June 24, 2016

"Britain’s stunning vote to leave the European Union suggests that we’ve been seriously underestimating Donald Trump’s ability to win the presidential election."

Says James Hohmann (in WaPo), who clearly wants Hillary to win:
In the short term, the impending fallout from Brexit will make the presumptive Democratic nominee look good. She advocated for Britain remaining in the union; Trump advocated for leaving. The markets are going to tank today, and this vote will set off a tsunami of repercussions that could meaningfully damage the global economy. People’s 401(k)’s might take a shellacking, and interest rates may spike. Any long-term benefits from breaking away will not be apparent until after the general election....

But the results across the pond spotlight five forces that could allow him to score an upset: 1. RESENTMENT OF ELITES.... 2. XENOPHOBIA... 3. ISOLATIONISM... 4. FLAWED POLLING/The polls showed a neck-and-neck race, and surveys in the past few days showed movement in the direction of “Remain” after Cox’s murder. In the end, though, “Leave” prevailed by 4 points.... 5. COMPLACENCY/The Remain campaign was burdened by complacency. Millennials, who overwhelmingly wanted to remain in the E.U., did not turn out at the same rate as older voters, who wanted to leave...


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buwaya said...

Angelyne and the rest are right, and the experiment proving their position is going on right now in California (over the last decade at least). Theres not a sign of realignment of anyone, in spite of genuine economic hardship among Chicanos and Blacks directly attributable to policies of the State, which their representatives, for the most part, control.
Longer term, there are any number of natural experiments elsewhere. My favorite, and the model for the future as a corporatist state, is Argentina.

tim in vermont said...

Who is giving these swine a voice in the affairs of their betters?

Rusty said...

OK FM. That was funny as hell.
Threats on the intertubes. "Shaken all over"

Rusty said...

buwaya puti

Look what's going on in Illinois. We're watching the slow unraveling of the state. Gov. Rauner, god bless him, is trying to stem the tide. But with little luck. I hope to be out of there in a couple of years.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
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Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I agree with James Poulos. If you cannot perform, you're fired.

SGT Ted said...

Amazing how the left is so concerned about the markets and shitty towards the working class.

It's almost as if they don't really believe in all the "for the workers" jive they prate about.

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