. You can say that there is no moral difference, all lives are of equal moral value, but again, what is the meaning of the word "assassination" and why would it not apply to you? Why does the U.S. code have specific penalties for killing congressmen, cabinet members, SCOTUS justices, POTUS, federal investigators or corrections officers? Simple - because these people are in important, sensitive positions and are given more protection than you or I or just any ordinary Joe Schmoe. That's a fact. Your life might not be worth more or less but what you are doing for the country that everyone relies upon is definitely considered to be less important. Deal with it. You have generally equal rights to the president but an offense against you would not incur equal penalties. For a reason. You were in the military, you understand hierarchy. Going after a superior officer always incurs greater penalties than those inferior... all the way up to the top, as the POTUS is the CiC. Stop playing dumb and acting like you feel you're as important as the president when you know damn well that the job of everyone lower in the chain of command is to take more risk than is ever allowed to befall those who outrank them.

That someone has more value, more right to self defense, and that the peons need to know their place.

Again, you're the enlisted guy. You decided that your life had less value than the danger the politicians would obviously decide to recklessly place it in (along with all those supposedly necessary "freedom preserving" missions that never seem to actually materialize). That was your decision, you need to take responsibility for it, you need to accept what it implies. You were probably treated like shit in basic training and underwent authority-breaking and identity-destroying exercises where you were yelled at and told that you were crap. Don't lecture me about the moral imperative of respecting one's right to self-preservation when I never subjected myself to that kind of abuse - and willingly at that!

Simply being given the same right to protect your life as anyone else (absent the greater precautions that heads of state are always entitled to) doesn't mean you can over-compensate for the submissiveness and hierarchical tyranny you were forced to endure as a grunt. As a civilian, you will never have access to the security apparatus and legal protections (and restrictions) given to the POTUS, and that's just a part of what's required to run a country instead of a damn dodgeball team, you half-wit. There is a hierarchy in America's leadership and system of government as there is in any organization and if you don't like it, build a utopia.

Should we start kneeling to the oligarchs and their pets now? Will you kneel before Hillary?

Ha haha. First of all, your political pals seem to have made great friends of the oligarchs. As for kneeling, is that like saluting? Or dropping and giving 20?

I don't need to address the rest of this nonsense. No point in entertaining political rhetoric from someone so inept at understanding such a basic point.

There is a chain of command. POTUS is at the top. You may outrank him as a civilian (as we all do), but not militarily. And definitely not politically. Sharpen up.

Sammy Finkelman said...

Gennifer 2.0 = the Russian government.


According to the metadata associated with the file, the Trump dossier was last saved by someone named (in Cyrillic letters) “Felix Edmundovich.” This could be a reference to the historical Soviet figure known as “Iron Felix,” and is likely an alias.

(First head of the Cheka-GB. Died (or murdered) 1926, but a big hero among Chekists)

Here is one of the documents stolen by Russia and released to the public on June 15, 2016 after the DNC made the hacking public;


It is the collection of ammo they had against Trump (based on published sources only) as of December 19, 2015.

The DNC did not release this, and still hasn't, but only used bits and pircesd of it from time to time.

Sammy Finkelman said...

Bruce Hayden said... 6/18/16, 9:14 PM

Unless facing an invasion by a foreign power, automatic fire is not that useful.

It's not useful for defending people, when you have aim carefully, but it is useful for terrorists, who don't have to aim carefully.

Birkel said...

Sammy Finkleman:
Your inexpert weapons knowledge is frighteningly powerful.

Jon Ericson said...

So, We have the two daytime trolls, one evening troll, and one bright and early troll.
On Saturday night/Sunday morning.
How thoughtful of them to ad-lib Crazy Eddie commercials in order to keep us entertained.
Or is it Itchy and Scratchy?


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So, We have the two daytime trolls, one evening troll, and one bright and early troll.

And one totally retarded cunt!

That would be you, Jon.

Rusty said...

"But stop pretending that the 2nd amendment is an unlimited right."

Should we also stop pretending that 1st is an unlimited right?

I know YOU do, but not the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

As non-members of either party, it'll be wonderful to watch the heads exploding when your pTb offers Sanders the position of Secretary of Labor, with a publically agreed domain, as he'll do with his other secretaries, as he removes half the chairs in the rooms as part of his budget cutting, because it doesn't take a lot of people to spend money. All things he can do without Congressional approval. Will be good fun to watch an true executive execute for the willing, rather than dictate to the unconvinced.

Guns will become a non-issue when your pTb brings back the duel and he old British practice of a quick same week trial by a jury of peers anyone that harms a bobby, harms commits any violent crime against citizen, or not sit quietly when a Break and entry goes bad, "oops, there are people here, we better sit quietly and wait for the bobby." Else summary execution the same day and being hung from the lamppost. Will pretty much end violent crime, So rather than abrogating the 2nd amendment you’re pTb will ignore the 4th and restore civil society. Which is the largest reason for carrying a weapon, to say nothing of using the duel to deal with libel and letting off steam, given there's no guarantee of who will die. British did not need a 2nd amendment for exactly these reasons. People were safe in their homes, person, and property. There was a lot less killing in Britain than in the U.S. Not surprising when peers decide and justice (or not, even mistakes) is quick and the populace both disciplined and content. When the rules a mostly clear with no interpretation, only the rule of the Jury. And then no one is enslaved by their fears, enslaved worse than slavery, in your country. Where death is something all around you that you've learned to deal with as an animal. But violent crime enslaves by proving you're an insect to some powerful giant that holds your life in their hands since they have no defense. Especially since in your society the police have no special rights everyone can and should by their own police. Because by definition Police can only respond not protect, until you adopt the 1800's British system. A simple solution for a transactionalists leader who refused to have a policy and keeps everyone guessing which by itself will lead to better, more civil and polite behavior “What, at mercy of my peers?, You betcha.” Kill a few innocent will discipline the rest, and may lower the abortion rate and replace them. As Bill Cosby said “I made you, I can unmake you, and make another.”

jg said...

Why do people persist in posting worthless garbage in a place where everyone hates them for it?

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