Said Meade just now.
Here's the very nicely done video for Hillary that Obama just put out today:
ADDED: Does Drudge agree with Meade?
The red headline goes to The Weekly Standard: "WH Denies Endorsement Will Intimidate FBI Investigators/Obama meets privately with Loretta Lynch."
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 258 of 258Chick,
Earlier I'd read that Duke was, again, jabbering about his love of Trump.
Of course I don't really think that we can ship out Duke. But, keeping Larrissa seems like a way to dilute the loserness that he inflicts on our country.
Since S.C. opened the door, I just opened the freezer: three types of H and D, two types of Snoqualmie, frozen choc lava things, and frozen key lime something or other.
Earlier I'd read that Duke was, again, jabbering about his love of Trump.
La Raza and MEChA love Hillary. Who can blame Hillary or Trump for their supporters? At least Trump denounced the KKK. Did Hillary denounce La Raza?
By the way Jelly, Hispanic Americans have almost double the rate of diabetes compared to non-hispanic whites and higher obesity rates in adults and children. might have to tune the anti white criteria a bit to get the outcome you desire.
"Who got cut below her?"
The cream rises to the top. And, would it be okay w/ you if she took a spot that would have been for a W type person? Or, do you think it's cool to have affirmative action for elite folks?
"Although Yale does not award merit-based scholarships, many Yale students are recognized financially for their academic and extracurricular talents by outside organizations."
@Walter: Jelly, like Titus, is obsessed with white American's weight.
Jell, invoking Bush? Surely you can do better. Well..maybe.
The cream rises to the top. And, would it be okay w/ you if she took a spot that would have been for a W type person? Or, do you think it's cool to have affirmative action for elite folks?
I can out strawman you, Jelly. Suppose she took the place of a deserving black female who was the great great granddaughter of slaves?
"Who got cut below her?"
The cream rises to the top.
-- that criteria, throw it completely open world-wide. Of course, if Asians dominate..then things will have to be..managed.
I'll assume that you are in favor of Bush getting into Yale because he was from an elite family even though he wasn't close to being academically qualified. And, you're in favor of keep spaces open for such elites by excluding a brilliant hard working gal who started life w/o any privilege.
I'd rather see more hard working Mexicans and fewer coke heads at Yale.
Has Obama invited her to the White House like he did Clock Boy?
You would rather an open border.
I don't think it helps minorities when they're put in academic environments for which they're not prepared. The data is clear in this regard.
But, if the black gal you concocted is academically prepared for Yale, then she should get the slot.
Has Obama invited her to the White House like he did Clock Boy?
"You would rather an open border."
Sure. Especially, if you make it very hard and slow to get citizenship. New immigrants who need to spend 15 years in a sort of parole-limbo waiting for citizenship would make amazing workers.
The deal is that the chamber of commerce Rs get good workers, the Ds get voters in 15 years (unless the working Mexicans catch the entrepreneur bug), and lazy, whiny, low education Americans get what the exact same thing they'll get w/ or w/o the good Mexican work force, i.e. loserville.
The deal is that the chamber of commerce Rs get good workers, the Ds get voters in 15 years (unless the working Mexicans catch the entrepreneur bug), and lazy, whiny, low education Americans get what the exact same thing they'll get w/ or w/o the good Mexican work force, i.e. loserville.
The hitch is that the chamber of commerce Rs already get good illegal workers, the Ds are about to get voters in much less than 15 years, and hardworking, even highly educated Americans get lower wages and salaries. That's what Trump understands.
Jelly, you sound like an entrepreneur, having multiple houses in Washington State. How reliant are you on H-1B visa holders?
Or are you actually a "douanier" i.e., a total rent seeker?
BTW, it's hard for me to see how the FBI can maintain its integrity without indicting Clinton II. That's not to say she'd be convicted, but any layman can now clearly see that she ought to have a fair trial and not just be summarily dismissed.
I'm not as impressed w/ the hardworkingness of many low education Americans as you seem to be. These are the folks that in earlier times wouldn't be competing with automation or Chinese etc folks. (These are not the hardworking folks educated in the currently demanded fields/sectors: those Americans can make good livings.)
There are a lot of slacker workers out there. In my experience many of them are Trumpers who are quick to blame their failings on anyone and/or anything but their own laziness, stupidness and reluctance to change and adapt.
And, there are the folks I (only half jokingly) refer to as mercenary employees. These are younger folks who are not too bright, not too capable, but still feel extremely entitled. I think these folks may also known as Bernie fans.
Or are you actually a "douanier" i.e., a total rent seeker?
That name has many meanings.
I noticed that Althouse was posting about Rousseau not too long ago.
I'm not all sure with whom you work on a daily basis, Jelly. I work almost exclusively now with non-college educated Americans and immigrants- all illegal "ASFAIK." Before that, I worked mostly with highly educated Americans and immigrants.
You sound like the sort who hires for yard work.
That name has many meanings.
Ah, I see.
There are a lot of slacker workers out there. In my experience many of them are Trumpers who are quick to blame their failings on anyone and/or anything but their own laziness, stupidness and reluctance to change and adapt.
I encounter many anti-Trumpers and many are young females. I have yet to meet anyone who is pro-Hillary. They must be afraid to show it.
An indictment will never happen. For one thing it would imply that Obama's attorney general is an honest person.
I noticed that Althouse was posting about Rousseau not too long ago.
I've noticed that she's posted about Hitler, Marx, and Stalin too over the years.
What's wrong w/ yard work?
BTW, I clicked your image. We may have some distant overlap. Long ago I got a ChemE degree. I'm so rusty I barely know what a Nusselt number is. Your bio noted chemicals.
There are a lot of slacker workers out there. In my experience many of them are Trumpers who are quick to blame their failings on anyone and/or anything but their own laziness, stupidness and reluctance to change and adapt.
Romney? Is that you?
No, Romney would never have said anything that stupid! Remember when Democrats used to be on the side of the poor and powerless? Now they judge them more harshly than Republicans ever have done. Fuck the poor! We need to bring in millions of scabs to do the work they used to subsist on, willing to do the work that they won't do for the wages on offer! Willing to cross, not a picket line, but our border! We need all of these scabs because they will vote Democrat!
Miriam said...
You lose your soul when you vote for Trump, April. There isn't a dirtier, more selfish, foul, narcissist, scammers and fraud than Trump. This is who the right chose.
Of course there is, Miriam. There's Hillary.
And Hillary even has dead bodies on her resume'.
Which, if I'm any judge, is a yuge plus(+) in lefty circles.
If you're really so morally superior you'll vote for the senile old comrade and not the nations corrupt yenta.
Miriam, click on that WSJ link.
6/9/16, 10:11 PM
Don't engage Miriam until he/she can better show their bona fides. I think that they are likely a paid Hillary shill. Too convenient, starting up here about the time Hillary sewed up the nomination, dive bombing the comment stream, and really showing almost a juvenile level of discourse. Apparently, Hillary's paid bloggers, etc are expected to maintain maybe ten identities, and dump a prescribed number of comments in a prescribed number of blogs a day. The inability to argue much beyond name calling is indicative of the age of many of the paid bloggers. And note that their Blogger profile is blocked. Miriam - unblock it, and let us see how long you have been on blogger. What sort of music you like, etc.
You lose your soul when you vote for Trump, April. There isn't a dirtier, more selfish, foul, narcissist, scammers and fraud than Trump. This is who the right chose.
So does Miriam have an irony deficit, or is it merely projection? I know, I know, embrace the power of "and"!
What baffles me is why Obama even allowed Hillary this insanity. There wasn't an upside for him in this and the downside is terrible. Considering the number of emails that Hillary
Obama has been almost the furthest thing that we have had to a hands on President. The Bushes, Reagan, even Billy Jeff, had full schedules, day after day of their Presidencies. Bush would run from maybe 8-12 and 1-6 Mon through Fri, with less on Sat, and a light Sun. Meetings were scheduled back to back all day. Obama, on the other hand, never having had a real job, never really having worked much for anyone else is the ultimate slacker. He will often have only one or two appointments a day, and rarely before maybe 10. He seems more engaged in fund raising, golf, and basketball. Which is why he really seems to have been a pretty inattentive President, almost absentee management, while his department heads have been able to go off and do their own thing. (I expect that Hillary would be just the opposite, trying to micromanage until she has a nervous breakdown). So, should Obama have noticed this? Sure. But could we reasonably expect for him to? Doubtful. Just not in his character.
@Tim - don't engage Miriam, until we can see that she/he isn't a paid Hillary shill.
And I say "moderate" because he's socially liberal and economically conservative.
I'm curious where Johnson being "fiscally conservative" comes from. NM budgets exploded under Johnson.
@Tim - don't engage Miriam, until we can see that she/he isn't a paid Hillary shill.
What difference does that make? Besides, it's in their manual to never confess.
The difference, from my point of view is that if she is truly what I think she is, a paid Hillary shill, I think that we should make things as hard as we can, so that she has to either up her game, or move on. My bet is that no one else here is paid to participate (I can just see the other paid shills gloating right now). Many of the commenters here have been here for years, and some of us almost since Ann started blogging. It has become somewhat of a community. Not as much as, maybe LGF, but still very nice.
One one thing that Hillary can do well is raise money. Probably in this election, Obama level money. I expect to see it spent on TV ads. But this is one place I don't want to see her ads, and that is essentially what her campaign is planning with their army of paid shills, that they will help dominate the discourse on blogs, Twitter, etc, and push the conversation in her direction.
So, yes, I want to push back a bit, and not make it easy for any of her paid shills. And, I expect that Miriam, if she indeed is one, is just the start. The plan apparently is for there to be several on a blog like this, holding pro-Hillary (and anti-Trump) conversations on the blogs, etc on most every political thread, day in, and day out.
Saint Croix said...
If he has a conscious he has to feel some guilt about all the racist shit he has said and thought about the GOP. And maybe he said, fuck it, I'm going to clean up my own house.
6/9/16, 10:05 PM
LOL! That right there is GOLD!
Sorry, Obama cares about his legacy and his next tee time. Full stop and period. The last thing he thinks needs cleaning up is HIS house. Remember he is a better policy wonk than his policy wonks, a better speech writer than his speech writers, etc. etc. etc.
Miriam said... [hush][hide comment]
You lose your soul when you vote for Trump, April. There isn't a dirtier, more selfish, foul, narcissist, scammers and fraud than Trump. This is who the right chose.
6/9/16, 10:25 PM
Another LOL! If Trump stole his money, at least he did it honestly and worked the people for it. Hillary used the power of the Government to steal her's and sold ALL of us out in the process. Sorry, no comparison. In the corruption game between Hillary and Trump, Trump is the piker.
PBandJ_LeDouanier said...
"I would have gone with "dolphin.""
I always go with dairy cows. This has always been my favorite animal. And, I discovered early on when the night is late and favorite animals come up, it turned out that it's super cool to pick a cow when everyone else likes a tiger and lynx and so-on. But, really, I like cows, even it wasn't ironically cool.
6/9/16, 11:08 PM
I like cows too especially after they have been "processed". Cows are the Whoppers of the animal kingdom. :)
PB&J should find some more useful pursuits to pass the time until he enters life's check out line - that, or he should learn to state his case and then move on. This obsession with posting and reposting and reposting again is tedious, at least for those of us who decline to read multiple posts from people who can't seem to ever bring a topic to conclusion. It just disrupts the thread with drivel.
He is a libertarian, so it's entirely possible he will introduce a national audience to the word "pussy." Get ready, America!
Gary Johnson's nickname in Libertarian circles is GayJay.
There is really only one rational argument supporting Meade's assertion- Obama's endorsement as an attempt to get Sanders to give up before the end of June and announce his own endorsement of Clinton. Sanders dropping out and endorsing Clinton in June makes it much harder for Sanders to offer himself as the presumptive nominee should Clinton get indicted, or the FBI simply recommend it in July.
Of course, Obama may simply be signaling the FBI directly, here- "Give it up".
"I can't believe they're pushing that. More qualified than George Washington? More qualified than Thomas Jefferson? More qualified than John Adams? Or Madison? More qualified than Abraham Lincoln? More qualified than mitt Romney? More qualified than Bill Clinton? It's so absurd."
Of course most people know very little about he background of previous presidents, but the 3rd hrough the 6th presidents were all Secretaries of State before they were President. So were some presidential candidates who got nomiations later (Henry Clay, James G. Blaine)
More recently. George Bush the Elder had a long resume.
Just as an aside, something I've started noticing and maybe other people have: Why does Hillary always seem to have an insane look on her face? I thought at first it might be the anti-Hillary bias of the pro-freedom blogosphere; but lately I've noticed the "Queen Cacklepants" Crazy Eye Grinning Face even in television news footage of her addressing her supporters. Is it going to be her trademark the way the Mussolini Chin Tilt was Obama's?
Here's a helpful hint for Johnson. Many people are religious. You might think about joining a Bible study so you can communicate with these voters and put their fears to rest.
Gary Johnson is a (possibly non-practicing) Lutheran. So you'd think he'd realize this. Unfortunately, he got stuck on defining Libertarianism as "fiscally conservative, socially liberal" instead of a philosophy of protecting rights through broad application of the non-aggression principle. As a result he alienates the Christians and others who are classical liberals when it comes to the government but conservative in their personal lives. Plus, using the government to promote "being socially libral" by funding Planned Parenthood, collecting fines from bakers, and subsidizing non-traditional relationships eventually runs afoul of "fiscally-conservative" as well.
Johnson thinks he can get the Bernie voters because of his social views, but every enthusiastic Sanders supporter in my circle is in it for the OPM social programs. When I took the ISideWith quiz that Johnson is so fond of, he sided with me less than both Petersen and McAfee as well as behind a couple of Republicans who were still in the field at the time.
Interestingly enough, the Libertarian candidate who made the best libertarian case this cycle for the disillusioned Christians in the major parties was Petersen, who is agnostic. Basically, "I'll fight for your rights while calling you a bigot and picketing your place of business."
St Croix, you were going until:
Obama feels guilt for his IRS tricks and the partisan nature of his DOJ
Was that the "there's too damn much evidence, I can't stop the FBI, but I can keep you from going to jail. I'd strongly suggest...for your VP choice, who of course would then step up to the Presidential slot."
Now, fill in the blank.
Hillary picks racially-appropriate nonentity from somewhere other than the Northeast or Arkansas, she's in the clear.
Hillary picks someone of her own stature in the Party, she's going down.
How has no one commented on how stoned Obama looks in that endorsement video?
Gary Johnson's nickname in Libertarian circles is GayJay.
I had a woman at work try to tell me some gay rumor about Marco Rubio, and I said, "You're not going to scare me with your homophobia." She was a liberal Democrat.
It's not surprising to me that Democrats are not as liberal as they pretend to be, and libertarians have their issues, too, apparently.
Rules for Radicals is kind of annoying, but making the other side play by their own rules is a basic insight of Christianity. The next time some libertarian makes that "joke," you might ask him or her if they have a problem with gay people.
"Likewise the WSJ piece that was associated with this thread eventually stated that HRC's actions weren't likely to justify an indictment." I saw several such articles today, another from CNN, which tended to be based on quotes from "law enforcement officials". Not really reliable, but it's possible. Especially because the WSJ piece gives a believable reason why (a) the FBI is spending so much time on this, and (b) it wouldn't incriminate Clinton.
But again, unreliable sources; lots of opinions from people on the outside who have absolutely no clue what the FBI is doing. We'll have to wait and see.
And then there's a whole lot of nonsense from conservative news sources about a White House spokesman who made the very big mistake of using the "criminal" when referring to the FBI investigation.
Wait and see. It may yet come to nothing.
It's the best head fake ever. By campaigning for her he completely fakes out her supporters. Then when an overwhelmingly crime-filled 200 count indictment comes down, (including bribery charges for Clinton Foundation gifts, appointment of political hack to nuclear intelligence advisory board and speaking engagements for Bill) Obama does the best forehead palm slap and proclaims 'see I had no idea'. Then he announces Biden will graciously step in to save their party. Since Biden's negatives are miniscule vis a vis Trump (voters forgive senility but not chronic boorishness) Biden wins in November. And the most faked out are the Sanders supporters whose footwear Obama will have surgical removed. By holding the indictment back till Sanders was eliminated it becomes easier to parachute Biden into Philly.
"By holding the indictment back till Sanders was eliminated it becomes easier to parachute Biden into Philly." Possible. But it would be a whole lot easier if Sanders would actually drop out.
President to Sander: "Bernie, no matter what happens you are not getting the nomination. But if you drop out before the FBI report comes out, we can do the following for you..."
As usual: we'll see.
Here's how it will go down:
1. Comey recommends indictment. A grand jury agrees. Hillary is indicted.
2. Obama offers a full pardon (for her alone?) IF she abdicates AND endorses a Biden/Warren ticket.
3. Hillary counter-demands a full pardon for her AND Huma AND Cheryl AND the rest.
4. Obama withdraws his offer and his support.
5. Hillary wins the election and, on January 20, pardons herself AND Huma AND Cheryl AND the rest, and then appoints each of them to plum-job not requiring Senate confirmation.
6. The Clinton Fund issues a price list for all other plum-jobs, including Ambassadorships, AND pardons.
7. America lives happily ever after.
I'd hate to say this, but Obama is going to campaign for her because he knows she's not going to be indicted, the fix is in. Why won't he indict her? It's really simple, because he gave her permission to do it. The more I think about this, the more I realize that everyone knew Hillary was using her own server they had to. Can you imagine, even a Hillary Clinton, setting up something like this, contrary to all the rules in place, and not getting approval from Obama? I can't. This had to come up during conversations about the Secretary of State job and I'm guessing it was part of the negotiations.
The only wild card in this is Comey. If he recommends indictment and Lynch refuses, does he leak information and walk? I doubt it.
It did look a little like The Kiss of Death to me. Any good mafioso knows that you never let your victim know it's coming.
It would appear Lynch has her marching orders. For better or worse, Obama's rolling the dice with Hillary. It should be fun to watch knowing as we do how much the Clinton's and Obama's despise each other. I wonder if they'll be able to persuade Michelle to say something nice.
I've seen some bad choices for president in my time, but this election takes the cake.
Focus on the public announcement that Lynch was meeting with Obama at the WH at 3:00 pm that day, a meeting which did not have to be publicly announced. Which one called for the meeting? What was said, face to face, that could not--or should not--have been said over the phone? Something of great importance that necessitated a publicly announced meeting.
In the wake of that public meeting, a non-indctment becomes a major political and historical event: a millstone for Obama; Lynch's reputation irreparably damaged; Comey more than likely to resign; the AG's office a serial leaker; and nothing good for HC.
Of course I am an incurable, congenital optimist.
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