Ann --
Tomorrow will be one of the many happy anniversaries that we've been able to celebrate together over the past few years -- one year since the Supreme Court ruled that every American has the right to marry the person they love.
I hope you'll take a minute to think about all the moments like this one, when we've been able to look back and see the fruits of all our hard work. (In fact, go ahead and take a few minutes, because there's so much that we should be proud of.)
And then I want you to think about how much we could accomplish with another eight years like these. ...
Enjoy this moment, Ann.
Take a minute to enjoy all the moments or — with Michelle's permission — take multiple moments to enjoy just so many moments looking backward 8 years and then take some more moments — lots of moments — to think about 8 more years of the same kind of thing. Enjoy!
I guess this was when she was finally proud of her country.
So the decision in Obergefell was the product of political "hard work"? Like, a campaign? Grass roots efforts? Media production? Fundraising and messaging?
Good to know that nobody is going to pretend that it was a ruling based on legal interpretation of the 14th Amendment.
You will be made to enjoy!
Every American has the right to marry the person they love?
Tell it to children, incestuous couples and polygamists!
Just curious - what irritated you the most - the substance or the grammar?
So Michelle's decided to make the election a referendum on the Obama years? Tromp must be celebrating.
$35,000,000,000,000 in debt sounds great.
200% of GDP.
8 more years.
i wonder just what "hard work" she's talking about?
Er, "To my loyal subjects"...........
Ann, take a moment to recall the great comment I made, Ann, on Feb. 23, 2009, Ann. Ann, wasn't that a wonderful comment which changed our lives, Ann? Go ahead, Ann, take a moment right now and remember my greatness. Okay, moment over. Send me some money. Ann.
"Enjoy this moment, Ann."
btw Ann, in between enjoying the moment please tell us why you are on Michelle's email list and why you choose to remain on the list?
Maybe to provide sarcasm er entertainment to your 95/5 con majority?
Hey, enjoyment is the key!
She -- and her body girls -- have no shame, or grasp of reality. Arrogance and ignorance is not a good combination. Of course I saw this coming in 2008.
The point is not that you're supposed to believe it but that you're suposed to remain silent against it.
It's a suppository for you.
"shiloh said...
"Enjoy this moment, Ann."
btw Ann, in between enjoying the moment please tell us why you are on Michelle's email list and why you choose to remain on the list?
Maybe to provide sarcasm er entertainment to your 95/5 con majority?
Hey, enjoyment is the key!"
Isn't this schtick getting old? Even for you?
In a broad sense, Michele does stumble into a major point that we often forget, because of the depressing, sensational 24/7 news headlines:
Yes, Michelle, I am grateful to have lived in America these past 8 years. Can you imagine by accident of birth living under Muslim rule in the Middle East, tribal warfare in East Africa, brutal Communism in North Korea, or Banana Republic socialism in Venezuela?
The problem with Michele and her left-wing brethren is that they don't understand all the hard work, judgment and sacrifice our forefathers undertook to create this great place.
So, yes, I am grateful for these past 8 years. And Obama and his wife should be grateful that we gave them an 8 year lease for the most powerful and prestigious office in the world. And, No, this gratitude I feel does not lead me to conclude that I should support Hillary this Fall.
And now it's time for them to go.
So...Michelle is going to step in as nominee when her hubby indicts Hillary? Is that what "8 more years" means?
Even I wonder if I'm joking.
"Isn't this schtick getting old? Even for you?"
As long as Althouse never gets tired of her own kowtowing schtick ...
Oh puke. Half the country wants double helpings of 8 more years of cr@p casserole.
"but I hope those fucking bastards in the Obama administration all get cancer of the tongue and die, six weeks after after the surgery."
Althouse, the Obama hatred cuts to the bone re: many of your bloggers. And you take that hatred and run w/it. Perfect!
A "republican" treasury secretary and former CEO at GOLDMAN SACHS agrees with Michelle:
The oligarchs are making this too easy. The uniparty is not going to win this election. Thinking that George Will and Henry Paulson writing in the washington post are persuasive to anyone who values freedom is the height of stupidity.
shiloh said...
"Althouse, the Obama hatred cuts to the bone re: many of your bloggers. And you take that hatred and run w/it. Perfect!"
We wont be the ones running. You are enemies of freedom. A Trump victory is the best outcome you can hope for.
How could that email not mention Justice Anthony Kennedy? You know, the fifth vote and the white guy who was appointed by Obama.
Achilles, keep hope alive!
Kennedy was "nominated" by Reagan, not Obama.
carry on
So Obama claims credit for gay marriage?
I, for one, look forward to some future era wherein laws are legislated by Congress, adhered to and enforced by the Executive, and adjudicated by the courts.
If only our country had been arranged, way back in the era when the Constitution was written, to somehow enforce these through some sort of balancing wherein each branch could check the others' ambitious over-reaches of authority! Too bad nobody ever thought of that!
All your moment are belong to us.
I know that. I also know that both Obamas were completely silent on SSM when Barack was on the ballot. Profiles in Courage.
8 more years of this? I'd imagine a civil war would erupt.
BTW, am I the only one amazed at how rare it is for a Democrat to recommend voting for a Republican on anything?
I'm sure it's just that they are all sooper smart and not any kind of hive mind...
What if you received something like this in your inbox?
-Ann, would you like the moral truths arising from your experience as a woman growing up in the 60's who subsequently had a gay son enshrined permanently into law, to create some sort of regulatory framework to prevent such lack of access in the future...similar to Civil Rights legislation?
-Ann, If no good laws and political consensus is available, are some bad laws and radical 'change-agents' necessary to eventually enshrine these moral truths into law?
-Ann, is the subsequent disorder and growth of the State that often results from the Enlightenment's discontents; the semi-radical and activist/protest politickers seeking political power and legal authority against more traditional interests (madison protests) your vision of the good society?
-Ann, is your vision of the good society something far-off in a cloud above the photo of a flower, whose symmetry and beauty catches the eye and mind anew?
I think she was making a joke.
Given the alternatives, I’d gladly take eight more years of an Obama Administration if it were accompanied by eight more years of the existing Congress. Since passage of Obamacare, Obama’s domestic achievements have been negligible. A government that does nothing is often preferable to a government that does something.
Keep hope alive! - Shilo
I notice you never share any of your positive reasons for supporting Hillary, but she does need your cheering her to keep hope alive right now.
From the New York Times:
“Brexit is clearly a cautionary tale for the Clinton campaign not to get too complacent with a potential victory,” said David B. Cohen, a professor of political science at the University of Akron. “Trump, Sanders and those in Great Britain who ran the Leave campaign are tapping into an anger and anxiety that is clearly festering. Working-class folks in the United States are similar to working-class folks in Europe. And a lot of those working-class people feel as if the international economic system is not working for them and strangling the middle class.”
But don't worry Shiloh! Hillary has her foot solidly on these working class voter's neck! So nothing to worry about here!
Oh, BTW, "Stronger together," Hillary's collectivist slogan, was also the slogan of "Remain." So the question is, do we remain under the yoke of Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, and the Chamber of Commerce types, or do we take a shot at freeing ourselves? Shiloh says: Remain!
8 more years of lies about how health care will be more affordable, and the opposite is happening.
Yay lies!
8 more years of insider deals and media corruption(D)... oh boy.
One day Shiloh is going to give us a reason to vote FOR Hillary.... JK LOL, it's not in the playbook to try to defend the indefensible Hillary!
"every American has the right to marry the person they love."
This is so great. It will make the Mormons happy. No restrictions. And that woman I saw in the supermarket in Winnetka in 1997! She's finally mine. (There was such a woman, just shopping for groceries, who was unforgettable.) Old men can marry young girls. Predatory and confused high and middle school teachers can marry that boy in class they can't stop thinking about. And goodbye mommy issues. Just marry her, boys and girls.
"The problem with Michele and her left-wing brethren is that they don't understand all the hard work, judgment and sacrifice our forefathers undertook to create this great place. "
A week ago, I visited the graves in Illinois of my two great, great uncles who died in the Civil War. One, in one of his letters I have, made it clear why he had joined even though he had a wife and four children. It was slavery he was opposing.
Oh, and he was white. He was wounded at Vicksburg and died two weeks later. The other brother survived Shiloh (ironic isn't it ?) and died of measles. He was 19.
Michelle and her hatred for whites will never know.
"Earnest Prole said...
Given the alternatives, I’d gladly take eight more years of an Obama Administration if it were accompanied by eight more years of the existing Congress. Since passage of Obamacare, Obama’s domestic achievements have been negligible. A government that does nothing is often preferable to a government that does something."
Dude, you are in dreamland. Obama is the Congress. Where have you been?
Ah Michelle, remember when your husband got your employer a grant through an earmark and in gratitude they doubled your pay? Sweet memories.
And then I want you to think about how much we could accomplish with another eight years like these.
I rejoice that I probably won't live another 8 years.
People shot and killed in Chicago so far this year: 286.
Enjoy the moment! Before the body count goes up.
I was much happier during the eight years preceding Obama. Hopefully the bad luck of the last eight years ends this November.
The problem with Michele and her left-wing brethren is that they don't understand all the hard work, judgment and sacrifice our forefathers undertook to create this great place.
That is the entire global government "elite" now.
They were given the keys to a car that drove really well and was super reliable.
They proceeded to tear that shit up.
I wonder if a collection of random yahoos were elected into office at all levels in 1960, would things be better or worse than our desire to elect our "best and brightest"?
Because our best and brightest are utter idiots.
It took me years to recognize what a problem the Chamber of Commerce and Wall Street were. I felt they were unfairly maligned and served a needed purpose. It's clear that this is false. They are killing this country. And that people pretend that saying that totally free trade isn't a total good is tantamount to advocating Smoot-Hartley II is getting old.
January 2017 can't come soon enough.
She's soliciting donations for the Obama slush Foundation
Just read that George 'cuckold' Will has announced he has left the republican party because of Trump. If he takes Ryan and a bunch of others with him, good news!
The rest of us can pitch in and get him a nice new pair of knee pads.
Really too bad that us non patrician types cant just fall in line with his elevated thinking.
I stay on this list because I'm monitoring it for you.
Occasionally, something is funny enough to blog.
Ann Althouse said...
I stay on this list because I'm monitoring it for you.
Occasionally, something is funny enough to blog.
6/25/16, 2:10 PM
Thank you Althouse for your service. You're a brave woman risking neuronal damage on our behalf.
I personally hate the faux familiarity of these kinds of letters, especially using my first name. Once, I got an email that had somehow decided Mister" was my first name. "Hello, Mister," it began. "Have we got a treat for you, Mister."
Quite hilarious. Wish I had saved it.
Now remember how well it worked out last time a delusional Obama said that all Obama's policies were on the ballot, "every single one of them"….. in fact take a few mints to recall that...
Somebody actually thought that was a good appeal last time.
Bring it on Michelle!!
Gag me wif a spoon.
David Begley: "I also know that both Obamas were completely silent on SSM when Barack was on the ballot."
That history will be rewritten shortly along with being immortalized on film somewhere.
Before we are done li'l barack will have been at Stonewall fighting for the cause!
Wanting four more years of Obama is the new paper bag test.
"I stay on this list because I'm monitoring it for you."
No, you're monitoring it for you're 95/5 con majority. Again, supply and demand as you never miss an opportunity for Obama related sarcasm ...
or to rationalize/apologize for your boy Trump.
And, as always, I applaud your consistency!
So tell us again why Hillary should be president Shiloh. Oh wait, you never have told us.
Curious George:
Obama and Congress may indeed be two wings of the same plane, but (with the sole exception of Obamacare) that plane has gone virtually nowhere. It’s hard to name a more conservative presidency than Obama’s in the past fifty years, in the sense that it has almost completely preserved what came before it.
I think about the last eight years with the tender thoughts I have when I think about my last colonoscopy and fear of the next one. In fact there's a lot of similarity between Obama's eight years and a colonoscopy.
It's been eight proud, happy years for FLOTUS. Travel, parties, gallivanting around the country for lots of wonderful entertainment. Why, who could possibly complain about the past eight years? President Obama's policies have brought about prosperity, with more people working than ever. Around the world, relations are more peaceful than ever, as our friends in Russia, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and more are beating their swords into plowshares. The wisdom of our president has brought about a new golden age, where nobody ever attacks anyone any more in the name of religions which shall not be named. Yes, why wouldn't we want eight more years just like the past eight?
Meanwhile, back in OUR universe where Obama doesn't have a Spock-beard...
Comanche Voter said...
I think about the last eight years with the tender thoughts I have when I think about my last colonoscopy and fear of the next one. In fact there's a lot of similarity between Obama's eight years and a colonoscopy.
Except at some point a colonoscopy ends and isn't nearly as painful.
It is nice of Michelle to take credit for gay marriage. Does she know that both times her husband was elected, his official policy was that marriage is between one man and one woman?
I, for one, look forward to more billion dollar year-over-year increases to the debt.
Thanks, FLOTUS, for reminding me Hillary! Will remove all chance of recovery for the United States.
"Birkel said...
I, for one, look forward to more billion dollar year-over-year increases to the debt."
Billion? If only...
Good catch.
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